.Dd August 27, 1993 .Dt CD 4 .Os FreeBSD .Sh NAME .Nm cd .Nd scsi cdrom driver .Sh SYNOPSIS .Nm device-driver cd .Op Ar count .Sh DESCRIPTION The .Xr cd driver provides support for a .Em scsi cdrom. It allows the cdrom to be divided up into a set of pseudo devices called .Em partitions. In an attempt to look like regular disks the .Nm driver synthesises a partition table, with one partition covering the entire cdrom. A user might (for some amazing reason) add another partition to the cdrom by using disklabel, but it will last only until the cdrom is unmounted. A Partition can have both a .Em raw interface and a .Em Block mode interface. In general the interfaces are similar to those described by .Xr wd 4 or .Xr sd 4 . .Pp Where the .Xr wd 4 device has a fairly low level interface to the system, .Em SCSI devices have a much higher level interface and talk to the system via a .Em SCSI Adapter and a .Em Scsi Adapter driver e.g. .Xr AHA1542 . A scsi adapter must also be separatly configured into the system before a scsi cdrom can be configured. .Pp As the scsi adapter is probed during boot, the .Em SCSI bus is scanned for devices. Any devices found which answer as 'Readonly' type devices will be 'attached' to the .Nm driver. The first found will be attached as .Em cd0 and the next, .Em cd1 etc. .Pp The system utility .Xr disklabel 1 may be used to read the synthesized .Xr disklabel 5 structure, which will contain correct figures for the size of the cdrom should that information be required. .Pp .Sh KERNEL CONFIGURATION Any number of cdroms may be attached to the system regardless of system configuration as all resources are dynamically allocated. .Pp .Sh IOCTLS The following .Xr ioctl 2 calls apply to scsi cdroms in the header files .Em sys/cdio.h. and .Em sys/disklabel.h .Bl -tag -width CDIOCPLAYAUDIO____ .It Dv DIOCGDINFO Read, from the kernel, the in-core copy of the disklabel for the drive. This will be a ficticious disklabel it will contain information read from the scsi inquiry commands, and should be the same as the information printed at boot. .It Dv DIOCSDINFO Give the driver a new disklabel to use. The driver will NOT try write the new disklabel to the disk. (ok?) .It CDIOCPLAYTRACKS Start Audio playback given a track address and length. .It CDIOCPLAYBLOCKS Start Audio playback given a block address and length. .It CDIOCPLAYMSF Start Audio playback given a 'Minutes/ seconds/ frames' address and length. .It CDIOCREADSUBCHANNEL Read information from the subchannel at the location specified. .It CDIOREADTOCHEADER Return summary information about the table of contents for the mounted cdrom. .It CDIOREADTOCENTRYS Return information from the table of contents entries mentionned. .It CDIOCSETPATCH Attach various audio channels to various output channels. .It CDIOCGETVOL Get information about the volume settings of the output channels. .It CDIOCSETVOL Change the volume settings of the output channels. .It CDIOCSETMONO Patch all out[put channels to all source channels. .It CDIOCSETSTERIO Patch left source channel to the left output channel and the right source channel to the right output channel. .It CDIOCSETMUTE Mute output without changing the volume settings. .It CDIOCSETLEFT Attach both output channels to the left source channel. .It CDIOCSETRIGHT Attach both output channels to the right source channel. .It CDIOCSETDEBUG Turn on debugging for the appropriate device. .It CDIOCCLRDEBUG Turn off debugging for the appropriate device. .It CDIOCPAUSE Pause audio play, do not reset the location of the read-head. .It CDIOCRESUME Resume audio play, Start at the location of the pause. .It CDIOCRESET Reset the drive. .It CDIOCSTART Tell the drive to spin-up the cdrom. .It CDIOCSTOP Tell the drive to spin-down the cdrom. .It CDIOCEJECT Eject the cdrom. .El .Pp In addition the general .Xr scsi 4 ioctls may be used with the .Nm driver, if used against the fourth (raw/whole disk) partiton. (e.g. rcd0d) .Sh NOTES When a cdrom is changed in a drive controlled by the .Nm driver, then the act of changing the media will invalidate the disklabel and information held within the kernel. To stop corruption, All accesses to the device will be discarded until there are no more open file descriptors referencing the device. During this period, all new open attempts will be rejected. When No more open file descriptors reference the device, the first next open will load a new set of figures (including disklabel) for the drive. The Audio code in the .Nm driver only support SCSI2 standard audio commands. As there are many cdrom manufacturers who have not followed the standard well, there are many cdroms for which audio will not work. Some work is planned to support some of the more common 'broken' cdrom drives however this is not yet under way. .Sh FILES .Bl -tag -width /dev/rcd[0-9][a-h] -compact .It Pa /dev/cd[0-9][a-h] block mode scsi disks .It Pa /dev/rcd[0-9][a-h] raw scsi disks .El .Sh DIAGNOSTICS None. .Sh SEE ALSO .Xr disklabel 1 .Xr disklabel 5 .Xr wd 4 .Xr sd 4 .Sh HISTORY This .Nm driver appeared in 386BSD 0.1.