/* * /src/NTP/REPOSITORY/v3/parse/util/parsetest.c,v 3.14 1994/05/12 12:49:27 kardel Exp * * parsetest.c,v 3.14 1994/05/12 12:49:27 kardel Exp * * Copyright (c) 1989,1990,1991,1992,1993,1994 * Frank Kardel Friedrich-Alexander Universitaet Erlangen-Nuernberg * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * * $Log: parsetest.c,v $ * Revision 1994/09/29 23:01:34 wollman * xntp 3.4e from Dave Mills @ UDel * * Revision 3.14 1994/05/12 12:49:27 kardel * printf fmt/arg cleanup * * Revision 3.14 1994/05/11 09:25:43 kardel * 3.3r + printf fmt/arg fixes * * Revision 3.13 1994/02/20 13:04:46 kardel * parse add/delete second support * * Revision 3.12 1994/02/02 17:45:51 kardel * rcs ids fixed * */ #ifndef STREAM ONLY STREAM OPERATION SUPPORTED #endif #define PARSESTREAM /* there is no other choice - TEST HACK */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define P(X) () #include "ntp_fp.h" #ifdef USE_PROTOTYPES #include "ntp_stdlib.h" #endif #include "parse.h" static char *strstatus(buffer, state) char *buffer; unsigned LONG state; { static struct bits { unsigned LONG bit; char *name; } flagstrings[] = { { PARSEB_ANNOUNCE, "DST SWITCH WARNING" }, { PARSEB_POWERUP, "NOT SYNCHRONIZED" }, { PARSEB_NOSYNC, "TIME CODE NOT CONFIRMED" }, { PARSEB_DST, "DST" }, { PARSEB_UTC, "UTC DISPLAY" }, { PARSEB_LEAPADD, "LEAP ADDITION WARNING" }, { PARSEB_LEAPDEL, "LEAP DELETION WARNING" }, { PARSEB_LEAPSECOND, "LEAP SECOND" }, { PARSEB_ALTERNATE,"ALTERNATE ANTENNA" }, { PARSEB_TIMECODE, "TIME CODE" }, { PARSEB_PPS, "PPS" }, { PARSEB_POSITION, "POSITION" }, { 0 } }; static struct sbits { unsigned LONG bit; char *name; } sflagstrings[] = { { PARSEB_S_LEAP, "LEAP INDICATION" }, { PARSEB_S_PPS, "PPS SIGNAL" }, { PARSEB_S_ANTENNA, "ANTENNA" }, { PARSEB_S_POSITION, "POSITION" }, { 0 } }; int i; *buffer = '\0'; i = 0; while (flagstrings[i].bit) { if (flagstrings[i].bit & state) { if (buffer[0]) strcat(buffer, "; "); strcat(buffer, flagstrings[i].name); } i++; } if (state & (PARSEB_S_LEAP|PARSEB_S_ANTENNA|PARSEB_S_PPS|PARSEB_S_POSITION)) { register char *s, *t; if (buffer[0]) strcat(buffer, "; "); strcat(buffer, "("); t = s = buffer + strlen(buffer); i = 0; while (sflagstrings[i].bit) { if (sflagstrings[i].bit & state) { if (t != s) { strcpy(t, "; "); t += 2; } strcpy(t, sflagstrings[i].name); t += strlen(t); } i++; } strcpy(t, ")"); } return buffer; } /*-------------------------------------------------- * convert a status flag field to a string */ static char *parsestatus(state, buffer) unsigned LONG state; char *buffer; { static struct bits { unsigned LONG bit; char *name; } flagstrings[] = { { CVT_OK, "CONVERSION SUCCESSFUL" }, { CVT_NONE, "NO CONVERSION" }, { CVT_FAIL, "CONVERSION FAILED" }, { CVT_BADFMT, "ILLEGAL FORMAT" }, { CVT_BADDATE, "DATE ILLEGAL" }, { CVT_BADTIME, "TIME ILLEGAL" }, { 0 } }; int i; *buffer = '\0'; i = 0; while (flagstrings[i].bit) { if (flagstrings[i].bit & state) { if (buffer[0]) strcat(buffer, "; "); strcat(buffer, flagstrings[i].name); } i++; } return buffer; } int main(argc, argv) int argc; char **argv; { if (argc != 2) { fprintf(stderr,"usage: %s \n", argv[0]); exit(1); } else { int fd; fd = open(argv[1], O_RDWR); if (fd == -1) { perror(argv[1]); exit(1); } else { parsectl_t dct; parsetime_t parsetime; struct strioctl strioc; printf("parsetest.c,v 3.11 1994/01/23 19:00:01 kardel Exp\n"); while (ioctl(fd, I_POP, 0) == 0) ; if (ioctl(fd, I_PUSH, "parse") == -1) { perror("ioctl(I_PUSH,\"parse\")"); exit(1); } strioc.ic_cmd = PARSEIOC_GETSTAT; strioc.ic_timout = 0; strioc.ic_dp = (char *)&dct; strioc.ic_len = sizeof(parsectl_t); if (ioctl(fd, I_STR, &strioc) == -1) { perror("ioctl(fd, I_STR(PARSEIOC_GETSTAT))"); exit(1); } printf("parse status: %04lx\n", (unsigned long)dct.parsestatus.flags); dct.parsestatus.flags |= PARSE_STAT_FILTER; strioc.ic_cmd = PARSEIOC_SETSTAT; if (ioctl(fd, I_STR, &strioc) == -1) { perror("ioctl(fd, I_STR(PARSEIOC_SETSTAT))"); exit(1); } printf("PARSE clock FILTERMODE\n"); if (ioctl(fd, I_STR, &strioc) == -1) { perror("ioctl(fd, I_STR(PARSEIOC_GETSTAT))"); exit(1); } printf("parse status: %04lx\n", (unsigned long)dct.parsestatus.flags); while (read(fd, &parsetime, sizeof(parsetime)) == sizeof(parsetime)) { char tmp[200], tmp1[200], tmp2[60]; strncpy(tmp, asctime(localtime(&parsetime.parse_time.tv.tv_sec)), 30); strncpy(tmp1,asctime(localtime(&parsetime.parse_stime.tv.tv_sec)), 30); strncpy(tmp2,asctime(localtime(&parsetime.parse_ptime.tv.tv_sec)), 30); tmp[24] = '\0'; tmp1[24] = '\0'; tmp2[24] = '\0'; printf("%s (+%06ldus) %s PPS: %s (+%06ldus), ", tmp1, (long int)parsetime.parse_stime.tv.tv_usec, tmp, tmp2, (long int)parsetime.parse_ptime.tv.tv_usec); strstatus(tmp, parsetime.parse_state); printf("state: 0x%lx (%s) error: %ldus, dispersion: %ldus, Status: 0x%lx (%s)\n", (unsigned long)parsetime.parse_state, tmp, (long)parsetime.parse_usecerror, (long)parsetime.parse_usecdisp, (unsigned long)parsetime.parse_status, parsestatus(parsetime.parse_status, tmp1)); } close(fd); } } return 0; }