\xx {}{ate to certain respons}{ibi}{lities for you if you}{}{../COPYING:30} \xx {}{These actions are proh}{ibi}{ted by law if you do n}{}{../COPYING:183} \xx {}{EN ADVISED OF THE POSS}{IBI}{LITY OF SUCH DAMAGES.}{}{../COPYING:278} \xx {}{icense may add an expl}{ici}{t geographical distrib}{}{../COPYING:232} \xx {}{OF ALL NECESSARY SERV}{ICI}{NG, REPAIR OR CORRECTI}{}{../COPYING:267} \xx {}{aims or to contest val}{idi}{ty of any such claims;}{}{../COPYING:216} \xx {}{If the software is mod}{ifi}{ed by someone else and}{}{../COPYING:45} \xx {}{, distribution and mod}{ifi}{cation follow.}{pying}{../COPYING:57} \xx {}{, DISTRIBUTION AND MOD}{IFI}{CATION 0. This Lice}{}{../COPYING:60} \xx {}{r verbatim or with mod}{ifi}{cations and/or transla}{}{../COPYING:68} \xx {}{ation in the term "mod}{ifi}{cation".)}{t limit}{../COPYING:70} \xx {}{, distribution and mod}{ifi}{cation are not covered}{}{../COPYING:72} \xx {}{nd distribute such mod}{ifi}{cations or work under}{}{../COPYING:92} \xx {}{You must cause the mod}{ifi}{ed files to carry prom}{}{../COPYING:95} \xx {ads c}{c) If the mod}{ifi}{ed program normally re}{}{../COPYING:103} \xx {}{ments apply to the mod}{ifi}{ed work as a whole.}{}{../COPYING:114} \xx {work are n}{If ident}{ifi}{able sections of that}{}{../COPYING:115} \xx {}{he work for making mod}{ifi}{cations to it.}{of t}{../COPYING:156} \xx {}{If the Program spec}{ifi}{es a version number of}{}{../COPYING:243} \xx {}{hey have is not the or}{igi}{nal, so that any probl}{}{../COPYING:46} \xx {}{not reflect on the or}{igi}{nal authors' reputatio}{}{../COPYING:47} \xx {}{a license from the or}{igi}{nal licensor to copy,}{}{../COPYING:191} \xx {}{ted interfaces, the or}{igi}{nal copyright holder w}{}{../COPYING:231} \xx {}{RRANTIES OF MERCHANTAB}{ILI}{TY AND FITNESS FOR A P}{}{../COPYING:265} \xx {}{OUT OF THE USE OR INAB}{ILI}{TY TO USE THE PROGRAM}{}{../COPYING:274} \xx {}{anty of MERCHANTAB}{ILI}{TY or FITNESS FOR A PA}{}{../COPYING:303} \xx {}{is included without l}{imi}{tation in the term "mo}{}{../COPYING:69} \xx {}{ny other reason (not l}{imi}{ted to patent issues),}{}{../COPYING:198} \xx {}{aphical distribution l}{imi}{tation excluding those}{}{../COPYING:232} \xx {}{nse incorporates the l}{imi}{tation as if written i}{}{../COPYING:235} \xx {}{new versions will be s}{imi}{lar in spirit to the p}{}{../COPYING:239} \xx {}{, INCLUDING, BUT NOT L}{IMI}{TED TO, THE IMPLIED WA}{}{../COPYING:264} \xx {}{M (INCLUDING BUT NOT L}{IMI}{TED TO LOSS OF DATA OR}{}{../COPYING:274} \xx {}{s to say, a work conta}{ini}{ng the Program or a po}{}{../COPYING:67} \xx {}{sociated interface def}{ini}{tion files, plus the s}{}{../COPYING:158} \xx {}{you must give the rec}{ipi}{ents all the rights th}{}{../COPYING:34} \xx {}{ed on, we want its rec}{ipi}{ents to know that what}{}{../COPYING:46} \xx {}{and give any other rec}{ipi}{ents of the Program a}{}{../COPYING:84} \xx {}{the Program), the rec}{ipi}{ent automatically rece}{}{../COPYING:190} \xx {}{estrictions on the rec}{ipi}{ents' exercise of the}{}{../COPYING:193} \xx {}{will be similar in sp}{iri}{t to the present versi}{}{../COPYING:239} \xx {he two goal}{Our dec}{isi}{on will be guided by t}{}{../COPYING:254} \xx {}{NSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES AR}{ISI}{NG OUT OF THE USE OR I}{}{../COPYING:273} \xx {}{tive mode: Gnomov}{isi}{on version 69, Copyrig}{}{../COPYING:315} \xx {}{e of author Gnomov}{isi}{on comes with ABSOLUTE}{}{../COPYING:316} \xx {}{the program `Gnomov}{isi}{on' (which makes passe}{}{../COPYING:330} \xx {}{to certain responsibil}{iti}{es for you if you dist}{}{../COPYING:30} \xx {}{precise terms and cond}{iti}{ons for copying, distr}{}{../COPYING:56} \xx {}{ENSE TERMS AND COND}{ITI}{ONS FOR COPYING, DISTR}{}{../COPYING:60} \xx {}{meet all of these cond}{iti}{ons: a) You must}{}{../COPYING:93} \xx {}{m under these cond}{iti}{ons, and telling the u}{}{../COPYING:109} \xx {f another wo}{In add}{iti}{on, mere aggregation o}{}{../COPYING:129} \xx {}{all its terms and cond}{iti}{ons for copying, distr}{}{../COPYING:186} \xx {}{o these terms and cond}{iti}{ons.}{bject t}{../COPYING:192} \xx {}{o patent issues), cond}{iti}{ons are imposed on you}{}{../COPYING:199} \xx {}{at contradict the cond}{iti}{ons of this License, t}{}{../COPYING:200} \xx {}{cuse you from the cond}{iti}{ons of this License.}{}{../COPYING:201} \xx {}{ing the terms and cond}{iti}{ons either of that ver}{}{../COPYING:244} \xx {}{hose distribution cond}{iti}{ons are different, wri}{}{../COPYING:251} \xx {}{OTHERWISE STATED IN WR}{ITI}{NG THE COPYRIGHT HOLDE}{}{../COPYING:262} \xx {}{LAW OR AGREED TO IN WR}{ITI}{NG WILL ANY COPYRIGHT}{}{../COPYING:270} \xx {}{END OF TERMS AND COND}{ITI}{ONS Appendix: How t}{}{../COPYING:280} \xx {}{under certain cond}{iti}{ons; type `show c' for}{}{../COPYING:318} \xx {}{free program will ind}{ivi}{dually obtain patent l}{}{../COPYING:52} \xx {g, distribution}{Act}{ivi}{ties other than copyin}{}{../COPYING:72}