Some point after gcc-4.2 the MIPS inline assembly restrictions changed -
=h (hi register) disappeared from the list of restrictions and can no
longer be used.
So, until someone requires an assembly version of this function,
just use a non-assembly version and let the compiler sort it out.
Suggested by: kan
which are apparently "heinous" GNU extensions, so clang can
compile this without using the -fheinous-gnu-extensions option.
Results in *no* binary change, neither with clang, nor with gcc.
Submitted by: Dimitry Andric <dimitry at>
non-i386, non-unix, and generatable files have been trimmed, but can easily
be added in later if needed.
gcc- will follow shortly, it's a very small delta to this and it's
handy to have both available for reference for such little cost.
The freebsd-specific changes will then be committed, and once the dust has
settled, the bmakefiles will be committed to use this code.