# $FreeBSD$ # # The include file handles installing SGML/docbook documents. # # +++ variables +++ # # DOC Name of the document. # # VOLUME Name of the installation subdirectory. # # SGMLOPTS Flags to sgmlfmt. # # SGMLFMT Format sgml files command. [sgmlfmt] # # # +++ targets +++ # # all: # Converts sgml files to the specified output format # (see ${FORMATS}). # # install: # Install formated output. .include # Use SGMLOPTS to pass extra flags to sgmlfmt(1). VOLUME?= ${.CURDIR:T} DOC?= ${.CURDIR:T} SGMLFMT?= sgmlfmt _docs= ${DOC:S/$/.html/g} CLEANFILES+=${_docs} # A DocBook document has the suffix .docb or .sgml. If a document # with both suffixes exists, .docb wins. .SUFFIXES: .docb .sgml .html .docb.html .sgml.html: ${SRCS} ${SGMLFMT} -d docbook -f html ${SGMLOPTS} ${.IMPSRC} all: ${_docs} install: ${INSTALL} ${COPY} -o ${DOCOWN} -g ${DOCGRP} -m ${DOCMODE} \ ${_docs} ${DESTDIR}${DOCDIR}/${VOLUME} .include