
169 lines
4.3 KiB
Raw Normal View History

Input: 1.23
strtodI consumes 4 bytes and returns 17
dd[0] = #3ff3ae14 7ae147ae = 1.23
dd[1] = #3ff3ae14 7ae147af = 1.2300000000000002
Input: 1.23e+20
strtodI consumes 8 bytes and returns 1
dd[0] = #441aabdf 2145b430 = 1.23e+20
dd[1] = #441aabdf 2145b430 = 1.23e+20
Input: 1.23e-20
strtodI consumes 8 bytes and returns 33
dd[0] = #3bcd0ae4 cf767530 = 1.2299999999999999e-20
dd[1] = #3bcd0ae4 cf767531 = 1.23e-20
Input: 1.23456789
strtodI consumes 10 bytes and returns 17
dd[0] = #3ff3c0ca 4283de1b = 1.23456789
dd[1] = #3ff3c0ca 4283de1c = 1.2345678900000001
Input: 1.23456589e+20
strtodI consumes 14 bytes and returns 17
dd[0] = #441ac537 a660b997 = 1.23456589e+20
dd[1] = #441ac537 a660b998 = 123456589000000010000
Input: 1.23e+30
strtodI consumes 8 bytes and returns 17
dd[0] = #462f0cb0 4e8fb790 = 1.23e+30
dd[1] = #462f0cb0 4e8fb791 = 1.2300000000000001e+30
Input: 1.23e-30
strtodI consumes 8 bytes and returns 33
dd[0] = #39b8f286 6f5010aa = 1.2299999999999999e-30
dd[1] = #39b8f286 6f5010ab = 1.23e-30
Input: 1.23456789e-20
strtodI consumes 14 bytes and returns 17
dd[0] = #3bcd2681 471e7ada = 1.23456789e-20
dd[1] = #3bcd2681 471e7adb = 1.2345678900000001e-20
Input: 1.23456789e-30
strtodI consumes 14 bytes and returns 17
dd[0] = #39b90a3e 33bbd995 = 1.23456789e-30
dd[1] = #39b90a3e 33bbd996 = 1.2345678900000002e-30
Input: 1.234567890123456789
strtodI consumes 20 bytes and returns 17
dd[0] = #3ff3c0ca 428c59fb = 1.2345678901234567
dd[1] = #3ff3c0ca 428c59fc = 1.234567890123457
Input: 1.23456789012345678901234567890123456789
strtodI consumes 40 bytes and returns 17
dd[0] = #3ff3c0ca 428c59fb = 1.2345678901234567
dd[1] = #3ff3c0ca 428c59fc = 1.234567890123457
Input: 1.23e306
strtodI consumes 8 bytes and returns 33
dd[0] = #7f7c0676 cd1c61f4 = 1.2299999999999999e+306
dd[1] = #7f7c0676 cd1c61f5 = 1.23e+306
Input: 1.23e-306
strtodI consumes 9 bytes and returns 33
dd[0] = #6ba3b8 5da396e7 = 1.2299999999999999e-306
dd[1] = #6ba3b8 5da396e8 = 1.23e-306
Input: 1.23e-320
strtodI consumes 9 bytes and returns 98
dd[0] = #0 9b9 = 1.2297e-320
dd[1] = #0 9ba = 1.23e-320
Input: 1.23e-20
strtodI consumes 8 bytes and returns 33
dd[0] = #3bcd0ae4 cf767530 = 1.2299999999999999e-20
dd[1] = #3bcd0ae4 cf767531 = 1.23e-20
Input: 1.23456789e307
strtodI consumes 14 bytes and returns 33
dd[0] = #7fb194b1 4bdaecdb = 1.2345678899999998e+307
dd[1] = #7fb194b1 4bdaecdc = 1.23456789e+307
Input: 1.23456589e-307
strtodI consumes 15 bytes and returns 17
dd[0] = #363196 bb9845fa = 1.23456589e-307
dd[1] = #363196 bb9845fb = 1.2345658900000001e-307
Input: 1.234567890123456789
strtodI consumes 20 bytes and returns 17
dd[0] = #3ff3c0ca 428c59fb = 1.2345678901234567
dd[1] = #3ff3c0ca 428c59fc = 1.234567890123457
Input: 1.234567890123456789e301
strtodI consumes 24 bytes and returns 17
dd[0] = #7e726f51 75f56413 = 1.2345678901234568e+301
dd[1] = #7e726f51 75f56414 = 1.234567890123457e+301
Input: 1.234567890123456789e-301
strtodI consumes 25 bytes and returns 17
dd[0] = #1752a64 e34ba0d3 = 1.2345678901234567e-301
dd[1] = #1752a64 e34ba0d4 = 1.234567890123457e-301
Input: 1.234567890123456789e-321
strtodI consumes 25 bytes and returns 98
dd[0] = #0 f9 = 1.23e-321
dd[1] = #0 fa = 1.235e-321
Input: 1e23
strtodI consumes 4 bytes and returns 17
dd[0] = #44b52d02 c7e14af6 = 1e+23
dd[1] = #44b52d02 c7e14af7 = 1.0000000000000001e+23
Input: 1e310
strtodI consumes 5 bytes and returns 163
dd[0] = #7fefffff ffffffff = 1.7976931348623157e+308
dd[1] = #7ff00000 0 = Infinity
Input: 9.0259718793241475e-277
strtodI consumes 23 bytes and returns 33
dd[0] = #69fffff ffffffff = 9.025971879324147e-277
dd[1] = #6a00000 0 = 9.025971879324148e-277
Input: 9.025971879324147880346310405869e-277
strtodI consumes 37 bytes and returns 17
dd[0] = #6a00000 0 = 9.025971879324148e-277
dd[1] = #6a00000 1 = 9.02597187932415e-277
Input: 9.025971879324147880346310405868e-277
strtodI consumes 37 bytes and returns 33
dd[0] = #69fffff ffffffff = 9.025971879324147e-277
dd[1] = #6a00000 0 = 9.025971879324148e-277
Input: 2.2250738585072014e-308
strtodI consumes 23 bytes and returns 17
dd[0] = #100000 0 = 2.2250738585072014e-308
dd[1] = #100000 1 = 2.225073858507202e-308
Input: 2.2250738585072013e-308
strtodI consumes 23 bytes and returns 33
dd[0] = #fffff ffffffff = 2.225073858507201e-308
dd[1] = #100000 0 = 2.2250738585072014e-308