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* Copyright (c) 1998 Robert Nordier
* All rights reserved.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms are freely
* permitted provided that the above copyright notice and this
* paragraph and the following disclaimer are duplicated in all
* such forms.
* This software is provided "AS IS" and without any express or
* implied warranties, including, without limitation, the implied
* warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular
* purpose.
* $FreeBSD$
#include <bootargs.h>
#define RBX_MUTE 0x10 /* -m */
#define OPT_SET(opt) (1 << (opt))
* Prototype BTX loader program, written in a couple of hours. The
* real thing should probably be more flexible, and in C.
* Memory locations.
.set MEM_STUB,0x600 # Real mode stub
.set MEM_ESP,0x1000 # New stack pointer
.set MEM_TBL,0x5000 # BTX page tables
.set MEM_ENTRY,0x9010 # BTX entry point
.set MEM_DATA,start+0x1000 # Data segment
* Segment selectors.
.set SEL_SCODE,0x8 # 4GB code
.set SEL_SDATA,0x10 # 4GB data
.set SEL_RCODE,0x18 # 64K code
.set SEL_RDATA,0x20 # 64K data
* Paging constants.
.set PAG_SIZ,0x1000 # Page size
.set PAG_ENT,0x4 # Page entry size
* Screen constants.
.set SCR_MAT,0x7 # Mode/attribute
.set SCR_COL,0x50 # Columns per row
.set SCR_ROW,0x19 # Rows per screen
* BIOS Data Area locations.
.set BDA_MEM,0x413 # Free memory
.set BDA_SCR,0x449 # Video mode
.set BDA_POS,0x450 # Cursor position
* Required by aout gas inadequacy.
.set SIZ_STUB,0x1a # Size of stub
* We expect to be loaded by boot2 at the origin defined in ./Makefile.
.globl start
* BTX program loader for ELF clients.
start: cld # String ops inc
testl $OPT_SET(RBX_MUTE), 4(%esp) # Check first argument
setnz muted # for RBX_MUTE, set flag
movl $m_logo,%esi # Identify
call putstr # ourselves
movzwl BDA_MEM,%eax # Get base memory
shll $0xa,%eax # in bytes
movl %eax,%ebp # Base of user stack
movl $m_mem,%esi # Display
call hexout # amount of
call putstr # base memory
lgdt gdtdesc # Load new GDT
* Relocate caller's arguments.
movl $m_esp,%esi # Display
movl %esp,%eax # caller
call hexout # stack
call putstr # pointer
movl $m_args,%esi # Format string
leal 0x4(%esp),%ebx # First argument
movl $0x6,%ecx # Count
start.1: movl (%ebx),%eax # Get argument and
addl $0x4,%ebx # bump pointer
call hexout # Display it
loop start.1 # Till done
call putstr # End message
movl BA_BOOTINFO+4(%esp),%esi # Source: bootinfo
cmpl $0x0, %esi # If the bootinfo pointer
je start_null_bi # is null, don't copy it
movl BI_SIZE(%esi),%ecx # Allocate space
subl %ecx,%ebp # for bootinfo
movl %ebp,%edi # Destination
rep # Copy
movsb # it
movl %ebp,BA_BOOTINFO+4(%esp) # Update pointer
movl %edi,%ebp # Restore base pointer
movl $m_rel_bi,%esi # Display
movl %ebp,%eax # bootinfo
call hexout # relocation
call putstr # message
start_null_bi: movl $BOOTARGS_SIZE,%ecx # Fixed size of arguments
testl $KARGS_FLAGS_EXTARG, BA_BOOTFLAGS+4(%esp) # Check for extra data
jz start_fixed # Skip if the flag is not set
addl BOOTARGS_SIZE+4(%esp),%ecx # Add size of variable args
start_fixed: subl $ARGOFF,%ebp # Place args at fixed offset
leal 0x4(%esp),%esi # Source
movl %ebp,%edi # Destination
rep # Copy
movsb # them
movl $m_rel_args,%esi # Display
movl %ebp,%eax # argument
call hexout # relocation
call putstr # message
* Set up BTX kernel.
movl $MEM_ESP,%esp # Set up new stack
movl $MEM_DATA,%ebx # Data segment
movl $m_vers,%esi # Display BTX
call putstr # version message
movb 0x5(%ebx),%al # Get major version
addb $'0',%al # Display
call putchr # it
movb $'.',%al # And a
call putchr # dot
movb 0x6(%ebx),%al # Get minor
xorb %ah,%ah # version
movb $0xa,%dl # Divide
divb %dl,%al # by 10
addb $'0',%al # Display
call putchr # tens
movb %ah,%al # Get units
addb $'0',%al # Display
call putchr # units
call putstr # End message
movl %ebx,%esi # BTX image
movzwl 0x8(%ebx),%edi # Compute
orl $PAG_SIZ/PAG_ENT-1,%edi # the
incl %edi # BTX
shll $0x2,%edi # load
addl $MEM_TBL,%edi # address
pushl %edi # Save load address
movzwl 0xa(%ebx),%ecx # Image size
pushl %ecx # Save image size
rep # Relocate
movsb # BTX
movl %esi,%ebx # Keep place
movl $m_rel_btx,%esi # Restore
popl %eax # parameters
call hexout # and
popl %ebp # display
movl %ebp,%eax # the
call hexout # relocation
call putstr # message
addl $PAG_SIZ,%ebp # Display
movl $m_base,%esi # the
movl %ebp,%eax # user
call hexout # base
call putstr # address
* Set up ELF-format client program.
cmpl $0x464c457f,(%ebx) # ELF magic number?
je start.3 # Yes
movl $e_fmt,%esi # Display error
call putstr # message
start.2: jmp start.2 # Hang
Mega i386 loader commit. - Don't hard code 0x10000 as the entry point for the loader. Instead add src/sys/boot/i386/ which defines a make variable with the entry point for the loader. Move the loader's entry point up to 0x20000, which makes PXE happy. - Don't try to use cpp to parse btxldr for the optional BTXLDR_VERBOSE, instead use m4 to achieve this. Also, add a BTXLDR_VERBOSE knob in the btxldr Makefile to turn this option on. - Redo parts of cdldr's Makefile so that it now builds and installs cdboot instead of having i386/loader/Makefile do that. Also, add in some more variables to make the pxeldr Makefile almost identical and thus to ease maintainability. - Teach cdldr about the a.out format. Cdldr now parsers the a.out header of the loader binary and relocates it based on that. The entry point of the loader no longer has to be hardcoded into cdldr. Also, the boot info table from mkisofs is no longer required to get a useful cdboot. - Update the lsdev function for BIOS disks to parse other file systems (such as DOS FAT) that we currently support. This is still buggy as it assumes that a floppy with a DOS boot sector actually has a MBR and parses it as such. I'll be fixing this in the future. - The biggie: Add in support for booting off of PXE-enabled network adapters. Currently, we use the TFTP API provided by the PXE BIOS. Eventually we will switch to using the low-level NIC driver thus allowing both TFTP and NFS to be used, but for now it's just TFTP. Submitted by: ps, alfred Testing by: Benno Rice <>
2000-03-28 01:19:53 +00:00
movl $m_elf,%esi # Display ELF
call putstr # message
movl $m_segs,%esi # Format string
movl 0x1c(%ebx),%edx # Get e_phoff
addl %ebx,%edx # To pointer
movzwl 0x2c(%ebx),%ecx # Get e_phnum
start.4: cmpl $0x1,(%edx) # Is p_type PT_LOAD?
jne start.6 # No
movl 0x4(%edx),%eax # Display
call hexout # p_offset
movl 0x8(%edx),%eax # Display
call hexout # p_vaddr
movl 0x10(%edx),%eax # Display
call hexout # p_filesz
movl 0x14(%edx),%eax # Display
call hexout # p_memsz
call putstr # End message
pushl %esi # Save
pushl %ecx # working registers
movl 0x4(%edx),%esi # Get p_offset
addl %ebx,%esi # as pointer
movl 0x8(%edx),%edi # Get p_vaddr
addl %ebp,%edi # as pointer
movl 0x10(%edx),%ecx # Get p_filesz
rep # Set up
movsb # segment
movl 0x14(%edx),%ecx # Any bytes
subl 0x10(%edx),%ecx # to zero?
jz start.5 # No
xorb %al,%al # Then
rep # zero
stosb # them
start.5: popl %ecx # Restore
popl %esi # registers
start.6: addl $0x20,%edx # To next entry
loop start.4 # Till done
movl $m_done,%esi # Display done
call putstr # message
movl $start.8,%esi # Real mode stub
movl $MEM_STUB,%edi # Destination
movl $start.9-start.8,%ecx # Size
rep # Relocate
movsb # it
ljmp $SEL_RCODE,$MEM_STUB # To 16-bit code
start.8: xorw %ax,%ax # Data
movb $SEL_RDATA,%al # selector
movw %ax,%ss # Reload SS
movw %ax,%ds # Reset
movw %ax,%es # other
movw %ax,%fs # segment
movw %ax,%gs # limits
movl %cr0,%eax # Switch to
decw %ax # real
movl %eax,%cr0 # mode
ljmp $0,$MEM_ENTRY # Jump to BTX entry point
* Output message [ESI] followed by EAX in hex.
hexout: pushl %eax # Save
call putstr # Display message
popl %eax # Restore
pushl %esi # Save
pushl %edi # caller's
movl $buf,%edi # Buffer
pushl %edi # Save
call hex32 # To hex
xorb %al,%al # Terminate
stosb # string
popl %esi # Restore
hexout.1: lodsb # Get a char
cmpb $'0',%al # Leading zero?
je hexout.1 # Yes
testb %al,%al # End of string?
jne hexout.2 # No
decl %esi # Undo
hexout.2: decl %esi # Adjust for inc
call putstr # Display hex
popl %edi # Restore
popl %esi # caller's
ret # To caller
* Output zero-terminated string [ESI] to the console.
putstr.0: call putchr # Output char
putstr: lodsb # Load char
testb %al,%al # End of string?
jne putstr.0 # No
ret # To caller
* Output character AL to the console.
putchr: testb $1,muted # Check muted
jnz putchr.5 # do a nop
pusha # Save
xorl %ecx,%ecx # Zero for loops
movb $SCR_MAT,%ah # Mode/attribute
movl $BDA_POS,%ebx # BDA pointer
movw (%ebx),%dx # Cursor position
movl $0xb8000,%edi # Regen buffer (color)
cmpb %ah,BDA_SCR-BDA_POS(%ebx) # Mono mode?
jne putchr.1 # No
xorw %di,%di # Regen buffer (mono)
putchr.1: cmpb $0xa,%al # New line?
je putchr.2 # Yes
xchgl %eax,%ecx # Save char
movb $SCR_COL,%al # Columns per row
mulb %dh # * row position
addb %dl,%al # + column
adcb $0x0,%ah # position
shll %eax # * 2
xchgl %eax,%ecx # Swap char, offset
movw %ax,(%edi,%ecx,1) # Write attr:char
incl %edx # Bump cursor
cmpb $SCR_COL,%dl # Beyond row?
jb putchr.3 # No
putchr.2: xorb %dl,%dl # Zero column
incb %dh # Bump row
putchr.3: cmpb $SCR_ROW,%dh # Beyond screen?
jb putchr.4 # No
leal 2*SCR_COL(%edi),%esi # New top line
movw $(SCR_ROW-1)*SCR_COL/2,%cx # Words to move
rep # Scroll
movsl # screen
movb $' ',%al # Space
movb $SCR_COL,%cl # Columns to clear
rep # Clear
stosw # line
movb $SCR_ROW-1,%dh # Bottom line
putchr.4: movw %dx,(%ebx) # Update position
popa # Restore
putchr.5: ret # To caller
* Convert EAX, AX, or AL to hex, saving the result to [EDI].
hex32: pushl %eax # Save
shrl $0x10,%eax # Do upper
call hex16 # 16
popl %eax # Restore
hex16: call hex16.1 # Do upper 8
hex16.1: xchgb %ah,%al # Save/restore
hex8: pushl %eax # Save
shrb $0x4,%al # Do upper
call hex8.1 # 4
popl %eax # Restore
hex8.1: andb $0xf,%al # Get lower 4
cmpb $0xa,%al # Convert
sbbb $0x69,%al # to hex
das # digit
orb $0x20,%al # To lower case
stosb # Save char
ret # (Recursive)
.p2align 4
* Global descriptor table.
gdt: .word 0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0 # Null entry
.word 0xffff,0x0,0x9a00,0xcf # SEL_SCODE
.word 0xffff,0x0,0x9200,0xcf # SEL_SDATA
.word 0xffff,0x0,0x9a00,0x0 # SEL_RCODE
.word 0xffff,0x0,0x9200,0x0 # SEL_RDATA
gdtdesc: .word gdt.1-gdt-1 # Limit
.long gdt # Base
* Messages.
m_logo: .asciz " \nBTX loader 1.00 "
m_vers: .asciz "BTX version is \0\n"
e_fmt: .asciz "Error: Client format not supported\n"
m_mem: .asciz "Starting in protected mode (base mem=\0)\n"
m_esp: .asciz "Arguments passed (esp=\0):\n"
m_args: .asciz "<howto="
.asciz " bootdev="
.asciz " junk="
.asciz " "
.asciz " "
.asciz " bootinfo=\0>\n"
m_rel_bi: .asciz "Relocated bootinfo (size=48) to \0\n"
m_rel_args: .asciz "Relocated arguments (size=18) to \0\n"
m_rel_btx: .asciz "Relocated kernel (size=\0) to \0\n"
m_base: .asciz "Client base address is \0\n"
m_elf: .asciz "Client format is ELF\n"
m_segs: .asciz "text segment: offset="
.asciz " vaddr="
.asciz " filesz="
.asciz " memsz=\0\n"
.asciz "data segment: offset="
.asciz " vaddr="
.asciz " filesz="
.asciz " memsz=\0\n"
m_done: .asciz "Loading complete\n"
* Flags
muted: .byte 0x0
* Uninitialized data area.
buf: # Scratch buffer