Short technical overview of isdn4bsd ==================================== Copyright (c) 1998 Hellmuth Michaelis. All rights reserved. $FreeBSD$ Last edit-date: [Tue Oct 27 11:26:03 1998] -hm starting an overview ... Contents: --------- Functional block diagram Layer 1 Layer 2 Layer 3 Debugging control Layer 4 ISDN protocol trace Functional block diagram ======================== isdndebug isdnd isdntrace +-------+ +----------------------------------------------------+ +--------+ | | | | | | | | | | | | +-------+ +----------------------------------------------------+ +--------+ | | | | | | | /dev/i4bctl Userland | /dev/i4b /dev/i4btrc | =============================================================================== | Kernel | | | | | +-------+ +----------------------------------------------------+ +--------+ | | | | | | |i4bctl | | i4b | | i4btrc | | (6) | | (7) | | (8) | | debug | | Layer 4 - common call control interface | | ISDN | |control| | | | trace | +:-:-:--+ +----------------------------------------------------+ +--------+ : : : ^ ^ ^ : : : Call | various ptr arrays | Call % . . . Control | in i4b_l3l4.h | Control % V V % +----------------------+ +----------------------+ % | | | | % | i4bq931 | ISDN | active card | % | (5) | ##### | % | Layer 3 (Q.931) | # | driver | % | | # | | % +----------------------+ # +----------------------+ % ^ # B + % | i4b_l2l3_func function # | + +------------+ % | ptr array in i4b_l2l3.h # C +++++ isp |----> % V # h + +------------+ IP % +----------------------+ # a + Subsys % | | # n + +------------+ % | i4bq921 | # n +++++ ipr |----> % | (4) | # e + +------------+ IP % | Layer 2 (Q.921) | # l + Subsys % | | # + +------------+ % +----------------------+ # D +++++ tel/rbch |----> % ^ # a + +------------+ to % | i4b_l1l2_func function # t + /dev/i4btel % | ptr array in i4b_l1l2.h # a + or /dev/i4brbch% V # + % +----------------------+ # +---------------------+ % | | # | | % | isic (ISAC part) | D-ch trace # | isic (HSCX part) |B-ch% | (2) |%%%%%%%%%%%% # | (3) |%%%%% | Layer 1 (I.430) | % # | non-HDLC / HDLC |trc % | | % # | | % +----------------------+ % # +---------------------+ % ^ % # ^ % D-channel | % # B-channels | % +-----------------------------------------------+ % | function ptr in % # % | in isic_softc in %%%%%%%%#%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% V i4b_l1.h # +----------------------+ # | | # | isic | # | (1) | # | Card hardware driver | # | for Teles, AVM, USR | # | | # +----------#-----------+ # # # # # # # # # |=========#===============================#============================| ISDN S0 bus Layer 1 ======= (1) A driver for a special card hardware consists of a - probe routine - attach routine - FIFO read - FIFO write - register read - register write routines. These routines handle the card/manufacturer specific stuff required to talk to a particular card. The addresses of the read/write routines are put into an array found in struct isic_softc and they are later called by the macros: ISAC_READ(r), ISAC_WRITE(r,v), ISAC_RDFIFO(b,s), ISAC_WRFIFO(b,s), HSCX_READ(n,r), HSCX_WRITE(n,r,v), HSCX_RDFIFO(n,b,s), HSCX_WRFIFO(n,b,s) (see file layer1/i4b_l1.h) Files currently used for this purpose are - i4b_avm_a1.c AVM A1 and AVM Fritz!Card drivers - i4b_ctx_s0P.c Creatix S0 PnP (experimental!) - i4b_tel_s016.c Teles S0/16 and clones - i4b_tel_s0163.c Teles S0/16.3 - i4b_tel_s08.c Teles S0/8 and clones - i4b_tel_s0P.c Teles S0/16 PnP (experimental!) - i4b_usr_sti.c 3Com USRobotics Sportster (2) The files i4b_isac.c and i4b_isac.h contain the code to control the ISAC chip by using the above mentioned macros. Files i4b_l1.c and i4b_l1.h handle stuff used to access layer 1 functions from layer 2. Layer 1 and layer 2 access functionality of each other by using a well known function pointer array, which contains addresses of "primitives" functions which are defined in I.430 and Q.921. The function pointer array for layer 1/2 communication is defined in file include/i4b_l1l2.h and is initialized i4b_l1.c at the very beginning. File i4b_isic.c contains the main code for the "isic" device driver. i4b_l1fsm.c is the heart of layer 1 containing the state machine which implements the protocol described in I.430 and the ISAC data book. (3) All above code is used for handling of the D channel, the files i4b_bchan.c, i4b_hscx.c and i4b_hscx.h contain the code for handling the B-channel, the HSCX is used to interface the userland drivers isp, ipr, tel and rbch to one of the B-channels and i4b_hscx.c and i4b_hscx.h contain the code to handle it (also by using the above mentioned macros). i4b_bchan.c contains various maintenance code for interfacing to the upper layers. Layer 2 ======= (4) Layer 2 implements the LAPD protocol described in Q.920/Q.921. Layer 2 interfaces to layer 1 by the above described function pointer array, where layer 1 calls layer 2 functions to provide input to layer 2 and layer 2 calls layer 1 functions to feed data to layer 1. The same mechanism is used for layer 2 / layer 3 communication, the pointer array interface is defined in include/i4b_l2l3.h ad the array is initialized at the very beginning of i4b_l2.c which also contains some layer 1 and some layer 3 interface routines. As with l1/l2, the l2/l3 array also contains addresses for "primitives" functions which are specified in Q.920/Q.921 and Q.931. i4b_l2.h contains the definition of l2_softc_t, which describes the complete state of a layer 2 link between the exchange and the local terminal equipment. i4b_l2.c contains the entrance of data from layer 1 into the system, which is split up in i4b_ph_data_ind() into the 3 classes of layer 2 frames called S-frame, I-frame and U-frame. They are handled in files i4b_sframe.c, i4b_iframe.c and i4b_uframe.c together with the respective routines to send data with each ones frame type. i4b_l2timer.c implements the timers required by Q.921. i4b_tei.c contains the TEI handling routines. i4b_lme.c implements a rudimentary layer management entity. i4b_util.c implements the many utility functions specified in Q.921 together wit some misc routines required for overall functionality. i4b_mbuf.c handles all (!) requests for mbufs and frees all mbufs used by the whole isdn4bsd kernel part. It should probably be moved else- where. i4b_l2fsm.c and i4b_l2fsm.h contain the heart of layer 2, the state- machine implementing the protocol as specified in Q.921. Layer 3 ======= (5) i4b_l2if.c and i4b_l4if.c contain the interface routines to communicate to layer 2 and layer 4 respectively. i4b_l3timer.c implements the timers required by layer 3. i4b_q931.c and i4b_q931.h implement the message and information element decoding of the Q.931 protocol. i4b_q932fac.c and i4b_q932fac.h implement a partial decoding of facility messages and/or information elements; the only decoding done here is the decoding of AOCD and AOCE, advice of charge during and at end of call. As usual, i4b_l3fsm.c and i4b_l3fsm.h contain the state machine required to handle the protocol as specified in Q.931. Layer 3 uses a structure defined in include/i4b_l3l4.h to store and request information about one particular isdncontroller, it is called ctrl_desc_t (controller descriptor). It contains information on the state of a controller (controller ready/down and which B channels are used or idle) as well as a pointer array used for communication of layer 4 with layer 3: layer 3 "knows" the routines to call within layer 4 by name, but in case layer 4 has to call layer 3, several possibilities exist (i.e. active / passive cards) so it has to call the routines which the ISDN controller had put into the the function pointer array (N_CONNECT_REQUEST, N_CONNECT_RESPONSE etc) at init time. Layer 3 shares a structure called call_desc_t (call descriptor) with layer 4. This structure is used to describe the state of one call. The reference to layer 3 is the Q.931 call reference value, the reference to layer 4 (and the isdn daemon, isdnd) is the cdid, an unique integer value uniquely describing one call, the call descriptor id. This structure is used to build an array of this structures (call_desc[N_CALL_DESC]), which must be large enough to hold as many calls as there are B channels in the system PLUS a reserve to be able to handle incoming SETUP messages although all channels are in use. More, this structure contains the so called "link table pointers" (isdn_link_t *ilt and drvr_link_t *dlt) which contain function pointers to "link" a B-channel (better the addresses of functions each participant needs to access each others functionality) after a successful call setup to a userland driver (such as isp, ipr, rbch or tel) to exchange user data in the desired protocol and format. Debugging control ================= (6) the device driver for /dev/i4bctl in conjunction with the userland program isdndebug(8) is used to set the debug level for each of the layers and several other parts of the system, information how to use this is contained in machine/i4b_debug.h and all parts of the kernel sources. It is only usable for passive cards. Layer 4 ======= (7) Layer 4 is "just" an abstraction layer used to shield the differences of the various possible Layer 3 interfaces (passive cards based on Siemens chip-sets, passive cards based on other chip-sets, active cards from different manufacturers using manufacturer-specific interfaces) and to provide a uniform interface to the isdnd userland daemon, which is used to handle all the required actions to setup and close calls and to the necessary retry handling and management functionality. Layer 4 communicates with the userland by using a well defined protocol consisting of "messages" sent to userland and which are read(2) by the isdnd. The isdnd in turn sends "messages" to the kernel by using the ioctl(2) call. This protocol and the required messages for both directions are documented in the machine/i4b_ioctl.h file and are implemented in files i4b_i4bdrv.c and i4b_l4.c, the latter also containing much of the Layer 4 interface to the lower layers. i4b_l4mgmt.c contains all the required routines to manage the above mentioned call descriptor id (cdid) in conjunction with the call descriptor (array) and the call reference seen from layer 3. i4b_l4timer.c implements a timeout timer for Layer 4. ISDN protocol trace =================== (8) ISDN D-channel protocol trace for layers 2 and 3 is possible by using hooks in the ISAC handling routines. In case D-channel trace is enabled, every frame is prepended with a header containing further data such as a time stamp and sent via the i4btrc driver found in driver/i4b_trace.c to one of the /dev/i4btrc devices, where corresponds to a passive controller unit number. If desired, B-channel data can be made available using the same mechanism - hooks in the HSCX handler send data up to the i4btrc device. The raw data is then read by the isdntrace userland program which decodes the layer 2 and/or layer 3 protocol and formats it to be easily readable by the user. B-channel data is not interpreted but dumped as a hex-dump. /* EOF */