#!/usr/bin/perl # # Copyright (c) March 1995 Wolfram Schneider . Berlin. # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions # are met: # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND # ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE # FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL # DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS # OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) # HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT # LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY # OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF # SUCH DAMAGE. # # kbdmap/vidfont - front end for syscons # # $Id$ # simple test if syscons works $x11 = system("kbdcontrol -d >/dev/null"); if ($x11) { warn "You are not on a virtual console - " . "expect certain strange side-effects\n"; sleep 2; } sub variables_static { $lang_default = "en"; # set default language $lang = $ENV{'LC_CTYPE'} || $ENV{'LANG'} || $lang_default; $lang = &lang($lang); $program = $0; $program =~ s|.*/||; $program =~ s/\.(pl|perl)$//; $keymapdir = "/usr/share/syscons/keymaps"; $fontdir = "/usr/share/syscons/fonts"; $sysconfig = "/etc/sysconfig"; # for test only #$keymapdir = "/tmp/kbdmap/syscons/keymaps"; #$fontdir = "/tmp/kbdmap/syscons/fonts"; # read current font from sysconfig $font_default = "cp437-8x16.fnt"; $font_current = &font_current($font_default); if ($program eq "kbdmap") { $dir = $keymapdir; } else { $dir = $fontdir; } @langsupport = ('MENU', 'FONT'); # lang depended variables $show = 0; # show which languages currently supported $index = "INDEX"; # Keyboard language database $verbose = 0; %keymap = ''; } sub lang { local($lang) = @_; #$lang =~ s/_.*//; # strip country and font $lang =~ s/^(C)$/en/; # aliases #$lang =~ s/^(..).*/$1/; # use only first to characters return $lang; } sub font_current { local($font) = @_; local($font_current); open(F, "$sysconfig") || warn "$sysconfig: $!\n"; while() { /^#/ && next; if (/^\s*font[0-9]+x[0-9]+\s*=\s*(\S+)/) { $font_current = $1 if $1 ne "NO"; } } close F; return $font_current if $font_current; return $font; } sub vidcontrol { local($font) = @_; return $x11 if $x11; # syscons test failed if ($font =~ /.*([0-9]+x[0-9]+)(\.fnt)?$/) { warn "vidcontrol -f $1 $font\n" if $verbose; return system("vidcontrol -f $1 $font"); } else { warn "Which font size? ``$font''\n"; return 1; } } sub menu_read { local($e,@a,$mark,$ext); local($keym, $lg, $dialect, $desc); local(@langlist) = $lang_default; $ext = $dir; $ext =~ s|.*/||; # en_US.ISO8859-1 -> en_..\.ISO8859-1 ($dialect = $lang) =~ s/^(..)_..(.+)$/$1_..$2/; # en_US.ISO8859-1 -> en ($lang_abk = $lang) =~ s/^(..)_.*$/$1/; # read index database open(I, "$dir/$index.$ext") || warn "$dir/$index.$ext: $!\n"; while() { # skip blank lines and comments /^#/ && next; s/^\s+//; /^\w/ || next; s/\s+$//; ($keym, $lg, $desc) = split(/:/); if (! -r "$keym" && ! -r "$dir/$keym" && !grep(/$keym/, @langsupport)) { warn "$keym not found!\n" if $verbose; next; } # set empty language to default language $lg = $lang_default if $lg eq ""; # save language if ($show) { foreach $e (split(/,/, $lg)) { push(@langlist, $e) if !grep($_ eq $e, @langlist); } } # 4) your choise if exist # 3) long match e.g. en_GB.ISO8859-1 is equal to en_..\.ISO8859-1 # 2) short match 'de' # 1) default langlist 'en' # 0) any language # # language may be a kommalist # higher match overwrite lower # last entry overwrite previous if exist twice in database # found your favorite language :-) if ($lg =~ /^(.+,)?$lang(,.+)?$/) { $keymap{$keym} = $desc; $mark{$keym} = 4; } elsif ($mark{$keym} <= 3 && $lg =~ /^(.+,)?$dialect(,.+)?$/) { # dialect $keymap{$keym} = $desc; $mark{$keym} = 3; } elsif ($mark{$keym} <= 2 && $lg =~ /^(.+,)?$lang_abk(,.+)?$/) { # abrevation $keymap{$keym} = $desc; $mark{$keym} = 2; } elsif ($mark{$keym} <= 1 && $lg =~ /^(.+,)?$lang_default(,.+)?$/) { # default $keymap{$keym} = $desc; $mark{$keym} = 1; } elsif ($mark{$keym} <= 0) { # any $keymap{$keym} = $desc; $mark{$keym} = 0; } } close I; if ($show) { @langlist = sort(@langlist); print "Currently supported languages: @langlist\n"; exit(0); } # remove variables from list local($ee); foreach $e (@langsupport) { ($ee = $e) =~ y/A-Z/a-z/; eval "\$$ee = \"$keymap{$e}\""; #warn "$e \$$ee = \"$keymap{$e}\""; delete $keymap{$e}; } #warn "$font $font_default $font_current\n"; # look for keymaps which are not in database opendir(D, "$dir") || warn "$dir: $!\n"; foreach $e (readdir(D)) { if ($e =~ /^[a-z].*(kbd|fnt)$/ && !$keymap{$e}) { warn "$e not in database\n" if $verbose; $keymap{$e} = $e; $keymap{$e} =~ s/\.(kbd|fnt)$//; } } closedir D; # sort menu, font 8x8 is less than 8x14 and 8x16 foreach $e (sort(keys %keymap)) { push(@a, "\"$keymap{$e}\" \"\""); } # side effects to @a grep(s/8x8/8x08/, @a); @a = sort @a; grep(s/8x08/8x8/, @a); if ($print) { foreach (@a) { s/"//g; #" print "$_\n"; } exit; } return @a; } sub dialog { local(@argv) = @_; local($tmp) = "/tmp/_kbd_lang$$"; $dialog = "/usr/bin/dialog \\ --clear \\ --title \"Keyboard Menu\" \\ --menu \"$menu\" \\ -1 -1 10"; ## *always* start right font, don't believe that your current font ## is equal with default font in /etc/sysconfig ## see also at end of this function ## if ($font) { # start right font, assume that current font is equal # to default font in /etc/sysconfig # # $font is the font which require the language $lang; e.g. # russian *need* a koi8 font # $font_current is the current font from /etc/sysconfig if ($font && $font ne $font_current) { &vidcontrol($font); } # start dialog system("$dialog @argv 2> $tmp"); if (!$?) { $choise = `cat $tmp`; foreach $e (keys %keymap) { if ($keymap{$e} eq $choise) { if ($program eq "kbdmap") { system("kbdcontrol -l $dir/$e\n") unless $x11; print "keymap=$e", "\n"; } else { &vidcontrol("$dir/$e"); $_ = $e; if (/^.*\-(.*)\.fnt/) { $font=$1 } else { $font="unknown" } print "font$font=$e", "\n"; } last; } } # } else { } elsif ($font && $font ne $font_current) { # cancel, restore old font &vidcontrol($font_current); } unlink $tmp; exit($?); } sub usage { warn <