Delete parts of gdb which are now shared with binutils.

This commit is contained in:
Doug Rabson 1999-05-02 15:34:14 +00:00
parent ce1bf9a557
commit 230ee8ad3f
Notes: svn2git 2020-12-20 02:59:44 +00:00
svn path=/head/; revision=46317
300 changed files with 0 additions and 105553 deletions

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@ -1,339 +0,0 @@
Version 2, June 1991
Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA
Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public
License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free
software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This
General Public License applies to most of the Free Software
Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to
using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by
the GNU Library General Public License instead.) You can apply it to
your programs, too.
When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it
if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it
in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things.
To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights.
These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you
distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it.
For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that
you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the
source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their
We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and
(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy,
distribute and/or modify the software.
Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain
that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free
software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we
want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so
that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original
authors' reputations.
Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software
patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free
program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the
program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any
patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all.
The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
modification follow.
0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains
a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed
under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below,
refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program"
means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law:
that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it,
either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another
language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in
the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you".
Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of
running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program
is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the
Program (independent of having been made by running the Program).
Whether that is true depends on what the Program does.
1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's
source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you
conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate
copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the
notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty;
and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License
along with the Program.
You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and
you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee.
2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion
of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and
distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices
stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in
whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any
part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third
parties under the terms of this License.
c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively
when run, you must cause it, when started running for such
interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an
announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a
notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide
a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under
these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this
License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but
does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on
the Program is not required to print an announcement.)
These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If
identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program,
and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you
distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it.
Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
collective works based on the Program.
In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program
with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of
a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
the scope of this License.
3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it,
under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of
Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:
a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable
source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections
1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or,
b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three
years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your
cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete
machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be
distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium
customarily used for software interchange; or,
c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer
to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is
allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you
received the program in object code or executable form with such
an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.)
The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for
making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source
code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any
associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to
control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a
special exception, the source code distributed need not include
anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary
form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the
operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component
itself accompanies the executable.
If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering
access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent
access to copy the source code from the same place counts as
distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not
compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program
except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt
otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is
void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License.
However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under
this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such
parties remain in full compliance.
5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are
prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by
modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the
Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
the Program or works based on it.
6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the
Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to
these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further
restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to
this License.
7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot
distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent
license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by
all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
refrain entirely from distribution of the Program.
If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under
any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to
apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other
It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
integrity of the free software distribution system, which is
implemented by public license practices. Many people have made
generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
impose that choice.
This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
be a consequence of the rest of this License.
8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in
certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
original copyright holder who places the Program under this License
may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding
those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among
countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates
the limitation as if written in the body of this License.
9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will
be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
address new problems or concerns.
Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program
specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any
later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions
either of that version or of any later version published by the Free
Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of
this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software
10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free
programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author
to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free
Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes
make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals
of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and
of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally.
Appendix: How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.
To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest
to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
<one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
Copyright (C) 19yy <name of author>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this
when it starts in an interactive mode:
Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) 19yy name of author
Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate
parts of the General Public License. Of course, the commands you use may
be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be
mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program.
You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your
school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if
necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names:
Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program
`Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker.
<signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1989
Ty Coon, President of Vice
This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into
proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you may
consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the
library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Library General
Public License instead of this License.

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

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@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
Preliminary Notes on Porting BFD
The 'host' is the system a tool runs *on*.
The 'target' is the system a tool runs *for*, i.e.
a tool can read/write the binaries of the target.
Porting to a new host
Pick a name for your host. Call that <host>.
(<host> might be sun4, ...)
Create a file hosts/<host>.mh.
Porting to a new target
Pick a name for your target. Call that <target>.
Call the name for your CPU architecture <cpu>.
You need to create <target>.c and config/<target>.mt,
and add a case for it to a case statements in bfd/ and
bfd/config.bfd, which associates each canonical host type with a BFD
host type (used as the base of the makefile fragment names), and to the
table in bfd/ which associates each target vector with
the .o files it uses.
config/<target>.mt is a Makefile fragment.
The following is usually enough:
See the list of cpu types in archures.c, or "ls cpu-*.c".
If your architecture is new, you need to add it to the tables
in bfd/archures.c, opcodes/, and binutils/objdump.c.
For more information about .mt and .mh files, see config/README.
The file <target>.c is the hard part. It implements the
bfd_target <target>_vec, which includes pointers to
functions that do the actual <target>-specific methods.
Porting to a <target> that uses the a.out binary format
In this case, the include file aout-target.h probaby does most
of what you need. The program gen-aout generates <target>.c for
you automatically for many a.out systems. Do:
make gen-aout
./gen-aout <target> > <target>.c
(This only works if you are building on the target ("native").
If you must make a cross-port from scratch, copy the most
similar existing file that includes aout-target.h, and fix what is wrong.)
Check the parameters in <target>.c, and fix anything that is wrong.
(Also let us know about it; perhaps we can improve gen-aout.c.)
Should be defined if <target> is big-endian.
See discussion in ../include/aout/aout64.h.
Number of bytes per word. (Usually 4 but can be 8.)
Number of bits per word. (Usually 32, but can be 64.)
Define if the extry point (start address of an
executable program) can be 0x0.
The address of the start of the text segemnt in
virtual memory. Normally, the same as the entry point.
Usually, the same as the TARGET_PAGE_SIZE.
Alignment needed for the data segment.
The name of the target, for run-time lookups.
Usually "a.out-<target>"

View File

@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
Things that still need to be done: -*- Text -*-
o - A source of space lossage is that all the target-dependent code
is in a single bfd_target structure. Hence all the code for
*writing* object files is still pulled into all the applications
that only care about *reading* (gdb, nm, objdump), while gas has
to carry along all the unneded baggage for reading objects. And
so on. This would be a substantial change, and the payoff would
not all that great (essentially none if bfd is used as a shared
o - The storage needed by BFD data structures is also larger than strictly
needed. This may be difficult to do much about.
o - implement bfd_abort, which should close the bfd but not alter the
o - update the bfd doc; write a how-to-write-a-backend doc, take out
the stupid quips and fill in all the blanks.
o - upgrade the reloc handling as per Steve's suggestion.

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@ -1 +0,0 @@

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@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
dnl See whether we need to use fopen-bin.h rather than fopen-same.h.
case "${host}" in
i[345]86-*-msdos* | i[345]86-*-go32* | *-*-cygwin32)
dnl Get a default for CC_FOR_BUILD to put into Makefile.
[# Put a plausible default for CC_FOR_BUILD in Makefile.
if test -z "$CC_FOR_BUILD"; then
if test "x$cross_compiling" = "xno"; then
dnl See whether we need a declaration for a function.
[AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether $1 must be declared])
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
[char *(*pfn) = (char *(*)) $1],
bfd_cv_decl_needed_$1=no, bfd_cv_decl_needed_$1=yes)])
if test $bfd_cv_decl_needed_$1 = yes; then
bfd_tr_decl=NEED_DECLARATION_`echo $1 | tr 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'`

View File

@ -1,607 +0,0 @@
/* Define a target vector and some small routines for a variant of a.out.
Copyright (C) 1990, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 1996 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
#include "aout/aout64.h"
#include "aout/stab_gnu.h"
#include "aout/ar.h"
/*#include "libaout.h"*/
extern reloc_howto_type * NAME(aout,reloc_type_lookup) ();
/* Set parameters about this a.out file that are machine-dependent.
This routine is called from some_aout_object_p just before it returns. */
#ifndef MY_callback
static const bfd_target *
MY(callback) (abfd)
bfd *abfd;
struct internal_exec *execp = exec_hdr (abfd);
unsigned int arch_align_power;
unsigned long arch_align;
/* Calculate the file positions of the parts of a newly read aout header */
obj_textsec (abfd)->_raw_size = N_TXTSIZE(*execp);
/* The virtual memory addresses of the sections */
obj_textsec (abfd)->vma = N_TXTADDR(*execp);
obj_datasec (abfd)->vma = N_DATADDR(*execp);
obj_bsssec (abfd)->vma = N_BSSADDR(*execp);
obj_textsec (abfd)->lma = obj_textsec (abfd)->vma;
obj_datasec (abfd)->lma = obj_datasec (abfd)->vma;
obj_bsssec (abfd)->lma = obj_bsssec (abfd)->vma;
/* The file offsets of the sections */
obj_textsec (abfd)->filepos = N_TXTOFF (*execp);
obj_datasec (abfd)->filepos = N_DATOFF (*execp);
/* The file offsets of the relocation info */
obj_textsec (abfd)->rel_filepos = N_TRELOFF(*execp);
obj_datasec (abfd)->rel_filepos = N_DRELOFF(*execp);
/* The file offsets of the string table and symbol table. */
obj_sym_filepos (abfd) = N_SYMOFF (*execp);
obj_str_filepos (abfd) = N_STROFF (*execp);
/* Determine the architecture and machine type of the object file. */
SET_ARCH_MACH(abfd, *execp);
bfd_default_set_arch_mach(abfd, DEFAULT_ARCH, 0);
/* Now that we know the architecture, set the alignments of the
sections. This is normally done by NAME(aout,new_section_hook),
but when the initial sections were created the architecture had
not yet been set. However, for backward compatibility, we don't
set the alignment power any higher than as required by the size
of the section. */
arch_align_power = bfd_get_arch_info (abfd)->section_align_power;
arch_align = 1 << arch_align_power;
if ((BFD_ALIGN (obj_textsec (abfd)->_raw_size, arch_align)
== obj_textsec (abfd)->_raw_size)
&& (BFD_ALIGN (obj_datasec (abfd)->_raw_size, arch_align)
== obj_datasec (abfd)->_raw_size)
&& (BFD_ALIGN (obj_bsssec (abfd)->_raw_size, arch_align)
== obj_bsssec (abfd)->_raw_size))
obj_textsec (abfd)->alignment_power = arch_align_power;
obj_datasec (abfd)->alignment_power = arch_align_power;
obj_bsssec (abfd)->alignment_power = arch_align_power;
/* Don't set sizes now -- can't be sure until we know arch & mach.
Sizes get set in set_sizes callback, later. */
#if 0
adata(abfd).page_size = TARGET_PAGE_SIZE;
adata(abfd).segment_size = SEGMENT_SIZE;
adata(abfd).segment_size = TARGET_PAGE_SIZE;
adata(abfd).exec_bytes_size = EXEC_BYTES_SIZE;
return abfd->xvec;
#ifndef MY_object_p
/* Finish up the reading of an a.out file header */
static const bfd_target *
MY(object_p) (abfd)
bfd *abfd;
struct external_exec exec_bytes; /* Raw exec header from file */
struct internal_exec exec; /* Cleaned-up exec header */
const bfd_target *target;
if (bfd_read ((PTR) &exec_bytes, 1, EXEC_BYTES_SIZE, abfd)
if (bfd_get_error () != bfd_error_system_call)
bfd_set_error (bfd_error_wrong_format);
return 0;
exec.a_info = SWAP_MAGIC (exec_bytes.e_info);
exec.a_info = bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, exec_bytes.e_info);
#endif /* SWAP_MAGIC */
if (N_BADMAG (exec)) return 0;
if (!(MACHTYPE_OK (N_MACHTYPE (exec)))) return 0;
NAME(aout,swap_exec_header_in)(abfd, &exec_bytes, &exec);
/* swap_exec_header_in read in a_info with the wrong byte order */
exec.a_info = SWAP_MAGIC (exec_bytes.e_info);
#endif /* SWAP_MAGIC */
target = NAME(aout,some_aout_object_p) (abfd, &exec, MY(callback));
/* The NEWSOS3 entry-point is/was 0, which (amongst other lossage)
* means that it isn't obvious if EXEC_P should be set.
* All of the following must be true for an executable:
* There must be no relocations, the bfd can be neither an
* archive nor an archive element, and the file must be executable. */
if (exec.a_trsize + exec.a_drsize == 0
&& bfd_get_format(abfd) == bfd_object && abfd->my_archive == NULL)
struct stat buf;
#ifndef S_IXUSR
#define S_IXUSR 0100 /* Execute by owner. */
if (stat(abfd->filename, &buf) == 0 && (buf.st_mode & S_IXUSR))
abfd->flags |= EXEC_P;
#endif /* ENTRY_CAN_BE_ZERO */
return target;
#define MY_object_p MY(object_p)
#ifndef MY_mkobject
static boolean
MY(mkobject) (abfd)
bfd *abfd;
if (NAME(aout,mkobject)(abfd) == false)
return false;
#if 0 /* Sizes get set in set_sizes callback, later, after we know
the architecture and machine. */
adata(abfd).page_size = TARGET_PAGE_SIZE;
adata(abfd).segment_size = SEGMENT_SIZE;
adata(abfd).segment_size = TARGET_PAGE_SIZE;
adata(abfd).exec_bytes_size = EXEC_BYTES_SIZE;
return true;
#define MY_mkobject MY(mkobject)
#ifndef MY_bfd_copy_private_section_data
/* Copy private section data. This actually does nothing with the
sections. It copies the subformat field. We copy it here, because
we need to know whether this is a QMAGIC file before we set the
section contents, and copy_private_bfd_data is not called until
after the section contents have been set. */
static boolean
MY_bfd_copy_private_section_data (ibfd, isec, obfd, osec)
bfd *ibfd;
asection *isec;
bfd *obfd;
asection *osec;
if (bfd_get_flavour (obfd) == bfd_target_aout_flavour)
obj_aout_subformat (obfd) = obj_aout_subformat (ibfd);
return true;
/* Write an object file.
Section contents have already been written. We write the
file header, symbols, and relocation. */
#ifndef MY_write_object_contents
static boolean
MY(write_object_contents) (abfd)
bfd *abfd;
struct external_exec exec_bytes;
struct internal_exec *execp = exec_hdr (abfd);
obj_reloc_entry_size (abfd) = RELOC_STD_SIZE;
WRITE_HEADERS(abfd, execp);
return true;
#define MY_write_object_contents MY(write_object_contents)
#ifndef MY_set_sizes
static boolean
MY(set_sizes) (abfd)
bfd *abfd;
adata(abfd).page_size = TARGET_PAGE_SIZE;
adata(abfd).segment_size = SEGMENT_SIZE;
adata(abfd).segment_size = TARGET_PAGE_SIZE;
adata(abfd).zmagic_disk_block_size = ZMAGIC_DISK_BLOCK_SIZE;
adata(abfd).zmagic_disk_block_size = TARGET_PAGE_SIZE;
adata(abfd).exec_bytes_size = EXEC_BYTES_SIZE;
return true;
#define MY_set_sizes MY(set_sizes)
#ifndef MY_exec_hdr_flags
#define MY_exec_hdr_flags 0
#ifndef MY_backend_data
#ifndef MY_zmagic_contiguous
#define MY_zmagic_contiguous 0
#ifndef MY_text_includes_header
#define MY_text_includes_header 0
#ifndef MY_exec_header_not_counted
#define MY_exec_header_not_counted 0
#ifndef MY_add_dynamic_symbols
#define MY_add_dynamic_symbols 0
#ifndef MY_add_one_symbol
#define MY_add_one_symbol 0
#ifndef MY_link_dynamic_object
#define MY_link_dynamic_object 0
#ifndef MY_write_dynamic_symbol
#define MY_write_dynamic_symbol 0
#ifndef MY_check_dynamic_reloc
#define MY_check_dynamic_reloc 0
#ifndef MY_finish_dynamic_link
#define MY_finish_dynamic_link 0
static CONST struct aout_backend_data MY(backend_data) = {
0, /* text vma? */
#define MY_backend_data &MY(backend_data)
#ifndef MY_final_link_callback
/* Callback for the final_link routine to set the section offsets. */
static void MY_final_link_callback
PARAMS ((bfd *, file_ptr *, file_ptr *, file_ptr *));
static void
MY_final_link_callback (abfd, ptreloff, pdreloff, psymoff)
bfd *abfd;
file_ptr *ptreloff;
file_ptr *pdreloff;
file_ptr *psymoff;
struct internal_exec *execp = exec_hdr (abfd);
*ptreloff = N_TRELOFF (*execp);
*pdreloff = N_DRELOFF (*execp);
*psymoff = N_SYMOFF (*execp);
#ifndef MY_bfd_final_link
/* Final link routine. We need to use a call back to get the correct
offsets in the output file. */
static boolean
MY_bfd_final_link (abfd, info)
bfd *abfd;
struct bfd_link_info *info;
return NAME(aout,final_link) (abfd, info, MY_final_link_callback);
/* We assume BFD generic archive files. */
#ifndef MY_openr_next_archived_file
#define MY_openr_next_archived_file bfd_generic_openr_next_archived_file
#ifndef MY_get_elt_at_index
#define MY_get_elt_at_index _bfd_generic_get_elt_at_index
#ifndef MY_generic_stat_arch_elt
#define MY_generic_stat_arch_elt bfd_generic_stat_arch_elt
#ifndef MY_slurp_armap
#define MY_slurp_armap bfd_slurp_bsd_armap
#ifndef MY_slurp_extended_name_table
#define MY_slurp_extended_name_table _bfd_slurp_extended_name_table
#ifndef MY_construct_extended_name_table
#define MY_construct_extended_name_table \
#ifndef MY_write_armap
#define MY_write_armap bsd_write_armap
#ifndef MY_read_ar_hdr
#define MY_read_ar_hdr _bfd_generic_read_ar_hdr
#ifndef MY_truncate_arname
#define MY_truncate_arname bfd_bsd_truncate_arname
#ifndef MY_update_armap_timestamp
#define MY_update_armap_timestamp _bfd_archive_bsd_update_armap_timestamp
/* No core file defined here -- configure in trad-core.c separately. */
#ifndef MY_core_file_failing_command
#define MY_core_file_failing_command _bfd_nocore_core_file_failing_command
#ifndef MY_core_file_failing_signal
#define MY_core_file_failing_signal _bfd_nocore_core_file_failing_signal
#ifndef MY_core_file_matches_executable_p
#define MY_core_file_matches_executable_p \
#ifndef MY_core_file_p
#define MY_core_file_p _bfd_dummy_target
#ifndef MY_bfd_debug_info_start
#define MY_bfd_debug_info_start bfd_void
#ifndef MY_bfd_debug_info_end
#define MY_bfd_debug_info_end bfd_void
#ifndef MY_bfd_debug_info_accumulate
#define MY_bfd_debug_info_accumulate \
(void (*) PARAMS ((bfd*, struct sec *))) bfd_void
#ifndef MY_core_file_failing_command
#define MY_core_file_failing_command NAME(aout,core_file_failing_command)
#ifndef MY_core_file_failing_signal
#define MY_core_file_failing_signal NAME(aout,core_file_failing_signal)
#ifndef MY_core_file_matches_executable_p
#define MY_core_file_matches_executable_p NAME(aout,core_file_matches_executable_p)
#ifndef MY_set_section_contents
#define MY_set_section_contents NAME(aout,set_section_contents)
#ifndef MY_get_section_contents
#define MY_get_section_contents NAME(aout,get_section_contents)
#ifndef MY_get_section_contents_in_window
#define MY_get_section_contents_in_window _bfd_generic_get_section_contents_in_window
#ifndef MY_new_section_hook
#define MY_new_section_hook NAME(aout,new_section_hook)
#ifndef MY_get_symtab_upper_bound
#define MY_get_symtab_upper_bound NAME(aout,get_symtab_upper_bound)
#ifndef MY_get_symtab
#define MY_get_symtab NAME(aout,get_symtab)
#ifndef MY_get_reloc_upper_bound
#define MY_get_reloc_upper_bound NAME(aout,get_reloc_upper_bound)
#ifndef MY_canonicalize_reloc
#define MY_canonicalize_reloc NAME(aout,canonicalize_reloc)
#ifndef MY_make_empty_symbol
#define MY_make_empty_symbol NAME(aout,make_empty_symbol)
#ifndef MY_print_symbol
#define MY_print_symbol NAME(aout,print_symbol)
#ifndef MY_get_symbol_info
#define MY_get_symbol_info NAME(aout,get_symbol_info)
#ifndef MY_get_lineno
#define MY_get_lineno NAME(aout,get_lineno)
#ifndef MY_set_arch_mach
#define MY_set_arch_mach NAME(aout,set_arch_mach)
#ifndef MY_find_nearest_line
#define MY_find_nearest_line NAME(aout,find_nearest_line)
#ifndef MY_sizeof_headers
#define MY_sizeof_headers NAME(aout,sizeof_headers)
#ifndef MY_bfd_get_relocated_section_contents
#define MY_bfd_get_relocated_section_contents \
#ifndef MY_bfd_relax_section
#define MY_bfd_relax_section bfd_generic_relax_section
#ifndef MY_bfd_reloc_type_lookup
#define MY_bfd_reloc_type_lookup NAME(aout,reloc_type_lookup)
#ifndef MY_bfd_make_debug_symbol
#define MY_bfd_make_debug_symbol 0
#ifndef MY_read_minisymbols
#define MY_read_minisymbols NAME(aout,read_minisymbols)
#ifndef MY_minisymbol_to_symbol
#define MY_minisymbol_to_symbol NAME(aout,minisymbol_to_symbol)
#ifndef MY_bfd_link_hash_table_create
#define MY_bfd_link_hash_table_create NAME(aout,link_hash_table_create)
#ifndef MY_bfd_link_add_symbols
#define MY_bfd_link_add_symbols NAME(aout,link_add_symbols)
#ifndef MY_bfd_link_split_section
#define MY_bfd_link_split_section _bfd_generic_link_split_section
#ifndef MY_bfd_copy_private_bfd_data
#define MY_bfd_copy_private_bfd_data _bfd_generic_bfd_copy_private_bfd_data
#ifndef MY_bfd_merge_private_bfd_data
#define MY_bfd_merge_private_bfd_data _bfd_generic_bfd_merge_private_bfd_data
#ifndef MY_bfd_copy_private_symbol_data
#define MY_bfd_copy_private_symbol_data _bfd_generic_bfd_copy_private_symbol_data
#ifndef MY_bfd_print_private_bfd_data
#define MY_bfd_print_private_bfd_data _bfd_generic_bfd_print_private_bfd_data
#ifndef MY_bfd_set_private_flags
#define MY_bfd_set_private_flags _bfd_generic_bfd_set_private_flags
#ifndef MY_bfd_is_local_label
#define MY_bfd_is_local_label bfd_generic_is_local_label
#ifndef MY_bfd_free_cached_info
#define MY_bfd_free_cached_info NAME(aout,bfd_free_cached_info)
#ifndef MY_close_and_cleanup
#define MY_close_and_cleanup MY_bfd_free_cached_info
#ifndef MY_get_dynamic_symtab_upper_bound
#define MY_get_dynamic_symtab_upper_bound \
#ifndef MY_canonicalize_dynamic_symtab
#define MY_canonicalize_dynamic_symtab \
#ifndef MY_get_dynamic_reloc_upper_bound
#define MY_get_dynamic_reloc_upper_bound \
#ifndef MY_canonicalize_dynamic_reloc
#define MY_canonicalize_dynamic_reloc \
/* Aout symbols normally have leading underscores */
#ifndef MY_symbol_leading_char
#define MY_symbol_leading_char '_'
/* Aout archives normally use spaces for padding */
#ifndef AR_PAD_CHAR
#define AR_PAD_CHAR ' '
const bfd_target MY(vec) =
TARGETNAME, /* name */
BFD_ENDIAN_BIG, /* target byte order (big) */
BFD_ENDIAN_BIG, /* target headers byte order (big) */
BFD_ENDIAN_LITTLE, /* target byte order (little) */
BFD_ENDIAN_LITTLE, /* target headers byte order (little) */
(HAS_RELOC | EXEC_P | /* object flags */
(SEC_HAS_CONTENTS | SEC_ALLOC | SEC_LOAD | SEC_RELOC), /* section flags */
AR_PAD_CHAR, /* ar_pad_char */
15, /* ar_max_namelen */
bfd_getb64, bfd_getb_signed_64, bfd_putb64,
bfd_getb32, bfd_getb_signed_32, bfd_putb32,
bfd_getb16, bfd_getb_signed_16, bfd_putb16, /* data */
bfd_getb64, bfd_getb_signed_64, bfd_putb64,
bfd_getb32, bfd_getb_signed_32, bfd_putb32,
bfd_getb16, bfd_getb_signed_16, bfd_putb16, /* hdrs */
bfd_getl64, bfd_getl_signed_64, bfd_putl64,
bfd_getl32, bfd_getl_signed_32, bfd_putl32,
bfd_getl16, bfd_getl_signed_16, bfd_putl16, /* data */
bfd_getl64, bfd_getl_signed_64, bfd_putl64,
bfd_getl32, bfd_getl_signed_32, bfd_putl32,
bfd_getl16, bfd_getl_signed_16, bfd_putl16, /* hdrs */
{_bfd_dummy_target, MY_object_p, /* bfd_check_format */
bfd_generic_archive_p, MY_core_file_p},
{bfd_false, MY_mkobject, /* bfd_set_format */
_bfd_generic_mkarchive, bfd_false},
{bfd_false, MY_write_object_contents, /* bfd_write_contents */
_bfd_write_archive_contents, bfd_false},
(PTR) MY_backend_data,
#endif /* MY_BFD_TARGET */

View File

@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
/* BFD back-end for 32-bit a.out files.
Copyright (C) 1990, 91, 92, 93, 94 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
Written by Cygnus Support.
This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
#define ARCH_SIZE 32
#include "aoutx.h"

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -1,720 +0,0 @@
/* BFD library support routines for architectures.
Copyright (C) 1990, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 1996 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
Hacked by John Gilmore and Steve Chamberlain of Cygnus Support.
This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
#include "bfd.h"
#include "sysdep.h"
#include "libbfd.h"
#include <ctype.h>
BFD keeps one atom in a BFD describing the
architecture of the data attached to the BFD: a pointer to a
Pointers to structures can be requested independently of a BFD
so that an architecture's information can be interrogated
without access to an open BFD.
The architecture information is provided by each architecture package.
The set of default architectures is selected by the macro
<<SELECT_ARCHITECTURES>>. This is normally set up in the
@file{config/@var{target}.mt} file of your choice. If the name is not
defined, then all the architectures supported are included.
When BFD starts up, all the architectures are called with an
initialize method. It is up to the architecture back end to
insert as many items into the list of architectures as it wants to;
generally this would be one for each machine and one for the
default case (an item with a machine field of 0).
BFD's idea of an architecture is implemented in @file{archures.c}.
This enum gives the object file's CPU architecture, in a
global sense---i.e., what processor family does it belong to?
Another field indicates which processor within
the family is in use. The machine gives a number which
distinguishes different versions of the architecture,
containing, for example, 2 and 3 for Intel i960 KA and i960 KB,
and 68020 and 68030 for Motorola 68020 and 68030.
.enum bfd_architecture
. bfd_arch_unknown, {* File arch not known *}
. bfd_arch_obscure, {* Arch known, not one of these *}
. bfd_arch_m68k, {* Motorola 68xxx *}
. bfd_arch_vax, {* DEC Vax *}
. bfd_arch_i960, {* Intel 960 *}
. {* The order of the following is important.
. lower number indicates a machine type that
. only accepts a subset of the instructions
. available to machines with higher numbers.
. The exception is the "ca", which is
. incompatible with all other machines except
. "core". *}
.#define bfd_mach_i960_core 1
.#define bfd_mach_i960_ka_sa 2
.#define bfd_mach_i960_kb_sb 3
.#define bfd_mach_i960_mc 4
.#define bfd_mach_i960_xa 5
.#define bfd_mach_i960_ca 6
.#define bfd_mach_i960_jx 7
.#define bfd_mach_i960_hx 8
. bfd_arch_a29k, {* AMD 29000 *}
. bfd_arch_sparc, {* SPARC *}
.#define bfd_mach_sparc 1
.{* The difference between v8plus and v9 is that v9 is a true 64 bit env. *}
.#define bfd_mach_sparc_v8plus 2
.#define bfd_mach_sparc_v8plusa 3 {* with ultrasparc add'ns *}
.#define bfd_mach_sparc_v9 4
.#define bfd_mach_sparc_v9a 5 {* with ultrasparc add'ns *}
.{* Nonzero if MACH has the v9 instruction set. *}
.#define bfd_mach_sparc_v9_p(mach) ((mach) != bfd_mach_sparc)
. bfd_arch_mips, {* MIPS Rxxxx *}
. bfd_arch_i386, {* Intel 386 *}
. bfd_arch_we32k, {* AT&T WE32xxx *}
. bfd_arch_tahoe, {* CCI/Harris Tahoe *}
. bfd_arch_i860, {* Intel 860 *}
. bfd_arch_romp, {* IBM ROMP PC/RT *}
. bfd_arch_alliant, {* Alliant *}
. bfd_arch_convex, {* Convex *}
. bfd_arch_m88k, {* Motorola 88xxx *}
. bfd_arch_pyramid, {* Pyramid Technology *}
. bfd_arch_h8300, {* Hitachi H8/300 *}
.#define bfd_mach_h8300 1
.#define bfd_mach_h8300h 2
. bfd_arch_powerpc, {* PowerPC *}
. bfd_arch_rs6000, {* IBM RS/6000 *}
. bfd_arch_hppa, {* HP PA RISC *}
. bfd_arch_z8k, {* Zilog Z8000 *}
.#define bfd_mach_z8001 1
.#define bfd_mach_z8002 2
. bfd_arch_h8500, {* Hitachi H8/500 *}
. bfd_arch_sh, {* Hitachi SH *}
. bfd_arch_alpha, {* Dec Alpha *}
. bfd_arch_arm, {* Advanced Risc Machines ARM *}
. bfd_arch_ns32k, {* National Semiconductors ns32000 *}
. bfd_arch_w65, {* WDC 65816 *}
. bfd_arch_last
. };
This structure contains information on architectures for use
within BFD.
.typedef struct bfd_arch_info
. int bits_per_word;
. int bits_per_address;
. int bits_per_byte;
. enum bfd_architecture arch;
. unsigned long mach;
. const char *arch_name;
. const char *printable_name;
. unsigned int section_align_power;
. {* true if this is the default machine for the architecture *}
. boolean the_default;
. const struct bfd_arch_info * (*compatible)
. PARAMS ((const struct bfd_arch_info *a,
. const struct bfd_arch_info *b));
. boolean (*scan) PARAMS ((const struct bfd_arch_info *, const char *));
. const struct bfd_arch_info *next;
.} bfd_arch_info_type;
extern const bfd_arch_info_type bfd_a29k_arch;
extern const bfd_arch_info_type bfd_alpha_arch;
extern const bfd_arch_info_type bfd_arm_arch;
extern const bfd_arch_info_type bfd_h8300_arch;
extern const bfd_arch_info_type bfd_h8500_arch;
extern const bfd_arch_info_type bfd_hppa_arch;
extern const bfd_arch_info_type bfd_i386_arch;
extern const bfd_arch_info_type bfd_i860_arch;
extern const bfd_arch_info_type bfd_i960_arch;
extern const bfd_arch_info_type bfd_m68k_arch;
extern const bfd_arch_info_type bfd_m88k_arch;
extern const bfd_arch_info_type bfd_mips_arch;
extern const bfd_arch_info_type bfd_powerpc_arch;
extern const bfd_arch_info_type bfd_rs6000_arch;
extern const bfd_arch_info_type bfd_sh_arch;
extern const bfd_arch_info_type bfd_sparc_arch;
extern const bfd_arch_info_type bfd_vax_arch;
extern const bfd_arch_info_type bfd_we32k_arch;
extern const bfd_arch_info_type bfd_z8k_arch;
extern const bfd_arch_info_type bfd_ns32k_arch;
extern const bfd_arch_info_type bfd_w65_arch;
static const bfd_arch_info_type * const bfd_archures_list[] =
const char *bfd_printable_name(bfd *abfd);
Return a printable string representing the architecture and machine
from the pointer to the architecture info structure.
const char *
bfd_printable_name (abfd)
bfd *abfd;
return abfd->arch_info->printable_name;
const bfd_arch_info_type *bfd_scan_arch(const char *string);
Figure out if BFD supports any cpu which could be described with
the name @var{string}. Return a pointer to an <<arch_info>>
structure if a machine is found, otherwise NULL.
const bfd_arch_info_type *
bfd_scan_arch (string)
const char *string;
const bfd_arch_info_type * const *app, *ap;
/* Look through all the installed architectures */
for (app = bfd_archures_list; *app != NULL; app++)
for (ap = *app; ap != NULL; ap = ap->next)
if (ap->scan (ap, string))
return ap;
return NULL;
const bfd_arch_info_type *bfd_arch_get_compatible(
const bfd *abfd,
const bfd *bbfd);
Determine whether two BFDs'
architectures and machine types are compatible. Calculates
the lowest common denominator between the two architectures
and machine types implied by the BFDs and returns a pointer to
an <<arch_info>> structure describing the compatible machine.
const bfd_arch_info_type *
bfd_arch_get_compatible (abfd, bbfd)
const bfd *abfd;
const bfd *bbfd;
/* If either architecture is unknown, then all we can do is assume
the user knows what he's doing. */
if (abfd->arch_info->arch == bfd_arch_unknown)
return bbfd->arch_info;
if (bbfd->arch_info->arch == bfd_arch_unknown)
return abfd->arch_info;
/* Otherwise architecture-specific code has to decide. */
return abfd->arch_info->compatible (abfd->arch_info, bbfd->arch_info);
The <<bfd_default_arch_struct>> is an item of
<<bfd_arch_info_type>> which has been initialized to a fairly
generic state. A BFD starts life by pointing to this
structure, until the correct back end has determined the real
architecture of the file.
.extern const bfd_arch_info_type bfd_default_arch_struct;
const bfd_arch_info_type bfd_default_arch_struct =
void bfd_set_arch_info(bfd *abfd, const bfd_arch_info_type *arg);
Set the architecture info of @var{abfd} to @var{arg}.
bfd_set_arch_info (abfd, arg)
bfd *abfd;
const bfd_arch_info_type *arg;
abfd->arch_info = arg;
boolean bfd_default_set_arch_mach(bfd *abfd,
enum bfd_architecture arch,
unsigned long mach);
Set the architecture and machine type in BFD @var{abfd}
to @var{arch} and @var{mach}. Find the correct
pointer to a structure and insert it into the <<arch_info>>
bfd_default_set_arch_mach (abfd, arch, mach)
bfd *abfd;
enum bfd_architecture arch;
unsigned long mach;
const bfd_arch_info_type * const *app, *ap;
for (app = bfd_archures_list; *app != NULL; app++)
for (ap = *app; ap != NULL; ap = ap->next)
if (ap->arch == arch
&& (ap->mach == mach
|| (mach == 0 && ap->the_default)))
abfd->arch_info = ap;
return true;
abfd->arch_info = &bfd_default_arch_struct;
bfd_set_error (bfd_error_bad_value);
return false;
enum bfd_architecture bfd_get_arch(bfd *abfd);
Return the enumerated type which describes the BFD @var{abfd}'s
enum bfd_architecture
bfd_get_arch (abfd)
bfd *abfd;
return abfd->arch_info->arch;
unsigned long bfd_get_mach(bfd *abfd);
Return the long type which describes the BFD @var{abfd}'s
unsigned long
bfd_get_mach (abfd)
bfd *abfd;
return abfd->arch_info->mach;
unsigned int bfd_arch_bits_per_byte(bfd *abfd);
Return the number of bits in one of the BFD @var{abfd}'s
architecture's bytes.
unsigned int
bfd_arch_bits_per_byte (abfd)
bfd *abfd;
return abfd->arch_info->bits_per_byte;
unsigned int bfd_arch_bits_per_address(bfd *abfd);
Return the number of bits in one of the BFD @var{abfd}'s
architecture's addresses.
unsigned int
bfd_arch_bits_per_address (abfd)
bfd *abfd;
return abfd->arch_info->bits_per_address;
const bfd_arch_info_type *bfd_default_compatible
(const bfd_arch_info_type *a,
const bfd_arch_info_type *b);
The default function for testing for compatibility.
const bfd_arch_info_type *
bfd_default_compatible (a,b)
const bfd_arch_info_type *a;
const bfd_arch_info_type *b;
if (a->arch != b->arch)
return NULL;
if (a->mach > b->mach)
return a;
if (b->mach > a->mach)
return b;
return a;
boolean bfd_default_scan(const struct bfd_arch_info *info, const char *string);
The default function for working out whether this is an
architecture hit and a machine hit.
bfd_default_scan (info, string)
const struct bfd_arch_info *info;
const char *string;
const char *ptr_src;
const char *ptr_tst;
unsigned long number;
enum bfd_architecture arch;
/* First test for an exact match */
if (strcmp (string, info->printable_name) == 0)
return true;
/* See how much of the supplied string matches with the
architecture, eg the string m68k:68020 would match the 68k entry
up to the :, then we get left with the machine number */
for (ptr_src = string, ptr_tst = info->arch_name;
*ptr_src && *ptr_tst;
ptr_src++, ptr_tst++)
if (*ptr_src != *ptr_tst) break;
/* Chewed up as much of the architecture as will match, skip any
colons */
if (*ptr_src == ':')
if (*ptr_src == 0)
/* nothing more, then only keep this one if it is the default
machine for this architecture */
return info->the_default;
number = 0;
while (isdigit(*ptr_src))
number = number * 10 + *ptr_src - '0';
switch (number)
case 65:
arch = bfd_arch_w65;
case 300:
arch = bfd_arch_h8300;
case 500:
arch = bfd_arch_h8500;
case 68010:
case 68020:
case 68030:
case 68040:
case 68332:
case 68050:
case 68000:
arch = bfd_arch_m68k;
case 386:
case 80386:
case 486:
case 80486:
arch = bfd_arch_i386;
case 29000:
arch = bfd_arch_a29k;
case 8000:
arch = bfd_arch_z8k;
case 32000:
arch = bfd_arch_we32k;
case 860:
case 80860:
arch = bfd_arch_i860;
case 960:
case 80960:
arch = bfd_arch_i960;
case 2000:
case 3000:
case 4000:
case 4400:
arch = bfd_arch_mips;
case 6000:
arch = bfd_arch_rs6000;
return false;
if (arch != info->arch)
return false;
if (number != info->mach)
return false;
return true;
const bfd_arch_info_type * bfd_get_arch_info(bfd *abfd);
Return the architecture info struct in @var{abfd}.
const bfd_arch_info_type *
bfd_get_arch_info (abfd)
bfd *abfd;
return abfd->arch_info;
const bfd_arch_info_type *bfd_lookup_arch
(enum bfd_architecture
unsigned long machine);
Look for the architecure info structure which matches the
arguments @var{arch} and @var{machine}. A machine of 0 matches the
machine/architecture structure which marks itself as the
const bfd_arch_info_type *
bfd_lookup_arch (arch, machine)
enum bfd_architecture arch;
unsigned long machine;
const bfd_arch_info_type * const *app, *ap;
for (app = bfd_archures_list; *app != NULL; app++)
for (ap = *app; ap != NULL; ap = ap->next)
if (ap->arch == arch
&& (ap->mach == machine
|| (machine == 0 && ap->the_default)))
return ap;
return NULL;
const char *bfd_printable_arch_mach
(enum bfd_architecture arch, unsigned long machine);
Return a printable string representing the architecture and
machine type.
This routine is depreciated.
const char *
bfd_printable_arch_mach (arch, machine)
enum bfd_architecture arch;
unsigned long machine;
const bfd_arch_info_type *ap = bfd_lookup_arch (arch, machine);
if (ap)
return ap->printable_name;
return "UNKNOWN!";

View File

@ -1,668 +0,0 @@
/* Main header file for the bfd library -- portable access to object files.
Copyright 1990, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 1996 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
Contributed by Cygnus Support.
** NOTE: bfd.h and bfd-in2.h are GENERATED files. Don't change them;
** instead, change bfd-in.h or the other BFD source files processed to
** generate these files.
This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
/* bfd.h -- The only header file required by users of the bfd library
The bfd.h file is generated from bfd-in.h and various .c files; if you
change it, your changes will probably be lost.
All the prototypes and definitions following the comment "THE FOLLOWING
IS EXTRACTED FROM THE SOURCE" are extracted from the source files for
BFD. If you change it, someone oneday will extract it from the source
again, and your changes will be lost. To save yourself from this bind,
change the definitions in the source in the bfd directory. Type "make
docs" and then "make headers" in that directory, and magically this file
will change to reflect your changes.
If you don't have the tools to perform the extraction, then you are
safe from someone on your system trampling over your header files.
You should still maintain the equivalence between the source and this
file though; every change you make to the .c file should be reflected
here. */
#ifndef __BFD_H_SEEN__
#define __BFD_H_SEEN__
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#include "ansidecl.h"
#include "obstack.h"
/* These two lines get substitutions done by commands in */
#if BFD_ARCH_SIZE >= 64
#define BFD64
#ifndef INLINE
#if __GNUC__ >= 2
#define INLINE __inline__
#define INLINE
/* forward declaration */
typedef struct _bfd bfd;
/* To squelch erroneous compiler warnings ("illegal pointer
combination") from the SVR3 compiler, we would like to typedef
boolean to int (it doesn't like functions which return boolean.
Making sure they are never implicitly declared to return int
doesn't seem to help). But this file is not configured based on
the host. */
/* General rules: functions which are boolean return true on success
and false on failure (unless they're a predicate). -- bfd.doc */
/* I'm sure this is going to break something and someone is going to
force me to change it. */
/* typedef enum boolean {false, true} boolean; */
/* Yup, SVR4 has a "typedef enum boolean" in <sys/types.h> -fnf */
/* It gets worse if the host also defines a true/false enum... -sts */
/* And even worse if your compiler has built-in boolean types... -law */
#if defined (__GNUG__) && (__GNUC_MINOR__ > 5)
#ifdef MPW
/* Pre-emptive strike - get the file with the enum. */
#include <Types.h>
#endif /* MPW */
typedef enum bfd_boolean {false, true} boolean;
/* Use enum names that will appear nowhere else. */
typedef enum bfd_boolean {bfd_fffalse, bfd_tttrue} boolean;
/* A pointer to a position in a file. */
/* FIXME: This should be using off_t from <sys/types.h>.
For now, try to avoid breaking stuff by not including <sys/types.h> here.
This will break on systems with 64-bit file offsets (e.g. 4.4BSD).
Probably the best long-term answer is to avoid using file_ptr AND off_t
in this header file, and to handle this in the BFD implementation
rather than in its interface. */
/* typedef off_t file_ptr; */
typedef long int file_ptr;
/* Support for different sizes of target format ints and addresses.
If the type `long' is at least 64 bits, BFD_HOST_64BIT_LONG will be
set to 1 above. Otherwise, if gcc is being used, this code will
use gcc's "long long" type. Otherwise, the compilation will fail
if 64-bit targets are requested. */
#ifdef BFD64
#ifndef BFD_HOST_64_BIT
#define BFD_HOST_64_BIT long
#ifdef __GNUC__
#define BFD_HOST_64_BIT long long
#endif /* defined (__GNUC__) */
#endif /* ! BFD_HOST_64BIT_LONG */
#endif /* ! defined (BFD_HOST_64_BIT) */
typedef unsigned BFD_HOST_64_BIT bfd_vma;
typedef BFD_HOST_64_BIT bfd_signed_vma;
typedef unsigned BFD_HOST_64_BIT bfd_size_type;
typedef unsigned BFD_HOST_64_BIT symvalue;
#ifndef fprintf_vma
#define sprintf_vma(s,x) sprintf (s, "%016lx", x)
#define fprintf_vma(f,x) fprintf (f, "%016lx", x)
#define _bfd_int64_low(x) ((unsigned long) (((x) & 0xffffffff)))
#define _bfd_int64_high(x) ((unsigned long) (((x) >> 32) & 0xffffffff))
#define fprintf_vma(s,x) \
fprintf ((s), "%08lx%08lx", _bfd_int64_high (x), _bfd_int64_low (x))
#define sprintf_vma(s,x) \
sprintf ((s), "%08lx%08lx", _bfd_int64_high (x), _bfd_int64_low (x))
#else /* not BFD64 */
/* Represent a target address. Also used as a generic unsigned type
which is guaranteed to be big enough to hold any arithmetic types
we need to deal with. */
typedef unsigned long bfd_vma;
/* A generic signed type which is guaranteed to be big enough to hold any
arithmetic types we need to deal with. Can be assumed to be compatible
with bfd_vma in the same way that signed and unsigned ints are compatible
(as parameters, in assignment, etc). */
typedef long bfd_signed_vma;
typedef unsigned long symvalue;
typedef unsigned long bfd_size_type;
/* Print a bfd_vma x on stream s. */
#define fprintf_vma(s,x) fprintf(s, "%08lx", x)
#define sprintf_vma(s,x) sprintf(s, "%08lx", x)
#endif /* not BFD64 */
#define printf_vma(x) fprintf_vma(stdout,x)
typedef unsigned int flagword; /* 32 bits of flags */
typedef unsigned char bfd_byte;
/** File formats */
typedef enum bfd_format {
bfd_unknown = 0, /* file format is unknown */
bfd_object, /* linker/assember/compiler output */
bfd_archive, /* object archive file */
bfd_core, /* core dump */
bfd_type_end} /* marks the end; don't use it! */
/* Values that may appear in the flags field of a BFD. These also
appear in the object_flags field of the bfd_target structure, where
they indicate the set of flags used by that backend (not all flags
are meaningful for all object file formats) (FIXME: at the moment,
the object_flags values have mostly just been copied from backend
to another, and are not necessarily correct). */
/* No flags. */
#define NO_FLAGS 0x00
/* BFD contains relocation entries. */
#define HAS_RELOC 0x01
/* BFD is directly executable. */
#define EXEC_P 0x02
/* BFD has line number information (basically used for F_LNNO in a
COFF header). */
#define HAS_LINENO 0x04
/* BFD has debugging information. */
#define HAS_DEBUG 0x08
/* BFD has symbols. */
#define HAS_SYMS 0x10
/* BFD has local symbols (basically used for F_LSYMS in a COFF
header). */
#define HAS_LOCALS 0x20
/* BFD is a dynamic object. */
#define DYNAMIC 0x40
/* Text section is write protected (if D_PAGED is not set, this is
like an a.out NMAGIC file) (the linker sets this by default, but
clears it for -r or -N). */
#define WP_TEXT 0x80
/* BFD is dynamically paged (this is like an a.out ZMAGIC file) (the
linker sets this by default, but clears it for -r or -n or -N). */
#define D_PAGED 0x100
/* BFD is relaxable (this means that bfd_relax_section may be able to
do something) (sometimes bfd_relax_section can do something even if
this is not set). */
#define BFD_IS_RELAXABLE 0x200
/* This may be set before writing out a BFD to request using a
traditional format. For example, this is used to request that when
writing out an a.out object the symbols not be hashed to eliminate
duplicates. */
/* This flag indicates that the BFD contents are actually cached in
memory. If this is set, iostream points to a bfd_in_memory struct. */
#define BFD_IN_MEMORY 0x800
/* symbols and relocation */
/* A count of carsyms (canonical archive symbols). */
typedef unsigned long symindex;
/* How to perform a relocation. */
typedef const struct reloc_howto_struct reloc_howto_type;
#define BFD_NO_MORE_SYMBOLS ((symindex) ~0)
/* General purpose part of a symbol X;
target specific parts are in libcoff.h, libaout.h, etc. */
#define bfd_get_section(x) ((x)->section)
#define bfd_get_output_section(x) ((x)->section->output_section)
#define bfd_set_section(x,y) ((x)->section) = (y)
#define bfd_asymbol_base(x) ((x)->section->vma)
#define bfd_asymbol_value(x) (bfd_asymbol_base(x) + (x)->value)
#define bfd_asymbol_name(x) ((x)->name)
/*Perhaps future: #define bfd_asymbol_bfd(x) ((x)->section->owner)*/
#define bfd_asymbol_bfd(x) ((x)->the_bfd)
#define bfd_asymbol_flavour(x) (bfd_asymbol_bfd(x)->xvec->flavour)
/* A canonical archive symbol. */
/* This is a type pun with struct ranlib on purpose! */
typedef struct carsym {
char *name;
file_ptr file_offset; /* look here to find the file */
} carsym; /* to make these you call a carsymogen */
/* Used in generating armaps (archive tables of contents).
Perhaps just a forward definition would do? */
struct orl { /* output ranlib */
char **name; /* symbol name */
file_ptr pos; /* bfd* or file position */
int namidx; /* index into string table */
/* Linenumber stuff */
typedef struct lineno_cache_entry {
unsigned int line_number; /* Linenumber from start of function*/
union {
struct symbol_cache_entry *sym; /* Function name */
unsigned long offset; /* Offset into section */
} u;
} alent;
/* object and core file sections */
#define align_power(addr, align) \
( ((addr) + ((1<<(align))-1)) & (-1 << (align)))
typedef struct sec *sec_ptr;
#define bfd_get_section_name(bfd, ptr) ((ptr)->name + 0)
#define bfd_get_section_vma(bfd, ptr) ((ptr)->vma + 0)
#define bfd_get_section_alignment(bfd, ptr) ((ptr)->alignment_power + 0)
#define bfd_section_name(bfd, ptr) ((ptr)->name)
#define bfd_section_size(bfd, ptr) (bfd_get_section_size_before_reloc(ptr))
#define bfd_section_vma(bfd, ptr) ((ptr)->vma)
#define bfd_section_alignment(bfd, ptr) ((ptr)->alignment_power)
#define bfd_get_section_flags(bfd, ptr) ((ptr)->flags + 0)
#define bfd_get_section_userdata(bfd, ptr) ((ptr)->userdata)
#define bfd_is_com_section(ptr) (((ptr)->flags & SEC_IS_COMMON) != 0)
#define bfd_set_section_vma(bfd, ptr, val) (((ptr)->vma = (ptr)->lma= (val)), ((ptr)->user_set_vma = (boolean)true), true)
#define bfd_set_section_alignment(bfd, ptr, val) (((ptr)->alignment_power = (val)),true)
#define bfd_set_section_userdata(bfd, ptr, val) (((ptr)->userdata = (val)),true)
typedef struct stat stat_type;
typedef enum bfd_print_symbol
} bfd_print_symbol_type;
/* Information about a symbol that nm needs. */
typedef struct _symbol_info
symvalue value;
char type;
CONST char *name; /* Symbol name. */
unsigned char stab_type; /* Stab type. */
char stab_other; /* Stab other. */
short stab_desc; /* Stab desc. */
CONST char *stab_name; /* String for stab type. */
} symbol_info;
/* Get the name of a stabs type code. */
extern const char *bfd_get_stab_name PARAMS ((int));
/* Hash table routines. There is no way to free up a hash table. */
/* An element in the hash table. Most uses will actually use a larger
structure, and an instance of this will be the first field. */
struct bfd_hash_entry
/* Next entry for this hash code. */
struct bfd_hash_entry *next;
/* String being hashed. */
const char *string;
/* Hash code. This is the full hash code, not the index into the
table. */
unsigned long hash;
/* A hash table. */
struct bfd_hash_table
/* The hash array. */
struct bfd_hash_entry **table;
/* The number of slots in the hash table. */
unsigned int size;
/* A function used to create new elements in the hash table. The
first entry is itself a pointer to an element. When this
function is first invoked, this pointer will be NULL. However,
having the pointer permits a hierarchy of method functions to be
built each of which calls the function in the superclass. Thus
each function should be written to allocate a new block of memory
only if the argument is NULL. */
struct bfd_hash_entry *(*newfunc) PARAMS ((struct bfd_hash_entry *,
struct bfd_hash_table *,
const char *));
/* An obstack for this hash table. */
struct obstack memory;
/* Initialize a hash table. */
extern boolean bfd_hash_table_init
PARAMS ((struct bfd_hash_table *,
struct bfd_hash_entry *(*) (struct bfd_hash_entry *,
struct bfd_hash_table *,
const char *)));
/* Initialize a hash table specifying a size. */
extern boolean bfd_hash_table_init_n
PARAMS ((struct bfd_hash_table *,
struct bfd_hash_entry *(*) (struct bfd_hash_entry *,
struct bfd_hash_table *,
const char *),
unsigned int size));
/* Free up a hash table. */
extern void bfd_hash_table_free PARAMS ((struct bfd_hash_table *));
/* Look up a string in a hash table. If CREATE is true, a new entry
will be created for this string if one does not already exist. The
COPY argument must be true if this routine should copy the string
into newly allocated memory when adding an entry. */
extern struct bfd_hash_entry *bfd_hash_lookup
PARAMS ((struct bfd_hash_table *, const char *, boolean create,
boolean copy));
/* Replace an entry in a hash table. */
extern void bfd_hash_replace
PARAMS ((struct bfd_hash_table *, struct bfd_hash_entry *old,
struct bfd_hash_entry *nw));
/* Base method for creating a hash table entry. */
extern struct bfd_hash_entry *bfd_hash_newfunc
PARAMS ((struct bfd_hash_entry *, struct bfd_hash_table *,
const char *));
/* Grab some space for a hash table entry. */
extern PTR bfd_hash_allocate PARAMS ((struct bfd_hash_table *,
unsigned int));
/* Traverse a hash table in a random order, calling a function on each
element. If the function returns false, the traversal stops. The
INFO argument is passed to the function. */
extern void bfd_hash_traverse PARAMS ((struct bfd_hash_table *,
boolean (*) (struct bfd_hash_entry *,
PTR info));
/* Semi-portable string concatenation in cpp.
The CAT4 hack is to avoid a problem with some strict ANSI C preprocessors.
The problem is, "32_" is not a valid preprocessing token, and we don't
want extra underscores (e.g., "nlm_32_"). The XCAT2 macro will cause the
inner CAT macros to be evaluated first, producing still-valid pp-tokens.
Then the final concatenation can be done. (Sigh.) */
#ifndef CAT
#ifdef SABER
#define CAT(a,b) a##b
#define CAT3(a,b,c) a##b##c
#define CAT4(a,b,c,d) a##b##c##d
#if defined(__STDC__) || defined(ALMOST_STDC)
#define CAT(a,b) a##b
#define CAT3(a,b,c) a##b##c
#define XCAT2(a,b) CAT(a,b)
#define CAT4(a,b,c,d) XCAT2(CAT(a,b),CAT(c,d))
#define CAT(a,b) a/**/b
#define CAT3(a,b,c) a/**/b/**/c
#define CAT4(a,b,c,d) a/**/b/**/c/**/d
#define COFF_SWAP_TABLE (PTR) &bfd_coff_std_swap_table
/* User program access to BFD facilities */
/* Direct I/O routines, for programs which know more about the object
file than BFD does. Use higher level routines if possible. */
extern bfd_size_type bfd_read
PARAMS ((PTR, bfd_size_type size, bfd_size_type nitems, bfd *abfd));
extern bfd_size_type bfd_write
PARAMS ((const PTR, bfd_size_type size, bfd_size_type nitems, bfd *abfd));
extern int bfd_seek PARAMS ((bfd *abfd, file_ptr fp, int direction));
extern long bfd_tell PARAMS ((bfd *abfd));
extern int bfd_flush PARAMS ((bfd *abfd));
extern int bfd_stat PARAMS ((bfd *abfd, struct stat *));
/* Cast from const char * to char * so that caller can assign to
a char * without a warning. */
#define bfd_get_filename(abfd) ((char *) (abfd)->filename)
#define bfd_get_cacheable(abfd) ((abfd)->cacheable)
#define bfd_get_format(abfd) ((abfd)->format)
#define bfd_get_target(abfd) ((abfd)->xvec->name)
#define bfd_get_flavour(abfd) ((abfd)->xvec->flavour)
#define bfd_big_endian(abfd) ((abfd)->xvec->byteorder == BFD_ENDIAN_BIG)
#define bfd_little_endian(abfd) ((abfd)->xvec->byteorder == BFD_ENDIAN_LITTLE)
#define bfd_header_big_endian(abfd) \
((abfd)->xvec->header_byteorder == BFD_ENDIAN_BIG)
#define bfd_header_little_endian(abfd) \
((abfd)->xvec->header_byteorder == BFD_ENDIAN_LITTLE)
#define bfd_get_file_flags(abfd) ((abfd)->flags)
#define bfd_applicable_file_flags(abfd) ((abfd)->xvec->object_flags)
#define bfd_applicable_section_flags(abfd) ((abfd)->xvec->section_flags)
#define bfd_my_archive(abfd) ((abfd)->my_archive)
#define bfd_has_map(abfd) ((abfd)->has_armap)
#define bfd_valid_reloc_types(abfd) ((abfd)->xvec->valid_reloc_types)
#define bfd_usrdata(abfd) ((abfd)->usrdata)
#define bfd_get_start_address(abfd) ((abfd)->start_address)
#define bfd_get_symcount(abfd) ((abfd)->symcount)
#define bfd_get_outsymbols(abfd) ((abfd)->outsymbols)
#define bfd_count_sections(abfd) ((abfd)->section_count)
#define bfd_get_symbol_leading_char(abfd) ((abfd)->xvec->symbol_leading_char)
#define bfd_set_cacheable(abfd,bool) (((abfd)->cacheable = (boolean)(bool)), true)
extern boolean bfd_record_phdr
PARAMS ((bfd *, unsigned long, boolean, flagword, boolean, bfd_vma,
boolean, boolean, unsigned int, struct sec **));
/* Byte swapping routines. */
bfd_vma bfd_getb64 PARAMS ((const unsigned char *));
bfd_vma bfd_getl64 PARAMS ((const unsigned char *));
bfd_signed_vma bfd_getb_signed_64 PARAMS ((const unsigned char *));
bfd_signed_vma bfd_getl_signed_64 PARAMS ((const unsigned char *));
bfd_vma bfd_getb32 PARAMS ((const unsigned char *));
bfd_vma bfd_getl32 PARAMS ((const unsigned char *));
bfd_signed_vma bfd_getb_signed_32 PARAMS ((const unsigned char *));
bfd_signed_vma bfd_getl_signed_32 PARAMS ((const unsigned char *));
bfd_vma bfd_getb16 PARAMS ((const unsigned char *));
bfd_vma bfd_getl16 PARAMS ((const unsigned char *));
bfd_signed_vma bfd_getb_signed_16 PARAMS ((const unsigned char *));
bfd_signed_vma bfd_getl_signed_16 PARAMS ((const unsigned char *));
void bfd_putb64 PARAMS ((bfd_vma, unsigned char *));
void bfd_putl64 PARAMS ((bfd_vma, unsigned char *));
void bfd_putb32 PARAMS ((bfd_vma, unsigned char *));
void bfd_putl32 PARAMS ((bfd_vma, unsigned char *));
void bfd_putb16 PARAMS ((bfd_vma, unsigned char *));
void bfd_putl16 PARAMS ((bfd_vma, unsigned char *));
/* Externally visible ECOFF routines. */
#if defined(__STDC__) || defined(ALMOST_STDC)
struct ecoff_debug_info;
struct ecoff_debug_swap;
struct ecoff_extr;
struct symbol_cache_entry;
struct bfd_link_info;
struct bfd_link_hash_entry;
extern bfd_vma bfd_ecoff_get_gp_value PARAMS ((bfd * abfd));
extern boolean bfd_ecoff_set_gp_value PARAMS ((bfd *abfd, bfd_vma gp_value));
extern boolean bfd_ecoff_set_regmasks
PARAMS ((bfd *abfd, unsigned long gprmask, unsigned long fprmask,
unsigned long *cprmask));
extern PTR bfd_ecoff_debug_init
PARAMS ((bfd *output_bfd, struct ecoff_debug_info *output_debug,
const struct ecoff_debug_swap *output_swap,
struct bfd_link_info *));
extern void bfd_ecoff_debug_free
PARAMS ((PTR handle, bfd *output_bfd, struct ecoff_debug_info *output_debug,
const struct ecoff_debug_swap *output_swap,
struct bfd_link_info *));
extern boolean bfd_ecoff_debug_accumulate
PARAMS ((PTR handle, bfd *output_bfd, struct ecoff_debug_info *output_debug,
const struct ecoff_debug_swap *output_swap,
bfd *input_bfd, struct ecoff_debug_info *input_debug,
const struct ecoff_debug_swap *input_swap,
struct bfd_link_info *));
extern boolean bfd_ecoff_debug_accumulate_other
PARAMS ((PTR handle, bfd *output_bfd, struct ecoff_debug_info *output_debug,
const struct ecoff_debug_swap *output_swap, bfd *input_bfd,
struct bfd_link_info *));
extern boolean bfd_ecoff_debug_externals
PARAMS ((bfd *abfd, struct ecoff_debug_info *debug,
const struct ecoff_debug_swap *swap,
boolean relocateable,
boolean (*get_extr) (struct symbol_cache_entry *,
struct ecoff_extr *),
void (*set_index) (struct symbol_cache_entry *,
extern boolean bfd_ecoff_debug_one_external
PARAMS ((bfd *abfd, struct ecoff_debug_info *debug,
const struct ecoff_debug_swap *swap,
const char *name, struct ecoff_extr *esym));
extern bfd_size_type bfd_ecoff_debug_size
PARAMS ((bfd *abfd, struct ecoff_debug_info *debug,
const struct ecoff_debug_swap *swap));
extern boolean bfd_ecoff_write_debug
PARAMS ((bfd *abfd, struct ecoff_debug_info *debug,
const struct ecoff_debug_swap *swap, file_ptr where));
extern boolean bfd_ecoff_write_accumulated_debug
PARAMS ((PTR handle, bfd *abfd, struct ecoff_debug_info *debug,
const struct ecoff_debug_swap *swap,
struct bfd_link_info *info, file_ptr where));
extern boolean bfd_mips_ecoff_create_embedded_relocs
PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *, struct sec *, struct sec *,
char **));
/* Externally visible ELF routines. */
struct bfd_link_needed_list
struct bfd_link_needed_list *next;
bfd *by;
const char *name;
extern boolean bfd_elf32_record_link_assignment
PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *, const char *, boolean));
extern boolean bfd_elf64_record_link_assignment
PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *, const char *, boolean));
extern struct bfd_link_needed_list *bfd_elf_get_needed_list
PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *));
extern boolean bfd_elf32_size_dynamic_sections
PARAMS ((bfd *, const char *, const char *, boolean,
struct bfd_link_info *, struct sec **));
extern boolean bfd_elf64_size_dynamic_sections
PARAMS ((bfd *, const char *, const char *, boolean,
struct bfd_link_info *, struct sec **));
extern void bfd_elf_set_dt_needed_name PARAMS ((bfd *, const char *));
extern const char *bfd_elf_get_dt_soname PARAMS ((bfd *));
/* SunOS shared library support routines for the linker. */
extern struct bfd_link_needed_list *bfd_sunos_get_needed_list
PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *));
extern boolean bfd_sunos_record_link_assignment
PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *, const char *));
extern boolean bfd_sunos_size_dynamic_sections
PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *, struct sec **, struct sec **,
struct sec **));
/* Linux shared library support routines for the linker. */
extern boolean bfd_i386linux_size_dynamic_sections
PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *));
extern boolean bfd_m68klinux_size_dynamic_sections
PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *));
/* mmap hacks */
struct _bfd_window_internal;
typedef struct _bfd_window_internal bfd_window_internal;
typedef struct _bfd_window {
/* What the user asked for. */
PTR data;
bfd_size_type size;
/* The actual window used by BFD. Small user-requested read-only
regions sharing a page may share a single window into the object
file. Read-write versions shouldn't until I've fixed things to
keep track of which portions have been claimed by the
application; don't want to give the same region back when the
application wants two writable copies! */
struct _bfd_window_internal *i;
} bfd_window;
extern void bfd_init_window PARAMS ((bfd_window *));
extern void bfd_free_window PARAMS ((bfd_window *));
extern boolean bfd_get_file_window
PARAMS ((bfd *, file_ptr, bfd_size_type, bfd_window *, boolean));
/* XCOFF support routines for the linker. */
extern boolean bfd_xcoff_link_record_set
PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *, struct bfd_link_hash_entry *,
extern boolean bfd_xcoff_import_symbol
PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *, struct bfd_link_hash_entry *,
bfd_vma, const char *, const char *, const char *));
extern boolean bfd_xcoff_export_symbol
PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *, struct bfd_link_hash_entry *,
extern boolean bfd_xcoff_link_count_reloc
PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *, const char *));
extern boolean bfd_xcoff_record_link_assignment
PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *, const char *));
extern boolean bfd_xcoff_size_dynamic_sections
PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *, const char *, const char *,
unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long, boolean,
int, boolean, boolean, struct sec **));
/* And more from the source. */

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -1,348 +0,0 @@
/* BFD back-end for binary objects.
Copyright 1994 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
Written by Ian Lance Taylor, Cygnus Support, <>
This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
/* This is a BFD backend which may be used to write binary objects.
It may only be used for output, not input. The intention is that
this may be used as an output format for objcopy in order to
generate raw binary data.
This is very simple. The only complication is that the real data
will start at some address X, and in some cases we will not want to
include X zeroes just to get to that point. Since the start
address is not meaningful for this object file format, we use it
instead to indicate the number of zeroes to skip at the start of
the file. objcopy cooperates by specially setting the start
address to zero by default. */
#include <ctype.h>
#include "bfd.h"
#include "sysdep.h"
#include "libbfd.h"
/* Any bfd we create by reading a binary file has three symbols:
a start symbol, an end symbol, and an absolute length symbol. */
#define BIN_SYMS 3
static boolean binary_mkobject PARAMS ((bfd *));
static const bfd_target *binary_object_p PARAMS ((bfd *));
static boolean binary_get_section_contents
PARAMS ((bfd *, asection *, PTR, file_ptr, bfd_size_type));
static long binary_get_symtab_upper_bound PARAMS ((bfd *));
static char *mangle_name PARAMS ((bfd *, char *));
static long binary_get_symtab PARAMS ((bfd *, asymbol **));
static asymbol *binary_make_empty_symbol PARAMS ((bfd *));
static void binary_get_symbol_info PARAMS ((bfd *, asymbol *, symbol_info *));
static boolean binary_set_section_contents
PARAMS ((bfd *, asection *, PTR, file_ptr, bfd_size_type));
static int binary_sizeof_headers PARAMS ((bfd *, boolean));
/* Create a binary object. Invoked via bfd_set_format. */
static boolean
binary_mkobject (abfd)
bfd *abfd;
return true;
/* Any file may be considered to be a binary file, provided the target
was not defaulted. That is, it must be explicitly specified as
being binary. */
static const bfd_target *
binary_object_p (abfd)
bfd *abfd;
struct stat statbuf;
asection *sec;
if (abfd->target_defaulted)
bfd_set_error (bfd_error_wrong_format);
return NULL;
abfd->symcount = BIN_SYMS;
/* Find the file size. */
if (bfd_stat (abfd, &statbuf) < 0)
bfd_set_error (bfd_error_system_call);
return NULL;
/* One data section. */
sec = bfd_make_section (abfd, ".data");
if (sec == NULL)
return NULL;
sec->vma = 0;
sec->_raw_size = statbuf.st_size;
sec->filepos = 0;
abfd->tdata.any = (PTR) sec;
return abfd->xvec;
#define binary_close_and_cleanup _bfd_generic_close_and_cleanup
#define binary_bfd_free_cached_info _bfd_generic_bfd_free_cached_info
#define binary_new_section_hook _bfd_generic_new_section_hook
/* Get contents of the only section. */
static boolean
binary_get_section_contents (abfd, section, location, offset, count)
bfd *abfd;
asection *section;
PTR location;
file_ptr offset;
bfd_size_type count;
if (bfd_seek (abfd, offset, SEEK_SET) != 0
|| bfd_read (location, 1, count, abfd) != count)
return false;
return true;
/* Return the amount of memory needed to read the symbol table. */
static long
binary_get_symtab_upper_bound (abfd)
bfd *abfd;
return (BIN_SYMS + 1) * sizeof (asymbol *);
/* Create a symbol name based on the bfd's filename. */
static char *
mangle_name (abfd, suffix)
bfd *abfd;
char *suffix;
int size;
char *buf;
char *p;
size = (strlen (bfd_get_filename (abfd))
+ strlen (suffix)
+ sizeof "_binary__");
buf = (char *) bfd_alloc (abfd, size);
if (buf == NULL)
return "";
sprintf (buf, "_binary_%s_%s", bfd_get_filename (abfd), suffix);
/* Change any non-alphanumeric characters to underscores. */
for (p = buf; *p; p++)
if (! isalnum (*p))
*p = '_';
return buf;
/* Return the symbol table. */
static long
binary_get_symtab (abfd, alocation)
bfd *abfd;
asymbol **alocation;
asection *sec = (asection *) abfd->tdata.any;
asymbol *syms;
unsigned int i;
syms = (asymbol *) bfd_alloc (abfd, BIN_SYMS * sizeof (asymbol));
if (syms == NULL)
return false;
/* Start symbol. */
syms[0].the_bfd = abfd;
syms[0].name = mangle_name (abfd, "start");
syms[0].value = 0;
syms[0].flags = BSF_GLOBAL;
syms[0].section = sec;
syms[0].udata.p = NULL;
/* End symbol. */
syms[1].the_bfd = abfd;
syms[1].name = mangle_name (abfd, "end");
syms[1].value = sec->_raw_size;
syms[1].flags = BSF_GLOBAL;
syms[1].section = sec;
syms[1].udata.p = NULL;
/* Size symbol. */
syms[2].the_bfd = abfd;
syms[2].name = mangle_name (abfd, "size");
syms[2].value = sec->_raw_size;
syms[2].flags = BSF_GLOBAL;
syms[2].section = bfd_abs_section_ptr;
syms[2].udata.p = NULL;
for (i = 0; i < BIN_SYMS; i++)
*alocation++ = syms++;
*alocation = NULL;
return BIN_SYMS;
/* Make an empty symbol. */
static asymbol *
binary_make_empty_symbol (abfd)
bfd *abfd;
return (asymbol *) bfd_alloc (abfd, sizeof (asymbol));
#define binary_print_symbol _bfd_nosymbols_print_symbol
/* Get information about a symbol. */
static void
binary_get_symbol_info (ignore_abfd, symbol, ret)
bfd *ignore_abfd;
asymbol *symbol;
symbol_info *ret;
bfd_symbol_info (symbol, ret);
#define binary_bfd_is_local_label bfd_generic_is_local_label
#define binary_get_lineno _bfd_nosymbols_get_lineno
#define binary_find_nearest_line _bfd_nosymbols_find_nearest_line
#define binary_bfd_make_debug_symbol _bfd_nosymbols_bfd_make_debug_symbol
#define binary_read_minisymbols _bfd_generic_read_minisymbols
#define binary_minisymbol_to_symbol _bfd_generic_minisymbol_to_symbol
#define binary_get_reloc_upper_bound \
((long (*) PARAMS ((bfd *, asection *))) bfd_0l)
#define binary_canonicalize_reloc \
((long (*) PARAMS ((bfd *, asection *, arelent **, asymbol **))) bfd_0l)
#define binary_bfd_reloc_type_lookup _bfd_norelocs_bfd_reloc_type_lookup
/* Set the architecture of a binary file. */
#define binary_set_arch_mach _bfd_generic_set_arch_mach
/* Write section contents of a binary file. */
static boolean
binary_set_section_contents (abfd, sec, data, offset, size)
bfd *abfd;
asection *sec;
PTR data;
file_ptr offset;
bfd_size_type size;
if (! abfd->output_has_begun)
bfd_vma low;
asection *s;
/* The lowest section VMA sets the virtual address of the start
of the file. We use the set the file position of all the
sections. */
low = abfd->sections->vma;
for (s = abfd->sections->next; s != NULL; s = s->next)
if (s->vma < low)
low = s->vma;
for (s = abfd->sections; s != NULL; s = s->next)
s->filepos = s->vma - low;
abfd->output_has_begun = true;
return _bfd_generic_set_section_contents (abfd, sec, data, offset, size);
/* No space is required for header information. */
static int
binary_sizeof_headers (abfd, exec)
bfd *abfd;
boolean exec;
return 0;
#define binary_bfd_get_relocated_section_contents \
#define binary_bfd_relax_section bfd_generic_relax_section
#define binary_bfd_link_hash_table_create _bfd_generic_link_hash_table_create
#define binary_bfd_link_add_symbols _bfd_generic_link_add_symbols
#define binary_bfd_final_link _bfd_generic_final_link
#define binary_bfd_link_split_section _bfd_generic_link_split_section
#define binary_get_section_contents_in_window \
const bfd_target binary_vec =
"binary", /* name */
bfd_target_unknown_flavour, /* flavour */
BFD_ENDIAN_UNKNOWN, /* byteorder */
BFD_ENDIAN_UNKNOWN, /* header_byteorder */
EXEC_P, /* object_flags */
| SEC_ROM | SEC_HAS_CONTENTS), /* section_flags */
0, /* symbol_leading_char */
' ', /* ar_pad_char */
16, /* ar_max_namelen */
bfd_getb64, bfd_getb_signed_64, bfd_putb64,
bfd_getb32, bfd_getb_signed_32, bfd_putb32,
bfd_getb16, bfd_getb_signed_16, bfd_putb16, /* data */
bfd_getb64, bfd_getb_signed_64, bfd_putb64,
bfd_getb32, bfd_getb_signed_32, bfd_putb32,
bfd_getb16, bfd_getb_signed_16, bfd_putb16, /* hdrs */
{ /* bfd_check_format */
binary_object_p, /* bfd_check_format */
{ /* bfd_set_format */
{ /* bfd_write_contents */
BFD_JUMP_TABLE_COPY (_bfd_generic),
BFD_JUMP_TABLE_CORE (_bfd_nocore),
BFD_JUMP_TABLE_ARCHIVE (_bfd_noarchive),
BFD_JUMP_TABLE_DYNAMIC (_bfd_nodynamic),

View File

@ -1,347 +0,0 @@
/* BFD library -- caching of file descriptors.
Copyright 1990, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 1996 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
Hacked by Steve Chamberlain of Cygnus Support (
This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
File caching
The file caching mechanism is embedded within BFD and allows
the application to open as many BFDs as it wants without
regard to the underlying operating system's file descriptor
limit (often as low as 20 open files). The module in
<<cache.c>> maintains a least recently used list of
<<BFD_CACHE_MAX_OPEN>> files, and exports the name
<<bfd_cache_lookup>>, which runs around and makes sure that
the required BFD is open. If not, then it chooses a file to
close, closes it and opens the one wanted, returning its file
#include "bfd.h"
#include "sysdep.h"
#include "libbfd.h"
static void insert PARAMS ((bfd *));
static void snip PARAMS ((bfd *));
static boolean close_one PARAMS ((void));
static boolean bfd_cache_delete PARAMS ((bfd *));
The maximum number of files which the cache will keep open at
one time.
.#define BFD_CACHE_MAX_OPEN 10
/* The number of BFD files we have open. */
static int open_files;
extern bfd *bfd_last_cache;
Zero, or a pointer to the topmost BFD on the chain. This is
used by the <<bfd_cache_lookup>> macro in @file{libbfd.h} to
determine when it can avoid a function call.
bfd *bfd_last_cache;
Check to see if the required BFD is the same as the last one
looked up. If so, then it can use the stream in the BFD with
impunity, since it can't have changed since the last lookup;
otherwise, it has to perform the complicated lookup function.
.#define bfd_cache_lookup(x) \
. ((x)==bfd_last_cache? \
. (FILE*)(bfd_last_cache->iostream): \
. bfd_cache_lookup_worker(x))
/* Insert a BFD into the cache. */
static INLINE void
insert (abfd)
bfd *abfd;
if (bfd_last_cache == NULL)
abfd->lru_next = abfd;
abfd->lru_prev = abfd;
abfd->lru_next = bfd_last_cache;
abfd->lru_prev = bfd_last_cache->lru_prev;
abfd->lru_prev->lru_next = abfd;
abfd->lru_next->lru_prev = abfd;
bfd_last_cache = abfd;
/* Remove a BFD from the cache. */
static INLINE void
snip (abfd)
bfd *abfd;
abfd->lru_prev->lru_next = abfd->lru_next;
abfd->lru_next->lru_prev = abfd->lru_prev;
if (abfd == bfd_last_cache)
bfd_last_cache = abfd->lru_next;
if (abfd == bfd_last_cache)
bfd_last_cache = NULL;
/* We need to open a new file, and the cache is full. Find the least
recently used cacheable BFD and close it. */
static boolean
close_one ()
register bfd *kill;
if (bfd_last_cache == NULL)
kill = NULL;
for (kill = bfd_last_cache->lru_prev;
! kill->cacheable;
kill = kill->lru_prev)
if (kill == bfd_last_cache)
kill = NULL;
if (kill == NULL)
/* There are no open cacheable BFD's. */
return true;
kill->where = ftell ((FILE *) kill->iostream);
return bfd_cache_delete (kill);
/* Close a BFD and remove it from the cache. */
static boolean
bfd_cache_delete (abfd)
bfd *abfd;
boolean ret;
if (fclose ((FILE *) abfd->iostream) == 0)
ret = true;
ret = false;
bfd_set_error (bfd_error_system_call);
snip (abfd);
abfd->iostream = NULL;
return ret;
boolean bfd_cache_init (bfd *abfd);
Add a newly opened BFD to the cache.
bfd_cache_init (abfd)
bfd *abfd;
BFD_ASSERT (abfd->iostream != NULL);
if (open_files >= BFD_CACHE_MAX_OPEN)
if (! close_one ())
return false;
insert (abfd);
return true;
boolean bfd_cache_close (bfd *abfd);
Remove the BFD @var{abfd} from the cache. If the attached file is open,
then close it too.
<<false>> is returned if closing the file fails, <<true>> is
returned if all is well.
bfd_cache_close (abfd)
bfd *abfd;
if (abfd->iostream == NULL
|| (abfd->flags & BFD_IN_MEMORY) != 0)
return true;
return bfd_cache_delete (abfd);
FILE* bfd_open_file(bfd *abfd);
Call the OS to open a file for @var{abfd}. Return the <<FILE *>>
(possibly <<NULL>>) that results from this operation. Set up the
BFD so that future accesses know the file is open. If the <<FILE *>>
returned is <<NULL>>, then it won't have been put in the
cache, so it won't have to be removed from it.
bfd_open_file (abfd)
bfd *abfd;
abfd->cacheable = true; /* Allow it to be closed later. */
if (open_files >= BFD_CACHE_MAX_OPEN)
if (! close_one ())
return NULL;
switch (abfd->direction)
case read_direction:
case no_direction:
abfd->iostream = (PTR) fopen (abfd->filename, FOPEN_RB);
case both_direction:
case write_direction:
if (abfd->opened_once == true)
abfd->iostream = (PTR) fopen (abfd->filename, FOPEN_RUB);
if (abfd->iostream == NULL)
abfd->iostream = (PTR) fopen (abfd->filename, FOPEN_WUB);
/*open for creat */
abfd->iostream = (PTR) fopen (abfd->filename, FOPEN_WB);
abfd->opened_once = true;
if (abfd->iostream != NULL)
if (! bfd_cache_init (abfd))
return NULL;
return (FILE *) abfd->iostream;
FILE *bfd_cache_lookup_worker(bfd *abfd);
Called when the macro <<bfd_cache_lookup>> fails to find a
quick answer. Find a file descriptor for @var{abfd}. If
necessary, it open it. If there are already more than
<<BFD_CACHE_MAX_OPEN>> files open, it tries to close one first, to
avoid running out of file descriptors.
bfd_cache_lookup_worker (abfd)
bfd *abfd;
if ((abfd->flags & BFD_IN_MEMORY) != 0)
abort ();
if (abfd->my_archive)
abfd = abfd->my_archive;
if (abfd->iostream != NULL)
/* Move the file to the start of the cache. */
if (abfd != bfd_last_cache)
snip (abfd);
insert (abfd);
if (bfd_open_file (abfd) == NULL)
return NULL;
if (fseek ((FILE *) abfd->iostream, abfd->where, SEEK_SET) != 0)
return NULL;
return (FILE *) abfd->iostream;

View File

@ -1,493 +0,0 @@
/* BFD back-end for Intel 386 COFF files.
Copyright 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
Written by Cygnus Support.
This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
#include "bfd.h"
#include "sysdep.h"
#include "libbfd.h"
#include "obstack.h"
#include "coff/i386.h"
#include "coff/internal.h"
#include "coff/pe.h"
#include "libcoff.h"
static bfd_reloc_status_type coff_i386_reloc
PARAMS ((bfd *, arelent *, asymbol *, PTR, asection *, bfd *, char **));
static reloc_howto_type *coff_i386_rtype_to_howto
PARAMS ((bfd *, asection *, struct internal_reloc *,
struct coff_link_hash_entry *, struct internal_syment *,
bfd_vma *));
/* The page size is a guess based on ELF. */
#define COFF_PAGE_SIZE 0x1000
/* For some reason when using i386 COFF the value stored in the .text
section for a reference to a common symbol is the value itself plus
any desired offset. Ian Taylor, Cygnus Support. */
/* If we are producing relocateable output, we need to do some
adjustments to the object file that are not done by the
bfd_perform_relocation function. This function is called by every
reloc type to make any required adjustments. */
static bfd_reloc_status_type
coff_i386_reloc (abfd, reloc_entry, symbol, data, input_section, output_bfd,
bfd *abfd;
arelent *reloc_entry;
asymbol *symbol;
PTR data;
asection *input_section;
bfd *output_bfd;
char **error_message;
symvalue diff;
if (output_bfd == (bfd *) NULL)
return bfd_reloc_continue;
if (bfd_is_com_section (symbol->section))
/* We are relocating a common symbol. The current value in the
object file is ORIG + OFFSET, where ORIG is the value of the
common symbol as seen by the object file when it was compiled
(this may be zero if the symbol was undefined) and OFFSET is
the offset into the common symbol (normally zero, but may be
non-zero when referring to a field in a common structure).
ORIG is the negative of reloc_entry->addend, which is set by
the CALC_ADDEND macro below. We want to replace the value in
the object file with NEW + OFFSET, where NEW is the value of
the common symbol which we are going to put in the final
object file. NEW is symbol->value. */
diff = symbol->value + reloc_entry->addend;
/* For some reason bfd_perform_relocation always effectively
ignores the addend for a COFF target when producing
relocateable output. This seems to be always wrong for 386
COFF, so we handle the addend here instead. */
diff = reloc_entry->addend;
if (reloc_entry->howto->type == 7)
/* diff -= coff_data(output_bfd)->link_info->pe_info.image_base.value;*/
#define DOIT(x) \
x = ((x & ~howto->dst_mask) | (((x & howto->src_mask) + diff) & howto->dst_mask))
if (diff != 0)
reloc_howto_type *howto = reloc_entry->howto;
unsigned char *addr = (unsigned char *) data + reloc_entry->address;
switch (howto->size)
case 0:
char x = bfd_get_8 (abfd, addr);
DOIT (x);
bfd_put_8 (abfd, x, addr);
case 1:
short x = bfd_get_16 (abfd, addr);
DOIT (x);
bfd_put_16 (abfd, x, addr);
case 2:
long x = bfd_get_32 (abfd, addr);
DOIT (x);
bfd_put_32 (abfd, x, addr);
abort ();
/* Now let bfd_perform_relocation finish everything up. */
return bfd_reloc_continue;
/* Return true if this relocation should
appear in the output .reloc section. */
static boolean in_reloc_p(abfd, howto)
bfd * abfd;
reloc_howto_type *howto;
return ! howto->pc_relative && howto->type != R_IMAGEBASE;
#define PCRELOFFSET false
static reloc_howto_type howto_table[] =
HOWTO (R_DIR32, /* type */
0, /* rightshift */
2, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
32, /* bitsize */
false, /* pc_relative */
0, /* bitpos */
complain_overflow_bitfield, /* complain_on_overflow */
coff_i386_reloc, /* special_function */
"dir32", /* name */
true, /* partial_inplace */
0xffffffff, /* src_mask */
0xffffffff, /* dst_mask */
true), /* pcrel_offset */
/* {7}, */
HOWTO (R_IMAGEBASE, /* type */
0, /* rightshift */
2, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
32, /* bitsize */
false, /* pc_relative */
0, /* bitpos */
complain_overflow_bitfield, /* complain_on_overflow */
coff_i386_reloc, /* special_function */
"rva32", /* name */
true, /* partial_inplace */
0xffffffff, /* src_mask */
0xffffffff, /* dst_mask */
false), /* pcrel_offset */
HOWTO (R_RELBYTE, /* type */
0, /* rightshift */
0, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
8, /* bitsize */
false, /* pc_relative */
0, /* bitpos */
complain_overflow_bitfield, /* complain_on_overflow */
coff_i386_reloc, /* special_function */
"8", /* name */
true, /* partial_inplace */
0x000000ff, /* src_mask */
0x000000ff, /* dst_mask */
PCRELOFFSET), /* pcrel_offset */
HOWTO (R_RELWORD, /* type */
0, /* rightshift */
1, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
16, /* bitsize */
false, /* pc_relative */
0, /* bitpos */
complain_overflow_bitfield, /* complain_on_overflow */
coff_i386_reloc, /* special_function */
"16", /* name */
true, /* partial_inplace */
0x0000ffff, /* src_mask */
0x0000ffff, /* dst_mask */
PCRELOFFSET), /* pcrel_offset */
HOWTO (R_RELLONG, /* type */
0, /* rightshift */
2, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
32, /* bitsize */
false, /* pc_relative */
0, /* bitpos */
complain_overflow_bitfield, /* complain_on_overflow */
coff_i386_reloc, /* special_function */
"32", /* name */
true, /* partial_inplace */
0xffffffff, /* src_mask */
0xffffffff, /* dst_mask */
PCRELOFFSET), /* pcrel_offset */
HOWTO (R_PCRBYTE, /* type */
0, /* rightshift */
0, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
8, /* bitsize */
true, /* pc_relative */
0, /* bitpos */
complain_overflow_signed, /* complain_on_overflow */
coff_i386_reloc, /* special_function */
"DISP8", /* name */
true, /* partial_inplace */
0x000000ff, /* src_mask */
0x000000ff, /* dst_mask */
PCRELOFFSET), /* pcrel_offset */
HOWTO (R_PCRWORD, /* type */
0, /* rightshift */
1, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
16, /* bitsize */
true, /* pc_relative */
0, /* bitpos */
complain_overflow_signed, /* complain_on_overflow */
coff_i386_reloc, /* special_function */
"DISP16", /* name */
true, /* partial_inplace */
0x0000ffff, /* src_mask */
0x0000ffff, /* dst_mask */
PCRELOFFSET), /* pcrel_offset */
HOWTO (R_PCRLONG, /* type */
0, /* rightshift */
2, /* size (0 = byte, 1 = short, 2 = long) */
32, /* bitsize */
true, /* pc_relative */
0, /* bitpos */
complain_overflow_signed, /* complain_on_overflow */
coff_i386_reloc, /* special_function */
"DISP32", /* name */
true, /* partial_inplace */
0xffffffff, /* src_mask */
0xffffffff, /* dst_mask */
PCRELOFFSET) /* pcrel_offset */
/* Turn a howto into a reloc nunmber */
#define SELECT_RELOC(x,howto) { x.r_type = howto->type; }
#define BADMAG(x) I386BADMAG(x)
#define I386 1 /* Customize coffcode.h */
#define RTYPE2HOWTO(cache_ptr, dst) \
(cache_ptr)->howto = howto_table + (dst)->r_type;
/* For 386 COFF a STYP_NOLOAD | STYP_BSS section is part of a shared
library. On some other COFF targets STYP_BSS is normally
/* Compute the addend of a reloc. If the reloc is to a common symbol,
the object file contains the value of the common symbol. By the
time this is called, the linker may be using a different symbol
from a different object file with a different value. Therefore, we
hack wildly to locate the original symbol from this file so that we
can make the correct adjustment. This macro sets coffsym to the
symbol from the original file, and uses it to set the addend value
correctly. If this is not a common symbol, the usual addend
calculation is done, except that an additional tweak is needed for
PC relative relocs.
FIXME: This macro refers to symbols and asect; these are from the
calling function, not the macro arguments. */
#define CALC_ADDEND(abfd, ptr, reloc, cache_ptr) \
{ \
coff_symbol_type *coffsym = (coff_symbol_type *) NULL; \
if (ptr && bfd_asymbol_bfd (ptr) != abfd) \
coffsym = (obj_symbols (abfd) \
+ (cache_ptr->sym_ptr_ptr - symbols)); \
else if (ptr) \
coffsym = coff_symbol_from (abfd, ptr); \
if (coffsym != (coff_symbol_type *) NULL \
&& coffsym->native->u.syment.n_scnum == 0) \
cache_ptr->addend = - coffsym->native->u.syment.n_value; \
else if (ptr && bfd_asymbol_bfd (ptr) == abfd \
&& ptr->section != (asection *) NULL) \
cache_ptr->addend = - (ptr->section->vma + ptr->value); \
else \
cache_ptr->addend = 0; \
if (ptr && howto_table[reloc.r_type].pc_relative) \
cache_ptr->addend += asect->vma; \
/* We use the special COFF backend linker. */
#define coff_relocate_section _bfd_coff_generic_relocate_section
static reloc_howto_type *
coff_i386_rtype_to_howto (abfd, sec, rel, h, sym, addendp)
bfd *abfd;
asection *sec;
struct internal_reloc *rel;
struct coff_link_hash_entry *h;
struct internal_syment *sym;
bfd_vma *addendp;
reloc_howto_type *howto;
howto = howto_table + rel->r_type;
*addendp = 0;
if (howto->pc_relative)
*addendp += sec->vma;
if (sym != NULL && sym->n_scnum == 0 && sym->n_value != 0)
/* This is a common symbol. The section contents include the
size (sym->n_value) as an addend. The relocate_section
function will be adding in the final value of the symbol. We
need to subtract out the current size in order to get the
correct result. */
#ifndef COFF_WITH_PE
/* I think we *do* want to bypass this. If we don't, I have seen some data
parameters get the wrong relcation address. If I link two versions
with and without this section bypassed and then do a binary comparison,
the addresses which are different can be looked up in the map. The
case in which this section has been bypassed has addresses which correspond
to values I can find in the map */
*addendp -= sym->n_value;
/* If the output symbol is common (in which case this must be a
relocateable link), we need to add in the final size of the
common symbol. */
if (h != NULL && h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_common)
*addendp += h->root.u.c.size;
if (howto->pc_relative)
*addendp -= 4;
if (rel->r_type == R_IMAGEBASE)
*addendp -= pe_data(sec->output_section->owner)->pe_opthdr.ImageBase;
return howto;
#define coff_bfd_reloc_type_lookup coff_i386_reloc_type_lookup
static reloc_howto_type *
coff_i386_reloc_type_lookup (abfd, code)
bfd *abfd;
bfd_reloc_code_real_type code;
switch (code)
return howto_table +R_IMAGEBASE;
case BFD_RELOC_32:
return howto_table + R_DIR32;
return howto_table + R_PCRLONG;
return 0;
#define coff_rtype_to_howto coff_i386_rtype_to_howto
#include "coffcode.h"
static const bfd_target *
bfd *a;
return coff_object_p(a);
const bfd_target
i386coff_vec =
"coff-i386", /* name */
BFD_ENDIAN_LITTLE, /* data byte order is little */
BFD_ENDIAN_LITTLE, /* header byte order is little */
(HAS_RELOC | EXEC_P | /* object flags */
(SEC_HAS_CONTENTS | SEC_ALLOC | SEC_LOAD | SEC_RELOC), /* section flags */
TARGET_UNDERSCORE, /* leading underscore */
0, /* leading underscore */
'/', /* ar_pad_char */
15, /* ar_max_namelen */
bfd_getl64, bfd_getl_signed_64, bfd_putl64,
bfd_getl32, bfd_getl_signed_32, bfd_putl32,
bfd_getl16, bfd_getl_signed_16, bfd_putl16, /* data */
bfd_getl64, bfd_getl_signed_64, bfd_putl64,
bfd_getl32, bfd_getl_signed_32, bfd_putl32,
bfd_getl16, bfd_getl_signed_16, bfd_putl16, /* hdrs */
/* Note that we allow an object file to be treated as a core file as well. */
{_bfd_dummy_target, i3coff_object_p, /* bfd_check_format */
bfd_generic_archive_p, i3coff_object_p},
{bfd_false, coff_mkobject, _bfd_generic_mkarchive, /* bfd_set_format */
{bfd_false, coff_write_object_contents, /* bfd_write_contents */
_bfd_write_archive_contents, bfd_false},
BFD_JUMP_TABLE_CORE (_bfd_nocore),
BFD_JUMP_TABLE_ARCHIVE (_bfd_archive_coff),
BFD_JUMP_TABLE_DYNAMIC (_bfd_nodynamic),

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -1,807 +0,0 @@
/* Generic COFF swapping routines, for BFD.
Copyright 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1995 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
Written by Cygnus Support.
This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
/* This file contains routines used to swap COFF data. It is a header
file because the details of swapping depend on the details of the
structures used by each COFF implementation. This is included by
coffcode.h, as well as by the ECOFF backend.
Any file which uses this must first include "coff/internal.h" and
"coff/CPU.h". The functions will then be correct for that CPU. */
#ifndef IMAGE_BASE
#define IMAGE_BASE 0
#define PUTWORD bfd_h_put_32
#define PUTHALF bfd_h_put_16
#define PUTBYTE bfd_h_put_8
#define GET_FCN_LNNOPTR(abfd, ext) bfd_h_get_32(abfd, (bfd_byte *) ext->x_sym.x_fcnary.x_fcn.x_lnnoptr)
#define GET_FCN_ENDNDX(abfd, ext) bfd_h_get_32(abfd, (bfd_byte *) ext->x_sym.x_fcnary.x_fcn.x_endndx)
#define PUT_FCN_LNNOPTR(abfd, in, ext) PUTWORD(abfd, in, (bfd_byte *) ext->x_sym.x_fcnary.x_fcn.x_lnnoptr)
#define PUT_FCN_ENDNDX(abfd, in, ext) PUTWORD(abfd, in, (bfd_byte *) ext->x_sym.x_fcnary.x_fcn.x_endndx)
#define GET_LNSZ_LNNO(abfd, ext) bfd_h_get_16(abfd, (bfd_byte *) ext->x_sym.x_misc.x_lnsz.x_lnno)
#define GET_LNSZ_SIZE(abfd, ext) bfd_h_get_16(abfd, (bfd_byte *) ext->x_sym.x_misc.x_lnsz.x_size)
#define PUT_LNSZ_LNNO(abfd, in, ext) bfd_h_put_16(abfd, in, (bfd_byte *)ext->x_sym.x_misc.x_lnsz.x_lnno)
#define PUT_LNSZ_SIZE(abfd, in, ext) bfd_h_put_16(abfd, in, (bfd_byte*) ext->x_sym.x_misc.x_lnsz.x_size)
#define GET_SCN_SCNLEN(abfd, ext) bfd_h_get_32(abfd, (bfd_byte *) ext->x_scn.x_scnlen)
#define GET_SCN_NRELOC(abfd, ext) bfd_h_get_16(abfd, (bfd_byte *)ext->x_scn.x_nreloc)
#define GET_SCN_NLINNO(abfd, ext) bfd_h_get_16(abfd, (bfd_byte *)ext->x_scn.x_nlinno)
#define PUT_SCN_SCNLEN(abfd,in, ext) bfd_h_put_32(abfd, in, (bfd_byte *) ext->x_scn.x_scnlen)
#define PUT_SCN_NRELOC(abfd,in, ext) bfd_h_put_16(abfd, in, (bfd_byte *)ext->x_scn.x_nreloc)
#define PUT_SCN_NLINNO(abfd,in, ext) bfd_h_put_16(abfd,in, (bfd_byte *) ext->x_scn.x_nlinno)
#define GET_LINENO_LNNO(abfd, ext) bfd_h_get_16(abfd, (bfd_byte *) (ext->l_lnno));
#define PUT_LINENO_LNNO(abfd,val, ext) bfd_h_put_16(abfd,val, (bfd_byte *) (ext->l_lnno));
/* The f_symptr field in the filehdr is sometimes 64 bits. */
#define GET_FILEHDR_SYMPTR bfd_h_get_32
#define PUT_FILEHDR_SYMPTR bfd_h_put_32
/* Some fields in the aouthdr are sometimes 64 bits. */
#define GET_AOUTHDR_TSIZE bfd_h_get_32
#define PUT_AOUTHDR_TSIZE bfd_h_put_32
#define GET_AOUTHDR_DSIZE bfd_h_get_32
#define PUT_AOUTHDR_DSIZE bfd_h_put_32
#define GET_AOUTHDR_BSIZE bfd_h_get_32
#define PUT_AOUTHDR_BSIZE bfd_h_put_32
#define GET_AOUTHDR_ENTRY bfd_h_get_32
#define PUT_AOUTHDR_ENTRY bfd_h_put_32
#define GET_AOUTHDR_TEXT_START bfd_h_get_32
#define PUT_AOUTHDR_TEXT_START bfd_h_put_32
#define GET_AOUTHDR_DATA_START bfd_h_get_32
#define PUT_AOUTHDR_DATA_START bfd_h_put_32
/* Some fields in the scnhdr are sometimes 64 bits. */
#define GET_SCNHDR_PADDR bfd_h_get_32
#define PUT_SCNHDR_PADDR bfd_h_put_32
#define GET_SCNHDR_VADDR bfd_h_get_32
#define PUT_SCNHDR_VADDR bfd_h_put_32
#define GET_SCNHDR_SIZE bfd_h_get_32
#define PUT_SCNHDR_SIZE bfd_h_put_32
#define GET_SCNHDR_SCNPTR bfd_h_get_32
#define PUT_SCNHDR_SCNPTR bfd_h_put_32
#define GET_SCNHDR_RELPTR bfd_h_get_32
#define PUT_SCNHDR_RELPTR bfd_h_put_32
#define GET_SCNHDR_LNNOPTR bfd_h_get_32
#define PUT_SCNHDR_LNNOPTR bfd_h_put_32
static void
coff_swap_reloc_in (abfd, src, dst)
bfd *abfd;
PTR src;
PTR dst;
RELOC *reloc_src = (RELOC *) src;
struct internal_reloc *reloc_dst = (struct internal_reloc *) dst;
reloc_dst->r_vaddr = bfd_h_get_32(abfd, (bfd_byte *)reloc_src->r_vaddr);
reloc_dst->r_symndx = bfd_h_get_signed_32(abfd, (bfd_byte *) reloc_src->r_symndx);
#ifdef RS6000COFF_C
reloc_dst->r_type = bfd_h_get_8(abfd, reloc_src->r_type);
reloc_dst->r_size = bfd_h_get_8(abfd, reloc_src->r_size);
reloc_dst->r_type = bfd_h_get_16(abfd, (bfd_byte *) reloc_src->r_type);
reloc_dst->r_offset = SWAP_IN_RELOC_OFFSET(abfd,
(bfd_byte *) reloc_src->r_offset);
static unsigned int
coff_swap_reloc_out (abfd, src, dst)
bfd *abfd;
PTR src;
PTR dst;
struct internal_reloc *reloc_src = (struct internal_reloc *)src;
struct external_reloc *reloc_dst = (struct external_reloc *)dst;
bfd_h_put_32(abfd, reloc_src->r_vaddr, (bfd_byte *) reloc_dst->r_vaddr);
bfd_h_put_32(abfd, reloc_src->r_symndx, (bfd_byte *) reloc_dst->r_symndx);
#ifdef RS6000COFF_C
bfd_h_put_8 (abfd, reloc_src->r_type, (bfd_byte *) reloc_dst->r_type);
bfd_h_put_8 (abfd, reloc_src->r_size, (bfd_byte *) reloc_dst->r_size);
bfd_h_put_16(abfd, reloc_src->r_type, (bfd_byte *)
(bfd_byte *) reloc_dst->r_offset);
SWAP_OUT_RELOC_EXTRA(abfd,reloc_src, reloc_dst);
return sizeof(struct external_reloc);
#endif /* NO_COFF_RELOCS */
static void
coff_swap_filehdr_in (abfd, src, dst)
bfd *abfd;
PTR src;
PTR dst;
FILHDR *filehdr_src = (FILHDR *) src;
struct internal_filehdr *filehdr_dst = (struct internal_filehdr *) dst;
filehdr_dst->f_magic = bfd_h_get_16(abfd, (bfd_byte *) filehdr_src->f_magic);
filehdr_dst->f_nscns = bfd_h_get_16(abfd, (bfd_byte *)filehdr_src-> f_nscns);
filehdr_dst->f_timdat = bfd_h_get_32(abfd, (bfd_byte *)filehdr_src-> f_timdat);
filehdr_dst->f_symptr =
GET_FILEHDR_SYMPTR (abfd, (bfd_byte *) filehdr_src->f_symptr);
filehdr_dst->f_nsyms = bfd_h_get_32(abfd, (bfd_byte *)filehdr_src-> f_nsyms);
filehdr_dst->f_opthdr = bfd_h_get_16(abfd, (bfd_byte *)filehdr_src-> f_opthdr);
filehdr_dst->f_flags = bfd_h_get_16(abfd, (bfd_byte *)filehdr_src-> f_flags);
static unsigned int
coff_swap_filehdr_out (abfd, in, out)
bfd *abfd;
PTR in;
PTR out;
struct internal_filehdr *filehdr_in = (struct internal_filehdr *)in;
FILHDR *filehdr_out = (FILHDR *)out;
bfd_h_put_16(abfd, filehdr_in->f_magic, (bfd_byte *) filehdr_out->f_magic);
bfd_h_put_16(abfd, filehdr_in->f_nscns, (bfd_byte *) filehdr_out->f_nscns);
bfd_h_put_32(abfd, filehdr_in->f_timdat, (bfd_byte *) filehdr_out->f_timdat);
PUT_FILEHDR_SYMPTR (abfd, (bfd_vma) filehdr_in->f_symptr,
(bfd_byte *) filehdr_out->f_symptr);
bfd_h_put_32(abfd, filehdr_in->f_nsyms, (bfd_byte *) filehdr_out->f_nsyms);
bfd_h_put_16(abfd, filehdr_in->f_opthdr, (bfd_byte *) filehdr_out->f_opthdr);
bfd_h_put_16(abfd, filehdr_in->f_flags, (bfd_byte *) filehdr_out->f_flags);
return sizeof(FILHDR);
static void
coff_swap_sym_in (abfd, ext1, in1)
bfd *abfd;
PTR ext1;
PTR in1;
SYMENT *ext = (SYMENT *)ext1;
struct internal_syment *in = (struct internal_syment *)in1;
if( ext->e.e_name[0] == 0) {
in->_n._n_n._n_zeroes = 0;
in->_n._n_n._n_offset = bfd_h_get_32(abfd, (bfd_byte *) ext->e.e.e_offset);
else {
-> Error, we need to cope with truncating or extending SYMNMLEN!;
memcpy(in->_n._n_name, ext->e.e_name, SYMNMLEN);
in->n_value = bfd_h_get_32(abfd, (bfd_byte *) ext->e_value);
in->n_scnum = bfd_h_get_16(abfd, (bfd_byte *) ext->e_scnum);
if (sizeof(ext->e_type) == 2){
in->n_type = bfd_h_get_16(abfd, (bfd_byte *) ext->e_type);
else {
in->n_type = bfd_h_get_32(abfd, (bfd_byte *) ext->e_type);
in->n_sclass = bfd_h_get_8(abfd, ext->e_sclass);
in->n_numaux = bfd_h_get_8(abfd, ext->e_numaux);
static unsigned int
coff_swap_sym_out (abfd, inp, extp)
bfd *abfd;
PTR inp;
PTR extp;
struct internal_syment *in = (struct internal_syment *)inp;
SYMENT *ext =(SYMENT *)extp;
if(in->_n._n_name[0] == 0) {
bfd_h_put_32(abfd, 0, (bfd_byte *) ext->e.e.e_zeroes);
bfd_h_put_32(abfd, in->_n._n_n._n_offset, (bfd_byte *) ext->e.e.e_offset);
else {
-> Error, we need to cope with truncating or extending SYMNMLEN!;
memcpy(ext->e.e_name, in->_n._n_name, SYMNMLEN);
bfd_h_put_32(abfd, in->n_value , (bfd_byte *) ext->e_value);
bfd_h_put_16(abfd, in->n_scnum , (bfd_byte *) ext->e_scnum);
if (sizeof(ext->e_type) == 2)
bfd_h_put_16(abfd, in->n_type , (bfd_byte *) ext->e_type);
bfd_h_put_32(abfd, in->n_type , (bfd_byte *) ext->e_type);
bfd_h_put_8(abfd, in->n_sclass , ext->e_sclass);
bfd_h_put_8(abfd, in->n_numaux , ext->e_numaux);
return sizeof(SYMENT);
static void
coff_swap_aux_in (abfd, ext1, type, class, indx, numaux, in1)
bfd *abfd;
PTR ext1;
int type;
int class;
int indx;
int numaux;
PTR in1;
AUXENT *ext = (AUXENT *)ext1;
union internal_auxent *in = (union internal_auxent *)in1;
switch (class) {
case C_FILE:
if (ext->x_file.x_fname[0] == 0) {
in->x_file.x_n.x_zeroes = 0;
in->x_file.x_n.x_offset =
bfd_h_get_32(abfd, (bfd_byte *) ext->x_file.x_n.x_offset);
} else {
-> Error, we need to cope with truncating or extending FILNMLEN!;
memcpy (in->x_file.x_fname, ext->x_file.x_fname, FILNMLEN);
/* RS/6000 "csect" auxents */
#ifdef RS6000COFF_C
case C_EXT:
case C_HIDEXT:
if (indx + 1 == numaux)
in->x_csect.x_scnlen.l = bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, ext->x_csect.x_scnlen);
in->x_csect.x_parmhash = bfd_h_get_32 (abfd,
in->x_csect.x_snhash = bfd_h_get_16 (abfd, ext->x_csect.x_snhash);
/* We don't have to hack bitfields in x_smtyp because it's
defined by shifts-and-ands, which are equivalent on all
byte orders. */
in->x_csect.x_smtyp = bfd_h_get_8 (abfd, ext->x_csect.x_smtyp);
in->x_csect.x_smclas = bfd_h_get_8 (abfd, ext->x_csect.x_smclas);
in->x_csect.x_stab = bfd_h_get_32 (abfd, ext->x_csect.x_stab);
in->x_csect.x_snstab = bfd_h_get_16 (abfd, ext->x_csect.x_snstab);
case C_STAT:
case C_HIDDEN:
if (type == T_NULL) {
in->x_scn.x_scnlen = GET_SCN_SCNLEN(abfd, ext);
in->x_scn.x_nreloc = GET_SCN_NRELOC(abfd, ext);
in->x_scn.x_nlinno = GET_SCN_NLINNO(abfd, ext);
in->x_sym.x_tagndx.l = bfd_h_get_32(abfd, (bfd_byte *) ext->x_sym.x_tagndx);
#ifndef NO_TVNDX
in->x_sym.x_tvndx = bfd_h_get_16(abfd, (bfd_byte *) ext->x_sym.x_tvndx);
if (class == C_BLOCK || ISFCN (type) || ISTAG (class))
in->x_sym.x_fcnary.x_fcn.x_lnnoptr = GET_FCN_LNNOPTR (abfd, ext);
in->x_sym.x_fcnary.x_fcn.x_endndx.l = GET_FCN_ENDNDX (abfd, ext);
#error we need to cope with truncating or extending DIMNUM
in->x_sym.x_fcnary.x_ary.x_dimen[0] =
bfd_h_get_16 (abfd, (bfd_byte *) ext->x_sym.x_fcnary.x_ary.x_dimen[0]);
in->x_sym.x_fcnary.x_ary.x_dimen[1] =
bfd_h_get_16 (abfd, (bfd_byte *) ext->x_sym.x_fcnary.x_ary.x_dimen[1]);
in->x_sym.x_fcnary.x_ary.x_dimen[2] =
bfd_h_get_16 (abfd, (bfd_byte *) ext->x_sym.x_fcnary.x_ary.x_dimen[2]);
in->x_sym.x_fcnary.x_ary.x_dimen[3] =
bfd_h_get_16 (abfd, (bfd_byte *) ext->x_sym.x_fcnary.x_ary.x_dimen[3]);
if (ISFCN(type)) {
in->x_sym.x_misc.x_fsize = bfd_h_get_32(abfd, (bfd_byte *) ext->x_sym.x_misc.x_fsize);
else {
in->x_sym.x_misc.x_lnsz.x_lnno = GET_LNSZ_LNNO(abfd, ext);
in->x_sym.x_misc.x_lnsz.x_size = GET_LNSZ_SIZE(abfd, ext);
static unsigned int
coff_swap_aux_out (abfd, inp, type, class, indx, numaux, extp)
bfd *abfd;
PTR inp;
int type;
int class;
int indx;
int numaux;
PTR extp;
union internal_auxent *in = (union internal_auxent *)inp;
AUXENT *ext = (AUXENT *)extp;
memset((PTR)ext, 0, AUXESZ);
switch (class) {
case C_FILE:
if (in->x_file.x_fname[0] == 0) {
PUTWORD(abfd, 0, (bfd_byte *) ext->x_file.x_n.x_zeroes);
(bfd_byte *) ext->x_file.x_n.x_offset);
else {
-> Error, we need to cope with truncating or extending FILNMLEN!;
memcpy (ext->x_file.x_fname, in->x_file.x_fname, FILNMLEN);
return sizeof (AUXENT);
#ifdef RS6000COFF_C
/* RS/6000 "csect" auxents */
case C_EXT:
case C_HIDEXT:
if (indx + 1 == numaux)
PUTWORD (abfd, in->x_csect.x_scnlen.l, ext->x_csect.x_scnlen);
PUTWORD (abfd, in->x_csect.x_parmhash, ext->x_csect.x_parmhash);
PUTHALF (abfd, in->x_csect.x_snhash, ext->x_csect.x_snhash);
/* We don't have to hack bitfields in x_smtyp because it's
defined by shifts-and-ands, which are equivalent on all
byte orders. */
PUTBYTE (abfd, in->x_csect.x_smtyp, ext->x_csect.x_smtyp);
PUTBYTE (abfd, in->x_csect.x_smclas, ext->x_csect.x_smclas);
PUTWORD (abfd, in->x_csect.x_stab, ext->x_csect.x_stab);
PUTHALF (abfd, in->x_csect.x_snstab, ext->x_csect.x_snstab);
return sizeof (AUXENT);
case C_STAT:
case C_HIDDEN:
if (type == T_NULL) {
PUT_SCN_SCNLEN(abfd, in->x_scn.x_scnlen, ext);
PUT_SCN_NRELOC(abfd, in->x_scn.x_nreloc, ext);
PUT_SCN_NLINNO(abfd, in->x_scn.x_nlinno, ext);
return sizeof (AUXENT);
PUTWORD(abfd, in->x_sym.x_tagndx.l, (bfd_byte *) ext->x_sym.x_tagndx);
#ifndef NO_TVNDX
bfd_h_put_16(abfd, in->x_sym.x_tvndx , (bfd_byte *) ext->x_sym.x_tvndx);
if (class == C_BLOCK || ISFCN (type) || ISTAG (class))
PUT_FCN_LNNOPTR(abfd, in->x_sym.x_fcnary.x_fcn.x_lnnoptr, ext);
PUT_FCN_ENDNDX(abfd, in->x_sym.x_fcnary.x_fcn.x_endndx.l, ext);
#error we need to cope with truncating or extending DIMNUM
bfd_h_put_16 (abfd, in->x_sym.x_fcnary.x_ary.x_dimen[0],
(bfd_byte *) ext->x_sym.x_fcnary.x_ary.x_dimen[0]);
bfd_h_put_16 (abfd, in->x_sym.x_fcnary.x_ary.x_dimen[1],
(bfd_byte *) ext->x_sym.x_fcnary.x_ary.x_dimen[1]);
bfd_h_put_16 (abfd, in->x_sym.x_fcnary.x_ary.x_dimen[2],
(bfd_byte *) ext->x_sym.x_fcnary.x_ary.x_dimen[2]);
bfd_h_put_16 (abfd, in->x_sym.x_fcnary.x_ary.x_dimen[3],
(bfd_byte *) ext->x_sym.x_fcnary.x_ary.x_dimen[3]);
if (ISFCN (type))
PUTWORD (abfd, in->x_sym.x_misc.x_fsize,
(bfd_byte *) ext->x_sym.x_misc.x_fsize);
PUT_LNSZ_LNNO (abfd, in->x_sym.x_misc.x_lnsz.x_lnno, ext);
PUT_LNSZ_SIZE (abfd, in->x_sym.x_misc.x_lnsz.x_size, ext);
return sizeof(AUXENT);
#endif /* NO_COFF_SYMBOLS */
static void
coff_swap_lineno_in (abfd, ext1, in1)
bfd *abfd;
PTR ext1;
PTR in1;
LINENO *ext = (LINENO *)ext1;
struct internal_lineno *in = (struct internal_lineno *)in1;
in->l_addr.l_symndx = bfd_h_get_32(abfd, (bfd_byte *) ext->l_addr.l_symndx);
in->l_lnno = GET_LINENO_LNNO(abfd, ext);
static unsigned int
coff_swap_lineno_out (abfd, inp, outp)
bfd *abfd;
PTR inp;
PTR outp;
struct internal_lineno *in = (struct internal_lineno *)inp;
struct external_lineno *ext = (struct external_lineno *)outp;
PUTWORD(abfd, in->l_addr.l_symndx, (bfd_byte *)
PUT_LINENO_LNNO (abfd, in->l_lnno, ext);
return sizeof(struct external_lineno);
#endif /* NO_COFF_LINENOS */
static void
coff_swap_aouthdr_in (abfd, aouthdr_ext1, aouthdr_int1)
bfd *abfd;
PTR aouthdr_ext1;
PTR aouthdr_int1;
AOUTHDR *aouthdr_ext = (AOUTHDR *) aouthdr_ext1;
struct internal_aouthdr *aouthdr_int = (struct internal_aouthdr *)aouthdr_int1;
aouthdr_int->magic = bfd_h_get_16(abfd, (bfd_byte *) aouthdr_ext->magic);
aouthdr_int->vstamp = bfd_h_get_16(abfd, (bfd_byte *) aouthdr_ext->vstamp);
aouthdr_int->tsize =
GET_AOUTHDR_TSIZE (abfd, (bfd_byte *) aouthdr_ext->tsize);
aouthdr_int->dsize =
GET_AOUTHDR_DSIZE (abfd, (bfd_byte *) aouthdr_ext->dsize);
aouthdr_int->bsize =
GET_AOUTHDR_BSIZE (abfd, (bfd_byte *) aouthdr_ext->bsize);
aouthdr_int->entry =
GET_AOUTHDR_ENTRY (abfd, (bfd_byte *) aouthdr_ext->entry);
aouthdr_int->text_start =
GET_AOUTHDR_TEXT_START (abfd, (bfd_byte *) aouthdr_ext->text_start);
aouthdr_int->data_start =
GET_AOUTHDR_DATA_START (abfd, (bfd_byte *) aouthdr_ext->data_start);
#ifdef I960
aouthdr_int->tagentries = bfd_h_get_32(abfd, (bfd_byte *) aouthdr_ext->tagentries);
#ifdef APOLLO_M68
bfd_h_put_32(abfd, aouthdr_int->o_inlib, (bfd_byte *) aouthdr_ext->o_inlib);
bfd_h_put_32(abfd, aouthdr_int->o_sri, (bfd_byte *) aouthdr_ext->o_sri);
bfd_h_put_32(abfd, aouthdr_int->vid[0], (bfd_byte *) aouthdr_ext->vid);
bfd_h_put_32(abfd, aouthdr_int->vid[1], (bfd_byte *) aouthdr_ext->vid + 4);
#ifdef RS6000COFF_C
aouthdr_int->o_toc = bfd_h_get_32(abfd, aouthdr_ext->o_toc);
aouthdr_int->o_snentry = bfd_h_get_16(abfd, aouthdr_ext->o_snentry);
aouthdr_int->o_sntext = bfd_h_get_16(abfd, aouthdr_ext->o_sntext);
aouthdr_int->o_sndata = bfd_h_get_16(abfd, aouthdr_ext->o_sndata);
aouthdr_int->o_sntoc = bfd_h_get_16(abfd, aouthdr_ext->o_sntoc);
aouthdr_int->o_snloader = bfd_h_get_16(abfd, aouthdr_ext->o_snloader);
aouthdr_int->o_snbss = bfd_h_get_16(abfd, aouthdr_ext->o_snbss);
aouthdr_int->o_algntext = bfd_h_get_16(abfd, aouthdr_ext->o_algntext);
aouthdr_int->o_algndata = bfd_h_get_16(abfd, aouthdr_ext->o_algndata);
aouthdr_int->o_modtype = bfd_h_get_16(abfd, aouthdr_ext->o_modtype);
aouthdr_int->o_cputype = bfd_h_get_16(abfd, aouthdr_ext->o_cputype);
aouthdr_int->o_maxstack = bfd_h_get_32(abfd, aouthdr_ext->o_maxstack);
aouthdr_int->o_maxdata = bfd_h_get_32(abfd, aouthdr_ext->o_maxdata);
aouthdr_int->bss_start = bfd_h_get_32(abfd, aouthdr_ext->bss_start);
aouthdr_int->gp_value = bfd_h_get_32(abfd, aouthdr_ext->gp_value);
aouthdr_int->gprmask = bfd_h_get_32(abfd, aouthdr_ext->gprmask);
aouthdr_int->cprmask[0] = bfd_h_get_32(abfd, aouthdr_ext->cprmask[0]);
aouthdr_int->cprmask[1] = bfd_h_get_32(abfd, aouthdr_ext->cprmask[1]);
aouthdr_int->cprmask[2] = bfd_h_get_32(abfd, aouthdr_ext->cprmask[2]);
aouthdr_int->cprmask[3] = bfd_h_get_32(abfd, aouthdr_ext->cprmask[3]);
aouthdr_int->bss_start = bfd_h_get_64(abfd, aouthdr_ext->bss_start);
aouthdr_int->gp_value = bfd_h_get_64(abfd, aouthdr_ext->gp_value);
aouthdr_int->gprmask = bfd_h_get_32(abfd, aouthdr_ext->gprmask);
aouthdr_int->fprmask = bfd_h_get_32(abfd, aouthdr_ext->fprmask);
static unsigned int
coff_swap_aouthdr_out (abfd, in, out)
bfd *abfd;
PTR in;
PTR out;
struct internal_aouthdr *aouthdr_in = (struct internal_aouthdr *)in;
AOUTHDR *aouthdr_out = (AOUTHDR *)out;
bfd_h_put_16(abfd, aouthdr_in->magic, (bfd_byte *) aouthdr_out->magic);
bfd_h_put_16(abfd, aouthdr_in->vstamp, (bfd_byte *) aouthdr_out->vstamp);
PUT_AOUTHDR_TSIZE (abfd, aouthdr_in->tsize, (bfd_byte *) aouthdr_out->tsize);
PUT_AOUTHDR_DSIZE (abfd, aouthdr_in->dsize, (bfd_byte *) aouthdr_out->dsize);
PUT_AOUTHDR_BSIZE (abfd, aouthdr_in->bsize, (bfd_byte *) aouthdr_out->bsize);
PUT_AOUTHDR_ENTRY (abfd, aouthdr_in->entry, (bfd_byte *) aouthdr_out->entry);
PUT_AOUTHDR_TEXT_START (abfd, aouthdr_in->text_start,
(bfd_byte *) aouthdr_out->text_start);
PUT_AOUTHDR_DATA_START (abfd, aouthdr_in->data_start,
(bfd_byte *) aouthdr_out->data_start);
#ifdef I960
bfd_h_put_32(abfd, aouthdr_in->tagentries, (bfd_byte *) aouthdr_out->tagentries);
#ifdef RS6000COFF_C
bfd_h_put_32 (abfd, aouthdr_in->o_toc, aouthdr_out->o_toc);
bfd_h_put_16 (abfd, aouthdr_in->o_snentry, aouthdr_out->o_snentry);
bfd_h_put_16 (abfd, aouthdr_in->o_sntext, aouthdr_out->o_sntext);
bfd_h_put_16 (abfd, aouthdr_in->o_sndata, aouthdr_out->o_sndata);
bfd_h_put_16 (abfd, aouthdr_in->o_sntoc, aouthdr_out->o_sntoc);
bfd_h_put_16 (abfd, aouthdr_in->o_snloader, aouthdr_out->o_snloader);
bfd_h_put_16 (abfd, aouthdr_in->o_snbss, aouthdr_out->o_snbss);
bfd_h_put_16 (abfd, aouthdr_in->o_algntext, aouthdr_out->o_algntext);
bfd_h_put_16 (abfd, aouthdr_in->o_algndata, aouthdr_out->o_algndata);
bfd_h_put_16 (abfd, aouthdr_in->o_modtype, aouthdr_out->o_modtype);
bfd_h_put_16 (abfd, aouthdr_in->o_cputype, aouthdr_out->o_cputype);
bfd_h_put_32 (abfd, aouthdr_in->o_maxstack, aouthdr_out->o_maxstack);
bfd_h_put_32 (abfd, aouthdr_in->o_maxdata, aouthdr_out->o_maxdata);
memset (aouthdr_out->o_resv2, 0, sizeof aouthdr_out->o_resv2);
bfd_h_put_32(abfd, aouthdr_in->bss_start, (bfd_byte *) aouthdr_out->bss_start);
bfd_h_put_32(abfd, aouthdr_in->gp_value, (bfd_byte *) aouthdr_out->gp_value);
bfd_h_put_32(abfd, aouthdr_in->gprmask, (bfd_byte *) aouthdr_out->gprmask);
bfd_h_put_32(abfd, aouthdr_in->cprmask[0], (bfd_byte *) aouthdr_out->cprmask[0]);
bfd_h_put_32(abfd, aouthdr_in->cprmask[1], (bfd_byte *) aouthdr_out->cprmask[1]);
bfd_h_put_32(abfd, aouthdr_in->cprmask[2], (bfd_byte *) aouthdr_out->cprmask[2]);
bfd_h_put_32(abfd, aouthdr_in->cprmask[3], (bfd_byte *) aouthdr_out->cprmask[3]);
/* FIXME: What does bldrev mean? */
bfd_h_put_16(abfd, (bfd_vma) 2, (bfd_byte *) aouthdr_out->bldrev);
bfd_h_put_16(abfd, (bfd_vma) 0, (bfd_byte *) aouthdr_out->padding);
bfd_h_put_64(abfd, aouthdr_in->bss_start, (bfd_byte *) aouthdr_out->bss_start);
bfd_h_put_64(abfd, aouthdr_in->gp_value, (bfd_byte *) aouthdr_out->gp_value);
bfd_h_put_32(abfd, aouthdr_in->gprmask, (bfd_byte *) aouthdr_out->gprmask);
bfd_h_put_32(abfd, aouthdr_in->fprmask, (bfd_byte *) aouthdr_out->fprmask);
return sizeof(AOUTHDR);
static void
coff_swap_scnhdr_in (abfd, ext, in)
bfd *abfd;
PTR ext;
PTR in;
SCNHDR *scnhdr_ext = (SCNHDR *) ext;
struct internal_scnhdr *scnhdr_int = (struct internal_scnhdr *) in;
memcpy(scnhdr_int->s_name, scnhdr_ext->s_name, sizeof(scnhdr_int->s_name));
scnhdr_int->s_vaddr =
GET_SCNHDR_VADDR (abfd, (bfd_byte *) scnhdr_ext->s_vaddr);
scnhdr_int->s_paddr =
GET_SCNHDR_PADDR (abfd, (bfd_byte *) scnhdr_ext->s_paddr);
scnhdr_int->s_size =
GET_SCNHDR_SIZE (abfd, (bfd_byte *) scnhdr_ext->s_size);
scnhdr_int->s_scnptr =
GET_SCNHDR_SCNPTR (abfd, (bfd_byte *) scnhdr_ext->s_scnptr);
scnhdr_int->s_relptr =
GET_SCNHDR_RELPTR (abfd, (bfd_byte *) scnhdr_ext->s_relptr);
scnhdr_int->s_lnnoptr =
GET_SCNHDR_LNNOPTR (abfd, (bfd_byte *) scnhdr_ext->s_lnnoptr);
scnhdr_int->s_flags = bfd_h_get_32(abfd, (bfd_byte *) scnhdr_ext->s_flags);
#if defined(M88)
scnhdr_int->s_nreloc = bfd_h_get_32(abfd, (bfd_byte *) scnhdr_ext->s_nreloc);
scnhdr_int->s_nlnno = bfd_h_get_32(abfd, (bfd_byte *) scnhdr_ext->s_nlnno);
scnhdr_int->s_nreloc = bfd_h_get_16(abfd, (bfd_byte *) scnhdr_ext->s_nreloc);
scnhdr_int->s_nlnno = bfd_h_get_16(abfd, (bfd_byte *) scnhdr_ext->s_nlnno);
#ifdef I960
scnhdr_int->s_align = bfd_h_get_32(abfd, (bfd_byte *) scnhdr_ext->s_align);
static unsigned int
coff_swap_scnhdr_out (abfd, in, out)
bfd *abfd;
PTR in;
PTR out;
struct internal_scnhdr *scnhdr_int = (struct internal_scnhdr *)in;
SCNHDR *scnhdr_ext = (SCNHDR *)out;
unsigned int ret = sizeof (SCNHDR);
memcpy(scnhdr_ext->s_name, scnhdr_int->s_name, sizeof(scnhdr_int->s_name));
PUT_SCNHDR_VADDR (abfd, scnhdr_int->s_vaddr,
(bfd_byte *) scnhdr_ext->s_vaddr);
PUT_SCNHDR_PADDR (abfd, scnhdr_int->s_paddr,
(bfd_byte *) scnhdr_ext->s_paddr);
PUT_SCNHDR_SIZE (abfd, scnhdr_int->s_size,
(bfd_byte *) scnhdr_ext->s_size);
PUT_SCNHDR_SCNPTR (abfd, scnhdr_int->s_scnptr,
(bfd_byte *) scnhdr_ext->s_scnptr);
PUT_SCNHDR_RELPTR (abfd, scnhdr_int->s_relptr,
(bfd_byte *) scnhdr_ext->s_relptr);
PUT_SCNHDR_LNNOPTR (abfd, scnhdr_int->s_lnnoptr,
(bfd_byte *) scnhdr_ext->s_lnnoptr);
PUTWORD(abfd, scnhdr_int->s_flags, (bfd_byte *) scnhdr_ext->s_flags);
#if defined(M88)
PUTWORD(abfd, scnhdr_int->s_nlnno, (bfd_byte *) scnhdr_ext->s_nlnno);
PUTWORD(abfd, scnhdr_int->s_nreloc, (bfd_byte *) scnhdr_ext->s_nreloc);
if (scnhdr_int->s_nlnno <= 0xffff)
PUTHALF(abfd, scnhdr_int->s_nlnno, (bfd_byte *) scnhdr_ext->s_nlnno);
(*_bfd_error_handler) ("%s: line number overflow: 0x%lx > 0xffff",
bfd_get_filename (abfd),
bfd_set_error (bfd_error_file_truncated);
PUTHALF (abfd, 0xffff, (bfd_byte *) scnhdr_ext->s_nlnno);
ret = 0;
if (scnhdr_int->s_nreloc <= 0xffff)
PUTHALF(abfd, scnhdr_int->s_nreloc, (bfd_byte *) scnhdr_ext->s_nreloc);
(*_bfd_error_handler) ("%s: reloc overflow: 0x%lx > 0xffff",
bfd_get_filename (abfd),
bfd_set_error (bfd_error_file_truncated);
PUTHALF (abfd, 0xffff, (bfd_byte *) scnhdr_ext->s_nreloc);
ret = 0;
#if defined(I960)
PUTWORD(abfd, scnhdr_int->s_align, (bfd_byte *) scnhdr_ext->s_align);
return ret;

View File

@ -1,491 +0,0 @@
# config.bfd
# Convert a canonical host type into a BFD host type.
# Set shell variable targ to canonical target name, and run
# using ``. config.bfd''.
# Sets the following shell variables:
# targ_defvec Default vector for this target
# targ_selvecs Vectors to build for this target
# targ_archs Architectures for this target
# targ_cflags $(CFLAGS) for this target (FIXME: pretty bogus)
# targ_undercore Whether underscores are used: yes or no
# The binutils c++filt program wants to know whether underscores are
# stripped or not. That is why we set targ_underscore. c++filt uses
# this information to choose a default. This information is
# duplicated in the symbol_leading_char field of the BFD target
# vector, but c++filt does not deal with object files and is not
# linked against libbfd.a. It is not terribly important that c++filt
# get this right; it is just convenient.
targ_cpu=`echo $targ | sed 's/^\(.*\)-\(.*\)-\(.*\)$/\1/'`
case "${targ_cpu}" in
arm*) targ_archs=bfd_arm_arch ;;
hppa*) targ_archs=bfd_hppa_arch ;;
i[345]86) targ_archs=bfd_i386_arch ;;
m68*) targ_archs=bfd_m68k_arch ;;
m88*) targ_archs=bfd_m88k_arch ;;
mips*) targ_archs=bfd_mips_arch ;;
powerpc*) targ_archs="bfd_rs6000_arch bfd_powerpc_arch" ;;
rs6000) targ_archs="bfd_rs6000_arch bfd_powerpc_arch" ;;
sparc*) targ_archs=bfd_sparc_arch ;;
z8k*) targ_archs=bfd_z8k_arch ;;
*) targ_archs=bfd_${targ_cpu}_arch ;;
# Make sure that the left side always has two dashes. Otherwise you
# can get spurious matches. Even for unambiguous cases, do this as a
# convention, else the table becomes a real mess to understand and maintain.
case "${targ}" in
targ_selvecs="armpe_little_vec armpe_big_vec armpei_little_vec armpei_big_vec"
arm-*-aout | armel-*-aout)
a29k-*-ebmon* | a29k-*-udi* | a29k-*-coff* | a29k-*-sym1* | \
a29k-*-vxworks* | a29k-*-sysv*)
a29k-*-aout* | a29k-*-bsd* | a29k-*-vsta*)
targ_selvecs="shcoff_vec shlcoff_vec"
hppa*-*-*elf* | hppa*-*-lites* | hppa*-*-sysv4*)
hppa*-*-hpux* | hppa*-*-hiux*)
i[345]86-*-sysv4* | i[345]86-*-unixware | i[345]86-*-solaris2* | \
i[345]86-*-elf | i[345]86-*-sco*elf*)
i[345]86-*-sysv* | i[345]86-*-isc* | i[345]86-*-sco* | i[345]86-*-coff | \
i[345]86-*-aix* | i[345]86-*-go32*)
targ_selvecs="nlm32_i386_vec i386coff_vec i386aout_vec"
i[345]86-*-mach* | i[345]86-*-osf1mk*)
targ_selvecs="i386msdos_vec i386aout_vec"
i[345]86-*-cygwin32 | i[345]86-*-winnt | i[345]86-*-pe)
targ_selvecs="i386pe_vec i386pei_vec"
i[345]86-*-aout* | i[345]86*-*-vsta*)
i860-*-mach3* | i860-*-osf1* | i860-*-coff*)
i860-*-sysv4* | i860-*-elf*)
i960-*-vxworks4* | i960-*-vxworks5.0)
targ_selvecs="b_out_vec_big_host icoff_little_vec icoff_big_vec"
i960-*-vxworks5.* | i960-*-coff* | i960-*-sysv*)
targ_selvecs="icoff_big_vec b_out_vec_little_host b_out_vec_big_host"
i960-*-vxworks* | i960-*-aout* | i960-*-bout* | i960-*-nindy*)
targ_selvecs="b_out_vec_big_host icoff_little_vec icoff_big_vec"
# We include this here, rather than making a separate cisco
# configuration, so that cisco-core.c gets routinely tested at
# least for compilation.
m68*-*-elf* | m68*-*-sysv4*)
m68*-*-coff* | m68*-*-sysv*)
targ_selvecs="m68kcoff_vec versados_vec"
targ_selvecs="m68knetbsd_vec hp300bsd_vec sunos_big_vec"
targ_selvecs="m68k4knetbsd_vec hp300bsd_vec sunos_big_vec"
m68*-*-sunos* | m68*-*-os68k* | m68*-*-vxworks* | m68*-netx-* | \
m68*-*-bsd* | m68*-*-vsta*)
targ_selvecs="m68kcoff_vec tekhex_vec"
m88*-harris-cxux* | m88*-*-dgux* | m88*-*-sysv4*)
mips*-dec-* | mips*el-*-ecoff*)
targ_selvecs="bfd_elf32_littlemips_vec ecoff_big_vec ecoff_little_vec"
mips*-sgi-* | mips*-*-bsd*)
targ_selvecs="bfd_elf32_littlemips_vec ecoff_big_vec ecoff_little_vec"
mips*-*-sysv* | mips*-*-riscos*)
ns32k-pc532-mach* | ns32k-pc532-ux*)
ns32k-*-netbsd* | ns32k-*-lites*)
powerpc-*-elf* | powerpc-*-sysv4* | powerpc-*-eabi* | powerpc-*-solaris2*)
targ_selvecs="rs6000coff_vec bfd_elf32_powerpcle_vec bfd_powerpcle_pei_vec bfd_powerpc_pei_vec bfd_powerpcle_pe_vec bfd_powerpc_pe_vec"
powerpc-*-macos* | powerpc-*-mpw*)
targ_selvecs="nlm32_powerpc_vec rs6000coff_vec"
powerpcle-*-elf* | powerpcle-*-sysv4* | powerpcle-*-eabi* | \
targ_selvecs="rs6000coff_vec bfd_elf32_powerpc_vec bfd_powerpcle_pei_vec bfd_powerpc_pei_vec bfd_powerpcle_pe_vec bfd_powerpc_pe_vec"
powerpcle-*-pe | powerpcle-*-winnt* | powerpcle-*-cygwin32)
targ_selvecs="bfd_powerpcle_pei_vec bfd_powerpc_pei_vec bfd_powerpcle_pe_vec bfd_powerpc_pe_vec"
sparc-*-elf* | sparc-*-sysv4* | sparc-*-solaris2*)
sparc64-*-solaris2* | sparc64-*-sysv4*)
# Adding 64 bit support by default causes things like objdump to
# print addresses as 64 bits.
targ_selvecs="nlm32_sparc_vec sunos_big_vec"
echo 1>&2 "*** BFD does not support target ${targ}."
echo 1>&2 "*** Look in bfd/config.bfd for supported targets."
exit 1
echo 1>&2 "*** BFD does not support target ${targ}."
echo 1>&2 "*** Look in bfd/config.bfd for supported targets."
exit 1

View File

@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
/* Generated automatically from by autoheader. */
/* Whether malloc must be declared even if <stdlib.h> is included. */
/* Whether free must be declared even if <stdlib.h> is included. */
/* Define if you have a working `mmap' system call. */
#undef HAVE_MMAP
/* Define if you can safely include both <sys/time.h> and <time.h>. */
/* Do we need to use the b modifier when opening binary files? */
/* Name of host specific header file to include in trad-core.c. */
/* Define only if <sys/procfs.h> is available *and* it defines prstatus_t. */
/* Do we really want to use mmap if it's available? */
#undef USE_MMAP
/* Define if you have the fcntl function. */
/* Define if you have the getpagesize function. */
/* Define if you have the madvise function. */
/* Define if you have the mprotect function. */
/* Define if you have the valloc function. */
/* Define if you have the <fcntl.h> header file. */
/* Define if you have the <stddef.h> header file. */
/* Define if you have the <stdlib.h> header file. */
/* Define if you have the <string.h> header file. */
/* Define if you have the <strings.h> header file. */
/* Define if you have the <sys/file.h> header file. */
/* Define if you have the <sys/time.h> header file. */
/* Define if you have the <time.h> header file. */
#undef HAVE_TIME_H
/* Define if you have the <unistd.h> header file. */

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -1,128 +0,0 @@
# This file is a shell script that overrides some of the tools and
# flags used on a host specific basis.
# Since the "bfd/hosts" directory is shared by the bfd, opcodes, and
# binutils directories (at least), the index to it is also shared.
# This is that index. Each file should source this file
# in its per-host part.
# This sets the following shell variables:
# HDEFINES host specific compiler options
# host64 set to true if this is a 64 bit host
# HOST_64BIT_TYPE host 64 bit type
# SHLIB_CC compiler to use when building shared library
# SHLIB_CFLAGS flags to use when building shared library
# PICFLAG may be set to flag to use to compile PIC
# SHLINK may be set to the name to link the shared library to
# ALLLIBS may be set to libraries to build
# HLDFLAGS LDFLAGS specific to the host
# RPATH_ENVVAR environment variable used to find shared libraries
case "${host}" in
alpha-*-*) host64=true; HOST_64BIT_TYPE=long ;;
hppa*-*-hpux*) HDEFINES=-DHOST_HPPAHPUX ;;
hppa*-*-hiux*) HDEFINES=-DHOST_HPPAHPUX ;;
hppa*-*-bsd*) HDEFINES=-DHOST_HPPABSD ;;
hppa*-*-osf*) HDEFINES=-DHOST_HPPAOSF ;;
i[345]86-sequent-bsd*) HDEFINES=-Dshared=genshared ;;
i[345]86-sequent-sysv4*) ;;
i[345]86-sequent-sysv*) HDEFINES=-Dshared=genshared ;;
mips-dec-netbsd*) ;;
mips-dec-*) HDEFINES="-G 4" ;;
mips-sgi-irix3*) HDEFINES="-G 4" ;;
mips-sgi-irix4*) HDEFINES="-G 4" ;;
mips-*-sysv4*) ;;
mips-*-sysv*) HDEFINES="-G 4" ;;
mips-*-riscos*) HDEFINES="-G 4" ;;
m68*-hp-hpux*) HDEFINES=-DHOST_HP300HPUX ;;
# If we are configuring with --enable-shared, adjust the shared
# library support based on the host. This support must work for both
# the BFD and the opcodes libraries.
if [ "${shared}" = "true" ]; then
case "${host}" in
hppa*-*-*) picfrag=../config/mh-papic ;;
i[3456]86-*-*) picfrag=../config/mh-x86pic ;;
*-*-*) picfrag=../config/mh-${host_cpu}pic ;;
if [ -f "${picfrag}" ]; then
pic=`sed -n -e 's/^PICFLAG[ ]*=[ ]*\(.*\)$/\1/p' ${picfrag}`
if [ -n "${pic}" ]; then
case "${host}" in
# -fpic is not needed on the Alpha.
# HP/UX uses .sl for shared libraries.
SHLINK=`echo ${SHLINK} | sed -e 's/so$/sl/'`
# -fpic is not needed on Irix 5.
SHLIB_CFLAGS='-shared -Wl,-soname,$(SONAME)'
SHLIB_CFLAGS='-shared -Wl,-soname,$(SONAME)'
case "$(libdir)" in
/lib | /usr/lib) ;;
*) HLDFLAGS='-Wl,-rpath,$(libdir)' ;;
*-*-sysv4* | *-*-solaris*)
SHLIB_CFLAGS='-shared -h $(SONAME)'
HLDFLAGS='-R $(libdir)'
# Build a symlink in the object directory.
ALLLIBS=`echo ${ALLLIBS} | sed -e 's/\$(SHLINK)/stamp-tshlink/'`
# On SunOS, if the linker supports the -rpath option, use it to
# prevent ../bfd and ../opcodes from being included in the run time
# search path.
case "${host}" in
echo 'main () { }' > conftest.c
${CC} -o conftest -Wl,-rpath= conftest.c >/dev/null 2>conftest.t
if grep 'unrecognized' conftest.t >/dev/null 2>&1; then
elif grep 'No such file' conftest.t >/dev/null 2>&1; then
elif grep 'do not mix' conftest.t >/dev/null 2>&1; then
elif [ "${shared}" = "true" ]; then
rm -f conftest.t conftest.c conftest

View File

@ -1,577 +0,0 @@
dnl Process this file with autoconf to produce a configure script.
[ --enable-64-bit-bfd 64-bit support (on hosts with narrower word sizes)],
[case "${enableval}" in
yes) want64=true ;;
no) want64=false ;;
*) AC_MSG_ERROR(bad value ${enableval} for 64-bit-bfd option) ;;
[ --enable-targets alternative target configurations],
[case "${enableval}" in
yes | "") AC_ERROR(enable-targets option must specify target names or 'all')
no) enable_targets= ;;
*) enable_targets=$enableval ;;
[ --enable-shared build shared BFD library],
[case "${enableval}" in
yes) shared=true ;;
no) shared=false ;;
*) AC_MSG_ERROR([bad value ${enableval} for BFD shared option]) ;;
[ --enable-commonbfdlib build shared BFD/opcodes/libiberty library],
[case "${enableval}" in
yes) commonbfdlib=true ;;
no) commonbfdlib=false ;;
*) AC_MSG_ERROR([bad value ${enableval} for BFD commonbfdlib option]) ;;
[ --with-mmap try using mmap for BFD input files if available],
[case "${withval}" in
yes) want_mmap=true ;;
no) want_mmap=false ;;
*) AC_MSG_ERROR(bad value ${withval} for BFD with-mmap option) ;;
AC_CONFIG_AUX_DIR(`cd $srcdir/..;pwd`)
if test -z "$target" ; then
AC_MSG_ERROR(Unrecognized target system type; please check config.sub.)
# host stuff:
if test "${shared}" = "true"; then
if test "${commonbfdlib}" = "true"; then
changequote(,)dnl`sed -e 's/[^0-9]*\([0-9.]*\).*/\1/' ${srcdir}/VERSION`
# Permit host specific settings.
. ${srcdir}/
if test "${shared}" = "true"; then
if test "${GCC}" != "yes" && test "${shared_non_gcc}" != "yes"; then
AC_MSG_WARN([BFD --enable-shared only supported when using gcc])
if test "${commonbfdlib}" = "true"; then
if test "x${HOST_64BIT_TYPE}" = "xlong"; then
AC_CHECK_HEADERS(stddef.h string.h strings.h stdlib.h time.h unistd.h)
AC_CHECK_HEADERS(fcntl.h sys/file.h sys/time.h)
AC_CHECK_FUNCS(fcntl getpagesize)
# If we are configured native, pick a core file support file.
if test "${target}" = "${host}"; then
case "${host}" in
alpha*-*-*) COREFILE=osf-core.o ;;
arm-*-riscix) COREFILE=trad-core.o ;;
hppa*-*-hpux*) COREFILE=hpux-core.o ;;
hppa*-*-hiux*) COREFILE=hpux-core.o ;;
hppa*-*-bsd*) COREFILE="hpux-core.o hppabsd-core.o"
i[345]86-sequent-sysv4*) ;;
i[345]86-*-bsd* | i[345]86-*-freebsd*)
i[345]86-*-sco* | i[345]86-*-isc*)
i[345]86-*-isc*) COREFILE=trad-core.o ;;
i[345]86-*-aix*) COREFILE=aix386-core.o ;;
i860-*-mach3* | i860-*-osf1*)
mips-sgi-irix4*) COREFILE=irix-core.o ;;
mips-sgi-irix5*) COREFILE=irix-core.o ;;
mips-*-sysv4*) ;;
mips-*-sysv* | mips-*-riscos*)
m68*-hp-hpux*) COREFILE=hpux-core.o ;;
AC_DEFINE(TRAD_HEADER, "hosts/delta68.h")
m88*-*-sysv4*) ;;
m88*-motorola-sysv*) COREFILE=ptrace-core.o ;;
rs6000-*-lynx*) COREFILE=lynx-core.o ;;
rs6000-*-aix4*) COREFILE=rs6000-core.o ;;
rs6000-*-*) COREFILE=rs6000-core.o ;;
powerpc-*-aix4*) COREFILE=rs6000-core.o ;;
powerpc-*-aix*) COREFILE=rs6000-core.o ;;
case "$COREFILE" in
aix386-core.o) COREFLAG=-DAIX386_CORE ;;
hppabsd-core.o) COREFLAG=-DHPPABSD_CORE ;;
hpux-core.o) COREFLAG=-DHPUX_CORE ;;
irix-core.o) COREFLAG=-DIRIX_CORE ;;
lynx-core.o) COREFLAG=-DLYNX_CORE ;;
osf-core.o) COREFLAG=-DOSF_CORE ;;
ptrace-core.o) COREFLAG=-DPTRACE_CORE ;;
rs6000-core.o) COREFLAG="$COREFLAG -DAIX_CORE" ;;
# The ELF code uses the native <sys/procfs.h> to handle core files.
# Define HAVE_SYS_PROCFS_H if the file exists and defines
# prstatus_t.
AC_MSG_CHECKING([for sys/procfs.h])
[AC_TRY_COMPILE([#include <sys/procfs.h>],
[prstatus_t t;],
bfd_cv_header_sys_procfs_h=yes, bfd_cv_header_sys_procfs_h=no)])
if test $bfd_cv_header_sys_procfs_h = yes; then
# target stuff:
# Canonicalize the secondary target names.
if test -n "$enable_targets" ; then
for targ in `echo $enable_targets | sed 's/,/ /g'`
result=`$ac_config_sub $targ 2>/dev/null`
if test -n "$result" ; then
canon_targets="$canon_targets $result"
# Allow targets that config.sub doesn't recognize, like "all".
canon_targets="$canon_targets $targ"
for targ in $target $canon_targets
if test "x$targ" = "xall"; then
. $srcdir/config.bfd
if test "x$targ" = "x$target"; then
selvecs="$selvecs $targ_defvec $targ_selvecs"
selarchs="$selarchs $targ_archs"
TDEFINES="$TDEFINES $targ_cflags"
# This processing still needs to be done if we're to decide properly whether
# 64-bit support needs to be compiled in. Currently, it will be included if
# the default or any other explicitly requested target requires it; it
# will not be included on a 32-bit host if no 64-bit target is requested, and
# no "--with-64-bit-bfd" option is given, even if "--with-targets=all" is
# used.
# uniq the default and selected vectors in all the configured targets.
for i in $selvecs ; do
case " $f " in
*" $i "*) ;;
*) f="$f $i" ;;
# uniq the architectures in all the configured targets.
for i in $selarchs ; do
case " $f " in
*" $i "*) ;;
*) f="$f $i" ;;
# Target backend .o files.
elf="elf.o elflink.o"
for vec in $selvecs
case "$vec" in
# This list is alphabetized to make it easy to compare
# with the two vector lists in targets.c.
a29kcoff_big_vec) tb="$tb coff-a29k.o cofflink.o" ;;
a_out_adobe_vec) tb="$tb aout-adobe.o aout32.o" ;;
armcoff_little_vec) tb="$tb coff-arm.o cofflink.o " ;;
armcoff_big_vec) tb="$tb coff-arm.o cofflink.o " ;;
armpe_little_vec) tb="$tb pe-arm.o cofflink.o " ;;
armpe_big_vec) tb="$tb pe-arm.o cofflink.o " ;;
armpei_little_vec) tb="$tb pei-arm.o cofflink.o " ;;
armpei_big_vec) tb="$tb pei-arm.o cofflink.o " ;;
aout0_big_vec) tb="$tb aout0.o aout32.o" ;;
aout_arm_big_vec) tb="$tb aout-arm.o aout32.o" ;;
aout_arm_little_vec) tb="$tb aout-arm.o aout32.o" ;;
aout_mips_big_vec) tb="$tb mipsbsd.o aout32.o" ;;
aout_mips_little_vec) tb="$tb mipsbsd.o aout32.o" ;;
apollocoff_vec) tb="$tb coff-apollo.o" ;;
b_out_vec_big_host) tb="$tb bout.o aout32.o" ;;
b_out_vec_little_host) tb="$tb bout.o aout32.o" ;;
bfd_elf32_big_generic_vec) tb="$tb elf32-gen.o elf32.o $elf" ;;
bfd_elf32_bigmips_vec) tb="$tb elf32-mips.o elf32.o $elf ecofflink.o" ;;
bfd_elf32_hppa_vec) tb="$tb elf32-hppa.o elf32.o $elf" ;;
bfd_elf32_i386_vec) tb="$tb elf32-i386.o elf32.o $elf" ;;
bfd_elf32_i860_vec) tb="$tb elf32-i860.o elf32.o $elf" ;;
bfd_elf32_little_generic_vec) tb="$tb elf32-gen.o elf32.o $elf" ;;
bfd_elf32_littlemips_vec) tb="$tb elf32-mips.o elf32.o $elf ecofflink.o" ;;
bfd_elf32_m68k_vec) tb="$tb elf32-m68k.o elf32.o $elf" ;;
bfd_elf32_m88k_vec) tb="$tb elf32-m88k.o elf32.o $elf" ;;
bfd_elf32_powerpc_vec) tb="$tb elf32-ppc.o elf32.o $elf" ;;
bfd_elf32_powerpcle_vec) tb="$tb elf32-ppc.o elf32.o $elf" ;;
bfd_elf32_sparc_vec) tb="$tb elf32-sparc.o elf32.o $elf" ;;
bfd_elf64_big_generic_vec) tb="$tb elf64-gen.o elf64.o $elf"
target64=true ;;
bfd_elf64_little_generic_vec) tb="$tb elf64-gen.o elf64.o $elf"
target64=true ;;
bfd_elf64_sparc_vec) tb="$tb elf64-sparc.o elf64.o $elf"
target64=true ;;
cisco_core_vec) tb="$tb cisco-core.o" ;;
demo_64_vec) tb="$tb demo64.o aout64.o"
target64=true ;;
ecoff_big_vec) tb="$tb coff-mips.o ecoff.o ecofflink.o" ;;
ecoff_little_vec) tb="$tb coff-mips.o ecoff.o ecofflink.o" ;;
ecoffalpha_little_vec) tb="$tb coff-alpha.o ecoff.o ecofflink.o"
target64=true ;;
h8300coff_vec) tb="$tb coff-h8300.o reloc16.o" ;;
h8500coff_vec) tb="$tb coff-h8500.o reloc16.o" ;;
host_aout_vec) tb="$tb host-aout.o aout32.o" ;;
hp300bsd_vec) tb="$tb hp300bsd.o aout32.o" ;;
hp300hpux_vec) tb="$tb hp300hpux.o aout32.o" ;;
i386aout_vec) tb="$tb i386aout.o aout32.o" ;;
i386bsd_vec) tb="$tb i386bsd.o aout32.o" ;;
i386coff_vec) tb="$tb coff-i386.o cofflink.o" ;;
i386dynix_vec) tb="$tb i386dynix.o aout32.o" ;;
i386freebsd_vec) tb="$tb i386freebsd.o aout32.o" ;;
i386msdos_vec) tb="$tb i386msdos.o" ;;
i386pe_vec) tb="$tb pe-i386.o cofflink.o " ;;
i386pei_vec) tb="$tb pei-i386.o cofflink.o" ;;
i386linux_vec) tb="$tb i386linux.o aout32.o" ;;
i386lynx_aout_vec) tb="$tb i386lynx.o lynx-core.o aout32.o" ;;
i386lynx_coff_vec) tb="$tb cf-i386lynx.o cofflink.o lynx-core.o" ;;
i386mach3_vec) tb="$tb i386mach3.o aout32.o" ;;
i386netbsd_vec) tb="$tb i386netbsd.o aout32.o" ;;
i386os9k_vec) tb="$tb i386os9k.o aout32.o" ;;
i860coff_vec) tb="$tb coff-i860.o cofflink.o" ;;
icoff_big_vec) tb="$tb coff-i960.o cofflink.o" ;;
icoff_little_vec) tb="$tb coff-i960.o cofflink.o" ;;
ieee_vec) tb="$tb ieee.o" ;;
m68kcoff_vec) tb="$tb coff-m68k.o cofflink.o" ;;
m68kcoffun_vec) tb="$tb coff-u68k.o coff-m68k.o cofflink.o" ;;
m68klinux_vec) tb="$tb m68klinux.o aout32.o" ;;
m68klynx_aout_vec) tb="$tb m68klynx.o lynx-core.o aout32.o" ;;
m68klynx_coff_vec) tb="$tb cf-m68klynx.o coff-m68k.o cofflink.o lynx-core.o" ;;
m68knetbsd_vec) tb="$tb m68knetbsd.o aout32.o" ;;
m68k4knetbsd_vec) tb="$tb m68k4knetbsd.o aout32.o" ;;
m68kaux_coff_vec) tb="$tb coff-aux.o coff-m68k.o cofflink.o" ;;
m88kbcs_vec) tb="$tb coff-m88k.o" ;;
newsos3_vec) tb="$tb newsos3.o aout32.o" ;;
nlm32_i386_vec) tb="$tb nlm32-i386.o nlm32.o nlm.o" ;;
nlm32_sparc_vec) tb="$tb nlm32-sparc.o nlm32.o nlm.o" ;;
nlm32_alpha_vec) tb="$tb nlm32-alpha.o nlm32.o nlm.o"
target64=true ;;
riscix_vec) tb="$tb aout32.o riscix.o" ;;
nlm32_powerpc_vec) tb="$tb nlm32-ppc.o nlm32.o nlm.o" ;;
pc532netbsd_vec) tb="$tb ns32knetbsd.o aout-ns32k.o" ;;
pc532machaout_vec) tb="$tb pc532-mach.o aout-ns32k.o" ;;
pmac_xcoff_vec) tb="$tb coff-pmac.o xcofflink.o" ;;
rs6000coff_vec) tb="$tb coff-rs6000.o xcofflink.o" ;;
bfd_powerpc_pe_vec) tb="$tb pe-ppc.o cofflink.o" ;;
bfd_powerpcle_pe_vec) tb="$tb pe-ppc.o cofflink.o" ;;
bfd_powerpc_pei_vec) tb="$tb pei-ppc.o cofflink.o" ;;
bfd_powerpcle_pei_vec) tb="$tb pei-ppc.o cofflink.o" ;;
shcoff_vec) tb="$tb coff-sh.o cofflink.o" ;;
shlcoff_vec) tb="$tb coff-sh.o cofflink.o" ;;
som_vec) tb="$tb som.o" ;;
sparclynx_aout_vec) tb="$tb sparclynx.o lynx-core.o aout32.o" ;;
sparclynx_coff_vec) tb="$tb cf-sparclynx.o lynx-core.o" ;;
sparcnetbsd_vec) tb="$tb sparcnetbsd.o aout32.o" ;;
sparccoff_vec) tb="$tb coff-sparc.o" ;;
srec_vec) tb="$tb srec.o" ;;
sunos_big_vec) tb="$tb sunos.o aout32.o" ;;
symbolsrec_vec) tb="$tb srec.o" ;;
tekhex_vec) tb="$tb tekhex.o" ;;
we32kcoff_vec) tb="$tb coff-we32k.o" ;;
z8kcoff_vec) tb="$tb coff-z8k.o reloc16.o" ;;
w65_vec) tb="$tb coff-w65.o reloc16.o" ;;
versados_vec) tb="$tb versados.o" ;;
"") ;;
*) AC_MSG_ERROR(*** unknown target vector $vec) ;;
# Target architecture .o files.
ta=`echo $selarchs | sed -e s/bfd_/cpu-/g -e s/_arch/.o/g`
# Weed out duplicate .o files.
for i in $tb ; do
case " $f " in
*" $i "*) ;;
*) f="$f $i" ;;
for i in $ta ; do
case " $f " in
*" $i "*) ;;
*) f="$f $i" ;;
if test x${all_targets} = xtrue ; then
bfd_backends="${bfd_backends}"' $(ALL_BACKENDS)'
bfd_machines="${bfd_machines}"' $(ALL_MACHINES)'
else # all_targets is true
# Only set these if they will be nonempty, for the clever echo.
test -n "$selvecs" &&
selvecs=`echo $selvecs | sed -e 's/^/\&/' -e 's/ \(.\)/,\&\1/g'`
test -n "$selarchs" &&
selarchs=`echo $selarchs | sed -e 's/^/\&/' -e 's/ \(.\)/,\&\1/g'`
fi # all_targets is true
case ${host64}-${target64}-${want64} in
all_backends='$(BFD64_BACKENDS) $(BFD32_BACKENDS)'
test -n "${defvec}" && tdefaults="${tdefaults} -DDEFAULT_VECTOR=${defvec}"
test -n "${selvecs}" && tdefaults="${tdefaults} -DSELECT_VECS='${selvecs}'"
test -n "${selarchs}" && tdefaults="${tdefaults} -DSELECT_ARCHITECTURES='${selarchs}'"
dnl AC_CHECK_HEADERS(sys/mman.h)
AC_CHECK_FUNCS(madvise mprotect)
case ${want_mmap}+${ac_cv_func_mmap} in
true+yes ) AC_DEFINE(USE_MMAP) ;;
rm -f doc/config.status
AC_OUTPUT(Makefile doc/Makefile,
[case x$CONFIG_HEADERS in echo > stamp-h ;; esac])

View File

@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
/* Core file generic interface routines for BFD.
Copyright (C) 1990, 91, 92, 93, 94 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
Written by Cygnus Support.
This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
Core files
These are functions pertaining to core files.
#include "bfd.h"
#include "sysdep.h"
#include "libbfd.h"
CONST char *bfd_core_file_failing_command(bfd *abfd);
Return a read-only string explaining which program was running
when it failed and produced the core file @var{abfd}.
CONST char *
bfd_core_file_failing_command (abfd)
bfd *abfd;
if (abfd->format != bfd_core) {
bfd_set_error (bfd_error_invalid_operation);
return NULL;
return BFD_SEND (abfd, _core_file_failing_command, (abfd));
int bfd_core_file_failing_signal(bfd *abfd);
Returns the signal number which caused the core dump which
generated the file the BFD @var{abfd} is attached to.
bfd_core_file_failing_signal (abfd)
bfd *abfd;
if (abfd->format != bfd_core) {
bfd_set_error (bfd_error_invalid_operation);
return 0;
return BFD_SEND (abfd, _core_file_failing_signal, (abfd));
boolean core_file_matches_executable_p
(bfd *core_bfd, bfd *exec_bfd);
Return <<true>> if the core file attached to @var{core_bfd}
was generated by a run of the executable file attached to
@var{exec_bfd}, <<false>> otherwise.
core_file_matches_executable_p (core_bfd, exec_bfd)
bfd *core_bfd, *exec_bfd;
if ((core_bfd->format != bfd_core) || (exec_bfd->format != bfd_object)) {
bfd_set_error (bfd_error_wrong_format);
return false;
return BFD_SEND (core_bfd, _core_file_matches_executable_p,
(core_bfd, exec_bfd));

View File

@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
/* BFD support for the Intel 386 architecture.
Copyright 1992 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
#include "bfd.h"
#include "sysdep.h"
#include "libbfd.h"
const bfd_arch_info_type bfd_i386_arch =
32, /* 32 bits in a word */
32, /* 32 bits in an address */
8, /* 8 bits in a byte */
0, /* only 1 machine */
true, /* the one and only */
bfd_default_scan ,

View File

@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
/\\$/b loop
s! @BFD_H@!!g
s!hosts/[^ ]*\.h ! !g
s/ sysdep.h//g
s/ libbfd.h//g
s/ config.h//g
s! \$(INCDIR)/fopen-[^ ]*\.h!!g
s! \$(INCDIR)/ansidecl\.h!!g
s! \$(INCDIR)/obstack\.h!!g
s/\\\n */ /g
s/ *$//
s/ */ /g
s/ *:/:/g
s/\(.\{50\}[^ ]*\) /\1 \\\

View File

@ -1,268 +0,0 @@
Tue Jan 30 14:10:46 1996 Ian Lance Taylor <>
From Ronald F. Guilmette <>:
* (libbfd.h): Depend upon proto.str.
(libcoff.h, bfd.h): Likewise.
Fri Nov 3 14:46:48 1995 Fred Fish <>
* (SRCDOC, SRCPROT, core.texi, bfd.h): Use corefile.c,
renamed from core.c.
Wed Nov 1 14:28:23 1995 Manfred Hollstein KS/EF4A 60/1F/110 #40283 <>
* chew.c: Include <ctype.h>.
Fri Oct 6 16:23:34 1995 Ken Raeburn <>
Mon Sep 25 22:49:32 1995 Andreas Schwab <>
* (Makefile): Only remake this Makefile.
Wed Oct 4 15:51:05 1995 Ken Raeburn <>
* chew.c: Include <stdio.h>.
Tue Sep 12 18:14:50 1995 Ian Lance Taylor <>
* (maintainer-clean): New target.
Thu Aug 31 12:18:43 1995 Ian Lance Taylor <>
* (bfd.h): Add additional #endif at end of bfd.h if
__cplusplus is defined.
Tue Nov 29 16:13:34 1994 Doug Evans <>
* chew.c (write_buffer): New argument `f', all callers changed.
(stdout, stderr, print, drop, idrop): New forth words.
* proto.str (COMMENT): New command.
* doc.str (COMMENT): Likewise.
Mon Sep 12 11:44:17 1994 Ian Lance Taylor (
* (DOCFILES): Remove ctor.texi.
(IPROTOS): Remove ctor.ip.
(SRCIPROT): Remove $(srcdir)/../ctor.c.
(ctor.texi): Remove target.
(libbfd.h): Remove dependency on $(srcdir)/../ctor.c. Remove
$(MKDOC) run on $(srcdir)/../ctor.c.
* bfd.texinfo (Constructors): Remove section.
Fri Sep 2 13:33:44 1994 Ken Raeburn (
* chew.c: Include assert.h. Added prototypes for most functions.
Changed most uses of int to long. Do bounds checking on the
stacks. Added comment at the beginning documenting most of the
intrinsics. Lots of whitespace changes. Re-ordered some
(die, check_range, icheck_range): New functions.
(strip_trailing_newlines, print_stack_level): New functions.
(translatecomments): Don't insert tab before "/*".
(iscommand): Minimum command length is now 4.
(nextword): Handle some \-sequences.
(push_addr): Deleted.
(main): Add new intrinsics strip_trailing_newlines and
print_stack_level. Complain at end if stack contains more than
one element, or less.
(remchar): Make sure the string is not empty before chopping off a
* doc.str, proto.str: Handle new commands SENUM, ENUM, ENUMX,
Wed Jan 12 18:37:12 1994 Ian Lance Taylor (
* bfd.texinfo: Added Linker Functions node.
* doc/ (DOCFILES): Added linker.texi.
(SRCDOC): Added linker.c.
(linker.texi): New target.
Tue Jan 4 10:52:56 1994 Ian Lance Taylor (
* chew.c: Don't rely on a correct declaration of exit.
(chew_exit): New function which just calls exit.
(main): Use it.
Mon Jan 3 11:40:40 1994 Ian Lance Taylor (
* bfd.texinfo: Added Hash Tables node.
* (DOCFILES): Added hash.texi.
(SRCDOC): Added hash.c.
(hash.texi): New target.
Thu Dec 30 16:57:04 1993 Ken Raeburn (
* Delete all references to seclet.c, since it's just
been deleted. Don't mention hash.c, linker.c, or genlink.h yet,
since they don't contain documentation yet (hint, hint!).
Fri Nov 5 10:58:53 1993 David J. Mackenzie (
* bfd.texinfo: Small cleanups.
Fri Nov 19 03:46:11 1993 Ken Raeburn (
* (archures.texi): Depends on $(MKDOC).
Tue Aug 10 14:22:39 1993 Ken Raeburn (
* bfd.texinfo (BFD back end): Don't include elfcode.texi, since
it's empty now and that triggers a makeinfo bug.
Mon Aug 9 16:27:30 1993 Ken Raeburn (
* bfd.texinfo (BFD back end): New section on ELF, includes
elf.texi and elfcode.texi.
* (DOCFILES): Include elf.texi, elfcode.texi.
(SRCDOC): Include elfcode.h, elf.c.
(elf.texi, elfcode.texi): New intermediate targets.
Thu Jun 24 13:48:13 1993 David J. Mackenzie (
* (.c.o, chew.o): Put CFLAGS last.
* bfdsumm.texi: New file, broken out of bfd.texinfo, to share
with ld.texinfo.
Mon Jun 14 12:07:07 1993 david d `zoo' zuhn (zoo at
* (install-info): remove parentdir cruft,
Wed Jun 9 16:00:32 1993 Jim Kingdon (
* (mostlyclean): Remove chew.o.
Tue May 25 14:46:58 1993 Ken Raeburn (
* (libbfd.h): Use elfcode.h, not elf32.c.
Mon May 24 15:50:07 1993 Ken Raeburn (
* chew.c (compile): Add a couple of missing casts.
Wed May 12 14:45:14 1993 Ian Lance Taylor (
* (CC_FOR_BUILD): New variable, define to be $(CC).
(chew.o, $(MKDOC)): Build using CC_FOR_BUILD rather than CC, since
it must run on the build machine.
Tue Apr 6 22:38:10 1993 John Gilmore (
* (chew): Don't compile from .c to executable in a
single step; it puts a temporary .o filename into the executable,
which makes multi-stage comparisons fail. Compile chew.c to
chew.o, and link that, which makes identical executables every time.
Wed Mar 24 17:26:29 1993 david d `zoo' zuhn (zoo at
* fix typo (bfd.texinfo not bfd.texino)
Fri Mar 19 01:13:00 1993 Ken Raeburn (
* bfd.texinfo: Since BFD version number has been bumped, do same
to "version number" on title page, and elsewhere. Should be
fixed to extract real version number.
Tue Mar 16 12:15:13 1993 Per Bothner (
* Add *clean rules.
Mon Jan 11 18:43:56 1993 Ian Lance Taylor (
* (libbfd.h): Removed duplicate init.c and libbfd.c.
Added seclet.c.
(bfd.h): Added dependency on bfd.c and seclet.c. Added seclet.c
to build.
Thu Dec 17 19:35:43 1992 david d `zoo' zuhn (zoo at
* added dvi target, define and use $(TEXI2DVI)
Thu Dec 3 17:42:48 1992 Ken Raeburn (
* (TEXIDIR): New variable.
(bfd.dvi): Look for bfd.texinfo in $(srcdir). Generate index.
* bfd.texinfo: Minor doc fixes.
Thu Nov 5 03:13:55 1992 John Gilmore (
Cleanup: Replace all uses of EXFUN in the BFD sources, with PARAMS.
* doc/chew.c (exfunstuff): Eliminate.
(paramstuff): Replace exfunstuff with function to generate PARAMS.
* doc/proto.str: Use paramstuff rather than exfunstuff.
Mon Aug 17 12:40:32 1992 Steve Chamberlain (
* chew.c: various patches provided by Howard Chu.
Fri Jun 19 18:59:54 1992 John Gilmore (gnu at
* (libbfd.h): Add elf.c as a source of prototypes.
Mon May 11 18:55:59 1992 John Gilmore (gnu at
* chew.c: exit() should be declared by config files, not by
portable source code. Its type could be int or void function.
Mon May 4 13:45:57 1992 K. Richard Pixley (
* another CFLAGS correction.
Tue Apr 28 10:21:32 1992 K. Richard Pixley (
* Do the CFLAGS thing.
Fri Apr 10 22:34:52 1992 Fred Fish (
* (MINUS_G): Add macro and default to -g.
Fri Mar 6 18:53:18 1992 Steve Chamberlain (
* chew.c: now has -w switch turn on warnings
Wed Feb 26 18:04:40 1992 K. Richard Pixley (
*, removed traces of namesubdir,
-subdirs, $(subdir), $(unsubdir), some rcs triggers. Forced
copyrights to '92, changed some from Cygnus to FSF.
Tue Dec 10 22:11:05 1991 K. Richard Pixley (rich at
* build chew into the current directory. Complete
the MKDOC macro transition.
Tue Dec 10 08:26:28 1991 Steve Chamberlain (sac at
* chew.c: don't core dump when can't open file
* get proto.str from the right place when built in
odd directories
Tue Dec 10 04:07:25 1991 K. Richard Pixley (rich at
* infodir belongs in datadir.
Sat Dec 7 17:01:23 1991 Steve Chamberlain (sac at
* chew.c: Much modified
* proto.str, doc.str: New files for extracting to product
prototypes and documents respectively.
Fri Dec 6 22:57:12 1991 K. Richard Pixley (rich at
* added standards.text support, host/site/target
inclusion hooks, install using INSTALL_DATA rather than cp,
don't echo on install.
Thu Dec 5 22:46:17 1991 K. Richard Pixley (rich at
* idestdir and ddestdir go away. Added copyrights
and shift gpl to v2. Added ChangeLog if it didn't exist. docdir
and mandir now keyed off datadir by default.
Local Variables:
version-control: never

View File

@ -1,311 +0,0 @@
# Makefile
# Copyright (C) 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993 Free Software Foundation
# This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
VPATH = @srcdir@
srcdir = @srcdir@
prefix = @prefix@
exec_prefix = @exec_prefix@
bindir = $(exec_prefix)/bin
libdir = $(exec_prefix)/lib
datadir = $(prefix)/lib
mandir = $(prefix)/man
man1dir = $(mandir)/man1
man2dir = $(mandir)/man2
man3dir = $(mandir)/man3
man4dir = $(mandir)/man4
man5dir = $(mandir)/man5
man6dir = $(mandir)/man6
man7dir = $(mandir)/man7
man8dir = $(mandir)/man8
man9dir = $(mandir)/man9
infodir = $(prefix)/info
includedir = $(prefix)/include
docdir = $(datadir)/doc
SHELL = /bin/sh
INSTALL = `cd $(srcdir)/../..;pwd`/ -c
MAKEINFO = makeinfo
TEXI2DVI = texi2dvi
#### Host, target, and site specific Makefile fragments come in here.
$(CC) -c -I.. -I$(srcdir)/.. -I$(srcdir)/../../include $(H_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) $<
DOCFILES = aoutx.texi archive.texi archures.texi \
bfd.texi cache.texi coffcode.texi \
core.texi elf.texi elfcode.texi format.texi libbfd.texi \
opncls.texi reloc.texi section.texi \
syms.texi targets.texi init.texi hash.texi linker.texi
PROTOS = archive.p archures.p bfd.p \
core.p format.p \
libbfd.p opncls.p reloc.p \
section.p syms.p targets.p \
format.p core.p init.p
IPROTOS = cache.ip libbfd.ip reloc.ip init.ip archures.ip coffcode.ip
# SRCDOC, SRCPROT, SRCIPROT only used to sidestep Sun Make bug in interaction
# between VPATH and suffix rules. If you use GNU Make, perhaps other Makes,
# you don't need these three:
SRCDOC = $(srcdir)/../aoutx.h $(srcdir)/../archive.c \
$(srcdir)/../archures.c $(srcdir)/../bfd.c \
$(srcdir)/../cache.c $(srcdir)/../coffcode.h \
$(srcdir)/../corefile.c $(srcdir)/../elf.c \
$(srcdir)/../elfcode.h $(srcdir)/../format.c \
$(srcdir)/../libbfd.c $(srcdir)/../opncls.c \
$(srcdir)/../reloc.c $(srcdir)/../section.c \
$(srcdir)/../syms.c $(srcdir)/../targets.c \
$(srcdir)/../hash.c $(srcdir)/../linker.c
SRCPROT = $(srcdir)/../archive.c $(srcdir)/../archures.c \
$(srcdir)/../bfd.c $(srcdir)/../coffcode.h $(srcdir)/../corefile.c \
$(srcdir)/../format.c $(srcdir)/../libbfd.c \
$(srcdir)/../opncls.c $(srcdir)/../reloc.c \
$(srcdir)/../section.c $(srcdir)/../syms.c \
$(srcdir)/../targets.c $(srcdir)/../init.c
SRCIPROT = $(srcdir)/../cache.c $(srcdir)/../libbfd.c \
$(srcdir)/../reloc.c $(srcdir)/../cpu-h8300.c \
$(srcdir)/../cpu-i960.c $(srcdir)/../archures.c \
TEXIDIR = $(srcdir)/../../texinfo/fsf
all install:
dvi: bfd.dvi
install-info: info
for i in *.info* ; do \
$(INSTALL_DATA) $$i $(infodir)/$$i ; \
docs: $(MKDOC) protos bfd.dvi
$(MKDOC): chew.o
chew.o: chew.c
$(CC_FOR_BUILD) -c -I.. -I$(srcdir)/.. -I$(srcdir)/../../include $(H_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) $(srcdir)/chew.c
protos: libbfd.h libcoff.h bfd.h
# We can't replace these rules with an implicit rule, because
# makes without VPATH support couldn't find the .h files in `..'.
aoutx.texi: $(MKDOC) $(srcdir)/../aoutx.h $(srcdir)/doc.str
$(MKDOC) -f $(srcdir)/doc.str <$(srcdir)/../aoutx.h >aoutx.texi
archive.texi: $(MKDOC) $(srcdir)/../archive.c $(srcdir)/doc.str
$(MKDOC) -f $(srcdir)/doc.str <$(srcdir)/../archive.c >archive.texi
archures.texi: $(MKDOC) $(srcdir)/../archures.c $(srcdir)/doc.str
$(MKDOC) -f $(srcdir)/doc.str < $(srcdir)/../archures.c >archures.texi
bfd.texi: $(MKDOC) $(srcdir)/../bfd.c $(srcdir)/doc.str
$(MKDOC) -f $(srcdir)/doc.str < $(srcdir)/../bfd.c >bfd.texi
cache.texi: $(MKDOC) $(srcdir)/../cache.c $(srcdir)/doc.str
$(MKDOC) -f $(srcdir)/doc.str < $(srcdir)/../cache.c >cache.texi
coffcode.texi: $(MKDOC) $(srcdir)/../coffcode.h $(srcdir)/doc.str
$(MKDOC) -f $(srcdir)/doc.str <$(srcdir)/../coffcode.h >coffcode.texi
core.texi: $(MKDOC) $(srcdir)/../corefile.c $(srcdir)/doc.str
$(MKDOC) -f $(srcdir)/doc.str <$(srcdir)/../corefile.c >core.texi
elf.texi: $(MKDOC) $(srcdir)/../elf.c $(srcdir)/doc.str
$(MKDOC) -f $(srcdir)/doc.str <$(srcdir)/../elf.c >elf.texi
elfcode.texi: $(MKDOC) $(srcdir)/../elfcode.h $(srcdir)/doc.str
$(MKDOC) -f $(srcdir)/doc.str <$(srcdir)/../elfcode.h >elfcode.texi
format.texi: $(MKDOC) $(srcdir)/../format.c $(srcdir)/doc.str
$(MKDOC) -f $(srcdir)/doc.str <$(srcdir)/../format.c >format.texi
libbfd.texi: $(MKDOC) $(srcdir)/../libbfd.c $(srcdir)/doc.str
$(MKDOC) -f $(srcdir)/doc.str < $(srcdir)/../libbfd.c >libbfd.texi
opncls.texi: $(MKDOC) $(srcdir)/../opncls.c $(srcdir)/doc.str
$(MKDOC) -f $(srcdir)/doc.str <$(srcdir)/../opncls.c >opncls.texi
reloc.texi : $(MKDOC) $(srcdir)/../reloc.c
$(MKDOC) -f $(srcdir)/doc.str <$(srcdir)/../reloc.c >reloc.texi
section.texi: $(MKDOC) $(srcdir)/../section.c $(srcdir)/doc.str
$(MKDOC) -f $(srcdir)/doc.str <$(srcdir)/../section.c >section.texi
syms.texi : $(MKDOC) $(srcdir)/../syms.c
$(MKDOC) -f $(srcdir)/doc.str <$(srcdir)/../syms.c >syms.texi
targets.texi: $(MKDOC) $(srcdir)/../targets.c $(srcdir)/doc.str
$(MKDOC) -f $(srcdir)/doc.str <$(srcdir)/../targets.c >targets.texi
init.texi: $(MKDOC) $(srcdir)/../init.c $(srcdir)/doc.str
$(MKDOC) -f $(srcdir)/doc.str <$(srcdir)/../init.c >init.texi
hash.texi: $(MKDOC) $(srcdir)/../hash.c $(srcdir)/doc.str
$(MKDOC) -f $(srcdir)/doc.str <$(srcdir)/../hash.c >hash.texi
linker.texi: $(MKDOC) $(srcdir)/../linker.c $(srcdir)/doc.str
$(MKDOC) -f $(srcdir)/doc.str <$(srcdir)/../linker.c >linker.texi
libbfd.h: $(srcdir)/../libbfd-in.h \
$(srcdir)/../init.c \
$(srcdir)/../libbfd.c \
$(srcdir)/../cache.c \
$(srcdir)/../reloc.c \
$(srcdir)/../cpu-h8300.c \
$(srcdir)/../cpu-i960.c \
$(srcdir)/../archures.c \
$(srcdir)/../elfcode.h \
$(srcdir)/proto.str \
cat $(srcdir)/../libbfd-in.h >libbfd.h
$(MKDOC) -i -f $(srcdir)/proto.str < $(srcdir)/../init.c >>libbfd.h
$(MKDOC) -i -f $(srcdir)/proto.str < $(srcdir)/../libbfd.c >>libbfd.h
$(MKDOC) -i -f $(srcdir)/proto.str < $(srcdir)/../cache.c >>libbfd.h
$(MKDOC) -i -f $(srcdir)/proto.str < $(srcdir)/../reloc.c >>libbfd.h
$(MKDOC) -i -f $(srcdir)/proto.str < $(srcdir)/../cpu-h8300.c >>libbfd.h
$(MKDOC) -i -f $(srcdir)/proto.str < $(srcdir)/../cpu-i960.c >>libbfd.h
$(MKDOC) -i -f $(srcdir)/proto.str < $(srcdir)/../archures.c >>libbfd.h
$(MKDOC) -i -f $(srcdir)/proto.str < $(srcdir)/../elf.c >>libbfd.h
$(MKDOC) -i -f $(srcdir)/proto.str < $(srcdir)/../elfcode.h >>libbfd.h
libcoff.h: $(srcdir)/../libcoff-in.h \
$(srcdir)/../coffcode.h \
$(srcdir)/proto.str \
cat $(srcdir)/../libcoff-in.h >libcoff.h
$(MKDOC) -i -f $(srcdir)/proto.str < $(srcdir)/../coffcode.h >>libcoff.h
bfd.h: $(srcdir)/../bfd-in.h \
$(srcdir)/../init.c \
$(srcdir)/../opncls.c \
$(srcdir)/../libbfd.c \
$(srcdir)/../section.c \
$(srcdir)/../archures.c \
$(srcdir)/../reloc.c \
$(srcdir)/../syms.c \
$(srcdir)/../bfd.c \
$(srcdir)/../archive.c \
$(srcdir)/../corefile.c \
$(srcdir)/../targets.c \
$(srcdir)/../format.c \
$(srcdir)/proto.str \
cat $(srcdir)/../bfd-in.h >bfd.h
$(MKDOC) -f $(srcdir)/proto.str<$(srcdir)/../init.c >>bfd.h
$(MKDOC) -f $(srcdir)/proto.str<$(srcdir)/../opncls.c >>bfd.h
$(MKDOC) -f $(srcdir)/proto.str<$(srcdir)/../libbfd.c >>bfd.h
$(MKDOC) -f $(srcdir)/proto.str<$(srcdir)/../section.c >>bfd.h
$(MKDOC) -f $(srcdir)/proto.str<$(srcdir)/../archures.c >>bfd.h
$(MKDOC) -f $(srcdir)/proto.str<$(srcdir)/../reloc.c >>bfd.h
$(MKDOC) -f $(srcdir)/proto.str<$(srcdir)/../syms.c >>bfd.h
$(MKDOC) -f $(srcdir)/proto.str<$(srcdir)/../bfd.c >>bfd.h
$(MKDOC) -f $(srcdir)/proto.str<$(srcdir)/../archive.c >>bfd.h
$(MKDOC) -f $(srcdir)/proto.str<$(srcdir)/../corefile.c >>bfd.h
$(MKDOC) -f $(srcdir)/proto.str<$(srcdir)/../targets.c >>bfd.h
$(MKDOC) -f $(srcdir)/proto.str<$(srcdir)/../format.c >>bfd.h
echo "#ifdef __cplusplus" >>bfd.h
echo "}" >>bfd.h
echo "#endif" >>bfd.h
echo "#endif" >>bfd.h
clean-info: clean
rm -rf *.log *.ps *~* *.dvi *# $(MKDOC) *.o
clean: mostlyclean
rm -rf $(STAGESTUFF)
rm -f *.p *.ip bfd.?? bfd.??? bfd.h libbfd.h libcoff.h texput.log
distclean: clean
rm -f Makefile config.status
maintainer-clean realclean: clean
rm -f Makefile config.status $(DOCFILES) bfdsumm.texi bfd.texinfo
$(MAKEINFO) -I$(srcdir) -o $(srcdir)/bfd.texinfo
bfd.dvi: $(DOCFILES) bfdsumm.texi bfd.texinfo
$(TEXI2DVI) $(srcdir)/bfd.texinfo bfd.dvi
dvips bfd -o
quickdoc: $(DOCFILES) bfdsumm.texi bfd.texinfo
TEXINPUTS=${TEXIDIR}:.:$$TEXINPUTS tex bfd.texinfo
stage1: force
- mkdir stage1
- mv -f $(STAGESTUFF) stage1
stage2: force
- mkdir stage2
- mv -f $(STAGESTUFF) stage2
stage3: force
- mkdir stage3
- mv -f $(STAGESTUFF) stage3
comparison: force
for i in $(STAGESTUFF) ; do cmp $$i $(against)/$$i || exit 1 ; done
de-stage1: force
- (cd stage1 ; mv -f $(STAGESTUFF) ..)
- rmdir stage1
de-stage2: force
- (cd stage2 ; mv -f $(STAGESTUFF) ..)
- rmdir stage2
de-stage3: force
- (cd stage3 ; mv -f $(STAGESTUFF) ..)
- rmdir stage3
Makefile: $(srcdir)/
cd .. && CONFIG_FILES=doc/$@ CONFIG_HEADERS= $(SHELL) ./config.status

View File

@ -1,348 +0,0 @@
\input texinfo.tex
@c $Id: bfd.texinfo,v 1.28 1995/11/10 20:04:12 victoria Exp $
\vskip -\parskip% to cancel out effect of following \par
@end tex
@synindex fn cp
* Bfd: (bfd). The Binary File Descriptor library.
@end format
@end ifinfo
This file documents the BFD library.
Copyright (C) 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of
this manual provided the copyright notice and this permission notice
are preserved on all copies.
Permission is granted to process this file through Tex and print the
results, provided the printed document carries copying permission
notice identical to this one except for the removal of this paragraph
(this paragraph not being relevant to the printed manual).
@end ignore
Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of this
manual under the conditions for verbatim copying, subject to the terms
of the GNU General Public License, which includes the provision that the
entire resulting derived work is distributed under the terms of a
permission notice identical to this one.
Permission is granted to copy and distribute translations of this manual
into another language, under the above conditions for modified versions.
@end ifinfo
@setchapternewpage on
@c@setchapternewpage odd
@settitle LIB BFD, the Binary File Descriptor Library
@subtitle{The Binary File Descriptor Library}
@sp 1
@subtitle First Edition---BFD version < 3.0
@subtitle April 1991
@author {Steve Chamberlain}
@author {Cygnus Support}
\def\$#1${{#1}} % Kluge: collect RCS revision info without $...$
\xdef\manvers{\$Revision: 1.28 $} % For use in headers, footers too
\hfill Cygnus Support\par
\hfill sac\\par
\hfill {\it BFD}, \manvers\par
\hfill \TeX{}info \texinfoversion\par
\global\parindent=0pt % Steve likes it this way
@end tex
@vskip 0pt plus 1filll
Copyright @copyright{} 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of
this manual provided the copyright notice and this permission notice
are preserved on all copies.
Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of this
manual under the conditions for verbatim copying, subject to the terms
of the GNU General Public License, which includes the provision that the
entire resulting derived work is distributed under the terms of a
permission notice identical to this one.
Permission is granted to copy and distribute translations of this manual
into another language, under the above conditions for modified versions.
@end titlepage
@end iftex
@node Top, Overview, (dir), (dir)
This file documents the binary file descriptor library libbfd.
@end ifinfo
* Overview:: Overview of BFD
* BFD front end:: BFD front end
* BFD back ends:: BFD back ends
* Index:: Index
@end menu
@node Overview, BFD front end, Top, Top
@chapter Introduction
@cindex BFD
@cindex what is it?
BFD is a package which allows applications to use the
same routines to operate on object files whatever the object file
format. A new object file format can be supported simply by
creating a new BFD back end and adding it to the library.
BFD is split into two parts: the front end, and the back ends (one for
each object file format).
@itemize @bullet
@item The front end of BFD provides the interface to the user. It manages
memory and various canonical data structures. The front end also
decides which back end to use and when to call back end routines.
@item The back ends provide BFD its view of the real world. Each back
end provides a set of calls which the BFD front end can use to maintain
its canonical form. The back ends also may keep around information for
their own use, for greater efficiency.
@end itemize
* History:: History
* How It Works:: How It Works
* What BFD Version 2 Can Do:: What BFD Version 2 Can Do
@end menu
@node History, How It Works, Overview, Overview
@section History
One spur behind BFD was the desire, on the part of the GNU 960 team at
Intel Oregon, for interoperability of applications on their COFF and
b.out file formats. Cygnus was providing GNU support for the team, and
was contracted to provide the required functionality.
The name came from a conversation David Wallace was having with Richard
Stallman about the library: RMS said that it would be quite hard---David
said ``BFD''. Stallman was right, but the name stuck.
At the same time, Ready Systems wanted much the same thing, but for
different object file formats: IEEE-695, Oasys, Srecords, a.out and 68k
BFD was first implemented by members of Cygnus Support; Steve
Chamberlain (@code{}), John Gilmore
(@code{}), K. Richard Pixley (@code{})
and David Henkel-Wallace (@code{}).
@node How It Works, What BFD Version 2 Can Do, History, Overview
@section How To Use BFD
To use the library, include @file{bfd.h} and link with @file{libbfd.a}.
BFD provides a common interface to the parts of an object file
for a calling application.
When an application sucessfully opens a target file (object, archive, or
whatever), a pointer to an internal structure is returned. This pointer
points to a structure called @code{bfd}, described in
@file{bfd.h}. Our convention is to call this pointer a BFD, and
instances of it within code @code{abfd}. All operations on
the target object file are applied as methods to the BFD. The mapping is
defined within @code{bfd.h} in a set of macros, all beginning
with @samp{bfd_} to reduce namespace pollution.
For example, this sequence does what you would probably expect:
return the number of sections in an object file attached to a BFD
@c @cartouche
#include "bfd.h"
unsigned int number_of_sections(abfd)
bfd *abfd;
return bfd_count_sections(abfd);
@c @end cartouche
@end lisp
The abstraction used within BFD is that an object file has:
@itemize @bullet
a header,
a number of sections containing raw data (@pxref{Sections}),
a set of relocations (@pxref{Relocations}), and
some symbol information (@pxref{Symbols}).
@end itemize
Also, BFDs opened for archives have the additional attribute of an index
and contain subordinate BFDs. This approach is fine for a.out and coff,
but loses efficiency when applied to formats such as S-records and
@node What BFD Version 2 Can Do, , How It Works, Overview
@section What BFD Version 2 Can Do
@include bfdsumm.texi
@node BFD front end, BFD back ends, Overview, Top
@chapter BFD front end
@include bfd.texi
* Memory Usage::
* Initialization::
* Sections::
* Symbols::
* Archives::
* Formats::
* Relocations::
* Core Files::
* Targets::
* Architectures::
* Opening and Closing::
* Internal::
* File Caching::
* Linker Functions::
* Hash Tables::
@end menu
@node Memory Usage, Initialization, BFD front end, BFD front end
@section Memory usage
BFD keeps all of its internal structures in obstacks. There is one obstack
per open BFD file, into which the current state is stored. When a BFD is
closed, the obstack is deleted, and so everything which has been
allocated by BFD for the closing file is thrown away.
BFD does not free anything created by an application, but pointers into
@code{bfd} structures become invalid on a @code{bfd_close}; for example,
after a @code{bfd_close} the vector passed to
@code{bfd_canonicalize_symtab} is still around, since it has been
allocated by the application, but the data that it pointed to are
The general rule is to not close a BFD until all operations dependent
upon data from the BFD have been completed, or all the data from within
the file has been copied. To help with the management of memory, there
is a function (@code{bfd_alloc_size}) which returns the number of bytes
in obstacks associated with the supplied BFD. This could be used to
select the greediest open BFD, close it to reclaim the memory, perform
some operation and reopen the BFD again, to get a fresh copy of the data
@node Initialization, Sections, Memory Usage, BFD front end
@include init.texi
@node Sections, Symbols, Initialization, BFD front end
@include section.texi
@node Symbols, Archives, Sections, BFD front end
@include syms.texi
@node Archives, Formats, Symbols, BFD front end
@include archive.texi
@node Formats, Relocations, Archives, BFD front end
@include format.texi
@node Relocations, Core Files, Formats, BFD front end
@include reloc.texi
@node Core Files, Targets, Relocations, BFD front end
@include core.texi
@node Targets, Architectures, Core Files, BFD front end
@include targets.texi
@node Architectures, Opening and Closing, Targets, BFD front end
@include archures.texi
@node Opening and Closing, Internal, Architectures, BFD front end
@include opncls.texi
@node Internal, File Caching, Opening and Closing, BFD front end
@include libbfd.texi
@node File Caching, Linker Functions, Internal, BFD front end
@include cache.texi
@node Linker Functions, Hash Tables, File Caching, BFD front end
@include linker.texi
@node Hash Tables, , Linker Functions, BFD front end
@include hash.texi
@node BFD back ends, Index, BFD front end, Top
@chapter BFD back ends
* What to Put Where::
* aout :: a.out backends
* coff :: coff backends
* elf :: elf backends
* oasys :: oasys backends
* ieee :: ieee backend
* srecord :: s-record backend
@end ignore
@end menu
@node What to Put Where, aout, BFD back ends, BFD back ends
All of BFD lives in one directory.
@node aout, coff, What to Put Where, BFD back ends
@include aoutx.texi
@node coff, elf, aout, BFD back ends
@include coffcode.texi
@node elf, , coff, BFD back ends
@include elf.texi
@c Leave this out until the file has some actual contents...
@c @include elfcode.texi
@node Index, , BFD back ends , Top
@unnumbered Index
@printindex cp
% I think something like @colophon should be in texinfo. In the
% meantime:
\long\def\colophon{\hbox to0pt{}\vfill
\centerline{The body of this manual is set in}
\centerline{with headings in {\bf\fontname\tenbf}}
\centerline{and examples in {\tt\fontname\tentt}.}
\centerline{{\it\fontname\tenit\/} and}
\centerline{are used for emphasis.}\vfill}
% Blame:, 28mar91.
@end tex

View File

@ -1,148 +0,0 @@
@c This summary of BFD is shared by the BFD and LD docs.
When an object file is opened, BFD subroutines automatically determine
the format of the input object file. They then build a descriptor in
memory with pointers to routines that will be used to access elements of
the object file's data structures.
As different information from the the object files is required,
BFD reads from different sections of the file and processes them.
For example, a very common operation for the linker is processing symbol
tables. Each BFD back end provides a routine for converting
between the object file's representation of symbols and an internal
canonical format. When the linker asks for the symbol table of an object
file, it calls through a memory pointer to the routine from the
relevant BFD back end which reads and converts the table into a canonical
form. The linker then operates upon the canonical form. When the link is
finished and the linker writes the output file's symbol table,
another BFD back end routine is called to take the newly
created symbol table and convert it into the chosen output format.
* BFD information loss:: Information Loss
* Canonical format:: The BFD canonical object-file format
@end menu
@node BFD information loss
@subsection Information Loss
@emph{Information can be lost during output.} The output formats
supported by BFD do not provide identical facilities, and
information which can be described in one form has nowhere to go in
another format. One example of this is alignment information in
@code{b.out}. There is nowhere in an @code{a.out} format file to store
alignment information on the contained data, so when a file is linked
from @code{b.out} and an @code{a.out} image is produced, alignment
information will not propagate to the output file. (The linker will
still use the alignment information internally, so the link is performed
Another example is COFF section names. COFF files may contain an
unlimited number of sections, each one with a textual section name. If
the target of the link is a format which does not have many sections (e.g.,
@code{a.out}) or has sections without names (e.g., the Oasys format), the
link cannot be done simply. You can circumvent this problem by
describing the desired input-to-output section mapping with the linker command
@emph{Information can be lost during canonicalization.} The BFD
internal canonical form of the external formats is not exhaustive; there
are structures in input formats for which there is no direct
representation internally. This means that the BFD back ends
cannot maintain all possible data richness through the transformation
between external to internal and back to external formats.
This limitation is only a problem when an application reads one
format and writes another. Each BFD back end is responsible for
maintaining as much data as possible, and the internal BFD
canonical form has structures which are opaque to the BFD core,
and exported only to the back ends. When a file is read in one format,
the canonical form is generated for BFD and the application. At the
same time, the back end saves away any information which may otherwise
be lost. If the data is then written back in the same format, the back
end routine will be able to use the canonical form provided by the
BFD core as well as the information it prepared earlier. Since
there is a great deal of commonality between back ends,
there is no information lost when
linking or copying big endian COFF to little endian COFF, or @code{a.out} to
@code{b.out}. When a mixture of formats is linked, the information is
only lost from the files whose format differs from the destination.
@node Canonical format
@subsection The BFD canonical object-file format
The greatest potential for loss of information occurs when there is the least
overlap between the information provided by the source format, that
stored by the canonical format, and that needed by the
destination format. A brief description of the canonical form may help
you understand which kinds of data you can count on preserving across
@cindex BFD canonical format
@cindex internal object-file format
@table @emph
@item files
Information stored on a per-file basis includes target machine
architecture, particular implementation format type, a demand pageable
bit, and a write protected bit. Information like Unix magic numbers is
not stored here---only the magic numbers' meaning, so a @code{ZMAGIC}
file would have both the demand pageable bit and the write protected
text bit set. The byte order of the target is stored on a per-file
basis, so that big- and little-endian object files may be used with one
@item sections
Each section in the input file contains the name of the section, the
section's original address in the object file, size and alignment
information, various flags, and pointers into other BFD data
@item symbols
Each symbol contains a pointer to the information for the object file
which originally defined it, its name, its value, and various flag
bits. When a BFD back end reads in a symbol table, it relocates all
symbols to make them relative to the base of the section where they were
defined. Doing this ensures that each symbol points to its containing
section. Each symbol also has a varying amount of hidden private data
for the BFD back end. Since the symbol points to the original file, the
private data format for that symbol is accessible. @code{ld} can
operate on a collection of symbols of wildly different formats without
Normal global and simple local symbols are maintained on output, so an
output file (no matter its format) will retain symbols pointing to
functions and to global, static, and common variables. Some symbol
information is not worth retaining; in @code{a.out}, type information is
stored in the symbol table as long symbol names. This information would
be useless to most COFF debuggers; the linker has command line switches
to allow users to throw it away.
There is one word of type information within the symbol, so if the
format supports symbol type information within symbols (for example, COFF,
IEEE, Oasys) and the type is simple enough to fit within one word
(nearly everything but aggregates), the information will be preserved.
@item relocation level
Each canonical BFD relocation record contains a pointer to the symbol to
relocate to, the offset of the data to relocate, the section the data
is in, and a pointer to a relocation type descriptor. Relocation is
performed by passing messages through the relocation type
descriptor and the symbol pointer. Therefore, relocations can be performed
on output data using a relocation method that is only available in one of the
input formats. For instance, Oasys provides a byte relocation format.
A relocation record requesting this relocation type would point
indirectly to a routine to perform this, so the relocation may be
performed on a byte being written to a 68k COFF file, even though 68k COFF
has no such relocation type.
@item line numbers
Object formats can contain, for debugging purposes, some form of mapping
between symbols, source line numbers, and addresses in the output file.
These addresses have to be relocated along with the symbol information.
Each symbol with an associated list of line number records points to the
first record of the list. The head of a line number list consists of a
pointer to the symbol, which allows finding out the address of the
function whose line number is being described. The rest of the list is
made up of pairs: offsets into the section and line numbers. Any format
which can simply derive this information can pass it successfully
between formats (COFF, IEEE and Oasys).
@end table

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -1,158 +0,0 @@
get_stuff_in_command kill_bogus_lines catstr
get_stuff_in_command kill_bogus_lines do_fancy_stuff translatecomments
courierize catstr
"@node " catstr skip_past_newline copy_past_newline catstr
"@strong{Synopsis}\n" catstr
"@example\n" catstr
"@end example\n" catstr
: func
"@findex " - a
dup - a x x
"@subsubsection @code{" - a x x b
"}\n" - a x b x c
catstr catstr catstr catstr catstr
"@findex " - a
dup - a x x
"@subsubsection @code{" - a x x b
"}\n" - a x b x c
catstr catstr catstr catstr catstr
: bodytext
"@*\n" catstr
: asection
do_fancy_stuff catstr
"@section " asection ;
"@subsection " asection ;
"@subsubsection " asection ;
: subhead
"@strong{Description}@*\n" catstr subhead ;
"@strong{Returns}@*\n" catstr subhead ;
func ;
func ;
func ;
"Here are the possible values for @code{enum "
copy_past_newline remchar catstr
"}:\n\n" catstr catstr
"@deffn {} "
copy_past_newline catstr catstr
"@deffnx {} "
copy_past_newline catstr
"@deffn {} "
copy_past_newline catstr catstr
"@deffnx {} "
copy_past_newline catstr
"\n@end deffn\n" catstr

View File

@ -1,135 +0,0 @@
: ignore
ignore ;
: external
0 internalmode ignore ;
: internal
1 internalmode ignore ;
- input stack { a b } output b if internal, a if external
: ifinternal
"" swap 1 internalmode maybecatstr
"" swap 0 internalmode maybecatstr
- Put note in output string, regardless of internal mode.
- SENUM enum-type-name
- ENUM enum-name
- ENUMX addl-enum-name
- ENUMDOC doc for preceding enums
- ENDSENUM max-enum-name
: make_enum_header
"enum " swap catstr
" {\n" catstr
swap " _dummy_first_" swap catstr catstr
",\n" catstr
: make_string_table_header
"#ifdef _BFD_MAKE_TABLE_" swap catstr swap
"\n\nstatic const char *const " swap catstr catstr
"_names[] = { \"@@uninitialized@@\",\n" catstr
get_stuff_in_command catstr
translatecomments ;
copy_past_newline strip_trailing_newlines
" " swap catstr " };\n" catstr swap
" \"@@overflow: " swap catstr "@@\",\n};\n#endif\n\n" catstr
: make_enumerator
" " swap catstr
",\n" catstr
: make_enumerator_string
" \"" swap catstr
"\",\n" catstr
: ENUMX ENUM catstr ;
"#define "
copy_past_newline remchar
" "
"" swap 0 internalmode maybecatstr
"\n{* " swap catstr " *}\n" catstr
- discard it if we're doing internal mode
"" swap 0 internalmode maybecatstr
catstr catstr
: ENDDD external ;
: SECTION ignore ;
: SUBSECTION ignore ;
: DESCRIPTION ignore ;
: FUNCTION external ;
: RETURNS ignore ;
: TYPEDEF external ;
: INTERNAL internal ;
: INODE ignore ;

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -1,858 +0,0 @@
/* BFD back-end data structures for ELF files.
Copyright (C) 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
Written by Cygnus Support.
This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
#ifndef _LIBELF_H_
#define _LIBELF_H_ 1
#include "elf/common.h"
#include "elf/internal.h"
#include "elf/external.h"
#include "bfdlink.h"
/* If size isn't specified as 64 or 32, NAME macro should fail. */
#ifndef NAME
#if ARCH_SIZE==64
#define NAME(x,y) CAT4(x,64,_,y)
#if ARCH_SIZE==32
#define NAME(x,y) CAT4(x,32,_,y)
#ifndef NAME
#define NAME(x,y) CAT4(x,NOSIZE,_,y)
#define ElfNAME(X) NAME(Elf,X)
#define elfNAME(X) NAME(elf,X)
/* Information held for an ELF symbol. The first field is the
corresponding asymbol. Every symbol is an ELF file is actually a
pointer to this structure, although it is often handled as a
pointer to an asymbol. */
typedef struct
/* The BFD symbol. */
asymbol symbol;
/* ELF symbol information. */
Elf_Internal_Sym internal_elf_sym;
/* Backend specific information. */
unsigned int hppa_arg_reloc;
PTR mips_extr;
PTR any;
} elf_symbol_type;
/* ELF linker hash table entries. */
struct elf_link_hash_entry
struct bfd_link_hash_entry root;
/* Symbol index in output file. This is initialized to -1. It is
set to -2 if the symbol is used by a reloc. */
long indx;
/* Symbol size. */
bfd_size_type size;
/* Symbol index as a dynamic symbol. Initialized to -1, and remains
-1 if this is not a dynamic symbol. */
long dynindx;
/* String table index in .dynstr if this is a dynamic symbol. */
unsigned long dynstr_index;
/* If this is a weak defined symbol from a dynamic object, this
field points to a defined symbol with the same value, if there is
one. Otherwise it is NULL. */
struct elf_link_hash_entry *weakdef;
/* If this symbol requires an entry in the global offset table, the
processor specific backend uses this field to hold the offset
into the .got section. If this field is -1, then the symbol does
not require a global offset table entry. */
bfd_vma got_offset;
/* If this symbol requires an entry in the procedure linkage table,
the processor specific backend uses these two fields to hold the
offset into the procedure linkage section and the offset into the
.got section. If plt_offset is -1, then the symbol does not
require an entry in the procedure linkage table. */
bfd_vma plt_offset;
/* If this symbol is used in the linker created sections, the processor
specific backend uses this field to map the field into the offset
from the beginning of the section. */
struct elf_linker_section_pointers *linker_section_pointer;
/* Symbol type (STT_NOTYPE, STT_OBJECT, etc.). */
char type;
/* Some flags; legal values follow. */
unsigned char elf_link_hash_flags;
/* Symbol is referenced by a non-shared object. */
/* Symbol is defined by a non-shared object. */
/* Symbol is referenced by a shared object. */
/* Symbol is defined by a shared object. */
/* Dynamic symbol has been adjustd. */
/* Symbol needs a copy reloc. */
/* Symbol needs a procedure linkage table entry. */
/* Symbol appears in a non-ELF input file. */
#define ELF_LINK_NON_ELF 0200
/* Note: If you add more flags, you must change the type of
elf_link_hash_flags. */
/* ELF linker hash table. */
struct elf_link_hash_table
struct bfd_link_hash_table root;
/* Whether we have created the special dynamic sections required
when linking against or generating a shared object. */
boolean dynamic_sections_created;
/* The BFD used to hold special sections created by the linker.
This will be the first BFD found which requires these sections to
be created. */
bfd *dynobj;
/* The number of symbols found in the link which must be put into
the .dynsym section. */
bfd_size_type dynsymcount;
/* The string table of dynamic symbols, which becomes the .dynstr
section. */
struct bfd_strtab_hash *dynstr;
/* The number of buckets in the hash table in the .hash section.
This is based on the number of dynamic symbols. */
bfd_size_type bucketcount;
/* A linked list of DT_NEEDED names found in dynamic objects
included in the link. */
struct bfd_link_needed_list *needed;
/* Look up an entry in an ELF linker hash table. */
#define elf_link_hash_lookup(table, string, create, copy, follow) \
((struct elf_link_hash_entry *) \
bfd_link_hash_lookup (&(table)->root, (string), (create), \
(copy), (follow)))
/* Traverse an ELF linker hash table. */
#define elf_link_hash_traverse(table, func, info) \
(bfd_link_hash_traverse \
(&(table)->root, \
(boolean (*) PARAMS ((struct bfd_link_hash_entry *, PTR))) (func), \
/* Get the ELF linker hash table from a link_info structure. */
#define elf_hash_table(p) ((struct elf_link_hash_table *) ((p)->hash))
/* Constant information held for an ELF backend. */
struct elf_size_info {
unsigned char sizeof_ehdr, sizeof_phdr, sizeof_shdr;
unsigned char sizeof_rel, sizeof_rela, sizeof_sym, sizeof_dyn, sizeof_note;
unsigned char arch_size, file_align;
unsigned char elfclass, ev_current;
int (*write_out_phdrs) PARAMS ((bfd *, Elf_Internal_Phdr *, int));
boolean (*write_shdrs_and_ehdr) PARAMS ((bfd *));
void (*write_relocs) PARAMS ((bfd *, asection *, PTR));
void (*swap_symbol_out) PARAMS ((bfd *, Elf_Internal_Sym *, PTR));
boolean (*slurp_reloc_table) PARAMS ((bfd *, asection *, asymbol **));
long (*slurp_symbol_table) PARAMS ((bfd *, asymbol **, boolean));
void (*swap_dyn_in) PARAMS ((bfd *, const PTR, Elf_Internal_Dyn *));
#define elf_symbol_from(ABFD,S) \
(((S)->the_bfd->xvec->flavour == bfd_target_elf_flavour \
&& (S)->the_bfd->tdata.elf_obj_data != 0) \
? (elf_symbol_type *) (S) \
: 0)
struct elf_backend_data
/* Whether the backend uses REL or RELA relocations. FIXME: some
ELF backends use both. When we need to support one, this whole
approach will need to be changed. */
int use_rela_p;
/* The architecture for this backend. */
enum bfd_architecture arch;
/* The ELF machine code (EM_xxxx) for this backend. */
int elf_machine_code;
/* The maximum page size for this backend. */
bfd_vma maxpagesize;
/* This is true if the linker should act like collect and gather
global constructors and destructors by name. This is true for
MIPS ELF because the Irix 5 tools can not handle the .init
section. */
boolean collect;
/* This is true if the linker should ignore changes to the type of a
symbol. This is true for MIPS ELF because some Irix 5 objects
record undefined functions as STT_OBJECT although the definitions
are STT_FUNC. */
boolean type_change_ok;
/* A function to translate an ELF RELA relocation to a BFD arelent
structure. */
void (*elf_info_to_howto) PARAMS ((bfd *, arelent *,
Elf_Internal_Rela *));
/* A function to translate an ELF REL relocation to a BFD arelent
structure. */
void (*elf_info_to_howto_rel) PARAMS ((bfd *, arelent *,
Elf_Internal_Rel *));
/* A function to determine whether a symbol is global when
partitioning the symbol table into local and global symbols.
This should be NULL for most targets, in which case the correct
thing will be done. MIPS ELF, at least on the Irix 5, has
special requirements. */
boolean (*elf_backend_sym_is_global) PARAMS ((bfd *, asymbol *));
/* The remaining functions are hooks which are called only if they
are not NULL. */
/* A function to permit a backend specific check on whether a
particular BFD format is relevant for an object file, and to
permit the backend to set any global information it wishes. When
this is called elf_elfheader is set, but anything else should be
used with caution. If this returns false, the check_format
routine will return a bfd_error_wrong_format error. */
boolean (*elf_backend_object_p) PARAMS ((bfd *));
/* A function to do additional symbol processing when reading the
ELF symbol table. This is where any processor-specific special
section indices are handled. */
void (*elf_backend_symbol_processing) PARAMS ((bfd *, asymbol *));
/* A function to do additional symbol processing after reading the
entire ELF symbol table. */
boolean (*elf_backend_symbol_table_processing) PARAMS ((bfd *,
elf_symbol_type *,
unsigned int));
/* A function to do additional processing on the ELF section header
just before writing it out. This is used to set the flags and
type fields for some sections, or to actually write out data for
unusual sections. */
boolean (*elf_backend_section_processing) PARAMS ((bfd *,
Elf32_Internal_Shdr *));
/* A function to handle unusual section types when creating BFD
sections from ELF sections. */
boolean (*elf_backend_section_from_shdr) PARAMS ((bfd *,
Elf32_Internal_Shdr *,
char *));
/* A function to set up the ELF section header for a BFD section in
preparation for writing it out. This is where the flags and type
fields are set for unusual sections. */
boolean (*elf_backend_fake_sections) PARAMS ((bfd *, Elf32_Internal_Shdr *,
asection *));
/* A function to get the ELF section index for a BFD section. If
this returns true, the section was found. If it is a normal ELF
section, *RETVAL should be left unchanged. If it is not a normal
ELF section *RETVAL should be set to the SHN_xxxx index. */
boolean (*elf_backend_section_from_bfd_section)
PARAMS ((bfd *, Elf32_Internal_Shdr *, asection *, int *retval));
/* If this field is not NULL, it is called by the add_symbols phase
of a link just before adding a symbol to the global linker hash
table. It may modify any of the fields as it wishes. If *NAME
is set to NULL, the symbol will be skipped rather than being
added to the hash table. This function is responsible for
handling all processor dependent symbol bindings and section
indices, and must set at least *FLAGS and *SEC for each processor
dependent case; failure to do so will cause a link error. */
boolean (*elf_add_symbol_hook)
PARAMS ((bfd *abfd, struct bfd_link_info *info,
const Elf_Internal_Sym *, const char **name,
flagword *flags, asection **sec, bfd_vma *value));
/* If this field is not NULL, it is called by the elf_link_output_sym
phase of a link for each symbol which will appear in the object file. */
boolean (*elf_backend_link_output_symbol_hook)
PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *info, const char *,
Elf_Internal_Sym *, asection *));
/* The CREATE_DYNAMIC_SECTIONS function is called by the ELF backend
linker the first time it encounters a dynamic object in the link.
This function must create any sections required for dynamic
linking. The ABFD argument is a dynamic object. The .interp,
.dynamic, .dynsym, .dynstr, and .hash functions have already been
created, and this function may modify the section flags if
desired. This function will normally create the .got and .plt
sections, but different backends have different requirements. */
boolean (*elf_backend_create_dynamic_sections)
PARAMS ((bfd *abfd, struct bfd_link_info *info));
/* The CHECK_RELOCS function is called by the add_symbols phase of
the ELF backend linker. It is called once for each section with
relocs of an object file, just after the symbols for the object
file have been added to the global linker hash table. The
function must look through the relocs and do any special handling
required. This generally means allocating space in the global
offset table, and perhaps allocating space for a reloc. The
relocs are always passed as Rela structures; if the section
actually uses Rel structures, the r_addend field will always be
zero. */
boolean (*check_relocs)
PARAMS ((bfd *abfd, struct bfd_link_info *info, asection *o,
const Elf_Internal_Rela *relocs));
/* The ADJUST_DYNAMIC_SYMBOL function is called by the ELF backend
linker for every symbol which is defined by a dynamic object and
referenced by a regular object. This is called after all the
input files have been seen, but before the SIZE_DYNAMIC_SECTIONS
function has been called. The hash table entry should be
bfd_link_hash_defined ore bfd_link_hash_defweak, and it should be
defined in a section from a dynamic object. Dynamic object
sections are not included in the final link, and this function is
responsible for changing the value to something which the rest of
the link can deal with. This will normally involve adding an
entry to the .plt or .got or some such section, and setting the
symbol to point to that. */
boolean (*elf_backend_adjust_dynamic_symbol)
PARAMS ((struct bfd_link_info *info, struct elf_link_hash_entry *h));
/* The SIZE_DYNAMIC_SECTIONS function is called by the ELF backend
linker after all the linker input files have been seen but before
the sections sizes have been set. This is called after
ADJUST_DYNAMIC_SYMBOL has been called on all appropriate symbols.
It is only called when linking against a dynamic object. It must
set the sizes of the dynamic sections, and may fill in their
contents as well. The generic ELF linker can handle the .dynsym,
.dynstr and .hash sections. This function must handle the
.interp section and any sections created by the
boolean (*elf_backend_size_dynamic_sections)
PARAMS ((bfd *output_bfd, struct bfd_link_info *info));
/* The RELOCATE_SECTION function is called by the ELF backend linker
to handle the relocations for a section.
The relocs are always passed as Rela structures; if the section
actually uses Rel structures, the r_addend field will always be
This function is responsible for adjust the section contents as
necessary, and (if using Rela relocs and generating a
relocateable output file) adjusting the reloc addend as
This function does not have to worry about setting the reloc
address or the reloc symbol index.
LOCAL_SYMS is a pointer to the swapped in local symbols.
LOCAL_SECTIONS is an array giving the section in the input file
corresponding to the st_shndx field of each local symbol.
The global hash table entry for the global symbols can be found
via elf_sym_hashes (input_bfd).
When generating relocateable output, this function must handle
STB_LOCAL/STT_SECTION symbols specially. The output symbol is
going to be the section symbol corresponding to the output
section, which means that the addend must be adjusted
accordingly. */
boolean (*elf_backend_relocate_section)
PARAMS ((bfd *output_bfd, struct bfd_link_info *info,
bfd *input_bfd, asection *input_section, bfd_byte *contents,
Elf_Internal_Rela *relocs, Elf_Internal_Sym *local_syms,
asection **local_sections));
/* The FINISH_DYNAMIC_SYMBOL function is called by the ELF backend
linker just before it writes a symbol out to the .dynsym section.
The processor backend may make any required adjustment to the
symbol. It may also take the opportunity to set contents of the
dynamic sections. Note that FINISH_DYNAMIC_SYMBOL is called on
all .dynsym symbols, while ADJUST_DYNAMIC_SYMBOL is only called
on those symbols which are defined by a dynamic object. */
boolean (*elf_backend_finish_dynamic_symbol)
PARAMS ((bfd *output_bfd, struct bfd_link_info *info,
struct elf_link_hash_entry *h, Elf_Internal_Sym *sym));
/* The FINISH_DYNAMIC_SECTIONS function is called by the ELF backend
linker just before it writes all the dynamic sections out to the
output file. The FINISH_DYNAMIC_SYMBOL will have been called on
all dynamic symbols. */
boolean (*elf_backend_finish_dynamic_sections)
PARAMS ((bfd *output_bfd, struct bfd_link_info *info));
/* A function to do any beginning processing needed for the ELF file
before building the ELF headers and computing file positions. */
void (*elf_backend_begin_write_processing)
PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *));
/* A function to do any final processing needed for the ELF file
before writing it out. The LINKER argument is true if this BFD
was created by the ELF backend linker. */
void (*elf_backend_final_write_processing)
PARAMS ((bfd *, boolean linker));
/* This function is called by get_program_header_size. It should
return the number of additional program segments which this BFD
will need. It should return -1 on error. */
int (*elf_backend_additional_program_headers) PARAMS ((bfd *));
/* This function is called to modify an existing segment map in a
backend specific fashion. */
boolean (*elf_backend_modify_segment_map) PARAMS ((bfd *));
/* The swapping table to use when dealing with ECOFF information.
Used for the MIPS ELF .mdebug section. */
const struct ecoff_debug_swap *elf_backend_ecoff_debug_swap;
/* Alternate EM_xxxx machine codes for this backend. */
int elf_machine_alt1;
int elf_machine_alt2;
const struct elf_size_info *s;
unsigned want_got_plt : 1;
unsigned plt_readonly : 1;
unsigned want_plt_sym : 1;
/* Information stored for each BFD section in an ELF file. This
structure is allocated by elf_new_section_hook. */
struct bfd_elf_section_data
/* The ELF header for this section. */
Elf_Internal_Shdr this_hdr;
/* The ELF header for the reloc section associated with this
section, if any. */
Elf_Internal_Shdr rel_hdr;
/* The ELF section number of this section. Only used for an output
file. */
int this_idx;
/* The ELF section number of the reloc section associated with this
section, if any. Only used for an output file. */
int rel_idx;
/* Used by the backend linker to store the symbol hash table entries
associated with relocs against global symbols. */
struct elf_link_hash_entry **rel_hashes;
/* A pointer to the swapped relocs. If the section uses REL relocs,
rather than RELA, all the r_addend fields will be zero. This
pointer may be NULL. It is used by the backend linker. */
Elf_Internal_Rela *relocs;
/* Used by the backend linker when generating a shared library to
record the dynamic symbol index for a section symbol
corresponding to this section. */
long dynindx;
/* A pointer available for the processor specific ELF backend. */
PTR tdata;
#define elf_section_data(sec) ((struct bfd_elf_section_data*)sec->used_by_bfd)
#define get_elf_backend_data(abfd) \
((struct elf_backend_data *) (abfd)->xvec->backend_data)
/* Enumeration to specify the special section. */
typedef enum elf_linker_section_enum
LINKER_SECTION_GOT, /* .got section for global offset pointers */
LINKER_SECTION_PLT, /* .plt section for generated procedure stubs */
LINKER_SECTION_SDATA, /* .sdata/.sbss section for PowerPC */
LINKER_SECTION_SDATA2, /* .sdata2/.sbss2 section for PowerPC */
LINKER_SECTION_MAX /* # of linker sections */
} elf_linker_section_enum_t;
/* Sections created by the linker. */
typedef struct elf_linker_section
char *name; /* name of the section */
char *rel_name; /* name of the associated .rel{,a}. section */
char *bss_name; /* name of a related .bss section */
char *sym_name; /* name of symbol to reference this section */
asection *section; /* pointer to the section */
asection *bss_section; /* pointer to the bss section associated with this */
asection *rel_section; /* pointer to the relocations needed for this section */
struct elf_link_hash_entry *sym_hash; /* pointer to the created symbol hash value */
bfd_vma initial_size; /* initial size before any linker generated allocations */
bfd_vma sym_offset; /* offset of symbol from beginning of section */
bfd_vma hole_size; /* size of reserved address hole in allocation */
bfd_vma hole_offset; /* current offset for the hole */
bfd_vma max_hole_offset; /* maximum offset for the hole */
elf_linker_section_enum_t which; /* which section this is */
boolean hole_written_p; /* whether the hole has been initialized */
int alignment; /* alignment for the section */
flagword flags; /* flags to use to create the section */
} elf_linker_section_t;
/* Linked list of allocated pointer entries. This hangs off of the symbol lists, and
provides allows us to return different pointers, based on different addend's. */
typedef struct elf_linker_section_pointers
struct elf_linker_section_pointers *next; /* next allocated pointer for this symbol */
bfd_vma offset; /* offset of pointer from beginning of section */
bfd_signed_vma addend; /* addend used */
elf_linker_section_enum_t which; /* which linker section this is */
boolean written_address_p; /* whether address was written yet */
} elf_linker_section_pointers_t;
/* Some private data is stashed away for future use using the tdata pointer
in the bfd structure. */
struct elf_obj_tdata
Elf_Internal_Ehdr elf_header[1]; /* Actual data, but ref like ptr */
Elf_Internal_Shdr **elf_sect_ptr;
Elf_Internal_Phdr *phdr;
struct elf_segment_map *segment_map;
struct bfd_strtab_hash *strtab_ptr;
int num_locals;
int num_globals;
asymbol **section_syms; /* STT_SECTION symbols for each section */
Elf_Internal_Shdr symtab_hdr;
Elf_Internal_Shdr shstrtab_hdr;
Elf_Internal_Shdr strtab_hdr;
Elf_Internal_Shdr dynsymtab_hdr;
Elf_Internal_Shdr dynstrtab_hdr;
unsigned int symtab_section, shstrtab_section;
unsigned int strtab_section, dynsymtab_section;
file_ptr next_file_pos;
void *prstatus; /* The raw /proc prstatus structure */
void *prpsinfo; /* The raw /proc prpsinfo structure */
bfd_vma gp; /* The gp value (MIPS only, for now) */
unsigned int gp_size; /* The gp size (MIPS only, for now) */
/* This is set to true if the object was created by the backend
linker. */
boolean linker;
/* A mapping from external symbols to entries in the linker hash
table, used when linking. This is indexed by the symbol index
minus the sh_info field of the symbol table header. */
struct elf_link_hash_entry **sym_hashes;
/* A mapping from local symbols to offsets into the global offset
table, used when linking. This is indexed by the symbol index. */
bfd_vma *local_got_offsets;
/* A mapping from local symbols to offsets into the various linker
sections added. This is index by the symbol index. */
elf_linker_section_pointers_t **linker_section_pointers;
/* The linker ELF emulation code needs to let the backend ELF linker
know what filename should be used for a dynamic object if the
dynamic object is found using a search. The emulation code then
sometimes needs to know what name was actually used. Until the
file has been added to the linker symbol table, this field holds
the name the linker wants. After it has been added, it holds the
name actually used, which will be the DT_SONAME entry if there is
one. */
const char *dt_name;
/* Irix 5 often screws up the symbol table, sorting local symbols
after global symbols. This flag is set if the symbol table in
this BFD appears to be screwed up. If it is, we ignore the
sh_info field in the symbol table header, and always read all the
symbols. */
boolean bad_symtab;
/* Records the result of `get_program_header_size'. */
bfd_size_type program_header_size;
/* Used by find_nearest_line entry point. */
PTR line_info;
/* Used by MIPS ELF find_nearest_line entry point. The structure
could be included directly in this one, but there's no point to
wasting the memory just for the infrequently called
find_nearest_line. */
struct mips_elf_find_line *find_line_info;
/* Used to determine if the e_flags field has been initialized */
boolean flags_init;
/* Linker sections that we are interested in. */
struct elf_linker_section *linker_section[ (int)LINKER_SECTION_MAX ];
#define elf_tdata(bfd) ((bfd) -> tdata.elf_obj_data)
#define elf_elfheader(bfd) (elf_tdata(bfd) -> elf_header)
#define elf_elfsections(bfd) (elf_tdata(bfd) -> elf_sect_ptr)
#define elf_shstrtab(bfd) (elf_tdata(bfd) -> strtab_ptr)
#define elf_onesymtab(bfd) (elf_tdata(bfd) -> symtab_section)
#define elf_dynsymtab(bfd) (elf_tdata(bfd) -> dynsymtab_section)
#define elf_num_locals(bfd) (elf_tdata(bfd) -> num_locals)
#define elf_num_globals(bfd) (elf_tdata(bfd) -> num_globals)
#define elf_section_syms(bfd) (elf_tdata(bfd) -> section_syms)
#define core_prpsinfo(bfd) (elf_tdata(bfd) -> prpsinfo)
#define core_prstatus(bfd) (elf_tdata(bfd) -> prstatus)
#define elf_gp(bfd) (elf_tdata(bfd) -> gp)
#define elf_gp_size(bfd) (elf_tdata(bfd) -> gp_size)
#define elf_sym_hashes(bfd) (elf_tdata(bfd) -> sym_hashes)
#define elf_local_got_offsets(bfd) (elf_tdata(bfd) -> local_got_offsets)
#define elf_local_ptr_offsets(bfd) (elf_tdata(bfd) -> linker_section_pointers)
#define elf_dt_name(bfd) (elf_tdata(bfd) -> dt_name)
#define elf_bad_symtab(bfd) (elf_tdata(bfd) -> bad_symtab)
#define elf_flags_init(bfd) (elf_tdata(bfd) -> flags_init)
#define elf_linker_section(bfd,n) (elf_tdata(bfd) -> linker_section[(int)n])
extern int _bfd_elf_section_from_bfd_section PARAMS ((bfd *, asection *));
extern char *bfd_elf_string_from_elf_section
PARAMS ((bfd *, unsigned, unsigned));
extern char *bfd_elf_get_str_section PARAMS ((bfd *, unsigned));
extern boolean _bfd_elf_print_private_bfd_data PARAMS ((bfd *, PTR));
extern void bfd_elf_print_symbol PARAMS ((bfd *, PTR, asymbol *,
#define elf_string_from_elf_strtab(abfd,strindex) \
#define bfd_elf32_print_symbol bfd_elf_print_symbol
#define bfd_elf64_print_symbol bfd_elf_print_symbol
#define bfd_elf32_mkobject bfd_elf_mkobject
#define bfd_elf64_mkobject bfd_elf_mkobject
#define elf_mkobject bfd_elf_mkobject
extern unsigned long bfd_elf_hash PARAMS ((CONST unsigned char *));
extern bfd_reloc_status_type bfd_elf_generic_reloc PARAMS ((bfd *,
arelent *,
asymbol *,
asection *,
bfd *,
char **));
extern boolean bfd_elf_mkobject PARAMS ((bfd *));
extern Elf_Internal_Shdr *bfd_elf_find_section PARAMS ((bfd *, char *));
extern boolean _bfd_elf_make_section_from_shdr
PARAMS ((bfd *abfd, Elf_Internal_Shdr *hdr, const char *name));
extern struct bfd_hash_entry *_bfd_elf_link_hash_newfunc
PARAMS ((struct bfd_hash_entry *, struct bfd_hash_table *, const char *));
extern struct bfd_link_hash_table *_bfd_elf_link_hash_table_create
PARAMS ((bfd *));
extern boolean _bfd_elf_link_hash_table_init
PARAMS ((struct elf_link_hash_table *, bfd *,
struct bfd_hash_entry *(*) (struct bfd_hash_entry *,
struct bfd_hash_table *,
const char *)));
extern boolean _bfd_elf_copy_private_symbol_data
PARAMS ((bfd *, asymbol *, bfd *, asymbol *));
extern boolean _bfd_elf_copy_private_section_data
PARAMS ((bfd *, asection *, bfd *, asection *));
extern boolean _bfd_elf_write_object_contents PARAMS ((bfd *));
extern boolean _bfd_elf_set_section_contents PARAMS ((bfd *, sec_ptr, PTR,
extern long _bfd_elf_get_symtab_upper_bound PARAMS ((bfd *));
extern long _bfd_elf_get_symtab PARAMS ((bfd *, asymbol **));
extern long _bfd_elf_get_dynamic_symtab_upper_bound PARAMS ((bfd *));
extern long _bfd_elf_canonicalize_dynamic_symtab PARAMS ((bfd *, asymbol **));
extern long _bfd_elf_get_reloc_upper_bound PARAMS ((bfd *, sec_ptr));
extern long _bfd_elf_canonicalize_reloc PARAMS ((bfd *, sec_ptr,
arelent **, asymbol **));
extern asymbol *_bfd_elf_make_empty_symbol PARAMS ((bfd *));
extern void _bfd_elf_get_symbol_info PARAMS ((bfd *, asymbol *,
symbol_info *));
extern alent *_bfd_elf_get_lineno PARAMS ((bfd *, asymbol *));
extern boolean _bfd_elf_set_arch_mach PARAMS ((bfd *, enum bfd_architecture,
unsigned long));
extern boolean _bfd_elf_find_nearest_line PARAMS ((bfd *, asection *,
asymbol **,
bfd_vma, CONST char **,
CONST char **,
unsigned int *));
#define _bfd_elf_read_minisymbols _bfd_generic_read_minisymbols
#define _bfd_elf_minisymbol_to_symbol _bfd_generic_minisymbol_to_symbol
extern int _bfd_elf_sizeof_headers PARAMS ((bfd *, boolean));
extern boolean _bfd_elf_new_section_hook PARAMS ((bfd *, asection *));
/* If the target doesn't have reloc handling written yet: */
extern void _bfd_elf_no_info_to_howto PARAMS ((bfd *, arelent *,
Elf_Internal_Rela *));
asection *bfd_section_from_elf_index PARAMS ((bfd *, unsigned int));
boolean _bfd_elf_create_dynamic_sections PARAMS ((bfd *,
struct bfd_link_info *));
struct bfd_strtab_hash *_bfd_elf_stringtab_init PARAMS ((void));
_bfd_elf_link_record_dynamic_symbol PARAMS ((struct bfd_link_info *,
struct elf_link_hash_entry *));
_bfd_elf_compute_section_file_positions PARAMS ((bfd *,
struct bfd_link_info *));
void _bfd_elf_assign_file_positions_for_relocs PARAMS ((bfd *));
file_ptr _bfd_elf_assign_file_position_for_section PARAMS ((Elf_Internal_Shdr *,
boolean _bfd_elf_create_dynamic_sections PARAMS ((bfd *,
struct bfd_link_info *));
boolean _bfd_elf_create_got_section PARAMS ((bfd *,
struct bfd_link_info *));
elf_linker_section_t *_bfd_elf_create_linker_section
PARAMS ((bfd *abfd,
struct bfd_link_info *info,
enum elf_linker_section_enum,
elf_linker_section_t *defaults));
elf_linker_section_pointers_t *_bfd_elf_find_pointer_linker_section
PARAMS ((elf_linker_section_pointers_t *linker_pointers,
bfd_signed_vma addend,
elf_linker_section_enum_t which));
boolean bfd_elf32_create_pointer_linker_section
PARAMS ((bfd *abfd,
struct bfd_link_info *info,
elf_linker_section_t *lsect,
struct elf_link_hash_entry *h,
const Elf32_Internal_Rela *rel));
bfd_vma bfd_elf32_finish_pointer_linker_section
PARAMS ((bfd *output_abfd,
bfd *input_bfd,
struct bfd_link_info *info,
elf_linker_section_t *lsect,
struct elf_link_hash_entry *h,
bfd_vma relocation,
const Elf32_Internal_Rela *rel,
int relative_reloc));
boolean bfd_elf64_create_pointer_linker_section
PARAMS ((bfd *abfd,
struct bfd_link_info *info,
elf_linker_section_t *lsect,
struct elf_link_hash_entry *h,
const Elf64_Internal_Rela *rel));
bfd_vma bfd_elf64_finish_pointer_linker_section
PARAMS ((bfd *output_abfd,
bfd *input_bfd,
struct bfd_link_info *info,
elf_linker_section_t *lsect,
struct elf_link_hash_entry *h,
bfd_vma relocation,
const Elf64_Internal_Rela *rel,
int relative_reloc));
boolean _bfd_elf_make_linker_section_rela
PARAMS ((bfd *dynobj,
elf_linker_section_t *lsect,
int alignment));
extern const bfd_target *bfd_elf32_object_p PARAMS ((bfd *));
extern const bfd_target *bfd_elf32_core_file_p PARAMS ((bfd *));
extern char *bfd_elf32_core_file_failing_command PARAMS ((bfd *));
extern int bfd_elf32_core_file_failing_signal PARAMS ((bfd *));
extern boolean bfd_elf32_core_file_matches_executable_p PARAMS ((bfd *,
bfd *));
extern boolean bfd_elf32_bfd_link_add_symbols
PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *));
extern boolean bfd_elf32_bfd_final_link
PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *));
extern void bfd_elf32_swap_symbol_in
PARAMS ((bfd *, Elf32_External_Sym *, Elf_Internal_Sym *));
extern void bfd_elf32_swap_symbol_out
PARAMS ((bfd *, Elf_Internal_Sym *, PTR));
extern void bfd_elf32_swap_reloc_in
PARAMS ((bfd *, Elf32_External_Rel *, Elf_Internal_Rel *));
extern void bfd_elf32_swap_reloc_out
PARAMS ((bfd *, Elf_Internal_Rel *, Elf32_External_Rel *));
extern void bfd_elf32_swap_reloca_in
PARAMS ((bfd *, Elf32_External_Rela *, Elf_Internal_Rela *));
extern void bfd_elf32_swap_reloca_out
PARAMS ((bfd *, Elf_Internal_Rela *, Elf32_External_Rela *));
extern void bfd_elf32_swap_phdr_in
PARAMS ((bfd *, Elf32_External_Phdr *, Elf_Internal_Phdr *));
extern void bfd_elf32_swap_phdr_out
PARAMS ((bfd *, Elf_Internal_Phdr *, Elf32_External_Phdr *));
extern void bfd_elf32_swap_dyn_in
PARAMS ((bfd *, const PTR, Elf_Internal_Dyn *));
extern void bfd_elf32_swap_dyn_out
PARAMS ((bfd *, const Elf_Internal_Dyn *, Elf32_External_Dyn *));
extern boolean bfd_elf32_add_dynamic_entry
PARAMS ((struct bfd_link_info *, bfd_vma, bfd_vma));
extern boolean bfd_elf32_link_create_dynamic_sections
PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *));
extern const bfd_target *bfd_elf64_object_p PARAMS ((bfd *));
extern const bfd_target *bfd_elf64_core_file_p PARAMS ((bfd *));
extern char *bfd_elf64_core_file_failing_command PARAMS ((bfd *));
extern int bfd_elf64_core_file_failing_signal PARAMS ((bfd *));
extern boolean bfd_elf64_core_file_matches_executable_p PARAMS ((bfd *,
bfd *));
extern boolean bfd_elf64_bfd_link_add_symbols
PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *));
extern boolean bfd_elf64_bfd_final_link
PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *));
extern void bfd_elf64_swap_symbol_in
PARAMS ((bfd *, Elf64_External_Sym *, Elf_Internal_Sym *));
extern void bfd_elf64_swap_symbol_out
PARAMS ((bfd *, Elf_Internal_Sym *, PTR));
extern void bfd_elf64_swap_reloc_in
PARAMS ((bfd *, Elf64_External_Rel *, Elf_Internal_Rel *));
extern void bfd_elf64_swap_reloc_out
PARAMS ((bfd *, Elf_Internal_Rel *, Elf64_External_Rel *));
extern void bfd_elf64_swap_reloca_in
PARAMS ((bfd *, Elf64_External_Rela *, Elf_Internal_Rela *));
extern void bfd_elf64_swap_reloca_out
PARAMS ((bfd *, Elf_Internal_Rela *, Elf64_External_Rela *));
extern void bfd_elf64_swap_phdr_in
PARAMS ((bfd *, Elf64_External_Phdr *, Elf_Internal_Phdr *));
extern void bfd_elf64_swap_phdr_out
PARAMS ((bfd *, Elf_Internal_Phdr *, Elf64_External_Phdr *));
extern void bfd_elf64_swap_dyn_in
PARAMS ((bfd *, const PTR, Elf_Internal_Dyn *));
extern void bfd_elf64_swap_dyn_out
PARAMS ((bfd *, const Elf_Internal_Dyn *, Elf64_External_Dyn *));
extern boolean bfd_elf64_add_dynamic_entry
PARAMS ((struct bfd_link_info *, bfd_vma, bfd_vma));
extern boolean bfd_elf64_link_create_dynamic_sections
PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *));
#define bfd_elf32_link_record_dynamic_symbol _bfd_elf_link_record_dynamic_symbol
#define bfd_elf64_link_record_dynamic_symbol _bfd_elf_link_record_dynamic_symbol
#endif /* _LIBELF_H_ */

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -1,319 +0,0 @@
/* Generic BFD support for file formats.
Copyright (C) 1990, 91, 92, 93, 94 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
Written by Cygnus Support.
This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
File formats
A format is a BFD concept of high level file contents type. The
formats supported by BFD are:
o <<bfd_object>>
The BFD may contain data, symbols, relocations and debug info.
o <<bfd_archive>>
The BFD contains other BFDs and an optional index.
o <<bfd_core>>
The BFD contains the result of an executable core dump.
#include "bfd.h"
#include "sysdep.h"
#include "libbfd.h"
/* IMPORT from targets.c. */
extern const size_t _bfd_target_vector_entries;
boolean bfd_check_format(bfd *abfd, bfd_format format);
Verify if the file attached to the BFD @var{abfd} is compatible
with the format @var{format} (i.e., one of <<bfd_object>>,
<<bfd_archive>> or <<bfd_core>>).
If the BFD has been set to a specific target before the
call, only the named target and format combination is
checked. If the target has not been set, or has been set to
<<default>>, then all the known target backends is
interrogated to determine a match. If the default target
matches, it is used. If not, exactly one target must recognize
the file, or an error results.
The function returns <<true>> on success, otherwise <<false>>
with one of the following error codes:
o <<bfd_error_invalid_operation>> -
if <<format>> is not one of <<bfd_object>>, <<bfd_archive>> or
o <<bfd_error_system_call>> -
if an error occured during a read - even some file mismatches
can cause bfd_error_system_calls.
o <<file_not_recognised>> -
none of the backends recognised the file format.
o <<bfd_error_file_ambiguously_recognized>> -
more than one backend recognised the file format.
bfd_check_format (abfd, format)
bfd *abfd;
bfd_format format;
return bfd_check_format_matches (abfd, format, NULL);
boolean bfd_check_format_matches(bfd *abfd, bfd_format format, char ***matching);
Like <<bfd_check_format>>, except when it returns false with
<<bfd_errno>> set to <<bfd_error_file_ambiguously_recognized>>. In that
case, if @var{matching} is not NULL, it will be filled in with
a NULL-terminated list of the names of the formats that matched,
allocated with <<malloc>>.
Then the user may choose a format and try again.
When done with the list that @var{matching} points to, the caller
should free it.
bfd_check_format_matches (abfd, format, matching)
bfd *abfd;
bfd_format format;
char ***matching;
const bfd_target * const *target, *save_targ, *right_targ;
char **matching_vector = NULL;
int match_count;
if (!bfd_read_p (abfd) ||
((int)(abfd->format) < (int)bfd_unknown) ||
((int)(abfd->format) >= (int)bfd_type_end)) {
bfd_set_error (bfd_error_invalid_operation);
return false;
if (abfd->format != bfd_unknown)
return (abfd->format == format)? true: false;
/* Since the target type was defaulted, check them
all in the hope that one will be uniquely recognized. */
save_targ = abfd->xvec;
match_count = 0;
if (matching)
matching_vector =
(char **) bfd_malloc (sizeof (char *) *
(_bfd_target_vector_entries + 1));
if (!matching_vector)
return false;
matching_vector[0] = NULL;
*matching = matching_vector;
right_targ = 0;
/* presume the answer is yes */
abfd->format = format;
/* If the target type was explicitly specified, just check that target. */
if (!abfd->target_defaulted) {
if (bfd_seek (abfd, (file_ptr)0, SEEK_SET) != 0) /* rewind! */
return false;
right_targ = BFD_SEND_FMT (abfd, _bfd_check_format, (abfd));
if (right_targ) {
abfd->xvec = right_targ; /* Set the target as returned */
if (matching)
free (matching_vector);
return true; /* File position has moved, BTW */
for (target = bfd_target_vector; *target != NULL; target++) {
extern const bfd_target binary_vec;
const bfd_target *temp;
if (*target == &binary_vec)
abfd->xvec = *target; /* Change BFD's target temporarily */
if (bfd_seek (abfd, (file_ptr)0, SEEK_SET) != 0)
return false;
/* If _bfd_check_format neglects to set bfd_error, assume bfd_error_wrong_format.
We didn't used to even pay any attention to bfd_error, so I suspect
that some _bfd_check_format might have this problem. */
bfd_set_error (bfd_error_wrong_format);
temp = BFD_SEND_FMT (abfd, _bfd_check_format, (abfd));
if (temp) { /* This format checks out as ok! */
right_targ = temp;
if (matching)
matching_vector[match_count] = temp->name;
matching_vector[match_count + 1] = NULL;
/* If this is the default target, accept it, even if other targets
might match. People who want those other targets have to set
the GNUTARGET variable. */
if (temp == bfd_default_vector[0])
if (matching)
matching_vector[0] = temp->name;
matching_vector[1] = NULL;
match_count = 1;
#ifdef GNU960
/* Big- and little-endian b.out archives look the same, but it doesn't
* matter: there is no difference in their headers, and member file byte
* orders will (I hope) be handled appropriately by bfd. Ditto for big
* and little coff archives. And the 4 coff/b.out object formats are
* unambiguous. So accept the first match we find.
} else if (bfd_get_error () != bfd_error_wrong_format) {
abfd->xvec = save_targ;
abfd->format = bfd_unknown;
if (matching && bfd_get_error () != bfd_error_file_ambiguously_recognized)
free (matching_vector);
return false;
if (match_count == 1) {
abfd->xvec = right_targ; /* Change BFD's target permanently */
if (matching)
free (matching_vector);
return true; /* File position has moved, BTW */
abfd->xvec = save_targ; /* Restore original target type */
abfd->format = bfd_unknown; /* Restore original format */
if (match_count == 0)
bfd_set_error (bfd_error_file_not_recognized);
if (matching)
free (matching_vector);
bfd_set_error (bfd_error_file_ambiguously_recognized);
return false;
boolean bfd_set_format(bfd *abfd, bfd_format format);
This function sets the file format of the BFD @var{abfd} to the
format @var{format}. If the target set in the BFD does not
support the format requested, the format is invalid, or the BFD
is not open for writing, then an error occurs.
bfd_set_format (abfd, format)
bfd *abfd;
bfd_format format;
if (bfd_read_p (abfd) ||
((int)abfd->format < (int)bfd_unknown) ||
((int)abfd->format >= (int)bfd_type_end)) {
bfd_set_error (bfd_error_invalid_operation);
return false;
if (abfd->format != bfd_unknown)
return (abfd->format == format) ? true:false;
/* presume the answer is yes */
abfd->format = format;
if (!BFD_SEND_FMT (abfd, _bfd_set_format, (abfd))) {
abfd->format = bfd_unknown;
return false;
return true;
CONST char *bfd_format_string(bfd_format format);
Return a pointer to a const string
<<invalid>>, <<object>>, <<archive>>, <<core>>, or <<unknown>>,
depending upon the value of @var{format}.
CONST char *
bfd_format_string (format)
bfd_format format;
if (((int)format <(int) bfd_unknown)
|| ((int)format >=(int) bfd_type_end))
return "invalid";
switch (format) {
case bfd_object:
return "object"; /* linker/assember/compiler output */
case bfd_archive:
return "archive"; /* object archive file */
case bfd_core:
return "core"; /* core dump */
return "unknown";

View File

@ -1,125 +0,0 @@
/* BFD back-end definitions used by all FreeBSD targets.
Copyright (C) 1990, 1991, 1992, 1996 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
/* FreeBSD ZMAGIC files never have the header in the text. */
#define N_HEADER_IN_TEXT(x) 0
/* A ZMAGIC file can start at almost any address if it is a kernel. */
/* The following definitions are essentially the same as the ones in
FreeBSD's <sys/imgact_aout.h>. They override gdb's versions, which
don't work for kernels. See ../include/aout/aout64.h. */
#define N_TXTADDR(x) \
? ((x).a_entry < (x).a_text ? 0 : (x).a_entry & ~TARGET_PAGE_SIZE) \
#define N_TXTOFF(x) \
: sizeof(struct external_exec))
#define N_TXTSIZE(x) ((x).a_text)
#define N_GETMAGIC(exec) \
((exec).a_info & 0xffff)
#define N_GETMAGIC_NET(exec) \
(ntohl ((exec).a_info) & 0xffff)
#define N_GETMID_NET(exec) \
((ntohl ((exec).a_info) >> 16) & 0x3ff)
#define N_GETFLAG_NET(ex) \
((ntohl ((exec).a_info) >> 26) & 0x3f)
#define N_MACHTYPE(exec) \
((enum machine_type) \
((N_GETMAGIC_NET (exec) == ZMAGIC) ? N_GETMID_NET (exec) : \
((exec).a_info >> 16) & 0x3ff))
#define N_FLAGS(exec) \
((N_GETMAGIC_NET (exec) == ZMAGIC) ? N_GETFLAG_NET (exec) : \
((exec).a_info >> 26) & 0x3f)
#define N_SET_INFO(exec, magic, type, flags) \
((exec).a_info = ((magic) & 0xffff) \
| (((int)(type) & 0x3ff) << 16) \
| (((flags) & 0x3f) << 26))
#define N_SET_MACHTYPE(exec, machtype) \
((exec).a_info = \
((exec).a_info & 0xfb00ffff) | ((((int)(machtype))&0x3ff) << 16))
#define N_SET_FLAGS(exec, flags) \
((exec).a_info = \
((exec).a_info & 0x03ffffff) | ((flags & 0x03f) << 26))
#include "bfd.h"
#include "sysdep.h"
#include "libbfd.h"
#include "libaout.h"
/* On FreeBSD, the magic number is always in correct endian format */
#define MY_write_object_contents MY(write_object_contents)
static boolean MY(write_object_contents) PARAMS ((bfd *abfd));
#include "aout-target.h"
/* Write an object file.
Section contents have already been written. We write the
file header, symbols, and relocation. */
static boolean
MY(write_object_contents) (abfd)
bfd *abfd;
struct external_exec exec_bytes;
struct internal_exec *execp = exec_hdr (abfd);
obj_reloc_entry_size (abfd) = RELOC_STD_SIZE;
/* Magic number, maestro, please! */
switch (bfd_get_arch(abfd)) {
case bfd_arch_m68k:
if (strcmp (abfd->xvec->name, "a.out-m68k4k-netbsd") == 0)
case bfd_arch_sparc:
case bfd_arch_i386:
case bfd_arch_ns32k:
WRITE_HEADERS(abfd, execp);
return true;

View File

@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
/* genlink.h -- interface to the BFD generic linker
Copyright 1993, 1994 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
Written by Ian Lance Taylor, Cygnus Support.
This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
#ifndef GENLINK_H
#define GENLINK_H
/* This header file is internal to BFD. It describes the internal
structures and functions used by the BFD generic linker, in case
any of the more specific linkers want to use or call them. Note
that some functions, such as _bfd_generic_link_hash_table_create,
are declared in libbfd.h, because they are expected to be widely
used. The functions and structures in this file will probably only
be used by a few files besides linker.c itself. In fact, this file
is not particularly complete; I have only put in the interfaces I
actually needed. */
/* The generic linker uses a hash table which is a derived class of
the standard linker hash table, just as the other backend specific
linkers do. Do not confuse the generic linker hash table with the
standard BFD linker hash table it is built upon. */
/* Generic linker hash table entries. */
struct generic_link_hash_entry
struct bfd_link_hash_entry root;
/* Whether this symbol has been written out. */
boolean written;
/* Symbol from input BFD. */
asymbol *sym;
/* Generic linker hash table. */
struct generic_link_hash_table
struct bfd_link_hash_table root;
/* Look up an entry in an generic link hash table. */
#define _bfd_generic_link_hash_lookup(table, string, create, copy, follow) \
((struct generic_link_hash_entry *) \
bfd_link_hash_lookup (&(table)->root, (string), (create), (copy), (follow)))
/* Traverse an generic link hash table. */
#define _bfd_generic_link_hash_traverse(table, func, info) \
(bfd_link_hash_traverse \
(&(table)->root, \
(boolean (*) PARAMS ((struct bfd_link_hash_entry *, PTR))) (func), \
/* Get the generic link hash table from the info structure. This is
just a cast. */
#define _bfd_generic_hash_table(p) \
((struct generic_link_hash_table *) ((p)->hash))
/* The generic linker reads in the asymbol structures for an input BFD
and keeps them in the outsymbol and symcount fields. */
#define _bfd_generic_link_get_symbols(abfd) ((abfd)->outsymbols)
#define _bfd_generic_link_get_symcount(abfd) ((abfd)->symcount)
/* Add the symbols of input_bfd to the symbols being built for
output_bfd. */
extern boolean _bfd_generic_link_output_symbols
PARAMS ((bfd *output_bfd, bfd *input_bfd, struct bfd_link_info *,
size_t *psymalloc));
/* This structure is used to pass information to
_bfd_generic_link_write_global_symbol, which may be called via
_bfd_generic_link_hash_traverse. */
struct generic_write_global_symbol_info
struct bfd_link_info *info;
bfd *output_bfd;
size_t *psymalloc;
/* Write out a single global symbol. This is expected to be called
via _bfd_generic_link_hash_traverse. The second argument must
actually be a struct generic_write_global_symbol_info *. */
extern boolean _bfd_generic_link_write_global_symbol
PARAMS ((struct generic_link_hash_entry *, PTR));

View File

@ -1,734 +0,0 @@
/* hash.c -- hash table routines for BFD
Copyright (C) 1993, 94 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
Written by Steve Chamberlain <>
This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
#include "bfd.h"
#include "sysdep.h"
#include "libbfd.h"
#include "obstack.h"
Hash Tables
@cindex Hash tables
BFD provides a simple set of hash table functions. Routines
are provided to initialize a hash table, to free a hash table,
to look up a string in a hash table and optionally create an
entry for it, and to traverse a hash table. There is
currently no routine to delete an string from a hash table.
The basic hash table does not permit any data to be stored
with a string. However, a hash table is designed to present a
base class from which other types of hash tables may be
derived. These derived types may store additional information
with the string. Hash tables were implemented in this way,
rather than simply providing a data pointer in a hash table
entry, because they were designed for use by the linker back
ends. The linker may create thousands of hash table entries,
and the overhead of allocating private data and storing and
following pointers becomes noticeable.
The basic hash table code is in <<hash.c>>.
@* Creating and Freeing a Hash Table::
@* Looking Up or Entering a String::
@* Traversing a Hash Table::
@* Deriving a New Hash Table Type::
@end menu
Creating and Freeing a Hash Table, Looking Up or Entering a String, Hash Tables, Hash Tables
Creating and freeing a hash table
@findex bfd_hash_table_init
@findex bfd_hash_table_init_n
To create a hash table, create an instance of a <<struct
bfd_hash_table>> (defined in <<bfd.h>>) and call
<<bfd_hash_table_init>> (if you know approximately how many
entries you will need, the function <<bfd_hash_table_init_n>>,
which takes a @var{size} argument, may be used).
<<bfd_hash_table_init>> returns <<false>> if some sort of
error occurs.
@findex bfd_hash_newfunc
The function <<bfd_hash_table_init>> take as an argument a
function to use to create new entries. For a basic hash
table, use the function <<bfd_hash_newfunc>>. @xref{Deriving
a New Hash Table Type} for why you would want to use a
different value for this argument.
@findex bfd_hash_allocate
<<bfd_hash_table_init>> will create an obstack which will be
used to allocate new entries. You may allocate memory on this
obstack using <<bfd_hash_allocate>>.
@findex bfd_hash_table_free
Use <<bfd_hash_table_free>> to free up all the memory that has
been allocated for a hash table. This will not free up the
<<struct bfd_hash_table>> itself, which you must provide.
Looking Up or Entering a String, Traversing a Hash Table, Creating and Freeing a Hash Table, Hash Tables
Looking up or entering a string
@findex bfd_hash_lookup
The function <<bfd_hash_lookup>> is used both to look up a
string in the hash table and to create a new entry.
If the @var{create} argument is <<false>>, <<bfd_hash_lookup>>
will look up a string. If the string is found, it will
returns a pointer to a <<struct bfd_hash_entry>>. If the
string is not found in the table <<bfd_hash_lookup>> will
return <<NULL>>. You should not modify any of the fields in
the returns <<struct bfd_hash_entry>>.
If the @var{create} argument is <<true>>, the string will be
entered into the hash table if it is not already there.
Either way a pointer to a <<struct bfd_hash_entry>> will be
returned, either to the existing structure or to a newly
created one. In this case, a <<NULL>> return means that an
error occurred.
If the @var{create} argument is <<true>>, and a new entry is
created, the @var{copy} argument is used to decide whether to
copy the string onto the hash table obstack or not. If
@var{copy} is passed as <<false>>, you must be careful not to
deallocate or modify the string as long as the hash table
Traversing a Hash Table, Deriving a New Hash Table Type, Looking Up or Entering a String, Hash Tables
Traversing a hash table
@findex bfd_hash_traverse
The function <<bfd_hash_traverse>> may be used to traverse a
hash table, calling a function on each element. The traversal
is done in a random order.
<<bfd_hash_traverse>> takes as arguments a function and a
generic <<void *>> pointer. The function is called with a
hash table entry (a <<struct bfd_hash_entry *>>) and the
generic pointer passed to <<bfd_hash_traverse>>. The function
must return a <<boolean>> value, which indicates whether to
continue traversing the hash table. If the function returns
<<false>>, <<bfd_hash_traverse>> will stop the traversal and
return immediately.
Deriving a New Hash Table Type, , Traversing a Hash Table, Hash Tables
Deriving a new hash table type
Many uses of hash tables want to store additional information
which each entry in the hash table. Some also find it
convenient to store additional information with the hash table
itself. This may be done using a derived hash table.
Since C is not an object oriented language, creating a derived
hash table requires sticking together some boilerplate
routines with a few differences specific to the type of hash
table you want to create.
An example of a derived hash table is the linker hash table.
The structures for this are defined in <<bfdlink.h>>. The
functions are in <<linker.c>>.
You may also derive a hash table from an already derived hash
table. For example, the a.out linker backend code uses a hash
table derived from the linker hash table.
@* Define the Derived Structures::
@* Write the Derived Creation Routine::
@* Write Other Derived Routines::
@end menu
Define the Derived Structures, Write the Derived Creation Routine, Deriving a New Hash Table Type, Deriving a New Hash Table Type
Define the derived structures
You must define a structure for an entry in the hash table,
and a structure for the hash table itself.
The first field in the structure for an entry in the hash
table must be of the type used for an entry in the hash table
you are deriving from. If you are deriving from a basic hash
table this is <<struct bfd_hash_entry>>, which is defined in
<<bfd.h>>. The first field in the structure for the hash
table itself must be of the type of the hash table you are
deriving from itself. If you are deriving from a basic hash
table, this is <<struct bfd_hash_table>>.
For example, the linker hash table defines <<struct
bfd_link_hash_entry>> (in <<bfdlink.h>>). The first field,
<<root>>, is of type <<struct bfd_hash_entry>>. Similarly,
the first field in <<struct bfd_link_hash_table>>, <<table>>,
is of type <<struct bfd_hash_table>>.
Write the Derived Creation Routine, Write Other Derived Routines, Define the Derived Structures, Deriving a New Hash Table Type
Write the derived creation routine
You must write a routine which will create and initialize an
entry in the hash table. This routine is passed as the
function argument to <<bfd_hash_table_init>>.
In order to permit other hash tables to be derived from the
hash table you are creating, this routine must be written in a
standard way.
The first argument to the creation routine is a pointer to a
hash table entry. This may be <<NULL>>, in which case the
routine should allocate the right amount of space. Otherwise
the space has already been allocated by a hash table type
derived from this one.
After allocating space, the creation routine must call the
creation routine of the hash table type it is derived from,
passing in a pointer to the space it just allocated. This
will initialize any fields used by the base hash table.
Finally the creation routine must initialize any local fields
for the new hash table type.
Here is a boilerplate example of a creation routine.
@var{function_name} is the name of the routine.
@var{entry_type} is the type of an entry in the hash table you
are creating. @var{base_newfunc} is the name of the creation
routine of the hash table type your hash table is derived
.struct bfd_hash_entry *
.@var{function_name} (entry, table, string)
. struct bfd_hash_entry *entry;
. struct bfd_hash_table *table;
. const char *string;
. struct @var{entry_type} *ret = (@var{entry_type} *) entry;
. {* Allocate the structure if it has not already been allocated by a
. derived class. *}
. if (ret == (@var{entry_type} *) NULL)
. {
. ret = ((@var{entry_type} *)
. bfd_hash_allocate (table, sizeof (@var{entry_type})));
. if (ret == (@var{entry_type} *) NULL)
. return NULL;
. }
. {* Call the allocation method of the base class. *}
. ret = ((@var{entry_type} *)
. @var{base_newfunc} ((struct bfd_hash_entry *) ret, table, string));
. {* Initialize the local fields here. *}
. return (struct bfd_hash_entry *) ret;
The creation routine for the linker hash table, which is in
<<linker.c>>, looks just like this example.
@var{function_name} is <<_bfd_link_hash_newfunc>>.
@var{entry_type} is <<struct bfd_link_hash_entry>>.
@var{base_newfunc} is <<bfd_hash_newfunc>>, the creation
routine for a basic hash table.
<<_bfd_link_hash_newfunc>> also initializes the local fields
in a linker hash table entry: <<type>>, <<written>> and
Write Other Derived Routines, , Write the Derived Creation Routine, Deriving a New Hash Table Type
Write other derived routines
You will want to write other routines for your new hash table,
as well.
You will want an initialization routine which calls the
initialization routine of the hash table you are deriving from
and initializes any other local fields. For the linker hash
table, this is <<_bfd_link_hash_table_init>> in <<linker.c>>.
You will want a lookup routine which calls the lookup routine
of the hash table you are deriving from and casts the result.
The linker hash table uses <<bfd_link_hash_lookup>> in
<<linker.c>> (this actually takes an additional argument which
it uses to decide how to return the looked up value).
You may want a traversal routine. This should just call the
traversal routine of the hash table you are deriving from with
appropriate casts. The linker hash table uses
<<bfd_link_hash_traverse>> in <<linker.c>>.
These routines may simply be defined as macros. For example,
the a.out backend linker hash table, which is derived from the
linker hash table, uses macros for the lookup and traversal
routines. These are <<aout_link_hash_lookup>> and
<<aout_link_hash_traverse>> in aoutx.h.
/* Obstack allocation and deallocation routines. */
#define obstack_chunk_alloc malloc
#define obstack_chunk_free free
/* The default number of entries to use when creating a hash table. */
#define DEFAULT_SIZE (4051)
/* Create a new hash table, given a number of entries. */
bfd_hash_table_init_n (table, newfunc, size)
struct bfd_hash_table *table;
struct bfd_hash_entry *(*newfunc) PARAMS ((struct bfd_hash_entry *,
struct bfd_hash_table *,
const char *));
unsigned int size;
unsigned int alloc;
alloc = size * sizeof (struct bfd_hash_entry *);
if (!obstack_begin (&table->memory, alloc))
bfd_set_error (bfd_error_no_memory);
return false;
table->table = ((struct bfd_hash_entry **)
obstack_alloc (&table->memory, alloc));
if (!table->table)
bfd_set_error (bfd_error_no_memory);
return false;
memset ((PTR) table->table, 0, alloc);
table->size = size;
table->newfunc = newfunc;
return true;
/* Create a new hash table with the default number of entries. */
bfd_hash_table_init (table, newfunc)
struct bfd_hash_table *table;
struct bfd_hash_entry *(*newfunc) PARAMS ((struct bfd_hash_entry *,
struct bfd_hash_table *,
const char *));
return bfd_hash_table_init_n (table, newfunc, DEFAULT_SIZE);
/* Free a hash table. */
bfd_hash_table_free (table)
struct bfd_hash_table *table;
obstack_free (&table->memory, (PTR) NULL);
/* Look up a string in a hash table. */
struct bfd_hash_entry *
bfd_hash_lookup (table, string, create, copy)
struct bfd_hash_table *table;
const char *string;
boolean create;
boolean copy;
register const unsigned char *s;
register unsigned long hash;
register unsigned int c;
struct bfd_hash_entry *hashp;
unsigned int len;
unsigned int index;
hash = 0;
len = 0;
s = (const unsigned char *) string;
while ((c = *s++) != '\0')
hash += c + (c << 17);
hash ^= hash >> 2;
hash += len + (len << 17);
hash ^= hash >> 2;
index = hash % table->size;
for (hashp = table->table[index];
hashp != (struct bfd_hash_entry *) NULL;
hashp = hashp->next)
if (hashp->hash == hash
&& strcmp (hashp->string, string) == 0)
return hashp;
if (! create)
return (struct bfd_hash_entry *) NULL;
hashp = (*table->newfunc) ((struct bfd_hash_entry *) NULL, table, string);
if (hashp == (struct bfd_hash_entry *) NULL)
return (struct bfd_hash_entry *) NULL;
if (copy)
char *new;
new = (char *) obstack_alloc (&table->memory, len + 1);
if (!new)
bfd_set_error (bfd_error_no_memory);
return (struct bfd_hash_entry *) NULL;
strcpy (new, string);
string = new;
hashp->string = string;
hashp->hash = hash;
hashp->next = table->table[index];
table->table[index] = hashp;
return hashp;
/* Replace an entry in a hash table. */
bfd_hash_replace (table, old, nw)
struct bfd_hash_table *table;
struct bfd_hash_entry *old;
struct bfd_hash_entry *nw;
unsigned int index;
struct bfd_hash_entry **pph;
index = old->hash % table->size;
for (pph = &table->table[index];
(*pph) != (struct bfd_hash_entry *) NULL;
pph = &(*pph)->next)
if (*pph == old)
*pph = nw;
abort ();
/* Base method for creating a new hash table entry. */
struct bfd_hash_entry *
bfd_hash_newfunc (entry, table, string)
struct bfd_hash_entry *entry;
struct bfd_hash_table *table;
const char *string;
if (entry == (struct bfd_hash_entry *) NULL)
entry = ((struct bfd_hash_entry *)
bfd_hash_allocate (table, sizeof (struct bfd_hash_entry)));
return entry;
/* Allocate space in a hash table. */
bfd_hash_allocate (table, size)
struct bfd_hash_table *table;
unsigned int size;
PTR ret;
ret = obstack_alloc (&table->memory, size);
if (ret == NULL && size != 0)
bfd_set_error (bfd_error_no_memory);
return ret;
/* Traverse a hash table. */
bfd_hash_traverse (table, func, info)
struct bfd_hash_table *table;
boolean (*func) PARAMS ((struct bfd_hash_entry *, PTR));
PTR info;
unsigned int i;
for (i = 0; i < table->size; i++)
struct bfd_hash_entry *p;
for (p = table->table[i]; p != NULL; p = p->next)
if (! (*func) (p, info))
/* A few different object file formats (a.out, COFF, ELF) use a string
table. These functions support adding strings to a string table,
returning the byte offset, and writing out the table.
Possible improvements:
+ look for strings matching trailing substrings of other strings
+ better data structures? balanced trees?
+ look at reducing memory use elsewhere -- maybe if we didn't have
to construct the entire symbol table at once, we could get by
with smaller amounts of VM? (What effect does that have on the
string table reductions?) */
/* An entry in the strtab hash table. */
struct strtab_hash_entry
struct bfd_hash_entry root;
/* Index in string table. */
bfd_size_type index;
/* Next string in strtab. */
struct strtab_hash_entry *next;
/* The strtab hash table. */
struct bfd_strtab_hash
struct bfd_hash_table table;
/* Size of strtab--also next available index. */
bfd_size_type size;
/* First string in strtab. */
struct strtab_hash_entry *first;
/* Last string in strtab. */
struct strtab_hash_entry *last;
/* Whether to precede strings with a two byte length, as in the
XCOFF .debug section. */
boolean xcoff;
static struct bfd_hash_entry *strtab_hash_newfunc
PARAMS ((struct bfd_hash_entry *, struct bfd_hash_table *, const char *));
/* Routine to create an entry in a strtab. */
static struct bfd_hash_entry *
strtab_hash_newfunc (entry, table, string)
struct bfd_hash_entry *entry;
struct bfd_hash_table *table;
const char *string;
struct strtab_hash_entry *ret = (struct strtab_hash_entry *) entry;
/* Allocate the structure if it has not already been allocated by a
subclass. */
if (ret == (struct strtab_hash_entry *) NULL)
ret = ((struct strtab_hash_entry *)
bfd_hash_allocate (table, sizeof (struct strtab_hash_entry)));
if (ret == (struct strtab_hash_entry *) NULL)
return NULL;
/* Call the allocation method of the superclass. */
ret = ((struct strtab_hash_entry *)
bfd_hash_newfunc ((struct bfd_hash_entry *) ret, table, string));
if (ret)
/* Initialize the local fields. */
ret->index = (bfd_size_type) -1;
ret->next = NULL;
return (struct bfd_hash_entry *) ret;
/* Look up an entry in an strtab. */
#define strtab_hash_lookup(t, string, create, copy) \
((struct strtab_hash_entry *) \
bfd_hash_lookup (&(t)->table, (string), (create), (copy)))
/* Create a new strtab. */
struct bfd_strtab_hash *
_bfd_stringtab_init ()
struct bfd_strtab_hash *table;
table = ((struct bfd_strtab_hash *)
bfd_malloc (sizeof (struct bfd_strtab_hash)));
if (table == NULL)
return NULL;
if (! bfd_hash_table_init (&table->table, strtab_hash_newfunc))
free (table);
return NULL;
table->size = 0;
table->first = NULL;
table->last = NULL;
table->xcoff = false;
return table;
/* Create a new strtab in which the strings are output in the format
used in the XCOFF .debug section: a two byte length precedes each
string. */
struct bfd_strtab_hash *
_bfd_xcoff_stringtab_init ()
struct bfd_strtab_hash *ret;
ret = _bfd_stringtab_init ();
if (ret != NULL)
ret->xcoff = true;
return ret;
/* Free a strtab. */
_bfd_stringtab_free (table)
struct bfd_strtab_hash *table;
bfd_hash_table_free (&table->table);
free (table);
/* Get the index of a string in a strtab, adding it if it is not
already present. If HASH is false, we don't really use the hash
table, and we don't eliminate duplicate strings. */
_bfd_stringtab_add (tab, str, hash, copy)
struct bfd_strtab_hash *tab;
const char *str;
boolean hash;
boolean copy;
register struct strtab_hash_entry *entry;
if (hash)
entry = strtab_hash_lookup (tab, str, true, copy);
if (entry == NULL)
return (bfd_size_type) -1;
entry = ((struct strtab_hash_entry *)
bfd_hash_allocate (&tab->table,
sizeof (struct strtab_hash_entry)));
if (entry == NULL)
return (bfd_size_type) -1;
if (! copy)
entry->root.string = str;
char *n;
n = (char *) bfd_hash_allocate (&tab->table, strlen (str) + 1);
if (n == NULL)
return (bfd_size_type) -1;
entry->root.string = n;
entry->index = (bfd_size_type) -1;
entry->next = NULL;
if (entry->index == (bfd_size_type) -1)
entry->index = tab->size;
tab->size += strlen (str) + 1;
if (tab->xcoff)
entry->index += 2;
tab->size += 2;
if (tab->first == NULL)
tab->first = entry;
tab->last->next = entry;
tab->last = entry;
return entry->index;
/* Get the number of bytes in a strtab. */
_bfd_stringtab_size (tab)
struct bfd_strtab_hash *tab;
return tab->size;
/* Write out a strtab. ABFD must already be at the right location in
the file. */
_bfd_stringtab_emit (abfd, tab)
register bfd *abfd;
struct bfd_strtab_hash *tab;
register boolean xcoff;
register struct strtab_hash_entry *entry;
xcoff = tab->xcoff;
for (entry = tab->first; entry != NULL; entry = entry->next)
register const char *str;
register size_t len;
str = entry->root.string;
len = strlen (str) + 1;
if (xcoff)
bfd_byte buf[2];
/* The output length includes the null byte. */
bfd_put_16 (abfd, len, buf);
if (bfd_write ((PTR) buf, 1, 2, abfd) != 2)
return false;
if (bfd_write ((PTR) str, 1, len, abfd) != len)
return false;
return true;

View File

@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
/* Linux dumps "struct task_struct" at the end of the core-file. This
structure is currently 920 bytes long, but we allow up to 1024
bytes to allow for some future growth. */

View File

@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
/* Hopefully this should include either machine/param.h (Ultrix) or
machine/machparam.h (Mach), whichever is its name on this system. */
#include <sys/param.h>
#include <machine/vmparam.h>
#define HOST_MACHINE_ARCH bfd_arch_mips

View File

@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
/* Definitions for a Motorola Delta 3300 box running System V R3.0.
Contributed by */
#include <sys/param.h>
/* Definitions used by trad-core.c. */
#define NBPG NBPC
#define HOST_DATA_START_ADDR u.u_exdata.ux_datorg
#define HOST_TEXT_START_ADDR u.u_exdata.ux_txtorg
#if 0
#define HOST_STACK_END_ADDR 0x40000000
/* User's stack, copied from sys/param.h */

View File

@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
/* Definitions that are needed for core files. Core section sizes for
the DPX2 are in bytes. */
#include <sys/param.h>
#define NBPG 1
#define HOST_DATA_START_ADDR (u.u_exdata.ux_datorg)

View File

@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
#include <sys/param.h>
#ifdef BSD4_4
#define HOST_SEGMENT_SIZE NBPG /* Data seg start addr rounds to NBPG */
#define HOST_MACHINE_ARCH bfd_arch_m68k
#define HOST_STACK_END_ADDR 0xfff00000

View File

@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
/* Intel 386 running any BSD Unix */
#include <machine/param.h>
#include <machine/vmparam.h>
#define HOST_MACHINE_ARCH bfd_arch_i386
/* Jolitz suggested defining HOST_STACK_END_ADDR to
(u.u_kproc.kp_eproc.e_vm.vm_maxsaddr + MAXSSIZ), which should work on
both BSDI and 386BSD, but that is believed not to work for BSD 4.4. */
#ifdef __bsdi__
/* This seems to be the right thing for BSDI. */
#define HOST_DATA_START_ADDR ((bfd_vma)u.u_kproc.kp_eproc.e_vm.vm_daddr)
/* This seems to be the right thing for 386BSD release 0.1. */
#define u_comm u_kproc.kp_proc.p_comm

View File

@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
/* Linux writes the task structure at the end of the core file. Currently it
is 2912 bytes. It is possible that this should be a pickier check, but
we should probably not be too picky (the size of the task structure might
vary, and if it's not the length we expect it to be, it doesn't affect
our ability to process the core file). So allow 0-4096 extra bytes at
the end. */

View File

@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
#include <machine/vmparam.h>
#include <sys/param.h>
/* This is an ugly way to hack around the incorrect
* definition of UPAGES in i386/machparam.h.
* The definition should specify the size reserved
* for "struct user" in core files in PAGES,
* but instead it gives it in 512-byte core-clicks
* for i386 and i860. UPAGES is used only in trad-core.c.
#if UPAGES == 16
#undef UPAGES
#define UPAGES 2
#if UPAGES != 2
FIXME!! UPAGES is neither 2 nor 16
#define HOST_PAGE_SIZE 1
#define HOST_MACHINE_ARCH bfd_arch_i386

View File

@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
/* Core file stuff. At least some, perhaps all, of the following
defines work on many more systems than just SCO. */
#define NBPG NBPC
#define HOST_DATA_START_ADDR u.u_exdata.ux_datorg
#define HOST_STACK_START_ADDR u.u_sub
((core_upage(abfd)->u_sysabort != 0) \
? core_upage(abfd)->u_sysabort \
: -1)
/* According to the manpage, a version 2 SCO corefile can contain
various additional sections (it is cleverly arranged so the u area,
data, and stack are first where we can find them). So without
writing lots of code to parse all their headers and stuff, we can't
know whether a corefile is bigger than it should be. */

View File

@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
/* This file was hacked from i386mach3.h [] */
#include <machine/vmparam.h>
#include <sys/param.h>
/* This is an ugly way to hack around the incorrect
* definition of UPAGES in i386/machparam.h.
* The definition should specify the size reserved
* for "struct user" in core files in PAGES,
* but instead it gives it in 512-byte core-clicks
* for i386 and i860. UPAGES is used only in trad-core.c.
#if UPAGES == 16
#undef UPAGES
#define UPAGES 2
#if UPAGES != 2
FIXME!! UPAGES is neither 2 nor 16
#define HOST_PAGE_SIZE 1
#define HOST_MACHINE_ARCH bfd_arch_i860

View File

@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
/* Definitions for an Apple Macintosh running A/UX 3.x. */
#include <sys/param.h>
#include <sys/page.h>
/* Definitions used by trad-core.c. */
#define NBPG NBPP
#define HOST_DATA_START_ADDR u.u_exdata.ux_datorg
#define HOST_TEXT_START_ADDR u.u_exdata.ux_txtorg
#define HOST_STACK_END_ADDR 0x100000000

View File

@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
/* Linux dumps "struct task_struct" at the end of the core-file. This
structure is currently 2512 bytes long, but we allow up to 4096
bytes to allow for some future growth. */

View File

@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
#include <machine/vmparam.h>
#include <sys/param.h>
#undef UPAGES
#define UPAGES 3
#define HOST_MACHINE_ARCH bfd_arch_m88k

View File

@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
#include <machine/param.h>
#include <machine/vmparam.h>
#undef ALIGN
#define HOST_MACHINE_ARCH bfd_arch_mips

View File

@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
#include <machine/vmparam.h>
#include <machine/machparam.h>
#include <sys/param.h>
#define HOST_MACHINE_ARCH bfd_arch_mips

View File

@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
/* Sony News running NewsOS 3.2. */
#include <sys/param.h>
#include <machine/vmparam.h>
#define HOST_MACHINE_ARCH bfd_arch_mips

View File

@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
/* Sony News running NewsOS 3.2. */
#include <machine/vmparam.h>
#define HOST_MACHINE_ARCH bfd_arch_m68k

View File

@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
#include <machine/vmparam.h>
#include <sys/param.h>
/* This is an ugly way to hack around the incorrect
* definition of UPAGES in ns532/machparam.h.
* The definition should specify the size reserved
* for "struct user" in core files in PAGES,
* but instead it gives it in 512-byte core-clicks
* for ns532, i386 and i860. UPAGES is used only in trad-core.c.
#if UPAGES == 16
#undef UPAGES
#define UPAGES 2
#if UPAGES != 2
#error UPAGES is neither 2 nor 16
#define HOST_PAGE_SIZE 1

View File

@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
/* RISC/os 4.52C, and presumably other versions. */
#include <bsd43/machine/machparam.h>
#include <bsd43/machine/vmparam.h>
#define NBPG BSD43_NBPG

View File

@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
/* Symmetry running either dynix 3.1 (bsd) or ptx (sysv). */
#define NBPG 4096
#define UPAGES 1
#ifdef _SEQUENT_
/* ptx */
#define HOST_STACK_END_ADDR 0x3fffe000
#define TRAD_CORE_USER_OFFSET ((UPAGES * NBPG) - sizeof (struct user))
/* dynix */
#define HOST_TEXT_START_ADDR 0x1000
#define HOST_DATA_START_ADDR (NBPG * u.u_tsize)
#define HOST_STACK_END_ADDR 0x3ffff000

View File

@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
#undef ALIGN /* They use it, we use it too */
#include <machine/param.h>
#undef ALIGN /* They use it, we use it too */
#define HOST_MACHINE_ARCH bfd_arch_tahoe

View File

@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
#define NO_CORE_COMMAND /* No command name in core file */
#if 0
#undef ALIGN /* They use it, we use it too */
/* Does not exist on BSD 4.3, it uses machine/machparam.h.
Whatever it is, it's included by <sys/param.h>, which trad-core.c,
the only place that uses this (I think), already includes. */
#include <machine/param.h>
#undef ALIGN /* They use it, we use it too */
/* Note that HOST_PAGE_SIZE -- the page size as far as executable files
are concerned -- is not the same as NBPG, because of page clustering. */
#define HOST_PAGE_SIZE 1024
#define HOST_MACHINE_ARCH bfd_arch_vax
#define HOST_STACK_END_ADDR (0x80000000 - (UPAGES * NBPG))

View File

@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
#include <machine/param.h>
#include <machine/vmparam.h>
#define HOST_MACHINE_ARCH bfd_arch_vax

View File

@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
#include <machine/param.h>
#include <machine/vmparam.h>
#define HOST_MACHINE_ARCH bfd_arch_vax

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@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
/* BFD back-end for i386 a.out binaries.
Copyright 1990, 1991, 1992 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
/* The only 386 aout system we have here is GO32 from DJ.
These numbers make BFD work with that. If your aout 386 system
doesn't work with these, we'll have to split them into different
files. Send me ( the runes to make it work on your
system, and I'll stick it in for the next release. */
#define N_HEADER_IN_TEXT(x) 0
#define BYTES_IN_WORD 4
#define N_TXTOFF(x) 0x20
#define N_TXTADDR(x) (N_MAGIC(x)==ZMAGIC ? 0x1020 : 0)
#define N_TXTSIZE(x) ((x).a_text)
#if 0
#define N_DATADDR(x) (N_MAGIC(x)==OMAGIC? (N_TXTADDR(x)+(x).a_text) : (SEGMENT_SIZE + ((0x1020+(x).a_text-1) & ~(SEGMENT_SIZE-1))))
#define TARGET_PAGE_SIZE 4096
#define SEGMENT_SIZE 0x400000
#define DEFAULT_ARCH bfd_arch_i386
#define MY(OP) CAT(i386aout_,OP)
#define TARGETNAME "a.out-i386"
#include "bfd.h"
#include "sysdep.h"
#include "libbfd.h"
#include "libaout.h"
static boolean MY(set_sizes)();
#define MY_backend_data &MY(backend_data)
static CONST struct aout_backend_data MY(backend_data) = {
0, /* zmagic contiguous */
1, /* text incl header */
0, /* exec_hdr_flags */
0, /* text vma? */
1, /* exec header not counted */
0, /* add_dynamic_symbols */
0, /* add_one_symbol */
0, /* link_dynamic_object */
0, /* write_dynamic_symbol */
0, /* check_dynamic_reloc */
0 /* finish_dynamic_link */
#include "aout-target.h"

View File

@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
/* BFD back-end for i386 a.out binaries under BSD.
Copyright (C) 1990, 1991, 1992 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
/* This data should be correct for the format used under all the various
BSD ports for 386 machines. */
#define BYTES_IN_WORD 4
/* ZMAGIC files never have the header in the text. */
#define N_HEADER_IN_TEXT(x) 0
/* ZMAGIC files start at address 0. This does not apply to QMAGIC. */
#define N_SHARED_LIB(x) 0
#define TARGET_PAGE_SIZE 4096
#define DEFAULT_ARCH bfd_arch_i386
#define MACHTYPE_OK(mtype) ((mtype) == M_386 || (mtype) == M_UNKNOWN)
#define MY(OP) CAT(i386bsd_,OP)
#define TARGETNAME "a.out-i386-bsd"
#include "bfd.h"
#include "sysdep.h"
#include "libbfd.h"
#include "libaout.h"
#include "aout-target.h"

View File

@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
/* BFD back-end for FreeBSD/386 a.out-ish binaries.
Copyright (C) 1990, 1991, 1992, 1996 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
#define BYTES_IN_WORD 4
#define TARGET_PAGE_SIZE 4096
#define DEFAULT_ARCH bfd_arch_i386
#define MACHTYPE_OK(mtype) ((mtype) == M_386_NETBSD || (mtype) == M_UNKNOWN)
#define MY(OP) CAT(i386freebsd_,OP)
/* This needs to start with a.out so GDB knows it is an a.out variant. */
#define TARGETNAME "a.out-i386-freebsd"
#include "freebsd.h"

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
/* bfd initialization stuff
Copyright (C) 1990, 91, 92, 93, 94, 1995 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
Written by Steve Chamberlain of Cygnus Support.
This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
#include "bfd.h"
#include "sysdep.h"
#include "libbfd.h"
These are the functions that handle initializing a BFD.
void bfd_init(void);
This routine must be called before any other BFD function to
initialize magical internal data structures.
/* Actually, there is currently nothing for this function to do.
However, someday it may be needed, so keep it around. */
bfd_init ()

View File

@ -1,608 +0,0 @@
/* BFD back-end data structures for a.out (and similar) files.
Copyright 1990, 1991, 1992 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
Written by Cygnus Support.
This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
#ifndef LIBAOUT_H
#define LIBAOUT_H
/* We try to encapsulate the differences in the various a.out file
variants in a few routines, and otherwise share large masses of code.
This means we only have to fix bugs in one place, most of the time. */
#include "bfdlink.h"
/* Parameterize the a.out code based on whether it is being built
for a 32-bit architecture or a 64-bit architecture. */
#if ARCH_SIZE==64
#define GET_WORD bfd_h_get_64
#define GET_SWORD bfd_h_get_signed_64
#define PUT_WORD bfd_h_put_64
#ifndef NAME
#define NAME(x,y) CAT3(x,_64_,y)
#define JNAME(x) CAT(x,_64)
#define BYTES_IN_WORD 8
#else /* ARCH_SIZE == 32 */
#define GET_WORD bfd_h_get_32
#define GET_SWORD bfd_h_get_signed_32
#define PUT_WORD bfd_h_put_32
#ifndef NAME
#define NAME(x,y) CAT3(x,_32_,y)
#define JNAME(x) CAT(x,_32)
#define BYTES_IN_WORD 4
#endif /* ARCH_SIZE==32 */
/* Declare at file level, since used in parameter lists, which have
weird scope. */
struct external_exec;
struct external_nlist;
struct reloc_ext_external;
struct reloc_std_external;
/* a.out backend linker hash table entries. */
struct aout_link_hash_entry
struct bfd_link_hash_entry root;
/* Whether this symbol has been written out. */
boolean written;
/* Symbol index in output file. */
int indx;
/* a.out backend linker hash table. */
struct aout_link_hash_table
struct bfd_link_hash_table root;
/* Look up an entry in an a.out link hash table. */
#define aout_link_hash_lookup(table, string, create, copy, follow) \
((struct aout_link_hash_entry *) \
bfd_link_hash_lookup (&(table)->root, (string), (create), (copy), (follow)))
/* Traverse an a.out link hash table. */
#define aout_link_hash_traverse(table, func, info) \
(bfd_link_hash_traverse \
(&(table)->root, \
(boolean (*) PARAMS ((struct bfd_link_hash_entry *, PTR))) (func), \
/* Get the a.out link hash table from the info structure. This is
just a cast. */
#define aout_hash_table(p) ((struct aout_link_hash_table *) ((p)->hash))
/* Back-end information for various a.out targets. */
struct aout_backend_data
/* Are ZMAGIC files mapped contiguously? If so, the text section may
need more padding, if the segment size (granularity for memory access
control) is larger than the page size. */
unsigned char zmagic_mapped_contiguous;
/* If this flag is set, ZMAGIC/NMAGIC file headers get mapped in with the
text section, which starts immediately after the file header.
If not, the text section starts on the next page. */
unsigned char text_includes_header;
/* The value to pass to N_SET_FLAGS. */
unsigned char exec_hdr_flags;
/* If the text section VMA isn't specified, and we need an absolute
address, use this as the default. If we're producing a relocatable
file, zero is always used. */
/* ?? Perhaps a callback would be a better choice? Will this do anything
reasonable for a format that handles multiple CPUs with different
load addresses for each? */
bfd_vma default_text_vma;
/* Callback for setting the page and segment sizes, if they can't be
trivially determined from the architecture. */
boolean (*set_sizes) PARAMS ((bfd *));
/* zmagic files only. For go32, the length of the exec header contributes
to the size of the text section in the file for alignment purposes but
does *not* get counted in the length of the text section. */
unsigned char exec_header_not_counted;
/* Callback from the add symbols phase of the linker code to handle
a dynamic object. */
boolean (*add_dynamic_symbols) PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *,
struct external_nlist **,
bfd_size_type *, char **));
/* Callback from the add symbols phase of the linker code to handle
adding a single symbol to the global linker hash table. */
boolean (*add_one_symbol) PARAMS ((struct bfd_link_info *, bfd *,
const char *, flagword, asection *,
bfd_vma, const char *, boolean,
struct bfd_link_hash_entry **));
/* Called to handle linking a dynamic object. */
boolean (*link_dynamic_object) PARAMS ((struct bfd_link_info *, bfd *));
/* Called for each global symbol being written out by the linker.
This should write out the dynamic symbol information. */
boolean (*write_dynamic_symbol) PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *,
struct aout_link_hash_entry *));
/* If this callback is not NULL, the linker calls it for each reloc.
RELOC is a pointer to the unswapped reloc. If *SKIP is set to
true, the reloc will be skipped. *RELOCATION may be changed to
change the effects of the relocation. */
boolean (*check_dynamic_reloc) PARAMS ((struct bfd_link_info *info,
bfd *input_bfd,
asection *input_section,
struct aout_link_hash_entry *h,
PTR reloc, bfd_byte *contents,
boolean *skip,
bfd_vma *relocation));
/* Called at the end of a link to finish up any dynamic linking
information. */
boolean (*finish_dynamic_link) PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *));
#define aout_backend_info(abfd) \
((CONST struct aout_backend_data *)((abfd)->xvec->backend_data))
/* This is the layout in memory of a "struct exec" while we process it.
All 'lengths' are given as a number of bytes.
All 'alignments' are for relinkable files only; an alignment of
'n' indicates the corresponding segment must begin at an
address that is a multiple of (2**n). */
struct internal_exec
long a_info; /* Magic number and flags, packed */
bfd_vma a_text; /* length of text, in bytes */
bfd_vma a_data; /* length of data, in bytes */
bfd_vma a_bss; /* length of uninitialized data area in mem */
bfd_vma a_syms; /* length of symbol table data in file */
bfd_vma a_entry; /* start address */
bfd_vma a_trsize; /* length of text's relocation info, in bytes */
bfd_vma a_drsize; /* length of data's relocation info, in bytes */
/* Added for i960 */
bfd_vma a_tload; /* Text runtime load address */
bfd_vma a_dload; /* Data runtime load address */
unsigned char a_talign; /* Alignment of text segment */
unsigned char a_dalign; /* Alignment of data segment */
unsigned char a_balign; /* Alignment of bss segment */
char a_relaxable; /* Enough info for linker relax */
/* Magic number is written
< MSB >
/* Magic number for NetBSD is
<MSB >
enum machine_type {
M_68010 = 1,
M_68020 = 2,
M_SPARC = 3,
/* skip a bunch so we don't run into any of suns numbers */
/* make these up for the ns32k*/
M_NS32032 = (64), /* ns32032 running ? */
M_NS32532 = (64 + 5), /* ns32532 running mach */
M_386 = 100,
M_29K = 101, /* AMD 29000 */
M_386_DYNIX = 102, /* Sequent running dynix */
M_ARM = 103, /* Advanced Risc Machines ARM */
M_386_NETBSD = 134, /* NetBSD/i386 binary */
M_68K_NETBSD = 135, /* NetBSD/m68k binary */
M_68K4K_NETBSD = 136, /* NetBSD/m68k4k binary */
M_532_NETBSD = 137, /* NetBSD/ns32k binary */
M_SPARC_NETBSD = 138, /* NetBSD/sparc binary */
M_MIPS1 = 151, /* MIPS R2000/R3000 binary */
M_MIPS2 = 152, /* MIPS R4000/R6000 binary */
M_HP200 = 200, /* HP 200 (68010) BSD binary */
M_HP300 = (300 % 256), /* HP 300 (68020+68881) BSD binary */
M_HPUX = (0x20c % 256)/* HP 200/300 HPUX binary */
#define N_DYNAMIC(exec) ((exec).a_info & 0x80000000)
#ifndef N_MAGIC
# define N_MAGIC(exec) ((exec).a_info & 0xffff)
#ifndef N_MACHTYPE
# define N_MACHTYPE(exec) ((enum machine_type)(((exec).a_info >> 16) & 0xff))
#ifndef N_FLAGS
# define N_FLAGS(exec) (((exec).a_info >> 24) & 0xff)
#ifndef N_SET_INFO
# define N_SET_INFO(exec, magic, type, flags) \
((exec).a_info = ((magic) & 0xffff) \
| (((int)(type) & 0xff) << 16) \
| (((flags) & 0xff) << 24))
# define N_SET_DYNAMIC(exec, dynamic) \
((exec).a_info = (dynamic) ? ((exec).a_info | 0x80000000) : \
((exec).a_info & 0x7fffffff))
#ifndef N_SET_MAGIC
# define N_SET_MAGIC(exec, magic) \
((exec).a_info = (((exec).a_info & 0xffff0000) | ((magic) & 0xffff)))
# define N_SET_MACHTYPE(exec, machtype) \
((exec).a_info = \
((exec).a_info&0xff00ffff) | ((((int)(machtype))&0xff) << 16))
#ifndef N_SET_FLAGS
# define N_SET_FLAGS(exec, flags) \
((exec).a_info = \
((exec).a_info&0x00ffffff) | (((flags) & 0xff) << 24))
typedef struct aout_symbol {
asymbol symbol;
short desc;
char other;
unsigned char type;
} aout_symbol_type;
/* The `tdata' struct for all a.out-like object file formats.
Various things depend on this struct being around any time an a.out
file is being handled. An example is dbxread.c in GDB. */
struct aoutdata {
struct internal_exec *hdr; /* exec file header */
aout_symbol_type *symbols; /* symtab for input bfd */
/* For ease, we do this */
asection *textsec;
asection *datasec;
asection *bsssec;
/* We remember these offsets so that after check_file_format, we have
no dependencies on the particular format of the exec_hdr. */
file_ptr sym_filepos;
file_ptr str_filepos;
/* Size of a relocation entry in external form */
unsigned reloc_entry_size;
/* Size of a symbol table entry in external form */
unsigned symbol_entry_size;
/* Page size - needed for alignment of demand paged files. */
unsigned long page_size;
/* Segment size - needed for alignment of demand paged files. */
unsigned long segment_size;
/* Zmagic disk block size - need to align the start of the text
section in ZMAGIC binaries. Normally the same as page_size. */
unsigned long zmagic_disk_block_size;
unsigned exec_bytes_size;
unsigned vma_adjusted : 1;
/* used when a bfd supports several highly similar formats */
default_format = 0,
/* Used on HP 9000/300 running HP/UX. See hp300hpux.c. */
/* Used on Linux, 386BSD, etc. See include/aout/aout64.h. */
} subformat;
undecided_magic = 0,
} magic;
/* A buffer for find_nearest_line. */
char *line_buf;
/* The external symbol information. */
struct external_nlist *external_syms;
bfd_size_type external_sym_count;
bfd_window sym_window;
char *external_strings;
bfd_size_type external_string_size;
bfd_window string_window;
struct aout_link_hash_entry **sym_hashes;
/* A pointer for shared library information. */
PTR dynamic_info;
/* A mapping from local symbols to offsets into the global offset
table, used when linking on SunOS. This is indexed by the symbol
index. */
bfd_vma *local_got_offsets;
struct aout_data_struct {
struct aoutdata a;
struct internal_exec e;
#define adata(bfd) ((bfd)->tdata.aout_data->a)
#define exec_hdr(bfd) (adata(bfd).hdr)
#define obj_aout_symbols(bfd) (adata(bfd).symbols)
#define obj_textsec(bfd) (adata(bfd).textsec)
#define obj_datasec(bfd) (adata(bfd).datasec)
#define obj_bsssec(bfd) (adata(bfd).bsssec)
#define obj_sym_filepos(bfd) (adata(bfd).sym_filepos)
#define obj_str_filepos(bfd) (adata(bfd).str_filepos)
#define obj_reloc_entry_size(bfd) (adata(bfd).reloc_entry_size)
#define obj_symbol_entry_size(bfd) (adata(bfd).symbol_entry_size)
#define obj_aout_subformat(bfd) (adata(bfd).subformat)
#define obj_aout_external_syms(bfd) (adata(bfd).external_syms)
#define obj_aout_external_sym_count(bfd) (adata(bfd).external_sym_count)
#define obj_aout_sym_window(bfd) (adata(bfd).sym_window)
#define obj_aout_external_strings(bfd) (adata(bfd).external_strings)
#define obj_aout_external_string_size(bfd) (adata(bfd).external_string_size)
#define obj_aout_string_window(bfd) (adata(bfd).string_window)
#define obj_aout_sym_hashes(bfd) (adata(bfd).sym_hashes)
#define obj_aout_dynamic_info(bfd) (adata(bfd).dynamic_info)
/* We take the address of the first element of an asymbol to ensure that the
macro is only ever applied to an asymbol */
#define aout_symbol(asymbol) ((aout_symbol_type *)(&(asymbol)->the_bfd))
/* Information we keep for each a.out section. This is currently only
used by the a.out backend linker. */
struct aout_section_data_struct
/* The unswapped relocation entries for this section. */
PTR relocs;
#define aout_section_data(s) \
((struct aout_section_data_struct *) (s)->used_by_bfd)
#define set_aout_section_data(s,v) \
((s)->used_by_bfd = (PTR)&(v)->relocs)
/* Prototype declarations for functions defined in aoutx.h */
NAME(aout,squirt_out_relocs) PARAMS ((bfd *abfd, asection *section));
NAME(aout,make_sections) PARAMS ((bfd *));
const bfd_target *
NAME(aout,some_aout_object_p) PARAMS ((bfd *abfd,
struct internal_exec *execp,
const bfd_target *(*callback)(bfd *)));
NAME(aout,mkobject) PARAMS ((bfd *abfd));
enum machine_type
NAME(aout,machine_type) PARAMS ((enum bfd_architecture arch,
unsigned long machine,
boolean *unknown));
NAME(aout,set_arch_mach) PARAMS ((bfd *abfd, enum bfd_architecture arch,
unsigned long machine));
NAME(aout,new_section_hook) PARAMS ((bfd *abfd, asection *newsect));
NAME(aout,set_section_contents) PARAMS ((bfd *abfd, sec_ptr section,
PTR location, file_ptr offset, bfd_size_type count));
asymbol *
NAME(aout,make_empty_symbol) PARAMS ((bfd *abfd));
NAME(aout,translate_symbol_table) PARAMS ((bfd *, aout_symbol_type *,
struct external_nlist *,
bfd_size_type, char *,
boolean dynamic));
NAME(aout,slurp_symbol_table) PARAMS ((bfd *abfd));
NAME(aout,write_syms) PARAMS ((bfd *abfd));
NAME(aout,reclaim_symbol_table) PARAMS ((bfd *abfd));
NAME(aout,get_symtab_upper_bound) PARAMS ((bfd *abfd));
NAME(aout,get_symtab) PARAMS ((bfd *abfd, asymbol **location));
NAME(aout,swap_ext_reloc_in) PARAMS ((bfd *, struct reloc_ext_external *,
arelent *, asymbol **, bfd_size_type));
NAME(aout,swap_std_reloc_in) PARAMS ((bfd *, struct reloc_std_external *,
arelent *, asymbol **, bfd_size_type));
reloc_howto_type *
NAME(aout,reloc_type_lookup) PARAMS ((bfd *abfd,
bfd_reloc_code_real_type code));
NAME(aout,slurp_reloc_table) PARAMS ((bfd *abfd, sec_ptr asect,
asymbol **symbols));
NAME(aout,canonicalize_reloc) PARAMS ((bfd *abfd, sec_ptr section,
arelent **relptr, asymbol **symbols));
NAME(aout,get_reloc_upper_bound) PARAMS ((bfd *abfd, sec_ptr asect));
NAME(aout,reclaim_reloc) PARAMS ((bfd *ignore_abfd, sec_ptr ignore));
alent *
NAME(aout,get_lineno) PARAMS ((bfd *ignore_abfd, asymbol *ignore_symbol));
NAME(aout,print_symbol) PARAMS ((bfd *ignore_abfd, PTR file,
asymbol *symbol, bfd_print_symbol_type how));
NAME(aout,get_symbol_info) PARAMS ((bfd *ignore_abfd,
asymbol *symbol, symbol_info *ret));
NAME(aout,find_nearest_line) PARAMS ((bfd *abfd, asection *section,
asymbol **symbols, bfd_vma offset, CONST char **filename_ptr,
CONST char **functionname_ptr, unsigned int *line_ptr));
NAME(aout,read_minisymbols) PARAMS ((bfd *, boolean, PTR *, unsigned int *));
asymbol *
NAME(aout,minisymbol_to_symbol) PARAMS ((bfd *, boolean, const PTR,
asymbol *));
NAME(aout,sizeof_headers) PARAMS ((bfd *abfd, boolean exec));
NAME(aout,adjust_sizes_and_vmas) PARAMS ((bfd *abfd,
bfd_size_type *text_size, file_ptr *text_end));
NAME(aout,swap_exec_header_in) PARAMS ((bfd *abfd,
struct external_exec *raw_bytes, struct internal_exec *execp));
NAME(aout,swap_exec_header_out) PARAMS ((bfd *abfd,
struct internal_exec *execp, struct external_exec *raw_bytes));
struct bfd_hash_entry *
PARAMS ((struct bfd_hash_entry *, struct bfd_hash_table *, const char *));
PARAMS ((struct aout_link_hash_table *, bfd *,
struct bfd_hash_entry *(*) (struct bfd_hash_entry *,
struct bfd_hash_table *,
const char *)));
struct bfd_link_hash_table *
NAME(aout,link_hash_table_create) PARAMS ((bfd *));
NAME(aout,link_add_symbols) PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *));
NAME(aout,final_link) PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *,
void (*) (bfd *, file_ptr *, file_ptr *,
file_ptr *)));
NAME(aout,bfd_free_cached_info) PARAMS ((bfd *));
/* A.out uses the generic versions of these routines... */
#define aout_32_get_section_contents _bfd_generic_get_section_contents
#define aout_64_get_section_contents _bfd_generic_get_section_contents
#ifndef aout_32_bfd_is_local_label
#define aout_32_bfd_is_local_label bfd_generic_is_local_label
#define WRITE_HEADERS(abfd, execp) \
{ \
bfd_size_type text_size; /* dummy vars */ \
file_ptr text_end; \
if (adata(abfd).magic == undecided_magic) \
NAME(aout,adjust_sizes_and_vmas) (abfd, &text_size, &text_end); \
execp->a_syms = bfd_get_symcount (abfd) * EXTERNAL_NLIST_SIZE; \
execp->a_entry = bfd_get_start_address (abfd); \
execp->a_trsize = ((obj_textsec (abfd)->reloc_count) * \
obj_reloc_entry_size (abfd)); \
execp->a_drsize = ((obj_datasec (abfd)->reloc_count) * \
obj_reloc_entry_size (abfd)); \
NAME(aout,swap_exec_header_out) (abfd, execp, &exec_bytes); \
if (bfd_seek (abfd, (file_ptr) 0, SEEK_SET) != 0) return false; \
if (bfd_write ((PTR) &exec_bytes, 1, EXEC_BYTES_SIZE, abfd) \
return false; \
/* Now write out reloc info, followed by syms and strings */ \
if (bfd_get_outsymbols (abfd) != (asymbol **) NULL \
&& bfd_get_symcount (abfd) != 0) \
{ \
if (bfd_seek (abfd, (file_ptr)(N_SYMOFF(*execp)), SEEK_SET) \
!= 0) \
return false; \
if (! NAME(aout,write_syms)(abfd)) return false; \
if (bfd_seek (abfd, (file_ptr)(N_TRELOFF(*execp)), SEEK_SET) \
!= 0) \
return false; \
if (!NAME(aout,squirt_out_relocs) (abfd, obj_textsec (abfd))) \
return false; \
if (bfd_seek (abfd, (file_ptr)(N_DRELOFF(*execp)), SEEK_SET) \
!= 0) \
return false; \
if (!NAME(aout,squirt_out_relocs)(abfd, obj_datasec (abfd))) \
return false; \
} \
#endif /* ! defined (LIBAOUT_H) */

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

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/* libbfd.h -- Declarations used by bfd library *implementation*.
(This include file is not for users of the library.)
Copyright 1990, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 1996 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
Written by Cygnus Support.
** NOTE: libbfd.h is a GENERATED file. Don't change it; instead,
** change libbfd-in.h or the other BFD source files processed to
** generate this file.
This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
/* Align an address upward to a boundary, expressed as a number of bytes.
E.g. align to an 8-byte boundary with argument of 8. */
#define BFD_ALIGN(this, boundary) \
((( (this) + ((boundary) -1)) & (~((boundary)-1))))
/* If you want to read and write large blocks, you might want to do it
in quanta of this amount */
/* Set a tdata field. Can't use the other macros for this, since they
do casts, and casting to the left of assignment isn't portable. */
#define set_tdata(bfd, v) ((bfd)->tdata.any = (PTR) (v))
/* If BFD_IN_MEMORY is set for a BFD, then the iostream fields points
to an instance of this structure. */
struct bfd_in_memory
/* Size of buffer. */
bfd_size_type size;
/* Buffer holding contents of BFD. */
bfd_byte *buffer;
/* tdata for an archive. For an input archive, cache
needs to be free()'d. For an output archive, symdefs do. */
struct artdata {
file_ptr first_file_filepos;
/* Speed up searching the armap */
struct ar_cache *cache;
bfd *archive_head; /* Only interesting in output routines */
carsym *symdefs; /* the symdef entries */
symindex symdef_count; /* how many there are */
char *extended_names; /* clever intel extension */
/* when more compilers are standard C, this can be a time_t */
long armap_timestamp; /* Timestamp value written into armap.
This is used for BSD archives to check
that the timestamp is recent enough
for the BSD linker to not complain,
just before we finish writing an
archive. */
file_ptr armap_datepos; /* Position within archive to seek to
rewrite the date field. */
PTR tdata; /* Backend specific information. */
#define bfd_ardata(bfd) ((bfd)->tdata.aout_ar_data)
/* Goes in bfd's arelt_data slot */
struct areltdata {
char * arch_header; /* it's actually a string */
unsigned int parsed_size; /* octets of filesize not including ar_hdr */
char *filename; /* null-terminated */
#define arelt_size(bfd) (((struct areltdata *)((bfd)->arelt_data))->parsed_size)
extern PTR bfd_malloc PARAMS ((size_t));
extern PTR bfd_realloc PARAMS ((PTR, size_t));
extern PTR bfd_zmalloc PARAMS ((size_t));
extern bfd_error_handler_type _bfd_error_handler;
/* These routines allocate and free things on the BFD's obstack. */
PTR bfd_alloc PARAMS ((bfd *abfd, size_t size));
PTR bfd_zalloc PARAMS ((bfd *abfd, size_t size));
void bfd_alloc_grow PARAMS ((bfd *abfd, PTR thing, size_t size));
PTR bfd_alloc_finish PARAMS ((bfd *abfd));
PTR bfd_alloc_by_size_t PARAMS ((bfd *abfd, size_t wanted));
#define bfd_release(x,y) (void) obstack_free(&(x->memory),y)
bfd * _bfd_create_empty_archive_element_shell PARAMS ((bfd *obfd));
bfd * _bfd_look_for_bfd_in_cache PARAMS ((bfd *arch_bfd, file_ptr index));
boolean _bfd_add_bfd_to_archive_cache PARAMS ((bfd *, file_ptr, bfd *));
boolean _bfd_generic_mkarchive PARAMS ((bfd *abfd));
const bfd_target *bfd_generic_archive_p PARAMS ((bfd *abfd));
boolean bfd_slurp_armap PARAMS ((bfd *abfd));
boolean bfd_slurp_bsd_armap_f2 PARAMS ((bfd *abfd));
#define bfd_slurp_bsd_armap bfd_slurp_armap
#define bfd_slurp_coff_armap bfd_slurp_armap
boolean _bfd_slurp_extended_name_table PARAMS ((bfd *abfd));
extern boolean _bfd_construct_extended_name_table
PARAMS ((bfd *, boolean, char **, bfd_size_type *));
boolean _bfd_write_archive_contents PARAMS ((bfd *abfd));
boolean _bfd_compute_and_write_armap PARAMS ((bfd *, unsigned int elength));
bfd *_bfd_get_elt_at_filepos PARAMS ((bfd *archive, file_ptr filepos));
extern bfd *_bfd_generic_get_elt_at_index PARAMS ((bfd *, symindex));
bfd * _bfd_new_bfd PARAMS ((void));
boolean bfd_false PARAMS ((bfd *ignore));
boolean bfd_true PARAMS ((bfd *ignore));
PTR bfd_nullvoidptr PARAMS ((bfd *ignore));
int bfd_0 PARAMS ((bfd *ignore));
unsigned int bfd_0u PARAMS ((bfd *ignore));
long bfd_0l PARAMS ((bfd *ignore));
long _bfd_n1 PARAMS ((bfd *ignore));
void bfd_void PARAMS ((bfd *ignore));
bfd *_bfd_new_bfd_contained_in PARAMS ((bfd *));
const bfd_target *_bfd_dummy_target PARAMS ((bfd *abfd));
void bfd_dont_truncate_arname PARAMS ((bfd *abfd, CONST char *filename,
char *hdr));
void bfd_bsd_truncate_arname PARAMS ((bfd *abfd, CONST char *filename,
char *hdr));
void bfd_gnu_truncate_arname PARAMS ((bfd *abfd, CONST char *filename,
char *hdr));
boolean bsd_write_armap PARAMS ((bfd *arch, unsigned int elength,
struct orl *map, unsigned int orl_count, int stridx));
boolean coff_write_armap PARAMS ((bfd *arch, unsigned int elength,
struct orl *map, unsigned int orl_count, int stridx));
extern PTR _bfd_generic_read_ar_hdr PARAMS ((bfd *));
extern PTR _bfd_generic_read_ar_hdr_mag PARAMS ((bfd *, const char *));
bfd * bfd_generic_openr_next_archived_file PARAMS ((bfd *archive,
bfd *last_file));
int bfd_generic_stat_arch_elt PARAMS ((bfd *, struct stat *));
#define _bfd_read_ar_hdr(abfd) \
BFD_SEND (abfd, _bfd_read_ar_hdr_fn, (abfd))
/* Generic routines to use for BFD_JUMP_TABLE_GENERIC. Use
BFD_JUMP_TABLE_GENERIC (_bfd_generic). */
#define _bfd_generic_close_and_cleanup bfd_true
#define _bfd_generic_bfd_free_cached_info bfd_true
#define _bfd_generic_new_section_hook \
((boolean (*) PARAMS ((bfd *, asection *))) bfd_true)
extern boolean _bfd_generic_get_section_contents
PARAMS ((bfd *, asection *, PTR location, file_ptr offset,
bfd_size_type count));
extern boolean _bfd_generic_get_section_contents_in_window
PARAMS ((bfd *, asection *, bfd_window *, file_ptr, bfd_size_type));
/* Generic routines to use for BFD_JUMP_TABLE_COPY. Use
BFD_JUMP_TABLE_COPY (_bfd_generic). */
#define _bfd_generic_bfd_copy_private_bfd_data \
((boolean (*) PARAMS ((bfd *, bfd *))) bfd_true)
#define _bfd_generic_bfd_merge_private_bfd_data \
((boolean (*) PARAMS ((bfd *, bfd *))) bfd_true)
#define _bfd_generic_bfd_set_private_flags \
((boolean (*) PARAMS ((bfd *, flagword))) bfd_true)
#define _bfd_generic_bfd_copy_private_section_data \
((boolean (*) PARAMS ((bfd *, asection *, bfd *, asection *))) bfd_true)
#define _bfd_generic_bfd_copy_private_symbol_data \
((boolean (*) PARAMS ((bfd *, asymbol *, bfd *, asymbol *))) bfd_true)
#define _bfd_generic_bfd_print_private_bfd_data \
((boolean (*) PARAMS ((bfd *, PTR))) bfd_true)
/* Routines to use for BFD_JUMP_TABLE_CORE when there is no core file
support. Use BFD_JUMP_TABLE_CORE (_bfd_nocore). */
extern char *_bfd_nocore_core_file_failing_command PARAMS ((bfd *));
extern int _bfd_nocore_core_file_failing_signal PARAMS ((bfd *));
extern boolean _bfd_nocore_core_file_matches_executable_p
PARAMS ((bfd *, bfd *));
/* Routines to use for BFD_JUMP_TABLE_ARCHIVE when there is no archive
file support. Use BFD_JUMP_TABLE_ARCHIVE (_bfd_noarchive). */
#define _bfd_noarchive_slurp_armap bfd_false
#define _bfd_noarchive_slurp_extended_name_table bfd_false
#define _bfd_noarchive_construct_extended_name_table \
((boolean (*) PARAMS ((bfd *, char **, bfd_size_type *, const char **))) \
#define _bfd_noarchive_truncate_arname \
((void (*) PARAMS ((bfd *, const char *, char *))) bfd_void)
#define _bfd_noarchive_write_armap \
((boolean (*) \
PARAMS ((bfd *, unsigned int, struct orl *, unsigned int, int))) \
#define _bfd_noarchive_read_ar_hdr bfd_nullvoidptr
#define _bfd_noarchive_openr_next_archived_file \
((bfd *(*) PARAMS ((bfd *, bfd *))) bfd_nullvoidptr)
#define _bfd_noarchive_get_elt_at_index \
((bfd *(*) PARAMS ((bfd *, symindex))) bfd_nullvoidptr)
#define _bfd_noarchive_generic_stat_arch_elt bfd_generic_stat_arch_elt
#define _bfd_noarchive_update_armap_timestamp bfd_false
/* Routines to use for BFD_JUMP_TABLE_ARCHIVE to get BSD style
archives. Use BFD_JUMP_TABLE_ARCHIVE (_bfd_archive_bsd). */
#define _bfd_archive_bsd_slurp_armap bfd_slurp_bsd_armap
#define _bfd_archive_bsd_slurp_extended_name_table \
extern boolean _bfd_archive_bsd_construct_extended_name_table
PARAMS ((bfd *, char **, bfd_size_type *, const char **));
#define _bfd_archive_bsd_truncate_arname bfd_bsd_truncate_arname
#define _bfd_archive_bsd_write_armap bsd_write_armap
#define _bfd_archive_bsd_read_ar_hdr _bfd_generic_read_ar_hdr
#define _bfd_archive_bsd_openr_next_archived_file \
#define _bfd_archive_bsd_get_elt_at_index _bfd_generic_get_elt_at_index
#define _bfd_archive_bsd_generic_stat_arch_elt \
extern boolean _bfd_archive_bsd_update_armap_timestamp PARAMS ((bfd *));
/* Routines to use for BFD_JUMP_TABLE_ARCHIVE to get COFF style
archives. Use BFD_JUMP_TABLE_ARCHIVE (_bfd_archive_coff). */
#define _bfd_archive_coff_slurp_armap bfd_slurp_coff_armap
#define _bfd_archive_coff_slurp_extended_name_table \
extern boolean _bfd_archive_coff_construct_extended_name_table
PARAMS ((bfd *, char **, bfd_size_type *, const char **));
#define _bfd_archive_coff_truncate_arname bfd_dont_truncate_arname
#define _bfd_archive_coff_write_armap coff_write_armap
#define _bfd_archive_coff_read_ar_hdr _bfd_generic_read_ar_hdr
#define _bfd_archive_coff_openr_next_archived_file \
#define _bfd_archive_coff_get_elt_at_index _bfd_generic_get_elt_at_index
#define _bfd_archive_coff_generic_stat_arch_elt \
#define _bfd_archive_coff_update_armap_timestamp bfd_true
/* Routines to use for BFD_JUMP_TABLE_SYMBOLS where there is no symbol
support. Use BFD_JUMP_TABLE_SYMBOLS (_bfd_nosymbols). */
#define _bfd_nosymbols_get_symtab_upper_bound _bfd_n1
#define _bfd_nosymbols_get_symtab \
((long (*) PARAMS ((bfd *, asymbol **))) _bfd_n1)
#define _bfd_nosymbols_make_empty_symbol \
((asymbol *(*) PARAMS ((bfd *))) bfd_nullvoidptr)
#define _bfd_nosymbols_print_symbol \
((void (*) PARAMS ((bfd *, PTR, asymbol *, bfd_print_symbol_type))) bfd_void)
#define _bfd_nosymbols_get_symbol_info \
((void (*) PARAMS ((bfd *, asymbol *, symbol_info *))) bfd_void)
#define _bfd_nosymbols_bfd_is_local_label \
((boolean (*) PARAMS ((bfd *, asymbol *))) bfd_false)
#define _bfd_nosymbols_get_lineno \
((alent *(*) PARAMS ((bfd *, asymbol *))) bfd_nullvoidptr)
#define _bfd_nosymbols_find_nearest_line \
((boolean (*) \
PARAMS ((bfd *, asection *, asymbol **, bfd_vma, const char **, \
const char **, unsigned int *))) \
#define _bfd_nosymbols_bfd_make_debug_symbol \
((asymbol *(*) PARAMS ((bfd *, PTR, unsigned long))) bfd_nullvoidptr)
#define _bfd_nosymbols_read_minisymbols \
((long (*) PARAMS ((bfd *, boolean, PTR *, unsigned int *))) _bfd_n1)
#define _bfd_nosymbols_minisymbol_to_symbol \
((asymbol *(*) PARAMS ((bfd *, boolean, const PTR, asymbol *))) \
/* Routines to use for BFD_JUMP_TABLE_RELOCS when there is no reloc
support. Use BFD_JUMP_TABLE_RELOCS (_bfd_norelocs). */
#define _bfd_norelocs_get_reloc_upper_bound \
((long (*) PARAMS ((bfd *, asection *))) _bfd_n1)
#define _bfd_norelocs_canonicalize_reloc \
((long (*) PARAMS ((bfd *, asection *, arelent **, asymbol **))) _bfd_n1)
#define _bfd_norelocs_bfd_reloc_type_lookup \
((reloc_howto_type *(*) PARAMS ((bfd *, bfd_reloc_code_real_type))) \
/* Routines to use for BFD_JUMP_TABLE_WRITE for targets which may not
be written. Use BFD_JUMP_TABLE_WRITE (_bfd_nowrite). */
#define _bfd_nowrite_set_arch_mach \
((boolean (*) PARAMS ((bfd *, enum bfd_architecture, unsigned long))) \
#define _bfd_nowrite_set_section_contents \
((boolean (*) PARAMS ((bfd *, asection *, PTR, file_ptr, bfd_size_type))) \
/* Generic routines to use for BFD_JUMP_TABLE_WRITE. Use
BFD_JUMP_TABLE_WRITE (_bfd_generic). */
#define _bfd_generic_set_arch_mach bfd_default_set_arch_mach
extern boolean _bfd_generic_set_section_contents
PARAMS ((bfd *, asection *, PTR, file_ptr, bfd_size_type));
/* Routines to use for BFD_JUMP_TABLE_LINK for targets which do not
support linking. Use BFD_JUMP_TABLE_LINK (_bfd_nolink). */
#define _bfd_nolink_sizeof_headers ((int (*) PARAMS ((bfd *, boolean))) bfd_0)
#define _bfd_nolink_bfd_get_relocated_section_contents \
((bfd_byte *(*) \
PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *, struct bfd_link_order *, \
bfd_byte *, boolean, asymbol **))) \
#define _bfd_nolink_bfd_relax_section \
((boolean (*) \
PARAMS ((bfd *, asection *, struct bfd_link_info *, boolean *))) \
#define _bfd_nolink_bfd_link_hash_table_create \
((struct bfd_link_hash_table *(*) PARAMS ((bfd *))) bfd_nullvoidptr)
#define _bfd_nolink_bfd_link_add_symbols \
((boolean (*) PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *))) bfd_false)
#define _bfd_nolink_bfd_final_link \
((boolean (*) PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *))) bfd_false)
#define _bfd_nolink_bfd_link_split_section \
((boolean (*) PARAMS ((bfd *, struct sec *))) bfd_false)
/* Routines to use for BFD_JUMP_TABLE_DYNAMIC for targets which do not
have dynamic symbols or relocs. Use BFD_JUMP_TABLE_DYNAMIC
(_bfd_nodynamic). */
#define _bfd_nodynamic_get_dynamic_symtab_upper_bound _bfd_n1
#define _bfd_nodynamic_canonicalize_dynamic_symtab \
((long (*) PARAMS ((bfd *, asymbol **))) _bfd_n1)
#define _bfd_nodynamic_get_dynamic_reloc_upper_bound _bfd_n1
#define _bfd_nodynamic_canonicalize_dynamic_reloc \
((long (*) PARAMS ((bfd *, arelent **, asymbol **))) _bfd_n1)
/* Generic routine to determine of the given symbol is a local
label. */
extern boolean bfd_generic_is_local_label PARAMS ((bfd *, asymbol *));
/* Generic minisymbol routines. */
extern long _bfd_generic_read_minisymbols
PARAMS ((bfd *, boolean, PTR *, unsigned int *));
extern asymbol *_bfd_generic_minisymbol_to_symbol
PARAMS ((bfd *, boolean, const PTR, asymbol *));
/* Find the nearest line using .stab/.stabstr sections. */
extern boolean _bfd_stab_section_find_nearest_line
PARAMS ((bfd *, asymbol **, asection *, bfd_vma, boolean *, const char **,
const char **, unsigned int *, PTR *));
/* A routine to create entries for a bfd_link_hash_table. */
extern struct bfd_hash_entry *_bfd_link_hash_newfunc
PARAMS ((struct bfd_hash_entry *entry,
struct bfd_hash_table *table,
const char *string));
/* Initialize a bfd_link_hash_table. */
extern boolean _bfd_link_hash_table_init
PARAMS ((struct bfd_link_hash_table *, bfd *,
struct bfd_hash_entry *(*) (struct bfd_hash_entry *,
struct bfd_hash_table *,
const char *)));
/* Generic link hash table creation routine. */
extern struct bfd_link_hash_table *_bfd_generic_link_hash_table_create
PARAMS ((bfd *));
/* Generic add symbol routine. */
extern boolean _bfd_generic_link_add_symbols
PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *));
/* Generic add symbol routine. This version is used by targets for
which the linker must collect constructors and destructors by name,
as the collect2 program does. */
extern boolean _bfd_generic_link_add_symbols_collect
PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *));
/* Generic archive add symbol routine. */
extern boolean _bfd_generic_link_add_archive_symbols
PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *,
boolean (*checkfn) (bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *, boolean *)));
/* Forward declaration to avoid prototype errors. */
typedef struct bfd_link_hash_entry _bfd_link_hash_entry;
/* Generic routine to add a single symbol. */
extern boolean _bfd_generic_link_add_one_symbol
PARAMS ((struct bfd_link_info *, bfd *, const char *name, flagword,
asection *, bfd_vma, const char *, boolean copy,
boolean constructor, struct bfd_link_hash_entry **));
/* Generic link routine. */
extern boolean _bfd_generic_final_link
PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *));
extern boolean _bfd_generic_link_split_section
PARAMS ((bfd *, struct sec *));
/* Generic reloc_link_order processing routine. */
extern boolean _bfd_generic_reloc_link_order
PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *, asection *,
struct bfd_link_order *));
/* Default link order processing routine. */
extern boolean _bfd_default_link_order
PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *, asection *,
struct bfd_link_order *));
/* Count the number of reloc entries in a link order list. */
extern unsigned int _bfd_count_link_order_relocs
PARAMS ((struct bfd_link_order *));
/* Final link relocation routine. */
extern bfd_reloc_status_type _bfd_final_link_relocate
PARAMS ((reloc_howto_type *, bfd *, asection *, bfd_byte *,
bfd_vma address, bfd_vma value, bfd_vma addend));
/* Relocate a particular location by a howto and a value. */
extern bfd_reloc_status_type _bfd_relocate_contents
PARAMS ((reloc_howto_type *, bfd *, bfd_vma, bfd_byte *));
/* Create a string table. */
extern struct bfd_strtab_hash *_bfd_stringtab_init PARAMS ((void));
/* Create an XCOFF .debug section style string table. */
extern struct bfd_strtab_hash *_bfd_xcoff_stringtab_init PARAMS ((void));
/* Free a string table. */
extern void _bfd_stringtab_free PARAMS ((struct bfd_strtab_hash *));
/* Get the size of a string table. */
extern bfd_size_type _bfd_stringtab_size PARAMS ((struct bfd_strtab_hash *));
/* Add a string to a string table. */
extern bfd_size_type _bfd_stringtab_add
PARAMS ((struct bfd_strtab_hash *, const char *, boolean hash,
boolean copy));
/* Write out a string table. */
extern boolean _bfd_stringtab_emit PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_strtab_hash *));
/* Macros to tell if bfds are read or write enabled.
Note that bfds open for read may be scribbled into if the fd passed
to bfd_fdopenr is actually open both for read and write
simultaneously. However an output bfd will never be open for
read. Therefore sometimes you want to check bfd_read_p or
!bfd_read_p, and only sometimes bfd_write_p.
#define bfd_read_p(abfd) ((abfd)->direction == read_direction || (abfd)->direction == both_direction)
#define bfd_write_p(abfd) ((abfd)->direction == write_direction || (abfd)->direction == both_direction)
void bfd_assert PARAMS ((const char*,int));
#define BFD_ASSERT(x) \
{ if (!(x)) bfd_assert(__FILE__,__LINE__); }
#define BFD_FAIL() \
{ bfd_assert(__FILE__,__LINE__); }
FILE * bfd_cache_lookup_worker PARAMS ((bfd *));
extern bfd *bfd_last_cache;
/* Now Steve, what's the story here? */
#ifdef lint
#define itos(x) "l"
#define stoi(x) 1
#define itos(x) ((char*)(x))
#define stoi(x) ((int)(x))
/* List of supported target vectors, and the default vector (if
bfd_default_vector[0] is NULL, there is no default). */
extern const bfd_target * const bfd_target_vector[];
extern const bfd_target * const bfd_default_vector[];
/* Functions shared by the ECOFF and MIPS ELF backends, which have no
other common header files. */
#if defined(__STDC__) || defined(ALMOST_STDC)
struct ecoff_find_line;
extern boolean _bfd_ecoff_locate_line
PARAMS ((bfd *, asection *, bfd_vma, struct ecoff_debug_info * const,
const struct ecoff_debug_swap * const, struct ecoff_find_line *,
const char **, const char **, unsigned int *));
extern boolean _bfd_ecoff_get_accumulated_pdr PARAMS ((PTR, bfd_byte *));
extern boolean _bfd_ecoff_get_accumulated_sym PARAMS ((PTR, bfd_byte *));
extern boolean _bfd_ecoff_get_accumulated_ss PARAMS ((PTR, bfd_byte *));
extern bfd_vma _bfd_get_gp_value PARAMS ((bfd *));
extern void _bfd_set_gp_value PARAMS ((bfd *, bfd_vma));
/* And more follows */
bfd_write_bigendian_4byte_int PARAMS ((bfd *abfd, int i));
unsigned int
bfd_log2 PARAMS ((bfd_vma x));
extern bfd *bfd_last_cache;
#define bfd_cache_lookup(x) \
((x)==bfd_last_cache? \
(FILE*)(bfd_last_cache->iostream): \
bfd_cache_init PARAMS ((bfd *abfd));
bfd_cache_close PARAMS ((bfd *abfd));
bfd_open_file PARAMS ((bfd *abfd));
bfd_cache_lookup_worker PARAMS ((bfd *abfd));
#ifdef _BFD_MAKE_TABLE_bfd_reloc_code_real
static const char *const bfd_reloc_code_real_names[] = { "@@uninitialized@@",
"@@overflow: BFD_RELOC_UNUSED@@",
reloc_howto_type *
PARAMS ((bfd *abfd, bfd_reloc_code_real_type code));
PARAMS ((bfd *abfd,
asection *section,
struct bfd_link_info *,
boolean *));
bfd_byte *
bfd_generic_get_relocated_section_contents PARAMS ((bfd *abfd,
struct bfd_link_info *link_info,
struct bfd_link_order *link_order,
bfd_byte *data,
boolean relocateable,
asymbol **symbols));
extern const bfd_arch_info_type bfd_default_arch_struct;
bfd_default_set_arch_mach PARAMS ((bfd *abfd,
enum bfd_architecture arch,
unsigned long mach));
const bfd_arch_info_type *
PARAMS ((const bfd_arch_info_type *a,
const bfd_arch_info_type *b));
bfd_default_scan PARAMS ((const struct bfd_arch_info *info, const char *string));
struct elf_internal_shdr *
bfd_elf_find_section PARAMS ((bfd *abfd, char *name));

View File

@ -1,823 +0,0 @@
/* BFD COFF object file private structure.
Copyright (C) 1990, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 1996 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
Written by Cygnus Support.
** NOTE: libcoff.h is a GENERATED file. Don't change it; instead,
** change libcoff-in.h or coffcode.h.
This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
#include "bfdlink.h"
/* Object file tdata; access macros */
#define coff_data(bfd) ((bfd)->tdata.coff_obj_data)
#define exec_hdr(bfd) (coff_data(bfd)->hdr)
#define obj_pe(bfd) (coff_data(bfd)->pe)
#define obj_symbols(bfd) (coff_data(bfd)->symbols)
#define obj_sym_filepos(bfd) (coff_data(bfd)->sym_filepos)
#define obj_relocbase(bfd) (coff_data(bfd)->relocbase)
#define obj_raw_syments(bfd) (coff_data(bfd)->raw_syments)
#define obj_raw_syment_count(bfd) (coff_data(bfd)->raw_syment_count)
#define obj_convert(bfd) (coff_data(bfd)->conversion_table)
#define obj_conv_table_size(bfd) (coff_data(bfd)->conv_table_size)
#define obj_coff_external_syms(bfd) (coff_data (bfd)->external_syms)
#define obj_coff_keep_syms(bfd) (coff_data (bfd)->keep_syms)
#define obj_coff_strings(bfd) (coff_data (bfd)->strings)
#define obj_coff_keep_strings(bfd) (coff_data (bfd)->keep_strings)
#define obj_coff_sym_hashes(bfd) (coff_data (bfd)->sym_hashes)
#define obj_coff_local_toc_table(bfd) (coff_data(bfd)->local_toc_sym_map)
/* `Tdata' information kept for COFF files. */
typedef struct coff_tdata
struct coff_symbol_struct *symbols; /* symtab for input bfd */
unsigned int *conversion_table;
int conv_table_size;
file_ptr sym_filepos;
struct coff_ptr_struct *raw_syments;
unsigned int raw_syment_count;
/* These are only valid once writing has begun */
long int relocbase;
/* These members communicate important constants about the symbol table
to GDB's symbol-reading code. These `constants' unfortunately vary
from coff implementation to implementation... */
unsigned local_n_btmask;
unsigned local_n_btshft;
unsigned local_n_tmask;
unsigned local_n_tshift;
unsigned local_symesz;
unsigned local_auxesz;
unsigned local_linesz;
/* The unswapped external symbols. May be NULL. Read by
_bfd_coff_get_external_symbols. */
PTR external_syms;
/* If this is true, the external_syms may not be freed. */
boolean keep_syms;
/* The string table. May be NULL. Read by
_bfd_coff_read_string_table. */
char *strings;
/* If this is true, the strings may not be freed. */
boolean keep_strings;
/* is this a PE format coff file */
int pe;
/* Used by the COFF backend linker. */
struct coff_link_hash_entry **sym_hashes;
/* used by the pe linker for PowerPC */
int *local_toc_sym_map;
struct bfd_link_info *link_info;
/* Used by coff_find_nearest_line. */
PTR line_info;
} coff_data_type;
/* Tdata for pe image files. */
typedef struct pe_tdata
coff_data_type coff;
struct internal_extra_pe_aouthdr pe_opthdr;
int dll;
int has_reloc_section;
boolean (*in_reloc_p) PARAMS((bfd *, reloc_howto_type *));
flagword real_flags;
} pe_data_type;
#define pe_data(bfd) ((bfd)->tdata.pe_obj_data)
/* Tdata for XCOFF files. */
struct xcoff_tdata
/* Basic COFF information. */
coff_data_type coff;
/* True if a large a.out header should be generated. */
boolean full_aouthdr;
/* TOC value. */
bfd_vma toc;
/* Index of section holding TOC. */
int sntoc;
/* Index of section holding entry point. */
int snentry;
/* .text alignment from optional header. */
int text_align_power;
/* .data alignment from optional header. */
int data_align_power;
/* modtype from optional header. */
short modtype;
/* cputype from optional header. */
short cputype;
/* maxdata from optional header. */
bfd_size_type maxdata;
/* maxstack from optional header. */
bfd_size_type maxstack;
/* Used by the XCOFF backend linker. */
asection **csects;
unsigned long *debug_indices;
unsigned int import_file_id;
#define xcoff_data(abfd) ((abfd)->tdata.xcoff_obj_data)
/* We take the address of the first element of a asymbol to ensure that the
* macro is only ever applied to an asymbol. */
#define coffsymbol(asymbol) ((coff_symbol_type *)(&((asymbol)->the_bfd)))
/* The used_by_bfd field of a section may be set to a pointer to this
structure. */
struct coff_section_tdata
/* The relocs, swapped into COFF internal form. This may be NULL. */
struct internal_reloc *relocs;
/* If this is true, the relocs entry may not be freed. */
boolean keep_relocs;
/* The section contents. This may be NULL. */
bfd_byte *contents;
/* If this is true, the contents entry may not be freed. */
boolean keep_contents;
/* Information cached by coff_find_nearest_line. */
bfd_vma offset;
unsigned int i;
const char *function;
int line_base;
/* Available for individual backends. */
PTR tdata;
/* An accessor macro for the coff_section_tdata structure. */
#define coff_section_data(abfd, sec) \
((struct coff_section_tdata *) (sec)->used_by_bfd)
/* Tdata for sections in XCOFF files. This is used by the linker. */
struct xcoff_section_tdata
/* Used for XCOFF csects created by the linker; points to the real
XCOFF section which contains this csect. */
asection *enclosing;
/* The lineno_count field for the enclosing section, because we are
going to clobber it there. */
unsigned int lineno_count;
/* The first and one past the last symbol indices for symbols used
by this csect. */
unsigned long first_symndx;
unsigned long last_symndx;
/* An accessor macro the xcoff_section_tdata structure. */
#define xcoff_section_data(abfd, sec) \
((struct xcoff_section_tdata *) coff_section_data ((abfd), (sec))->tdata)
/* COFF linker hash table entries. */
struct coff_link_hash_entry
struct bfd_link_hash_entry root;
/* Symbol index in output file. Set to -1 initially. Set to -2 if
there is a reloc against this symbol. */
long indx;
/* Symbol type. */
unsigned short type;
/* Symbol class. */
unsigned char class;
/* Number of auxiliary entries. */
char numaux;
/* BFD to take auxiliary entries from. */
bfd *auxbfd;
/* Pointer to array of auxiliary entries, if any. */
union internal_auxent *aux;
/* COFF linker hash table. */
struct coff_link_hash_table
struct bfd_link_hash_table root;
/* Look up an entry in a COFF linker hash table. */
#define coff_link_hash_lookup(table, string, create, copy, follow) \
((struct coff_link_hash_entry *) \
bfd_link_hash_lookup (&(table)->root, (string), (create), \
(copy), (follow)))
/* Traverse a COFF linker hash table. */
#define coff_link_hash_traverse(table, func, info) \
(bfd_link_hash_traverse \
(&(table)->root, \
(boolean (*) PARAMS ((struct bfd_link_hash_entry *, PTR))) (func), \
/* Get the COFF linker hash table from a link_info structure. */
#define coff_hash_table(p) ((struct coff_link_hash_table *) ((p)->hash))
/* Functions in coffgen.c. */
extern const bfd_target *coff_object_p PARAMS ((bfd *));
extern struct sec *coff_section_from_bfd_index PARAMS ((bfd *, int));
extern long coff_get_symtab_upper_bound PARAMS ((bfd *));
extern long coff_get_symtab PARAMS ((bfd *, asymbol **));
extern int coff_count_linenumbers PARAMS ((bfd *));
extern struct coff_symbol_struct *coff_symbol_from PARAMS ((bfd *, asymbol *));
extern boolean coff_renumber_symbols PARAMS ((bfd *, int *));
extern void coff_mangle_symbols PARAMS ((bfd *));
extern boolean coff_write_symbols PARAMS ((bfd *));
extern boolean coff_write_linenumbers PARAMS ((bfd *));
extern alent *coff_get_lineno PARAMS ((bfd *, asymbol *));
extern asymbol *coff_section_symbol PARAMS ((bfd *, char *));
extern boolean _bfd_coff_get_external_symbols PARAMS ((bfd *));
extern const char *_bfd_coff_read_string_table PARAMS ((bfd *));
extern boolean _bfd_coff_free_symbols PARAMS ((bfd *));
extern struct coff_ptr_struct *coff_get_normalized_symtab PARAMS ((bfd *));
extern long coff_get_reloc_upper_bound PARAMS ((bfd *, sec_ptr));
extern asymbol *coff_make_empty_symbol PARAMS ((bfd *));
extern void coff_print_symbol PARAMS ((bfd *, PTR filep, asymbol *,
bfd_print_symbol_type how));
extern void coff_get_symbol_info PARAMS ((bfd *, asymbol *,
symbol_info *ret));
extern asymbol *coff_bfd_make_debug_symbol PARAMS ((bfd *, PTR,
unsigned long));
extern boolean coff_find_nearest_line PARAMS ((bfd *,
asection *,
asymbol **,
bfd_vma offset,
CONST char **filename_ptr,
CONST char **functionname_ptr,
unsigned int *line_ptr));
extern int coff_sizeof_headers PARAMS ((bfd *, boolean reloc));
extern boolean bfd_coff_reloc16_relax_section
PARAMS ((bfd *, asection *, struct bfd_link_info *, boolean *));
extern bfd_byte *bfd_coff_reloc16_get_relocated_section_contents
PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *, struct bfd_link_order *,
bfd_byte *, boolean relocateable, asymbol **));
extern bfd_vma bfd_coff_reloc16_get_value PARAMS ((arelent *,
struct bfd_link_info *,
asection *));
extern void bfd_perform_slip PARAMS ((bfd *abfd, unsigned int slip,
asection *input_section,
bfd_vma val));
/* Functions and types in cofflink.c. */
#define STRING_SIZE_SIZE (4)
/* We use a hash table to merge identical enum, struct, and union
definitions in the linker. */
/* Information we keep for a single element (an enum value, a
structure or union field) in the debug merge hash table. */
struct coff_debug_merge_element
/* Next element. */
struct coff_debug_merge_element *next;
/* Name. */
const char *name;
/* Type. */
unsigned int type;
/* Symbol index for complex type. */
long tagndx;
/* A linked list of debug merge entries for a given name. */
struct coff_debug_merge_type
/* Next type with the same name. */
struct coff_debug_merge_type *next;
/* Class of type. */
int class;
/* Symbol index where this type is defined. */
long indx;
/* List of elements. */
struct coff_debug_merge_element *elements;
/* Information we store in the debug merge hash table. */
struct coff_debug_merge_hash_entry
struct bfd_hash_entry root;
/* A list of types with this name. */
struct coff_debug_merge_type *types;
/* The debug merge hash table. */
struct coff_debug_merge_hash_table
struct bfd_hash_table root;
/* Initialize a COFF debug merge hash table. */
#define coff_debug_merge_hash_table_init(table) \
(bfd_hash_table_init (&(table)->root, _bfd_coff_debug_merge_hash_newfunc))
/* Free a COFF debug merge hash table. */
#define coff_debug_merge_hash_table_free(table) \
(bfd_hash_table_free (&(table)->root))
/* Look up an entry in a COFF debug merge hash table. */
#define coff_debug_merge_hash_lookup(table, string, create, copy) \
((struct coff_debug_merge_hash_entry *) \
bfd_hash_lookup (&(table)->root, (string), (create), (copy)))
/* Information we keep for each section in the output file when doing
a relocateable link. */
struct coff_link_section_info
/* The relocs to be output. */
struct internal_reloc *relocs;
/* For each reloc against a global symbol whose index was not known
when the reloc was handled, the global hash table entry. */
struct coff_link_hash_entry **rel_hashes;
/* Information that we pass around while doing the final link step. */
struct coff_final_link_info
/* General link information. */
struct bfd_link_info *info;
/* Output BFD. */
bfd *output_bfd;
/* Used to indicate failure in traversal routine. */
boolean failed;
/* Hash table for long symbol names. */
struct bfd_strtab_hash *strtab;
/* When doing a relocateable link, an array of information kept for
each output section, indexed by the target_index field. */
struct coff_link_section_info *section_info;
/* Symbol index of last C_FILE symbol (-1 if none). */
long last_file_index;
/* Contents of last C_FILE symbol. */
struct internal_syment last_file;
/* Hash table used to merge debug information. */
struct coff_debug_merge_hash_table debug_merge;
/* Buffer large enough to hold swapped symbols of any input file. */
struct internal_syment *internal_syms;
/* Buffer large enough to hold sections of symbols of any input file. */
asection **sec_ptrs;
/* Buffer large enough to hold output indices of symbols of any
input file. */
long *sym_indices;
/* Buffer large enough to hold output symbols for any input file. */
bfd_byte *outsyms;
/* Buffer large enough to hold external line numbers for any input
section. */
bfd_byte *linenos;
/* Buffer large enough to hold any input section. */
bfd_byte *contents;
/* Buffer large enough to hold external relocs of any input section. */
bfd_byte *external_relocs;
/* Buffer large enough to hold swapped relocs of any input section. */
struct internal_reloc *internal_relocs;
extern struct bfd_hash_entry *_bfd_coff_link_hash_newfunc
PARAMS ((struct bfd_hash_entry *, struct bfd_hash_table *, const char *));
extern boolean _bfd_coff_link_hash_table_init
PARAMS ((struct coff_link_hash_table *, bfd *,
struct bfd_hash_entry *(*) (struct bfd_hash_entry *,
struct bfd_hash_table *,
const char *)));
extern struct bfd_link_hash_table *_bfd_coff_link_hash_table_create
PARAMS ((bfd *));
extern const char *_bfd_coff_internal_syment_name
PARAMS ((bfd *, const struct internal_syment *, char *));
extern boolean _bfd_coff_link_add_symbols
PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *));
extern boolean _bfd_coff_final_link
PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *));
extern struct internal_reloc *_bfd_coff_read_internal_relocs
PARAMS ((bfd *, asection *, boolean, bfd_byte *, boolean,
struct internal_reloc *));
extern boolean _bfd_coff_generic_relocate_section
PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *, bfd *, asection *, bfd_byte *,
struct internal_reloc *, struct internal_syment *, asection **));
extern struct bfd_hash_entry *_bfd_coff_debug_merge_hash_newfunc
PARAMS ((struct bfd_hash_entry *, struct bfd_hash_table *, const char *));
extern boolean _bfd_coff_write_global_sym
PARAMS ((struct coff_link_hash_entry *, PTR));
extern boolean _bfd_coff_link_input_bfd
PARAMS ((struct coff_final_link_info *, bfd *));
extern boolean _bfd_coff_reloc_link_order
PARAMS ((bfd *, struct coff_final_link_info *, asection *,
struct bfd_link_order *));
#define coff_get_section_contents_in_window \
/* Functions in xcofflink.c. */
extern struct bfd_link_hash_table *_bfd_xcoff_bfd_link_hash_table_create
PARAMS ((bfd *));
extern boolean _bfd_xcoff_bfd_link_add_symbols
PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *));
extern boolean _bfd_xcoff_bfd_final_link
PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *));
extern boolean _bfd_ppc_xcoff_relocate_section
PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *, bfd *, asection *, bfd_byte *,
struct internal_reloc *, struct internal_syment *, asection **));
/* And more taken from the source .. */
typedef struct coff_ptr_struct
/* Remembers the offset from the first symbol in the file for
this symbol. Generated by coff_renumber_symbols. */
unsigned int offset;
/* Should the value of this symbol be renumbered. Used for
XCOFF C_BSTAT symbols. Set by coff_slurp_symbol_table. */
unsigned int fix_value : 1;
/* Should the tag field of this symbol be renumbered.
Created by coff_pointerize_aux. */
unsigned int fix_tag : 1;
/* Should the endidx field of this symbol be renumbered.
Created by coff_pointerize_aux. */
unsigned int fix_end : 1;
/* Should the x_csect.x_scnlen field be renumbered.
Created by coff_pointerize_aux. */
unsigned int fix_scnlen : 1;
/* Fix up an XCOFF C_BINCL/C_EINCL symbol. The value is the
index into the line number entries. Set by
coff_slurp_symbol_table. */
unsigned int fix_line : 1;
/* The container for the symbol structure as read and translated
from the file. */
union {
union internal_auxent auxent;
struct internal_syment syment;
} u;
} combined_entry_type;
/* Each canonical asymbol really looks like this: */
typedef struct coff_symbol_struct
/* The actual symbol which the rest of BFD works with */
asymbol symbol;
/* A pointer to the hidden information for this symbol */
combined_entry_type *native;
/* A pointer to the linenumber information for this symbol */
struct lineno_cache_entry *lineno;
/* Have the line numbers been relocated yet ? */
boolean done_lineno;
} coff_symbol_type;
typedef struct
void (*_bfd_coff_swap_aux_in) PARAMS ((
bfd *abfd,
PTR ext,
int type,
int class,
int indaux,
int numaux,
PTR in));
void (*_bfd_coff_swap_sym_in) PARAMS ((
bfd *abfd ,
PTR ext,
PTR in));
void (*_bfd_coff_swap_lineno_in) PARAMS ((
bfd *abfd,
PTR ext,
PTR in));
unsigned int (*_bfd_coff_swap_aux_out) PARAMS ((
bfd *abfd,
PTR in,
int type,
int class,
int indaux,
int numaux,
PTR ext));
unsigned int (*_bfd_coff_swap_sym_out) PARAMS ((
bfd *abfd,
PTR in,
PTR ext));
unsigned int (*_bfd_coff_swap_lineno_out) PARAMS ((
bfd *abfd,
PTR in,
PTR ext));
unsigned int (*_bfd_coff_swap_reloc_out) PARAMS ((
bfd *abfd,
PTR src,
PTR dst));
unsigned int (*_bfd_coff_swap_filehdr_out) PARAMS ((
bfd *abfd,
PTR in,
PTR out));
unsigned int (*_bfd_coff_swap_aouthdr_out) PARAMS ((
bfd *abfd,
PTR in,
PTR out));
unsigned int (*_bfd_coff_swap_scnhdr_out) PARAMS ((
bfd *abfd,
PTR in,
PTR out));
unsigned int _bfd_filhsz;
unsigned int _bfd_aoutsz;
unsigned int _bfd_scnhsz;
unsigned int _bfd_symesz;
unsigned int _bfd_auxesz;
unsigned int _bfd_relsz;
unsigned int _bfd_linesz;
boolean _bfd_coff_long_filenames;
void (*_bfd_coff_swap_filehdr_in) PARAMS ((
bfd *abfd,
PTR ext,
PTR in));
void (*_bfd_coff_swap_aouthdr_in) PARAMS ((
bfd *abfd,
PTR ext,
PTR in));
void (*_bfd_coff_swap_scnhdr_in) PARAMS ((
bfd *abfd,
PTR ext,
PTR in));
void (*_bfd_coff_swap_reloc_in) PARAMS ((
bfd *abfd,
PTR ext,
PTR in));
boolean (*_bfd_coff_bad_format_hook) PARAMS ((
bfd *abfd,
PTR internal_filehdr));
boolean (*_bfd_coff_set_arch_mach_hook) PARAMS ((
bfd *abfd,
PTR internal_filehdr));
PTR (*_bfd_coff_mkobject_hook) PARAMS ((
bfd *abfd,
PTR internal_filehdr,
PTR internal_aouthdr));
flagword (*_bfd_styp_to_sec_flags_hook) PARAMS ((
bfd *abfd,
PTR internal_scnhdr,
const char *name));
void (*_bfd_set_alignment_hook) PARAMS ((
bfd *abfd,
asection *sec,
PTR internal_scnhdr));
boolean (*_bfd_coff_slurp_symbol_table) PARAMS ((
bfd *abfd));
boolean (*_bfd_coff_symname_in_debug) PARAMS ((
bfd *abfd,
struct internal_syment *sym));
boolean (*_bfd_coff_pointerize_aux_hook) PARAMS ((
bfd *abfd,
combined_entry_type *table_base,
combined_entry_type *symbol,
unsigned int indaux,
combined_entry_type *aux));
boolean (*_bfd_coff_print_aux) PARAMS ((
bfd *abfd,
FILE *file,
combined_entry_type *table_base,
combined_entry_type *symbol,
combined_entry_type *aux,
unsigned int indaux));
void (*_bfd_coff_reloc16_extra_cases) PARAMS ((
bfd *abfd,
struct bfd_link_info *link_info,
struct bfd_link_order *link_order,
arelent *reloc,
bfd_byte *data,
unsigned int *src_ptr,
unsigned int *dst_ptr));
int (*_bfd_coff_reloc16_estimate) PARAMS ((
bfd *abfd,
asection *input_section,
arelent *r,
unsigned int shrink,
struct bfd_link_info *link_info));
boolean (*_bfd_coff_sym_is_global) PARAMS ((
bfd *abfd,
struct internal_syment *));
void (*_bfd_coff_compute_section_file_positions) PARAMS ((
bfd *abfd));
boolean (*_bfd_coff_start_final_link) PARAMS ((
bfd *output_bfd,
struct bfd_link_info *info));
boolean (*_bfd_coff_relocate_section) PARAMS ((
bfd *output_bfd,
struct bfd_link_info *info,
bfd *input_bfd,
asection *input_section,
bfd_byte *contents,
struct internal_reloc *relocs,
struct internal_syment *syms,
asection **sections));
reloc_howto_type *(*_bfd_coff_rtype_to_howto) PARAMS ((
bfd *abfd,
asection *sec,
struct internal_reloc *rel,
struct coff_link_hash_entry *h,
struct internal_syment *sym,
bfd_vma *addendp));
boolean (*_bfd_coff_adjust_symndx) PARAMS ((
bfd *obfd,
struct bfd_link_info *info,
bfd *ibfd,
asection *sec,
struct internal_reloc *reloc,
boolean *adjustedp));
boolean (*_bfd_coff_link_add_one_symbol) PARAMS ((
struct bfd_link_info *info,
bfd *abfd,
const char *name,
flagword flags,
asection *section,
bfd_vma value,
const char *string,
boolean copy,
boolean collect,
struct bfd_link_hash_entry **hashp));
} bfd_coff_backend_data;
#define coff_backend_info(abfd) ((bfd_coff_backend_data *) (abfd)->xvec->backend_data)
#define bfd_coff_swap_aux_in(a,e,t,c,ind,num,i) \
((coff_backend_info (a)->_bfd_coff_swap_aux_in) (a,e,t,c,ind,num,i))
#define bfd_coff_swap_sym_in(a,e,i) \
((coff_backend_info (a)->_bfd_coff_swap_sym_in) (a,e,i))
#define bfd_coff_swap_lineno_in(a,e,i) \
((coff_backend_info ( a)->_bfd_coff_swap_lineno_in) (a,e,i))
#define bfd_coff_swap_reloc_out(abfd, i, o) \
((coff_backend_info (abfd)->_bfd_coff_swap_reloc_out) (abfd, i, o))
#define bfd_coff_swap_lineno_out(abfd, i, o) \
((coff_backend_info (abfd)->_bfd_coff_swap_lineno_out) (abfd, i, o))
#define bfd_coff_swap_aux_out(a,i,t,c,ind,num,o) \
((coff_backend_info (a)->_bfd_coff_swap_aux_out) (a,i,t,c,ind,num,o))
#define bfd_coff_swap_sym_out(abfd, i,o) \
((coff_backend_info (abfd)->_bfd_coff_swap_sym_out) (abfd, i, o))
#define bfd_coff_swap_scnhdr_out(abfd, i,o) \
((coff_backend_info (abfd)->_bfd_coff_swap_scnhdr_out) (abfd, i, o))
#define bfd_coff_swap_filehdr_out(abfd, i,o) \
((coff_backend_info (abfd)->_bfd_coff_swap_filehdr_out) (abfd, i, o))
#define bfd_coff_swap_aouthdr_out(abfd, i,o) \
((coff_backend_info (abfd)->_bfd_coff_swap_aouthdr_out) (abfd, i, o))
#define bfd_coff_filhsz(abfd) (coff_backend_info (abfd)->_bfd_filhsz)
#define bfd_coff_aoutsz(abfd) (coff_backend_info (abfd)->_bfd_aoutsz)
#define bfd_coff_scnhsz(abfd) (coff_backend_info (abfd)->_bfd_scnhsz)
#define bfd_coff_symesz(abfd) (coff_backend_info (abfd)->_bfd_symesz)
#define bfd_coff_auxesz(abfd) (coff_backend_info (abfd)->_bfd_auxesz)
#define bfd_coff_relsz(abfd) (coff_backend_info (abfd)->_bfd_relsz)
#define bfd_coff_linesz(abfd) (coff_backend_info (abfd)->_bfd_linesz)
#define bfd_coff_long_filenames(abfd) (coff_backend_info (abfd)->_bfd_coff_long_filenames)
#define bfd_coff_swap_filehdr_in(abfd, i,o) \
((coff_backend_info (abfd)->_bfd_coff_swap_filehdr_in) (abfd, i, o))
#define bfd_coff_swap_aouthdr_in(abfd, i,o) \
((coff_backend_info (abfd)->_bfd_coff_swap_aouthdr_in) (abfd, i, o))
#define bfd_coff_swap_scnhdr_in(abfd, i,o) \
((coff_backend_info (abfd)->_bfd_coff_swap_scnhdr_in) (abfd, i, o))
#define bfd_coff_swap_reloc_in(abfd, i, o) \
((coff_backend_info (abfd)->_bfd_coff_swap_reloc_in) (abfd, i, o))
#define bfd_coff_bad_format_hook(abfd, filehdr) \
((coff_backend_info (abfd)->_bfd_coff_bad_format_hook) (abfd, filehdr))
#define bfd_coff_set_arch_mach_hook(abfd, filehdr)\
((coff_backend_info (abfd)->_bfd_coff_set_arch_mach_hook) (abfd, filehdr))
#define bfd_coff_mkobject_hook(abfd, filehdr, aouthdr)\
((coff_backend_info (abfd)->_bfd_coff_mkobject_hook) (abfd, filehdr, aouthdr))
#define bfd_coff_styp_to_sec_flags_hook(abfd, scnhdr, name)\
((coff_backend_info (abfd)->_bfd_styp_to_sec_flags_hook) (abfd, scnhdr, name))
#define bfd_coff_set_alignment_hook(abfd, sec, scnhdr)\
((coff_backend_info (abfd)->_bfd_set_alignment_hook) (abfd, sec, scnhdr))
#define bfd_coff_slurp_symbol_table(abfd)\
((coff_backend_info (abfd)->_bfd_coff_slurp_symbol_table) (abfd))
#define bfd_coff_symname_in_debug(abfd, sym)\
((coff_backend_info (abfd)->_bfd_coff_symname_in_debug) (abfd, sym))
#define bfd_coff_print_aux(abfd, file, base, symbol, aux, indaux)\
((coff_backend_info (abfd)->_bfd_coff_print_aux)\
(abfd, file, base, symbol, aux, indaux))
#define bfd_coff_reloc16_extra_cases(abfd, link_info, link_order, reloc, data, src_ptr, dst_ptr)\
((coff_backend_info (abfd)->_bfd_coff_reloc16_extra_cases)\
(abfd, link_info, link_order, reloc, data, src_ptr, dst_ptr))
#define bfd_coff_reloc16_estimate(abfd, section, reloc, shrink, link_info)\
((coff_backend_info (abfd)->_bfd_coff_reloc16_estimate)\
(abfd, section, reloc, shrink, link_info))
#define bfd_coff_sym_is_global(abfd, sym)\
((coff_backend_info (abfd)->_bfd_coff_sym_is_global)\
(abfd, sym))
#define bfd_coff_compute_section_file_positions(abfd)\
((coff_backend_info (abfd)->_bfd_coff_compute_section_file_positions)\
#define bfd_coff_start_final_link(obfd, info)\
((coff_backend_info (obfd)->_bfd_coff_start_final_link)\
(obfd, info))
#define bfd_coff_relocate_section(obfd,info,ibfd,o,con,rel,isyms,secs)\
((coff_backend_info (ibfd)->_bfd_coff_relocate_section)\
(obfd, info, ibfd, o, con, rel, isyms, secs))
#define bfd_coff_rtype_to_howto(abfd, sec, rel, h, sym, addendp)\
((coff_backend_info (abfd)->_bfd_coff_rtype_to_howto)\
(abfd, sec, rel, h, sym, addendp))
#define bfd_coff_adjust_symndx(obfd, info, ibfd, sec, rel, adjustedp)\
((coff_backend_info (abfd)->_bfd_coff_adjust_symndx)\
(obfd, info, ibfd, sec, rel, adjustedp))
#define bfd_coff_link_add_one_symbol(info,abfd,name,flags,section,value,string,cp,coll,hashp)\
((coff_backend_info (abfd)->_bfd_coff_link_add_one_symbol)\
(info, abfd, name, flags, section, value, string, cp, coll, hashp))

View File

@ -1,352 +0,0 @@
/* BFD ECOFF object file private structure.
Copyright (C) 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
Written by Ian Lance Taylor, Cygnus Support.
This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
#include "bfdlink.h"
#ifndef ECOFF_H
#include "coff/ecoff.h"
/* This is the backend information kept for ECOFF files. This
structure is constant for a particular backend. The first element
is the COFF backend data structure, so that ECOFF targets can use
the generic COFF code. */
#define ecoff_backend(abfd) \
((struct ecoff_backend_data *) (abfd)->xvec->backend_data)
struct ecoff_backend_data
/* COFF backend information. This must be the first field. */
bfd_coff_backend_data coff;
/* Supported architecture. */
enum bfd_architecture arch;
/* Initial portion of armap string. */
const char *armap_start;
/* The page boundary used to align sections in a demand-paged
executable file. E.g., 0x1000. */
bfd_vma round;
/* True if the .rdata section is part of the text segment, as on the
Alpha. False if .rdata is part of the data segment, as on the
MIPS. */
boolean rdata_in_text;
/* Bitsize of constructor entries. */
unsigned int constructor_bitsize;
/* Reloc to use for constructor entries. */
reloc_howto_type *constructor_reloc;
/* How to swap debugging information. */
struct ecoff_debug_swap debug_swap;
/* External reloc size. */
bfd_size_type external_reloc_size;
/* Reloc swapping functions. */
void (*swap_reloc_in) PARAMS ((bfd *, PTR, struct internal_reloc *));
void (*swap_reloc_out) PARAMS ((bfd *, const struct internal_reloc *, PTR));
/* Backend reloc tweaking. */
void (*adjust_reloc_in) PARAMS ((bfd *, const struct internal_reloc *,
arelent *));
void (*adjust_reloc_out) PARAMS ((bfd *, const arelent *,
struct internal_reloc *));
/* Relocate section contents while linking. */
boolean (*relocate_section) PARAMS ((bfd *output_bfd, struct bfd_link_info *,
bfd *input_bfd, asection *input_section,
bfd_byte *contents,
PTR external_relocs));
/* Do final adjustments to filehdr and aouthdr. */
boolean (*adjust_headers) PARAMS ((bfd *, struct internal_filehdr *,
struct internal_aouthdr *));
/* Read an element from an archive at a given file position. This
is needed because OSF/1 3.2 uses a weird archive format. */
bfd *(*get_elt_at_filepos) PARAMS ((bfd *, file_ptr));
/* This is the target specific information kept for ECOFF files. */
#define ecoff_data(abfd) ((abfd)->tdata.ecoff_obj_data)
typedef struct ecoff_tdata
/* The reloc file position, set by
ecoff_compute_section_file_positions. */
file_ptr reloc_filepos;
/* The symbol table file position, set by _bfd_ecoff_mkobject_hook. */
file_ptr sym_filepos;
/* The start and end of the text segment. Only valid for an
existing file, not for one we are creating. */
unsigned long text_start;
unsigned long text_end;
/* The cached gp value. This is used when relocating. */
bfd_vma gp;
/* The maximum size of objects to optimize using gp. This is
typically set by the -G option to the compiler, assembler or
linker. */
unsigned int gp_size;
/* The register masks. When linking, all the masks found in the
input files are combined into the masks of the output file.
These are not all used for all targets, but that's OK, because
the relevant ones are the only ones swapped in and out. */
unsigned long gprmask;
unsigned long fprmask;
unsigned long cprmask[4];
/* The ECOFF symbolic debugging information. */
struct ecoff_debug_info debug_info;
/* The unswapped ECOFF symbolic information. */
PTR raw_syments;
/* The canonical BFD symbols. */
struct ecoff_symbol_struct *canonical_symbols;
/* A mapping from external symbol numbers to entries in the linker
hash table, used when linking. */
struct ecoff_link_hash_entry **sym_hashes;
/* A mapping from reloc symbol indices to sections, used when
linking. */
asection **symndx_to_section;
/* True if this BFD was written by the backend linker. */
boolean linker;
/* True if a warning that multiple global pointer values are
needed in the output binary was issued already. */
boolean issued_multiple_gp_warning;
/* Used by find_nearest_line entry point. The structure could be
included directly in this one, but there's no point to wasting
the memory just for the infrequently called find_nearest_line. */
struct ecoff_find_line *find_line_info;
} ecoff_data_type;
/* Each canonical asymbol really looks like this. */
typedef struct ecoff_symbol_struct
/* The actual symbol which the rest of BFD works with */
asymbol symbol;
/* The fdr for this symbol. */
FDR *fdr;
/* true if this is a local symbol rather than an external one. */
boolean local;
/* A pointer to the unswapped hidden information for this symbol.
This is either a struct sym_ext or a struct ext_ext, depending on
the value of the local field above. */
PTR native;
} ecoff_symbol_type;
/* We take the address of the first element of a asymbol to ensure that the
macro is only ever applied to an asymbol. */
#define ecoffsymbol(asymbol) ((ecoff_symbol_type *) (&((asymbol)->the_bfd)))
/* We need to save the index of an external symbol when we write it
out so that can set the symbol index correctly when we write out
the relocs. */
#define ecoff_get_sym_index(symbol) ((symbol)->udata.i)
#define ecoff_set_sym_index(symbol, idx) ((symbol)->udata.i = (idx))
/* When generating MIPS embedded PIC code, the linker relaxes the code
to turn PC relative branches into longer code sequences when the PC
relative branch is out of range. This involves reading the relocs
in bfd_relax_section as well as in bfd_final_link, and requires the
code to keep track of which relocs have been expanded. A pointer
to this structure is put in the used_by_bfd pointer of a section to
keep track of this information. The user_by_bfd pointer will be
NULL if the information was not needed. */
struct ecoff_section_tdata
/* The unswapped relocs for this section. These are stored in
memory so the input file does not have to be read twice. */
PTR external_relocs;
/* The contents of the section. These bytes may or may not be saved
in memory, but if it is this is a pointer to them. */
bfd_byte *contents;
/* Offset adjustments for PC relative branches. A number other than
1 is an addend for a PC relative branch, or a switch table entry
which is the difference of two .text locations; this addend
arises because the branch or difference crosses one or more
branches which were expanded into a larger code sequence. A 1
means that this branch was itself expanded into a larger code
sequence. 1 is not a possible offset, since all offsets must be
multiples of the instruction size, which is 4; also, the only
relocs with non-zero offsets will be PC relative branches or
switch table entries within the same object file. If this field
is NULL, no branches were expanded and no offsets are required.
Otherwise there are as many entries as there are relocs in the
section, and the entry for any reloc that is not PC relative is
zero. */
long *offsets;
/* When producing an executable (i.e., final, non-relocatable link)
on the Alpha, we may need to use multiple global pointer values
to span the entire .lita section. In essence, we allow each
input .lita section to have its own gp value. To support this,
we need to keep track of the gp values that we picked for each
input .lita section . */
bfd_vma gp;
/* An accessor macro for the ecoff_section_tdata structure. */
#define ecoff_section_data(abfd, sec) \
((struct ecoff_section_tdata *) (sec)->used_by_bfd)
/* ECOFF linker hash table entries. */
struct ecoff_link_hash_entry
struct bfd_link_hash_entry root;
/* Symbol index in output file. */
long indx;
/* BFD that ext field value came from. */
bfd *abfd;
/* ECOFF external symbol information. */
EXTR esym;
/* Nonzero if this symbol has been written out. */
char written;
/* Nonzero if this symbol was referred to as small undefined. */
char small;
/* ECOFF linker hash table. */
struct ecoff_link_hash_table
struct bfd_link_hash_table root;
/* Make an ECOFF object. */
extern boolean _bfd_ecoff_mkobject PARAMS ((bfd *));
/* Read in the ECOFF symbolic debugging information. */
extern boolean _bfd_ecoff_slurp_symbolic_info
PARAMS ((bfd *, asection *, struct ecoff_debug_info *));
/* Generic ECOFF BFD backend vectors. */
extern boolean _bfd_ecoff_write_object_contents PARAMS ((bfd *abfd));
extern const bfd_target *_bfd_ecoff_archive_p PARAMS ((bfd *abfd));
#define _bfd_ecoff_close_and_cleanup _bfd_generic_close_and_cleanup
#define _bfd_ecoff_bfd_free_cached_info _bfd_generic_bfd_free_cached_info
extern boolean _bfd_ecoff_new_section_hook
PARAMS ((bfd *, asection *));
extern boolean _bfd_ecoff_get_section_contents
PARAMS ((bfd *, asection *, PTR location, file_ptr, bfd_size_type));
#define _bfd_ecoff_bfd_link_split_section _bfd_generic_link_split_section
extern boolean _bfd_ecoff_bfd_copy_private_bfd_data PARAMS ((bfd *, bfd *));
#define _bfd_ecoff_bfd_copy_private_section_data \
#define _bfd_ecoff_bfd_copy_private_symbol_data \
#define _bfd_ecoff_bfd_print_private_bfd_data \
#define _bfd_ecoff_bfd_merge_private_bfd_data \
#define _bfd_ecoff_bfd_set_private_flags _bfd_generic_bfd_set_private_flags
extern boolean _bfd_ecoff_slurp_armap PARAMS ((bfd *abfd));
#define _bfd_ecoff_slurp_extended_name_table _bfd_slurp_extended_name_table
#define _bfd_ecoff_construct_extended_name_table \
#define _bfd_ecoff_truncate_arname bfd_dont_truncate_arname
extern boolean _bfd_ecoff_write_armap
PARAMS ((bfd *, unsigned int, struct orl *, unsigned int, int));
#define _bfd_ecoff_read_ar_hdr _bfd_generic_read_ar_hdr
#define _bfd_ecoff_openr_next_archived_file \
#define _bfd_ecoff_get_elt_at_index _bfd_generic_get_elt_at_index
#define _bfd_ecoff_generic_stat_arch_elt bfd_generic_stat_arch_elt
#define _bfd_ecoff_update_armap_timestamp bfd_true
extern long _bfd_ecoff_get_symtab_upper_bound PARAMS ((bfd *abfd));
extern long _bfd_ecoff_get_symtab PARAMS ((bfd *abfd, asymbol **alocation));
extern asymbol *_bfd_ecoff_make_empty_symbol PARAMS ((bfd *abfd));
extern void _bfd_ecoff_print_symbol
PARAMS ((bfd *, PTR filep, asymbol *, bfd_print_symbol_type));
extern void _bfd_ecoff_get_symbol_info
PARAMS ((bfd *, asymbol *, symbol_info *));
extern boolean _bfd_ecoff_bfd_is_local_label
PARAMS ((bfd *, asymbol *));
#define _bfd_ecoff_get_lineno _bfd_nosymbols_get_lineno
extern boolean _bfd_ecoff_find_nearest_line
PARAMS ((bfd *, asection *, asymbol **, bfd_vma offset,
const char **filename_ptr, const char **fnname_ptr,
unsigned int *retline_ptr));
#define _bfd_ecoff_bfd_make_debug_symbol _bfd_nosymbols_bfd_make_debug_symbol
#define _bfd_ecoff_read_minisymbols _bfd_generic_read_minisymbols
#define _bfd_ecoff_minisymbol_to_symbol _bfd_generic_minisymbol_to_symbol
#define _bfd_ecoff_get_reloc_upper_bound coff_get_reloc_upper_bound
extern long _bfd_ecoff_canonicalize_reloc
PARAMS ((bfd *, asection *, arelent **, asymbol **symbols));
/* ecoff_bfd_reloc_type_lookup defined by backend. */
extern boolean _bfd_ecoff_set_arch_mach
PARAMS ((bfd *, enum bfd_architecture, unsigned long machine));
extern boolean _bfd_ecoff_set_section_contents
PARAMS ((bfd *, asection *, PTR location, file_ptr, bfd_size_type));
extern int _bfd_ecoff_sizeof_headers PARAMS ((bfd *abfd, boolean reloc));
/* ecoff_bfd_get_relocated_section_contents defined by backend. */
/* ecoff_bfd_relax_section defined by backend. */
extern struct bfd_link_hash_table *_bfd_ecoff_bfd_link_hash_table_create
PARAMS ((bfd *));
extern boolean _bfd_ecoff_bfd_link_add_symbols
PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *));
extern boolean _bfd_ecoff_bfd_final_link
PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *));
/* Hook functions for the generic COFF section reading code. */
extern PTR _bfd_ecoff_mkobject_hook PARAMS ((bfd *, PTR filehdr, PTR aouthdr));
#define _bfd_ecoff_set_alignment_hook \
((void (*) PARAMS ((bfd *, asection *, PTR))) bfd_void)
extern boolean _bfd_ecoff_set_arch_mach_hook PARAMS ((bfd *abfd, PTR filehdr));
extern flagword _bfd_ecoff_styp_to_sec_flags
PARAMS ((bfd *abfd, PTR hdr, const char *name));
extern boolean _bfd_ecoff_slurp_symbol_table PARAMS ((bfd *abfd));
/* ECOFF auxiliary information swapping routines. These are the same
for all ECOFF targets, so they are defined in ecofflink.c. */
extern void _bfd_ecoff_swap_tir_in
PARAMS ((int, const struct tir_ext *, TIR *));
extern void _bfd_ecoff_swap_tir_out
PARAMS ((int, const TIR *, struct tir_ext *));
extern void _bfd_ecoff_swap_rndx_in
PARAMS ((int, const struct rndx_ext *, RNDXR *));
extern void _bfd_ecoff_swap_rndx_out
PARAMS ((int, const RNDXR *, struct rndx_ext *));

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@ -1,604 +0,0 @@
/* opncls.c -- open and close a BFD.
Copyright (C) 1990 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 1996 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
Written by Cygnus Support.
This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
#include "bfd.h"
#include "sysdep.h"
#include "libbfd.h"
#include "obstack.h"
#ifndef S_IXUSR
#define S_IXUSR 0100 /* Execute by owner. */
#ifndef S_IXGRP
#define S_IXGRP 0010 /* Execute by group. */
#ifndef S_IXOTH
#define S_IXOTH 0001 /* Execute by others. */
/* fdopen is a loser -- we should use stdio exclusively. Unfortunately
if we do that we can't use fcntl. */
#define obstack_chunk_alloc malloc
#define obstack_chunk_free free
#define getpagesize() 2048
long _bfd_chunksize = -1;
/* Return a new BFD. All BFD's are allocated through this routine. */
bfd *
_bfd_new_bfd ()
bfd *nbfd;
nbfd = (bfd *)bfd_zmalloc (sizeof (bfd));
if (!nbfd)
return 0;
if (_bfd_chunksize <= 0)
_bfd_chunksize = getpagesize ();
if (_bfd_chunksize <= 0)
_bfd_chunksize = 2048;
/* Leave some slush space, since many malloc implementations
prepend a header, and may wind up wasting another page
because of it. */
_bfd_chunksize -= 32;
if (!obstack_begin(&nbfd->memory, _bfd_chunksize))
bfd_set_error (bfd_error_no_memory);
return 0;
nbfd->arch_info = &bfd_default_arch_struct;
nbfd->direction = no_direction;
nbfd->iostream = NULL;
nbfd->where = 0;
nbfd->sections = (asection *)NULL;
nbfd->format = bfd_unknown;
nbfd->my_archive = (bfd *)NULL;
nbfd->origin = 0;
nbfd->opened_once = false;
nbfd->output_has_begun = false;
nbfd->section_count = 0;
nbfd->usrdata = (PTR)NULL;
nbfd->cacheable = false;
nbfd->flags = NO_FLAGS;
nbfd->mtime_set = false;
return nbfd;
/* Allocate a new BFD as a member of archive OBFD. */
bfd *
_bfd_new_bfd_contained_in (obfd)
bfd *obfd;
bfd *nbfd;
nbfd = _bfd_new_bfd();
nbfd->xvec = obfd->xvec;
nbfd->my_archive = obfd;
nbfd->direction = read_direction;
nbfd->target_defaulted = obfd->target_defaulted;
return nbfd;
Opening and closing BFDs
bfd *bfd_openr(CONST char *filename, CONST char *target);
Open the file @var{filename} (using <<fopen>>) with the target
@var{target}. Return a pointer to the created BFD.
Calls <<bfd_find_target>>, so @var{target} is interpreted as by
that function.
If <<NULL>> is returned then an error has occured. Possible errors
are <<bfd_error_no_memory>>, <<bfd_error_invalid_target>> or <<system_call>> error.
bfd *
bfd_openr (filename, target)
CONST char *filename;
CONST char *target;
bfd *nbfd;
const bfd_target *target_vec;
nbfd = _bfd_new_bfd();
if (nbfd == NULL)
return NULL;
target_vec = bfd_find_target (target, nbfd);
if (target_vec == NULL) {
bfd_set_error (bfd_error_invalid_target);
return NULL;
nbfd->filename = filename;
nbfd->direction = read_direction;
if (bfd_open_file (nbfd) == NULL) {
bfd_set_error (bfd_error_system_call); /* File didn't exist, or some such */
return NULL;
return nbfd;
/* Don't try to `optimize' this function:
o - We lock using stack space so that interrupting the locking
won't cause a storage leak.
o - We open the file stream last, since we don't want to have to
close it if anything goes wrong. Closing the stream means closing
the file descriptor too, even though we didn't open it.
bfd *bfd_fdopenr(CONST char *filename, CONST char *target, int fd);
<<bfd_fdopenr>> is to <<bfd_fopenr>> much like <<fdopen>> is to <<fopen>>.
It opens a BFD on a file already described by the @var{fd}
When the file is later <<bfd_close>>d, the file descriptor will be closed.
If the caller desires that this file descriptor be cached by BFD
(opened as needed, closed as needed to free descriptors for
other opens), with the supplied @var{fd} used as an initial
file descriptor (but subject to closure at any time), call
bfd_set_cacheable(bfd, 1) on the returned BFD. The default is to
assume no cacheing; the file descriptor will remain open until
<<bfd_close>>, and will not be affected by BFD operations on other
Possible errors are <<bfd_error_no_memory>>, <<bfd_error_invalid_target>> and <<bfd_error_system_call>>.
bfd *
bfd_fdopenr (filename, target, fd)
CONST char *filename;
CONST char *target;
int fd;
bfd *nbfd;
const bfd_target *target_vec;
int fdflags;
bfd_set_error (bfd_error_system_call);
#if ! defined(HAVE_FCNTL) || ! defined(F_GETFL)
fdflags = O_RDWR; /* Assume full access */
fdflags = fcntl (fd, F_GETFL, NULL);
if (fdflags == -1) return NULL;
nbfd = _bfd_new_bfd();
if (nbfd == NULL)
return NULL;
target_vec = bfd_find_target (target, nbfd);
if (target_vec == NULL) {
bfd_set_error (bfd_error_invalid_target);
return NULL;
#if defined(VMS) || defined(__GO32__) || defined (WINGDB)
nbfd->iostream = (PTR)fopen(filename, FOPEN_RB);
/* (O_ACCMODE) parens are to avoid Ultrix header file bug */
switch (fdflags & (O_ACCMODE)) {
case O_RDONLY: nbfd->iostream = (PTR) fdopen (fd, FOPEN_RB); break;
case O_WRONLY: nbfd->iostream = (PTR) fdopen (fd, FOPEN_RUB); break;
case O_RDWR: nbfd->iostream = (PTR) fdopen (fd, FOPEN_RUB); break;
default: abort ();
if (nbfd->iostream == NULL) {
(void) obstack_free (&nbfd->memory, (PTR)0);
return NULL;
/* OK, put everything where it belongs */
nbfd->filename = filename;
/* As a special case we allow a FD open for read/write to
be written through, although doing so requires that we end
the previous clause with a preposition. */
/* (O_ACCMODE) parens are to avoid Ultrix header file bug */
switch (fdflags & (O_ACCMODE)) {
case O_RDONLY: nbfd->direction = read_direction; break;
case O_WRONLY: nbfd->direction = write_direction; break;
case O_RDWR: nbfd->direction = both_direction; break;
default: abort ();
if (! bfd_cache_init (nbfd))
return NULL;
return nbfd;
bfd *bfd_openstreamr();
Open a BFD for read access on an existing stdio stream. When
the BFD is passed to <<bfd_close>>, the stream will be closed.
bfd *
bfd_openstreamr (filename, target, stream)
const char *filename;
const char *target;
FILE *stream;
bfd *nbfd;
const bfd_target *target_vec;
nbfd = _bfd_new_bfd ();
if (nbfd == NULL)
return NULL;
target_vec = bfd_find_target (target, nbfd);
if (target_vec == NULL)
bfd_set_error (bfd_error_invalid_target);
return NULL;
nbfd->iostream = (PTR) stream;
nbfd->filename = filename;
nbfd->direction = read_direction;
if (! bfd_cache_init (nbfd))
return NULL;
return nbfd;
/** bfd_openw -- open for writing.
Returns a pointer to a freshly-allocated BFD on success, or NULL.
See comment by bfd_fdopenr before you try to modify this function. */
bfd *bfd_openw(CONST char *filename, CONST char *target);
Create a BFD, associated with file @var{filename}, using the
file format @var{target}, and return a pointer to it.
Possible errors are <<bfd_error_system_call>>, <<bfd_error_no_memory>>,
bfd *
bfd_openw (filename, target)
CONST char *filename;
CONST char *target;
bfd *nbfd;
const bfd_target *target_vec;
bfd_set_error (bfd_error_system_call);
/* nbfd has to point to head of malloc'ed block so that bfd_close may
reclaim it correctly. */
nbfd = _bfd_new_bfd();
if (nbfd == NULL)
return NULL;
target_vec = bfd_find_target (target, nbfd);
if (target_vec == NULL) return NULL;
nbfd->filename = filename;
nbfd->direction = write_direction;
if (bfd_open_file (nbfd) == NULL) {
bfd_set_error (bfd_error_system_call); /* File not writeable, etc */
(void) obstack_free (&nbfd->memory, (PTR)0);
return NULL;
return nbfd;
boolean bfd_close(bfd *abfd);
Close a BFD. If the BFD was open for writing,
then pending operations are completed and the file written out
and closed. If the created file is executable, then
<<chmod>> is called to mark it as such.
All memory attached to the BFD's obstacks is released.
The file descriptor associated with the BFD is closed (even
if it was passed in to BFD by <<bfd_fdopenr>>).
<<true>> is returned if all is ok, otherwise <<false>>.
bfd_close (abfd)
bfd *abfd;
boolean ret;
if (!bfd_read_p (abfd))
if (! BFD_SEND_FMT (abfd, _bfd_write_contents, (abfd)))
return false;
if (! BFD_SEND (abfd, _close_and_cleanup, (abfd)))
return false;
ret = bfd_cache_close (abfd);
/* If the file was open for writing and is now executable,
make it so */
if (ret
&& abfd->direction == write_direction
&& abfd->flags & EXEC_P)
struct stat buf;
if (stat (abfd->filename, &buf) == 0)
int mask = umask (0);
umask (mask);
chmod (abfd->filename,
& (buf.st_mode | ((S_IXUSR | S_IXGRP | S_IXOTH) &~ mask))));
(void) obstack_free (&abfd->memory, (PTR)0);
(void) free (abfd);
return ret;
boolean bfd_close_all_done(bfd *);
Close a BFD. Differs from <<bfd_close>>
since it does not complete any pending operations. This
routine would be used if the application had just used BFD for
swapping and didn't want to use any of the writing code.
If the created file is executable, then <<chmod>> is called
to mark it as such.
All memory attached to the BFD's obstacks is released.
<<true>> is returned if all is ok, otherwise <<false>>.
bfd_close_all_done (abfd)
bfd *abfd;
boolean ret;
ret = bfd_cache_close (abfd);
/* If the file was open for writing and is now executable,
make it so */
if (ret
&& abfd->direction == write_direction
&& abfd->flags & EXEC_P)
struct stat buf;
if (stat (abfd->filename, &buf) == 0)
int mask = umask (0);
umask (mask);
chmod (abfd->filename,
& (buf.st_mode | ((S_IXUSR | S_IXGRP | S_IXOTH) &~ mask))));
(void) obstack_free (&abfd->memory, (PTR)0);
(void) free(abfd);
return ret;
bfd_size_type bfd_alloc_size(bfd *abfd);
Return the number of bytes in the obstacks connected to @var{abfd}.
bfd_alloc_size (abfd)
bfd *abfd;
struct _obstack_chunk *chunk = abfd->memory.chunk;
size_t size = 0;
while (chunk) {
size += chunk->limit - &(chunk->contents[0]);
chunk = chunk->prev;
return size;
bfd *bfd_create(CONST char *filename, bfd *templ);
Create a new BFD in the manner of
<<bfd_openw>>, but without opening a file. The new BFD
takes the target from the target used by @var{template}. The
format is always set to <<bfd_object>>.
bfd *
bfd_create (filename, templ)
CONST char *filename;
bfd *templ;
bfd *nbfd = _bfd_new_bfd();
if (nbfd == (bfd *)NULL)
return (bfd *)NULL;
nbfd->filename = filename;
if(templ) {
nbfd->xvec = templ->xvec;
nbfd->direction = no_direction;
bfd_set_format(nbfd, bfd_object);
return nbfd;
PTR bfd_alloc_by_size_t(bfd *abfd, size_t wanted);
Allocate a block of @var{wanted} bytes of memory in the obstack
attatched to <<abfd>> and return a pointer to it.
bfd_alloc_by_size_t (abfd, size)
bfd *abfd;
size_t size;
PTR ret;
ret = obstack_alloc (&(abfd->memory), size);
if (ret == NULL)
bfd_set_error (bfd_error_no_memory);
return ret;
bfd_alloc_grow (abfd, ptr, size)
bfd *abfd;
PTR ptr;
size_t size;
(void) obstack_grow(&(abfd->memory), ptr, size);
bfd_alloc_finish (abfd)
bfd *abfd;
PTR ret;
ret = obstack_finish (&(abfd->memory));
if (ret == NULL)
bfd_set_error (bfd_error_no_memory);
return ret;
bfd_alloc (abfd, size)
bfd *abfd;
size_t size;
return bfd_alloc_by_size_t(abfd, (size_t)size);
bfd_zalloc (abfd, size)
bfd *abfd;
size_t size;
PTR res;
res = bfd_alloc(abfd, size);
if (res)
memset(res, 0, (size_t)size);
return res;

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@ -1,976 +0,0 @@
/* Object file "section" support for the BFD library.
Copyright (C) 1990, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 1996 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
Written by Cygnus Support.
This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
The raw data contained within a BFD is maintained through the
section abstraction. A single BFD may have any number of
sections. It keeps hold of them by pointing to the first;
each one points to the next in the list.
Sections are supported in BFD in <<section.c>>.
@* Section Input::
@* Section Output::
@* typedef asection::
@* section prototypes::
@end menu
Section Input, Section Output, Sections, Sections
Section input
When a BFD is opened for reading, the section structures are
created and attached to the BFD.
Each section has a name which describes the section in the
outside world---for example, <<a.out>> would contain at least
three sections, called <<.text>>, <<.data>> and <<.bss>>.
Names need not be unique; for example a COFF file may have several
sections named <<.data>>.
Sometimes a BFD will contain more than the ``natural'' number of
sections. A back end may attach other sections containing
constructor data, or an application may add a section (using
<<bfd_make_section>>) to the sections attached to an already open
BFD. For example, the linker creates an extra section
<<COMMON>> for each input file's BFD to hold information about
common storage.
The raw data is not necessarily read in when
the section descriptor is created. Some targets may leave the
data in place until a <<bfd_get_section_contents>> call is
made. Other back ends may read in all the data at once. For
example, an S-record file has to be read once to determine the
size of the data. An IEEE-695 file doesn't contain raw data in
sections, but data and relocation expressions intermixed, so
the data area has to be parsed to get out the data and
Section Output, typedef asection, Section Input, Sections
Section output
To write a new object style BFD, the various sections to be
written have to be created. They are attached to the BFD in
the same way as input sections; data is written to the
sections using <<bfd_set_section_contents>>.
Any program that creates or combines sections (e.g., the assembler
and linker) must use the <<asection>> fields <<output_section>> and
<<output_offset>> to indicate the file sections to which each
section must be written. (If the section is being created from
scratch, <<output_section>> should probably point to the section
itself and <<output_offset>> should probably be zero.)
The data to be written comes from input sections attached
(via <<output_section>> pointers) to
the output sections. The output section structure can be
considered a filter for the input section: the output section
determines the vma of the output data and the name, but the
input section determines the offset into the output section of
the data to be written.
E.g., to create a section "O", starting at 0x100, 0x123 long,
containing two subsections, "A" at offset 0x0 (i.e., at vma
0x100) and "B" at offset 0x20 (i.e., at vma 0x120) the <<asection>>
structures would look like:
| section name "A"
| output_offset 0x00
| size 0x20
| output_section -----------> section name "O"
| | vma 0x100
| section name "B" | size 0x123
| output_offset 0x20 |
| size 0x103 |
| output_section --------|
Link orders
The data within a section is stored in a @dfn{link_order}.
These are much like the fixups in <<gas>>. The link_order
abstraction allows a section to grow and shrink within itself.
A link_order knows how big it is, and which is the next
link_order and where the raw data for it is; it also points to
a list of relocations which apply to it.
The link_order is used by the linker to perform relaxing on
final code. The compiler creates code which is as big as
necessary to make it work without relaxing, and the user can
select whether to relax. Sometimes relaxing takes a lot of
time. The linker runs around the relocations to see if any
are attached to data which can be shrunk, if so it does it on
a link_order by link_order basis.
#include "bfd.h"
#include "sysdep.h"
#include "libbfd.h"
typedef asection, section prototypes, Section Output, Sections
typedef asection
Here is the section structure:
.typedef struct sec
. {* The name of the section; the name isn't a copy, the pointer is
. the same as that passed to bfd_make_section. *}
. CONST char *name;
. {* Which section is it; 0..nth. *}
. int index;
. {* The next section in the list belonging to the BFD, or NULL. *}
. struct sec *next;
. {* The field flags contains attributes of the section. Some
. flags are read in from the object file, and some are
. synthesized from other information. *}
. flagword flags;
.#define SEC_NO_FLAGS 0x000
. {* Tells the OS to allocate space for this section when loading.
. This is clear for a section containing debug information
. only. *}
.#define SEC_ALLOC 0x001
. {* Tells the OS to load the section from the file when loading.
. This is clear for a .bss section. *}
.#define SEC_LOAD 0x002
. {* The section contains data still to be relocated, so there is
. some relocation information too. *}
.#define SEC_RELOC 0x004
.#if 0 {* Obsolete ? *}
.#define SEC_BALIGN 0x008
. {* A signal to the OS that the section contains read only
. data. *}
.#define SEC_READONLY 0x010
. {* The section contains code only. *}
.#define SEC_CODE 0x020
. {* The section contains data only. *}
.#define SEC_DATA 0x040
. {* The section will reside in ROM. *}
.#define SEC_ROM 0x080
. {* The section contains constructor information. This section
. type is used by the linker to create lists of constructors and
. destructors used by <<g++>>. When a back end sees a symbol
. which should be used in a constructor list, it creates a new
. section for the type of name (e.g., <<__CTOR_LIST__>>), attaches
. the symbol to it, and builds a relocation. To build the lists
. of constructors, all the linker has to do is catenate all the
. sections called <<__CTOR_LIST__>> and relocate the data
. contained within - exactly the operations it would peform on
. standard data. *}
.#define SEC_CONSTRUCTOR 0x100
. {* The section is a constuctor, and should be placed at the
. end of the text, data, or bss section(?). *}
.#define SEC_CONSTRUCTOR_TEXT 0x1100
.#define SEC_CONSTRUCTOR_DATA 0x2100
.#define SEC_CONSTRUCTOR_BSS 0x3100
. {* The section has contents - a data section could be
. <<SEC_ALLOC>> | <<SEC_HAS_CONTENTS>>; a debug section could be
.#define SEC_HAS_CONTENTS 0x200
. {* An instruction to the linker to not output the section
. even if it has information which would normally be written. *}
.#define SEC_NEVER_LOAD 0x400
. {* The section is a COFF shared library section. This flag is
. only for the linker. If this type of section appears in
. the input file, the linker must copy it to the output file
. without changing the vma or size. FIXME: Although this
. was originally intended to be general, it really is COFF
. specific (and the flag was renamed to indicate this). It
. might be cleaner to have some more general mechanism to
. allow the back end to control what the linker does with
. sections. *}
. {* The section is a common section (symbols may be defined
. multiple times, the value of a symbol is the amount of
. space it requires, and the largest symbol value is the one
. used). Most targets have exactly one of these (which we
. translate to bfd_com_section_ptr), but ECOFF has two. *}
.#define SEC_IS_COMMON 0x8000
. {* The section contains only debugging information. For
. example, this is set for ELF .debug and .stab sections.
. strip tests this flag to see if a section can be
. discarded. *}
.#define SEC_DEBUGGING 0x10000
. {* The contents of this section are held in memory pointed to
. by the contents field. This is checked by
. bfd_get_section_contents, and the data is retrieved from
. memory if appropriate. *}
.#define SEC_IN_MEMORY 0x20000
. {* The contents of this section are to be excluded by the
. linker for executable and shared objects unless those
. objects are to be further relocated. *}
.#define SEC_EXCLUDE 0x40000
. {* The contents of this section are to be sorted by the
. based on the address specified in the associated symbol
. table. *}
.#define SEC_SORT_ENTRIES 0x80000
. {* End of section flags. *}
. {* The virtual memory address of the section - where it will be
. at run time. The symbols are relocated against this. The
. user_set_vma flag is maintained by bfd; if it's not set, the
. backend can assign addresses (for example, in <<a.out>>, where
. the default address for <<.data>> is dependent on the specific
. target and various flags). *}
. bfd_vma vma;
. boolean user_set_vma;
. {* The load address of the section - where it would be in a
. rom image; really only used for writing section header
. information. *}
. bfd_vma lma;
. {* The size of the section in bytes, as it will be output.
. contains a value even if the section has no contents (e.g., the
. size of <<.bss>>). This will be filled in after relocation *}
. bfd_size_type _cooked_size;
. {* The original size on disk of the section, in bytes. Normally this
. value is the same as the size, but if some relaxing has
. been done, then this value will be bigger. *}
. bfd_size_type _raw_size;
. {* If this section is going to be output, then this value is the
. offset into the output section of the first byte in the input
. section. E.g., if this was going to start at the 100th byte in
. the output section, this value would be 100. *}
. bfd_vma output_offset;
. {* The output section through which to map on output. *}
. struct sec *output_section;
. {* The alignment requirement of the section, as an exponent of 2 -
. e.g., 3 aligns to 2^3 (or 8). *}
. unsigned int alignment_power;
. {* If an input section, a pointer to a vector of relocation
. records for the data in this section. *}
. struct reloc_cache_entry *relocation;
. {* If an output section, a pointer to a vector of pointers to
. relocation records for the data in this section. *}
. struct reloc_cache_entry **orelocation;
. {* The number of relocation records in one of the above *}
. unsigned reloc_count;
. {* Information below is back end specific - and not always used
. or updated. *}
. {* File position of section data *}
. file_ptr filepos;
. {* File position of relocation info *}
. file_ptr rel_filepos;
. {* File position of line data *}
. file_ptr line_filepos;
. {* Pointer to data for applications *}
. PTR userdata;
. {* If the SEC_IN_MEMORY flag is set, this points to the actual
. contents. *}
. unsigned char *contents;
. {* Attached line number information *}
. alent *lineno;
. {* Number of line number records *}
. unsigned int lineno_count;
. {* When a section is being output, this value changes as more
. linenumbers are written out *}
. file_ptr moving_line_filepos;
. {* What the section number is in the target world *}
. int target_index;
. PTR used_by_bfd;
. {* If this is a constructor section then here is a list of the
. relocations created to relocate items within it. *}
. struct relent_chain *constructor_chain;
. {* The BFD which owns the section. *}
. bfd *owner;
. boolean reloc_done;
. {* A symbol which points at this section only *}
. struct symbol_cache_entry *symbol;
. struct symbol_cache_entry **symbol_ptr_ptr;
. struct bfd_link_order *link_order_head;
. struct bfd_link_order *link_order_tail;
.} asection ;
. {* These sections are global, and are managed by BFD. The application
. and target back end are not permitted to change the values in
. these sections. New code should use the section_ptr macros rather
. than referring directly to the const sections. The const sections
. may eventually vanish. *}
. {* the absolute section *}
.extern const asection bfd_abs_section;
.#define bfd_abs_section_ptr ((asection *) &bfd_abs_section)
.#define bfd_is_abs_section(sec) ((sec) == bfd_abs_section_ptr)
. {* Pointer to the undefined section *}
.extern const asection bfd_und_section;
.#define bfd_und_section_ptr ((asection *) &bfd_und_section)
.#define bfd_is_und_section(sec) ((sec) == bfd_und_section_ptr)
. {* Pointer to the common section *}
.extern const asection bfd_com_section;
.#define bfd_com_section_ptr ((asection *) &bfd_com_section)
. {* Pointer to the indirect section *}
.extern const asection bfd_ind_section;
.#define bfd_ind_section_ptr ((asection *) &bfd_ind_section)
.#define bfd_is_ind_section(sec) ((sec) == bfd_ind_section_ptr)
.extern const struct symbol_cache_entry * const bfd_abs_symbol;
.extern const struct symbol_cache_entry * const bfd_com_symbol;
.extern const struct symbol_cache_entry * const bfd_und_symbol;
.extern const struct symbol_cache_entry * const bfd_ind_symbol;
.#define bfd_get_section_size_before_reloc(section) \
. (section->reloc_done ? (abort(),1): (section)->_raw_size)
.#define bfd_get_section_size_after_reloc(section) \
. ((section->reloc_done) ? (section)->_cooked_size: (abort(),1))
/* These symbols are global, not specific to any BFD. Therefore, anything
that tries to change them is broken, and should be repaired. */
static const asymbol global_syms[] =
/* the_bfd, name, value, attr, section [, udata] */
{0, BFD_COM_SECTION_NAME, 0, BSF_SECTION_SYM, (asection *) &bfd_com_section},
{0, BFD_UND_SECTION_NAME, 0, BSF_SECTION_SYM, (asection *) &bfd_und_section},
{0, BFD_ABS_SECTION_NAME, 0, BSF_SECTION_SYM, (asection *) &bfd_abs_section},
{0, BFD_IND_SECTION_NAME, 0, BSF_SECTION_SYM, (asection *) &bfd_ind_section},
const asymbol * const SYM = (asymbol *) &global_syms[IDX]; \
const asection SEC = \
{ NAME, 0, 0, FLAGS, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, (asection *) &SEC, \
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, (boolean) 0, \
(asymbol *) &global_syms[IDX], (asymbol **) &SYM, }
STD_SECTION (bfd_com_section, SEC_IS_COMMON, bfd_com_symbol,
STD_SECTION (bfd_und_section, 0, bfd_und_symbol, BFD_UND_SECTION_NAME, 1);
STD_SECTION (bfd_abs_section, 0, bfd_abs_symbol, BFD_ABS_SECTION_NAME, 2);
STD_SECTION (bfd_ind_section, 0, bfd_ind_symbol, BFD_IND_SECTION_NAME, 3);
section prototypes, , typedef asection, Sections
Section prototypes
These are the functions exported by the section handling part of BFD.
asection *bfd_get_section_by_name(bfd *abfd, CONST char *name);
Run through @var{abfd} and return the one of the
<<asection>>s whose name matches @var{name}, otherwise <<NULL>>.
@xref{Sections}, for more information.
This should only be used in special cases; the normal way to process
all sections of a given name is to use <<bfd_map_over_sections>> and
<<strcmp>> on the name (or better yet, base it on the section flags
or something else) for each section.
asection *
bfd_get_section_by_name (abfd, name)
bfd *abfd;
CONST char *name;
asection *sect;
for (sect = abfd->sections; sect != NULL; sect = sect->next)
if (!strcmp (sect->name, name))
return sect;
return NULL;
asection *bfd_make_section_old_way(bfd *abfd, CONST char *name);
Create a new empty section called @var{name}
and attach it to the end of the chain of sections for the
BFD @var{abfd}. An attempt to create a section with a name which
is already in use returns its pointer without changing the
section chain.
It has the funny name since this is the way it used to be
before it was rewritten....
Possible errors are:
o <<bfd_error_invalid_operation>> -
If output has already started for this BFD.
o <<bfd_error_no_memory>> -
If obstack alloc fails.
asection *
bfd_make_section_old_way (abfd, name)
bfd *abfd;
CONST char *name;
asection *sec = bfd_get_section_by_name (abfd, name);
if (sec == (asection *) NULL)
sec = bfd_make_section (abfd, name);
return sec;
asection *bfd_make_section_anyway(bfd *abfd, CONST char *name);
Create a new empty section called @var{name} and attach it to the end of
the chain of sections for @var{abfd}. Create a new section even if there
is already a section with that name.
Return <<NULL>> and set <<bfd_error>> on error; possible errors are:
o <<bfd_error_invalid_operation>> - If output has already started for @var{abfd}.
o <<bfd_error_no_memory>> - If obstack alloc fails.
bfd_make_section_anyway (abfd, name)
bfd *abfd;
CONST char *name;
asection *newsect;
asection **prev = &abfd->sections;
asection *sect = abfd->sections;
if (abfd->output_has_begun)
bfd_set_error (bfd_error_invalid_operation);
return NULL;
while (sect)
prev = &sect->next;
sect = sect->next;
newsect = (asection *) bfd_zalloc (abfd, sizeof (asection));
if (newsect == NULL)
return NULL;
newsect->name = name;
newsect->index = abfd->section_count++;
newsect->flags = SEC_NO_FLAGS;
newsect->userdata = NULL;
newsect->contents = NULL;
newsect->next = (asection *) NULL;
newsect->relocation = (arelent *) NULL;
newsect->reloc_count = 0;
newsect->line_filepos = 0;
newsect->owner = abfd;
/* Create a symbol whos only job is to point to this section. This is
useful for things like relocs which are relative to the base of a
section. */
newsect->symbol = bfd_make_empty_symbol (abfd);
if (newsect->symbol == NULL)
return NULL;
newsect->symbol->name = name;
newsect->symbol->value = 0;
newsect->symbol->section = newsect;
newsect->symbol->flags = BSF_SECTION_SYM;
newsect->symbol_ptr_ptr = &newsect->symbol;
if (BFD_SEND (abfd, _new_section_hook, (abfd, newsect)) != true)
free (newsect);
return NULL;
*prev = newsect;
return newsect;
asection *bfd_make_section(bfd *, CONST char *name);
Like <<bfd_make_section_anyway>>, but return <<NULL>> (without calling
bfd_set_error ()) without changing the section chain if there is already a
section named @var{name}. If there is an error, return <<NULL>> and set
asection *
bfd_make_section (abfd, name)
bfd *abfd;
CONST char *name;
asection *sect = abfd->sections;
if (strcmp (name, BFD_ABS_SECTION_NAME) == 0)
return bfd_abs_section_ptr;
if (strcmp (name, BFD_COM_SECTION_NAME) == 0)
return bfd_com_section_ptr;
if (strcmp (name, BFD_UND_SECTION_NAME) == 0)
return bfd_und_section_ptr;
if (strcmp (name, BFD_IND_SECTION_NAME) == 0)
return bfd_ind_section_ptr;
while (sect)
if (!strcmp (sect->name, name))
return NULL;
sect = sect->next;
/* The name is not already used; go ahead and make a new section. */
return bfd_make_section_anyway (abfd, name);
boolean bfd_set_section_flags(bfd *abfd, asection *sec, flagword flags);
Set the attributes of the section @var{sec} in the BFD
@var{abfd} to the value @var{flags}. Return <<true>> on success,
<<false>> on error. Possible error returns are:
o <<bfd_error_invalid_operation>> -
The section cannot have one or more of the attributes
requested. For example, a .bss section in <<a.out>> may not
have the <<SEC_HAS_CONTENTS>> field set.
bfd_set_section_flags (abfd, section, flags)
bfd *abfd;
sec_ptr section;
flagword flags;
#if 0
/* If you try to copy a text section from an input file (where it
has the SEC_CODE flag set) to an output file, this loses big if
the bfd_applicable_section_flags (abfd) doesn't have the SEC_CODE
set - which it doesn't, at least not for a.out. FIXME */
if ((flags & bfd_applicable_section_flags (abfd)) != flags)
bfd_set_error (bfd_error_invalid_operation);
return false;
section->flags = flags;
return true;
void bfd_map_over_sections(bfd *abfd,
void (*func)(bfd *abfd,
asection *sect,
PTR obj),
PTR obj);
Call the provided function @var{func} for each section
attached to the BFD @var{abfd}, passing @var{obj} as an
argument. The function will be called as if by
| func(abfd, the_section, obj);
This is the prefered method for iterating over sections; an
alternative would be to use a loop:
| section *p;
| for (p = abfd->sections; p != NULL; p = p->next)
| func(abfd, p, ...)
bfd_map_over_sections (abfd, operation, user_storage)
bfd *abfd;
void (*operation) PARAMS ((bfd * abfd, asection * sect, PTR obj));
PTR user_storage;
asection *sect;
unsigned int i = 0;
for (sect = abfd->sections; sect != NULL; i++, sect = sect->next)
(*operation) (abfd, sect, user_storage);
if (i != abfd->section_count) /* Debugging */
abort ();
boolean bfd_set_section_size(bfd *abfd, asection *sec, bfd_size_type val);
Set @var{sec} to the size @var{val}. If the operation is
ok, then <<true>> is returned, else <<false>>.
Possible error returns:
o <<bfd_error_invalid_operation>> -
Writing has started to the BFD, so setting the size is invalid.
bfd_set_section_size (abfd, ptr, val)
bfd *abfd;
sec_ptr ptr;
bfd_size_type val;
/* Once you've started writing to any section you cannot create or change
the size of any others. */
if (abfd->output_has_begun)
bfd_set_error (bfd_error_invalid_operation);
return false;
ptr->_cooked_size = val;
ptr->_raw_size = val;
return true;
boolean bfd_set_section_contents
(bfd *abfd,
asection *section,
PTR data,
file_ptr offset,
bfd_size_type count);
Sets the contents of the section @var{section} in BFD
@var{abfd} to the data starting in memory at @var{data}. The
data is written to the output section starting at offset
@var{offset} for @var{count} bytes.
Normally <<true>> is returned, else <<false>>. Possible error
returns are:
o <<bfd_error_no_contents>> -
The output section does not have the <<SEC_HAS_CONTENTS>>
attribute, so nothing can be written to it.
o and some more too
This routine is front end to the back end function
#define bfd_get_section_size_now(abfd,sec) \
(sec->reloc_done \
? bfd_get_section_size_after_reloc (sec) \
: bfd_get_section_size_before_reloc (sec))
bfd_set_section_contents (abfd, section, location, offset, count)
bfd *abfd;
sec_ptr section;
PTR location;
file_ptr offset;
bfd_size_type count;
bfd_size_type sz;
if (!(bfd_get_section_flags (abfd, section) & SEC_HAS_CONTENTS))
bfd_set_error (bfd_error_no_contents);
return (false);
if (offset < 0)
bfd_set_error (bfd_error_bad_value);
return false;
sz = bfd_get_section_size_now (abfd, section);
if ((bfd_size_type) offset > sz
|| count > sz
|| offset + count > sz)
goto bad_val;
switch (abfd->direction)
case read_direction:
case no_direction:
bfd_set_error (bfd_error_invalid_operation);
return false;
case write_direction:
case both_direction:
/* File is opened for update. `output_has_begun' some time ago when
the file was created. Do not recompute sections sizes or alignments
in _bfd_set_section_content. */
abfd->output_has_begun = true;
if (BFD_SEND (abfd, _bfd_set_section_contents,
(abfd, section, location, offset, count)))
abfd->output_has_begun = true;
return true;
return false;
boolean bfd_get_section_contents
(bfd *abfd, asection *section, PTR location,
file_ptr offset, bfd_size_type count);
Read data from @var{section} in BFD @var{abfd}
into memory starting at @var{location}. The data is read at an
offset of @var{offset} from the start of the input section,
and is read for @var{count} bytes.
If the contents of a constructor with the <<SEC_CONSTRUCTOR>>
flag set are requested or if the section does not have the
<<SEC_HAS_CONTENTS>> flag set, then the @var{location} is filled
with zeroes. If no errors occur, <<true>> is returned, else
bfd_get_section_contents (abfd, section, location, offset, count)
bfd *abfd;
sec_ptr section;
PTR location;
file_ptr offset;
bfd_size_type count;
bfd_size_type sz;
if (section->flags & SEC_CONSTRUCTOR)
memset (location, 0, (unsigned) count);
return true;
if (offset < 0)
bfd_set_error (bfd_error_bad_value);
return false;
/* Even if reloc_done is true, this function reads unrelocated
contents, so we want the raw size. */
sz = section->_raw_size;
if ((bfd_size_type) offset > sz || count > sz || offset + count > sz)
goto bad_val;
if (count == 0)
/* Don't bother. */
return true;
if ((section->flags & SEC_HAS_CONTENTS) == 0)
memset (location, 0, (unsigned) count);
return true;
if ((section->flags & SEC_IN_MEMORY) != 0)
memcpy (location, section->contents + offset, (size_t) count);
return true;
return BFD_SEND (abfd, _bfd_get_section_contents,
(abfd, section, location, offset, count));
boolean bfd_copy_private_section_data(bfd *ibfd, asection *isec, bfd *obfd, asection *osec);
Copy private section information from @var{isec} in the BFD
@var{ibfd} to the section @var{osec} in the BFD @var{obfd}.
Return <<true>> on success, <<false>> on error. Possible error
returns are:
o <<bfd_error_no_memory>> -
Not enough memory exists to create private data for @var{osec}.
.#define bfd_copy_private_section_data(ibfd, isection, obfd, osection) \
. BFD_SEND (ibfd, _bfd_copy_private_section_data, \
. (ibfd, isection, obfd, osection))

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
/* Table of stab names for the BFD library.
Copyright (C) 1990, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 1996 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
Written by Cygnus Support.
This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
#include "bfd.h"
#define ARCH_SIZE 32 /* Value doesn't matter. */
#include "libaout.h"
#include "aout/aout64.h"
/* Ignore duplicate stab codes; just return the string for the first
one. */
#define __define_stab(NAME, CODE, STRING) __define_name(CODE, STRING)
#define __define_stab_duplicate(NAME, CODE, STRING)
/* These are not really stab symbols, but it is
convenient to have them here for the sake of nm.
For completeness, we could also add N_TEXT etc, but those
are never needed, since nm treats those specially. */
__define_name (N_SETA, "SETA")/* Absolute set element symbol */ \
__define_name (N_SETT, "SETT")/* Text set element symbol */ \
__define_name (N_SETD, "SETD")/* Data set element symbol */ \
__define_name (N_SETB, "SETB")/* Bss set element symbol */ \
__define_name (N_SETV, "SETV")/* Pointer to set vector in data area. */ \
__define_name (N_INDR, "INDR") \
__define_name (N_WARNING, "WARNING")
const char *
bfd_get_stab_name (code)
int code;
switch (code)
#define __define_name(val, str) case val: return str;
#include "aout/stab.def"
return (const char *) 0;

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

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@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
/* sysdep.h -- handle host dependencies for the BFD library
Copyright 1995 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
Written by Cygnus Support.
This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
#ifndef BFD_SYSDEP_H
#define BFD_SYSDEP_H
#include "ansidecl.h"
#include "config.h"
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <errno.h>
#ifndef errno
extern int errno;
#include <string.h>
#include <strings.h>
extern char *strchr ();
extern char *strrchr ();
extern char *strstr ();
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include "fopen-bin.h"
#include "fopen-same.h"
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/file.h>
#ifndef O_RDONLY
#define O_RDONLY 0
#ifndef O_WRONLY
#define O_WRONLY 1
#ifndef O_RDWR
#define O_RDWR 2
#ifndef O_ACCMODE
#ifndef SEEK_SET
#define SEEK_SET 0
#ifndef SEEK_CUR
#define SEEK_CUR 1
extern PTR malloc ();
extern void free ();
#endif /* ! defined (BFD_SYSDEP_H) */

View File

@ -1,886 +0,0 @@
/* Generic target-file-type support for the BFD library.
Copyright 1990, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 1996 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
Written by Cygnus Support.
This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
#include "bfd.h"
#include "sysdep.h"
#include "libbfd.h"
Each port of BFD to a different machine requries the creation
of a target back end. All the back end provides to the root
part of BFD is a structure containing pointers to functions
which perform certain low level operations on files. BFD
translates the applications's requests through a pointer into
calls to the back end routines.
When a file is opened with <<bfd_openr>>, its format and
target are unknown. BFD uses various mechanisms to determine
how to interpret the file. The operations performed are:
o Create a BFD by calling the internal routine
<<_bfd_new_bfd>>, then call <<bfd_find_target>> with the
target string supplied to <<bfd_openr>> and the new BFD pointer.
o If a null target string was provided to <<bfd_find_target>>,
look up the environment variable <<GNUTARGET>> and use
that as the target string.
o If the target string is still <<NULL>>, or the target string is
<<default>>, then use the first item in the target vector
as the target type, and set <<target_defaulted>> in the BFD to
cause <<bfd_check_format>> to loop through all the targets.
@xref{bfd_target}. @xref{Formats}.
o Otherwise, inspect the elements in the target vector
one by one, until a match on target name is found. When found,
use it.
o Otherwise return the error <<bfd_error_invalid_target>> to
o <<bfd_openr>> attempts to open the file using
<<bfd_open_file>>, and returns the BFD.
Once the BFD has been opened and the target selected, the file
format may be determined. This is done by calling
<<bfd_check_format>> on the BFD with a suggested format.
If <<target_defaulted>> has been set, each possible target
type is tried to see if it recognizes the specified format.
<<bfd_check_format>> returns <<true>> when the caller guesses right.
@* bfd_target::
@end menu
bfd_target, , Targets, Targets
This structure contains everything that BFD knows about a
target. It includes things like its byte order, name, and which
routines to call to do various operations.
Every BFD points to a target structure with its <<xvec>>
The macros below are used to dispatch to functions through the
<<bfd_target>> vector. They are used in a number of macros further
down in @file{bfd.h}, and are also used when calling various
routines by hand inside the BFD implementation. The @var{arglist}
argument must be parenthesized; it contains all the arguments
to the called function.
They make the documentation (more) unpleasant to read, so if
someone wants to fix this and not break the above, please do.
.#define BFD_SEND(bfd, message, arglist) \
. ((*((bfd)->xvec->message)) arglist)
.#undef BFD_SEND
.#define BFD_SEND(bfd, message, arglist) \
. (((bfd) && (bfd)->xvec && (bfd)->xvec->message) ? \
. ((*((bfd)->xvec->message)) arglist) : \
. (bfd_assert (__FILE__,__LINE__), NULL))
For operations which index on the BFD format:
.#define BFD_SEND_FMT(bfd, message, arglist) \
. (((bfd)->xvec->message[(int)((bfd)->format)]) arglist)
.#undef BFD_SEND_FMT
.#define BFD_SEND_FMT(bfd, message, arglist) \
. (((bfd) && (bfd)->xvec && (bfd)->xvec->message) ? \
. (((bfd)->xvec->message[(int)((bfd)->format)]) arglist) : \
. (bfd_assert (__FILE__,__LINE__), NULL))
This is the structure which defines the type of BFD this is. The
<<xvec>> member of the struct <<bfd>> itself points here. Each
module that implements access to a different target under BFD,
defines one of these.
FIXME, these names should be rationalised with the names of
the entry points which call them. Too bad we can't have one
macro to define them both!
.enum bfd_flavour {
. bfd_target_unknown_flavour,
. bfd_target_aout_flavour,
. bfd_target_coff_flavour,
. bfd_target_ecoff_flavour,
. bfd_target_elf_flavour,
. bfd_target_ieee_flavour,
. bfd_target_nlm_flavour,
. bfd_target_oasys_flavour,
. bfd_target_tekhex_flavour,
. bfd_target_srec_flavour,
. bfd_target_ihex_flavour,
. bfd_target_som_flavour,
. bfd_target_os9k_flavour,
. bfd_target_versados_flavour,
. bfd_target_msdos_flavour
.{* Forward declaration. *}
.typedef struct bfd_link_info _bfd_link_info;
.typedef struct bfd_target
Identifies the kind of target, e.g., SunOS4, Ultrix, etc.
. char *name;
The "flavour" of a back end is a general indication about the contents
of a file.
. enum bfd_flavour flavour;
The order of bytes within the data area of a file.
. enum bfd_endian byteorder;
The order of bytes within the header parts of a file.
. enum bfd_endian header_byteorder;
A mask of all the flags which an executable may have set -
from the set <<NO_FLAGS>>, <<HAS_RELOC>>, ...<<D_PAGED>>.
. flagword object_flags;
A mask of all the flags which a section may have set - from
the set <<SEC_NO_FLAGS>>, <<SEC_ALLOC>>, ...<<SET_NEVER_LOAD>>.
. flagword section_flags;
The character normally found at the front of a symbol
(if any), perhaps `_'.
. char symbol_leading_char;
The pad character for file names within an archive header.
. char ar_pad_char;
The maximum number of characters in an archive header.
. unsigned short ar_max_namelen;
Entries for byte swapping for data. These are different from the other
entry points, since they don't take a BFD asthe first argument.
Certain other handlers could do the same.
. bfd_vma (*bfd_getx64) PARAMS ((const bfd_byte *));
. bfd_signed_vma (*bfd_getx_signed_64) PARAMS ((const bfd_byte *));
. void (*bfd_putx64) PARAMS ((bfd_vma, bfd_byte *));
. bfd_vma (*bfd_getx32) PARAMS ((const bfd_byte *));
. bfd_signed_vma (*bfd_getx_signed_32) PARAMS ((const bfd_byte *));
. void (*bfd_putx32) PARAMS ((bfd_vma, bfd_byte *));
. bfd_vma (*bfd_getx16) PARAMS ((const bfd_byte *));
. bfd_signed_vma (*bfd_getx_signed_16) PARAMS ((const bfd_byte *));
. void (*bfd_putx16) PARAMS ((bfd_vma, bfd_byte *));
Byte swapping for the headers
. bfd_vma (*bfd_h_getx64) PARAMS ((const bfd_byte *));
. bfd_signed_vma (*bfd_h_getx_signed_64) PARAMS ((const bfd_byte *));
. void (*bfd_h_putx64) PARAMS ((bfd_vma, bfd_byte *));
. bfd_vma (*bfd_h_getx32) PARAMS ((const bfd_byte *));
. bfd_signed_vma (*bfd_h_getx_signed_32) PARAMS ((const bfd_byte *));
. void (*bfd_h_putx32) PARAMS ((bfd_vma, bfd_byte *));
. bfd_vma (*bfd_h_getx16) PARAMS ((const bfd_byte *));
. bfd_signed_vma (*bfd_h_getx_signed_16) PARAMS ((const bfd_byte *));
. void (*bfd_h_putx16) PARAMS ((bfd_vma, bfd_byte *));
Format dependent routines: these are vectors of entry points
within the target vector structure, one for each format to check.
Check the format of a file being read. Return a <<bfd_target *>> or zero.
. const struct bfd_target *(*_bfd_check_format[bfd_type_end]) PARAMS ((bfd *));
Set the format of a file being written.
. boolean (*_bfd_set_format[bfd_type_end]) PARAMS ((bfd *));
Write cached information into a file being written, at <<bfd_close>>.
. boolean (*_bfd_write_contents[bfd_type_end]) PARAMS ((bfd *));
The general target vector.
. {* Generic entry points. *}
. {* Called when the BFD is being closed to do any necessary cleanup. *}
. boolean (*_close_and_cleanup) PARAMS ((bfd *));
. {* Ask the BFD to free all cached information. *}
. boolean (*_bfd_free_cached_info) PARAMS ((bfd *));
. {* Called when a new section is created. *}
. boolean (*_new_section_hook) PARAMS ((bfd *, sec_ptr));
. {* Read the contents of a section. *}
. boolean (*_bfd_get_section_contents) PARAMS ((bfd *, sec_ptr, PTR,
. file_ptr, bfd_size_type));
. boolean (*_bfd_get_section_contents_in_window)
. PARAMS ((bfd *, sec_ptr, bfd_window *,
. file_ptr, bfd_size_type));
. {* Entry points to copy private data. *}
. {* Called to copy BFD general private data from one object file
. to another. *}
. boolean (*_bfd_copy_private_bfd_data) PARAMS ((bfd *, bfd *));
. {* Called to merge BFD general private data from one object file
. to a common output file when linking. *}
. boolean (*_bfd_merge_private_bfd_data) PARAMS ((bfd *, bfd *));
. {* Called to copy BFD private section data from one object file
. to another. *}
. boolean (*_bfd_copy_private_section_data) PARAMS ((bfd *, sec_ptr,
. bfd *, sec_ptr));
. {* Called to copy BFD private symbol data from one symbol
. to another. *}
. boolean (*_bfd_copy_private_symbol_data) PARAMS ((bfd *, asymbol *,
. bfd *, asymbol *));
. {* Called to set private backend flags *}
. boolean (*_bfd_set_private_flags) PARAMS ((bfd *, flagword));
. {* Called to print private BFD data *}
. boolean (*_bfd_print_private_bfd_data) PARAMS ((bfd *, PTR));
. {* Core file entry points. *}
. char * (*_core_file_failing_command) PARAMS ((bfd *));
. int (*_core_file_failing_signal) PARAMS ((bfd *));
. boolean (*_core_file_matches_executable_p) PARAMS ((bfd *, bfd *));
. {* Archive entry points. *}
. boolean (*_bfd_slurp_armap) PARAMS ((bfd *));
. boolean (*_bfd_slurp_extended_name_table) PARAMS ((bfd *));
. boolean (*_bfd_construct_extended_name_table)
. PARAMS ((bfd *, char **, bfd_size_type *, const char **));
. void (*_bfd_truncate_arname) PARAMS ((bfd *, CONST char *, char *));
. boolean (*write_armap) PARAMS ((bfd *arch,
. unsigned int elength,
. struct orl *map,
. unsigned int orl_count,
. int stridx));
. PTR (*_bfd_read_ar_hdr_fn) PARAMS ((bfd *));
. bfd * (*openr_next_archived_file) PARAMS ((bfd *arch, bfd *prev));
.#define bfd_get_elt_at_index(b,i) BFD_SEND(b, _bfd_get_elt_at_index, (b,i))
. bfd * (*_bfd_get_elt_at_index) PARAMS ((bfd *, symindex));
. int (*_bfd_stat_arch_elt) PARAMS ((bfd *, struct stat *));
. boolean (*_bfd_update_armap_timestamp) PARAMS ((bfd *));
. {* Entry points used for symbols. *}
. long (*_bfd_get_symtab_upper_bound) PARAMS ((bfd *));
. long (*_bfd_canonicalize_symtab) PARAMS ((bfd *,
. struct symbol_cache_entry **));
. struct symbol_cache_entry *
. (*_bfd_make_empty_symbol) PARAMS ((bfd *));
. void (*_bfd_print_symbol) PARAMS ((bfd *, PTR,
. struct symbol_cache_entry *,
. bfd_print_symbol_type));
.#define bfd_print_symbol(b,p,s,e) BFD_SEND(b, _bfd_print_symbol, (b,p,s,e))
. void (*_bfd_get_symbol_info) PARAMS ((bfd *,
. struct symbol_cache_entry *,
. symbol_info *));
.#define bfd_get_symbol_info(b,p,e) BFD_SEND(b, _bfd_get_symbol_info, (b,p,e))
. boolean (*_bfd_is_local_label) PARAMS ((bfd *, asymbol *));
. alent * (*_get_lineno) PARAMS ((bfd *, struct symbol_cache_entry *));
. boolean (*_bfd_find_nearest_line) PARAMS ((bfd *abfd,
. struct sec *section, struct symbol_cache_entry **symbols,
. bfd_vma offset, CONST char **file, CONST char **func,
. unsigned int *line));
. {* Back-door to allow format-aware applications to create debug symbols
. while using BFD for everything else. Currently used by the assembler
. when creating COFF files. *}
. asymbol * (*_bfd_make_debug_symbol) PARAMS ((
. bfd *abfd,
. void *ptr,
. unsigned long size));
.#define bfd_read_minisymbols(b, d, m, s) \
. BFD_SEND (b, _read_minisymbols, (b, d, m, s))
. long (*_read_minisymbols) PARAMS ((bfd *, boolean, PTR *,
. unsigned int *));
.#define bfd_minisymbol_to_symbol(b, d, m, f) \
. BFD_SEND (b, _minisymbol_to_symbol, (b, d, m, f))
. asymbol *(*_minisymbol_to_symbol) PARAMS ((bfd *, boolean, const PTR,
. asymbol *));
. {* Routines for relocs. *}
. long (*_get_reloc_upper_bound) PARAMS ((bfd *, sec_ptr));
. long (*_bfd_canonicalize_reloc) PARAMS ((bfd *, sec_ptr, arelent **,
. struct symbol_cache_entry **));
. {* See documentation on reloc types. *}
. reloc_howto_type *
. (*reloc_type_lookup) PARAMS ((bfd *abfd,
. bfd_reloc_code_real_type code));
. {* Routines used when writing an object file. *}
. boolean (*_bfd_set_arch_mach) PARAMS ((bfd *, enum bfd_architecture,
. unsigned long));
. boolean (*_bfd_set_section_contents) PARAMS ((bfd *, sec_ptr, PTR,
. file_ptr, bfd_size_type));
. {* Routines used by the linker. *}
. int (*_bfd_sizeof_headers) PARAMS ((bfd *, boolean));
. bfd_byte * (*_bfd_get_relocated_section_contents) PARAMS ((bfd *,
. struct bfd_link_info *, struct bfd_link_order *,
. bfd_byte *data, boolean relocateable,
. struct symbol_cache_entry **));
. boolean (*_bfd_relax_section) PARAMS ((bfd *, struct sec *,
. struct bfd_link_info *, boolean *again));
. {* Create a hash table for the linker. Different backends store
. different information in this table. *}
. struct bfd_link_hash_table *(*_bfd_link_hash_table_create) PARAMS ((bfd *));
. {* Add symbols from this object file into the hash table. *}
. boolean (*_bfd_link_add_symbols) PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *));
. {* Do a link based on the link_order structures attached to each
. section of the BFD. *}
. boolean (*_bfd_final_link) PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *));
. {* Should this section be split up into smaller pieces during linking. *}
. boolean (*_bfd_link_split_section) PARAMS ((bfd *, struct sec *));
. {* Routines to handle dynamic symbols and relocs. *}
. {* Get the amount of memory required to hold the dynamic symbols. *}
. long (*_bfd_get_dynamic_symtab_upper_bound) PARAMS ((bfd *));
. {* Read in the dynamic symbols. *}
. long (*_bfd_canonicalize_dynamic_symtab)
. PARAMS ((bfd *, struct symbol_cache_entry **));
. {* Get the amount of memory required to hold the dynamic relocs. *}
. long (*_bfd_get_dynamic_reloc_upper_bound) PARAMS ((bfd *));
. {* Read in the dynamic relocs. *}
. long (*_bfd_canonicalize_dynamic_reloc)
. PARAMS ((bfd *, arelent **, struct symbol_cache_entry **));
Data for use by back-end routines, which isn't generic enough to belong
in this structure.
. PTR backend_data;
.} bfd_target;
/* All known xvecs (even those that don't compile on all systems).
Alphabetized for easy reference.
They are listed a second time below, since
we can't intermix extern's and initializers. */
extern const bfd_target a29kcoff_big_vec;
extern const bfd_target a_out_adobe_vec;
extern const bfd_target aout_arm_big_vec;
extern const bfd_target aout_arm_little_vec;
extern const bfd_target aout_mips_big_vec;
extern const bfd_target aout_mips_little_vec;
extern const bfd_target aout0_big_vec;
extern const bfd_target apollocoff_vec;
extern const bfd_target armcoff_little_vec;
extern const bfd_target armcoff_big_vec;
extern const bfd_target armpe_little_vec;
extern const bfd_target armpe_big_vec;
extern const bfd_target armpei_little_vec;
extern const bfd_target armpei_big_vec;
extern const bfd_target b_out_vec_big_host;
extern const bfd_target b_out_vec_little_host;
extern const bfd_target bfd_elf32_big_generic_vec;
extern const bfd_target bfd_elf32_bigmips_vec;
extern const bfd_target bfd_elf32_hppa_vec;
extern const bfd_target bfd_elf32_i386_vec;
extern const bfd_target bfd_elf32_i860_vec;
extern const bfd_target bfd_elf32_little_generic_vec;
extern const bfd_target bfd_elf32_littlemips_vec;
extern const bfd_target bfd_elf32_m68k_vec;
extern const bfd_target bfd_elf32_m88k_vec;
extern const bfd_target bfd_elf32_powerpc_vec;
extern const bfd_target bfd_elf32_powerpcle_vec;
extern const bfd_target bfd_elf32_sparc_vec;
extern const bfd_target bfd_elf64_big_generic_vec;
extern const bfd_target bfd_elf64_little_generic_vec;
extern const bfd_target bfd_elf64_sparc_vec;
extern const bfd_target demo_64_vec;
extern const bfd_target ecoff_big_vec;
extern const bfd_target ecoff_little_vec;
extern const bfd_target ecoffalpha_little_vec;
extern const bfd_target h8300coff_vec;
extern const bfd_target h8500coff_vec;
extern const bfd_target host_aout_vec;
extern const bfd_target hp300bsd_vec;
extern const bfd_target hp300hpux_vec;
extern const bfd_target som_vec;
extern const bfd_target i386aout_vec;
extern const bfd_target i386bsd_vec;
extern const bfd_target i386dynix_vec;
extern const bfd_target i386freebsd_vec;
extern const bfd_target i386os9k_vec;
extern const bfd_target i386coff_vec;
extern const bfd_target bfd_powerpc_pe_vec;
extern const bfd_target bfd_powerpcle_pe_vec;
extern const bfd_target bfd_powerpc_pei_vec;
extern const bfd_target bfd_powerpcle_pei_vec;
extern const bfd_target i386pe_vec;
extern const bfd_target i386pei_vec;
extern const bfd_target go32coff_vec;
extern const bfd_target i386linux_vec;
extern const bfd_target i386lynx_aout_vec;
extern const bfd_target i386lynx_coff_vec;
extern const bfd_target i386mach3_vec;
extern const bfd_target i386msdos_vec;
extern const bfd_target i386netbsd_vec;
extern const bfd_target i860coff_vec;
extern const bfd_target icoff_big_vec;
extern const bfd_target icoff_little_vec;
extern const bfd_target ieee_vec;
extern const bfd_target m68kaux_coff_vec;
extern const bfd_target m68kcoff_vec;
extern const bfd_target m68kcoffun_vec;
extern const bfd_target m68klinux_vec;
extern const bfd_target m68klynx_aout_vec;
extern const bfd_target m68klynx_coff_vec;
extern const bfd_target m68knetbsd_vec;
extern const bfd_target m68k4knetbsd_vec;
extern const bfd_target m88kbcs_vec;
extern const bfd_target m88kmach3_vec;
extern const bfd_target newsos3_vec;
extern const bfd_target nlm32_i386_vec;
extern const bfd_target nlm32_sparc_vec;
extern const bfd_target nlm32_alpha_vec;
extern const bfd_target nlm32_powerpc_vec;
extern const bfd_target pc532netbsd_vec;
extern const bfd_target oasys_vec;
extern const bfd_target pc532machaout_vec;
extern const bfd_target riscix_vec;
extern const bfd_target pmac_xcoff_vec;
extern const bfd_target rs6000coff_vec;
extern const bfd_target shcoff_vec;
extern const bfd_target shlcoff_vec;
extern const bfd_target sparclynx_aout_vec;
extern const bfd_target sparclynx_coff_vec;
extern const bfd_target sparcnetbsd_vec;
extern const bfd_target sparccoff_vec;
extern const bfd_target sunos_big_vec;
extern const bfd_target tekhex_vec;
extern const bfd_target versados_vec;
extern const bfd_target we32kcoff_vec;
extern const bfd_target w65_vec;
extern const bfd_target z8kcoff_vec;
/* srec is always included. */
extern const bfd_target srec_vec;
extern const bfd_target symbolsrec_vec;
/* binary is always included. */
extern const bfd_target binary_vec;
/* ihex is always included. */
extern const bfd_target ihex_vec;
/* All of the xvecs for core files. */
extern const bfd_target aix386_core_vec;
extern const bfd_target cisco_core_vec;
extern const bfd_target hpux_core_vec;
extern const bfd_target hppabsd_core_vec;
extern const bfd_target irix_core_vec;
extern const bfd_target osf_core_vec;
extern const bfd_target sco_core_vec;
extern const bfd_target trad_core_vec;
extern const bfd_target ptrace_core_vec;
const bfd_target * const bfd_target_vector[] = {
#else /* not SELECT_VECS */
/* This list is alphabetized to make it easy to compare
with other vector lists -- the decls above and
the case statement in
Vectors that don't compile on all systems, or aren't finished,
should have an entry here with #if 0 around it, to show that
it wasn't omitted by mistake. */
#if 0 /* No one seems to use this. */
/* This, and other vectors, may not be used in any *.mt configuration.
But that does not mean they are unnecessary. If configured with
--enable-targets=all, objdump or gdb should be able to examine
the file even if we don't recognize the machine type. */
#ifdef BFD64 /* No one seems to use this. */
#if 0
/* We don't include cisco_core_vec. Although it has a magic number,
the magic number isn't at the beginning of the file, and thus
might spuriously match other kinds of files. */
#ifdef BFD64
&demo_64_vec, /* Only compiled if host has long-long support */
#if 0
#if 0
/* Since a.out files lack decent magic numbers, no way to recognize
which kind of a.out file it is. */
#if 0 /* Clashes with sunos_big_vec magic no. */
#if defined (HOST_HPPAHPUX) || defined (HOST_HPPABSD) || defined (HOST_HPPAOSF)
#if 0
/* Since a.out files lack decent magic numbers, no way to recognize
which kind of a.out file it is. */
#if 0
/* No distinguishing features for Mach 3 executables. */
#if 0
/* Since a.out files lack decent magic numbers, no way to recognize
which kind of a.out file it is. */
#ifdef BFD64
#if 0
/* We have no oasys tools anymore, so we can't test any of this
anymore. If you want to test the stuff yourself, go ahead...
Worse, since there is no magic number for archives, there
can be annoying target mis-matches. */
#if 0
/* We have no way of distinguishing these from other a.out variants */
#if 0
/* This has the same magic number as RS/6000. */
#endif /* not SELECT_VECS */
/* Always support S-records, for convenience. */
/* And tekhex */
/* Likewise for binary output. */
/* Likewise for ihex. */
/* Add any required traditional-core-file-handler. */
#ifdef AIX386_CORE
#ifdef HPUX_CORE
#ifdef IRIX_CORE
#ifdef OSF_CORE
#ifdef TRAD_CORE
NULL /* end of list marker */
/* bfd_default_vector[0] contains either the address of the default vector,
if there is one, or zero if there isn't. */
const bfd_target * const bfd_default_vector[] = {
/* When there is an ambiguous match, bfd_check_format_matches puts the
names of the matching targets in an array. This variable is the maximum
number of entries that the array could possibly need. */
const size_t _bfd_target_vector_entries = sizeof(bfd_target_vector)/sizeof(*bfd_target_vector);
const bfd_target *bfd_find_target(CONST char *target_name, bfd *abfd);
Return a pointer to the transfer vector for the object target
named @var{target_name}. If @var{target_name} is <<NULL>>, choose the
one in the environment variable <<GNUTARGET>>; if that is null or not
defined, then choose the first entry in the target list.
Passing in the string "default" or setting the environment
variable to "default" will cause the first entry in the target
list to be returned, and "target_defaulted" will be set in the
BFD. This causes <<bfd_check_format>> to loop over all the
targets to find the one that matches the file being read.
const bfd_target *
bfd_find_target (target_name, abfd)
CONST char *target_name;
bfd *abfd;
const bfd_target * const *target;
extern char *getenv ();
CONST char *targname = (target_name ? target_name :
(CONST char *) getenv ("GNUTARGET"));
/* This is safe; the vector cannot be null */
if (targname == NULL || !strcmp (targname, "default")) {
abfd->target_defaulted = true;
return abfd->xvec = bfd_target_vector[0];
abfd->target_defaulted = false;
for (target = &bfd_target_vector[0]; *target != NULL; target++) {
if (!strcmp (targname, (*target)->name))
return abfd->xvec = *target;
bfd_set_error (bfd_error_invalid_target);
return NULL;
const char **bfd_target_list(void);
Return a freshly malloced NULL-terminated
vector of the names of all the valid BFD targets. Do not
modify the names.
const char **
bfd_target_list ()
int vec_length= 0;
#if defined (HOST_HPPAHPUX) && ! defined (__STDC__)
/* The native compiler on the HP9000/700 has a bug which causes it
to loop endlessly when compiling this file. This avoids it. */
const bfd_target * const *target;
CONST char **name_list, **name_ptr;
for (target = &bfd_target_vector[0]; *target != NULL; target++)
name_ptr = name_list = (CONST char **)
bfd_zmalloc ((vec_length + 1) * sizeof (char **));
if (name_list == NULL)
return NULL;
for (target = &bfd_target_vector[0]; *target != NULL; target++)
*(name_ptr++) = (*target)->name;
return name_list;

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

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@ -1,315 +0,0 @@
/* BFD back end for traditional Unix core files (U-area and raw sections)
Copyright 1988, 1989, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
Written by John Gilmore of Cygnus Support.
This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
#include "bfd.h"
#include "sysdep.h"
#include "libbfd.h"
#include "libaout.h" /* BFD a.out internal data structures */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/param.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <sys/user.h> /* After a.out.h */
#include TRAD_HEADER
struct trad_core_struct
asection *data_section;
asection *stack_section;
asection *reg_section;
struct user u;
#define core_upage(bfd) (&((bfd)->tdata.trad_core_data->u))
#define core_datasec(bfd) ((bfd)->tdata.trad_core_data->data_section)
#define core_stacksec(bfd) ((bfd)->tdata.trad_core_data->stack_section)
#define core_regsec(bfd) ((bfd)->tdata.trad_core_data->reg_section)
/* forward declarations */
const bfd_target *trad_unix_core_file_p PARAMS ((bfd *abfd));
char * trad_unix_core_file_failing_command PARAMS ((bfd *abfd));
int trad_unix_core_file_failing_signal PARAMS ((bfd *abfd));
boolean trad_unix_core_file_matches_executable_p
PARAMS ((bfd *core_bfd, bfd *exec_bfd));
/* Handle 4.2-style (and perhaps also sysV-style) core dump file. */
const bfd_target *
trad_unix_core_file_p (abfd)
bfd *abfd;
int val;
struct user u;
struct trad_core_struct *rawptr;
/* If defined, this macro is the file position of the user struct. */
if (bfd_seek (abfd, TRAD_CORE_USER_OFFSET, SEEK_SET) != 0)
return 0;
val = bfd_read ((void *)&u, 1, sizeof u, abfd);
if (val != sizeof u)
/* Too small to be a core file */
bfd_set_error (bfd_error_wrong_format);
return 0;
/* Sanity check perhaps??? */
if (u.u_dsize > 0x1000000) /* Remember, it's in pages... */
bfd_set_error (bfd_error_wrong_format);
return 0;
if (u.u_ssize > 0x1000000)
bfd_set_error (bfd_error_wrong_format);
return 0;
/* Check that the size claimed is no greater than the file size. */
FILE *stream = bfd_cache_lookup (abfd);
struct stat statbuf;
if (stream == NULL)
return 0;
if (fstat (fileno (stream), &statbuf) < 0)
bfd_set_error (bfd_error_system_call);
return 0;
if (NBPG * (UPAGES + u.u_dsize
- u.u_tsize
+ u.u_ssize) > statbuf.st_size)
bfd_set_error (bfd_error_file_truncated);
return 0;
if (NBPG * (UPAGES + u.u_dsize + u.u_ssize)
/* Some systems write the file too big. */
< statbuf.st_size)
/* The file is too big. Maybe it's not a core file
or we otherwise have bad values for u_dsize and u_ssize). */
bfd_set_error (bfd_error_wrong_format);
return 0;
/* OK, we believe you. You're a core file (sure, sure). */
/* Allocate both the upage and the struct core_data at once, so
a single free() will free them both. */
rawptr = (struct trad_core_struct *)
bfd_zmalloc (sizeof (struct trad_core_struct));
if (rawptr == NULL)
return 0;
abfd->tdata.trad_core_data = rawptr;
rawptr->u = u; /*Copy the uarea into the tdata part of the bfd */
/* Create the sections. This is raunchy, but bfd_close wants to free
them separately. */
core_stacksec(abfd) = (asection *) bfd_zalloc (abfd, sizeof (asection));
if (core_stacksec (abfd) == NULL)
return NULL;
core_datasec (abfd) = (asection *) bfd_zalloc (abfd, sizeof (asection));
if (core_datasec (abfd) == NULL)
return NULL;
core_regsec (abfd) = (asection *) bfd_zalloc (abfd, sizeof (asection));
if (core_regsec (abfd) == NULL)
return NULL;
core_stacksec (abfd)->name = ".stack";
core_datasec (abfd)->name = ".data";
core_regsec (abfd)->name = ".reg";
core_stacksec (abfd)->flags = SEC_ALLOC + SEC_LOAD + SEC_HAS_CONTENTS;
core_datasec (abfd)->flags = SEC_ALLOC + SEC_LOAD + SEC_HAS_CONTENTS;
core_regsec (abfd)->flags = SEC_HAS_CONTENTS;
core_datasec (abfd)->_raw_size = NBPG * u.u_dsize
- NBPG * u.u_tsize
core_stacksec (abfd)->_raw_size = NBPG * u.u_ssize;
core_regsec (abfd)->_raw_size = NBPG * UPAGES; /* Larger than sizeof struct u */
/* What a hack... we'd like to steal it from the exec file,
since the upage does not seem to provide it. FIXME. */
core_datasec (abfd)->vma = HOST_DATA_START_ADDR;
core_datasec (abfd)->vma = HOST_TEXT_START_ADDR + (NBPG * u.u_tsize);
core_stacksec (abfd)->vma = HOST_STACK_START_ADDR;
core_stacksec (abfd)->vma = HOST_STACK_END_ADDR - (NBPG * u.u_ssize);
/* This is tricky. As the "register section", we give them the entire
upage and stack. u.u_ar0 points to where "register 0" is stored.
There are two tricks with this, though. One is that the rest of the
registers might be at positive or negative (or both) displacements
from *u_ar0. The other is that u_ar0 is sometimes an absolute address
in kernel memory, and on other systems it is an offset from the beginning
of the `struct user'.
As a practical matter, we don't know where the registers actually are,
so we have to pass the whole area to GDB. We encode the value of u_ar0
by setting the .regs section up so that its virtual memory address
0 is at the place pointed to by u_ar0 (by setting the vma of the start
of the section to -u_ar0). GDB uses this info to locate the regs,
using minor trickery to get around the offset-or-absolute-addr problem. */
core_regsec (abfd)->vma = 0 - (bfd_vma) u.u_ar0;
core_datasec (abfd)->filepos = NBPG * UPAGES;
core_stacksec (abfd)->filepos = (NBPG * UPAGES) + NBPG * u.u_dsize
- NBPG * u.u_tsize
core_regsec (abfd)->filepos = 0; /* Register segment is the upage */
/* Align to word at least */
core_stacksec (abfd)->alignment_power = 2;
core_datasec (abfd)->alignment_power = 2;
core_regsec (abfd)->alignment_power = 2;
abfd->sections = core_stacksec (abfd);
core_stacksec (abfd)->next = core_datasec (abfd);
core_datasec (abfd)->next = core_regsec (abfd);
abfd->section_count = 3;
return abfd->xvec;
char *
trad_unix_core_file_failing_command (abfd)
bfd *abfd;
char *com = abfd->tdata.trad_core_data->u.u_comm;
if (*com)
return com;
return 0;
trad_unix_core_file_failing_signal (ignore_abfd)
bfd *ignore_abfd;
return -1; /* FIXME, where is it? */
trad_unix_core_file_matches_executable_p (core_bfd, exec_bfd)
bfd *core_bfd, *exec_bfd;
return true; /* FIXME, We have no way of telling at this point */
/* If somebody calls any byte-swapping routines, shoot them. */
abort(); /* This way doesn't require any declaration for ANSI to fuck up */
#define NO_GET ((bfd_vma (*) PARAMS (( const bfd_byte *))) swap_abort )
#define NO_PUT ((void (*) PARAMS ((bfd_vma, bfd_byte *))) swap_abort )
#define NO_SIGNED_GET \
((bfd_signed_vma (*) PARAMS ((const bfd_byte *))) swap_abort )
const bfd_target trad_core_vec =
BFD_ENDIAN_UNKNOWN, /* target byte order */
BFD_ENDIAN_UNKNOWN, /* target headers byte order */
(HAS_RELOC | EXEC_P | /* object flags */
(SEC_HAS_CONTENTS | SEC_ALLOC | SEC_LOAD | SEC_RELOC), /* section flags */
0, /* symbol prefix */
' ', /* ar_pad_char */
16, /* ar_max_namelen */
NO_GET, NO_SIGNED_GET, NO_PUT, /* 64 bit data */
NO_GET, NO_SIGNED_GET, NO_PUT, /* 32 bit data */
NO_GET, NO_SIGNED_GET, NO_PUT, /* 16 bit data */
NO_GET, NO_SIGNED_GET, NO_PUT, /* 64 bit hdrs */
NO_GET, NO_SIGNED_GET, NO_PUT, /* 32 bit hdrs */
NO_GET, NO_SIGNED_GET, NO_PUT, /* 16 bit hdrs */
{ /* bfd_check_format */
_bfd_dummy_target, /* unknown format */
_bfd_dummy_target, /* object file */
_bfd_dummy_target, /* archive */
trad_unix_core_file_p /* a core file */
{ /* bfd_set_format */
bfd_false, bfd_false,
bfd_false, bfd_false
{ /* bfd_write_contents */
bfd_false, bfd_false,
bfd_false, bfd_false
BFD_JUMP_TABLE_GENERIC (_bfd_generic),
BFD_JUMP_TABLE_COPY (_bfd_generic),
BFD_JUMP_TABLE_CORE (trad_unix),
BFD_JUMP_TABLE_ARCHIVE (_bfd_noarchive),
BFD_JUMP_TABLE_SYMBOLS (_bfd_nosymbols),
BFD_JUMP_TABLE_RELOCS (_bfd_norelocs),
BFD_JUMP_TABLE_WRITE (_bfd_generic),
BFD_JUMP_TABLE_LINK (_bfd_nolink),
BFD_JUMP_TABLE_DYNAMIC (_bfd_nodynamic),
(PTR) 0 /* backend_data */

View File

@ -1,339 +0,0 @@
Version 2, June 1991
Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA
Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public
License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free
software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This
General Public License applies to most of the Free Software
Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to
using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by
the GNU Library General Public License instead.) You can apply it to
your programs, too.
When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it
if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it
in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things.
To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights.
These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you
distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it.
For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that
you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the
source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their
We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and
(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy,
distribute and/or modify the software.
Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain
that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free
software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we
want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so
that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original
authors' reputations.
Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software
patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free
program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the
program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any
patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all.
The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
modification follow.
0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains
a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed
under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below,
refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program"
means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law:
that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it,
either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another
language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in
the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you".
Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of
running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program
is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the
Program (independent of having been made by running the Program).
Whether that is true depends on what the Program does.
1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's
source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you
conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate
copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the
notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty;
and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License
along with the Program.
You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and
you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee.
2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion
of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and
distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices
stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in
whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any
part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third
parties under the terms of this License.
c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively
when run, you must cause it, when started running for such
interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an
announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a
notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide
a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under
these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this
License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but
does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on
the Program is not required to print an announcement.)
These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If
identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program,
and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you
distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it.
Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
collective works based on the Program.
In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program
with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of
a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
the scope of this License.
3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it,
under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of
Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:
a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable
source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections
1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or,
b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three
years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your
cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete
machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be
distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium
customarily used for software interchange; or,
c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer
to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is
allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you
received the program in object code or executable form with such
an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.)
The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for
making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source
code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any
associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to
control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a
special exception, the source code distributed need not include
anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary
form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the
operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component
itself accompanies the executable.
If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering
access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent
access to copy the source code from the same place counts as
distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not
compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program
except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt
otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is
void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License.
However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under
this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such
parties remain in full compliance.
5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are
prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by
modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the
Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
the Program or works based on it.
6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the
Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to
these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further
restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to
this License.
7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot
distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent
license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by
all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
refrain entirely from distribution of the Program.
If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under
any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to
apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other
It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
integrity of the free software distribution system, which is
implemented by public license practices. Many people have made
generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
impose that choice.
This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
be a consequence of the rest of this License.
8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in
certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
original copyright holder who places the Program under this License
may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding
those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among
countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates
the limitation as if written in the body of this License.
9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will
be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
address new problems or concerns.
Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program
specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any
later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions
either of that version or of any later version published by the Free
Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of
this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software
10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free
programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author
to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free
Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes
make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals
of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and
of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally.
Appendix: How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.
To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest
to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
<one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
Copyright (C) 19yy <name of author>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this
when it starts in an interactive mode:
Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) 19yy name of author
Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate
parts of the General Public License. Of course, the commands you use may
be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be
mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program.
You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your
school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if
necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names:
Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program
`Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker.
<signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1989
Ty Coon, President of Vice
This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into
proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you may
consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the
library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Library General
Public License instead of this License.

View File

@ -1,973 +0,0 @@
Tue Mar 12 17:29:46 1996 Ian Lance Taylor <>
* bfdlink.h (bfd_wrapped_link_hash_lookup): Declare.
(struct bfd_link_info): Add wrap_hash field.
Wed Feb 14 16:49:17 1996 Martin Anantharaman <>
* ieee.h (ieee_record_enum_type): Define
Fri Feb 2 17:09:25 1996 Doug Evans <>
* dis-asm.h (DISASM_RAW_INSN): Delete.
Tue Jan 23 09:21:47 1996 Doug Evans <>
New argument FPRINTF_FUNC.
Mon Jan 22 16:37:59 1996 Doug Evans <>
* dis-asm.h (disassemble_info): New members arch, mach, endian.
(INIT_DISASSEMBLE_INFO): Initialize them.
Thu Jan 18 11:32:38 1996 Ian Lance Taylor <>
* demangle.h (cplus_demangle_opname): Change opname parameter to
const char *.
(cplus_mangle_opname): Change return type and opname parameter to
const char *.
Fri Jan 5 00:01:22 1996 Ian Lance Taylor <>
* ieee.h (enum ieee_record): Add ieee_asn_record_enum,
ieee_at_record_enum, ieee_ty_record_enum, ieee_atn_record_enum,
ieee_bb_record_enum, and ieee_be_record_enum.
Wed Jan 3 13:12:09 1996 Fred Fish <>
* obstack.h: Update copyright to 1996.
(_obstack_memory_used): Declare.
(obstack_memory_used): Define macro.
Thu Dec 28 11:42:12 1995 Ian Lance Taylor <>
* libiberty.h (xstrdup): Declare.
Thu Dec 21 14:47:17 1995 Michael Meissner <>
* wait.h: Protect all macros with #ifndef.
Tue Oct 24 21:45:40 1995 Ian Lance Taylor <>
* bfdlink.h (struct bfd_link_info): Add static_link field.
Tue Sep 12 16:28:04 1995 Ian Lance Taylor <>
* bfdlink.h (struct bfd_link_callbacks): Add symbol parameter to
warning callback.
Fri Sep 1 13:11:51 1995 Ian Lance Taylor <>
* bfdlink.h (struct bfd_link_callbacks): Change warning callback
to take BFD, section, and address arguments.
Thu Aug 31 16:45:12 1995 steve chamberlain <>
* bfdlink.h (struct bfd_link_info): Remove PE stuff.
Tue Aug 22 03:18:23 1995 Ken Raeburn <>
* libiberty.h: Declare xstrerror. From Pat Rankin.
Mon Aug 21 18:11:36 1995 steve chamberlain <>
* bfdlink.h (struct bfd_link_info): Remove PE stuff.
Wed Aug 2 08:14:12 1995 Doug Evans <>
* dis-asm.h (print_insn_sparc64): Declare.
Mon Jul 10 13:26:49 1995 Eric Youngdale <>
* bfdlink.h (struct bfd_link_info): Add new field symbolic.
Sun Jul 2 17:48:40 1995 Ian Lance Taylor <>
* bfdlink.h (struct bfd_link_info): Change type of base_file to
Thu Jun 29 00:02:45 1995 Steve Chamberlain <>
* bfdlink.h (struct bfd_link_info): Added base_file member.
Tue Jun 20 16:40:04 1995 Steve Chamberlain <>
* ansidecl.h: win32s is ANSI enough.
Thu May 18 04:25:50 1995 Ken Raeburn <>
Wed May 10 14:28:16 1995 Richard Earnshaw (
* dis-asm.h (print_insn_arm): Delete declaration.
(print_insn_{little,big}_arm): New declarations.
* floatformat.h (floatformat_arm_ext): Declare.
Sat May 13 10:14:08 1995 Steve Chamberlain <>
* coff/pe.h: New file.
* bfdlink.h (subsytem, stack_heap_parameters): New.
* coff/internal.h (internal_filehdr): New fields for PE.
(internal_aouthdr): New fields for PE.
Thu May 4 14:36:42 1995 Jason Merrill <>
* demangle.h: Don't include ansidecl.h if IN_GCC.
Tue Feb 21 00:37:28 1995 Jeff Law (
* hp-symtab.h: Don't use bitfield enumerations, the HP C compiler
does not handle them correctly.
Thu Feb 9 14:20:27 1995 Ian Lance Taylor <>
* libiberty.h (basename): Don't declare parameter type; some
systems have this in their header files.
Wed Feb 8 17:35:38 1995 Ian Lance Taylor <>
* bfdlink.h (struct bfd_link_hash_entry): Change format of common
symbol information, to remove restrictions on maximum size and
alignment power, by using a pointer to a structure instead.
Mon Feb 6 14:55:32 1995 Ian Lance Taylor <>
* bfdlink.h (enum bfd_link_hash_type): Rename bfd_link_hash_weak
to bfd_link_hash_undefweak. Add bfd_link_hash_defweak.
Mon Jan 16 21:00:23 1995 Stan Shebs <>
* dis-asm.h (GDB_INIT_DISASSEMBLE_INFO, etc): Remove all
GDB-specific definitions.
Sun Jan 15 18:39:35 1995 Steve Chamberlain <sac@splat>
* dis-asm.h (print_insn_w65): Declare.
Thu Jan 12 17:51:17 1995 Ken Raeburn <>
* libiberty.h (hex_p): Fix sense of test.
Wed Jan 11 22:36:40 1995 Ken Raeburn <>
* libiberty.h (_hex_array_size, _hex_bad, _hex_value, hex_init,
hex_p, hex_value): New macros and declarations, for hex.c.
Fri Jan 6 17:44:14 1995 Ian Lance Taylor <>
* dis-asm.h: Make idempotent.
Wed Dec 14 13:08:43 1994 Stan Shebs <>
* progress.h: New file, empty definitions for progress macros.
Fri Nov 25 00:14:05 1994 Jeff Law (
* hp-symtab.h: New file describing the debug symbols emitted
by the HP C compilers.
Fri Nov 11 15:48:37 1994 Ian Lance Taylor <>
* bfdlink.h (struct bfd_link_hash_entry): Change u.c.size from 24
to 26 bits, and change u.c.alignment_power from 8 to 6 bits. 6
bit in the alignment power is enough for a 64 bit address space.
Mon Oct 31 13:02:51 1994 Stan Shebs (
* demangle.h (cplus_mangle_opname): Declare.
Tue Oct 25 11:38:02 1994 Ian Lance Taylor <>
* bfdlink.h (struct bfd_link_callbacks): Fix comments for
multiple_common field.
Sun Sep 04 17:58:10 1994 Richard Earnshaw (
* aout/aout64.h: Only define QMAGIC if it isn't already defined.
* dis-asm.h: Add support for the ARM.
Wed Aug 10 12:51:41 1994 Doug Evans (
* libiberty.h (strsignal): Document its existence even if we
can't declare it.
Tue Aug 2 14:40:03 1994 Jim Kingdon (
* os9k.h: Remove u_int16, u_int32, and owner_id typedefs and
expand their uses. Those names conflict with Mach headers.
Fri Jul 22 14:17:12 1994 Ian Lance Taylor (
* bfdlink.h (struct bfd_link_hash_entry): Change u.c.size into a
bitfield. Add field u.c.alignment_power.
Sun Jul 10 00:26:39 1994 Ian Dall (
* dis-asm.h: Add print_insn_ns32k declaration.
Mon Jun 20 17:13:29 1994 Ian Lance Taylor (
* bfdlink.h (bfd_link_hash_table): Make creator a const pointer.
Sat Jun 18 16:09:32 1994 Stan Shebs (
* demangle.h (cplus_demangle_opname): Declare.
Thu Jun 16 15:19:03 1994 Ian Lance Taylor (
* bfdlink.h (struct bfd_link_info): Add new field shared.
Mon Jun 6 14:39:44 1994 Ian Lance Taylor (
* bfdlink.h (struct bfd_link_hash_entry): Remove written field:
not needed for all backends.
Thu Apr 28 19:06:50 1994 Ken Raeburn (
* dis-asm.h (disassembler): Declare.
Fri Apr 1 00:38:17 1994 Jim Wilson (
* obstack.h: Delete use of IN_GCC to control whether
stddef.h or gstddef.h is included.
Tue Mar 22 13:06:02 1994 Ian Lance Taylor (
* bfdlink.h (enum bfd_link_order_type): Add bfd_data_link_order.
(struct bfd_link_order): Add data field to union.
Mon Mar 21 18:45:26 1994 Ian Lance Taylor (
* bfdlink.h (struct bfd_link_callbacks): Change bitsize argument
to add_to_set to reloc. Remove bitsize argument from constructor.
Comment that reloc_overflow, reloc_dangerous and unattached_reloc
must handle NULL pointers for reloc location.
(enum bfd_link_order_type): Add bfd_section_reloc_link_order and
(struct bfd_link_order): Add reloc field to union.
(struct bfd_link_order_reloc): Define.
Mon Mar 14 12:27:50 1994 Ian Lance Taylor (
* ieee-float.h: Removed; no longer used.
Tue Mar 1 18:10:49 1994 Kung Hsu (
* os9k.h: os9000 target specific header file, the header of the
object file is used now.
Sun Feb 27 21:52:26 1994 Jim Kingdon (
* floatformat.h: New file, intended to replace ieee-float.h.
Sun Feb 20 17:15:42 1994 Ian Lance Taylor (
* ansidecl.h (ANSI_PROTOTYPES): Define if using ANSI prototypes.
Wed Feb 16 01:07:12 1994 Ian Lance Taylor (
* libiberty.h: Don't declare strsignal, to avoid conflicts with
Solaris system header files.
Sat Feb 12 22:11:32 1994 Jeffrey A. Law (
* libiberty.h (xexit): Use __volatile__ to avoid losing if
compiling with gcc -traditional.
Thu Feb 10 14:05:41 1994 Ian Lance Taylor (
* libiberty.h: New file. Declares functions provided by
Tue Feb 8 05:19:52 1994 David J. Mackenzie (
Handle obstack_chunk_alloc returning NULL. This allows
obstacks to be used by libraries, without forcing them
to call exit or longjmp.
* obstack.h (struct obstack): Add alloc_failed flag.
_obstack_begin, _obstack_begin_1): Declare to return int, not void.
(obstack_finish): If alloc_failed, return NULL.
(obstack_base, obstack_next_free, objstack_object_size):
If alloc_failed, return 0.
(obstack_grow, obstack_grow0, obstack_1grow, obstack_ptr_grow,
obstack_int_grow, obstack_blank): If alloc_failed, do nothing that
could corrupt the obstack.
Mon Jan 24 15:06:05 1994 Ian Lance Taylor (
* bfdlink.h (struct bfd_link_callbacks): Add name, reloc_name and
addend argments to reloc_overflow callback.
Fri Jan 21 19:13:12 1994 Ian Lance Taylor (
* dis-asm.h (print_insn_big_powerpc, print_insn_little_powerpc,
print_insn_rs6000): Declare.
Thu Jan 6 14:15:55 1994 Ian Lance Taylor (
* bfdlink.h (struct bfd_link_callbacks): Add bitsize argument to
add_to_set field. Add new callback named constructor.
Thu Dec 30 10:44:06 1993 Ian Lance Taylor (
* bfdlink.h: New file for new BFD linker backend routines.
Mon Nov 29 10:43:57 1993 Ian Lance Taylor (
* dis-asm.h (enum dis_insn_tyupe): Remove non-ANSI trailing comma.
Sat Oct 2 20:42:26 1993 Jim Kingdon (
* dis-asm.h: Move comment to right place.
Mon Aug 9 19:03:35 1993 David J. Mackenzie (
* obstack.h (obstack_chunkfun, obstack_freefun): Add defns from
previous version. Are these Cygnus local changes?
Fri Aug 6 17:05:47 1993 David J. Mackenzie (
* getopt.h, obstack.h: Update to latest FSF version.
Mon Aug 2 16:37:14 1993 Stu Grossman (grossman at
* coff/i386.h: Add Lynx magic number.
Mon Aug 2 14:45:29 1993 John Gilmore (
* dis-asm.h: Move enum outside of struct defn to avoid warnings.
Mon Aug 2 08:49:30 1993 Stu Grossman (grossman at
* wait.h (WEXITSTATUS, WSTOPSIG): Mask down to 8 bits. This is
for systems that store stuff into the high 16 bits of a wait
Fri Jul 30 18:38:02 1993 John Gilmore (
* dis-asm.h: Add new fields insn_info_valid, branch_delay_insns,
data_size, insn_type, target, target2. These are used to return
information from the instruction decoders back to the calling
program. Add comments, make more readable.
Mon Jul 19 22:14:14 1993 Fred Fish (
* nlm: New directory containing NLM/NetWare includes.
Thu Jul 15 12:10:04 1993 Ken Raeburn (
* dis-asm.h (struct disassemble_info): New field application_data.
Thu Jul 15 12:41:15 1993 Ian Lance Taylor (
* dis-asm.h: Added declaration of print_insn_m88k.
Thu Jul 8 09:05:26 1993 Doug Evans (
* opcode/h8300.h: Lots of little fixes for the h8/300h.
Fri Jul 2 10:31:59 1993 Ian Lance Taylor (
* ansidecl.h: Use ANSI macros if __mips and _SYSTYPE_SVR4 are
defined, since RISC/OS cc handles ANSI declarations in SVR4 mode
but does not define __STDC__.
Sun Jun 20 18:27:52 1993 Ken Raeburn (
* dis-asm.h: Don't need to include ansidecl.h any more.
Fri Jun 18 03:22:10 1993 John Gilmore (
* oasys.h: Eliminate "int8_type", "int16_type", "int32_type", and
their variants. These changes are coordinated with corresponding
changes in ../bfd/oasys.c.
Wed Jun 16 10:43:08 1993 Fred Fish (
* bfd.h: Note that it has been removed.
Tue Jun 8 12:16:03 1993 Steve Chamberlain (
Support for H8/300-H
* dis-asm.h (print_insn_h8300, print_insn_h8300h): Declare it.
* coff/h8300.h: New magic number.
* coff/internal.h: New relocations.
* opcode/h8300.h: Lots of new opcodes.
Tue Jun 1 07:35:03 1993 Ken Raeburn (
* ansidecl.h (const): Don't define it if it's already defined.
Thu May 27 18:19:51 1993 Ken Raeburn (
* dis-asm.h (print_insn_hppa): Declare it.
* bfd.h: Moved to bfd directory. Small stub here includes it
without requiring "-I../bfd".
Thu Apr 29 12:06:13 1993 Ken Raeburn (
* bfd.h: Updated with BSF_FUNCTION.
Mon Apr 26 18:15:50 1993 Steve Chamberlain (
* bfd.h, dis-asm.h: Updated with Hitachi SH.
Fri Apr 23 18:41:38 1993 Steve Chamberlain (
* bfd.h: Updated with alpha changes.
* dis-asm.h: Added alpha.
Fri Apr 16 17:35:30 1993 Jim Kingdon (
* bfd.h: Update for signed bfd_*get_*.
Thu Apr 15 09:24:21 1993 Jim Kingdon (
* bfd.h: Updated for file_truncated error.
Thu Apr 8 10:53:47 1993 Ian Lance Taylor (
* ansidecl.h: If no ANSI, define const to be empty.
Thu Apr 1 09:00:10 1993 Jim Kingdon (
* dis-asm.h: Declare a29k and i960 print_insn_*.
* dis-asm.h: Add print_address_func and related stuff.
* dis-asm.h (dis_asm_read_memory): Fix prototype.
Wed Mar 31 17:40:16 1993 Jim Kingdon (
* dis-asm.h: Add print_insn_sparc.
Wed Mar 31 17:51:42 1993 Ian Lance Taylor (
* bfd.h: Updated for BFD_RELOC_MIPS_GPREL and bfd_[gs]et_gp_size
Wed Mar 31 16:35:12 1993 Stu Grossman (
* dis-asm.h: (disassemble_info): Fix typo in prototype of
Tue Mar 30 19:09:23 1993 Jim Kingdon (
* dis-asm.h (disassembler_info): Add read_memory_func,
memory_error_func, buffer, and length.
print_insn_*: Remove second argument.
Tue Mar 30 14:48:55 1993 Steve Chamberlain (
* bfd.h: Update for lma field of section.
Tue Mar 30 12:22:55 1993 Jim Kingdon (
* ansidecl.h: Use ANSI versions on AIX regardless of __STDC__.
Fri Mar 19 14:49:49 1993 Steve Chamberlain (
* dis-asm.h: Add h8500.
Thu Mar 18 13:49:09 1993 Per Bothner (
* ieee-float.h: Moved from ../gdb.
* dis-asm.h: New file. Interface to dis-assembler.
Thu Mar 11 10:52:57 1993 Fred Fish (
* demangle.h (DMGL_NO_OPTS): Add define (set to 0) to use
in place of bare 0, for readability reasons.
Tue Mar 2 17:50:11 1993 Fred Fish (
* demangle.h: Replace all references to cfront with ARM.
Tue Feb 23 12:21:14 1993 Ian Lance Taylor (
* bfd.h: Update for new elements in JUMP_TABLE.
Tue Feb 16 00:51:30 1993 John Gilmore (
* bfd.h: Update for BFD_VERSION 2.1.
Tue Jan 26 11:49:20 1993 Ian Lance Taylor (
* bfd.h: Update for SEC_IS_COMMON flag.
Tue Jan 19 12:25:12 1993 Ian Lance Taylor (
* bfd.h: Update for bfd_asymbol_value bug fix.
Fri Jan 8 16:37:18 1993 Ian Lance Taylor (
* bfd.h: Update to include ECOFF tdata and target_flavour.
Sun Dec 27 17:52:30 1992 Fred Fish (
* bfd.h: Add declaration for bfd_get_size().
Tue Dec 22 22:42:46 1992 Fred Fish (
* demangle.h: Protect file from multiple inclusions with
#if !defined(DEMANGLE_H)...#define DEMANGLE_H...#endif.
Mon Dec 21 21:25:50 1992 Stu Grossman (grossman at
* bfd.h: Update to get hppa_core_struct from bfd.c.
Thu Dec 17 00:42:35 1992 John Gilmore (
* bfd.h: Update to get tekhex tdata name change from bfd.
Mon Nov 9 23:55:42 1992 John Gilmore (
* ansidecl.h: Update comments to discourage use of EXFUN.
Thu Nov 5 16:35:44 1992 Ian Lance Taylor (
* bfd.h: Update to bring in SEC_SHARED_LIBRARY.
Thu Nov 5 03:21:32 1992 John Gilmore (
* bfd.h: Update to match EXFUN, bfd_seclet_struct, and SDEF
cleanups in bfd.
Wed Nov 4 07:28:05 1992 Ken Raeburn (
* bout.h (N_CALLNAME, N_BALNAME): Define as char-type values, so
widening works consistently.
Fri Oct 16 03:17:08 1992 John Gilmore (
* getopt.h: Update to Revised Standard FSF Version.
Thu Oct 15 21:43:22 1992 K. Richard Pixley (
* getopt.h (struct option): use the provided enum for has_arg.
LUCID_DEMANGLING): ultrix compilers require enums to be
enums and ints to be ints and casts where they meet. cast some
enums into ints.
Thu Oct 15 04:35:51 1992 John Gilmore (
* bfd.h: Update after comment changes.
Thu Oct 8 09:03:02 1992 Steve Chamberlain (
* bfd.h (bfd_get_symbol_leading_char): new macro for getting in xvec
Thu Sep 3 09:10:50 1992 Stu Grossman (grossman at
* bfd.h (struct reloc_howto_struct): size needs to be signed if
it's going to hold negative values.
Sun Aug 30 17:50:27 1992 Per Bothner (
* demangle.h: New file, moved from ../gdb. Made independent
of gdb. Allow demangling style option to be passed as a
parameter to cplus_demangle(), but using the
current_demangling_style global as the default.
Sat Aug 29 10:07:55 1992 Fred Fish (
* obstack.h: Merge comment change from current FSF version.
Thu Aug 27 12:59:29 1992 Brendan Kehoe (
* bfd.h: add we32k
Tue Aug 25 15:07:47 1992 Steve Chamberlain (
* bfd.h: new after Z8000 stuff
Mon Aug 17 09:01:23 1992 Ken Raeburn (
* bfd.h: Regenerated after page/segment size changes.
Sat Aug 1 13:46:31 1992 Fred Fish (
* obstack.h: Merge changes from current FSF version.
Mon Jul 20 21:06:23 1992 Fred Fish (
* obstack.h (area_id, flags): Remove, replace with extra_arg,
use_extra_arg, and maybe_empty_object.
Remove, replaced by maybe_empty_object and use_extra_arg bitfields.
* obstack.h (obstack_full_begin, _obstack_begin): Remove area_id
and flags arguments.
* obstack.h (obstack_alloc_arg): New macro to set extra_arg.
Thu Jul 16 08:12:44 1992 Steve Chamberlain (
* bfd.h: new after adding BFD_IS_RELAXABLE
Sat Jul 4 03:22:23 1992 John Gilmore (gnu at
* bfd.h: Regen after adding BSF_FILE.
Mon Jun 29 14:18:36 1992 Fred Fish (fnf at sunfish)
* obstack.h: Convert bcopy() use to memcpy(), which is more
portable, more standard, and can take advantage of gcc's builtin
functions for increased performance.
Thu Jun 25 04:46:08 1992 John Gilmore (gnu at
* ansidecl.h (PARAMS): Incorporate this macro from gdb's defs.h.
It's a cleaner way to forward-declare function prototypes.
Fri Jun 19 15:46:32 1992 Stu Grossman (grossman at
* bfd.h: HPPA merge.
Tue Jun 16 21:30:56 1992 K. Richard Pixley (
* getopt.h: gratuitous white space changes merged from other prep
Thu Jun 11 01:10:55 1992 John Gilmore (gnu at
* bfd.h: Regen'd from bfd.c after removing elf_core_tdata_struct.
Mon May 18 17:29:03 1992 K. Richard Pixley (
* getopt.h: merged changes from make-3.62.11.
* getopt.h: merged changes from grep-1.6 (alpha).
Fri May 8 14:53:32 1992 K. Richard Pixley (
* getopt.h: merged changes from bison-1.18.
Sat Mar 14 17:25:20 1992 Fred Fish (
* obstack.h: Add "area_id" and "flags" members to obstack
structure. Add obstack_chunkfun() and obstack_freefun() to
set functions explicitly. Convert maybe_empty_object to
a bit in "flags".
Thu Feb 27 22:01:02 1992 Per Bothner (
* wait.h (WIFSTOPPED): Add IBM rs6000-specific version.
Fri Feb 21 20:49:20 1992 John Gilmore (gnu at
* obstack.h: Add obstack_full_begin.
* bfd.h, obstack.h: Protolint.
Thu Jan 30 01:18:42 1992 John Gilmore (gnu at
* bfd.h: Remove comma from enum declaration.
Mon Jan 27 22:01:13 1992 Steve Chamberlain (sac at
* bfd.h : new target entr, bfd_relax_section
Wed Dec 18 17:19:44 1991 Stu Grossman (grossman at
* bfd.h, ieee.h, opcode/m68k.h, opcode/sparc.h: ANSIfy enums.
Thu Dec 12 20:59:56 1991 John Gilmore (gnu at
* fopen-same.h, fopen-bin.h: New files for configuring
whether fopen distinguishes binary files or not. For use
by host-dependent config files.
Sat Nov 30 20:46:43 1991 Steve Chamberlain (sac at
* bfd.h: change the documentation format.
* created coff, elf and opcode and aout directories. Moved:
aout64.h ==> aout/aout64.h
ar.h ==> aout/ar.h
a.out.encap.h ==> aout/encap.h ==> aout/host.h
a.out.hp.h ==> aout/hp.h
a.out.sun4.h ==> aout/sun4.h
ranlib.h ==> aout/ranlib.h
reloc.h ==> aout/reloc.h
stab.def ==> aout/stab.def
stab.gnu.h ==> aout/stab_gnu.h
coff-a29k.h ==> coff/a29k.h
coff-h8300.h ==> coff/h8300.h
coff-i386.h ==> coff/i386.h
coff-i960.h ==> coff/i960.h
internalcoff.h ==> coff/internal.h
coff-m68k.h ==> coff/m68k.h
coff-m88k.h ==> coff/m88k.h
coff-mips.h ==> coff/mips.h
coff-rs6000.h ==> coff/rs6000.h
elf-common.h ==> elf/common.h
dwarf.h ==> elf/dwarf.h
elf-external.h ==> elf/external.h
elf-internal.h ==> elf/internal.h
a29k-opcode.h ==> opcode/a29k.h
arm-opcode.h ==> opcode/arm.h
h8300-opcode.h ==> opcode/h8300.h
i386-opcode.h ==> opcode/i386.h
i860-opcode.h ==> opcode/i860.h
i960-opcode.h ==> opcode/i960.h
m68k-opcode.h ==> opcode/m68k.h
m88k-opcode.h ==> opcode/m88k.h
mips-opcode.h ==> opcode/mips.h
np1-opcode.h ==> opcode/np1.h
ns32k-opcode.h ==> opcode/ns32k.h
pn-opcode.h ==> opcode/pn.h
pyr-opcode.h ==> opcode/pyr.h
sparc-opcode.h ==> opcode/sparc.h
tahoe-opcode.h ==> opcode/tahoe.h
vax-opcode.h ==> opcode/vax.h
Wed Nov 27 10:38:31 1991 Steve Chamberlain (sac at
* internalcoff.h: (internal_scnhdr) took out #def dependency, now
s_nreloc and s_nlnno are always long. (internal_reloc): allways
has an offset field now.
Fri Nov 22 08:12:58 1991 John Gilmore (gnu at
* coff-rs6000.h: Lint; use unsigned chars for external fields.
* internalcoff.h: Lint; cast storage classes to signed char.
Thu Nov 21 21:01:05 1991 Per Bothner (bothner at
* stab.def: Remove the GNU extended type codes (e.g. N_SETT).
* aout64.h: The heuristic for distinguishing between
sunos-style and bsd-style ZMAGIC files (wrt. where the
text segment starts) is moved into (the default definition of)
the macro N_HEADER_IN_TEXT. This definition is only used
if no other definition is used - e.g. bfd/newsos3.c defines
N_HEADER_IN_TEXT(x) to be always 0 (as before).
Thu Nov 21 11:53:03 1991 John Gilmore (gnu at
* aout64.h (N_TXTADDR, N_TXTOFF, N_TXTSIZE): New definitions
that should handle all uses. LOGICAL_ versions deleted.
Eliminate N_HEADER_IN_TEXT, using a_entry to determine which
kind of zmagic a.out file we are looking at.
* coff-rs6000.h: Typo.
Tue Nov 19 18:43:37 1991 Per Bothner (bothner at
(Note: This is a revised entry, as was aout64.h.)
* aout64.h: Some cleanups of N_TXTADDR and N_TXTOFF:
Will now work for both old- and new-style ZMAGIC files,
depending on N_HEADER_IN_TEXT macro.
that don't count the exec header as part
of the text segment, to be consistent with bfd.
* a.out.sun4.h: Simplified/fixed for previous change.
Mon Nov 18 00:02:06 1991 Fred Fish (fnf at
* dwarf.h: Update to DWARF draft 5 version from gcc2.
Thu Nov 14 19:44:59 1991 Per Bothner (bothner at
* stab.def: Added defs for extended GNU symbol types,
such as N_SETT. These are normally ifdef'd out (because
of conflicts with a.out.gnu.h), but are used by bfb_stab_name().
Thu Nov 14 19:17:03 1991 Fred Fish (fnf at
* elf-common.h: Add defines to support ELF symbol table code.
Mon Nov 11 19:01:06 1991 Fred Fish (fnf at
* elf-internal.h, elf-external.h, elf-common.h: Add support for
note sections, which are used in ELF core files to hold copies
of various /proc structures.
Thu Nov 7 08:58:26 1991 Steve Chamberlain (sac at
* internalcoff.h: took out the M88 dependency in the lineno
* coff-m88k.h: defines GET_LINENO_LNNO and PUT_LINENO_LNNO to use
32bit linno entries.
* a29k-opcode.h: fixed encoding of mtacc
Sun Nov 3 11:54:22 1991 Per Bothner (bothner at
* bfd.h: Updated from ../bfd/bfd-in.h (q.v).
Fri Nov 1 11:13:53 1991 John Gilmore (gnu at
* internalcoff.h: Add x_csect defines.
Fri Oct 25 03:18:20 1991 John Gilmore (gnu at
* Rename COFF-related files in `coff-ARCH.h' form.
coff-a29k.h, coff-i386.h, coff-i960.h, coff-m68k.h, coff-m88k.h,
coff-mips.h, coff-rs6000.h to be exact.
Thu Oct 24 22:11:11 1991 John Gilmore (gnu at
RS/6000 support, by Metin G. Ozisik, Mimi Phûông-Thåo Võ, and
John Gilmore.
* a.out.gnu.h: Update slightly.
* bfd.h: Add new error code, fix doc, add bfd_arch_rs6000.
* internalcoff.h: Add more F_ codes for filehdr. Add
rs/6000-dependent fields to aouthdr. Add storage classes
to syments. Add 6000-specific auxent. Add r_size in reloc.
* rs6000coff.c: New file.
Thu Oct 24 04:13:20 1991 Fred Fish (fnf at
* dwarf.h: New file for dwarf support. Copied from gcc2
Wed Oct 16 13:31:45 1991 John Gilmore (gnu at
* aout64.h: Remove PAGE_SIZE defines; they are target-dependent.
Add N_FN_SEQ for N_FN symbol type used on Sequent machines.
* stab.def: Include N_FN_SEQ in table.
* bout.h: External formats of structures use unsigned chars.
Fri Oct 11 12:40:43 1991 Steve Chamberlain (steve at
* bfd.h:upgrade from bfd.c
* internalcoff.h: add n_name, n_zeroes and n_offset macros
* amdcoff.h: Define OMAGIC and AOUTHDRSZ.
Fri Oct 11 10:58:06 1991 Per Bothner (bothner at
* Change SEGMENT_SIZE to 0x1000 for Sony.
* bfd.h (align_power): Add (actually move) comment.
Tue Oct 8 15:29:32 1991 Per Bothner (bothner at
* sys/h-rtbsd.h: Define MISSING_VFPRINT (for binutils/bucomm.c).
Sun Oct 6 19:24:39 1991 John Gilmore (gnu at
* aout64.h: Move struct internal_exec to ../bfd/libaout.h so
it can be shared by all `a.out-family' code. Rename
for nlist members, and make strx integral rather than pointer.
More commentary on n_type values.
* bout.h: Provide a struct external_exec rather than an
* m68kcoff.h: Remove `tagentries' which snuck in from the i960
COFF port.
Fri Oct 4 01:25:59 1991 John Gilmore (gnu at
* h8300-opcode.h: Remove `_enum' from the typedef for an enum.
* bfd.h: Update to match bfd changes.
* sys/h-i386mach.h, sysdep.h: Add 386 Mach host support.
Tue Oct 1 04:58:42 1991 John Gilmore (gnu at
* bfd.h, elf-common.h, elf-external.h, elf-internal.h:
Add preliminary ELF support, sufficient for GDB, from Fred Fish.
* sysdep.h, sys/h-amix.h: Support Amiga SVR4.
* sys/h-vaxult.h: Make it work. (David Taylor <>)
* a.out.vax.h: Remove unused and confusing file.
Mon Sep 30 12:52:35 1991 Per Bothner (bothner at
* sysdep.h: Define NEWSOS3_SYS, and use it.
Fri Sep 20 13:38:21 1991 John Gilmore (gnu at
* a.out.gnu.h (N_FN): Its value *really is* 0x1F.
Fix it, and add comments warning about or-ing N_EXT with it
and/or N_WARNING.
* aout64.h (N_FN): Fix value, add comments about N_EXT.
* stab.def (table at end): Update to show all the type
values <0x20, including low order bits. Move N_FN to
its rightful place.
Tue Sep 17 17:41:37 1991 Stu Grossman (grossman at
* sys/h-irix3.h: sgi/irix support.
Tue Sep 17 07:52:59 1991 John Gilmore (gnu at
* stab.def (N_DEFD): Add GNU Modula-2 debug stab, from Andrew
Thu Sep 12 14:12:59 1991 John Gilmore (gnu at
* internalcoff.h (SYMNMLEN, FILNMLEN, DIMNUM): Define these
for internalcoff, separately from the various external coff's.
* amdcoff.h, bcs88kcoff.h, i386coff.h, intel-coff.h, m68kcoff.h,
m88k-bcs.h: Prefix SYMNMLEN, FILNMLEN, and DIMNUM with E_'s for
the external struct definitions.
* ecoff.h: Remove these #define's, kludge no longer needed.
* sys/h-ultra3.h: Add new Ultracomputer host.
* sysdep.h: Add ULTRA3_SYM1_SYS and use it.
Tue Sep 10 10:11:46 1991 John Gilmore (gnu at
* i386coff.h (LINESZ): Always 6, not based on sizeof().
(Fix from Peter Schauer <>.)
Wed Sep 4 08:58:37 1991 John Gilmore (gnu at
* a.out.gnu.h, aout64.h: Add N_WARNING. Change N_FN to 0x0E,
to match SunOS and BSD. Add N_COMM as 0x12 for SunOS shared lib
* stab.def: Add N_COMM to table, fix overlap comment.
Tue Sep 3 06:29:20 1991 John Gilmore (gnu at
Merge with latest FSF versions of these files.
* stab.gnu.h: Add LAST_UNUSED_STAB_CODE.
* stab.def: Update to GPL2. Move N_WARNING out, since not a
debug symbol. Change comments, and reorder table to numeric
order. Update final table comment.
(N_DSLINE, N_BSLINE): Renumber from 0x66 and 0x68, to 0x46 and 0x48.
* obstack.h: GPL2. Merge.
Fri Aug 23 01:54:23 1991 John Gilmore (gnu at
* a.out.gnu.h, a.out.sun4.h: Make SEGMENT_SIZE able to depend
on the particular a.out being examined.
* a.out.sun4.h: Define segment sizes for Sun-3's and Sun-4's.
* FIXME: a.out.gnu.h is almost obsolete.
* FIXME: a.out.sun4.h should be renamed a.out.sun.h now.
Wed Aug 21 20:32:13 1991 John Gilmore (gnu at
* Start a ChangeLog for the includes directory.
* a.out.gnu.h (N_FN): Fix value -- was 15, should be 0x1E.
* stab.def: Update allocation table in comments at end,
to reflect reality as I know it.
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@ -1,141 +0,0 @@
/* ANSI and traditional C compatability macros
Copyright 1991, 1992 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This file is part of the GNU C Library.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
/* ANSI and traditional C compatibility macros
ANSI C is assumed if __STDC__ is #defined.
Macro ANSI C definition Traditional C definition
----- ---- - ---------- ----------- - ----------
PTR `void *' `char *'
LONG_DOUBLE `long double' `double'
VOLATILE `volatile' `'
SIGNED `signed' `'
PTRCONST `void *const' `char *'
ANSI_PROTOTYPES 1 not defined
CONST is also defined, but is obsolete. Just use const.
DEFUN (name, arglist, args)
Defines function NAME.
ARGLIST lists the arguments, separated by commas and enclosed in
parentheses. ARGLIST becomes the argument list in traditional C.
ARGS list the arguments with their types. It becomes a prototype in
ANSI C, and the type declarations in traditional C. Arguments should
be separated with `AND'. For functions with a variable number of
arguments, the last thing listed should be `DOTS'.
Defines a function NAME, which takes no arguments.
obsolete -- EXFUN (name, (prototype)) -- obsolete.
Replaced by PARAMS. Do not use; will disappear someday soon.
Was used in external function declarations.
In ANSI C it is `NAME PROTOTYPE' (so PROTOTYPE should be enclosed in
parentheses). In traditional C it is `NAME()'.
For a function that takes no arguments, PROTOTYPE should be `(void)'.
PARAMS ((args))
We could use the EXFUN macro to handle prototype declarations, but
the name is misleading and the result is ugly. So we just define a
simple macro to handle the parameter lists, as in:
static int foo PARAMS ((int, char));
This produces: `static int foo();' or `static int foo (int, char);'
EXFUN would have done it like this:
static int EXFUN (foo, (int, char));
but the function is not external...and it's hard to visually parse
the function name out of the mess. EXFUN should be considered
obsolete; new code should be written to use PARAMS.
For example:
extern int printf PARAMS ((CONST char *format DOTS));
int DEFUN(fprintf, (stream, format),
FILE *stream AND CONST char *format DOTS) { ... }
void DEFUN_VOID(abort) { ... }
#ifndef _ANSIDECL_H
#define _ANSIDECL_H 1
/* Every source file includes this file,
so they will all get the switch for lint. */
#if defined (__STDC__) || defined (_AIX) || (defined (__mips) && defined (_SYSTYPE_SVR4)) || defined(WIN32)
/* All known AIX compilers implement these things (but don't always
define __STDC__). The RISC/OS MIPS compiler defines these things
in SVR4 mode, but does not define __STDC__. */
#define PTR void *
#define PTRCONST void *CONST
#define LONG_DOUBLE long double
#define AND ,
#define NOARGS void
#define CONST const
#define VOLATILE volatile
#define SIGNED signed
#define DOTS , ...
#define EXFUN(name, proto) name proto
#define DEFUN(name, arglist, args) name(args)
#define DEFUN_VOID(name) name(void)
#define PROTO(type, name, arglist) type name arglist
#define PARAMS(paramlist) paramlist
#else /* Not ANSI C. */
#define PTR char *
#define LONG_DOUBLE double
#define AND ;
#define NOARGS
#define CONST
#ifndef const /* some systems define it in header files for non-ansi mode */
#define const
#define VOLATILE
#define SIGNED
#define DOTS
#define EXFUN(name, proto) name()
#define DEFUN(name, arglist, args) name arglist args;
#define DEFUN_VOID(name) name()
#define PROTO(type, name, arglist) type name ()
#define PARAMS(paramlist) ()
#endif /* ANSI C. */
#endif /* ansidecl.h */

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@ -1,174 +0,0 @@
Mon Mar 11 12:15:52 1996 Ian Lance Taylor <>
* stab.def: Use __define_stab_duplicate rather than __define_stab
for duplicate entries N_BROWS and N_MOD2.
* stab_gnu.h (__define_stab_duplicate): Define before including
Fri Oct 27 17:47:16 1995 Niklas Hallqvist <>
* aout64.h, host.h, hp300hpux.h, sun4.h: Changed PAGE_SIZE to
Tue Sep 12 12:07:02 1995 Ian Lance Taylor <>
* sun4.h (struct internal_sun4_dynamic_link): Change all fields
from long to unsigned long.
Wed Jul 12 00:15:13 1995 Ken Raeburn <>
* sun4.h (PAGE_SIZE): Undefine before defining.
Thu Jun 16 14:22:55 1994 Ian Lance Taylor (
* aout64.h (BMAGIC): Define.
Sat Jun 11 16:16:09 1994 Ian Lance Taylor (
Add weak symbols as an extension to a.out.
* aout64.h (N_WEAKU, N_WEAKA, N_WEAKT, N_WEAKD, N_WEAKB): Define.
* stab.def: Update symbol value table.
Thu Jun 2 17:13:38 1994 Ian Lance Taylor (
* sun4.h (EXTERNAL_SUN4_DYNAMIC_DEBUGGER_SIZE): Correct from 28 to
24. Fix up ld_got comment.
Wed Mar 30 00:31:49 1994 Peter Schauer (
* dynix3.h: Cleanup, adapt to current bfd version.
Sat Feb 26 10:25:53 1994 Ian Lance Taylor (
* aout64.h: Add casts to avoid warnings from SVR4 cc.
Fri Feb 11 12:56:04 1994 Stan Shebs (
* ar.h (ARMAG, ARMAGB, ARFMAG): Change '\n' to '\012', for greater
Fri Jan 21 00:59:06 1994 Ian Lance Taylor (
* sun4.h: Added information about SunOS shared libraries.
Fri Jan 7 08:20:13 1994 Jim Kingdon (
* aout64.h (N_TXTADDR): Add comment regarding OMAGIC and NMAGIC.
Sat Dec 25 14:55:41 1993 Jim Kingdon (
* aout64.h (N_DATOFF): Don't pad (revert change of 8 Jul 1993).
Tue Nov 16 15:43:46 1993 Jim Kingdon (
for Linux ZMAGIC.
(N_TXTOFF, N_DATOFF): Use them.
Thu Nov 4 00:33:48 1993 Ken Raeburn (
* aout64.h (RELOC_STD_BITS_RELATIVE_LITTLE): Fixed value to match
sun3 system; used to overlap other fields.
Wed Nov 3 13:48:27 1993 David J. Mackenzie (
* aout64.h (RELOC_STD_BITS_BASEREL_LITTLE): Make it 0x10 (Ken's
suggestion) to avoid conflict with RELOC_STD_BITS_EXTERN_LITTLE.
Fri Oct 29 15:09:52 1993 Ian Lance Taylor (
* hp300hpux.h (N_SHARED_LIB): Define to be 0.
Mon Sep 13 21:00:56 1993 John Gilmore (
* ar.h (ARMAP_TIME_OFFSET): Add and describe.
Mon Aug 23 Sean Fagan (
* aout64.h [ARCH_SIZE != 64]: Allow N_BADMAG to be overridden.
Mon Aug 16 14:30:14 1993 Jim Kingdon (
* stab_gnu.h: Include aout/stab.def not just stab.def.
Sun Jul 18 21:41:47 1993 Jim Kingdon (
* dynix3.h: New, for symmetry running dynix.
Thu Jul 8 12:52:22 1993 Jim Kingdon (
* aout64.h (N_BADMAG): Recognize QMAGIC.
N_DATOFF: Pad text size if we need to.
Fri Jun 18 19:19:38 1993 Jim Kingdon (
* stab.def (N_ECOML): Fix comment.
Mon May 31 09:21:30 1993 Jim Kingdon (
* stab.def: Remove Solaris information on N_FUN stabstring grammar;
I've transferred it to gdb/doc/stabs.texinfo, where it belongs.
Mon May 10 05:48:43 1993 Ken Raeburn (
* hp300hpux.h: Patch from Glenn Engel for linker problem and
compatibility fix:
(OMAGIC, NMAGIC): New definitions.
(SHAREMAGIC): Deleted.
(HPUX_DOT_O_MAGIC): New macro.
(_N_BADMAG): Adjusted.
Thu Apr 29 12:07:37 1993 Ken Raeburn (
* hp300hpux.h: New file from Glenn Engel,
Tue Apr 27 05:51:04 1993 Ken Raeburn (
* aout64.h (struct external_exec, *MAGIC, N_BADMAG): Don't define
if `external_exec' is already defined as a macro.
if already defined.
(struct external_nlist, EXTERNAL_NLIST_SIZE): Don't define if
`external_nlist' is already defined as a macro.
Sat Aug 15 04:23:02 1992 John Gilmore (
* adobe.h: Add description of a.out.adobe format.
Fri Jul 3 00:36:52 1992 John Gilmore (gnu at
* stab.def: Update more Solaris definitions.
* stab_gnu.h: Add N_SO language types, and Solaris basic float types.
Sun Jun 14 10:53:53 1992 John Gilmore (gnu at
* stab.def: Update descriptions of Solaris-2 stabs; add N_UNDF.
Thu Jun 11 01:12:07 1992 John Gilmore (gnu at
* stab.def: Add N_OBJ and N_OPT from Solaris-2.
Thu Jan 30 18:12:44 1992 John Gilmore (gnu at
* aout/aout64.h: N_TXTSIZE needs some more parentheses.
I don't trust C precedence.
Wed Dec 18 14:32:01 1991 Per Bothner (bothner at
* aout/aout64.h: Move common sunos-specific test
to recognize shared libraries into new macro N_SHARED_LIB.
Use it to simplify&reformat N_TXTADDR, N_TXTOFF, N_TXTSIZE.
Sat Nov 30 20:34:52 1991 Steve Chamberlain (sac at
* ChangeLog, aout64.h, ar.h, encap.h, host.h, hp.h, ranlib.h,
reloc.h, stab.def, stab_gnu.h, sun4.h: All moved from the
devo/include directory
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version-control: never

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@ -1,297 +0,0 @@
/* `a.out.adobe' differences from standard a.out files */
#ifndef __A_OUT_ADOBE_H__
#define __A_OUT_ADOBE_H__
#define BYTES_IN_WORD 4
/* Struct external_exec is the same. */
/* This is the layout on disk of the 32-bit or 64-bit exec header. */
struct external_exec
bfd_byte e_info[4]; /* magic number and stuff */
bfd_byte e_text[BYTES_IN_WORD]; /* length of text section in bytes */
bfd_byte e_data[BYTES_IN_WORD]; /* length of data section in bytes */
bfd_byte e_bss[BYTES_IN_WORD]; /* length of bss area in bytes */
bfd_byte e_syms[BYTES_IN_WORD]; /* length of symbol table in bytes */
bfd_byte e_entry[BYTES_IN_WORD]; /* start address */
bfd_byte e_trsize[BYTES_IN_WORD]; /* length of text relocation info */
bfd_byte e_drsize[BYTES_IN_WORD]; /* length of data relocation info */
/* Magic numbers for a.out files */
#undef ZMAGIC
#define ZMAGIC 0xAD0BE /* Cute, eh? */
#undef OMAGIC
#undef NMAGIC
#define N_BADMAG(x) ((x).a_info != ZMAGIC)
/* By default, segment size is constant. But some machines override this
to be a function of the a.out header (e.g. machine type). */
#ifndef N_SEGSIZE
/* Segment information for the a.out.Adobe format is specified after the
file header. It contains N segment descriptors, followed by one with
a type of zero.
The actual text of the segments starts at N_TXTOFF in the file,
regardless of how many or how few segment headers there are. */
struct external_segdesc {
unsigned char e_type[1];
unsigned char e_size[3];
unsigned char e_virtbase[4];
unsigned char e_filebase[4];
struct internal_segdesc {
unsigned int a_type:8; /* Segment type N_TEXT, N_DATA, 0 */
unsigned int a_size:24; /* Segment size */
bfd_vma a_virtbase; /* Virtual address */
unsigned int a_filebase; /* Base address in object file */
#define N_TXTADDR(x) \
/* This is documented to be at 1024, but appears to really be at 2048.
FIXME?! */
#define N_TXTOFF(x) 2048
#define N_TXTSIZE(x) ((x).a_text)
#define N_DATADDR(x)
#define N_BSSADDR(x)
/* Offsets of the various portions of the file after the text segment. */
#define N_DATOFF(x) ( N_TXTOFF(x) + N_TXTSIZE(x) )
#define N_TRELOFF(x) ( N_DATOFF(x) + (x).a_data )
#define N_DRELOFF(x) ( N_TRELOFF(x) + (x).a_trsize )
#define N_SYMOFF(x) ( N_DRELOFF(x) + (x).a_drsize )
#define N_STROFF(x) ( N_SYMOFF(x) + (x).a_syms )
/* Symbols */
struct external_nlist {
bfd_byte e_strx[BYTES_IN_WORD]; /* index into string table of name */
bfd_byte e_type[1]; /* type of symbol */
bfd_byte e_other[1]; /* misc info (usually empty) */
bfd_byte e_desc[2]; /* description field */
bfd_byte e_value[BYTES_IN_WORD]; /* value of symbol */
struct internal_nlist {
unsigned long n_strx; /* index into string table of name */
unsigned char n_type; /* type of symbol */
unsigned char n_other; /* misc info (usually empty) */
unsigned short n_desc; /* description field */
bfd_vma n_value; /* value of symbol */
/* The n_type field is the symbol type, containing: */
#define N_UNDF 0 /* Undefined symbol */
#define N_ABS 2 /* Absolute symbol -- defined at particular addr */
#define N_TEXT 4 /* Text sym -- defined at offset in text seg */
#define N_DATA 6 /* Data sym -- defined at offset in data seg */
#define N_BSS 8 /* BSS sym -- defined at offset in zero'd seg */
#define N_COMM 0x12 /* Common symbol (visible after shared lib dynlink) */
#define N_FN 0x1f /* File name of .o file */
#define N_FN_SEQ 0x0C /* N_FN from Sequent compilers (sigh) */
/* Note: N_EXT can only be usefully OR-ed with N_UNDF, N_ABS, N_TEXT,
N_DATA, or N_BSS. When the low-order bit of other types is set,
(e.g. N_WARNING versus N_FN), they are two different types. */
#define N_EXT 1 /* External symbol (as opposed to local-to-this-file) */
#define N_TYPE 0x1e
#define N_STAB 0xe0 /* If any of these bits are on, it's a debug symbol */
#define N_INDR 0x0a
/* The following symbols refer to set elements.
All the N_SET[ATDB] symbols with the same name form one set.
Space is allocated for the set in the text section, and each set
elements value is stored into one word of the space.
The first word of the space is the length of the set (number of elements).
The address of the set is made into an N_SETV symbol
whose name is the same as the name of the set.
This symbol acts like a N_DATA global symbol
in that it can satisfy undefined external references. */
/* These appear as input to LD, in a .o file. */
#define N_SETA 0x14 /* Absolute set element symbol */
#define N_SETT 0x16 /* Text set element symbol */
#define N_SETD 0x18 /* Data set element symbol */
#define N_SETB 0x1A /* Bss set element symbol */
/* This is output from LD. */
#define N_SETV 0x1C /* Pointer to set vector in data area. */
/* Warning symbol. The text gives a warning message, the next symbol
in the table will be undefined. When the symbol is referenced, the
message is printed. */
#define N_WARNING 0x1e
/* Relocations
There are two types of relocation flavours for a.out systems,
standard and extended. The standard form is used on systems where the
instruction has room for all the bits of an offset to the operand, whilst
the extended form is used when an address operand has to be split over n
instructions. Eg, on the 68k, each move instruction can reference
the target with a displacement of 16 or 32 bits. On the sparc, move
instructions use an offset of 14 bits, so the offset is stored in
the reloc field, and the data in the section is ignored.
/* This structure describes a single relocation to be performed.
The text-relocation section of the file is a vector of these structures,
all of which apply to the text section.
Likewise, the data-relocation section applies to the data section. */
struct reloc_std_external {
bfd_byte r_address[BYTES_IN_WORD]; /* offset of of data to relocate */
bfd_byte r_index[3]; /* symbol table index of symbol */
bfd_byte r_type[1]; /* relocation type */
#define RELOC_STD_BITS_LENGTH_SH_BIG 5 /* To shift to units place */
#define RELOC_STD_SIZE (BYTES_IN_WORD + 3 + 1) /* Bytes per relocation entry */
struct reloc_std_internal
bfd_vma r_address; /* Address (within segment) to be relocated. */
/* The meaning of r_symbolnum depends on r_extern. */
unsigned int r_symbolnum:24;
/* Nonzero means value is a pc-relative offset
and it should be relocated for changes in its own address
as well as for changes in the symbol or section specified. */
unsigned int r_pcrel:1;
/* Length (as exponent of 2) of the field to be relocated.
Thus, a value of 2 indicates 1<<2 bytes. */
unsigned int r_length:2;
/* 1 => relocate with value of symbol.
r_symbolnum is the index of the symbol
in files the symbol table.
0 => relocate with the address of a segment.
r_symbolnum is N_TEXT, N_DATA, N_BSS or N_ABS
(the N_EXT bit may be set also, but signifies nothing). */
unsigned int r_extern:1;
/* The next three bits are for SunOS shared libraries, and seem to
be undocumented. */
unsigned int r_baserel:1; /* Linkage table relative */
unsigned int r_jmptable:1; /* pc-relative to jump table */
unsigned int r_relative:1; /* "relative relocation" */
/* unused */
unsigned int r_pad:1; /* Padding -- set to zero */
struct reloc_ext_external {
bfd_byte r_address[BYTES_IN_WORD]; /* offset of of data to relocate */
bfd_byte r_index[3]; /* symbol table index of symbol */
bfd_byte r_type[1]; /* relocation type */
bfd_byte r_addend[BYTES_IN_WORD]; /* datum addend */
/* Bytes per relocation entry */
enum reloc_type
/* simple relocations */
RELOC_8, /* data[0:7] = addend + sv */
RELOC_16, /* data[0:15] = addend + sv */
RELOC_32, /* data[0:31] = addend + sv */
/* pc-rel displacement */
RELOC_DISP8, /* data[0:7] = addend - pc + sv */
RELOC_DISP16, /* data[0:15] = addend - pc + sv */
RELOC_DISP32, /* data[0:31] = addend - pc + sv */
/* Special */
RELOC_WDISP30, /* data[0:29] = (addend + sv - pc)>>2 */
RELOC_WDISP22, /* data[0:21] = (addend + sv - pc)>>2 */
RELOC_HI22, /* data[0:21] = (addend + sv)>>10 */
RELOC_22, /* data[0:21] = (addend + sv) */
RELOC_13, /* data[0:12] = (addend + sv) */
RELOC_LO10, /* data[0:9] = (addend + sv) */
/* P.I.C. (base-relative) */
RELOC_BASE10, /* Not sure - maybe we can do this the */
RELOC_BASE13, /* right way now */
/* for some sort of pc-rel P.I.C. (?) */
/* P.I.C. jump table */
/* reputedly for shared libraries somehow */
RELOC_HHI22, /* data[0:21] = (addend + sv) >> 42 */
RELOC_HLO10, /* data[0:9] = (addend + sv) >> 32 */
/* 29K relocation types */
struct reloc_internal {
bfd_vma r_address; /* offset of of data to relocate */
long r_index; /* symbol table index of symbol */
enum reloc_type r_type; /* relocation type */
bfd_vma r_addend; /* datum addend */
#endif /* __A_OUT_ADOBE_H__ */

View File

@ -1,475 +0,0 @@
/* `a.out' object-file definitions, including extensions to 64-bit fields */
#ifndef __A_OUT_64_H__
#define __A_OUT_64_H__
/* This is the layout on disk of the 32-bit or 64-bit exec header. */
#ifndef external_exec
struct external_exec
bfd_byte e_info[4]; /* magic number and stuff */
bfd_byte e_text[BYTES_IN_WORD]; /* length of text section in bytes */
bfd_byte e_data[BYTES_IN_WORD]; /* length of data section in bytes */
bfd_byte e_bss[BYTES_IN_WORD]; /* length of bss area in bytes */
bfd_byte e_syms[BYTES_IN_WORD]; /* length of symbol table in bytes */
bfd_byte e_entry[BYTES_IN_WORD]; /* start address */
bfd_byte e_trsize[BYTES_IN_WORD]; /* length of text relocation info */
bfd_byte e_drsize[BYTES_IN_WORD]; /* length of data relocation info */
/* Magic numbers for a.out files */
#if ARCH_SIZE==64
#define OMAGIC 0x1001 /* Code indicating object file */
#define ZMAGIC 0x1002 /* Code indicating demand-paged executable. */
#define NMAGIC 0x1003 /* Code indicating pure executable. */
/* There is no 64-bit QMAGIC as far as I know. */
#define N_BADMAG(x) (N_MAGIC(x) != OMAGIC \
&& N_MAGIC(x) != NMAGIC \
&& N_MAGIC(x) != ZMAGIC)
#define OMAGIC 0407 /* ...object file or impure executable. */
#define NMAGIC 0410 /* Code indicating pure executable. */
#define ZMAGIC 0413 /* Code indicating demand-paged executable. */
#define BMAGIC 0415 /* Used by a b.out object. */
/* This indicates a demand-paged executable with the header in the text.
It is used by 386BSD (and variants) and Linux, at least. */
#ifndef QMAGIC
#define QMAGIC 0314
# ifndef N_BADMAG
# define N_BADMAG(x) (N_MAGIC(x) != OMAGIC \
&& N_MAGIC(x) != NMAGIC \
&& N_MAGIC(x) != ZMAGIC \
&& N_MAGIC(x) != QMAGIC)
# endif /* N_BADMAG */
#ifdef QMAGIC
#define N_IS_QMAGIC(x) (N_MAGIC (x) == QMAGIC)
#define N_IS_QMAGIC(x) (0)
/* The difference between TARGET_PAGE_SIZE and N_SEGSIZE is that TARGET_PAGE_SIZE is
the finest granularity at which you can page something, thus it
controls the padding (if any) before the text segment of a ZMAGIC
file. N_SEGSIZE is the resolution at which things can be marked as
read-only versus read/write, so it controls the padding between the
text segment and the data segment (in memory; on disk the padding
between them is TARGET_PAGE_SIZE). TARGET_PAGE_SIZE and N_SEGSIZE are the same
for most machines, but different for sun3. */
/* By default, segment size is constant. But some machines override this
to be a function of the a.out header (e.g. machine type). */
#ifndef N_SEGSIZE
/* Virtual memory address of the text section.
This is getting very complicated. A good reason to discard a.out format
for something that specifies these fields explicitly. But til then...
* OMAGIC and NMAGIC files:
(object files: text for "relocatable addr 0" right after the header)
start at 0, offset is EXEC_BYTES_SIZE, size as stated.
* The text address, offset, and size of ZMAGIC files depend
on the entry point of the file:
* entry point below TEXT_START_ADDR:
(hack for SunOS shared libraries)
start at 0, offset is 0, size as stated.
* If N_HEADER_IN_TEXT(x) is true (which defaults to being the
case when the entry point is EXEC_BYTES_SIZE or further into a page):
no padding is needed; text can start after exec header. Sun
considers the text segment of such files to include the exec header;
for BFD's purposes, we don't, which makes more work for us.
size as stated minus EXEC_BYTES_SIZE.
* If N_HEADER_IN_TEXT(x) is false (which defaults to being the case when
the entry point is less than EXEC_BYTES_SIZE into a page (e.g. page
aligned)): (padding is needed so that text can start at a page boundary)
start at TEXT_START_ADDR, offset TARGET_PAGE_SIZE, size as stated.
Specific configurations may want to hardwire N_HEADER_IN_TEXT,
for efficiency or to allow people to play games with the entry point.
In that case, you would #define N_HEADER_IN_TEXT(x) as 1 for sunos,
and as 0 for most other hosts (Sony News, Vax Ultrix, etc).
(Do this in the appropriate bfd target file.)
(The default is a heuristic that will break if people try changing
the entry point, perhaps with the ld -e flag.)
* QMAGIC is always like a ZMAGIC for which N_HEADER_IN_TEXT is true,
and for which the starting address is TARGET_PAGE_SIZE (or should this be
/* This macro is only relevant for ZMAGIC files; QMAGIC always has the header
in the text. */
#define N_HEADER_IN_TEXT(x) (((x).a_entry & (TARGET_PAGE_SIZE-1)) >= EXEC_BYTES_SIZE)
/* Sun shared libraries, not linux. This macro is only relevant for ZMAGIC
files. */
#ifndef N_SHARED_LIB
#define N_SHARED_LIB(x) ((x).a_entry < TEXT_START_ADDR)
/* Returning 0 not TEXT_START_ADDR for OMAGIC and NMAGIC is based on
the assumption that we are dealing with a .o file, not an
executable. This is necessary for OMAGIC (but means we don't work
right on the output from ld -N); more questionable for NMAGIC. */
#ifndef N_TXTADDR
#define N_TXTADDR(x) \
(/* The address of a QMAGIC file is always one page in, */ \
/* with the header in the text. */ \
N_MAGIC(x) != ZMAGIC ? 0 : /* object file or NMAGIC */\
N_SHARED_LIB(x) ? 0 : \
TEXT_START_ADDR + EXEC_BYTES_SIZE : /* no padding */\
TEXT_START_ADDR /* a page of padding */\
/* If N_HEADER_IN_TEXT is not true for ZMAGIC, there is some padding
to make the text segment start at a certain boundary. For most
systems, this boundary is TARGET_PAGE_SIZE. But for Linux, in the
time-honored tradition of crazy ZMAGIC hacks, it is 1024 which is
not what TARGET_PAGE_SIZE needs to be for QMAGIC. */
#define N_DISK_BLOCK_SIZE(x) \
/* Offset in an a.out of the start of the text section. */
#ifndef N_TXTOFF
#define N_TXTOFF(x) \
(/* For {O,N,Q}MAGIC, no padding. */ \
N_SHARED_LIB(x) ? 0 : \
EXEC_BYTES_SIZE : /* no padding */\
ZMAGIC_DISK_BLOCK_SIZE /* a page of padding */\
/* Size of the text section. It's always as stated, except that we
offset it to `undo' the adjustment to N_TXTADDR and N_TXTOFF
for ZMAGIC files that nominally include the exec header
as part of the first page of text. (BFD doesn't consider the
exec header to be part of the text segment.) */
#ifndef N_TXTSIZE
#define N_TXTSIZE(x) \
(/* For QMAGIC, we don't consider the header part of the text section. */\
N_IS_QMAGIC (x) ? (x).a_text - EXEC_BYTES_SIZE : \
(N_MAGIC(x) != ZMAGIC || N_SHARED_LIB(x)) ? (x).a_text : \
(x).a_text - EXEC_BYTES_SIZE: /* no padding */\
(x).a_text /* a page of padding */\
/* The address of the data segment in virtual memory.
It is the text segment address, plus text segment size, rounded
up to a N_SEGSIZE boundary for pure or pageable files. */
#ifndef N_DATADDR
#define N_DATADDR(x) \
: (N_SEGSIZE(x) + ((N_TXTADDR(x)+N_TXTSIZE(x)-1) & ~(N_SEGSIZE(x)-1))))
/* The address of the BSS segment -- immediately after the data segment. */
#define N_BSSADDR(x) (N_DATADDR(x) + (x).a_data)
/* Offsets of the various portions of the file after the text segment. */
/* For {Q,Z}MAGIC, there is padding to make the data segment start on
a page boundary. Most of the time the a_text field (and thus
N_TXTSIZE) already contains this padding. It is possible that for
BSDI and/or 386BSD it sometimes doesn't contain the padding, and
perhaps we should be adding it here. But this seems kind of
questionable and probably should be BSDI/386BSD-specific if we do
do it.
For NMAGIC (at least for hp300 BSD, probably others), there is
padding in memory only, not on disk, so we must *not* ever pad here
for NMAGIC. */
#ifndef N_DATOFF
#define N_DATOFF(x) \
#ifndef N_TRELOFF
#define N_TRELOFF(x) ( N_DATOFF(x) + (x).a_data )
#ifndef N_DRELOFF
#define N_DRELOFF(x) ( N_TRELOFF(x) + (x).a_trsize )
#ifndef N_SYMOFF
#define N_SYMOFF(x) ( N_DRELOFF(x) + (x).a_drsize )
#ifndef N_STROFF
#define N_STROFF(x) ( N_SYMOFF(x) + (x).a_syms )
/* Symbols */
#ifndef external_nlist
struct external_nlist {
bfd_byte e_strx[BYTES_IN_WORD]; /* index into string table of name */
bfd_byte e_type[1]; /* type of symbol */
bfd_byte e_other[1]; /* misc info (usually empty) */
bfd_byte e_desc[2]; /* description field */
bfd_byte e_value[BYTES_IN_WORD]; /* value of symbol */
struct internal_nlist {
unsigned long n_strx; /* index into string table of name */
unsigned char n_type; /* type of symbol */
unsigned char n_other; /* misc info (usually empty) */
unsigned short n_desc; /* description field */
bfd_vma n_value; /* value of symbol */
/* The n_type field is the symbol type, containing: */
#define N_UNDF 0 /* Undefined symbol */
#define N_ABS 2 /* Absolute symbol -- defined at particular addr */
#define N_TEXT 4 /* Text sym -- defined at offset in text seg */
#define N_DATA 6 /* Data sym -- defined at offset in data seg */
#define N_BSS 8 /* BSS sym -- defined at offset in zero'd seg */
#define N_COMM 0x12 /* Common symbol (visible after shared lib dynlink) */
#define N_FN 0x1f /* File name of .o file */
#define N_FN_SEQ 0x0C /* N_FN from Sequent compilers (sigh) */
/* Note: N_EXT can only be usefully OR-ed with N_UNDF, N_ABS, N_TEXT,
N_DATA, or N_BSS. When the low-order bit of other types is set,
(e.g. N_WARNING versus N_FN), they are two different types. */
#define N_EXT 1 /* External symbol (as opposed to local-to-this-file) */
#define N_TYPE 0x1e
#define N_STAB 0xe0 /* If any of these bits are on, it's a debug symbol */
#define N_INDR 0x0a
/* The following symbols refer to set elements.
All the N_SET[ATDB] symbols with the same name form one set.
Space is allocated for the set in the text section, and each set
elements value is stored into one word of the space.
The first word of the space is the length of the set (number of elements).
The address of the set is made into an N_SETV symbol
whose name is the same as the name of the set.
This symbol acts like a N_DATA global symbol
in that it can satisfy undefined external references. */
/* These appear as input to LD, in a .o file. */
#define N_SETA 0x14 /* Absolute set element symbol */
#define N_SETT 0x16 /* Text set element symbol */
#define N_SETD 0x18 /* Data set element symbol */
#define N_SETB 0x1A /* Bss set element symbol */
/* This is output from LD. */
#define N_SETV 0x1C /* Pointer to set vector in data area. */
/* Warning symbol. The text gives a warning message, the next symbol
in the table will be undefined. When the symbol is referenced, the
message is printed. */
#define N_WARNING 0x1e
/* Weak symbols. These are a GNU extension to the a.out format. The
semantics are those of ELF weak symbols. Weak symbols are always
externally visible. The N_WEAK? values are squeezed into the
available slots. The value of a N_WEAKU symbol is 0. The values
of the other types are the definitions. */
#define N_WEAKU 0x0d /* Weak undefined symbol. */
#define N_WEAKA 0x0e /* Weak absolute symbol. */
#define N_WEAKT 0x0f /* Weak text symbol. */
#define N_WEAKD 0x10 /* Weak data symbol. */
#define N_WEAKB 0x11 /* Weak bss symbol. */
/* Relocations
There are two types of relocation flavours for a.out systems,
standard and extended. The standard form is used on systems where the
instruction has room for all the bits of an offset to the operand, whilst
the extended form is used when an address operand has to be split over n
instructions. Eg, on the 68k, each move instruction can reference
the target with a displacement of 16 or 32 bits. On the sparc, move
instructions use an offset of 14 bits, so the offset is stored in
the reloc field, and the data in the section is ignored.
/* This structure describes a single relocation to be performed.
The text-relocation section of the file is a vector of these structures,
all of which apply to the text section.
Likewise, the data-relocation section applies to the data section. */
struct reloc_std_external {
bfd_byte r_address[BYTES_IN_WORD]; /* offset of of data to relocate */
bfd_byte r_index[3]; /* symbol table index of symbol */
bfd_byte r_type[1]; /* relocation type */
#define RELOC_STD_BITS_PCREL_BIG ((unsigned int) 0x80)
#define RELOC_STD_BITS_PCREL_LITTLE ((unsigned int) 0x01)
#define RELOC_STD_BITS_LENGTH_BIG ((unsigned int) 0x60)
#define RELOC_STD_BITS_LENGTH_LITTLE ((unsigned int) 0x06)
#define RELOC_STD_BITS_EXTERN_BIG ((unsigned int) 0x10)
#define RELOC_STD_BITS_EXTERN_LITTLE ((unsigned int) 0x08)
#define RELOC_STD_BITS_BASEREL_BIG ((unsigned int) 0x08)
#define RELOC_STD_BITS_BASEREL_LITTLE ((unsigned int) 0x10)
#define RELOC_STD_BITS_JMPTABLE_BIG ((unsigned int) 0x04)
#define RELOC_STD_BITS_JMPTABLE_LITTLE ((unsigned int) 0x20)
#define RELOC_STD_BITS_RELATIVE_BIG ((unsigned int) 0x02)
#define RELOC_STD_BITS_RELATIVE_LITTLE ((unsigned int) 0x40)
#define RELOC_STD_SIZE (BYTES_IN_WORD + 3 + 1) /* Bytes per relocation entry */
struct reloc_std_internal
bfd_vma r_address; /* Address (within segment) to be relocated. */
/* The meaning of r_symbolnum depends on r_extern. */
unsigned int r_symbolnum:24;
/* Nonzero means value is a pc-relative offset
and it should be relocated for changes in its own address
as well as for changes in the symbol or section specified. */
unsigned int r_pcrel:1;
/* Length (as exponent of 2) of the field to be relocated.
Thus, a value of 2 indicates 1<<2 bytes. */
unsigned int r_length:2;
/* 1 => relocate with value of symbol.
r_symbolnum is the index of the symbol
in files the symbol table.
0 => relocate with the address of a segment.
r_symbolnum is N_TEXT, N_DATA, N_BSS or N_ABS
(the N_EXT bit may be set also, but signifies nothing). */
unsigned int r_extern:1;
/* The next three bits are for SunOS shared libraries, and seem to
be undocumented. */
unsigned int r_baserel:1; /* Linkage table relative */
unsigned int r_jmptable:1; /* pc-relative to jump table */
unsigned int r_relative:1; /* "relative relocation" */
/* unused */
unsigned int r_pad:1; /* Padding -- set to zero */
struct reloc_ext_external {
bfd_byte r_address[BYTES_IN_WORD]; /* offset of of data to relocate */
bfd_byte r_index[3]; /* symbol table index of symbol */
bfd_byte r_type[1]; /* relocation type */
bfd_byte r_addend[BYTES_IN_WORD]; /* datum addend */
#define RELOC_EXT_BITS_EXTERN_BIG ((unsigned int) 0x80)
#define RELOC_EXT_BITS_EXTERN_LITTLE ((unsigned int) 0x01)
#define RELOC_EXT_BITS_TYPE_BIG ((unsigned int) 0x1F)
#define RELOC_EXT_BITS_TYPE_LITTLE ((unsigned int) 0xF8)
/* Bytes per relocation entry */
enum reloc_type
/* simple relocations */
RELOC_8, /* data[0:7] = addend + sv */
RELOC_16, /* data[0:15] = addend + sv */
RELOC_32, /* data[0:31] = addend + sv */
/* pc-rel displacement */
RELOC_DISP8, /* data[0:7] = addend - pc + sv */
RELOC_DISP16, /* data[0:15] = addend - pc + sv */
RELOC_DISP32, /* data[0:31] = addend - pc + sv */
/* Special */
RELOC_WDISP30, /* data[0:29] = (addend + sv - pc)>>2 */
RELOC_WDISP22, /* data[0:21] = (addend + sv - pc)>>2 */
RELOC_HI22, /* data[0:21] = (addend + sv)>>10 */
RELOC_22, /* data[0:21] = (addend + sv) */
RELOC_13, /* data[0:12] = (addend + sv) */
RELOC_LO10, /* data[0:9] = (addend + sv) */
/* P.I.C. (base-relative) */
RELOC_BASE10, /* Not sure - maybe we can do this the */
RELOC_BASE13, /* right way now */
/* for some sort of pc-rel P.I.C. (?) */
/* P.I.C. jump table */
/* reputedly for shared libraries somehow */
RELOC_HHI22, /* data[0:21] = (addend + sv) >> 42 */
RELOC_HLO10, /* data[0:9] = (addend + sv) >> 32 */
/* 29K relocation types */
/* All the new ones I can think of, for sparc v9 */
RELOC_64, /* data[0:63] = addend + sv */
RELOC_DISP64, /* data[0:63] = addend - pc + sv */
RELOC_WDISP21, /* data[0:20] = (addend + sv - pc)>>2 */
RELOC_DISP21, /* data[0:20] = addend - pc + sv */
RELOC_DISP14, /* data[0:13] = addend - pc + sv */
/* Q .
What are the other ones,
Since this is a clean slate, can we throw away the ones we dont
understand ? Should we sort the values ? What about using a
microcode format like the 68k ?
struct reloc_internal {
bfd_vma r_address; /* offset of of data to relocate */
long r_index; /* symbol table index of symbol */
enum reloc_type r_type; /* relocation type */
bfd_vma r_addend; /* datum addend */
/* Q.
Should the length of the string table be 4 bytes or 8 bytes ?
What about archive indexes ?
#endif /* __A_OUT_64_H__ */

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@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
/* archive file definition for GNU software */
/* So far this is correct for BSDish archives. Don't forget that
files must begin on an even byte boundary. */
#ifndef __GNU_AR_H__
#define __GNU_AR_H__
/* Note that the usual '\n' in magic strings may translate to different
characters, as allowed by ANSI. '\012' has a fixed value, and remains
compatible with existing BSDish archives. */
#define ARMAG "!<arch>\012" /* For COFF and a.out archives */
#define ARMAGB "!<bout>\012" /* For b.out archives */
#define SARMAG 8
#define ARFMAG "`\012"
/* The ar_date field of the armap (__.SYMDEF) member of an archive
must be greater than the modified date of the entire file, or
BSD-derived linkers complain. We originally write the ar_date with
this offset from the real file's mod-time. After finishing the
file, we rewrite ar_date if it's not still greater than the mod date. */
struct ar_hdr {
char ar_name[16]; /* name of this member */
char ar_date[12]; /* file mtime */
char ar_uid[6]; /* owner uid; printed as decimal */
char ar_gid[6]; /* owner gid; printed as decimal */
char ar_mode[8]; /* file mode, printed as octal */
char ar_size[10]; /* file size, printed as decimal */
char ar_fmag[2]; /* should contain ARFMAG */
#endif /* __GNU_AR_H__ */

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@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
* a.out specifics for Sequent Symmetry running Dynix 3.x
#ifndef A_OUT_DYNIX3_H
#define A_OUT_DYNIX3_H
#define external_exec dynix_external_exec
/* struct exec for Dynix 3
* a_gdtbl and a_bootstrap are only for standalone binaries.
* Shared data fields are not supported by the kernel as of Dynix 3.1,
* but are supported by Dynix compiler programs.
struct dynix_external_exec {
unsigned char e_info[4];
unsigned char e_text[4];
unsigned char e_data[4];
unsigned char e_bss[4];
unsigned char e_syms[4];
unsigned char e_entry[4];
unsigned char e_trsize[4];
unsigned char e_drsize[4];
unsigned char e_g_code[8], e_g_data[8], e_g_desc[8];
unsigned char e_shdata[4];
unsigned char e_shbss[4];
unsigned char e_shdrsize[4];
unsigned char e_bootstrap[44];
unsigned char e_reserved[12];
unsigned char e_version[4];
#define EXEC_BYTES_SIZE (128)
* All executables under Dynix are demand paged with read-only text,
* Thus no NMAGIC.
* ZMAGIC has a page of 0s at virtual 0,
* XMAGIC has an invalid page at virtual 0
#define OMAGIC 0x12eb /* .o */
#define ZMAGIC 0x22eb /* zero @ 0, demand load */
#define XMAGIC 0x32eb /* invalid @ 0, demand load */
#define SMAGIC 0x42eb /* standalone, not supported here */
#define N_BADMAG(x) ((OMAGIC != N_MAGIC(x)) && \
(ZMAGIC != N_MAGIC(x)) && \
(XMAGIC != N_MAGIC(x)) && \
#define N_ADDRADJ(x) ((ZMAGIC == N_MAGIC(x) || XMAGIC == N_MAGIC(x)) ? 0x1000 : 0)
#define N_DATOFF(x) (N_TXTOFF(x) + N_TXTSIZE(x))
#define N_SHDATOFF(x) (N_DATOFF(x) + (x).a_data)
#define N_TRELOFF(x) (N_SHDATOFF(x) + (x).a_shdata)
#define N_DRELOFF(x) (N_TRELOFF(x) + (x).a_trsize)
#define N_SHDRELOFF(x) (N_DRELOFF(x) + (x).a_drsize)
#define N_SYMOFF(x) (N_SHDRELOFF(x) + (x).a_shdrsize)
#define N_STROFF(x) (N_SYMOFF(x) + (x).a_syms)
#define N_TXTADDR(x) \
(((OMAGIC == N_MAGIC(x)) || (SMAGIC == N_MAGIC(x))) ? 0 \
#define N_TXTSIZE(x) \
(((OMAGIC == N_MAGIC(x)) || (SMAGIC == N_MAGIC(x))) ? ((x).a_text) \
: ((x).a_text - N_ADDRADJ(x) - EXEC_BYTES_SIZE))
#endif /* A_OUT_DYNIX3_H */

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@ -1,135 +0,0 @@
/* Yet Another Try at encapsulating bsd object files in coff.
Copyright (C) 1988, 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
Written by Pace Willisson 12/9/88
This file is obsolete. It needs to be converted to just define a bunch
of stuff that BFD can use to do coff-encapsulated files.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
* We only use the coff headers to tell the kernel
* how to exec the file. Therefore, the only fields that need to
* be filled in are the scnptr and vaddr for the text and data
* sections, and the vaddr for the bss. As far as coff is concerned,
* there is no symbol table, relocation, or line numbers.
* A normal bsd header (struct exec) is placed after the coff headers,
* and before the real text. I defined a the new fields 'a_machtype'
* and a_flags. If a_machtype is M_386, and a_flags & A_ENCAP is
* true, then the bsd header is preceeded by a coff header. Macros
* like N_TXTOFF and N_TXTADDR use this field to find the bsd header.
* The only problem is to track down the bsd exec header. The
* macros HEADER_OFFSET, etc do this.
#define N_FLAGS_COFF_ENCAPSULATE 0x20 /* coff header precedes bsd header */
/* Describe the COFF header used for encapsulation. */
struct coffheader
/* filehdr */
unsigned short f_magic;
unsigned short f_nscns;
long f_timdat;
long f_symptr;
long f_nsyms;
unsigned short f_opthdr;
unsigned short f_flags;
/* aouthdr */
short magic;
short vstamp;
long tsize;
long dsize;
long bsize;
long entry;
long text_start;
long data_start;
struct coffscn
char s_name[8];
long s_paddr;
long s_vaddr;
long s_size;
long s_scnptr;
long s_relptr;
long s_lnnoptr;
unsigned short s_nreloc;
unsigned short s_nlnno;
long s_flags;
} scns[3];
/* Describe some of the parameters of the encapsulation,
including how to find the encapsulated BSD header. */
/* FIXME, this is dumb. The same tools can't handle a.outs for different
architectures, just because COFF_MAGIC is different; so you need a
separate GNU nm for every architecture!!? Unfortunately, it needs to
be this way, since the COFF_MAGIC value is determined by the kernel
we're trying to fool here. */
#define COFF_MAGIC_I386 0514 /* I386MAGIC */
#define COFF_MAGIC_M68K 0520 /* MC68MAGIC */
#define COFF_MAGIC_A29K 0x17A /* Used by asm29k cross-tools */
short __header_offset_temp;
#define HEADER_OFFSET(f) \
(__header_offset_temp = 0, \
fread ((char *)&__header_offset_temp, sizeof (short), 1, (f)), \
fseek ((f), -sizeof (short), 1), \
__header_offset_temp==COFF_MAGIC ? sizeof(struct coffheader) : 0)
#define HEADER_OFFSET(f) 0
#define HEADER_SEEK(f) (fseek ((f), HEADER_OFFSET((f)), 1))
/* Describe the characteristics of the BSD header
that appears inside the encapsulation. */
/* Encapsulated coff files that are linked ZMAGIC have a text segment
offset just past the header (and a matching TXTADDR), excluding
the headers from the text segment proper but keeping the physical
layout and the virtual memory layout page-aligned.
Non-encapsulated a.out files that are linked ZMAGIC have a text
segment that starts at 0 and an N_TXTADR similarly offset to 0.
They too are page-aligned with each other, but they include the
a.out header as part of the text.
The _N_HDROFF gets sizeof struct exec added to it, so we have
to compensate here. See <a.out.gnu.h>. */
#undef _N_HDROFF
#undef N_TXTADDR
#undef N_DATADDR
sizeof (struct coffheader) : 0)
/* Address of text segment in memory after it is loaded. */
#define N_TXTADDR(x) \
sizeof (struct coffheader) + sizeof (struct exec) : 0)
#define SEGMENT_SIZE 0x400000
#define N_DATADDR(x) \
(SEGMENT_SIZE + ((N_TXTADDR(x)+(x).a_text-1) & ~(SEGMENT_SIZE-1))) : \

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/* Parameters about the a.out format, based on the host system on which
the program is compiled. */
/* Address of data segment in memory after it is loaded.
It is up to you to define SEGMENT_SIZE
on machines not listed here. */
#if defined(hp300) || defined(pyr)
#define SEGMENT_SIZE page_size
#ifdef sony
#define SEGMENT_SIZE 0x1000
#endif /* Sony. */
#ifdef is68k
#define SEGMENT_SIZE 0x20000
#if defined(m68k) && defined(PORTAR)
#define TARGET_PAGE_SIZE 0x400
#endif /*!defined(SEGMENT_SIZE)*/

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@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
/* Special version of <a.out.h> for use under hp-ux.
Copyright 1988, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
/* THIS FILE IS OBSOLETE. It needs to be revised as a variant "external"
a.out format for use with BFD. */
/* The `exec' structure and overall layout must be close to HP's when
we are running on an HP system, otherwise we will not be able to
execute the resulting file. */
/* Allow this file to be included twice. */
#ifndef __GNU_EXEC_MACROS__
struct exec
unsigned short a_machtype; /* machine type */
unsigned short a_magic; /* magic number */
unsigned long a_spare1;
unsigned long a_spare2;
unsigned long a_text; /* length of text, in bytes */
unsigned long a_data; /* length of data, in bytes */
unsigned long a_bss; /* length of uninitialized data area for file, in bytes */
unsigned long a_trsize; /* length of relocation info for text, in bytes */
unsigned long a_drsize; /* length of relocation info for data, in bytes */
unsigned long a_spare3; /* HP = pascal interface size */
unsigned long a_spare4; /* HP = symbol table size */
unsigned long a_spare5; /* HP = debug name table size */
unsigned long a_entry; /* start address */
unsigned long a_spare6; /* HP = source line table size */
unsigned long a_spare7; /* HP = value table size */
unsigned long a_syms; /* length of symbol table data in file, in bytes */
unsigned long a_spare8;
/* Tell a.out.gnu.h not to define `struct exec'. */
#include "../a.out.gnu.h"
#undef N_MAGIC
#undef N_FLAGS
#undef N_SET_INFO
#undef N_SET_MAGIC
#undef N_SET_FLAGS
#define N_MAGIC(exec) ((exec) . a_magic)
#define N_MACHTYPE(exec) ((exec) . a_machtype)
#define N_SET_MAGIC(exec, magic) (((exec) . a_magic) = (magic))
#define N_SET_MACHTYPE(exec, machtype) (((exec) . a_machtype) = (machtype))
#undef N_BADMAG
#define N_BADMAG(x) ((_N_BADMAG (x)) || (_N_BADMACH (x)))
#define _N_BADMACH(x) \
(((N_MACHTYPE (x)) != HP9000S200_ID) && \
((N_MACHTYPE (x)) != HP98x6_ID))
#define HP98x6_ID 0x20A
#define HP9000S200_ID 0x20C
#undef _N_HDROFF
#define _N_HDROFF(x) (SEGMENT_SIZE - (sizeof (struct exec)))
#define SEGMENT_SIZE 0x1000
#endif /* __GNU_EXEC_MACROS__ */

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@ -1,119 +0,0 @@
/* Special version of <a.out.h> for use under hp-ux.
Copyright (C) 1988,1993 Free Software Foundation, Inc. */
struct hp300hpux_exec_bytes
unsigned char e_info[4]; /* a_machtype/a_magic */
unsigned char e_spare1[4];
unsigned char e_spare2[4];
unsigned char e_text[4]; /* length of text, in bytes */
unsigned char e_data[4]; /* length of data, in bytes */
unsigned char e_bss[4]; /* length of uninitialized data area , in bytes */
unsigned char e_trsize[4]; /* length of relocation info for text, in bytes*/
unsigned char e_drsize[4]; /* length of relocation info for data, in bytes*/
unsigned char e_passize[4];/* HP = pascal interface size */
unsigned char e_syms[4]; /* HP = symbol table size */
unsigned char e_spare5[4]; /* HP = debug name table size */
unsigned char e_entry[4]; /* start address */
unsigned char e_spare6[4]; /* HP = source line table size */
unsigned char e_supsize[4];/* HP = value table size */
unsigned char e_drelocs[4];
unsigned char e_extension[4]; /* file offset of extension */
#define EXEC_BYTES_SIZE 64
struct hp300hpux_nlist_bytes
unsigned char e_value[4];
unsigned char e_type[1];
unsigned char e_length[1]; /* length of ascii symbol name */
unsigned char e_almod[2]; /* alignment mod */
unsigned char e_shlib[2]; /* info about dynamic linking */
struct hp300hpux_reloc
unsigned char r_address[4];/* offset of of data to relocate */
unsigned char r_index[2]; /* symbol table index of symbol */
unsigned char r_type[1]; /* relocation type */
unsigned char r_length[1]; /* length of item to reloc */
struct hp300hpux_header_extension
unsigned char e_syms[4];
unsigned char unique_headers[12*4];
unsigned char e_header[2]; /* type of header */
unsigned char e_version[2]; /* version */
unsigned char e_size[4]; /* bytes following*/
unsigned char e_extension[4];/* file offset of next extension */
/* hpux separates object files (0x106) and impure executables (0x107) */
/* but the bfd code does not distinguish between them. Since we want to*/
/* read hpux .o files, we add an special define and use it below in */
/* offset and address calculations. */
#define HPUX_DOT_O_MAGIC 0x106
#define OMAGIC 0x107 /* object file or impure executable. */
#define NMAGIC 0x108 /* Code indicating pure executable. */
#define ZMAGIC 0x10B /* demand-paged executable. */
#define N_HEADER_IN_TEXT(x) 0
#if 0 /* libaout.h only uses the lower 8 bits */
#define HP98x6_ID 0x20A
#define HP9000S200_ID 0x20C
#define HP98x6_ID 0x0A
#define HP9000S200_ID 0x0C
#define N_BADMAG(x) ((_N_BADMAG (x)) || (_N_BADMACH (x)))
#define N_DATADDR(x) \
: (N_SEGSIZE(x) + ((N_TXTADDR(x)+N_TXTSIZE(x)-1) & ~(N_SEGSIZE(x)-1))))
#define _N_BADMACH(x) \
(((N_MACHTYPE (x)) != HP9000S200_ID) && \
((N_MACHTYPE (x)) != HP98x6_ID))
#define _N_BADMAG(x) (N_MAGIC(x) != HPUX_DOT_O_MAGIC \
&& N_MAGIC(x) != OMAGIC \
&& N_MAGIC(x) != NMAGIC \
&& N_MAGIC(x) != ZMAGIC )
#undef _N_HDROFF
#define _N_HDROFF(x) (SEGMENT_SIZE - (sizeof (struct exec)))
#undef N_DATOFF
#undef N_PASOFF
#undef N_SYMOFF
#undef N_SUPOFF
#undef N_TRELOFF
#undef N_DRELOFF
#undef N_STROFF
#define N_DATOFF(x) ( N_TXTOFF(x) + N_TXTSIZE(x) )
#define N_PASOFF(x) ( N_DATOFF(x) + (x).a_data)
#define N_SYMOFF(x) ( N_PASOFF(x) /* + (x).a_passize*/ )
#define N_SUPOFF(x) ( N_SYMOFF(x) + (x).a_syms )
#define N_TRELOFF(x) ( N_SUPOFF(x) /* + 0 (x).a_supsize*/ )
#define N_DRELOFF(x) ( N_TRELOFF(x) + (x).a_trsize )
#define N_EXTHOFF(x) ( N_DRELOFF(x) /* + 0 (x).a_drsize */)
#define N_STROFF(x) ( 0 /* no string table */ )
/* use these when the file has gnu symbol tables */
#define N_GNU_TRELOFF(x) (N_DATOFF(x) + (x).a_data)
#define N_GNU_DRELOFF(x) (N_GNU_TRELOFF(x) + (x).a_trsize)
#define N_GNU_SYMOFF(x) (N_GNU_DRELOFF(x) + (x).a_drsize)
#define TARGET_PAGE_SIZE 0x1000
#define SEGMENT_SIZE 0x1000
#define N_SHARED_LIB(x) ( 0 /* no shared libraries */ )

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@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
#include "filehdr.h"
#include "aouthdr.h"
#include "scnhdr.h"
#include "spacehdr.h"
#include "syms.h"

Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More