GETMEM16: ;ebx = 0 push eax push ebx push ecx push edx push esi push edi mov ax,es push ax mov ax,ds push ax mov ax,cs mov es,ax mov ds,ax xor ebx,ebx mov di,GETMEMBUFF ;es:di = ASRD .loop: mov eax,0E820h mov ecx,20 ;edx = 'SWAP' mov edx,0534D4150h int 15h ;if (CF!=0) jc .fail inc dword [GETMEMNUM] ;forward 20bytes add di,20 cmp ebx,0 jne .loop jmp .end .fail: mov dword [GETMEMNUM],0 .end: pop ax mov ds,ax pop ax mov es,ax pop edi pop esi pop edx pop ecx pop ebx pop eax ret DISPMEM16: ;must include io16.lib push eax push esi push edi push ecx push edx push ebp mov ax,ds push ax mov ax,es push ax mov ax,cs mov ds,ax mov es,ax xor eax,eax mov eax,RAMTABLE16 push eax call near DISPSTR16 pop eax call DISPRETURN16 xor ebp,ebp mov esi,GETMEMBUFF mov ecx,[ds:GETMEMNUM] mov edx,5 .loop1: mov eax,dword [ds:esi] push eax call near DISPINTEAX16 pop eax call near DISPSPACE16 inc ebp dec edx add esi,4 cmp ebp,5 jne .noinfo xor ebp,ebp cmp eax,1 je .ava mov eax,RAMRESERVED push eax call near DISPSTR16 pop eax jmp .noinfo .ava: mov eax,RAMAVAILABLE push eax call near DISPSTR16 pop eax .noinfo: cmp edx,0 jne .loop1 cmp dword [ds:esi-4],1 jne .end2 mov eax,dword [ds:esi-20] add eax,dword [ds:esi-12] cmp eax,[ds:DISPMEMTOTAL] jb .end2 mov [ds:DISPMEMTOTAL],eax .end2: call near DISPRETURN16 dec ecx mov edx,5 cmp ecx,0 je .end1 jmp .loop1 .end1: call near DISPRETURN16 mov eax,RAMSIZE push eax call near DISPSTR16 pop eax push dword [ds:DISPMEMTOTAL] call near DISPINTEAX16 pop eax pop ax mov es,ax pop ax mov ds,ax pop ebp pop edx pop ecx pop edi pop esi pop eax ret DISPINTEAX16: ;Entrance: push eax push ebp mov ebp,esp push eax mov eax,dword [ss:ebp+6] shr eax,24 mov ah,0Fh push ax call near DISPINTAL16 pop ax mov eax,dword [ss:ebp+6] shr eax,16 mov ah,0Fh push ax call near DISPINTAL16 pop ax mov eax,dword [ss:ebp+6] shr eax,8 mov ah,0Fh push ax call near DISPINTAL16 pop ax mov eax,dword [ss:ebp+6] mov ah,0Fh push ax call near DISPINTAL16 pop ax pop eax pop ebp ret DISPSTR16: ;Entrance: push offset ;ds:offset = String push ebp mov ebp,esp push esi push edi push eax push ebx push gs mov ax,0b800h mov gs,ax mov esi,dword [ss:ebp+6] mov edi,dword [ds:GRAPHPOS] .loop1: mov al,byte [ds:esi] cmp al,0 je .end cmp al,0Ah jne .loop2 ;let edi point to the next row ;edi/(80*2) - every row:80 chars, each char takes 2 bytes. push eax mov eax,edi mov bl,160 div bl ;only keep the low 8 of eax(al,aka quotion) and eax, 0FFh inc eax ;calculate the edi now mov bl,160 mul bl mov edi,eax pop eax inc esi jmp .loop1 .loop2: mov ah,0Fh mov word [gs:edi],ax add edi,2 inc esi jmp .loop1 .end: mov dword [ds:GRAPHPOS],edi pop gs pop ebx pop eax pop edi pop esi pop ebp ret DISPINTAL16: ;Entrance: push ax ,AH=ATTR, AL=Char push ebp mov ebp,esp push eax push gs push ecx push edi push ebx push ds mov ax,cs mov ds,ax mov edi,dword [ds:GRAPHPOS] mov ax,0b800h mov gs,ax xor eax,eax mov ax, word [ss:ebp+6] mov bx,ax ;keep high 4 bits of al and al,0F0H mov cl,4 shr al,cl call near CHANGEAL mov word [gs:edi],ax add edi,2 mov dword [ds:GRAPHPOS],edi ;keep low 4 bits of al mov ax,bx and al,0Fh call near CHANGEAL mov ah,bh mov word [gs:edi],ax add edi,2 mov dword [ds:GRAPHPOS],edi pop ds pop ebx pop edi pop ecx pop gs pop eax pop ebp ret CHANGEAL: ;Entrance:void cmp al,09h jna .l2 add al,37h jmp .end .l2: add al,30h .end: ret DISPRETURN16: push eax push ds mov ax,cs mov ds,ax mov eax,IO16_RETURN push eax call near DISPSTR16 pop eax pop ds pop eax ret DISPSPACE16: push eax push ds mov ax,cs mov ds,ax mov eax,IO16_SPACE push eax call near DISPSTR16 pop eax pop ds pop eax ret