/****************************************************************************** * * Filename: p_string.c * * Instantiation of basic string operations to prevent inclusion of full * string library. These are simple implementations not necessarily optimized * for speed, but rather to show intent. * * Revision information: * * 20AUG2004 kb_admin initial creation * 12JAN2005 kb_admin minor updates * * BEGIN_KBDD_BLOCK * No warranty, expressed or implied, is included with this software. It is * provided "AS IS" and no warranty of any kind including statutory or aspects * relating to merchantability or fitness for any purpose is provided. All * intellectual property rights of others is maintained with the respective * owners. This software is not copyrighted and is intended for reference * only. * END_BLOCK * * $FreeBSD$ *****************************************************************************/ #include "lib.h" /* * .KB_C_FN_DEFINITION_START * int p_IsWhiteSpace(char) * This global function returns true if the character is not considered * a non-space character. * .KB_C_FN_DEFINITION_END */ int p_IsWhiteSpace(char cValue) { return ((cValue == ' ') || (cValue == '\t') || (cValue == 0) || (cValue == '\r') || (cValue == '\n')); } /* * .KB_C_FN_DEFINITION_START * unsigned p_HexCharValue(char) * This global function returns the decimal value of the validated hex char. * .KB_C_FN_DEFINITION_END */ unsigned p_HexCharValue(char cValue) { if (cValue < ('9' + 1)) return (cValue - '0'); if (cValue < ('F' + 1)) return (cValue - 'A' + 10); return (cValue - 'a' + 10); } /* * .KB_C_FN_DEFINITION_START * void p_memset(char *buffer, char value, int size) * This global function sets memory at the pointer for the specified * number of bytes to value. * .KB_C_FN_DEFINITION_END */ void p_memset(char *buffer, char value, int size) { while (size--) *buffer++ = value; } /* * .KB_C_FN_DEFINITION_START * int p_strlen(char *) * This global function returns the number of bytes starting at the pointer * before (not including) the string termination character ('/0'). * .KB_C_FN_DEFINITION_END */ int p_strlen(const char *buffer) { int len = 0; if (buffer) while (buffer[len]) len++; return (len); } /* * .KB_C_FN_DEFINITION_START * char *p_strcpy(char *to, char *from) * This global function returns a pointer to the end of the destination string * after the copy operation (after the '/0'). * .KB_C_FN_DEFINITION_END */ char * p_strcpy(char *to, const char *from) { while (*from) *to++ = *from++; *to++ = '\0'; return (to); } /* * .KB_C_FN_DEFINITION_START * unsigned p_ASCIIToHex(char *) * This global function set the unsigned value equal to the converted * hex number passed as a string. No error checking is performed; the * string must be valid hex value, point at the start of string, and be * NULL-terminated. * .KB_C_FN_DEFINITION_END */ unsigned p_ASCIIToHex(const char *buf) { unsigned lValue = 0; if ((*buf == '0') && ((buf[1] == 'x') || (buf[1] == 'X'))) buf += 2; while (*buf) { lValue <<= 4; lValue += p_HexCharValue(*buf++); } return (lValue); } /* * .KB_C_FN_DEFINITION_START * unsigned p_ASCIIToDec(char *) * This global function set the unsigned value equal to the converted * decimal number passed as a string. No error checking is performed; the * string must be valid decimal value, point at the start of string, and be * NULL-terminated. * .KB_C_FN_DEFINITION_END */ unsigned p_ASCIIToDec(const char *buf) { unsigned v = 0; while (*buf) { v *= 10; v += (*buf++) - '0'; } return (v); } /* * .KB_C_FN_DEFINITION_START * void p_memcpy(char *, char *, unsigned) * This global function copies data from the first pointer to the second * pointer for the specified number of bytes. * .KB_C_FN_DEFINITION_END */ void p_memcpy(char *to, const char *from, unsigned size) { while (size--) *to++ = *from++; } /* * .KB_C_FN_DEFINITION_START * int p_memcmp(char *to, char *from, unsigned size) * This global function compares data at to against data at from for * size bytes. Returns 0 if the locations are equal. size must be * greater than 0. * .KB_C_FN_DEFINITION_END */ int p_memcmp(const char *to, const char *from, unsigned size) { while ((--size) && (*to++ == *from++)) continue; return (*to != *from); } /* * .KB_C_FN_DEFINITION_START * int p_strcmp(char *to, char *from) * This global function compares string at to against string at from. * Returns 0 if the locations are equal. * .KB_C_FN_DEFINITION_END */ int p_strcmp(const char *to, const char *from) { while (*to && *from && (*to == *from)) { ++to; ++from; } return (!((!*to) && (*to == *from))); }