#!/bin/sh set -e source /opt/crypt.sh mkdir -p /opt/config mkdir -p /opt/config/logs mkdir -p /opt/config/certs mkdir -p /opt/config/logs/nginx mkdir -p /opt/config/logs/xray mkdir -p /opt/config/logs/crond URL='U2FsdGVkX19/qz4kcbpQpJKz/iebXKih1BK3Cp1wGSoEyhLtoyAi0wewP5Tr++FbRLt/EG2f8zDF9cIEuoTLEA==' echo "" echo "===== Checking Environment Variables =====" if [ -z "$FQDN" ]; then echo "FQDN must be set" exit 1 fi if [ -z "$KEY" ]; then echo "KEY must be set" exit 1 fi echo "" echo "===== Checking Certificates ====" if [ ! -d "/etc/letsencrypt/live/$FQDN" ]; then echo "Generating new certificates..." certbot certonly -n --standalone -m dummy@dummy.com --agree-tos --no-eff-email -d $FQDN else echo "Certificate exists. Checking renewal..." certbot renew fi echo "" echo "===== Fetching Configuration ====" decrypt $URL $KEY URL=$crypt_ret echo "Fetching from $URL..." hash_sha256 $FQDN $KEY URL=$URL/$crypt_ret wget $URL -O /opt/$FQDN echo "Decrypting..." decrypt $(cat /opt/$FQDN) $KEY echo $crypt_ret > /opt/config.json echo "" echo "===== Starting cron =====" crond -L /opt/config/logs/crond/log.txt echo "" echo "===== Starting Nginx =====" nginx -c /opt/nginx/nginx.conf echo "" echo "===== Starting xray =====" exec /opt/xray/xray -c /opt/config.json