/* * Copyright (C) 1995 by Pavel Antonov, Moscow, Russia. * Copyright (C) 1995 by Andrey A. Chernov, Moscow, Russia. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. */ /* * Cirrus Logic CD180 registers */ /* Global registers */ #define CD180_GIVR 0x40 /* Global Interrupt Verctor Register */ #define CD180_GICR 0x41 /* Global Interrupting Channel Register */ #define CD180_PILR1 0x61 /* Priority Interrupt Level Register 1 */ #define CD180_PILR2 0x62 /* Priority Interrupt Level Register 2 */ #define CD180_PILR3 0x63 /* Priority Interrupt Level Register 3 */ #define CD180_CAR 0x64 /* Channel Access Register */ #define CD180_GFRCR 0x6B /* Global Firmware Revision Code Register */ #define CD180_PPRH 0x70 /* Prescaler Period Register MSB */ #define CD180_PPRL 0x71 /* Prescaler Period Register LSB */ #define CD180_RDR 0x78 /* Receiver Data Register */ #define CD180_RCSR 0x7A /* Receiver Character Status Register */ #define CD180_TDR 0x7B /* Transmit Data Register */ #define CD180_EOIR 0x7F /* End of Interrupt Register */ /* Channel Registers */ #define CD180_CCR 0x01 /* Channel Command Register */ #define CD180_IER 0x02 /* Interrupt Enable Register */ #define CD180_COR1 0x03 /* Channel Option Register 1 */ #define CD180_COR2 0x04 /* Channel Option Register 1 */ #define CD180_COR3 0x05 /* Channel Option Register 1 */ #define CD180_CCSR 0x06 /* Channel Control STatus Register */ #define CD180_RDCR 0x07 /* Receive Data Count Register */ #define CD180_SCHR1 0x09 /* Special Character Register 1 */ #define CD180_SCHR2 0x0A /* Special Character Register 2 */ #define CD180_SCHR3 0x0B /* Special Character Register 3 */ #define CD180_SCHR4 0x0C /* Special Character Register 4 */ #define CD180_MCOR1 0x10 /* Modem Change Option 1 Register */ #define CD180_MCOR2 0x11 /* Modem Change Option 2 Register */ #define CD180_MCR 0x12 /* Modem Change Register */ #define CD180_RTPR 0x18 /* Receive Timeout Period Register */ #define CD180_MSVR 0x28 /* Modem Signal Value Register */ #define CD180_RBPRH 0x31 /* Receive Baud Rate Period Register MSB */ #define CD180_RBPRL 0x32 /* Receive Baud Rate Period Register LSB */ #define CD180_TBPRH 0x39 /* Transmit Baud Rate Period Register MSB */ #define CD180_TBPRL 0x3A /* Transmit Baud Rate Period Register LSB */ /** Register descritpions **/ /* Global Interrupt Vector Register */ #define GIVR_IT_MSCI 0x01 /* Modem Signal Change Interrupt */ #define GIVR_IT_TDI 0x02 /* Transmit Data Interrupt */ #define GIVR_IT_RGDI 0x03 /* Receive Good Data Interrupt */ #define GIVR_IT_REI 0x07 /* Receive Exception Interrupt */ /* Global Interrupt Channel Register */ #define GICR_CHAN 0x1C /* Channel Number Mask */ #define GICR_LSH 2 /* Channel Number Shift */ /* Channel Address Register */ #define CAR_CHAN 0x07 /* Channel Number Mask */ #define CAR_A7 0x08 /* Addres bit 7 (unused) */ /* Receive Character Status Register */ #define RCSR_OE 0x01 /* Overrun Error */ #define RCSR_FE 0x02 /* Frame Error */ #define RCSR_PE 0x04 /* Parity Error */ #define RCSR_BREAK 0x08 /* Break detected */ #define RCSR_TOUT 0x80 /* Rx Timeout */ #define RCSR_SCDET 0x70 /* Special Character Detected Mask */ #define RCSR_SC1 0x10 /* Special Char 1 (or 1 & 3 seq matched) */ #define RCSR_SC2 0x20 /* Special Char 2 (or 2 & 4 seq matched) */ #define RCSR_SC3 0x30 /* Special Char 3 */ #define RCSR_SC4 0x40 /* Special Char 4 */ /* Channel Command Register */ #define CCR_RESETCHAN 0x80 /* Reset Channel */ #define CCR_HWRESET 0x81 /* Hardware Reset (all channels) */ #define CCR_CORCHG1 0x42 /* Channel Option Register 1 Changed */ #define CCR_CORCHG2 0x44 /* Channel Option Register 2 Changed */ #define CCR_CORCHG3 0x48 /* Channel Option Register 3 Changed */ #define CCR_SSPC1 0x21 /* Send Special Character 1 */ #define CCR_SSPC2 0x22 /* Send Special Character 2 */ #define CCR_SSPC3 0x23 /* Send Special Character 3 */ #define CCR_SSPC4 0x24 /* Send Special Character 4 */ #define CCR_CHANCTL 0x10 /* Channel Control Command */ #define CCR_RXDIS 0x11 /* Receiver Disable */ #define CCR_RXEN 0x12 /* Receiver Enable */ #define CCR_TXDIS 0x14 /* Transmitter Disable */ #define CCR_TXEN 0x18 /* Transmitter Enable */ /* Interrupt Enable Register */ #define IER_DSR 0x80 /* Enable interrupt on DSR change */ #define IER_CD 0x40 /* Enable interrupt on CD change */ #define IER_CTS 0x20 /* Enable interrupt on CTS change */ #define IER_RXD 0x10 /* Enable interrupt on Receive Data */ #define IER_RXSC 0x08 /* Enable interrupt on Receive Spec. Char */ #define IER_TXRDY 0x04 /* Enable interrupt on TX FIFO empty */ #define IER_TXMPTY 0x02 /* Enable interrupt on TX completely empty*/ #define IER_RET 0x01 /* Enable interrupt on RX Except. Timeout */ /* Channel Option Register 1 */ #define COR1_ODDP 0x80 /* Odd Parity */ #define COR1_PARMASK 0x60 /* Parity Mode mask */ #define COR1_NOPAR 0x02 /* No Parity */ #define COR1_FORCEPAR 0x20 /* Force Parity */ #define COR1_NORMPAR 0x40 /* Normal Parity */ #define COR1_IGNORE 0x10 /* Ignore Parity on RX */ #define COR1_STOPMASK 0x0C /* Stop Bits mode mask */ #define COR1_1SB 0x00 /* 1 Stop Bit */ #define COR1_15SB 0x04 /* 1.5 Stop Bits */ #define COR1_2SB 0x08 /* 2 Stop Bits */ #define COR1_CHLMASK 0x03 /* Character Length mask */ #define COR1_5BITS 0x00 /* 5 bits */ #define COR1_6BITS 0x01 /* 6 bits */ #define COR1_7BITS 0x02 /* 7 bits */ #define COR1_8BITS 0x03 /* 8 bits */ /* Channel Option Register 2 */ #define COR2_IXM 0x80 /* Implied XON mode */ #define COR2_TXIBE 0x40 /* Enable In-Band XON/XOFF Flow Control */ #define COR2_ETC 0x20 /* Embedded Tx Commands Enable */ #define COR2_LLM 0x10 /* Local Loopback Mode */ #define COR2_RLM 0x08 /* Remote Loopback Mode */ #define COR2_RTSAO 0x04 /* RTS Automatic Output Enable */ #define COR2_CTSAE 0x02 /* CTS Automatic Enable */ #define COR2_DSRAE 0x01 /* DSR Automatic Enable */ /* Channel Option Register 3 */ #define COR3_XONCH 0x80 /* XON is a double seq (1 & 3) */ #define COR3_XOFFCH 0x40 /* XOFF is a double seq (1 & 3) */ #define COR3_FCT 0x20 /* Flow-Control Transparency Mode */ #define COR3_SCDE 0x10 /* Special Character Detection Enable */ #define COR3_RXTHMASK 0x0F /* RX FIFO Threshold value (1-8) */ /* Channel Control Status Register */ #define CCSR_RXEN 0x80 /* Revceiver Enabled */ #define CCSR_RXFLOFF 0x40 /* Receive Flow Off (XOFF sent) */ #define CCSR_RXFLON 0x20 /* Receive Flow On (XON sent) */ #define CCSR_TXEN 0x08 /* Transmitter Enabled */ #define CCSR_TXFLOFF 0x04 /* Transmit Flow Off (got XOFF) */ #define CCSR_TXFLON 0x02 /* Transmit Flow On (got XON) */ /* Modem Change Option Register 1 */ #define MCOR1_DSRZD 0x80 /* Detect 0->1 transition of DSR */ #define MCOR1_CDZD 0x40 /* Detect 0->1 transition of CD */ #define MCOR1_CTSZD 0x20 /* Detect 0->1 transition of CTS */ #define MCOR1_DTRTH 0x0F /* Automatic DTR FC Threshold (1-8) */ /* Modem Change Option Register 2 */ #define MCOR2_DSROD 0x80 /* Detect 1->0 transition of DSR */ #define MCOR2_CDOD 0x40 /* Detect 1->0 transition of CD */ #define MCOR2_CTSOD 0x20 /* Detect 1->0 transition of CTS */ /* Modem Change Register */ #define MCR_DSRCHG 0x80 /* DSR Changed */ #define MCR_CDCHG 0x40 /* CD Changed */ #define MCR_CTSCHG 0x20 /* CTS Changed */ /* Modem Signal Value Register */ #define MSVR_DSR 0x80 /* Current state of DSR input */ #define MSVR_CD 0x40 /* Current state of DSR input */ #define MSVR_CTS 0x20 /* Current state of CTS input */ #define MSVR_DTR 0x02 /* Current state of DTR output */ #define MSVR_RTS 0x01 /* Current state of RTS output */ /* Escape characters */ #define CD180_C_ESC 0x00 /* Escape character */ #define CD180_C_SBRK 0x81 /* Start sending BREAK */ #define CD180_C_DELAY 0x82 /* Delay output */ #define CD180_C_EBRK 0x83 /* Stop sending BREAK */ /* Miscellaneous */ #define CD180_NCHAN 8 /* 8 channels per chip */ #define CD180_CTICKS 16 /* 16 ticks for character processing */ #define CD180_NFIFO 8 /* 8 bytes in FIFO */