.\" @(#)getrpcport.3r 2.2 88/08/02 4.0 RPCSRC; from 1.12 88/02/26 SMI .TH GETRPCPORT 3 "6 October 1987" .SH NAME getrpcport \- get RPC port number .SH SYNOPSIS .ft B .nf int getrpcport(host, prognum, versnum, proto) char *host; int prognum, versnum, proto; .fi .SH DESCRIPTION .IX getrpcport "" "\fLgetrpcport\fR \(em get RPC port number" .B getrpcport(\|) returns the port number for version .I versnum of the RPC program .I prognum running on .I host and using protocol .IR proto . It returns 0 if it cannot contact the portmapper, or if .I prognum is not registered. If .I prognum is registered but not with version .IR versnum , it will still return a port number (for some version of the program) indicating that the program is indeed registered. The version mismatch will be detected upon the first call to the service.