[![License: MIT](https://img.shields.io/badge/License-MIT-yellow.svg)](https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT) [![Build Status](https://ci.quacker.org/api/badges/d/docker-frp/status.svg)](https://ci.quacker.org/d/docker-frp) # docker-frp Docker image for frp. Binaries directly obtained from the official frp repo [fatedier/frp](https://github.com/fatedier/frp). The instructions below apply to `docker-compose`. # Networking We recommend using the `network_mode = host` (host network) option. Otherwise you would need to manually expose the listening port as well as all the reverse proxied ports. # Environment variables `SERVER`. Defaults to 0 = client mode. 1 = server mode. # Volumes Note the difference in file names (frps.ini vs frpc.ini) ## Client mode Client configuration file `frpc.ini` -> `/opt/frp/frpc.ini` ## Server mode Server configuration file `frps.ini` -> `/opt/frp/frps.ini` # docker-compose ## Sample Client ``` version: "2.1" services: frp: image: quackerd/frp container_name: frp network_mode: host restart: unless-stopped volumes: - ./config/frpc.ini:/opt/frp/frpc.ini ``` ## Sample Server ``` version: "2.1" services: frp: image: quackerd/frp container_name: frp_srv network_mode: host restart: unless-stopped environment: - SERVER=1 volumes: - ./config/frps.ini:/opt/frp/frps.ini ``` # Troubleshooting The logs can be obtained by `docker logs `. They are usually very self-explanatory.