/* main.c */ #include #include #include "header.h" #include static char copyright[]="\nLarn is copyrighted 1986 by Noah Morgan.\n"; int srcount=0; /* line counter for showstr() */ int dropflag=0; /* if 1 then don't lookforobject() next round */ int rmst=80; /* random monster creation counter */ int userid; /* the players login user id number */ char nowelcome=0,nomove=0; /* if (nomove) then don't count next iteration as a move */ static char viewflag=0; /* if viewflag then we have done a 99 stay here and don't showcell in the main loop */ char restorflag=0; /* 1 means restore has been done */ static char cmdhelp[] = "\ Cmd line format: larn [-slicnh] [-o] [-##] [++]\n\ -s show the scoreboard\n\ -l show the logfile (wizard id only)\n\ -i show scoreboard with inventories of dead characters\n\ -c create new scoreboard (wizard id only)\n\ -n suppress welcome message on starting game\n\ -## specify level of difficulty (example: -5)\n\ -h print this help text\n\ ++ restore game from checkpoint file\n\ -o specify .larnopts filename to be used instead of \"~/.larnopts\"\n\ "; #ifdef VT100 static char *termtypes[] = { "vt100", "vt101", "vt102", "vt103", "vt125", "vt131", "vt140", "vt180", "vt220", "vt240", "vt241", "vt320", "vt340", "vt341" }; #endif VT100 /* ************ MAIN PROGRAM ************ */ main(argc,argv) int argc; char **argv; { register int i,j; int hard; char *ptr=0,*ttype; struct passwd *pwe; struct stat sb; /* * first task is to identify the player */ #ifndef VT100 init_term(); /* setup the terminal (find out what type) for termcap */ #endif VT100 if (((ptr = getlogin()) == 0) || (*ptr==0)) /* try to get login name */ if (pwe=getpwuid(getuid())) /* can we get it from /etc/passwd? */ ptr = pwe->pw_name; else if ((ptr = getenv("USER")) == 0) if ((ptr = getenv("LOGNAME")) == 0) { noone: write(2, "Can't find your logname. Who Are You?\n",39); exit(); } if (ptr==0) goto noone; if (strlen(ptr)==0) goto noone; /* * second task is to prepare the pathnames the player will need */ strcpy(loginname,ptr); /* save loginname of the user for logging purposes */ strcpy(logname,ptr); /* this will be overwritten with the players name */ if ((ptr = getenv("HOME")) == 0) ptr = "."; strcpy(savefilename, ptr); strcat(savefilename, "/Larn.sav"); /* save file name in home directory */ sprintf(optsfile, "%s/.larnopts",ptr); /* the .larnopts filename */ /* * now malloc the memory for the dungeon */ cell = (struct cel *)malloc(sizeof(struct cel)*(MAXLEVEL+MAXVLEVEL)*MAXX*MAXY); if (cell == 0) died(-285); /* malloc failure */ lpbuf = malloc((5* BUFBIG)>>2); /* output buffer */ inbuffer = malloc((5*MAXIBUF)>>2); /* output buffer */ if ((lpbuf==0) || (inbuffer==0)) died(-285); /* malloc() failure */ lcreat((char*)0); newgame(); /* set the initial clock */ hard= -1; #ifdef VT100 /* * check terminal type to avoid users who have not vt100 type terminals */ ttype = getenv("TERM"); for (j=1, i=0; i\n",argv[i]); exit(); }; if (argv[i][0] == '+') { clear(); restorflag = 1; if (argv[i][1] == '+') { hitflag=1; restoregame(ckpfile); /* restore checkpointed game */ } i = argc; } } readopts(); /* read the options file if there is one */ #ifdef UIDSCORE userid = geteuid(); /* obtain the user's effective id number */ #else UIDSCORE userid = getplid(logname); /* obtain the players id number */ #endif UIDSCORE if (userid < 0) { write(2,"Can't obtain playerid\n",22); exit(); } #ifdef HIDEBYLINK /* * this section of code causes the program to look like something else to ps */ if (strcmp(psname,argv[0])) /* if a different process name only */ { if ((i=access(psname,1)) < 0) { /* link not there */ if (link(argv[0],psname)>=0) { argv[0] = psname; execv(psname,argv); } } else unlink(psname); } for (i=1; i=0; k--) if (iven[k]) { for (i=22; i<84; i++) for (j=0; j<=k; j++) if (i==iven[j]) show3(j); k=0; } lprintf("\nElapsed time is %d. You have %d mobuls left",(long)((gtime+99)/100+1),(long)((TIMELIMIT-gtime)/100)); more(); nosignal=sigsav; } /* * subroutine to clear screen depending on # lines to display */ t_setup(count) register int count; { if (count<20) /* how do we clear the screen? */ { cl_up(79,count); cursor(1,1); } else { resetscroll(); clear(); } } /* * subroutine to restore normal display screen depending on t_setup() */ t_endup(count) register int count; { if (count<18) /* how did we clear the screen? */ draws(0,MAXX,0,(count>MAXY) ? MAXY : count); else { drawscreen(); setscroll(); } } /* function to show the things player is wearing only */ showwear() { register int i,j,sigsav,count; sigsav=nosignal; nosignal=1; /* don't allow ^c etc */ srcount=0; for (count=2,j=0; j<=26; j++) /* count number of items we will display */ if (i=iven[j]) switch(i) { case OLEATHER: case OPLATE: case OCHAIN: case ORING: case OSTUDLEATHER: case OSPLINT: case OPLATEARMOR: case OSSPLATE: case OSHIELD: count++; }; t_setup(count); for (i=22; i<84; i++) for (j=0; j<=26; j++) if (i==iven[j]) switch(i) { case OLEATHER: case OPLATE: case OCHAIN: case ORING: case OSTUDLEATHER: case OSPLINT: case OPLATEARMOR: case OSSPLATE: case OSHIELD: show3(j); }; more(); nosignal=sigsav; t_endup(count); } /* function to show the things player can wield only */ showwield() { register int i,j,sigsav,count; sigsav=nosignal; nosignal=1; /* don't allow ^c etc */ srcount=0; for (count=2,j=0; j<=26; j++) /* count how many items */ if (i=iven[j]) switch(i) { case ODIAMOND: case ORUBY: case OEMERALD: case OSAPPHIRE: case OBOOK: case OCHEST: case OLARNEYE: case ONOTHEFT: case OSPIRITSCARAB: case OCUBEofUNDEAD: case OPOTION: case OSCROLL: break; default: count++; }; t_setup(count); for (i=22; i<84; i++) for (j=0; j<=26; j++) if (i==iven[j]) switch(i) { case ODIAMOND: case ORUBY: case OEMERALD: case OSAPPHIRE: case OBOOK: case OCHEST: case OLARNEYE: case ONOTHEFT: case OSPIRITSCARAB: case OCUBEofUNDEAD: case OPOTION: case OSCROLL: break; default: show3(j); }; more(); nosignal=sigsav; t_endup(count); } /* * function to show the things player can read only */ showread() { register int i,j,sigsav,count; sigsav=nosignal; nosignal=1; /* don't allow ^c etc */ srcount=0; for (count=2,j=0; j<=26; j++) switch(iven[j]) { case OBOOK: case OSCROLL: count++; }; t_setup(count); for (i=22; i<84; i++) for (j=0; j<=26; j++) if (i==iven[j]) switch(i) { case OBOOK: case OSCROLL: show3(j); }; more(); nosignal=sigsav; t_endup(count); } /* * function to show the things player can eat only */ showeat() { register int i,j,sigsav,count; sigsav=nosignal; nosignal=1; /* don't allow ^c etc */ srcount=0; for (count=2,j=0; j<=26; j++) switch(iven[j]) { case OCOOKIE: count++; }; t_setup(count); for (i=22; i<84; i++) for (j=0; j<=26; j++) if (i==iven[j]) switch(i) { case OCOOKIE: show3(j); }; more(); nosignal=sigsav; t_endup(count); } /* function to show the things player can quaff only */ showquaff() { register int i,j,sigsav,count; sigsav=nosignal; nosignal=1; /* don't allow ^c etc */ srcount=0; for (count=2,j=0; j<=26; j++) switch(iven[j]) { case OPOTION: count++; }; t_setup(count); for (i=22; i<84; i++) for (j=0; j<=26; j++) if (i==iven[j]) switch(i) { case OPOTION: show3(j); }; more(); nosignal=sigsav; t_endup(count); } show1(idx,str2) register int idx; register char *str2[]; { if (str2==0) lprintf("\n%c) %s",idx+'a',objectname[iven[idx]]); else if (*str2[ivenarg[idx]]==0) lprintf("\n%c) %s",idx+'a',objectname[iven[idx]]); else lprintf("\n%c) %s of%s",idx+'a',objectname[iven[idx]],str2[ivenarg[idx]]); } show3(index) register int index; { switch(iven[index]) { case OPOTION: show1(index,potionname); break; case OSCROLL: show1(index,scrollname); break; case OLARNEYE: case OBOOK: case OSPIRITSCARAB: case ODIAMOND: case ORUBY: case OCUBEofUNDEAD: case OEMERALD: case OCHEST: case OCOOKIE: case OSAPPHIRE: case ONOTHEFT: show1(index,(char **)0); break; default: lprintf("\n%c) %s",index+'a',objectname[iven[index]]); if (ivenarg[index]>0) lprintf(" + %d",(long)ivenarg[index]); else if (ivenarg[index]<0) lprintf(" %d",(long)ivenarg[index]); break; } if (c[WIELD]==index) lprcat(" (weapon in hand)"); if ((c[WEAR]==index) || (c[SHIELD]==index)) lprcat(" (being worn)"); if (++srcount>=22) { srcount=0; more(); clear(); } } /* subroutine to randomly create monsters if needed */ randmonst() { if (c[TIMESTOP]) return; /* don't make monsters if time is stopped */ if (--rmst <= 0) { rmst = 120 - (level<<2); fillmonst(makemonst(level)); } } /* parse() get and execute a command */ parse() { register int i,j,k,flag; while (1) { k = yylex(); switch(k) /* get the token from the input and switch on it */ { case 'h': moveplayer(4); return; /* west */ case 'H': run(4); return; /* west */ case 'l': moveplayer(2); return; /* east */ case 'L': run(2); return; /* east */ case 'j': moveplayer(1); return; /* south */ case 'J': run(1); return; /* south */ case 'k': moveplayer(3); return; /* north */ case 'K': run(3); return; /* north */ case 'u': moveplayer(5); return; /* northeast */ case 'U': run(5); return; /* northeast */ case 'y': moveplayer(6); return; /* northwest */ case 'Y': run(6); return; /* northwest */ case 'n': moveplayer(7); return; /* southeast */ case 'N': run(7); return; /* southeast */ case 'b': moveplayer(8); return; /* southwest */ case 'B': run(8); return; /* southwest */ case '.': if (yrepcount) viewflag=1; return; /* stay here */ case 'w': yrepcount=0; wield(); return; /* wield a weapon */ case 'W': yrepcount=0; wear(); return; /* wear armor */ case 'r': yrepcount=0; if (c[BLINDCOUNT]) { cursors(); lprcat("\nYou can't read anything when you're blind!"); } else if (c[TIMESTOP]==0) readscr(); return; /* to read a scroll */ case 'q': yrepcount=0; if (c[TIMESTOP]==0) quaff(); return; /* quaff a potion */ case 'd': yrepcount=0; if (c[TIMESTOP]==0) dropobj(); return; /* to drop an object */ case 'c': yrepcount=0; cast(); return; /* cast a spell */ case 'i': yrepcount=0; nomove=1; showstr(); return; /* status */ case 'e': yrepcount=0; if (c[TIMESTOP]==0) eatcookie(); return; /* to eat a fortune cookie */ case 'D': yrepcount=0; seemagic(0); nomove=1; return; /* list spells and scrolls */ case '?': yrepcount=0; help(); nomove=1; return; /* give the help screen*/ case 'S': clear(); lprcat("Saving . . ."); lflush(); savegame(savefilename); wizard=1; died(-257); /* save the game - doesn't return */ case 'Z': yrepcount=0; if (c[LEVEL]>9) { oteleport(1); return; } cursors(); lprcat("\nAs yet, you don't have enough experience to use teleportation"); return; /* teleport yourself */ case '^': /* identify traps */ flag=yrepcount=0; cursors(); lprc('\n'); for (j=playery-1; j= MAXY) break; for (i=playerx-1; i= MAXX) break; switch(item[i][j]) { case OTRAPDOOR: case ODARTRAP: case OTRAPARROW: case OTELEPORTER: lprcat("\nIts "); lprcat(objectname[item[i][j]]); flag++; }; } } if (flag==0) lprcat("\nNo traps are visible"); return; #if WIZID case '_': /* this is the fudge player password for wizard mode*/ yrepcount=0; cursors(); nomove=1; if (userid!=wisid) { lprcat("Sorry, you are not empowered to be a wizard.\n"); scbr(); /* system("stty -echo cbreak"); */ lflush(); return; } if (getpassword()==0) { scbr(); /* system("stty -echo cbreak"); */ return; } wizard=1; scbr(); /* system("stty -echo cbreak"); */ for (i=0; i<6; i++) c[i]=70; iven[0]=iven[1]=0; take(OPROTRING,50); take(OLANCE,25); c[WIELD]=1; c[LANCEDEATH]=1; c[WEAR] = c[SHIELD] = -1; raiseexperience(6000000L); c[AWARENESS] += 25000; { register int i,j; for (i=0; i2) /* no null items */ { item[i][0]=OSCROLL; iarg[i][0]=i; } for (i=MAXX-1; i>MAXX-1-MAXPOTION; i--) if (strlen(potionname[i-MAXX+MAXPOTION])>2) /* no null items */ { item[i][0]=OPOTION; iarg[i][0]=i-MAXX+MAXPOTION; } for (i=1; i0) lprintf("\nYou presently owe %d gp in taxes.",(long)outstanding_taxes); else lprcat("\nYou do not owe any taxes."); return; }; } } parse2() { if (c[HASTEMONST]) movemonst(); movemonst(); /* move the monsters */ randmonst(); regen(); } run(dir) int dir; { register int i; i=1; while (i) { i=moveplayer(dir); if (i>0) { if (c[HASTEMONST]) movemonst(); movemonst(); randmonst(); regen(); } if (hitflag) i=0; if (i!=0) showcell(playerx,playery); } } /* function to wield a weapon */ wield() { register int i; while (1) { if ((i = whatitem("wield"))=='\33') return; if (i != '.') { if (i=='*') showwield(); else if (iven[i-'a']==0) { ydhi(i); return; } else if (iven[i-'a']==OPOTION) { ycwi(i); return; } else if (iven[i-'a']==OSCROLL) { ycwi(i); return; } else if ((c[SHIELD]!= -1) && (iven[i-'a']==O2SWORD)) { lprcat("\nBut one arm is busy with your shield!"); return; } else { c[WIELD]=i-'a'; if (iven[i-'a'] == OLANCE) c[LANCEDEATH]=1; else c[LANCEDEATH]=0; bottomline(); return; } } } } /* common routine to say you don't have an item */ ydhi(x) int x; { cursors(); lprintf("\nYou don't have item %c!",x); } ycwi(x) int x; { cursors(); lprintf("\nYou can't wield item %c!",x); } /* function to wear armor */ wear() { register int i; while (1) { if ((i = whatitem("wear"))=='\33') return; if (i != '.') { if (i=='*') showwear(); else switch(iven[i-'a']) { case 0: ydhi(i); return; case OLEATHER: case OCHAIN: case OPLATE: case OSTUDLEATHER: case ORING: case OSPLINT: case OPLATEARMOR: case OSSPLATE: if (c[WEAR] != -1) { lprcat("\nYou're already wearing some armor"); return; } c[WEAR]=i-'a'; bottomline(); return; case OSHIELD: if (c[SHIELD] != -1) { lprcat("\nYou are already wearing a shield"); return; } if (iven[c[WIELD]]==O2SWORD) { lprcat("\nYour hands are busy with the two handed sword!"); return; } c[SHIELD] = i-'a'; bottomline(); return; default: lprcat("\nYou can't wear that!"); }; } } } /* function to drop an object */ dropobj() { register int i; register char *p; long amt; p = &item[playerx][playery]; while (1) { if ((i = whatitem("drop"))=='\33') return; if (i=='*') showstr(); else { if (i=='.') /* drop some gold */ { if (*p) { lprcat("\nThere's something here already!"); return; } lprcat("\n\n"); cl_dn(1,23); lprcat("How much gold do you drop? "); if ((amt=readnum((long)c[GOLD])) == 0) return; if (amt>c[GOLD]) { lprcat("\nYou don't have that much!"); return; } if (amt<=32767) { *p=OGOLDPILE; i=amt; } else if (amt<=327670L) { *p=ODGOLD; i=amt/10; amt = 10*i; } else if (amt<=3276700L) { *p=OMAXGOLD; i=amt/100; amt = 100*i; } else if (amt<=32767000L) { *p=OKGOLD; i=amt/1000; amt = 1000*i; } else { *p=OKGOLD; i=32767; amt = 32767000L; } c[GOLD] -= amt; lprintf("You drop %d gold pieces",(long)amt); iarg[playerx][playery]=i; bottomgold(); know[playerx][playery]=0; dropflag=1; return; } drop_object(i-'a'); return; } } } /* * readscr() Subroutine to read a scroll one is carrying */ readscr() { register int i; while (1) { if ((i = whatitem("read"))=='\33') return; if (i != '.') { if (i=='*') showread(); else { if (iven[i-'a']==OSCROLL) { read_scroll(ivenarg[i-'a']); iven[i-'a']=0; return; } if (iven[i-'a']==OBOOK) { readbook(ivenarg[i-'a']); iven[i-'a']=0; return; } if (iven[i-'a']==0) { ydhi(i); return; } lprcat("\nThere's nothing on it to read"); return; } } } } /* * subroutine to eat a cookie one is carrying */ eatcookie() { register int i; char *p; while (1) { if ((i = whatitem("eat"))=='\33') return; if (i != '.') if (i=='*') showeat(); else { if (iven[i-'a']==OCOOKIE) { lprcat("\nThe cookie was delicious."); iven[i-'a']=0; if (!c[BLINDCOUNT]) { if (p=fortune(fortfile)) { lprcat(" Inside you find a scrap of paper that says:\n"); lprcat(p); } } return; } if (iven[i-'a']==0) { ydhi(i); return; } lprcat("\nYou can't eat that!"); return; } } } /* * subroutine to quaff a potion one is carrying */ quaff() { register int i; while (1) { if ((i = whatitem("quaff"))=='\33') return; if (i != '.') { if (i=='*') showquaff(); else { if (iven[i-'a']==OPOTION) { quaffpotion(ivenarg[i-'a']); iven[i-'a']=0; return; } if (iven[i-'a']==0) { ydhi(i); return; } lprcat("\nYou wouldn't want to quaff that, would you? "); return; } } } } /* function to ask what player wants to do */ whatitem(str) char *str; { int i; cursors(); lprintf("\nWhat do you want to %s [* for all] ? ",str); i=0; while (i>'z' || (i<'a' && i!='*' && i!='\33' && i!='.')) i=getchar(); if (i=='\33') lprcat(" aborted"); return(i); } /* subroutine to get a number from the player and allow * to mean return amt, else return the number entered */ unsigned long readnum(mx) long mx; { register int i; register unsigned long amt=0; sncbr(); if ((i=getchar()) == '*') amt = mx; /* allow him to say * for all gold */ else while (i != '\n') { if (i=='\033') { scbr(); lprcat(" aborted"); return(0); } if ((i <= '9') && (i >= '0') && (amt<99999999)) amt = amt*10+i-'0'; i = getchar(); } scbr(); return(amt); } #ifdef HIDEBYLINK /* * routine to zero every byte in a string */ szero(str) register char *str; { while (*str) *str++ = 0; } #endif HIDEBYLINK