/* * $Id$ * * Copyright (c) 1995 * Gary J Palmer. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer, * verbatim and that no modifications are made prior to this * point in the file. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software * must display the following acknowledgement: * This product includes software developed by Gary J Palmer * for the FreeBSD Project. * 4. The name of Gary J Palmer or the FreeBSD Project may not be used to * endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific * prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY GARY J PALMER ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS * OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL GARY J PALMER BE LIABLE FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, LIFE OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, * STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN * ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "ui_objects.h" #include "dir.h" #include "dialog.priv.h" #include "colors.h" #include "rc.h" static char hostname[256], domainname[256], ipaddr[32], netmask[32], gateway[32], dns[32], extras[256]; static int okbutton, cancelbutton; #define TCP_DIALOG_Y 0 #define TCP_DIALOG_X 8 #define TCP_DIALOG_WIDTH COLS - 16 #define TCP_DIALOG_HEIGHT LINES - 2 /* The names of the available interfaces, for the list */ char *iface_names[MAX_INTERFACE]; typedef struct _interface { char *name; Device *dev; } Interface; typedef struct _layout { int y; int x; int len; int maxlen; char *prompt; char *help; void *var; int type; void *obj; } Layout; static Layout layout[] = { { 2, 2, 25, 255, "Host name:", "The name of your machine on a network, e.g. foo.bar.com", hostname, STRINGOBJ, NULL }, { 2, 35, 20, 255, "Domain name:", "The name of the domain that your machine is in, e.g. bar.com", domainname, STRINGOBJ, NULL }, { 5, 2, 18, 15, "Gateway:", "IP address of host forwarding packets to non-local hosts or nets", gateway, STRINGOBJ, NULL }, { 5, 35, 18, 15, "Name server:", "IP address of your local DNS server", dns, STRINGOBJ, NULL }, { 8, 2, 10, 6, "Interface:", "One of potentially several network interfaces", ifaces, LISTOBJ, NULL }, { 14, 2, 18, 15, "IP Address:", "The IP address to be used for your host - use for loopback", ipaddr, STRINGOBJ, NULL }, { 14, 35, 18, 15, "Netmask:", "The netmask for your network, e.g. 0xffffff00 for a class C network", netmask, STRINGOBJ, NULL }, { 16, 2, 50, 255, "Extra options:", "Any options to ifconfig you'd like to specify manually", extras, STRINGOBJ, NULL }, { 18, 2, 0, 0, "OK", "Select this if you are happy with these settings", &okbutton, BUTTONOBJ, NULL }, { 18, 15, 0, 0, "CANCEL", "Select this if you wish to cancel this screen", &cancelbutton, BUTTONOBJ, NULL }, { NULL }, }; #define _validByte(b) ((b) > 0 && (b) < 255) static void feepout(char *msg) { beep(); msgConfirm(msg); dialog_clear(); refresh(); } static int verifyIP(char *ip) { int a, b, c, d; if (ip && sscanf(ip, "%d.%d.%d.%d", &a, &b, &c, &d) == 4 && _validByte(a) && _validByte(b) && _validByte(c) && _validByte(d)) return 1; else return 0; } static int verifySettings(void) { if (!hostname[0]) feepout("Must specify a host name of some sort!"); else if (!verifyIP(ipaddr)) feepout("Invalid or missing value for IP address"); else if (gateway[0] && !verifyIP(gateway)) feepout("Invalid gateway IP address specified"); else if (dns[0] && !verifyIP(dns)) feepout("Invalid name server IP address specified"); else if (netmask[0] < '0' || netmask[0] > '9') feepout("Invalid or missing netmask"); else return 1; return 0; } /* Call this to initialize the TCP dialog */ void /* This is it - how to get TCP setup values */ void tcpOpenDialog(void) { WINDOW *ds_win; ComposeObj *obj = NULL; ComposeObj *first, *last; int n=0, quit=FALSE, cancel=FALSE, ret, max; char *tmp; ds_win = newwin(LINES, COLS, 0, 0); if (ds_win == 0) { msgFatal("Cannot open TCP/IP dialog window!!"); exit(1); } draw_box(ds_win, TCP_DIALOG_Y, TCP_DIALOG_X, TCP_DIALOG_HEIGHT, TCP_DIALOG_WIDTH, dialog_attr, border_attr); wattrset(ds_win, dialog_attr); mvwaddstr(ds_win, TCP_DIALOG_Y, TCP_DIALOG_X + 20, " Network Configuration "); bzero(ipaddr, sizeof(ipaddr)); bzero(netmask, sizeof(netmask)); bzero(extras, sizeof(extras)); tmp = getenv(VAR_HOSTNAME); if (tmp) strcpy(hostname, tmp); else bzero(hostname, sizeof(hostname)); tmp = getenv(VAR_DOMAINNAME); if (tmp) strcpy(domainname, tmp); else bzero(domainname, sizeof(domainname)); tmp = getenv(VAR_GATEWAY); if (tmp) strcpy(gateway, tmp); else bzero(gateway, sizeof(gateway)); tmp = getenv(VAR_NAMESERVER); if (tmp) strcpy(dns, tmp); else bzero(dns, sizeof(dns)); #define lt layout[n] while (lt.help != NULL) { switch (lt.type) { case STRINGOBJ: lt.obj = NewStringObj(ds_win, lt.prompt, lt.var, lt.y + TCP_DIALOG_Y, lt.x + TCP_DIALOG_X, lt.len, lt.maxlen); break; case BUTTONOBJ: lt.obj = NewButtonObj(ds_win, lt.prompt, lt.var, lt.y + TCP_DIALOG_Y, lt.x + TCP_DIALOG_X); break; case LISTOBJ: lt.obj = NewListObj(ds_win, lt.prompt, lt.var, "lo0", lt.y + TCP_DIALOG_Y, lt.x + TCP_DIALOG_X, 4, 12, 1); default: printf("Don't support this object yet!\n"); end_dialog(); exit(1); } AddObj(&obj, lt.type, (void *) lt.obj); n++; } max = n-1; last = obj; while (last->next) last = last->next; /* find the first object in the list */ first = obj; while (first->prev) first = first->prev; n = 0; while (quit != TRUE) { char help_line[80]; int i, len = strlen(lt.help); for (i = 0; i < 79; i++) help_line[i] = (i < len) ? lt.help[i] : ' '; help_line[i] = '\0'; use_helpline(help_line); display_helpline(ds_win, LINES - 1, COLS - 1); ret = PollObj(&obj); switch (ret) { case SEL_ESC: quit=TRUE; cancel=TRUE; break; case KEY_UP: if (obj->prev !=NULL ) { obj = obj->prev; --n; } else { obj = last; n = max; } break; case KEY_DOWN: if (obj->next != NULL) { obj = obj->next; ++n; } else { obj = first; n=0; } break; case SEL_BUTTON: if (verifySettings()) quit=TRUE; break; case SEL_CR: case SEL_TAB: if (n < max) ++n; else n = 0; break; case SEL_BACKTAB: if (n) --n; else n = max; break; default: beep(); } if (n == 1) { if ((tmp = index(hostname, '.')) != NULL) { strncpy(domainname, tmp + 1, strlen(tmp + 1)); RefreshStringObj(layout[1].obj); } } } if (!cancel) { variable_set2("hostname", hostname); variable_set2("domainname", domainname); variable_set2("ip_addr", ipaddr); variable_set2("ip_gateway", gateway); }