#include "type.h" #include "hal/mem.h" #include "hal/cpu.h" #include "lib/salloc.h" #include "hal/intr.h" #include "status.h" static uint8_t _gdts[HAL_CORE_COUNT][GDT_ENTRY_NUM * GDT_ENTRY_SIZE]; static hal_gdt_ptr_t _gdt_ptrs[HAL_CORE_COUNT]; #define KERNEL_HEAP_SIZE 8192 char kernel_heap[KERNEL_HEAP_SIZE]; /** * helper for boot.asm, not open to C headers * @param k_start kernel start paddr * @param k_end kernel end paddr * @param multiboot_info multibootinfo paddr * @param pt_base page table base paddr * @param pt_end page table entry paddr */ status_t KABI hal_write_initial_page_table(void *multiboot_info) { UNREFERENCED(multiboot_info); /* // still identity mapping uint32_t pt_num = 0; uint32_t pd_num = 0; uint32_t pdpt_num = 0; uint32_t pml4_num = 0; // calculate the number of page tables required: uint64_t k_size = (uintptr_t)KERNEL_IMAGE_END_VADDR - (uintptr_t)KERNEL_IMAGE_VADDR; // see multiboot boot info header uint32_t m_size = *(uint32_t *)multiboot_info; // how many pages do we need to hold the entries // 512 page table entries per 4k page pt_num = (1 + (uint32_t)((k_size + m_size - 1) / KERNEL_PAGE_SIZE)) / 512; pd_num = 1 + (pt_num - 1) / 512; pdpt_num = 1 + (pd_num - 1) / 512; pml4_num = 1 + (pdpt_num - 1) / 512; // calculate the # of page tables if ((((uintptr_t)(pt_end) - (uintptr_t)(pt_base)) / KERNEL_PAGE_SIZE) < (pt_num + pd_num + pdpt_num + pml4_num)) { return STATUS_FAIL; } // map kernel first KERNEL_IMAGE_VADDR = ; // map kernel dynamic KERNEL_DYNAMIC_SIZE = ; // map recursive page tables hal_write_pml4(pt_base, (uintptr_t)pt_base, PML4_PRESENT | PML4_WRITE); */ return STATUS_SUCCESS; } void KABI hal_write_pt(void *const base, uintptr_t const p_addr, uint64_t const attr) { if (base == NULL) { return; } uint64_t entry = (p_addr & 0xFFFFFFFFFF000) | attr; ((uint8_t *) base)[0] = (uint8_t) (entry & 0xFF); ((uint8_t *) base)[1] = (uint8_t) ((entry >> 8) & 0xFF); ((uint8_t *) base)[2] = (uint8_t) ((entry >> 16) & 0xFF); ((uint8_t *) base)[3] = (uint8_t) ((entry >> 24) & 0xFF); ((uint8_t *) base)[4] = (uint8_t) ((entry >> 32) & 0xFF); ((uint8_t *) base)[5] = (uint8_t) ((entry >> 40) & 0xFF); ((uint8_t *) base)[6] = (uint8_t) ((entry >> 48) & 0xFF); ((uint8_t *) base)[7] = (uint8_t) ((entry >> 56) & 0xFF); return; } void KABI hal_write_pd(void *const base, uintptr_t const pt_addr, uint64_t const attr) { if (base == NULL) { return; } uint64_t entry = (pt_addr & 0xFFFFFFFFFF000) | attr; ((uint8_t *) base)[0] = (uint8_t) (entry & 0xFF); ((uint8_t *) base)[1] = (uint8_t) ((entry >> 8) & 0xFF); ((uint8_t *) base)[2] = (uint8_t) ((entry >> 16) & 0xFF); ((uint8_t *) base)[3] = (uint8_t) ((entry >> 24) & 0xFF); ((uint8_t *) base)[4] = (uint8_t) ((entry >> 32) & 0xFF); ((uint8_t *) base)[5] = (uint8_t) ((entry >> 40) & 0xFF); ((uint8_t *) base)[6] = (uint8_t) ((entry >> 48) & 0xFF); ((uint8_t *) base)[7] = (uint8_t) ((entry >> 56) & 0xFF); return; } void KABI hal_write_pdpt(void *const base, uintptr_t const pd_addr, uint64_t const attr) { if (base == NULL) { return; } uint64_t entry = (pd_addr & 0xFFFFFFFFFF000) | attr; ((uint8_t *) base)[0] = (uint8_t) (entry & 0xFF); ((uint8_t *) base)[1] = (uint8_t) ((entry >> 8) & 0xFF); ((uint8_t *) base)[2] = (uint8_t) ((entry >> 16) & 0xFF); ((uint8_t *) base)[3] = (uint8_t) ((entry >> 24) & 0xFF); ((uint8_t *) base)[4] = (uint8_t) ((entry >> 32) & 0xFF); ((uint8_t *) base)[5] = (uint8_t) ((entry >> 40) & 0xFF); ((uint8_t *) base)[6] = (uint8_t) ((entry >> 48) & 0xFF); ((uint8_t *) base)[7] = (uint8_t) ((entry >> 56) & 0xFF); return; } void KABI hal_write_pml4(void *const base, uintptr_t const pdpt_addr, uint64_t const attr) { if (base == NULL) { return; } uint64_t const entry = (pdpt_addr & 0xFFFFFFFFFF000) | attr; ((uint8_t *) base)[0] = (uint8_t) (entry & 0xFF); ((uint8_t *) base)[1] = (uint8_t) ((entry >> 8) & 0xFF); ((uint8_t *) base)[2] = (uint8_t) ((entry >> 16) & 0xFF); ((uint8_t *) base)[3] = (uint8_t) ((entry >> 24) & 0xFF); ((uint8_t *) base)[4] = (uint8_t) ((entry >> 32) & 0xFF); ((uint8_t *) base)[5] = (uint8_t) ((entry >> 40) & 0xFF); ((uint8_t *) base)[6] = (uint8_t) ((entry >> 48) & 0xFF); ((uint8_t *) base)[7] = (uint8_t) ((entry >> 56) & 0xFF); return; } void KABI hal_write_segment_descriptor(void *const gdt, uint32_t const base, uint32_t const limit, uint64_t const attr) { if (gdt == NULL) { return; } uint64_t const seg_desc = (((uint64_t) base & 0xFFFF) << 16) | ((((uint64_t) base >> 16) & 0xFF) << 32) | ((((uint64_t) base >> 24) & 0xFF) << 56) | ((uint64_t) limit & 0xFFFF) | ((((uint64_t) limit >> 16) & 0xF) << 48) | attr; ((uint8_t *) gdt)[0] = (uint8_t) (seg_desc & 0xFF); ((uint8_t *) gdt)[1] = (uint8_t) ((seg_desc >> 8) & 0xFF); ((uint8_t *) gdt)[2] = (uint8_t) ((seg_desc >> 16) & 0xFF); ((uint8_t *) gdt)[3] = (uint8_t) ((seg_desc >> 24) & 0xFF); ((uint8_t *) gdt)[4] = (uint8_t) ((seg_desc >> 32) & 0xFF); ((uint8_t *) gdt)[5] = (uint8_t) ((seg_desc >> 40) & 0xFF); ((uint8_t *) gdt)[6] = (uint8_t) ((seg_desc >> 48) & 0xFF); ((uint8_t *) gdt)[7] = (uint8_t) ((seg_desc >> 56) & 0xFF); return; } void *KABI halloc(uint32_t size) { return lb_salloc(kernel_heap, size); } void KABI hfree(void *ptr) { lb_sfree(kernel_heap, ptr); return; } static void KABI _hal_init_gdt(void) { uint32_t coreid = hal_get_core_id(); // get gdt ready hal_write_segment_descriptor((void *) &_gdts[coreid][0], 0, 0, 0); hal_write_segment_descriptor((void *) &_gdts[coreid][8], 0, 0, SEG_DPL_0 | SEG_CODE_DATA | SEG_PRESENT | SEG_LONG | SEG_TYPE_CODE_X); hal_write_segment_descriptor((void *) &_gdts[coreid][16], 0, 0, SEG_DPL_0 | SEG_CODE_DATA | SEG_PRESENT | SEG_LONG | SEG_TYPE_DATA_RW); hal_write_segment_descriptor((void *) &_gdts[coreid][24], 0, 0, SEG_DPL_3 | SEG_CODE_DATA | SEG_PRESENT | SEG_LONG | SEG_TYPE_CODE_X); hal_write_segment_descriptor((void *) &_gdts[coreid][32], 0, 0, SEG_DPL_3 | SEG_CODE_DATA | SEG_PRESENT | SEG_LONG | SEG_TYPE_DATA_RW); hal_write_segment_descriptor((void *) &_gdts[coreid][40], 0, 0xFFFFF, SEG_DPL_0 | SEG_GRANULARITY | SEG_CODE_DATA | SEG_PRESENT | SEG_32_BITS | SEG_TYPE_CODE_X); hal_write_segment_descriptor((void *) &_gdts[coreid][48], 0, 0xFFFFF, SEG_DPL_0 | SEG_GRANULARITY | SEG_CODE_DATA | SEG_PRESENT | SEG_32_BITS | SEG_TYPE_DATA_RW); hal_write_segment_descriptor((void *) &_gdts[coreid][56], 0, 0xFFFFF, SEG_DPL_3 | SEG_GRANULARITY | SEG_CODE_DATA | SEG_PRESENT | SEG_32_BITS | SEG_TYPE_CODE_X); hal_write_segment_descriptor((void *) &_gdts[coreid][64], 0, 0xFFFFF, SEG_DPL_3 | SEG_GRANULARITY | SEG_CODE_DATA | SEG_PRESENT | SEG_32_BITS | SEG_TYPE_DATA_RW); _gdt_ptrs[coreid].base = (uint64_t) &_gdts[coreid]; _gdt_ptrs[coreid].limit = GDT_ENTRY_NUM * GDT_ENTRY_SIZE - 1; hal_flush_gdt(&_gdt_ptrs[coreid], seg_selector(1, 0), seg_selector(2, 0)); } void KABI hal_mem_init() { _hal_init_gdt(); lb_salloc_init(kernel_heap, KERNEL_HEAP_SIZE); return; }