set remotebaud 38400 set complaints 1 set print pretty define xi x/10i $eip end define xs x/12x $esp end define xb x/12x $ebp end define z ni x/1i $eip end define zs si x/1i $eip end define xp printf " esp: " output/x $esp echo ( output (((int)$ebp)-(int)$esp)/4-4 printf " words on stack)\n ebp: " output/x $ebp printf "\n eip: " x/1i $eip printf "Saved ebp: " output/x *(int*)$ebp printf " (maximum of " output ((*(int*)$ebp)-(int)$ebp)/4-4 printf " parameters possible)\nSaved eip: " x/1i *(int*)($ebp+4) printf "\nParm 1 at " output/x (int) ($ebp+8) printf ": " output (char*) *(int*)($ebp+8) printf "\nParm 2 at " output/x (int) ($ebp+12) printf ": " output (char*) *(int*)($ebp+12) printf "\nParm 3 at " output/x (int) ($ebp+16) printf ": " output (char*) *(int*)($ebp+16) printf "\nParm 4 at " output/x (int) ($ebp+20) printf ": " output (char*) *(int*)($ebp+20) echo \n end document xp Show the register contents and the first four parameter words of the current frame. end define xxp printf " esp: " output/x $esp printf "\n ebp: " output/x $ebp printf "\n eip: " x/1i $eip printf "Saved ebp: " output/x *(int*)$ebp printf " (maximum of " output ((*(int*)$ebp)-(int)$ebp)/4-4 printf " parameters possible)\nSaved eip: " x/1i *(int*)($ebp+4) printf "\nParm 1 at " output/x (int) ($ebp+8) printf ": " output (char*) *(int*)($ebp+8) printf "\nParm 2 at " output/x (int) ($ebp+12) printf ": " output (char*) *(int*)($ebp+12) printf "\nParm 3 at " output/x (int) ($ebp+16) printf ": " output (char*) *(int*)($ebp+16) printf "\nParm 4 at " output/x (int) ($ebp+20) printf ": " output (char*) *(int*)($ebp+20) printf "\nParm 5 at " output/x (int) ($ebp+24) printf ": " output (char*) *(int*)($ebp+24) printf "\nParm 6 at " output/x (int) ($ebp+28) printf ": " output (char*) *(int*)($ebp+28) printf "\nParm 7 at " output/x (int) ($ebp+32) printf ": " output (char*) *(int*)($ebp+32) printf "\nParm 8 at " output/x (int) ($ebp+36) printf ": " output (char*) *(int*)($ebp+36) printf "\nParm 9 at " output/x (int) ($ebp+40) printf ": " output (char*) *(int*)($ebp+40) printf "\nParm 10 at " output/x (int) ($ebp+44) printf ": " output (char*) *(int*)($ebp+44) echo \n end document xxp Show the register contents and the first ten parameter words of the current frame. end define xp0 x/12x *(int*)$esp p *(int*)$esp p (char*)*$esp end define xp1 x/12x *(int*)($ebp+4) p *(int*)($ebp+4) p (char**)($ebp+4) end define xp2 x/12x *(int*)($ebp+8) p *(int*)($ebp+8) p *(char**)($ebp+8) end define xp3 x/12x *(int*)($ebp+12) p *(int*)($ebp+12) p (char**)($ebp+12) end define xp4 x/12x *(int*)($ebp+16) p *(int*)($ebp+16) p (char**)($ebp+16) end document xp0 Show the first parameter of current stack frame in various formats end document xp1 Show the second parameter of current stack frame in various formats end document xp2 Show the third parameter of current stack frame in various formats end document xp3 Show the fourth parameter of current stack frame in various formats end document xp4 Show the fifth parameter of current stack frame in various formats end define f0 f 0 xp end define f1 f 1 xp end define f2 f 2 xp end define f3 f 3 xp end define f4 f 4 xp end define f5 f 5 xp end document f0 Select stack frame 0 and show assembler-level details end document f1 Select stack frame 1 and show assembler-level details end document f2 Select stack frame 2 and show assembler-level details end document f3 Select stack frame 3 and show assembler-level details end document f4 Select stack frame 4 and show assembler-level details end document f5 Select stack frame 5 and show assembler-level details end document z Single step 1 instruction (over calls) and show next instruction. end document zs Single step 1 instruction (through calls) and show next instruction. end document xi List the next 10 instructions from the current IP value end document xs Show the last 12 words on stack in hex end document xb Show 12 words starting at current BP value in hex end define tr target remote /dev/cuaa1 end document tr Attach to a remote kernel via /dev/cuaa0 end set output-radix 16 define pname p (char *)curproc->p_comm end document pname Print the command name of the current process end define bpp set $bp = (struct buf *) $arg0 printf " Buffer at 0x%x: dev 0x%x data 0x%x bcount 0x%x blkno 0x%x resid 0x%x\n", \ $bp, \ $bp->b_dev, \ $bp->b_data, \ $bp->b_bcount, \ $bp->b_blkno, \ $bp->b_resid printf " flags 0x%x: ", $bp->b_flags if $bp->b_flags & 0x10 printf "busy " end if $bp->b_flags & 0x40 printf "call " end if $bp->b_flags & 0x200 printf "done " end if $bp->b_flags & 0x800 printf "error " end if $bp->b_flags & 0x40000 printf "phys " end if $bp->b_flags & 0x100000 printf "read " end printf "\n" end define bpl set $bp = (struct buf *) $arg0 printf "b_proc: " output $bp->b_proc printf "\nb_flags: " output $bp->b_flags printf "\nb_qindex: " output $bp->b_qindex printf "\nb_usecount: " output $bp->b_usecount printf "\nb_error: " output $bp->b_error printf "\nb_bufsize: " output $bp->b_bufsize printf "\nb_bcount: " output $bp->b_bcount printf "\nb_resid: " output $bp->b_resid printf "\nb_dev: " output $bp->b_dev printf "\nb_data: " output $bp->b_data printf "\nb_kvasize: " output $bp->b_kvasize printf "\nb_lblkno: " output $bp->b_lblkno printf "\nb_blkno: " output $bp->b_blkno printf "\nb_iodone: " output $bp->b_iodone printf "\nb_vp: " output $bp->b_vp printf "\nb_dirtyoff: " output $bp->b_dirtyoff printf "\nb_dirtyend: " output $bp->b_dirtyend printf "\nb_generation: " output $bp->b_generation printf "\nb_rcred: " output $bp->b_rcred printf "\nb_wcred: " output $bp->b_wcred printf "\nb_validoff: " output $bp->b_validoff printf "\nb_validend: " output $bp->b_validend printf "\nb_pblkno: " output $bp->b_pblkno printf "\nb_saveaddr: " output $bp->b_saveaddr printf "\nb_savekva: " output $bp->b_savekva printf "\nb_driver1: " output $bp->b_driver1 printf "\nb_driver2: " output $bp->b_driver2 printf "\nb_spc: " output $bp->b_spc printf "\nb_npages: " output $bp->b_npages printf "\n" end define bp bpp bp end define bpd printf "Buffer data:\n%s", (char *) bp->b_data end document bpd Show the contents (char*) of bp->data in the current frame. end document bp Show information about the buffer header pointed to by the variable bp in the current frame. end document bpp Show summary information about the buffer header (struct bp) pointed at by the parameter. end document bpl Show detailled information about the buffer header (struct bp) pointed at by the parameter. end document bpl Show detailled information about the buffer header (struct bp) pointed at by the local variable bp. end define bx printf "\n b_vnbufs " output/x bp->b_vnbufs printf "\n b_freelist " output/x bp->b_freelist printf "\n b_act " output/x bp->b_act printf "\n b_flags " output/x bp->b_flags printf "\n b_qindex " output/x bp->b_qindex printf "\n b_usecount " output/x bp->b_usecount printf "\n b_error " output/x bp->b_error printf "\n b_bufsize " output/x bp->b_bufsize printf "\n b_bcount " output/x bp->b_bcount printf "\n b_resid " output/x bp->b_resid printf "\n b_dev " output/x bp->b_dev printf "\n b_data " output/x bp->b_data printf "\n b_kvasize " output/x bp->b_kvasize printf "\n b_blkno " output/x bp->b_blkno printf "\n b_iodone_chain " output/x bp->b_iodone_chain printf "\n b_vp " output/x bp->b_vp printf "\n b_dirtyoff " output/x bp->b_dirtyoff printf "\n b_validoff " output/x bp->b_validoff echo \n end define ddb set boothowto=0x80000000 s end document ddb Switch back to ddb. end define ps set $nproc = nprocs set $aproc = allproc.lh_first set $proc = allproc.lh_first printf " pid proc addr uid ppid pgrp flag stat comm wchan\n" while (--$nproc >= 0) set $pptr = $proc.p_pptr if ($pptr == 0) set $pptr = $proc end if ($proc.p_stat) printf "%5d %08x %08x %4d %5d %5d %06x %d %-10s ", \ $proc.p_pid, $aproc, \ $proc.p_addr, $proc.p_cred->p_ruid, $pptr->p_pid, \ $proc.p_pgrp->pg_id, $proc.p_flag, $proc.p_stat, \ &$proc.p_comm[0] if ($proc.p_wchan) if ($proc.p_wmesg) printf "%s ", $proc.p_wmesg end printf "%x", $proc.p_wchan end printf "\n" end set $aproc = $proc.p_list.le_next if ($aproc == 0 && $nproc > 0) set $aproc = zombproc end set $proc = $aproc end end document ps "ps" -- when kernel debugging, type out a ps-like listing of active processes. end define pcb set $nproc = nprocs set $aproc = allproc.lh_first set $proc = allproc.lh_first while (--$nproc >= 0) set $pptr = $proc.p_pptr if ($proc->p_pid == $arg0) set $pcba = $pptr->p_addr->u_pcb printf "ip: %08x sp: %08x bp: %08x bx: %08x\n", $pcba->pcb_eip, $pcba->pcb_esp, $pcba->pcb_ebp, $pcba->pcb_ebx x/1i $pcba->pcb_eip set $nproc = 0 end set $aproc = $proc.p_list.le_next if ($aproc == 0 && $nproc > 0) set $aproc = zombproc end set $proc = $aproc end end document pcb Show some pcb contents of process whose pid is specified. end define btr set $frame = $arg0 set $fno = 0 while (*(int *) $frame > 0xc0000000) set $myebp = *(int *) $frame set $myeip = *(int *) ($frame + 4) printf " frame %d at %p: ebp %8x, eip ", $fno, $frame, $myebp x/1i $myeip set $frame = $myebp set $fno = $fno + 1 end end document btr Show a backtrace from the ebp address specified. This can be used to get a backtrace from any stack resident in memory. end define btp set $nproc = nprocs set $aproc = allproc.lh_first set $proc = allproc.lh_first while (--$nproc >= 0) if ($proc->p_pid == $arg0) btr $proc->p_addr->u_pcb->pcb_ebp set $nproc = 0 else set $aproc = $proc.p_list.le_next if ($aproc == 0 && $nproc > 0) set $aproc = zombproc end set $proc = $aproc end end end document btp Show a backtrace for the process whose pid is specified as a parameter. end define btpa set $nproc = nprocs set $aproc = allproc.lh_first set $proc = allproc.lh_first printf " pid proc addr uid ppid pgrp flag stat comm wchan\n" while (--$nproc >= 0) set $pptr = $proc.p_pptr if ($pptr == 0) set $pptr = $proc end if ($proc.p_stat) printf "%5d %08x %08x %4d %5d %5d %06x %d %-10s ", \ $proc.p_pid, $aproc, \ $proc.p_addr, $proc.p_cred->p_ruid, $pptr->p_pid, \ $proc.p_pgrp->pg_id, $proc.p_flag, $proc.p_stat, \ &$proc.p_comm[0] if ($proc.p_wchan) if ($proc.p_wmesg) printf "%s ", $proc.p_wmesg end printf "%x", $proc.p_wchan end printf "\n" if ($proc->p_flag & 4) btr $proc->p_addr->u_pcb->pcb_ebp else echo (not loaded)\n end end set $aproc = $proc.p_list.le_next if ($aproc == 0 && $nproc > 0) set $aproc = zombproc end set $proc = $aproc end end document btpa Show backtraces for all processes in the system. end define btpp if ($myvectorproc->p_flag & 4) btr $myvectorproc->p_addr->u_pcb->pcb_ebp else echo (not loaded)\n end end document btpp Show a backtrace for the process previously selected with 'defproc'. end define defproc set $nproc = nprocs set $aproc = allproc.lh_first set $proc = allproc.lh_first while (--$nproc >= 0) if ($proc->p_pid == $arg0) set $pptr = $proc.p_pptr if ($pptr == 0) set $pptr = $proc end set $myvectorproc = $proc if ($proc.p_stat) printf "%5d %08x %08x %4d %5d %5d %06x %d %-10s ", \ $proc.p_pid, $aproc, \ $proc.p_addr, $proc.p_cred->p_ruid, $pptr->p_pid, \ $proc.p_pgrp->pg_id, $proc.p_flag, $proc.p_stat, \ &$proc.p_comm[0] if ($proc.p_wchan) if ($proc.p_wmesg) printf "%s ", $proc.p_wmesg end printf "%x", $proc.p_wchan end printf "\n" end btpp set $nproc = 0 else set $proc = $proc.p_list.le_next end end end document defproc Specify a process for btpp and fr commands. end define fr set $fno = 0 set $searching = 1 if ($myvectorproc->p_flag & 4) set $frame = $myvectorproc->p_addr->u_pcb->pcb_ebp while (($searching == 1) && (*(int *) $frame > 0xc0000000)) set $myebp = *(int *) $frame set $myeip = *(int *) ($frame + 4) if ($fno == $arg0) printf " frame %d at %p: ebp %8x, eip ", $fno, $frame, $myebp x/1i $myeip printf "Called from %8x, stack frame at %8x\n", *(int *) ($myebp+4), *(int *) $myebp printf "last 20 local variables:\n" x/20x ($myebp-80) printf "call parameters:\n" x/8x ($myebp+8) set $searching = 0 else set $frame = $myebp set $fno = $fno + 1 end end if ($searching == 1) echo frame not found\n end else printf "process %d is not loaded in memory\n", $myvectorproc->p_pid end end document fr Show the frame of the stack of the process previously selected with 'defproc'. end set height 70 set width 120 define vdev if (vp->v_type == VBLK) p *vp->v_un.vu_specinfo printf "numoutput: %d\n", vp->v_numoutput else echo "Not a block device" end end document vdev Show some information of the vnode pointed to by the local variable vp. end define y echo Check your .gdbinit, it contains a y command\n end