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* Trivial program to load VT220 Function keys with strings,
* note that the values only get sent when the key is shifted
* (shoulda been an option to flip the shift set like the Z19!)
* Typing no args gives help, basically pairs of keyname/value
* strings.
* Author, Author: Barry Shein, Boston University
1995-05-30 03:57:47 +00:00
{1} 30-Oct-85 Kenneth J. Lester (ken) at ektools
Added the necessary code to read an initialization file. This
should make it easier to used this program. Also added code
that will set-up the terminal in vt200 (this saves the user the
1995-05-30 03:57:47 +00:00
trouble of checking if the set-up is in vt200).
Restructed the main function to use getopt, for argument
1995-05-30 03:57:47 +00:00
Alterated usage function to include new "i" option (init file)
1995-05-30 03:57:47 +00:00
-hm minor modifications for pcvt 2.0 release
1995-05-30 03:57:47 +00:00
#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
* The default toupper() macro is stupid, will toupper anything
#ifdef toupper
#undef toupper
#define toupper(c) (islower(c) ? ((c)-' ') : c)
#define VT200_7BIT 1
#define ESC 033
#define INITFILE ".vt220rc"
struct keynames {
char *name ;
char *string ;
} keys[] = {
"F6", "17",
"F7", "18",
"F8", "19",
"F9", "20",
"F10", "21",
"F11", "23",
"ESC", "23",
"F12", "24",
"BS", "24",
"F13", "25",
"LF", "25",
"F14", "26",
"HELP", "28",
"DO", "29",
"F17", "31",
"F18", "32",
"F19", "33",
"F20", "34",
char prog[BUFSIZ];
1995-05-30 03:57:47 +00:00
int argc;
char *argv[];
/* these are defined in the getopt routine */
extern char *optarg; /* argument give to an option */
extern int optind; /* argv index after option processing */
int option; /* option character returned by getopt */
int initf = 0; /* read initialization file */
int lockf = 0; /* lock keys after loading strings */
int clearf = 0; /* clear all keys before loading strings */
char *strcpy();
(void) strcpy(prog, *argv); /* store program name */
if(argc == 1) usage(); /* program requires options */
/* get options */
while ((option = getopt(argc, argv, "cli")) != -1)
1995-05-30 03:57:47 +00:00
case 'c' :
case 'l' :
case 'i' :
case '?' :
if (VT200_7BIT)
printf("\033[62;1\"p"); /* vt200 7 bits */
printf("\033[62;2\"p"); /* vt200 8 bits */
if(clearf) clearkeys();
1995-05-30 03:57:47 +00:00
if (initf) getinit();
/* process {key, key string} pairs. Note optind is index to argv
for first pair. By adding 1 to optind insures that a pair exists
i.e. the last key has a key string. */
1995-05-30 03:57:47 +00:00
while(optind + 1 < argc)
dokey(argv[optind], argv[optind+1]);
optind += 2;
if(lockf) lockkeys();
* Load the VT220 SHIFT-FNKEY value, the basic pattern is
* "\EP1;1|"+KEYNAME+"/"+VAL_AS_HEX+"\E\\"
* that is, literally what is in quotes (w/o quotes) then the
* name of the key from the keytable above (a numeric string)
* then a slash, then the string value as hex pairs then ESC-BACKSLASH
* Note: you can gang together key defns with semicolons but that
* would complicate things, especially error handling, so do it all
* for each pair, who cares, really.
dokey(nm,val) char *nm, *val;
register char *scr;
register struct keynames *kp;
for(scr = nm; *scr = toupper(*scr); scr++)
for(kp = keys; kp->name != NULL; kp++)
if(strcmp(nm,kp->name) == 0) {
while(*val) printf("%02x",*val++);
fprintf(stderr,"Bad key name: %s\n",nm);
usage(); /* bad key name, give up */
int i;
fprintf(stderr,"Usage: %s [-cil] [keyname string keyname string...]\n\n",prog);
fprintf(stderr,"The following options are available\n");
fprintf(stderr,"\t-c\tclears keys first\n");
fprintf(stderr,"\t-l\t[sets then] locks further setting\n");
fprintf(stderr,"\t-i\tfirst read initialization file $HOME/%s\n",INITFILE);
fprintf(stderr,"(note that the only way to unlock is via Set-Up)\n\n");
fprintf(stderr,"Keyname is one of:\n\t");
for(i=0; keys[i].name != NULL; i++)
fprintf(stderr,"%s ",keys[i].name);
fprintf(stderr,"\nKeyname is SHIFTED function key that sends the string\n\n");
fprintf(stderr,"Strings may need quoting to protect from shell\n");
fprintf(stderr,"You must specify an option or key,string pairs\n\n");
/* This routine process the INITFILE. This file expects lines in the format
<ws> keyname ws string
Where ws is white space (spaces or tabs) and <ws> is optional white space.
1995-05-30 03:57:47 +00:00
The string may include spaces or tabs and need not be quoted. If the
string has the sequence of "\n" then a newline character is included in
the string.
F6 ls -lg\n
F7 uulog -s
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
char *home; /* user's home directory */
char path[BUFSIZ]; /* full path name of init file */
char buf[BUFSIZ]; /* buffer to hold 1 line from init file */
char key[BUFSIZ]; /* buffer, to hold specified fcn key */
char keystr[BUFSIZ]; /* string associated with fcn key */
char *ptr; /* pointer to transverse buf */
int i, j; /* array indices */
int statflag; /* whether init file is regular & readable */
struct stat statbuf; /* stat of the init file */
FILE *fp; /* file pointer to init file */
/* system calls and subroutines */
FILE *fopen();
char *strcpy();
char *strcat();
char *fgets();
char *getenv();
/* construct full path name for init file */
home = getenv("HOME");
(void) strcpy(path, home);
(void) strcat(path,"/");
(void) strcat(path,INITFILE);
/* check status if init file */
if (stat(path, &statbuf) != -1)
statflag = statbuf.st_mode & S_IFREG && statbuf.st_mode & S_IREAD;
if (!statflag || (fp = fopen(path, "r")) == NULL)
fprintf(stderr, "couldn't open initalization file: %s\n", path);
/* process lines from init file */
while (fgets(buf, BUFSIZ, fp) != NULL)
/* variable initializations */
i = 0; j = 0;
key[0] = '\0'; keystr[0] = '\0';
ptr = buf;
while (*ptr == ' ' || *ptr == '\t') ptr++; /*skip whitespace*/
if (*ptr == '\n') break; /* we hit an emtpy line */
while (!isspace(*ptr) && *ptr != '\0') /* get keyname */
key[i++] = *ptr++;
key[i] = '\0'; /* place EOS in buffer */
while (*ptr == ' ' || *ptr == '\t') ptr++; /*skip whitespace*/
while (*ptr != '\n' && *ptr != '\0') /* get string */
/* check if string is to include newline i.e. \n */
if (*ptr == '\\' && *(ptr+1) == 'n')
keystr[j] = '\012';
keystr[j] = *ptr;
j++; ptr++;
keystr[j] = '\0'; /* place EOS in buffer */
dokey(key, keystr); /* load key with string */
1995-05-30 03:57:47 +00:00
fprintf(stderr, "init file %s not found\n\n", path);