Update libarchive to 3.1.2
Some of new features:
- support for lrzip and grzip compression
- support for writing tar v7 format
- b64encode and uuencode filters
- support for __MACOSX directory in Zip archives
- support for lzop compresion (external utility)
Some of new features:
- New readers: RAR, LHA/LZH, CAB reader, 7-Zip
- New writers: ISO9660, XAR
- Improvements to many formats, especially including ISO9660 and Zip
- Stackable write filters to write, e.g., tar.gz.uu in a single pass
- Exploit seekable input; new "seekable" Zip reader can exploit the Zip
Central Directory when it's available; the old "streamable" Zip reader
is still fully supported for cases where seeking is not possible.
Full release notes available at: