/***********************license start*************** * Copyright (c) 2003-2008 Cavium Networks (support@cavium.com). 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THE ENTIRE RISK ARISING OUT * OF USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THE SOFTWARE LIES WITH YOU. * * * For any questions regarding licensing please contact marketing@caviumnetworks.com * ***********************license end**************************************/ // // The function defined here is called for every function as it is executed. // These calls are automatically inserted by GCC when the switch "-pg" is // used. This allows cvmx-log to add a PC entry as each function is executed. // This information, along with the timestamps can give the user a good idea // of the performance characteristics of their program. This function normally // takes about 22 cycles to execute. // #ifdef __linux__ #include #include #define LA dla #else #include #include #define LA la #endif .set noreorder .set noat LEAF(_mcount) // // All registers we use must be saved since calls are added by gcc // after register allocation. The at register ($3) will contain the // original ra register before the _mcount call. Also the compiler // automatically performs a "dsubu sp, sp, 16" before we're called. // At the end of this function all registers must have their original // values and the stack pointr must be adjusted by 16. This code is // pretty unreadable since it has been arranged to promote dual issue. // #ifdef __linux__ dsubu sp, sp, 32 #else dsubu sp, sp, 16 #endif sd s3, 24(sp) // Save register rdhwr s3, $31 // Read the cycle count sd s0, 0(sp) // Save register LA s0, cvmx_log_buffer_end_ptr // Load the address of the end of the log buffer sd s1, 8(sp) // Save register LA s1, cvmx_log_buffer_write_ptr // Load the address of the location in the log buffer sd s2, 16(sp) // Save register ld s0, 0(s0) // Get value of the current log buffer end location ld s2, 0(s1) // Get value of the current log buffer location dsubu s0, s0, s2 // Subtract the end pointer and the write pointer sltiu s0, s0, 16 // Check if there are at least 16 bytes bne s0, $0, call_c_pc // Call the slow C function if we don't have room in the log li s0, 0x001 // 11 bit constant that matches the first 11 bits of a CVMX_LOG_TYPE_PC header sd ra, 8(s2) // Write the pc to the log dins s3, s0, 53, 11 // Overwrite the upper cycle count bits with the CVMX_LOG_TYPE_PC header sd s3, 0(s2) // Write the log header daddu s2, s2, 16 // Increment the write location ptr sd s2, 0(s1) // Store the write location ptr return_c_pc: ld s0, 0(sp) // Restore register ld s1, 8(sp) // Restore register ld s2, 16(sp) // Restore register ld s3, 24(sp) // Restore register daddu sp, sp, 32 // Pop everything off the stack, even the 16 bytes done by gcc jr ra // Return to the caller and or ra, $1, $1 // make sure the ra is back to its original value call_c_pc: // The registers used by the C code may change based on optimizations. To be // safe, I'll save all registers. We're in the slow path case anyway. dsubu sp, sp, 216 sd $1, 0(sp) sd $2, 8(sp) sd $3, 16(sp) sd $4, 24(sp) sd $5, 32(sp) sd $6, 40(sp) sd $7, 48(sp) sd $8, 56(sp) sd $9, 64(sp) sd $10, 72(sp) sd $11, 80(sp) sd $12, 88(sp) sd $13, 96(sp) sd $14, 104(sp) sd $15, 112(sp) // s0, s1, s2, s3 are already saved sd $20, 120(sp) sd $21, 128(sp) sd $22, 136(sp) sd $23, 144(sp) sd $24, 152(sp) sd $25, 160(sp) sd $26, 168(sp) sd $27, 176(sp) sd $28, 184(sp) sd $29, 192(sp) sd $30, 200(sp) sd $31, 208(sp) or a0, ra, ra jal cvmx_log_pc nop ld $1, 0(sp) ld $2, 8(sp) ld $3, 16(sp) ld $4, 24(sp) ld $5, 32(sp) ld $6, 40(sp) ld $7, 48(sp) ld $8, 56(sp) ld $9, 64(sp) ld $10, 72(sp) ld $11, 80(sp) ld $12, 88(sp) ld $13, 96(sp) ld $14, 104(sp) ld $15, 112(sp) // s0, s1, s2, s3 will be restored later ld $20, 120(sp) ld $21, 128(sp) ld $22, 136(sp) ld $23, 144(sp) ld $24, 152(sp) ld $25, 160(sp) ld $26, 168(sp) ld $27, 176(sp) ld $28, 184(sp) ld $29, 192(sp) ld $30, 200(sp) ld $31, 208(sp) b return_c_pc daddu sp, sp, 216 END(_mcount)