
1714 lines
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1999-03-09 14:06:55 +00:00
\ Copyright (c) 1999 Daniel C. Sobral <>
\ All rights reserved.
\ Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
\ modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
\ are met:
\ 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
\ notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
\ 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
\ notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
\ documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
1999-08-28 01:08:13 +00:00
\ $FreeBSD$
1999-03-09 14:06:55 +00:00
\ Loader.rc support functions:
\ initialize_support ( -- ) initialize global variables
\ initialize ( addr len -- ) as above, plus load_conf_files
\ load_conf ( addr len -- ) load conf file given
\ include_conf_files ( -- ) load all conf files in load_conf_files
\ print_syntax_error ( -- ) print line and marker of where a syntax
\ error was detected
\ print_line ( -- ) print last line processed
\ load_kernel ( -- ) load kernel
\ load_modules ( -- ) load modules flagged
\ Exported structures:
\ string counted string structure
\ cell .addr string address
\ cell .len string length
\ module module loading information structure
\ cell module.flag should we load it?
\ string module's name
\ string module.loadname name to be used in loading the module
\ string module.type module's type
\ string module.args flags to be passed during load
\ string module.beforeload command to be executed before load
\ string module.afterload command to be executed after load
\ string module.loaderror command to be executed if load fails
\ cell list chain
\ Exported global variables;
\ string conf_files configuration files to be loaded
\ string password password
1999-03-09 14:06:55 +00:00
\ cell modules_options pointer to first module information
\ value verbose? indicates if user wants a verbose loading
\ value any_conf_read? indicates if a conf file was succesfully read
\ Other exported words:
\ strdup ( addr len -- addr' len) similar to strdup(3)
\ strcat ( addr len addr' len' -- addr len+len' ) similar to strcat(3)
\ strlen ( addr -- len ) similar to strlen(3)
1999-03-09 14:06:55 +00:00
\ s' ( | string' -- addr len | ) similar to s"
\ rudimentary structure support
\ Exception values
1 constant syntax_error
2 constant out_of_memory
3 constant free_error
4 constant set_error
5 constant read_error
6 constant open_error
7 constant exec_error
8 constant before_load_error
9 constant after_load_error
\ I/O constants
0 constant SEEK_SET
1 constant SEEK_CUR
2 constant SEEK_END
0 constant O_RDONLY
1 constant O_WRONLY
2 constant O_RDWR
1999-03-09 14:06:55 +00:00
\ Crude structure support
: structure:
create here 0 , ['] drop , 0
does> create here swap dup @ allot cell+ @ execute
1999-03-09 14:06:55 +00:00
: member: create dup , over , + does> cell+ @ + ;
: ;structure swap ! ;
: constructor! >body cell+ ! ;
: constructor: over :noname ;
: ;constructor postpone ; swap cell+ ! ; immediate
1999-03-09 14:06:55 +00:00
: sizeof ' >body @ state @ if postpone literal then ; immediate
: offsetof ' >body cell+ @ state @ if postpone literal then ; immediate
: ptr 1 cells member: ;
: int 1 cells member: ;
\ String structure
structure: string
ptr .addr
int .len
0 over .addr !
0 swap .len !
1999-03-09 14:06:55 +00:00
1999-03-09 14:06:55 +00:00
\ Module options linked list
structure: module
int module.flag
sizeof string member:
sizeof string member: module.loadname
sizeof string member: module.type
sizeof string member: module.args
sizeof string member: module.beforeload
sizeof string member: module.afterload
sizeof string member: module.loaderror
\ Internal loader structures
structure: preloaded_file
ptr pf.type
ptr pf.args
ptr pf.metadata \ file_metadata
int pf.loader
int pf.addr
int pf.size
ptr pf.modules \ kernel_module
ptr \ preloaded_file
structure: kernel_module
\ ptr km.args
ptr km.fp \ preloaded_file
ptr \ kernel_module
structure: file_metadata
int md.size
2 member: md.type \ this is not ANS Forth compatible (XXX)
ptr \ file_metadata
0 member: \ variable size
structure: config_resource
int cf.type
0 constant RES_INT
1 constant RES_STRING
2 constant RES_LONG
2 cells member: u
structure: config_device
int cd.unit
int cd.resource_count
ptr cd.resources \ config_resource
structure: STAILQ_HEAD
ptr stqh_first \ type*
ptr stqh_last \ type**
structure: STAILQ_ENTRY
ptr stqe_next \ type*
structure: pnphandler
ptr pnph.enumerate
structure: pnpident
ptr pnpid.ident \ char*
sizeof STAILQ_ENTRY cells member: \ pnpident
structure: pnpinfo
ptr pnpi.desc
int pnpi.revision
ptr pnpi.module \ (char*) module args
int pnpi.argc
ptr pnpi.argv
ptr pnpi.handler \ pnphandler
sizeof STAILQ_HEAD member: pnpi.ident \ pnpident
sizeof STAILQ_ENTRY member: \ pnpinfo
1999-03-09 14:06:55 +00:00
\ Global variables
string conf_files
string nextboot_conf_file
string password
create module_options sizeof allot 0 module_options !
create last_module_option sizeof allot 0 last_module_option !
1999-03-09 14:06:55 +00:00
0 value verbose?
0 value nextboot?
1999-03-09 14:06:55 +00:00
\ Support string functions
: strdup ( addr len -- addr' len )
>r r@ allocate if out_of_memory throw then
tuck r@ move
: strcat { addr len addr' len' -- addr len+len' }
addr' addr len + len' move
addr len len' +
: strlen ( addr -- len )
0 >r
dup c@ while
1+ r> 1+ >r repeat
drop r>
1999-03-09 14:06:55 +00:00
: s'
[char] ' parse
state @ if
postpone sliteral
; immediate
: 2>r postpone >r postpone >r ; immediate
: 2r> postpone r> postpone r> ; immediate
: 2r@ postpone 2r> postpone 2dup postpone 2>r ; immediate
: getenv?
-1 = if false else drop true then
1999-03-09 14:06:55 +00:00
\ Private definitions
vocabulary support-functions
only forth also support-functions definitions
\ Some control characters constants
7 constant bell
8 constant backspace
1999-03-09 14:06:55 +00:00
9 constant tab
10 constant lf
13 constant <cr>
1999-03-09 14:06:55 +00:00
\ Read buffer size
80 constant read_buffer_size
\ Standard suffixes
: load_module_suffix s" _load" ;
: module_loadname_suffix s" _name" ;
: module_type_suffix s" _type" ;
: module_args_suffix s" _flags" ;
: module_beforeload_suffix s" _before" ;
: module_afterload_suffix s" _after" ;
: module_loaderror_suffix s" _error" ;
\ Support operators
: >= < 0= ;
: <= > 0= ;
\ Assorted support funcitons
: free-memory free if free_error throw then ;
\ Assignment data temporary storage
string name_buffer
string value_buffer
\ Line by line file reading functions
\ exported:
\ line_buffer
\ end_of_file?
\ fd
\ read_line
\ reset_line_reading
vocabulary line-reading
also line-reading definitions also
1999-03-09 14:06:55 +00:00
\ File data temporary storage
string read_buffer
0 value read_buffer_ptr
\ File's line reading function
support-functions definitions
string line_buffer
1999-03-09 14:06:55 +00:00
0 value end_of_file?
variable fd
line-reading definitions
1999-03-09 14:06:55 +00:00
: skip_newlines
read_buffer .len @ read_buffer_ptr >
read_buffer .addr @ read_buffer_ptr + c@ lf = if
read_buffer_ptr char+ to read_buffer_ptr
: scan_buffer ( -- addr len )
read_buffer_ptr >r
read_buffer .len @ r@ >
read_buffer .addr @ r@ + c@ lf = if
read_buffer .addr @ read_buffer_ptr + ( -- addr )
r@ read_buffer_ptr - ( -- len )
r> to read_buffer_ptr
r> char+ >r
read_buffer .addr @ read_buffer_ptr + ( -- addr )
r@ read_buffer_ptr - ( -- len )
r> to read_buffer_ptr
: line_buffer_resize ( len -- len )
line_buffer .len @ if
line_buffer .addr @
line_buffer .len @ r@ +
resize if out_of_memory throw then
r@ allocate if out_of_memory throw then
line_buffer .addr !
: append_to_line_buffer ( addr len -- )
line_buffer .addr @ line_buffer .len @
2swap strcat
line_buffer .len !
: read_from_buffer
scan_buffer ( -- addr len )
line_buffer_resize ( len -- len )
append_to_line_buffer ( addr len -- )
: refill_required?
read_buffer .len @ read_buffer_ptr =
end_of_file? 0= and
: refill_buffer
0 to read_buffer_ptr
read_buffer .addr @ 0= if
read_buffer_size allocate if out_of_memory throw then
read_buffer .addr !
fd @ read_buffer .addr @ read_buffer_size fread
dup -1 = if read_error throw then
dup 0= if true to end_of_file? then
read_buffer .len !
: reset_line_buffer
line_buffer .addr @ ?dup if
1999-03-09 14:06:55 +00:00
0 line_buffer .addr !
0 line_buffer .len !
support-functions definitions
: reset_line_reading
0 to read_buffer_ptr
1999-03-09 14:06:55 +00:00
: read_line
only forth also support-functions definitions
1999-03-09 14:06:55 +00:00
\ Conf file line parser:
\ <line> ::= <spaces><name><spaces>'='<spaces><value><spaces>[<comment>] |
\ <spaces>[<comment>]
\ <name> ::= <letter>{<letter>|<digit>|'_'}
\ <value> ::= '"'{<character_set>|'\'<anything>}'"' | <name>
\ <character_set> ::= ASCII 32 to 126, except '\' and '"'
\ <comment> ::= '#'{<anything>}
\ exported:
\ line_pointer
\ process_conf
1999-03-09 14:06:55 +00:00
0 value line_pointer
vocabulary file-processing
also file-processing definitions
1999-03-09 14:06:55 +00:00
\ parser functions
\ exported:
\ get_assignment
vocabulary parser
also parser definitions also
0 value parsing_function
1999-03-09 14:06:55 +00:00
0 value end_of_line
: end_of_line?
line_pointer end_of_line =
: letter?
line_pointer c@ >r
r@ [char] A >=
r@ [char] Z <= and
r@ [char] a >=
r> [char] z <= and
: digit?
line_pointer c@ >r
r@ [char] 0 >=
r> [char] 9 <= and
: quote?
line_pointer c@ [char] " =
: assignment_sign?
line_pointer c@ [char] = =
: comment?
line_pointer c@ [char] # =
: space?
line_pointer c@ bl =
line_pointer c@ tab = or
: backslash?
line_pointer c@ [char] \ =
: underscore?
line_pointer c@ [char] _ =
: dot?
line_pointer c@ [char] . =
: skip_character
line_pointer char+ to line_pointer
: skip_to_end_of_line
end_of_line to line_pointer
: eat_space
end_of_line? if exit then
: parse_name ( -- addr len )
letter? digit? underscore? dot? or or or
end_of_line? if
line_pointer over -
line_pointer over -
: remove_backslashes { addr len | addr' len' -- addr' len' }
len allocate if out_of_memory throw then
to addr'
addr >r
addr c@ [char] \ <> if
addr c@ addr' len' + c!
len' char+ to len'
addr char+ to addr
r@ len + addr =
r> drop
addr' len'
: parse_quote ( -- addr len )
end_of_line? if syntax_error throw then
quote? 0=
backslash? if
end_of_line? if syntax_error throw then
end_of_line? if syntax_error throw then
line_pointer over -
: read_name
parse_name ( -- addr len )
name_buffer .len !
name_buffer .addr !
: read_value
quote? if
parse_quote ( -- addr len )
parse_name ( -- addr len )
value_buffer .len !
value_buffer .addr !
: comment
: white_space_4
comment? if ['] comment to parsing_function exit then
end_of_line? 0= if syntax_error throw then
: variable_value
['] white_space_4 to parsing_function
: white_space_3
letter? digit? quote? or or if
['] variable_value to parsing_function exit
syntax_error throw
: assignment_sign
['] white_space_3 to parsing_function
: white_space_2
assignment_sign? if ['] assignment_sign to parsing_function exit then
syntax_error throw
: variable_name
['] white_space_2 to parsing_function
: white_space_1
letter? if ['] variable_name to parsing_function exit then
comment? if ['] comment to parsing_function exit then
end_of_line? 0= if syntax_error throw then
file-processing definitions
1999-03-09 14:06:55 +00:00
: get_assignment
line_buffer .addr @ line_buffer .len @ + to end_of_line
line_buffer .addr @ to line_pointer
['] white_space_1 to parsing_function
end_of_line? 0=
parsing_function execute
parsing_function ['] comment =
parsing_function ['] white_space_1 =
parsing_function ['] white_space_4 =
or or 0= if syntax_error throw then
only forth also support-functions also file-processing definitions also
1999-03-09 14:06:55 +00:00
\ Process line
: assignment_type? ( addr len -- flag )
name_buffer .addr @ name_buffer .len @
compare 0=
: suffix_type? ( addr len -- flag )
name_buffer .len @ over <= if 2drop false exit then
name_buffer .len @ over - name_buffer .addr @ +
over compare 0=
: loader_conf_files?
s" loader_conf_files" assignment_type?
: nextboot_flag?
s" nextboot_enable" assignment_type?
: nextboot_conf?
s" nextboot_conf" assignment_type?
1999-03-09 14:06:55 +00:00
: verbose_flag?
s" verbose_loading" assignment_type?
: execute?
s" exec" assignment_type?
: password?
s" password" assignment_type?
1999-03-09 14:06:55 +00:00
: module_load?
load_module_suffix suffix_type?
: module_loadname?
module_loadname_suffix suffix_type?
: module_type?
module_type_suffix suffix_type?
: module_args?
module_args_suffix suffix_type?
: module_beforeload?
module_beforeload_suffix suffix_type?
: module_afterload?
module_afterload_suffix suffix_type?
: module_loaderror?
module_loaderror_suffix suffix_type?
: set_conf_files
conf_files .addr @ ?dup if
value_buffer .addr @ c@ [char] " = if
value_buffer .addr @ char+ value_buffer .len @ 2 chars -
value_buffer .addr @ value_buffer .len @
conf_files .len ! conf_files .addr !
: set_nextboot_conf
nextboot_conf_file .addr @ ?dup if
value_buffer .addr @ c@ [char] " = if
value_buffer .addr @ char+ value_buffer .len @ 2 chars -
value_buffer .addr @ value_buffer .len @
nextboot_conf_file .len ! nextboot_conf_file .addr !
1999-03-09 14:06:55 +00:00
: append_to_module_options_list ( addr -- )
module_options @ 0= if
dup module_options !
last_module_option !
dup last_module_option @ !
last_module_option !
: set_module_name ( addr -- )
name_buffer .addr @ name_buffer .len @
>r over .addr !
r> swap .len !
: yes_value?
value_buffer .addr @ value_buffer .len @
2dup s' "YES"' compare >r
2dup s' "yes"' compare >r
2dup s" YES" compare >r
s" yes" compare r> r> r> and and and 0=
: find_module_option ( -- addr | 0 )
module_options @
dup dup .addr @ swap .len @
name_buffer .addr @ name_buffer .len @
compare 0= if exit then @
: new_module_option ( -- addr )
sizeof module allocate if out_of_memory throw then
dup sizeof module erase
dup append_to_module_options_list
dup set_module_name
: get_module_option ( -- addr )
?dup 0= if new_module_option then
: set_module_flag
name_buffer .len @ load_module_suffix nip - name_buffer .len !
yes_value? get_module_option module.flag !
: set_module_args
name_buffer .len @ module_args_suffix nip - name_buffer .len !
get_module_option module.args
dup .addr @ ?dup if free-memory then
value_buffer .addr @ value_buffer .len @
over c@ [char] " = if
2 chars - swap char+ swap
>r over .addr !
r> swap .len !
: set_module_loadname
name_buffer .len @ module_loadname_suffix nip - name_buffer .len !
get_module_option module.loadname
dup .addr @ ?dup if free-memory then
value_buffer .addr @ value_buffer .len @
over c@ [char] " = if
2 chars - swap char+ swap
>r over .addr !
r> swap .len !
: set_module_type
name_buffer .len @ module_type_suffix nip - name_buffer .len !
get_module_option module.type
dup .addr @ ?dup if free-memory then
value_buffer .addr @ value_buffer .len @
over c@ [char] " = if
2 chars - swap char+ swap
>r over .addr !
r> swap .len !
: set_module_beforeload
name_buffer .len @ module_beforeload_suffix nip - name_buffer .len !
get_module_option module.beforeload
dup .addr @ ?dup if free-memory then
value_buffer .addr @ value_buffer .len @
over c@ [char] " = if
2 chars - swap char+ swap
>r over .addr !
r> swap .len !
: set_module_afterload
name_buffer .len @ module_afterload_suffix nip - name_buffer .len !
get_module_option module.afterload
dup .addr @ ?dup if free-memory then
value_buffer .addr @ value_buffer .len @
over c@ [char] " = if
2 chars - swap char+ swap
>r over .addr !
r> swap .len !
: set_module_loaderror
name_buffer .len @ module_loaderror_suffix nip - name_buffer .len !
get_module_option module.loaderror
dup .addr @ ?dup if free-memory then
value_buffer .addr @ value_buffer .len @
over c@ [char] " = if
2 chars - swap char+ swap
>r over .addr !
r> swap .len !
: set_environment_variable
name_buffer .len @
value_buffer .len @ +
5 chars +
allocate if out_of_memory throw then
dup 0 ( addr -- addr addr len )
s" set " strcat
name_buffer .addr @ name_buffer .len @ strcat
s" =" strcat
value_buffer .addr @ value_buffer .len @ strcat
['] evaluate catch if
2drop free drop
set_error throw
: set_nextboot_flag
yes_value? to nextboot?
1999-03-09 14:06:55 +00:00
: set_verbose
yes_value? to verbose?
: execute_command
value_buffer .addr @ value_buffer .len @
over c@ [char] " = if
2 - swap char+ swap
1999-03-09 14:06:55 +00:00
['] evaluate catch if exec_error throw then
: set_password
password .addr @ ?dup if free if free_error throw then then
value_buffer .addr @ c@ [char] " = if
value_buffer .addr @ char+ value_buffer .len @ 2 - strdup
value_buffer .addr @ free if free_error throw then
value_buffer .addr @ value_buffer .len @
password .len ! password .addr !
0 value_buffer .addr !
1999-03-09 14:06:55 +00:00
: process_assignment
name_buffer .len @ 0= if exit then
loader_conf_files? if set_conf_files exit then
nextboot_flag? if set_nextboot_flag exit then
nextboot_conf? if set_nextboot_conf exit then
1999-03-09 14:06:55 +00:00
verbose_flag? if set_verbose exit then
execute? if execute_command exit then
password? if set_password exit then
1999-03-09 14:06:55 +00:00
module_load? if set_module_flag exit then
module_loadname? if set_module_loadname exit then
module_type? if set_module_type exit then
module_args? if set_module_args exit then
module_beforeload? if set_module_beforeload exit then
module_afterload? if set_module_afterload exit then
module_loaderror? if set_module_loaderror exit then
\ free_buffer ( -- )
\ Free some pointers if needed. The code then tests for errors
\ in freeing, and throws an exception if needed. If a pointer is
\ not allocated, it's value (0) is used as flag.
1999-03-09 14:06:55 +00:00
: free_buffers
name_buffer .addr @ dup if free then
value_buffer .addr @ dup if free then
or if free_error throw then
1999-03-09 14:06:55 +00:00
: reset_assignment_buffers
0 name_buffer .addr !
0 name_buffer .len !
0 value_buffer .addr !
0 value_buffer .len !
\ Higher level file processing
support-functions definitions
1999-03-09 14:06:55 +00:00
: process_conf
end_of_file? 0=
['] process_assignment catch
['] free_buffers catch
swap throw throw
: peek_file
0 to end_of_file?
O_RDONLY fopen fd !
fd @ -1 = if open_error throw then
['] process_assignment catch
['] free_buffers catch
fd @ fclose
only forth also support-functions definitions
1999-03-09 14:06:55 +00:00
\ Interface to loading conf files
: load_conf ( addr len -- )
0 to end_of_file?
O_RDONLY fopen fd !
1999-03-09 14:06:55 +00:00
fd @ -1 = if open_error throw then
['] process_conf catch
fd @ fclose
: print_line
line_buffer .addr @ line_buffer .len @ type cr
: print_syntax_error
line_buffer .addr @ line_buffer .len @ type cr
line_buffer .addr @
line_pointer over <>
bl emit
." ^" cr
\ Depuration support functions
only forth definitions also support-functions
: test-file
['] load_conf catch dup .
syntax_error = if cr print_syntax_error then
: show-module-options
module_options @
." Name: " dup dup .addr @ swap .len @ type cr
." Path: " dup module.loadname dup .addr @ swap .len @ type cr
." Type: " dup module.type dup .addr @ swap .len @ type cr
." Flags: " dup module.args dup .addr @ swap .len @ type cr
." Before load: " dup module.beforeload dup .addr @ swap .len @ type cr
." After load: " dup module.afterload dup .addr @ swap .len @ type cr
." Error: " dup module.loaderror dup .addr @ swap .len @ type cr
." Status: " dup module.flag @ if ." Load" else ." Don't load" then cr @
only forth also support-functions definitions
\ Variables used for processing multiple conf files
string current_file_name
variable current_conf_files
\ Indicates if any conf file was succesfully read
0 value any_conf_read?
\ loader_conf_files processing support functions
: set_current_conf_files
conf_files .addr @ current_conf_files !
: get_conf_files
conf_files .addr @ conf_files .len @ strdup
: recurse_on_conf_files?
current_conf_files @ conf_files .addr @ <>
: skip_leading_spaces { addr len pos -- addr len pos' }
1999-03-09 14:06:55 +00:00
pos len = if addr len pos exit then
addr pos + c@ bl =
1999-03-09 14:06:55 +00:00
pos char+ to pos
1999-03-09 14:06:55 +00:00
addr len pos
1999-03-09 14:06:55 +00:00
: get_file_name { addr len pos -- addr len pos' addr' len' || 0 }
pos len = if
1999-03-09 14:06:55 +00:00
addr free abort" Fatal error freeing memory"
0 exit
pos >r
1999-03-09 14:06:55 +00:00
addr pos + c@ bl <>
1999-03-09 14:06:55 +00:00
pos char+ to pos
pos len = if
addr len pos addr r@ + pos r> - exit
1999-03-09 14:06:55 +00:00
addr len pos addr r@ + pos r> -
1999-03-09 14:06:55 +00:00
: get_next_file ( addr len ptr -- addr len ptr' addr' len' | 0 )
: set_current_file_name
over current_file_name .addr !
dup current_file_name .len !
: print_current_file
current_file_name .addr @ current_file_name .len @ type
: process_conf_errors
dup 0= if true to any_conf_read? drop exit then
>r 2drop r>
dup syntax_error = if
." Warning: syntax error on file " print_current_file cr
print_syntax_error drop exit
dup set_error = if
." Warning: bad definition on file " print_current_file cr
print_line drop exit
dup read_error = if
." Warning: error reading file " print_current_file cr drop exit
dup open_error = if
verbose? if ." Warning: unable to open file " print_current_file cr then
drop exit
dup free_error = abort" Fatal error freeing memory"
dup out_of_memory = abort" Out of memory"
throw \ Unknown error -- pass ahead
\ Process loader_conf_files recursively
\ Interface to loader_conf_files processing
: include_conf_files
get_conf_files 0
get_next_file ?dup
['] load_conf catch
recurse_on_conf_files? if recurse then
: get_nextboot_conf_file ( -- addr len )
nextboot_conf_file .addr @ nextboot_conf_file .len @ strdup
: rewrite_nextboot_file ( -- )
O_WRONLY fopen fd !
fd @ -1 = if open_error throw then
fd @ s' nextboot_enable="NO" ' fwrite
fd @ fclose
: include_nextboot_file
['] peek_file catch
nextboot? if
['] load_conf catch
['] rewrite_nextboot_file catch
1999-03-09 14:06:55 +00:00
\ Module loading functions
: load_module?
module.flag @
: load_parameters ( addr -- addr addrN lenN ... addr1 len1 N )
dup >r
r@ module.args .addr @ r@ module.args .len @
r@ module.loadname .len @ if
r@ module.loadname .addr @ r@ module.loadname .len @
r@ .addr @ r@ .len @
r@ module.type .len @ if
r@ module.type .addr @ r@ module.type .len @
s" -t "
4 ( -t type name flags )
2 ( name flags )
r> drop
: before_load ( addr -- addr )
dup module.beforeload .len @ if
dup module.beforeload .addr @ over module.beforeload .len @
['] evaluate catch if before_load_error throw then
: after_load ( addr -- addr )
dup module.afterload .len @ if
dup module.afterload .addr @ over module.afterload .len @
['] evaluate catch if after_load_error throw then
: load_error ( addr -- addr )
dup module.loaderror .len @ if
dup module.loaderror .addr @ over module.loaderror .len @
evaluate \ This we do not intercept so it can throw errors
: pre_load_message ( addr -- addr )
verbose? if
dup .addr @ over .len @ type
." ..."
: load_error_message verbose? if ." failed!" cr then ;
: load_succesful_message verbose? if ." ok" cr then ;
: load_module
load_parameters load
: process_module ( addr -- addr )
['] load_module catch if
dup module.loaderror .len @ if
load_error \ Command should return a flag!
load_error_message true \ Do not retry
load_succesful_message true \ Succesful, do not retry
: process_module_errors ( addr ior -- )
dup before_load_error = if
." Module "
dup .addr @ over .len @ type
dup module.loadname .len @ if
." (" dup module.loadname .addr @ over module.loadname .len @ type ." )"
." Error executing "
dup module.beforeload .addr @ over module.afterload .len @ type cr
dup after_load_error = if
." Module "
dup .addr @ over .len @ type
dup module.loadname .len @ if
." (" dup module.loadname .addr @ over module.loadname .len @ type ." )"
." Error executing "
dup module.afterload .addr @ over module.afterload .len @ type cr
throw \ Don't know what it is all about -- pass ahead
\ Module loading interface
: load_modules ( -- ) ( throws: abort & user-defined )
module_options @
dup load_module? if
['] process_module catch
then @
First tackle at trying to handle the New Deal on kernels. Load the first of the following kernels to be found: ${kernel} if ${kernel} is an absolute path /boot/${kernel}/${kernel} /boot/${kernel}/${bootfile} ${kernel}/${kernel} ${kernel}/${bootfile} ${kernel} ${bootfile} The last instance of ${kernel} and ${bootfile} will be treated as a list of semicolon separated file names, and each will be tried in turn, from left to right. Also, for each filename loader(8) will try filename, filename.ko, filename.gz, filename.ko.gz, in that order, but that's not related to this code. This resulted in a major reorganization of the code, and much of what was accumulating on loader.4th was rightly transfered to support.4th. The semantics of boot-conf and boot also changed. Both will try to load a kernel the same as above. After a kernel was loaded, the variable module_path may get changed. Such change will happen if the kernel was found with a directory prefix. In that case, the module path will be set to ${directory};${module_path}. Next, the modules are loaded as usual. This is intended so kernel="xyzzy" in /boot/loader.conf will load /boot/xyzzy/kernel.ko, load system modules from /boot/xyzzy/, and load third party modules from /boot/modules or /modules. If that doesn't work, it's a bug. Also, fix a breakage of "boot" which was recently introduced. Boot without any arguments would fail. No longer. Also, boot will only unload/reload if the first argument is a path. If no argument exists or the first argument is a flag, boot will use whatever is already loaded. I hope this is POLA. That behavior is markedly different from that of boot-conf, which will always unload/reload. The semantics introduced here are experimental. Even if the code works, we might decide this is not the prefered behavior. If you feel so, send your feedback. (Yeah, this belongs in a HEADS UP or something, but I've been working for the past 16 hours on this stuff, so gimme a break.)
2000-09-09 04:52:34 +00:00
\ h00h00 magic used to try loading either a kernel with a given name,
\ or a kernel with the default name in a directory of a given name
\ (the pain!)
: bootpath s" /boot/" ;
: modulepath s" module_path" ;
\ Functions used to save and restore module_path's value.
: saveenv ( addr len | -1 -- addr' len | 0 -1 )
dup -1 = if 0 swap exit then
: freeenv ( addr len | 0 -1 )
-1 = if drop else free abort" Freeing error" then
: restoreenv ( addr len | 0 -1 -- )
dup -1 = if ( it wasn't set )
modulepath unsetenv
over >r
modulepath setenv
r> free abort" Freeing error"
: clip_args \ Drop second string if only one argument is passed
1 = if
2swap 2drop
also builtins
\ Parse filename from a comma-separated list
: parse-; ( addr len -- addr' len-x addr x )
over 0 2swap
dup 0 <>
over c@ [char] ; <>
1- swap 1+ swap
2swap 1+ 2swap
repeat then
dup 0 <> if
1- swap 1+ swap
\ Try loading one of multiple kernels specified
: try_multiple_kernels ( addr len addr' len' args -- flag )
parse-; 2>r
2over 2r>
r@ clip_args
s" DEBUG" getenv? if
s" echo Module_path: ${module_path}" evaluate
." Kernel : " >r 2dup type r> cr
dup 2 = if ." Flags : " >r 2over type r> cr then
1 load
First tackle at trying to handle the New Deal on kernels. Load the first of the following kernels to be found: ${kernel} if ${kernel} is an absolute path /boot/${kernel}/${kernel} /boot/${kernel}/${bootfile} ${kernel}/${kernel} ${kernel}/${bootfile} ${kernel} ${bootfile} The last instance of ${kernel} and ${bootfile} will be treated as a list of semicolon separated file names, and each will be tried in turn, from left to right. Also, for each filename loader(8) will try filename, filename.ko, filename.gz, filename.ko.gz, in that order, but that's not related to this code. This resulted in a major reorganization of the code, and much of what was accumulating on loader.4th was rightly transfered to support.4th. The semantics of boot-conf and boot also changed. Both will try to load a kernel the same as above. After a kernel was loaded, the variable module_path may get changed. Such change will happen if the kernel was found with a directory prefix. In that case, the module path will be set to ${directory};${module_path}. Next, the modules are loaded as usual. This is intended so kernel="xyzzy" in /boot/loader.conf will load /boot/xyzzy/kernel.ko, load system modules from /boot/xyzzy/, and load third party modules from /boot/modules or /modules. If that doesn't work, it's a bug. Also, fix a breakage of "boot" which was recently introduced. Boot without any arguments would fail. No longer. Also, boot will only unload/reload if the first argument is a path. If no argument exists or the first argument is a flag, boot will use whatever is already loaded. I hope this is POLA. That behavior is markedly different from that of boot-conf, which will always unload/reload. The semantics introduced here are experimental. Even if the code works, we might decide this is not the prefered behavior. If you feel so, send your feedback. (Yeah, this belongs in a HEADS UP or something, but I've been working for the past 16 hours on this stuff, so gimme a break.)
2000-09-09 04:52:34 +00:00
dup 0=
1 >r \ Failure
0 >r \ Success
2drop 2drop
r> drop
\ Try to load a kernel; the kernel name is taken from one of
\ the following lists, as ordered:
\ 1. The "bootfile" environment variable
\ 2. The "kernel" environment variable
First tackle at trying to handle the New Deal on kernels. Load the first of the following kernels to be found: ${kernel} if ${kernel} is an absolute path /boot/${kernel}/${kernel} /boot/${kernel}/${bootfile} ${kernel}/${kernel} ${kernel}/${bootfile} ${kernel} ${bootfile} The last instance of ${kernel} and ${bootfile} will be treated as a list of semicolon separated file names, and each will be tried in turn, from left to right. Also, for each filename loader(8) will try filename, filename.ko, filename.gz, filename.ko.gz, in that order, but that's not related to this code. This resulted in a major reorganization of the code, and much of what was accumulating on loader.4th was rightly transfered to support.4th. The semantics of boot-conf and boot also changed. Both will try to load a kernel the same as above. After a kernel was loaded, the variable module_path may get changed. Such change will happen if the kernel was found with a directory prefix. In that case, the module path will be set to ${directory};${module_path}. Next, the modules are loaded as usual. This is intended so kernel="xyzzy" in /boot/loader.conf will load /boot/xyzzy/kernel.ko, load system modules from /boot/xyzzy/, and load third party modules from /boot/modules or /modules. If that doesn't work, it's a bug. Also, fix a breakage of "boot" which was recently introduced. Boot without any arguments would fail. No longer. Also, boot will only unload/reload if the first argument is a path. If no argument exists or the first argument is a flag, boot will use whatever is already loaded. I hope this is POLA. That behavior is markedly different from that of boot-conf, which will always unload/reload. The semantics introduced here are experimental. Even if the code works, we might decide this is not the prefered behavior. If you feel so, send your feedback. (Yeah, this belongs in a HEADS UP or something, but I've been working for the past 16 hours on this stuff, so gimme a break.)
2000-09-09 04:52:34 +00:00
\ Flags are passed, if available. If not, dummy values must be given.
First tackle at trying to handle the New Deal on kernels. Load the first of the following kernels to be found: ${kernel} if ${kernel} is an absolute path /boot/${kernel}/${kernel} /boot/${kernel}/${bootfile} ${kernel}/${kernel} ${kernel}/${bootfile} ${kernel} ${bootfile} The last instance of ${kernel} and ${bootfile} will be treated as a list of semicolon separated file names, and each will be tried in turn, from left to right. Also, for each filename loader(8) will try filename, filename.ko, filename.gz, filename.ko.gz, in that order, but that's not related to this code. This resulted in a major reorganization of the code, and much of what was accumulating on loader.4th was rightly transfered to support.4th. The semantics of boot-conf and boot also changed. Both will try to load a kernel the same as above. After a kernel was loaded, the variable module_path may get changed. Such change will happen if the kernel was found with a directory prefix. In that case, the module path will be set to ${directory};${module_path}. Next, the modules are loaded as usual. This is intended so kernel="xyzzy" in /boot/loader.conf will load /boot/xyzzy/kernel.ko, load system modules from /boot/xyzzy/, and load third party modules from /boot/modules or /modules. If that doesn't work, it's a bug. Also, fix a breakage of "boot" which was recently introduced. Boot without any arguments would fail. No longer. Also, boot will only unload/reload if the first argument is a path. If no argument exists or the first argument is a flag, boot will use whatever is already loaded. I hope this is POLA. That behavior is markedly different from that of boot-conf, which will always unload/reload. The semantics introduced here are experimental. Even if the code works, we might decide this is not the prefered behavior. If you feel so, send your feedback. (Yeah, this belongs in a HEADS UP or something, but I've been working for the past 16 hours on this stuff, so gimme a break.)
2000-09-09 04:52:34 +00:00
\ The kernel gets loaded from the current module_path.
: load_a_kernel ( flags len 1 | x x 0 -- flag )
First tackle at trying to handle the New Deal on kernels. Load the first of the following kernels to be found: ${kernel} if ${kernel} is an absolute path /boot/${kernel}/${kernel} /boot/${kernel}/${bootfile} ${kernel}/${kernel} ${kernel}/${bootfile} ${kernel} ${bootfile} The last instance of ${kernel} and ${bootfile} will be treated as a list of semicolon separated file names, and each will be tried in turn, from left to right. Also, for each filename loader(8) will try filename, filename.ko, filename.gz, filename.ko.gz, in that order, but that's not related to this code. This resulted in a major reorganization of the code, and much of what was accumulating on loader.4th was rightly transfered to support.4th. The semantics of boot-conf and boot also changed. Both will try to load a kernel the same as above. After a kernel was loaded, the variable module_path may get changed. Such change will happen if the kernel was found with a directory prefix. In that case, the module path will be set to ${directory};${module_path}. Next, the modules are loaded as usual. This is intended so kernel="xyzzy" in /boot/loader.conf will load /boot/xyzzy/kernel.ko, load system modules from /boot/xyzzy/, and load third party modules from /boot/modules or /modules. If that doesn't work, it's a bug. Also, fix a breakage of "boot" which was recently introduced. Boot without any arguments would fail. No longer. Also, boot will only unload/reload if the first argument is a path. If no argument exists or the first argument is a flag, boot will use whatever is already loaded. I hope this is POLA. That behavior is markedly different from that of boot-conf, which will always unload/reload. The semantics introduced here are experimental. Even if the code works, we might decide this is not the prefered behavior. If you feel so, send your feedback. (Yeah, this belongs in a HEADS UP or something, but I've been working for the past 16 hours on this stuff, so gimme a break.)
2000-09-09 04:52:34 +00:00
local args
2local flags
0 0 2local kernel
\ Check if a default kernel name exists at all, exits if not
s" bootfile" getenv dup -1 <> if
First tackle at trying to handle the New Deal on kernels. Load the first of the following kernels to be found: ${kernel} if ${kernel} is an absolute path /boot/${kernel}/${kernel} /boot/${kernel}/${bootfile} ${kernel}/${kernel} ${kernel}/${bootfile} ${kernel} ${bootfile} The last instance of ${kernel} and ${bootfile} will be treated as a list of semicolon separated file names, and each will be tried in turn, from left to right. Also, for each filename loader(8) will try filename, filename.ko, filename.gz, filename.ko.gz, in that order, but that's not related to this code. This resulted in a major reorganization of the code, and much of what was accumulating on loader.4th was rightly transfered to support.4th. The semantics of boot-conf and boot also changed. Both will try to load a kernel the same as above. After a kernel was loaded, the variable module_path may get changed. Such change will happen if the kernel was found with a directory prefix. In that case, the module path will be set to ${directory};${module_path}. Next, the modules are loaded as usual. This is intended so kernel="xyzzy" in /boot/loader.conf will load /boot/xyzzy/kernel.ko, load system modules from /boot/xyzzy/, and load third party modules from /boot/modules or /modules. If that doesn't work, it's a bug. Also, fix a breakage of "boot" which was recently introduced. Boot without any arguments would fail. No longer. Also, boot will only unload/reload if the first argument is a path. If no argument exists or the first argument is a flag, boot will use whatever is already loaded. I hope this is POLA. That behavior is markedly different from that of boot-conf, which will always unload/reload. The semantics introduced here are experimental. Even if the code works, we might decide this is not the prefered behavior. If you feel so, send your feedback. (Yeah, this belongs in a HEADS UP or something, but I've been working for the past 16 hours on this stuff, so gimme a break.)
2000-09-09 04:52:34 +00:00
to kernel
flags kernel args 1+ try_multiple_kernels
First tackle at trying to handle the New Deal on kernels. Load the first of the following kernels to be found: ${kernel} if ${kernel} is an absolute path /boot/${kernel}/${kernel} /boot/${kernel}/${bootfile} ${kernel}/${kernel} ${kernel}/${bootfile} ${kernel} ${bootfile} The last instance of ${kernel} and ${bootfile} will be treated as a list of semicolon separated file names, and each will be tried in turn, from left to right. Also, for each filename loader(8) will try filename, filename.ko, filename.gz, filename.ko.gz, in that order, but that's not related to this code. This resulted in a major reorganization of the code, and much of what was accumulating on loader.4th was rightly transfered to support.4th. The semantics of boot-conf and boot also changed. Both will try to load a kernel the same as above. After a kernel was loaded, the variable module_path may get changed. Such change will happen if the kernel was found with a directory prefix. In that case, the module path will be set to ${directory};${module_path}. Next, the modules are loaded as usual. This is intended so kernel="xyzzy" in /boot/loader.conf will load /boot/xyzzy/kernel.ko, load system modules from /boot/xyzzy/, and load third party modules from /boot/modules or /modules. If that doesn't work, it's a bug. Also, fix a breakage of "boot" which was recently introduced. Boot without any arguments would fail. No longer. Also, boot will only unload/reload if the first argument is a path. If no argument exists or the first argument is a flag, boot will use whatever is already loaded. I hope this is POLA. That behavior is markedly different from that of boot-conf, which will always unload/reload. The semantics introduced here are experimental. Even if the code works, we might decide this is not the prefered behavior. If you feel so, send your feedback. (Yeah, this belongs in a HEADS UP or something, but I've been working for the past 16 hours on this stuff, so gimme a break.)
2000-09-09 04:52:34 +00:00
dup 0= if exit then
s" kernel" getenv dup -1 <> if
First tackle at trying to handle the New Deal on kernels. Load the first of the following kernels to be found: ${kernel} if ${kernel} is an absolute path /boot/${kernel}/${kernel} /boot/${kernel}/${bootfile} ${kernel}/${kernel} ${kernel}/${bootfile} ${kernel} ${bootfile} The last instance of ${kernel} and ${bootfile} will be treated as a list of semicolon separated file names, and each will be tried in turn, from left to right. Also, for each filename loader(8) will try filename, filename.ko, filename.gz, filename.ko.gz, in that order, but that's not related to this code. This resulted in a major reorganization of the code, and much of what was accumulating on loader.4th was rightly transfered to support.4th. The semantics of boot-conf and boot also changed. Both will try to load a kernel the same as above. After a kernel was loaded, the variable module_path may get changed. Such change will happen if the kernel was found with a directory prefix. In that case, the module path will be set to ${directory};${module_path}. Next, the modules are loaded as usual. This is intended so kernel="xyzzy" in /boot/loader.conf will load /boot/xyzzy/kernel.ko, load system modules from /boot/xyzzy/, and load third party modules from /boot/modules or /modules. If that doesn't work, it's a bug. Also, fix a breakage of "boot" which was recently introduced. Boot without any arguments would fail. No longer. Also, boot will only unload/reload if the first argument is a path. If no argument exists or the first argument is a flag, boot will use whatever is already loaded. I hope this is POLA. That behavior is markedly different from that of boot-conf, which will always unload/reload. The semantics introduced here are experimental. Even if the code works, we might decide this is not the prefered behavior. If you feel so, send your feedback. (Yeah, this belongs in a HEADS UP or something, but I've been working for the past 16 hours on this stuff, so gimme a break.)
2000-09-09 04:52:34 +00:00
to kernel
1 exit \ Failure
\ Try all default kernel names
flags kernel args 1+ try_multiple_kernels
First tackle at trying to handle the New Deal on kernels. Load the first of the following kernels to be found: ${kernel} if ${kernel} is an absolute path /boot/${kernel}/${kernel} /boot/${kernel}/${bootfile} ${kernel}/${kernel} ${kernel}/${bootfile} ${kernel} ${bootfile} The last instance of ${kernel} and ${bootfile} will be treated as a list of semicolon separated file names, and each will be tried in turn, from left to right. Also, for each filename loader(8) will try filename, filename.ko, filename.gz, filename.ko.gz, in that order, but that's not related to this code. This resulted in a major reorganization of the code, and much of what was accumulating on loader.4th was rightly transfered to support.4th. The semantics of boot-conf and boot also changed. Both will try to load a kernel the same as above. After a kernel was loaded, the variable module_path may get changed. Such change will happen if the kernel was found with a directory prefix. In that case, the module path will be set to ${directory};${module_path}. Next, the modules are loaded as usual. This is intended so kernel="xyzzy" in /boot/loader.conf will load /boot/xyzzy/kernel.ko, load system modules from /boot/xyzzy/, and load third party modules from /boot/modules or /modules. If that doesn't work, it's a bug. Also, fix a breakage of "boot" which was recently introduced. Boot without any arguments would fail. No longer. Also, boot will only unload/reload if the first argument is a path. If no argument exists or the first argument is a flag, boot will use whatever is already loaded. I hope this is POLA. That behavior is markedly different from that of boot-conf, which will always unload/reload. The semantics introduced here are experimental. Even if the code works, we might decide this is not the prefered behavior. If you feel so, send your feedback. (Yeah, this belongs in a HEADS UP or something, but I've been working for the past 16 hours on this stuff, so gimme a break.)
2000-09-09 04:52:34 +00:00
\ Try to load a kernel; the kernel name is taken from one of
\ the following lists, as ordered:
\ 1. The "bootfile" environment variable
\ 2. The "kernel" environment variable
First tackle at trying to handle the New Deal on kernels. Load the first of the following kernels to be found: ${kernel} if ${kernel} is an absolute path /boot/${kernel}/${kernel} /boot/${kernel}/${bootfile} ${kernel}/${kernel} ${kernel}/${bootfile} ${kernel} ${bootfile} The last instance of ${kernel} and ${bootfile} will be treated as a list of semicolon separated file names, and each will be tried in turn, from left to right. Also, for each filename loader(8) will try filename, filename.ko, filename.gz, filename.ko.gz, in that order, but that's not related to this code. This resulted in a major reorganization of the code, and much of what was accumulating on loader.4th was rightly transfered to support.4th. The semantics of boot-conf and boot also changed. Both will try to load a kernel the same as above. After a kernel was loaded, the variable module_path may get changed. Such change will happen if the kernel was found with a directory prefix. In that case, the module path will be set to ${directory};${module_path}. Next, the modules are loaded as usual. This is intended so kernel="xyzzy" in /boot/loader.conf will load /boot/xyzzy/kernel.ko, load system modules from /boot/xyzzy/, and load third party modules from /boot/modules or /modules. If that doesn't work, it's a bug. Also, fix a breakage of "boot" which was recently introduced. Boot without any arguments would fail. No longer. Also, boot will only unload/reload if the first argument is a path. If no argument exists or the first argument is a flag, boot will use whatever is already loaded. I hope this is POLA. That behavior is markedly different from that of boot-conf, which will always unload/reload. The semantics introduced here are experimental. Even if the code works, we might decide this is not the prefered behavior. If you feel so, send your feedback. (Yeah, this belongs in a HEADS UP or something, but I've been working for the past 16 hours on this stuff, so gimme a break.)
2000-09-09 04:52:34 +00:00
\ Flags are passed, if provided.
\ The kernel will be loaded from a directory computed from the
\ path given. Two directories will be tried in the following order:
\ 1. /boot/path
\ 2. path
\ The module_path variable is overridden if load is succesful, by
\ prepending the successful path.
: load_from_directory ( path len 1 | flags len' path len 2 -- flag )
local args
2local path
args 1 = if 0 0 then
2local flags
0 0 2local oldmodulepath
0 0 2local newmodulepath
\ Set the environment variable module_path, and try loading
\ the kernel again.
modulepath getenv saveenv to oldmodulepath
\ Try prepending /boot/ first
bootpath nip path nip +
oldmodulepath nip dup -1 = if
1+ +
if ( out of memory )
1 exit
bootpath strcat
path strcat
2dup to newmodulepath
modulepath setenv
\ Try all default kernel names
flags args 1- load_a_kernel
First tackle at trying to handle the New Deal on kernels. Load the first of the following kernels to be found: ${kernel} if ${kernel} is an absolute path /boot/${kernel}/${kernel} /boot/${kernel}/${bootfile} ${kernel}/${kernel} ${kernel}/${bootfile} ${kernel} ${bootfile} The last instance of ${kernel} and ${bootfile} will be treated as a list of semicolon separated file names, and each will be tried in turn, from left to right. Also, for each filename loader(8) will try filename, filename.ko, filename.gz, filename.ko.gz, in that order, but that's not related to this code. This resulted in a major reorganization of the code, and much of what was accumulating on loader.4th was rightly transfered to support.4th. The semantics of boot-conf and boot also changed. Both will try to load a kernel the same as above. After a kernel was loaded, the variable module_path may get changed. Such change will happen if the kernel was found with a directory prefix. In that case, the module path will be set to ${directory};${module_path}. Next, the modules are loaded as usual. This is intended so kernel="xyzzy" in /boot/loader.conf will load /boot/xyzzy/kernel.ko, load system modules from /boot/xyzzy/, and load third party modules from /boot/modules or /modules. If that doesn't work, it's a bug. Also, fix a breakage of "boot" which was recently introduced. Boot without any arguments would fail. No longer. Also, boot will only unload/reload if the first argument is a path. If no argument exists or the first argument is a flag, boot will use whatever is already loaded. I hope this is POLA. That behavior is markedly different from that of boot-conf, which will always unload/reload. The semantics introduced here are experimental. Even if the code works, we might decide this is not the prefered behavior. If you feel so, send your feedback. (Yeah, this belongs in a HEADS UP or something, but I've been working for the past 16 hours on this stuff, so gimme a break.)
2000-09-09 04:52:34 +00:00
0= if ( success )
oldmodulepath nip -1 <> if
newmodulepath s" ;" strcat
oldmodulepath strcat
modulepath setenv
newmodulepath drop free-memory
oldmodulepath drop free-memory
0 exit
\ Well, try without the prepended /boot/
path newmodulepath drop swap move
newmodulepath drop path nip
First tackle at trying to handle the New Deal on kernels. Load the first of the following kernels to be found: ${kernel} if ${kernel} is an absolute path /boot/${kernel}/${kernel} /boot/${kernel}/${bootfile} ${kernel}/${kernel} ${kernel}/${bootfile} ${kernel} ${bootfile} The last instance of ${kernel} and ${bootfile} will be treated as a list of semicolon separated file names, and each will be tried in turn, from left to right. Also, for each filename loader(8) will try filename, filename.ko, filename.gz, filename.ko.gz, in that order, but that's not related to this code. This resulted in a major reorganization of the code, and much of what was accumulating on loader.4th was rightly transfered to support.4th. The semantics of boot-conf and boot also changed. Both will try to load a kernel the same as above. After a kernel was loaded, the variable module_path may get changed. Such change will happen if the kernel was found with a directory prefix. In that case, the module path will be set to ${directory};${module_path}. Next, the modules are loaded as usual. This is intended so kernel="xyzzy" in /boot/loader.conf will load /boot/xyzzy/kernel.ko, load system modules from /boot/xyzzy/, and load third party modules from /boot/modules or /modules. If that doesn't work, it's a bug. Also, fix a breakage of "boot" which was recently introduced. Boot without any arguments would fail. No longer. Also, boot will only unload/reload if the first argument is a path. If no argument exists or the first argument is a flag, boot will use whatever is already loaded. I hope this is POLA. That behavior is markedly different from that of boot-conf, which will always unload/reload. The semantics introduced here are experimental. Even if the code works, we might decide this is not the prefered behavior. If you feel so, send your feedback. (Yeah, this belongs in a HEADS UP or something, but I've been working for the past 16 hours on this stuff, so gimme a break.)
2000-09-09 04:52:34 +00:00
2dup to newmodulepath
modulepath setenv
\ Try all default kernel names
flags args 1- load_a_kernel
First tackle at trying to handle the New Deal on kernels. Load the first of the following kernels to be found: ${kernel} if ${kernel} is an absolute path /boot/${kernel}/${kernel} /boot/${kernel}/${bootfile} ${kernel}/${kernel} ${kernel}/${bootfile} ${kernel} ${bootfile} The last instance of ${kernel} and ${bootfile} will be treated as a list of semicolon separated file names, and each will be tried in turn, from left to right. Also, for each filename loader(8) will try filename, filename.ko, filename.gz, filename.ko.gz, in that order, but that's not related to this code. This resulted in a major reorganization of the code, and much of what was accumulating on loader.4th was rightly transfered to support.4th. The semantics of boot-conf and boot also changed. Both will try to load a kernel the same as above. After a kernel was loaded, the variable module_path may get changed. Such change will happen if the kernel was found with a directory prefix. In that case, the module path will be set to ${directory};${module_path}. Next, the modules are loaded as usual. This is intended so kernel="xyzzy" in /boot/loader.conf will load /boot/xyzzy/kernel.ko, load system modules from /boot/xyzzy/, and load third party modules from /boot/modules or /modules. If that doesn't work, it's a bug. Also, fix a breakage of "boot" which was recently introduced. Boot without any arguments would fail. No longer. Also, boot will only unload/reload if the first argument is a path. If no argument exists or the first argument is a flag, boot will use whatever is already loaded. I hope this is POLA. That behavior is markedly different from that of boot-conf, which will always unload/reload. The semantics introduced here are experimental. Even if the code works, we might decide this is not the prefered behavior. If you feel so, send your feedback. (Yeah, this belongs in a HEADS UP or something, but I've been working for the past 16 hours on this stuff, so gimme a break.)
2000-09-09 04:52:34 +00:00
if ( failed once more )
oldmodulepath restoreenv
newmodulepath drop free-memory
oldmodulepath nip -1 <> if
newmodulepath s" ;" strcat
oldmodulepath strcat
modulepath setenv
newmodulepath drop free-memory
oldmodulepath drop free-memory
\ Try to load a kernel; the kernel name is taken from one of
\ the following lists, as ordered:
\ 1. The "bootfile" environment variable
\ 2. The "kernel" environment variable
First tackle at trying to handle the New Deal on kernels. Load the first of the following kernels to be found: ${kernel} if ${kernel} is an absolute path /boot/${kernel}/${kernel} /boot/${kernel}/${bootfile} ${kernel}/${kernel} ${kernel}/${bootfile} ${kernel} ${bootfile} The last instance of ${kernel} and ${bootfile} will be treated as a list of semicolon separated file names, and each will be tried in turn, from left to right. Also, for each filename loader(8) will try filename, filename.ko, filename.gz, filename.ko.gz, in that order, but that's not related to this code. This resulted in a major reorganization of the code, and much of what was accumulating on loader.4th was rightly transfered to support.4th. The semantics of boot-conf and boot also changed. Both will try to load a kernel the same as above. After a kernel was loaded, the variable module_path may get changed. Such change will happen if the kernel was found with a directory prefix. In that case, the module path will be set to ${directory};${module_path}. Next, the modules are loaded as usual. This is intended so kernel="xyzzy" in /boot/loader.conf will load /boot/xyzzy/kernel.ko, load system modules from /boot/xyzzy/, and load third party modules from /boot/modules or /modules. If that doesn't work, it's a bug. Also, fix a breakage of "boot" which was recently introduced. Boot without any arguments would fail. No longer. Also, boot will only unload/reload if the first argument is a path. If no argument exists or the first argument is a flag, boot will use whatever is already loaded. I hope this is POLA. That behavior is markedly different from that of boot-conf, which will always unload/reload. The semantics introduced here are experimental. Even if the code works, we might decide this is not the prefered behavior. If you feel so, send your feedback. (Yeah, this belongs in a HEADS UP or something, but I've been working for the past 16 hours on this stuff, so gimme a break.)
2000-09-09 04:52:34 +00:00
\ 3. The "path" argument
\ Flags are passed, if provided.
\ The kernel will be loaded from a directory computed from the
\ path given. Two directories will be tried in the following order:
\ 1. /boot/path
\ 2. path
\ Unless "path" is meant to be kernel name itself. In that case, it
\ will first be tried as a full path, and, next, search on the
\ directories pointed by module_path.
\ The module_path variable is overridden if load is succesful, by
\ prepending the successful path.
: load_directory_or_file ( path len 1 | flags len' path len 2 -- flag )
local args
2local path
args 1 = if 0 0 then
2local flags
\ First, assume path is an absolute path to a directory
flags path args clip_args load_from_directory
dup 0= if exit else drop then
\ Next, assume path points to the kernel
flags path args try_multiple_kernels
1999-03-09 14:06:55 +00:00
: initialize ( addr len -- )
strdup conf_files .len ! conf_files .addr !
: kernel_options ( -- addr len 1 | 0 )
First tackle at trying to handle the New Deal on kernels. Load the first of the following kernels to be found: ${kernel} if ${kernel} is an absolute path /boot/${kernel}/${kernel} /boot/${kernel}/${bootfile} ${kernel}/${kernel} ${kernel}/${bootfile} ${kernel} ${bootfile} The last instance of ${kernel} and ${bootfile} will be treated as a list of semicolon separated file names, and each will be tried in turn, from left to right. Also, for each filename loader(8) will try filename, filename.ko, filename.gz, filename.ko.gz, in that order, but that's not related to this code. This resulted in a major reorganization of the code, and much of what was accumulating on loader.4th was rightly transfered to support.4th. The semantics of boot-conf and boot also changed. Both will try to load a kernel the same as above. After a kernel was loaded, the variable module_path may get changed. Such change will happen if the kernel was found with a directory prefix. In that case, the module path will be set to ${directory};${module_path}. Next, the modules are loaded as usual. This is intended so kernel="xyzzy" in /boot/loader.conf will load /boot/xyzzy/kernel.ko, load system modules from /boot/xyzzy/, and load third party modules from /boot/modules or /modules. If that doesn't work, it's a bug. Also, fix a breakage of "boot" which was recently introduced. Boot without any arguments would fail. No longer. Also, boot will only unload/reload if the first argument is a path. If no argument exists or the first argument is a flag, boot will use whatever is already loaded. I hope this is POLA. That behavior is markedly different from that of boot-conf, which will always unload/reload. The semantics introduced here are experimental. Even if the code works, we might decide this is not the prefered behavior. If you feel so, send your feedback. (Yeah, this belongs in a HEADS UP or something, but I've been working for the past 16 hours on this stuff, so gimme a break.)
2000-09-09 04:52:34 +00:00
s" kernel_options" getenv
dup -1 = if drop 0 else 1 then
First tackle at trying to handle the New Deal on kernels. Load the first of the following kernels to be found: ${kernel} if ${kernel} is an absolute path /boot/${kernel}/${kernel} /boot/${kernel}/${bootfile} ${kernel}/${kernel} ${kernel}/${bootfile} ${kernel} ${bootfile} The last instance of ${kernel} and ${bootfile} will be treated as a list of semicolon separated file names, and each will be tried in turn, from left to right. Also, for each filename loader(8) will try filename, filename.ko, filename.gz, filename.ko.gz, in that order, but that's not related to this code. This resulted in a major reorganization of the code, and much of what was accumulating on loader.4th was rightly transfered to support.4th. The semantics of boot-conf and boot also changed. Both will try to load a kernel the same as above. After a kernel was loaded, the variable module_path may get changed. Such change will happen if the kernel was found with a directory prefix. In that case, the module path will be set to ${directory};${module_path}. Next, the modules are loaded as usual. This is intended so kernel="xyzzy" in /boot/loader.conf will load /boot/xyzzy/kernel.ko, load system modules from /boot/xyzzy/, and load third party modules from /boot/modules or /modules. If that doesn't work, it's a bug. Also, fix a breakage of "boot" which was recently introduced. Boot without any arguments would fail. No longer. Also, boot will only unload/reload if the first argument is a path. If no argument exists or the first argument is a flag, boot will use whatever is already loaded. I hope this is POLA. That behavior is markedly different from that of boot-conf, which will always unload/reload. The semantics introduced here are experimental. Even if the code works, we might decide this is not the prefered behavior. If you feel so, send your feedback. (Yeah, this belongs in a HEADS UP or something, but I've been working for the past 16 hours on this stuff, so gimme a break.)
2000-09-09 04:52:34 +00:00
: standard_kernel_search ( flags 1 | 0 -- flag )
local args
args 0= if 0 0 then
2local flags
First tackle at trying to handle the New Deal on kernels. Load the first of the following kernels to be found: ${kernel} if ${kernel} is an absolute path /boot/${kernel}/${kernel} /boot/${kernel}/${bootfile} ${kernel}/${kernel} ${kernel}/${bootfile} ${kernel} ${bootfile} The last instance of ${kernel} and ${bootfile} will be treated as a list of semicolon separated file names, and each will be tried in turn, from left to right. Also, for each filename loader(8) will try filename, filename.ko, filename.gz, filename.ko.gz, in that order, but that's not related to this code. This resulted in a major reorganization of the code, and much of what was accumulating on loader.4th was rightly transfered to support.4th. The semantics of boot-conf and boot also changed. Both will try to load a kernel the same as above. After a kernel was loaded, the variable module_path may get changed. Such change will happen if the kernel was found with a directory prefix. In that case, the module path will be set to ${directory};${module_path}. Next, the modules are loaded as usual. This is intended so kernel="xyzzy" in /boot/loader.conf will load /boot/xyzzy/kernel.ko, load system modules from /boot/xyzzy/, and load third party modules from /boot/modules or /modules. If that doesn't work, it's a bug. Also, fix a breakage of "boot" which was recently introduced. Boot without any arguments would fail. No longer. Also, boot will only unload/reload if the first argument is a path. If no argument exists or the first argument is a flag, boot will use whatever is already loaded. I hope this is POLA. That behavior is markedly different from that of boot-conf, which will always unload/reload. The semantics introduced here are experimental. Even if the code works, we might decide this is not the prefered behavior. If you feel so, send your feedback. (Yeah, this belongs in a HEADS UP or something, but I've been working for the past 16 hours on this stuff, so gimme a break.)
2000-09-09 04:52:34 +00:00
s" kernel" getenv
dup -1 = if 0 swap then
2local path
2000-09-25 11:36:55 +00:00
path nip -1 = if ( there isn't a "kernel" environment variable )
flags args load_a_kernel
flags path args 1+ clip_args load_directory_or_file
1999-03-09 14:06:55 +00:00
First tackle at trying to handle the New Deal on kernels. Load the first of the following kernels to be found: ${kernel} if ${kernel} is an absolute path /boot/${kernel}/${kernel} /boot/${kernel}/${bootfile} ${kernel}/${kernel} ${kernel}/${bootfile} ${kernel} ${bootfile} The last instance of ${kernel} and ${bootfile} will be treated as a list of semicolon separated file names, and each will be tried in turn, from left to right. Also, for each filename loader(8) will try filename, filename.ko, filename.gz, filename.ko.gz, in that order, but that's not related to this code. This resulted in a major reorganization of the code, and much of what was accumulating on loader.4th was rightly transfered to support.4th. The semantics of boot-conf and boot also changed. Both will try to load a kernel the same as above. After a kernel was loaded, the variable module_path may get changed. Such change will happen if the kernel was found with a directory prefix. In that case, the module path will be set to ${directory};${module_path}. Next, the modules are loaded as usual. This is intended so kernel="xyzzy" in /boot/loader.conf will load /boot/xyzzy/kernel.ko, load system modules from /boot/xyzzy/, and load third party modules from /boot/modules or /modules. If that doesn't work, it's a bug. Also, fix a breakage of "boot" which was recently introduced. Boot without any arguments would fail. No longer. Also, boot will only unload/reload if the first argument is a path. If no argument exists or the first argument is a flag, boot will use whatever is already loaded. I hope this is POLA. That behavior is markedly different from that of boot-conf, which will always unload/reload. The semantics introduced here are experimental. Even if the code works, we might decide this is not the prefered behavior. If you feel so, send your feedback. (Yeah, this belongs in a HEADS UP or something, but I've been working for the past 16 hours on this stuff, so gimme a break.)
2000-09-09 04:52:34 +00:00
: load_kernel ( -- ) ( throws: abort )
kernel_options standard_kernel_search
First tackle at trying to handle the New Deal on kernels. Load the first of the following kernels to be found: ${kernel} if ${kernel} is an absolute path /boot/${kernel}/${kernel} /boot/${kernel}/${bootfile} ${kernel}/${kernel} ${kernel}/${bootfile} ${kernel} ${bootfile} The last instance of ${kernel} and ${bootfile} will be treated as a list of semicolon separated file names, and each will be tried in turn, from left to right. Also, for each filename loader(8) will try filename, filename.ko, filename.gz, filename.ko.gz, in that order, but that's not related to this code. This resulted in a major reorganization of the code, and much of what was accumulating on loader.4th was rightly transfered to support.4th. The semantics of boot-conf and boot also changed. Both will try to load a kernel the same as above. After a kernel was loaded, the variable module_path may get changed. Such change will happen if the kernel was found with a directory prefix. In that case, the module path will be set to ${directory};${module_path}. Next, the modules are loaded as usual. This is intended so kernel="xyzzy" in /boot/loader.conf will load /boot/xyzzy/kernel.ko, load system modules from /boot/xyzzy/, and load third party modules from /boot/modules or /modules. If that doesn't work, it's a bug. Also, fix a breakage of "boot" which was recently introduced. Boot without any arguments would fail. No longer. Also, boot will only unload/reload if the first argument is a path. If no argument exists or the first argument is a flag, boot will use whatever is already loaded. I hope this is POLA. That behavior is markedly different from that of boot-conf, which will always unload/reload. The semantics introduced here are experimental. Even if the code works, we might decide this is not the prefered behavior. If you feel so, send your feedback. (Yeah, this belongs in a HEADS UP or something, but I've been working for the past 16 hours on this stuff, so gimme a break.)
2000-09-09 04:52:34 +00:00
abort" Unable to load a kernel!"
: set_defaultoptions ( -- )
s" kernel_options" getenv dup -1 = if
s" temp_options" setenv
: argv[] ( aN uN ... a1 u1 N i -- aN uN ... a1 u1 N ai+1 ui+1 )
2dup = if 0 0 exit then
dup >r
1+ 2* ( skip N and ui )
1+ 2* ( skip N and ai )
: drop_args ( aN uN ... a1 u1 N -- )
0 ?do 2drop loop
: argc
: queue_argv ( aN uN ... a1 u1 N a u -- a u aN uN ... a1 u1 N+1 )
over 2* 1+ -roll
over 2* 1+ -roll
: unqueue_argv ( aN uN ... a1 u1 N -- aN uN ... a2 u2 N-1 a1 u1 )
1- -rot
: strlen(argv)
dup 0= if 0 exit then
0 >r \ Size
0 >r \ Index
argc r@ <>
r@ argv[]
r> r> rot + 1+
>r 1+ >r
r> drop
: concat_argv ( aN uN ... a1 u1 N -- a u )
strlen(argv) allocate if out_of_memory throw then
0 2>r
2r> 2swap
s" " strcat
: set_tempoptions ( addrN lenN ... addr1 len1 N -- addr len 1 | 0 )
\ Save the first argument, if it exists and is not a flag
argc if
0 argv[] drop c@ [char] - <> if
unqueue_argv 2>r \ Filename
1 >r \ Filename present
0 >r \ Filename not present
0 >r \ Filename not present
\ If there are other arguments, assume they are flags
?dup if
2dup s" temp_options" setenv
drop free if free_error throw then
\ Bring back the filename, if one was provided
r> if 2r> 1 else 0 then
: get_arguments ( -- addrN lenN ... addr1 len1 N )
\ Get next word on the command line
?dup while
drop ( empty string )
: load_kernel_and_modules ( args -- flag )
argc >r
s" temp_options" getenv dup -1 <> if
r> if ( a path was passed )
?dup 0= if ['] load_modules catch then
: read-password { size | buf len -- }
size allocate if out_of_memory throw then
to buf
0 to len
dup backspace = if
len if
backspace emit bl emit backspace emit
len 1 - to len
bell emit
dup <cr> = if cr drop buf len exit then
[char] * emit
len size < if
buf len chars + c!
len 1+ to len
1999-03-09 14:06:55 +00:00
\ Go back to straight forth vocabulary
only forth also definitions