// Header for PCH test exprs.c // DeclRefExpr int i = 17; enum Enum { Enumerator = 18 }; typedef typeof(i) int_decl_ref; typedef typeof(Enumerator) enum_decl_ref; // IntegerLiteral typedef typeof(17) integer_literal; typedef typeof(17l) long_literal; // FloatingLiteral and ParenExpr typedef typeof((42.5)) floating_literal; // ImaginaryLiteral typedef typeof(17.0i) imaginary_literal; // StringLiteral const char *hello = "Hello" "PCH" "World"; // CharacterLiteral typedef typeof('a') char_literal; // UnaryOperator typedef typeof(-Enumerator) negate_enum; // OffsetOfExpr struct X { int member; }; struct Y { struct X array[5]; }; struct Z { struct Y y; }; typedef typeof(__builtin_offsetof(struct Z, y.array[1 + 2].member)) offsetof_type; // UnaryExprOrTypeTraitExpr typedef typeof(sizeof(int)) typeof_sizeof; typedef typeof(sizeof(Enumerator)) typeof_sizeof2; // ArraySubscriptExpr extern double values[]; typedef typeof(values[2]) array_subscript; // CallExpr double dplus(double x, double y); double d0, d1; typedef typeof((&dplus)(d0, d1)) call_returning_double; // MemberExpr struct S { double x; }; typedef typeof(((struct S*)0)->x) member_ref_double; // BinaryOperator typedef typeof(i + Enumerator) add_result; // CompoundAssignOperator typedef typeof(i += Enumerator) addeq_result; // ConditionalOperator typedef typeof(i? : d0) conditional_operator; // CStyleCastExpr typedef typeof((void *)0) void_ptr; // CompoundLiteral typedef typeof((struct S){.x = 3.5}) compound_literal; typedef typeof(i + sizeof(int[i + Enumerator])) add_result_with_typeinfo; // ExtVectorElementExpr typedef __attribute__(( ext_vector_type(2) )) double double2; extern double2 vec2, vec2b; typedef typeof(vec2.x) ext_vector_element; // InitListExpr double double_array[3] = { 1.0, 2.0 }; // DesignatedInitExpr struct { int x; float y; } designated_inits[3] = { [0].y = 17, [2].x = 12.3, // expected-warning {{implicit conversion from 'double' to 'int' changes value from 12.3 to 12}} 3.5 }; // TypesCompatibleExpr typedef typeof(__builtin_types_compatible_p(float, double)) types_compatible; // ChooseExpr typedef typeof(__builtin_choose_expr(17 > 19, d0, 1)) choose_expr; // GNUNullExpr FIXME: needs C++ // typedef typeof(__null) null_type; // ShuffleVectorExpr typedef typeof(__builtin_shufflevector(vec2, vec2b, 2, 1)) shuffle_expr; // GenericSelectionExpr typedef typeof(_Generic(i, char*: 0, int: 0., default: hello)) generic_selection_expr;