/* * Send a compressed CTM delta to a recipient mailing list by encoding it * in safe ASCII characters, in mailer-friendly chunks, and passing them * to sendmail. Optionally, the chunks can be queued to be sent later by * ctm_dequeue in controlled bursts. The encoding is almost the same as * MIME BASE64, and is protected by a simple checksum. * * Author: Stephen McKay * * NOTICE: This is free software. I hope you get some use from this program. * In return you should think about all the nice people who give away software. * Maybe you should write some free software too. * * $Id: ctm_smail.c,v 1.8 1996/09/07 21:06:19 peter Exp $ */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "error.h" #include "options.h" #define DEF_MAX_MSG 64000 /* Default maximum mail msg minus headers. */ #define LINE_LENGTH 76 /* Chars per encoded line. Divisible by 4. */ int chop_and_send_or_queue(FILE *dfp, char *delta, off_t ctm_size, long max_msg_size, char *mail_alias, char *queue_dir); int chop_and_send(FILE *dfp, char *delta, long msg_size, int npieces, char *mail_alias); int chop_and_queue(FILE *dfp, char *delta, long msg_size, int npieces, char *mail_alias, char *queue_dir); void clean_up_queue(char *queue_dir); int encode_body(FILE *sm_fp, FILE *delta_fp, long msg_size, unsigned *sum); void write_header(FILE *sfp, char *mail_alias, char *delta, int pce, int npieces); void write_trailer(FILE *sfp, unsigned sum); int apologise(char *delta, off_t ctm_size, long max_ctm_size, char *mail_alias); FILE *open_sendmail(void); int close_sendmail(FILE *fp); int main(int argc, char **argv) { int status = 0; char *delta_file; char *mail_alias; long max_msg_size = DEF_MAX_MSG; long max_ctm_size = 0; char *log_file = NULL; char *queue_dir = NULL; char *delta; FILE *dfp; struct stat sb; err_prog_name(argv[0]); OPTIONS("[-l log] [-m maxmsgsize] [-c maxctmsize] [-q queuedir] ctm-delta mail-alias") NUMBER('m', max_msg_size) NUMBER('c', max_ctm_size) STRING('l', log_file) STRING('q', queue_dir) ENDOPTS if (argc != 3) usage(); if (log_file != NULL) err_set_log(log_file); delta_file = argv[1]; mail_alias = argv[2]; if ((delta = strrchr(delta_file, '/')) == NULL) delta = delta_file; else delta++; if ((dfp = fopen(delta_file, "r")) == NULL || fstat(fileno(dfp), &sb) < 0) { err("*%s", delta_file); exit(1); } if (max_ctm_size != 0 && sb.st_size > max_ctm_size) status = apologise(delta, sb.st_size, max_ctm_size, mail_alias); else status = chop_and_send_or_queue(dfp, delta, sb.st_size, max_msg_size, mail_alias, queue_dir); fclose(dfp); return status; } /* * Carve our CTM delta into pieces, encode them, and send or queue them. * Returns 0 on success, and 1 on failure. */ int chop_and_send_or_queue(FILE *dfp, char *delta, off_t ctm_size, long max_msg_size, char *mail_alias, char *queue_dir) { int npieces; long msg_size; long exp_size; int status; #undef howmany #define howmany(x,y) (((x)+((y)-1)) / (y)) /* * Work out how many pieces we need, bearing in mind that each piece * grows by 4/3 when encoded. We count the newlines too, but ignore * all mail headers and piece headers. They are a "small" (almost * constant) per message overhead that we make the user worry about. :-) */ exp_size = ctm_size * 4 / 3; exp_size += howmany(exp_size, LINE_LENGTH); npieces = howmany(exp_size, max_msg_size); msg_size = howmany(ctm_size, npieces); #undef howmany if (queue_dir == NULL) status = chop_and_send(dfp, delta, msg_size, npieces, mail_alias); else { status = chop_and_queue(dfp, delta, msg_size, npieces, mail_alias, queue_dir); if (status) clean_up_queue(queue_dir); } return status; } /* * Carve our CTM delta into pieces, encode them, and send them. * Returns 0 on success, and 1 on failure. */ int chop_and_send(FILE *dfp, char *delta, long msg_size, int npieces, char *mail_alias) { int pce; FILE *sfp; unsigned sum; /* * Send each chunk directly to sendmail as it is generated. * No temporary files necessary. If things turn ugly, we just * have to live with the fact the we have sent only part of * the delta. */ for (pce = 1; pce <= npieces; pce++) { int read_error; if ((sfp = open_sendmail()) == NULL) return 1; write_header(sfp, mail_alias, delta, pce, npieces); read_error = encode_body(sfp, dfp, msg_size, &sum); if (!read_error) write_trailer(sfp, sum); if (!close_sendmail(sfp) || read_error) return 1; err("%s %d/%d sent to %s", delta, pce, npieces, mail_alias); } return 0; } /* * Construct the tmp queue file name of a delta piece. */ #define mk_tmp_name(fn,qd,p) \ sprintf((fn), "%s/.%08ld.%03d", (qd), (long)getpid(), (p)) /* * Construct the final queue file name of a delta piece. */ #define mk_queue_name(fn,qd,d,p,n) \ sprintf((fn), "%s/%s+%03d-%03d", (qd), (d), (p), (n)) /* * Carve our CTM delta into pieces, encode them, and queue them. * Returns 0 on success, and 1 on failure. */ int chop_and_queue(FILE *dfp, char *delta, long msg_size, int npieces, char *mail_alias, char *queue_dir) { int pce; FILE *qfp; unsigned sum; char tname[PATH_MAX]; char qname[PATH_MAX]; /* * Store each piece in the queue directory, but under temporary names, * so that they can be deleted without unpleasant consequences if * anything goes wrong. We could easily fill up a disk, for example. */ for (pce = 1; pce <= npieces; pce++) { int write_error; mk_tmp_name(tname, queue_dir, pce); if ((qfp = fopen(tname, "w")) == NULL) { err("cannot open '%s' for writing", tname); return 1; } write_header(qfp, mail_alias, delta, pce, npieces); if (encode_body(qfp, dfp, msg_size, &sum)) return 1; write_trailer(qfp, sum); fflush(qfp); write_error = ferror(qfp); fclose(qfp); if (write_error) { err("error writing '%s'", tname); return 1; } /* * Give the warm success message now, instead of all in a rush * during the rename phase. */ err("%s %d/%d queued for %s", delta, pce, npieces, mail_alias); } /* * Rename the pieces into place. If an error occurs now, we are * stuffed, but there is no neat way to back out. rename() should * only fail now under extreme circumstances. */ for (pce = 1; pce <= npieces; pce++) { mk_tmp_name(tname, queue_dir, pce); mk_queue_name(qname, queue_dir, delta, pce, npieces); if (rename(tname, qname) < 0) { err("*rename: '%s' to '%s'", tname, qname); unlink(tname); } } return 0; } /* * There may be temporary files cluttering up the queue directory. */ void clean_up_queue(char *queue_dir) { int pce; char tname[PATH_MAX]; err("discarding queued delta pieces"); for (pce = 1; ; pce++) { mk_tmp_name(tname, queue_dir, pce); if (unlink(tname) < 0) break; } } /* * MIME BASE64 encode table. */ static char to_b64[0x40] = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/"; /* * This cheap plastic checksum effectively rotates our checksum-so-far * left one, then adds the character. We only want 16 bits of it, and * don't care what happens to the rest. It ain't much, but it's small. */ #define add_ck(sum,x) \ ((sum) += ((x)&0xff) + (sum) + (((sum)&0x8000) ? 1 : 0)) /* * Encode the body. Use an encoding almost the same as MIME BASE64. * * Characters are read from delta_fp and encoded characters are written * to sm_fp. At most 'msg_size' characters should be read from delta_fp. * * The body consists of lines of up to LINE_LENGTH characters. Each group * of 4 characters encodes 3 input characters. Each output character encodes * 6 bits. Thus 64 different characters are needed in this representation. */ int encode_body(FILE *sm_fp, FILE *delta_fp, long msg_size, unsigned *sum) { unsigned short cksum = 0xffff; unsigned char *ip; char *op; int want, n, i; unsigned char inbuf[LINE_LENGTH*3/4]; char outbuf[LINE_LENGTH+1]; /* * Round up to the nearest line boundary, for the tiniest of gains, * and lots of neatness. :-) */ msg_size += (LINE_LENGTH*3/4) - 1; msg_size -= msg_size % (LINE_LENGTH*3/4); while (msg_size > 0) { want = (msg_size < sizeof(inbuf)) ? msg_size : sizeof(inbuf); if ((n = fread(inbuf, sizeof(char), want, delta_fp)) == 0) break; msg_size -= n; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) add_ck(cksum, inbuf[i]); /* * Produce a line of encoded data. Every line length will be a * multiple of 4, except for, perhaps, the last line. */ ip = inbuf; op = outbuf; while (n >= 3) { *op++ = to_b64[ip[0] >> 2]; *op++ = to_b64[(ip[0] << 4 & 0x3f) | ip[1] >> 4]; *op++ = to_b64[(ip[1] << 2 & 0x3f) | ip[2] >> 6]; *op++ = to_b64[ip[2] & 0x3f]; ip += 3; n -= 3; } if (n > 0) { *op++ = to_b64[ip[0] >> 2]; *op++ = to_b64[(ip[0] << 4 & 0x3f) | ip[1] >> 4]; if (n >= 2) *op++ = to_b64[ip[1] << 2 & 0x3f]; } *op++ = '\n'; fwrite(outbuf, sizeof(char), op - outbuf, sm_fp); } if (ferror(delta_fp)) { err("error reading input file."); return 1; } *sum = cksum; return 0; } /* * Write the mail header and data header. */ void write_header(FILE *sfp, char *mail_alias, char *delta, int pce, int npieces) { fprintf(sfp, "From: owner-%s\n", mail_alias); fprintf(sfp, "To: %s\n", mail_alias); fprintf(sfp, "Subject: ctm-mail %s %d/%d\n\n", delta, pce, npieces); fprintf(sfp, "CTM_MAIL BEGIN %s %d %d\n", delta, pce, npieces); } /* * Write the data trailer. */ void write_trailer(FILE *sfp, unsigned sum) { fprintf(sfp, "CTM_MAIL END %ld\n", (long)sum); } /* * We're terribly sorry, but the delta is too big to send. * Returns 0 on success, 1 on failure. */ int apologise(char *delta, off_t ctm_size, long max_ctm_size, char *mail_alias) { FILE *sfp; sfp = open_sendmail(); if (sfp == NULL) return 1; fprintf(sfp, "From: owner-%s\n", mail_alias); fprintf(sfp, "To: %s\n", mail_alias); fprintf(sfp, "Subject: ctm-notice %s\n\n", delta); fprintf(sfp, "%s is %ld bytes. The limit is %ld bytes.\n\n", delta, (long)ctm_size, max_ctm_size); fprintf(sfp, "You can retrieve this delta via ftpmail, " "or your good mate at the university.\n"); if (!close_sendmail(sfp)) return 1; return 0; } /* * Start a pipe to sendmail. Sendmail will decode the destination * from the message contents. */ FILE * open_sendmail() { FILE *fp; char buf[100]; sprintf(buf, "%s -odq -t", _PATH_SENDMAIL); if ((fp = popen(buf, "w")) == NULL) err("cannot start sendmail"); return fp; } /* * Close a pipe to sendmail. Sendmail will then do its bit. * Return 1 on success, 0 on failure. */ int close_sendmail(FILE *fp) { int status; fflush(fp); if (ferror(fp)) { err("error writing to sendmail"); return 0; } if ((status = pclose(fp)) != 0) err("sendmail failed with status %d", status); return (status == 0); }