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2001-08-29 14:35:15 +00:00
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<title>NTP Debugging Techniques</title>
<h3>NTP Debugging Techniques</h3>
<img align="left" src="pic/pogo.gif" alt="gif"><a href=
"">from <i>Pogo</i>,
Walt Kelly</a>
<p>We make house calls and bring our own bugs.<br clear="left">
<p>Once the NTP software distribution has been compiled and
installed and the configuration file constructed, the next step is
to verify correct operation and fix any bugs that may result.
Usually, the command line that starts the daemon is included in the
system startup file, so it is executed only at system boot time;
however, the daemon can be stopped and restarted from root at any
time. Usually, no command-line arguments are required, unless
special actions described in the <tt><a href="ntpd.htm">
ntpd</a></tt> page are required. Once started, the daemon will
begin sending and receiving messages, as specified in the
configuration file.</p>
<h4>Initial Startup</h4>
<p>The best way to verify correct operation is using the <tt><a
href="ntpq.htm">ntpq</a></tt> and <tt><a href="ntpdc.htm">
ntpdc</a></tt> utility programs, either on the server itself or
from another machine elsewhere in the network. The <tt>ntpq</tt>
program implements the management functions specified in the NTP
specification <a href=
RFC-1305, Appendix A</a>. The <tt>ntpdc</tt> program implements
additional functions not provided in the standard. Both programs
can be used to inspect the state variables defined in the
specification and, in the case of <tt>ntpdc</tt>, additional ones
of interest. In addition, the <tt>ntpdc</tt> program can be used to
selectively reconfigure and enable or disable some functions while
the daemon is running.</p>
<p>In extreme cases with elusive bugs, the daemon can operate in
two modes, depending on the presence of the <tt>-d</tt>
command-line debug switch. If not present, the daemon detaches from
the controlling terminal and proceeds autonomously. If one or more
<tt>-d</tt> switches are present, the daemon does not detach and
generates special output useful for debugging. In general,
interpretation of this output requires reference to the sources.
However, a single <tt>-d</tt> does produce only mildly cryptic
output and can be very useful in finding problems with
configuration and network troubles. With a little experience, the
volume of output can be reduced by piping the output to <tt>
grep</tt> and specifying the keyword of the trace you want to
<p>Some problems are immediately apparent when the daemon first
starts running. The most common of these are the lack of a UDP port
for NTP (123) in the Unix <tt>/etc/services</tt> file (or
equivalent in some systems). Note that NTP does not use TCP in any
form. Other problems are apparent in the system log file. The log
file should show the startup banner, some cryptic initialization
data and the computed precision value. The next most common problem
is incorrect DNS names. Check that each DNS name used in the
configuration file exists and that the address responds to the Unix
<tt>ping</tt> command.</p>
<p>When first started, the daemon normally polls the servers listed
in the configuration file at 64-s intervals. In order to allow a
1999-12-09 13:01:21 +00:00
sufficient number of samples for the NTP algorithms to reliably
2001-08-29 14:35:15 +00:00
discriminate between correctly operating servers and possible
intruders, at least four valid messages from the majority of
servers and peers listed in the configuration file is required
before the daemon can set the local clock. However, if the
difference between the client time and server time is greater than
the panic threshold, which defaults to 1000 s, the daemon will send
a message to the system log and shut down without setting the
clock. It is necessary to set the local clock to within the panic
threshold first, either manually by eyeball and wristwatch and the
Unix <tt>date</tt> command, or by the <tt>ntpdate</tt> or <tt>ntpd
-q</tt> commands. The panic threshold can be changed by the <tt>
tinker panic</tt> command discribed on the <a href="miscopt.htm">
Miscellaneous Options</a> page. The panic threshold can be disabled
entirely by the <tt>-g</tt> command line option described on the <a
href="ntpd.htm">ntpd - Network Time Protocol (NTP) daemon</a>
<p>If the difference between local time and server time is less
than the panic threshold but greater than the step threshold, which
defaults to 125 ms, the daemon will perform a step adjustment;
otherwise, it will gradually slew the clock to the nominal time.
The step threshold can be changed by the <tt>tinker step</tt>
command discribed on the <a href="miscopt.htm">Miscellaneous
Options</a> page. The step threshold can be disabled entirely by
the <tt>-x</tt> command line option described on the <a href=
"ntpd.htm">ntpd - Network Time Protocol (NTP) daemon</a> page. In
this case the clock will never be stepped; however, users should
understand the implications for doing this in a distributed data
network where all processing must be tightly synchronized. See the
<a href="leap.htm">NTP Timescale and Leap Seconds</a> page for
further information. If a step adjustment is made, the clock
discipline algorithm will start all over again, requiring another
round of at least four messages as before. This is necessary so
that all servers and peers operate on the same set of time
<p>The clock discipline algorithm is designed to avoid large noise
spikes that might occur on a congested network or access line. If
an offset sample exceeds the step threshold, it is ignored and a
timer started. If a later sample is below the step threshold, the
counter is reset. However, if the counter is greater than the
stepout interval, which defaults to 900 s, the next sample will
step or slew the time as directed. The stepout threshold can be
changed by the <tt>tinker stepout</tt> command discribed on the <a
href="miscopt.htm">Miscellaneous Options</a> page.</p>
<p>If, as discussed later on this page, for some reason the
hardware clock oscillator frequency error is very large, the time
errors upon first startup of the daemon may increase over time
until exceeding the step threshold, which requires another step
correction. However, due to provisions that reduce vulnerability to
noise spikes, the second correction will not be done until after
the stepout threshold. When the frequency error is very large, it
may take a number of cycles like this until converging on the
nominal frequency correction. After this, the correction is written
to the <tt>ntp.drift</tt> file, which is read upon subsequent
restarts, so the herky-jerky cycles should not recur.</p>
<h4>Verifying Correct Operation</h4>
<p>After starting the daemon, run the <tt>ntpq</tt> program using
the <tt>-n</tt> switch, which will avoid possible distractions due
to name resolution problems. Use the <tt>pe</tt> command to display
a billboard showing the status of configured peers and possibly
other clients poking the daemon. After operating for a few minutes,
the display should be something like:</p>
ntpq&gt; pe
remote refid st t when poll reach delay offset jitter
===================================================================== .GPS1. 1 u 18 64 377 65.592 -5.891 0.044
+saicpc-isiepc2. 2 u 241 128 370 10.477 -0.117 0.067 2 u 37 64 177 212.111 -0.551 0.187
* .GPS1. 1 u 95 128 377 0.607 0.123 0.027
<p>The host names or addresses shown in the <tt>remote</tt> column
correspond to the server and peer entries listed in the
configuration file; however, the DNS names might not agree if the
names listed are not the canonical DNS names. The <tt>refid</tt>
column shows the current source of synchronization, while the <tt>
st</tt> column reveals the stratum, <tt>t</tt> the type (<tt>u</tt>
= unicast, <tt>m</tt> = multicast, <tt>l</tt> = local, <tt>-</tt> =
don't know), and <tt>poll</tt> the poll interval in seconds. The
<tt>when</tt> column shows the time since the peer was last heard
in seconds, while the <tt>reach</tt> column shows the status of the
reachability register (see RFC-1305) in octal. The remaining
entries show the latest delay, offset and jitter in milliseconds.
Note that in NTP Version 4 what used to be the <tt>dispersion</tt>
column has been replaced by the <tt>jitter</tt> column.</p>
<p>The tattletale symbol at the left margin displays the
1999-12-09 13:01:21 +00:00
synchronization status of each peer. The currently selected peer is
2001-08-29 14:35:15 +00:00
marked <tt>*</tt>, while additional peers designated acceptable for
synchronization, but not currently selected, are marked <tt>+</tt>.
Peers marked <tt>*</tt> and <tt>+</tt> are included in the weighted
average computation to set the local clock; the data produced by
peers marked with other symbols are discarded. See the <tt>
ntpq</tt> page for the meaning of these symbols.</p>
<p>Additional details for each peer separately can be determined by
the following procedure. First, use the <tt>as</tt> command to
display an index of association identifiers, such as</p>
ntpq&gt; as
ind assID status conf reach auth condition last_event cnt
1 50252 f314 yes yes ok outlyer reachable 1
2 50253 f414 yes yes ok candidat reachable 1
3 50254 f414 yes yes ok candidat reachable 1
4 50255 f614 yes yes ok sys.peer reachable 1
<p>Each line in this billboard is associated with the corresponding
line in the <tt>pe</tt> billboard above. The <tt>assID</tt> shows
the unique identifier for each mobilized association, while the
<tt>status</tt> column shows the peer status word in hex, as
defined in the NTP specification. Next, use the <tt>rv</tt> command
and the respective <tt>assID</tt> identifier to display a detailed
synopsis for the selected peer, such as</p>
ntpq&gt; rv 50253
status=f414 reach, conf, auth, sel_candidat, 1 event, event_reach,, srcport=123, dstadr=,
dstport=123, keyid=3816249004, stratum=2, precision=-27,
rootdelay=10.925, rootdispersion=12.848,,
reftime=bd11b225.133e1437 Sat, Jul 8 2000 13:59:01.075, delay=10.550,
offset=-1.357, jitter=0.074, dispersion=1.444, reach=377, valid=7,
hmode=1, pmode=1, hpoll=6, ppoll=7, leap=00, flash=00 ok,
org=bd11b23c.01385836 Sat, Jul 8 2000 13:59:24.004,
rec=bd11b23c.02dc8fb8 Sat, Jul 8 2000 13:59:24.011,
xmt=bd11b21a.ac34c1a8 Sat, Jul 8 2000 13:58:50.672,
filtdelay= 10.45 10.50 10.63 10.40 10.48 10.43 10.49 11.26,
filtoffset= -1.18 -1.26 -1.26 -1.35 -1.35 -1.42 -1.54 -1.81,
filtdisp= 0.51 1.47 2.46 3.45 4.40 5.34 6.33 7.28,
hostname="", publickey=3171359012, pcookie=0x6629adb2,
hcookie=0x61f99cdb, initsequence=61, initkey=0x287b649c,
<p>A detailed explanation of the fields in this billboard are
beyond the scope of this discussion; however, most variables
defined in the NTP Version 3 specification RFC-1305 are available
along with others defined for NTP Version 4. This particular
example was chosen to illustrate probably the most complex
configuration involving symmetric modes and public-key
cryptography. As the result of debugging experience, the names and
values of these variables may change from time to time. An
explanation of the current set is on the <tt>ntpq</tt> page.</p>
<p>A useful indicator of miscellaneous problems is the <tt>
flash</tt> value, which reveals the state of the various sanity
tests on incoming packets. There are currently eleven bits, one for
each test, numbered from the right, which is for test 1. If the
test fails, the corresponding bit is set to one and zero otherwise.
If any bit is set following each processing step, the packet is
discarded. The meaning of each test is described on the <tt>
ntpq</tt> page.</p>
<p>The three lines identified as <tt>filtdelay</tt>, <tt>
filtoffset</tt> and <tt>filtdisp</tt> reveal the roundtrip delay,
clock offset and dispersion for each of the last eight measurement
rounds, all in milliseconds. Note that the dispersion, which is an
estimate of the error, increases as the age of the sample
increases. From these data, it is usually possible to determine the
incidence of severe packet loss, network congestion, and unstable
local clock oscillators. There are no hard and fast rules here,
since every case is unique; however, if one or more of the rounds
show large values or change radically from one round to another,
the network is probably congested or lossy.</p>
<p>Once the daemon has set the local clock, it will continuously
track the discrepancy between local time and NTP time and adjust
the local clock accordingly. There are two components of this
adjustment, time and frequency. These adjustments are automatically
determined by the clock discipline algorithm, which functions as a
hybrid phase/frequency feedback loop. The behavior of this
algorithm is carefully controlled to minimize residual errors due
to network jitter and frequency variations of the local clock
hardware oscillator that normally occur in practice. However, when
started for the first time, the algorithm may take some time to
converge on the intrinsic frequency error of the host machine.</p>
<p>The state of the local clock itself can be determined using the
<tt>rv</tt> command (without the argument), such as</p>
ntpq&gt; rv
status=0644 leap_none, sync_ntp, 4 events, event_peer/strat_chg,
version="ntpd 4.0.99j4-r Fri Jul 7 23:38:17 GMT 2000 (1)",
processor="i386", system="FreeBSD3.4-RELEASE", leap=00, stratum=2,
precision=-27, rootdelay=0.552, rootdispersion=12.532, peer=50255,,
reftime=bd11b220.ac89f40a Sat, Jul 8 2000 13:58:56.673, poll=6,
clock=bd11b225.ee201472 Sat, Jul 8 2000 13:59:01.930, state=4,
phase=0.179, frequency=44.298, jitter=0.022, stability=0.001,
hostname="", publickey=3171372095, params=3171372095,
<p>An explanation about most of these variables is in the RFC-1305
specification. The most useful ones include <tt>clock</tt>, which
shows when the clock was last adjusted, and <tt>reftime</tt>, which
shows when the server clock of <tt>refid</tt> was last adjusted.
The <tt>version</tt>, <tt>processor</tt> and <tt>system</tt> values
are very helpful when included in bug reports. The mean millisecond
time offset (<tt>phase</tt>) and deviation (<tt>jitter</tt>)
monitor the clock quality, while the mean PPM frequency offset
(<tt>frequency</tt>) and deviation (<tt>stability</tt>) monitor the
clock stability and serve as a useful diagnostic tool. It has been
the experience of NTP operators over the years that these data
represent useful environment and hardware alarms. If the
motherboard fan freezes up or some hardware bit sticks, the system
clock is usually the first to notice it.</p>
<p>Among the new variables added for NTP Version 4 are the <tt>
hostname</tt>, <tt>publickey</tt>, <tt>params</tt> and <tt>
refresh</tt>, which are used for the Autokey public-key
cryptography described on the <a href="authopt.htm">Authentication
Options</a> page. The values show the filestamps, in NTP seconds,
that the associated values were created. These are useful in
diagnosing problems with cryptographic key consistency and ordering
<p>When nothing seems to happen in the <tt>pe</tt> billboard after
some minutes, there may be a network problem. One common network
problem is an access controlled router on the path to the selected
peer or an access controlled server using methods described on the
<a href="accopt.htm">Access Control Options</a> page. Another
common problem is that the server is down or running in
unsynchronized mode due to a local problem. Use the <tt>ntpq</tt>
program to spy on the server variables in the same way you can spy
on your own.</p>
<p>Normally, the daemon will adjust the local clock in small steps
in such a way that system and user programs are unaware of its
operation. The adjustment process operates continuously as long as
the apparent clock error exceeds the step threshold for a period
longer than the stepout threshold, which for most Internet paths is
a very rare event. If the event is simply an outlyer due to an
occasional network delay spike, the correction is simply discarded;
however, if the apparent time error persists for longer than the
stepout threshold of about 17 minutes, the local clock is stepped
or slewed to the new value as directed. This behavior is designed
to resist errors due to severely congested network paths, as well
as errors due to confused radio clocks upon the epoch of a leap
<h4>Special Problems</h4>
<p>The frequency tolerance of computer clock oscillators can vary
widely, which can put a strain on the daemon's ability to
compensate for the intrinsic frequency error. While the daemon can
handle frequency errors up to 500 parts-per-million (PPM), or 43
seconds per day, values much above 100 PPM reduce the headroom and
increase the time to learn the particular value and record it in
the <tt>ntp.drift</tt> file. In extreme cases before the particular
oscillator frequency error has been determined, the residual system
time offsets can sweep from one extreme to the other of the 128-ms
tracking window only for the behavior to repeat at 900-s intervals
until the measurements have converged.</p>
<p>In order to determine if excessive frequency error is a problem,
observe the nominal <tt>filtoffset</tt> values for a number of
rounds and divide by the poll interval. If the result is something
approaching 500 PPM, there is a good chance that NTP will not work
properly until the frequency error is reduced by some means. A
common cause is the hardware time-of-year (TOY) clock chip, which
must be disabled when NTP disciplines the software clock. For some
systems this can be done using the <tt><a href="tickadj.htm">
tickadj</a></tt> utility and the <tt>-s</tt> command line argument.
For other systems this can be done using a command in the system
startup file.</p>
<p>If the TOY chip is not the cause, the problem may be that the
hardware clock frequency may simply be too slow or two fast. In
some systems this might require tweaking a trimmer capacitor on the
motherboard. For other systems the clock frequency can be adjusted
in increments of 100 PPM using the <tt>tickadj</tt> utility and the
<tt>-t</tt> command line argument. Note that the <tt>tickadj</tt>
alters certain kernel variables and, while the utility attempts to
figure out an acceptable way to do this, there are many cases where
<tt>tickadj</tt> is incompatible with a running kernel.</p>
<p>Provisions are included in <tt>ntpd</tt> for access controls
which deflect unwanted traffic from selected hosts or networks. The
controls described on the <a href="accopt.htm">Access Control
Options</a> include detailed packet filter operations based on
source address and address mask. Normally, filtered packets are
dropped without notice other than to increment tally counters.
However, the server can configure to generate what is called a
kiss-of-death (KOD) packet and send to the client. In case of
outright access denied, the KOD is the response to the first client
packet. In this case the client association is permanently disabled
and the access denied bit (test 4) is set in the flash peer
variable mentioned above and a message is sent to the system
<p>The access control provisions include a limit on the packet rate
from a host or network. If an incoming packet exceeds the limit, it
is dropped and a KOD sent to the source. If this occurs after the
client association has synchronized, the association is not
disabled, but a message is sent to the system log. See the <a href=
"accopt.htm">Access Control Options</a> page for further
<p>In some reported scenarios an access line may show low to
moderate network delays during some period of the day and moderate
to high delays during other periods. Often the delay on one
direction of transmission dominates, which can result in large time
offset errors, sometimes in the range up to a few seconds. It is
not usually convenient to run <tt>ntpd</tt> throughout the day in
such scenarios, since this could result in several time steps,
especially if the condition persists for greater than the stepout
<p>The recommended approach in such scenarios is first to calibrate
the local clock frequency error by running <tt>ntpd</tt> in
continuous mode during the quiet interval and let it write the
frequency to the <tt>ntp.drift</tt> file. Then, run <tt>ntpd
-q</tt> from a cron job each day at some time in the quiet
interval. In systems with the nanokernel or microkernel performance
enhancements, including Solaris, Tru64, Linux and FreeBSD, the
kernel continuously disciplines the frequency so that the residual
correction produced by <tt>ntpd</tt> is usually less than a few
<h4>Debugging Checklist</h4>
If the <tt>ntpq</tt> or <tt>ntpdc</tt> programs do not show that
messages are being received by the daemon or that received messages
do not result in correct synchronization, verify the following:
<li style="list-style: none"></li>
<li>Verify the <tt>/etc/services</tt> file host machine is
configured to accept UDP packets on the NTP port 123. NTP is
specifically designed to use UDP and does not respond to TCP.</li>
<li style="list-style: none"></li>
<li>Check the system log for <tt>ntpd</tt> messages about
configuration errors, name-lookup failures or initialization
<li style="list-style: none"></li>
<li>Verify using <tt>ping</tt> or other utility that packets
actually do make the round trip between the client and server.
Verify using <tt>nslookup</tt> or other utility that the DNS server
names do exist and resolve to valid Internet addresses.</li>
<li>Using the <tt>ntpdc</tt> program, verify that the packets
received and packets sent counters are incrementing. If the sent
counter does not increment and the configuration file includes
configured servers, something may be wrong in the host network or
interface configuration. If this counter does increment, but the
received counter does not increment, something may be wrong in the
network or the server NTP daemon may not be running or the server
itself may be down or not responding.</li>
<li style="list-style: none"></li>
<li>If both the sent and received counters do increment, but the
<tt>reach</tt> values in the <tt>pe</tt> billboard with <tt>
ntpq</tt> continues to show zero, received packets are probably
being discarded for some reason. If this is the case, the cause
should be evident from the <tt>flash</tt> variable as discussed
above and on the <tt>ntpq</tt> page.</li>
<li style="list-style: none"></li>
<li>If the <tt>reach</tt> values in the <tt>pe</tt> billboard show
the servers are alive and responding, note the tattletale symbols
at the left margin, which indicate the status of each server
resulting from the various grooming and mitigation algorithms. The
interpretation of these symbols is discussed on the <tt>ntpq</tt>
page. After a few minutes of operation, one or another of the
reachable server candidates should show a * tattletale symbol. If
this doesn't happen, the intersection algorithm, which classifies
the servers as truechimers or falsetickers, may be unable to find a
majority of truechimers among the server population.</li>
<li style="list-style: none"></li>
<li>If all else fails, see the FAQ and/or the discussion and
briefings at <a href="">
Network Time Synchronization Project.</a></li>
<a href="index.htm"><img align="left" src="pic/home.gif" alt=
<address><a href="">David L. Mills