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1993-06-29 06:04:45 +00:00
/* dfa.h - declarations for GNU deterministic regexp compiler
Copyright (C) 1988 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */
/* Written June, 1988 by Mike Haertel */
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#else /* !STDC_HEADERS */
#define const
#include <sys/types.h> /* For size_t. */
extern char *calloc(), *malloc(), *realloc();
extern void free();
#ifndef NULL
#define NULL 0
#endif /* ! STDC_HEADERS */
#include <ctype.h>
#ifndef isascii
#define ISALNUM(c) isalnum(c)
#define ISALPHA(c) isalpha(c)
#define ISUPPER(c) isupper(c)
#define ISLOWER(c) islower(c)
#define ISALNUM(c) (isascii(c) && isalnum(c))
#define ISALPHA(c) (isascii(c) && isalpha(c))
#define ISUPPER(c) (isascii(c) && isupper(c))
#define ISLOWER(c) (isascii(c) && islower(c))
/* 1 means plain parentheses serve as grouping, and backslash
parentheses are needed for literal searching.
0 means backslash-parentheses are grouping, and plain parentheses
are for literal searching. */
#define RE_NO_BK_PARENS 1
/* 1 means plain | serves as the "or"-operator, and \| is a literal.
0 means \| serves as the "or"-operator, and | is a literal. */
#define RE_NO_BK_VBAR 2
/* 0 means plain + or ? serves as an operator, and \+, \? are literals.
1 means \+, \? are operators and plain +, ? are literals. */
#define RE_BK_PLUS_QM 4
/* 1 means | binds tighter than ^ or $.
0 means the contrary. */
#define RE_TIGHT_VBAR 8
/* 1 means treat \n as an _OR operator
0 means treat it as a normal character */
#define RE_NEWLINE_OR 16
/* 0 means that a special characters (such as *, ^, and $) always have
their special meaning regardless of the surrounding context.
1 means that special characters may act as normal characters in some
contexts. Specifically, this applies to:
^ - only special at the beginning, or after ( or |
$ - only special at the end, or before ) or |
*, +, ? - only special when not after the beginning, (, or | */
/* Now define combinations of bits for the standard possibilities. */
/* Number of bits in an unsigned char. */
#define CHARBITS 8
/* First integer value that is greater than any character code. */
#define _NOTCHAR (1 << CHARBITS)
/* INTBITS need not be exact, just a lower bound. */
#define INTBITS (CHARBITS * sizeof (int))
/* Number of ints required to hold a bit for every character. */
/* Sets of unsigned characters are stored as bit vectors in arrays of ints. */
typedef int _charset[_CHARSET_INTS];
/* The regexp is parsed into an array of tokens in postfix form. Some tokens
are operators and others are terminal symbols. Most (but not all) of these
codes are returned by the lexical analyzer. */
#if __STDC__
typedef enum
_END = -1, /* _END is a terminal symbol that matches the
end of input; any value of _END or less in
the parse tree is such a symbol. Accepting
states of the DFA are those that would have
a transition on _END. */
/* Ordinary character values are terminal symbols that match themselves. */
_EMPTY = _NOTCHAR, /* _EMPTY is a terminal symbol that matches
the empty string. */
_BACKREF, /* _BACKREF is generated by \<digit>; it
it not completely handled. If the scanner
detects a transition on backref, it returns
a kind of "semi-success" indicating that
the match will have to be verified with
a backtracking matcher. */
_BEGLINE, /* _BEGLINE is a terminal symbol that matches
the empty string if it is at the beginning
of a line. */
_ALLBEGLINE, /* _ALLBEGLINE is a terminal symbol that
matches the empty string if it is at the
beginning of a line; _ALLBEGLINE applies
to the entire regexp and can only occur
as the first token thereof. _ALLBEGLINE
never appears in the parse tree; a _BEGLINE
is prepended with _CAT to the entire
regexp instead. */
_ENDLINE, /* _ENDLINE is a terminal symbol that matches
the empty string if it is at the end of
a line. */
is to _BEGLINE. */
_BEGWORD, /* _BEGWORD is a terminal symbol that matches
the empty string if it is at the beginning
of a word. */
_ENDWORD, /* _ENDWORD is a terminal symbol that matches
the empty string if it is at the end of
a word. */
_LIMWORD, /* _LIMWORD is a terminal symbol that matches
the empty string if it is at the beginning
or the end of a word. */
_NOTLIMWORD, /* _NOTLIMWORD is a terminal symbol that
matches the empty string if it is not at
the beginning or end of a word. */
_QMARK, /* _QMARK is an operator of one argument that
matches zero or one occurences of its
argument. */
_STAR, /* _STAR is an operator of one argument that
matches the Kleene closure (zero or more
occurrences) of its argument. */
_PLUS, /* _PLUS is an operator of one argument that
matches the positive closure (one or more
occurrences) of its argument. */
_CAT, /* _CAT is an operator of two arguments that
matches the concatenation of its
arguments. _CAT is never returned by the
lexical analyzer. */
_OR, /* _OR is an operator of two arguments that
matches either of its arguments. */
_LPAREN, /* _LPAREN never appears in the parse tree,
it is only a lexeme. */
_RPAREN, /* _RPAREN never appears in the parse tree. */
_SET /* _SET and (and any value greater) is a
terminal symbol that matches any of a
class of characters. */
} _token;
#else /* ! __STDC__ */
typedef short _token;
#define _END -1
#define _BACKREF (_EMPTY + 1)
#define _BEGLINE (_EMPTY + 2)
#define _ALLBEGLINE (_EMPTY + 3)
#define _ENDLINE (_EMPTY + 4)
#define _ALLENDLINE (_EMPTY + 5)
#define _BEGWORD (_EMPTY + 6)
#define _ENDWORD (_EMPTY + 7)
#define _LIMWORD (_EMPTY + 8)
#define _NOTLIMWORD (_EMPTY + 9)
#define _QMARK (_EMPTY + 10)
#define _STAR (_EMPTY + 11)
#define _PLUS (_EMPTY + 12)
#define _CAT (_EMPTY + 13)
#define _OR (_EMPTY + 14)
#define _LPAREN (_EMPTY + 15)
#define _RPAREN (_EMPTY + 16)
#define _SET (_EMPTY + 17)
#endif /* ! __STDC__ */
/* Sets are stored in an array in the compiled regexp; the index of the
array corresponding to a given set token is given by _SET_INDEX(t). */
#define _SET_INDEX(t) ((t) - _SET)
/* Sometimes characters can only be matched depending on the surrounding
context. Such context decisions depend on what the previous character
was, and the value of the current (lookahead) character. Context
dependent constraints are encoded as 8 bit integers. Each bit that
is set indicates that the constraint succeeds in the corresponding
bit 7 - previous and current are newlines
bit 6 - previous was newline, current isn't
bit 5 - previous wasn't newline, current is
bit 4 - neither previous nor current is a newline
bit 3 - previous and current are word-constituents
bit 2 - previous was word-constituent, current isn't
bit 1 - previous wasn't word-constituent, current is
bit 0 - neither previous nor current is word-constituent
Word-constituent characters are those that satisfy isalnum().
The macro _SUCCEEDS_IN_CONTEXT determines whether a a given constraint
succeeds in a particular context. Prevn is true if the previous character
was a newline, currn is true if the lookahead character is a newline.
Prevl and currl similarly depend upon whether the previous and current
characters are word-constituent letters. */
#define _MATCHES_NEWLINE_CONTEXT(constraint, prevn, currn) \
((constraint) & 1 << ((prevn) ? 2 : 0) + ((currn) ? 1 : 0) + 4)
#define _MATCHES_LETTER_CONTEXT(constraint, prevl, currl) \
((constraint) & 1 << ((prevl) ? 2 : 0) + ((currl) ? 1 : 0))
#define _SUCCEEDS_IN_CONTEXT(constraint, prevn, currn, prevl, currl) \
(_MATCHES_NEWLINE_CONTEXT(constraint, prevn, currn) \
&& _MATCHES_LETTER_CONTEXT(constraint, prevl, currl))
/* The following macros give information about what a constraint depends on. */
#define _PREV_NEWLINE_DEPENDENT(constraint) \
(((constraint) & 0xc0) >> 2 != ((constraint) & 0x30))
#define _PREV_LETTER_DEPENDENT(constraint) \
(((constraint) & 0x0c) >> 2 != ((constraint) & 0x03))
/* Tokens that match the empty string subject to some constraint actually
work by applying that constraint to determine what may follow them,
taking into account what has gone before. The following values are
the constraints corresponding to the special tokens previously defined. */
#define _NO_CONSTRAINT 0xff
/* States of the recognizer correspond to sets of positions in the parse
tree, together with the constraints under which they may be matched.
So a position is encoded as an index into the parse tree together with
a constraint. */
typedef struct
unsigned index; /* Index into the parse array. */
unsigned constraint; /* Constraint for matching this position. */
} _position;
/* Sets of positions are stored as arrays. */
typedef struct
_position *elems; /* Elements of this position set. */
int nelem; /* Number of elements in this set. */
} _position_set;
/* A state of the regexp consists of a set of positions, some flags,
and the token value of the lowest-numbered position of the state that
contains an _END token. */
typedef struct
int hash; /* Hash of the positions of this state. */
_position_set elems; /* Positions this state could match. */
char newline; /* True if previous state matched newline. */
char letter; /* True if previous state matched a letter. */
char backref; /* True if this state matches a \<digit>. */
unsigned char constraint; /* Constraint for this state to accept. */
int first_end; /* Token value of the first _END in elems. */
} _dfa_state;
/* If an r.e. is at most MUST_MAX characters long, we look for a string which
must appear in it; whatever's found is dropped into the struct reg. */
#define MUST_MAX 50
/* A compiled regular expression. */
struct regexp
/* Stuff built by the scanner. */
_charset *charsets; /* Array of character sets for _SET tokens. */
int cindex; /* Index for adding new charsets. */
int calloc; /* Number of charsets currently allocated. */
/* Stuff built by the parser. */
_token *tokens; /* Postfix parse array. */
int tindex; /* Index for adding new tokens. */
int talloc; /* Number of tokens currently allocated. */
int depth; /* Depth required of an evaluation stack
used for depth-first traversal of the
parse tree. */
int nleaves; /* Number of leaves on the parse tree. */
int nregexps; /* Count of parallel regexps being built
with regparse(). */
/* Stuff owned by the state builder. */
_dfa_state *states; /* States of the regexp. */
int sindex; /* Index for adding new states. */
int salloc; /* Number of states currently allocated. */
/* Stuff built by the structure analyzer. */
_position_set *follows; /* Array of follow sets, indexed by position
index. The follow of a position is the set
of positions containing characters that
could conceivably follow a character
matching the given position in a string
matching the regexp. Allocated to the
maximum possible position index. */
int searchflag; /* True if we are supposed to build a searching
as opposed to an exact matcher. A searching
matcher finds the first and shortest string
matching a regexp anywhere in the buffer,
whereas an exact matcher finds the longest
string matching, but anchored to the
beginning of the buffer. */
/* Stuff owned by the executor. */
int tralloc; /* Number of transition tables that have
slots so far. */
int trcount; /* Number of transition tables that have
actually been built. */
int **trans; /* Transition tables for states that can
never accept. If the transitions for a
state have not yet been computed, or the
state could possibly accept, its entry in
this table is NULL. */
int **realtrans; /* Trans always points to realtrans + 1; this
is so trans[-1] can contain NULL. */
int **fails; /* Transition tables after failing to accept
on a state that potentially could do so. */
int *success; /* Table of acceptance conditions used in
regexecute and computed in build_state. */
int *newlines; /* Transitions on newlines. The entry for a
newline in any transition table is always
-1 so we can count lines without wasting
too many cycles. The transition for a
newline is stored separately and handled
as a special case. Newline is also used
as a sentinel at the end of the buffer. */
char must[MUST_MAX];
int mustn;
/* Some macros for user access to regexp internals. */
/* ACCEPTING returns true if s could possibly be an accepting state of r. */
#define ACCEPTING(s, r) ((r).states[s].constraint)
/* ACCEPTS_IN_CONTEXT returns true if the given state accepts in the
specified context. */
#define ACCEPTS_IN_CONTEXT(prevn, currn, prevl, currl, state, reg) \
_SUCCEEDS_IN_CONTEXT((reg).states[state].constraint, \
prevn, currn, prevl, currl)
/* FIRST_MATCHING_REGEXP returns the index number of the first of parallel
regexps that a given state could accept. Parallel regexps are numbered
starting at 1. */
#define FIRST_MATCHING_REGEXP(state, reg) (-(reg).states[state].first_end)
/* Entry points. */
#if __STDC__
/* Regsyntax() takes two arguments; the first sets the syntax bits described
earlier in this file, and the second sets the case-folding flag. */
extern void regsyntax(int, int);
/* Compile the given string of the given length into the given struct regexp.
Final argument is a flag specifying whether to build a searching or an
exact matcher. */
extern void regcompile(const char *, size_t, struct regexp *, int);
/* Execute the given struct regexp on the buffer of characters. The
first char * points to the beginning, and the second points to the
first character after the end of the buffer, which must be a writable
place so a sentinel end-of-buffer marker can be stored there. The
second-to-last argument is a flag telling whether to allow newlines to
be part of a string matching the regexp. The next-to-last argument,
if non-NULL, points to a place to increment every time we see a
newline. The final argument, if non-NULL, points to a flag that will
be set if further examination by a backtracking matcher is needed in
order to verify backreferencing; otherwise the flag will be cleared.
Returns NULL if no match is found, or a pointer to the first
character after the first & shortest matching string in the buffer. */
extern char *regexecute(struct regexp *, char *, char *, int, int *, int *);
/* Free the storage held by the components of a struct regexp. */
extern void regfree(struct regexp *);
/* Entry points for people who know what they're doing. */
/* Initialize the components of a struct regexp. */
extern void reginit(struct regexp *);
/* Incrementally parse a string of given length into a struct regexp. */
extern void regparse(const char *, size_t, struct regexp *);
/* Analyze a parsed regexp; second argument tells whether to build a searching
or an exact matcher. */
extern void reganalyze(struct regexp *, int);
/* Compute, for each possible character, the transitions out of a given
state, storing them in an array of integers. */
extern void regstate(int, struct regexp *, int []);
/* Error handling. */
/* Regerror() is called by the regexp routines whenever an error occurs. It
takes a single argument, a NUL-terminated string describing the error.
The default regerror() prints the error message to stderr and exits.
The user can provide a different regfree() if so desired. */
extern void regerror(const char *);
#else /* ! __STDC__ */
extern void regsyntax(), regcompile(), regfree(), reginit(), regparse();
extern void reganalyze(), regstate(), regerror();
extern char *regexecute();
#endif /* ! __STDC__ */