for unknown events.
A number of modules return EINVAL in this instance, and I have left
those alone for now and instead taught MOD_QUIESCE to accept this
as "didn't do anything".
There are two 3rd party code chunks using this still - the IPv6 stuff and
i4b. Give them a private copy as an alternative to changing them too much.
XXX sys/kernel.h still has a #include <sys/module.h> in it. I will be
taking this out shortly - this affects a number of drivers.
ISDN4BSD is the work of our brand-new comitter: Hellmuth Michaelis,
who has done a tremendous amount of work to bring us this far.
There are still some outstanding issues and files to bring into
the tree, and for now it will be needed to pick up all the extra
docs from the isdn4bsd release.
It is probably also a very good idea to subscribe to the
mailing list before you try this out.
These files correspond to release "beta Version 0.70.00 / December
1998" from Hellmuth.