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You can do network installations over 3 types of communications links:
Serial port: SLIP / PPP
Parallel port: PLIP (laplink cable)
Ethernet: A standard ethernet controller (includes some PCMCIA).
SLIP support is rather primitive, and limited primarily to hard-wired
links, such as a serial cable running between a laptop computer and
another computer. The link should be hard-wired as the SLIP
installation doesn't currently offer a dialing capability; that
facility is provided with the PPP utility, which should be used in
preference to SLIP whenever possible. When you choose a serial port
device, you'll be given the option later to edit the slattach command
before it's run on the serial line. It is expected that you'll run
slattach (or some equivalent) on the other end of the link at this
time and bring up the line. FreeBSD will then install itself over the
serial line at speeds of up to 115.2K/baud (the recommended speed for
a hardwired cable).
If you're using a modem, then PPP is almost certainly your only
choice. Make sure that you have your service provider's information
handy as you'll need to know it fairly soon in the installation
process. You will need to know, at the minimum, your service
provider's IP address and possibly your own (though you can also leave
it blank and allow PPP to negotiate it with your ISP). You also need
to know how to use the various "AT commands" to dial the ISP with your
particular modem as the PPP dialer provides only a very simple
terminal emulator.
If a hard-wired connection to another FreeBSD (2.0R or later) machine
is available, you might also consider installing over a "laplink"
parallel port cable. The data rate over the parallel port is much
higher than is what's typically possible over a serial line (up to
50k/sec), thus resulting in a quicker installation.
Finally, for the fastest possible installation, an ethernet adaptor is
always a good choice! FreeBSD supports most common PC ethernet cards,
a table of supported cards (and their required settings) provided as
part of the FreeBSD Hardware Guide - see the Documentation menu on the
boot floppy. If you are using one of the supported PCMCIA ethernet
cards, also be sure that it's plugged in _before_ the laptop is
powered on! FreeBSD does not, unfortunately, currently support "hot
insertion" of PCMCIA cards.
You will also need to know your IP address on the network, the the
"netmask" value for your address class and the name of your machine.
Your system administrator can tell you which values to use for your
particular network setup. If you will be referring to other hosts by
name rather than IP address, you'll also need a name server and
possibly the address of a gateway (if you're using PPP, it's your
provider's IP address) to use in talking to it. If you do not know
the answers to all or or most of these questions, then you should
really probably talk to your system administrator _first_ before
trying this type of installation!