/* * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * "THE BEER-WARE LICENSE" (Revision 42): * wrote this file. As long as you retain this notice you * can do whatever you want with this stuff. If we meet some day, and you think * this stuff is worth it, you can buy me a beer in return. Poul-Henning Kamp * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * $Id: write_disk.c,v 1.8 1995/05/06 03:28:32 phk Exp $ * */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "libdisk.h" #define DOSPTYP_EXTENDED 5 #define DOSPTYP_ONTRACK 84 #define BBSIZE 8192 #define WHERE(offset,disk) (disk->flags & DISK_ON_TRACK ? offset + 63 : offset) int Write_FreeBSD(int fd, struct disk *new, struct disk *old, struct chunk *c1) { struct disklabel *dl; struct chunk *c2; int i,j; void *p; u_char buf[BBSIZE]; for(i=0;ioffset); memcpy(buf+512*i,p,512); free(p); } if(new->boot1) memcpy(buf,new->boot1,512); if(new->boot2) memcpy(buf+512,new->boot2,BBSIZE-512); dl = (struct disklabel *) (buf+512*LABELSECTOR+LABELOFFSET); memset(dl,0,sizeof *dl); printf("--> Write_FreeBSD()\n"); for(c2=c1->part;c2;c2=c2->next) { if (c2->type == unused) continue; if (!strcmp(c2->name,"X")) continue; j = c2->name[5] - 'a'; if (j < 0 || j >= MAXPARTITIONS || j == RAW_PART) { warn("Weird parititon letter %c",c2->name[5]); continue; } dl->d_partitions[j].p_size = c2->size; dl->d_partitions[j].p_offset = c2->offset; dl->d_partitions[j].p_fstype = c2->subtype; } dl->d_bbsize = BBSIZE; strcpy(dl->d_typename,c1->name); dl->d_secsize = 512; dl->d_secperunit = new->chunks->size; dl->d_secpercyl = new->real_cyl ? new->real_cyl : new->bios_cyl; dl->d_ntracks = new->real_hd ? new->real_hd : new->bios_hd; dl->d_nsectors = new->real_sect ? new->real_sect : new->bios_sect; dl->d_secpercyl = dl->d_ntracks * dl->d_nsectors; dl->d_npartitions = MAXPARTITIONS; dl->d_type = new->name[0] == 's' ? DTYPE_SCSI : DTYPE_ESDI; dl->d_partitions[RAW_PART].p_size = c1->size; dl->d_partitions[RAW_PART].p_offset = c1->offset; if(new->flags & DISK_ON_TRACK) for(i=0;id_partitions[i].p_size) dl->d_partitions[i].p_offset += 63; dl->d_magic = DISKMAGIC; dl->d_magic2 = DISKMAGIC; dl->d_checksum = dkcksum(dl); for(i=0;ioffset,new),buf+512*i); } return 0; } int Write_Extended(int fd, struct disk *new, struct disk *old, struct chunk *c1) { printf("--> Write_Extended()\n"); return 0; } int Write_Disk(struct disk *d1) { int fd,i,j; struct disk *old = 0; struct chunk *c1; int ret = 0; char device[64]; u_char *mbr; struct dos_partition *dp,work[NDOSPART]; int s[4]; strcpy(device,"/dev/r"); strcat(device,d1->name); fd = open(device,O_RDWR); if (fd < 0) { warn("open(%s) failed",device); return 1; } memset(s,0,sizeof s); mbr = read_block(fd,0); dp = (struct dos_partition*) (mbr + DOSPARTOFF); memcpy(work,dp,sizeof work); dp = work; free(mbr); for (c1=d1->chunks->part; c1 ; c1 = c1->next) { if (c1->type == unused) continue; if (!strcmp(c1->name,"X")) continue; j = c1->name[4] - '1'; if (j < 0 || j > 3) continue; s[j]++; if (c1->type == extended) ret += Write_Extended(fd, d1,old,c1); if (c1->type == freebsd) ret += Write_FreeBSD(fd, d1,old,c1); dp[j].dp_start = c1->offset; dp[j].dp_size = c1->size; i = c1->offset; if (i >= 1024*d1->bios_sect*d1->bios_hd) { dp[j].dp_ssect = 0xff; dp[j].dp_shd = 0xff; dp[j].dp_scyl = 0xff; } else { dp[j].dp_ssect = i % d1->bios_sect; i -= dp[j].dp_ssect++; i /= d1->bios_sect; dp[j].dp_shd = i % d1->bios_hd; i -= dp[j].dp_shd; i /= d1->bios_hd; dp[j].dp_scyl = i; i -= dp[j].dp_scyl; dp[j].dp_ssect |= i >> 2; } #ifdef DEBUG printf("S:%lu = (%x/%x/%x)", c1->offset,dp[j].dp_scyl,dp[j].dp_shd,dp[j].dp_ssect); #endif i = c1->end; dp[j].dp_esect = i % d1->bios_sect; i -= dp[j].dp_esect++; i /= d1->bios_sect; dp[j].dp_ehd = i % d1->bios_hd; i -= dp[j].dp_ehd; i /= d1->bios_hd; if (i>1023) i = 1023; dp[j].dp_ecyl = i; i -= dp[j].dp_ecyl; dp[j].dp_esect |= i >> 2; #ifdef DEBUG printf(" E:%lu = (%x/%x/%x)\n", c1->end,dp[j].dp_ecyl,dp[j].dp_ehd,dp[j].dp_esect); #endif dp[j].dp_typ = c1->subtype; if (c1->flags & CHUNK_ACTIVE) dp[j].dp_flag = 0x80; else dp[j].dp_flag = 0; } j = 0; for(i=0;ibootmgr) memcpy(mbr,d1->bootmgr,DOSPARTOFF); memcpy(mbr+DOSPARTOFF,dp,sizeof *dp * NDOSPART); mbr[512-2] = 0x55; mbr[512-1] = 0xaa; write_block(fd,WHERE(0,d1),mbr); i = 1; i = ioctl(fd,DIOCSYNCSLICEINFO,&i); if (i != 0) warn("ioctl(DIOCSYNCSLICEINFO)"); close(fd); return 0; }