# v2ray-letsencrypt-docker Clean, dockerized v2ray(Websocket + TLS) + Nginx + Let's Encrypt with official and well-maintained docker containers. No BS private containers. ## Supports: - v2ray with websocket + TLS protocol using the [official v2ray docker image](https://hub.docker.com/r/v2ray/official/). - Nginx frontend and **auto-renewing** Let's Encrypt certificate using the popular [linuxserver/letsencrypt docker image](https://hub.docker.com/r/linuxserver/letsencrypt/). - This project basically generates UUID, random paths and uses python to process the templates. ## Usage: ### Required packages - docker-ce. - docker-compose. - python-jinja2. A popular python template processor. Just search for jinja2 with your distro's package manager. ### Building - Clone this repo. - Run `python setup.py -h` for directions. - For example, if your full domain name is `aaa.bb.c` and your email is `d@e.f` then run `python setup.py -d bb.c -s aaa -e d@e.f` - To start over, run `git reset --hard`. Don't run this with a running build or you will lose your existing config! ### README! - Do NOT run the python script as root or Nginx won't start. ### Connecting After spinning up all the containers, you can use client.conf to connect. If you are setting it up on your phone, connect to subdomain.domain.tld:443 and use websocket obfuscation. ### Troubleshooting - Make sure your subdomain.domain.tld points to the server. - Use `docker logs nginx` to check for nginx init errors. Detailed nginx logs and be found in `nginx/logs/nginx` - Use `docker logs v2ray` to check for v2ray init errors.