/*************************************************************** * * Program: pkg_ui.c * Author: Marc van Kempen * Desc: user interface parts of pkg_manage * * Copyright (c) 1995, Marc van Kempen * * All rights reserved. * * This software may be used, modified, copied, distributed, and * sold, in both source and binary form provided that the above * copyright and these terms are retained, verbatim, as the first * lines of this file. Under no circumstances is the author * responsible for the proper functioning of this software, nor does * the author assume any responsibility for damages incurred with * its use. * ***************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include "pkg_manage.h" #include "dir.h" #include "dialog.priv.h" #include "ui_objects.h" extern PKG_info p_inf; void view_installed(void) /* * Desc: View the installed packages */ { int i, quit_view, sc=0, ch=0; char selection[1024]; if (p_inf.Nitems == 0) { use_helpfile(NULL); use_helpline(NULL); dialog_notify("No packages installed or no info available"); return; } use_helpfile(VIEW_INST_HLP); quit_view = FALSE; while (!quit_view) { use_helpline("F1=help, use arrow-keys or character to select option and press enter"); if (dialog_menu("View installed packages", "Press enter to see the package descriptions", LINES, COLS, LINES-5, p_inf.Nitems, p_inf.mnu, selection, &ch, &sc )) { quit_view = TRUE; } else { i = get_pkg_index(selection); use_helpline("F1=help, use PgUp and PgDn and arrow-keys to move through the text"); dialog_mesgbox(p_inf.comment[i], p_inf.description[i], LINES, COLS); } } use_helpfile(NULL); use_helpline(NULL); return; } /* view_installed() */ void delete_installed(void) /* * Desc: Delete an installed package */ { unsigned char *mnu[] = { "1. Simulate delete", "Display commands that are going to be executed", "2. Delete", "Execute commands to delete the package", "3. Cancel", "Do NOT delete the package" }; char tmp[512], args[512], selection[512], *tmp_file; int quit_view, quit_del; int i, sel, ch=0, sc=0, ch0=0, sc0=0, ret; if (p_inf.Nitems == 0) { use_helpfile(NULL); use_helpline(NULL); dialog_notify("No packages installed or no info available"); return; } quit_view = FALSE; while (!quit_view) { use_helpline("F1=help, use arrow-keys or character to select option and press enter"); use_helpfile(DEL_INST_HLP); if (dialog_menu("DELETE an installed package", "Press enter to select a package", LINES, COLS, LINES-5, p_inf.Nitems, p_inf.mnu, selection, &ch, &sc)) { quit_view = TRUE; } else { quit_del = FALSE; i = get_pkg_index(selection); while (!quit_del) { sprintf(tmp, "Delete <%s>", p_inf.name[i]); use_helpline("F1=help, use arrow-keys or digit to select option and press enter"); if (dialog_menu("Delete a package", tmp, 10, COLS-6, 3, 3, mnu, selection, &ch0, &sc0)) { quit_del = TRUE; } else { sel = atoi(selection); switch(sel) { case 1: tmp_file = tempnam(NULL, "pkg."); sprintf(args, "-n %s", p_inf.name[i]); ret = exec_catch_errors(PKG_DELETE, args, tmp_file); if (!ret) { dialog_textbox("Package deletion commands", tmp_file, LINES, COLS); } unlink(tmp_file); free(tmp_file); break; case 2: exec_catch_errors(PKG_DELETE, p_inf.name[i], NULL); get_pkginfo(); if (ch >= p_inf.Nitems) { /* adjust pointers */ ch = p_inf.Nitems-1; if (sc>ch) sc=ch; } quit_del = TRUE; if (p_inf.Nitems == 0) { /* Quit 'delete-installed' when no packages available */ quit_view = TRUE; } break; case 3: quit_del = TRUE; break; } } } } } use_helpfile(NULL); use_helpline(NULL); return; } /* delete_installed() */ void preview_pkg(void) /* * Desc: View the package description and comment before installation */ { char *fname, *tmp_file; char args[512], title[512]; int err; use_helpfile(PREVIEW_FS_HLP); fname = dialog_fselect(".", "*.tgz"); while (fname) { use_helpfile(PREVIEW_HLP); use_helpline("use PgUp and PgDn and arrow-keys to move through the text"); tmp_file = tempnam(NULL, "pkg."); if (!tmp_file) { fprintf(stderr, "preview_pkg: Could not allocate space fore tmp_file"); exit(-1); } sprintf(args, "-n %s", fname); err = exec_catch_errors(PKG_ADD, args, tmp_file); if (!err) { sprintf(title, "Preview package <%s>", fname); dialog_textbox(title, tmp_file, LINES, COLS); } unlink(tmp_file); free(fname); free(tmp_file); use_helpfile(PREVIEW_FS_HLP); fname = dialog_fselect(".", "*.tgz"); } if (fname) free(fname); use_helpfile(NULL); use_helpline(NULL); return; } /* preview_pkg() */ void install_batch(void) /* * Desc: install several packages. */ { WINDOW *pkg_win, *w; DirList *d = NULL; char **fnames, o_pkg[MAXPATHLEN], o_pkgi[MAXPATHLEN], **comment, **desc, **names, msg[512]; int n, nf, i, p, quit, j, *a, recalc; struct ComposeObj *obj = NULL; ListObj *pkg_obj, *pkgi_obj; ButtonObj *installbut_obj, *cancelbut_obj; int o_installbut, o_cancelbut, install; long total_marked = 0, *sizes; char *tmp_file, tmp_dir[MAXPATHLEN]; /* first go to the directory where the packages are installed, then list all packages in that directory with a short description of the package. Pressing enter should give more info about a specific package. */ use_helpfile(DS_INSTALL_HLP); use_helpline("Select the directory where the pkg's reside"); if (dialog_dselect()) { /* cancel button was pressed */ return; } use_helpline(NULL); pkg_win = newwin(LINES-4, COLS-12, 2, 5); if (pkg_win == NULL) { endwin(); fprintf(stderr, "\nnewwin(%d,%d,%d,%d) failed, maybe wrong dims\n", LINES-4, COLS-10, 2, 5); exit(1); } draw_box(pkg_win, 0, 0, LINES-4, COLS-12, dialog_attr, border_attr); wattrset(pkg_win, dialog_attr); mvwaddstr(pkg_win, 0, (COLS-12)/2 - 12, " Install multiple packages "); draw_shadow(stdscr, 2, 5, LINES-4, COLS-12); use_helpline("Enter,F2=info, Space=mark, *=mark all, -=unmark all, TAB=move"); display_helpline(pkg_win, LINES-5, COLS-12); wrefresh(pkg_win); /* now build a list of the packages in the chosen directory */ /* and display them in a list */ get_dir(".", "*.tgz", &d, &n); get_filenames(d, n, &fnames, &nf); FreeDir(d, n); /* free the space allocated to d */ /* now get the description and comment and the name from the packages. */ /* If there is no +COMMENT or +DESC in the package, then it's propably */ /* not a package */ if (nf == 0) { dialog_notify("No installable packages in this directory"); return; } names = (char **) malloc( sizeof(char *) * nf); if (!names) { fprintf(stderr, "install_batch(): Error mallocing space for names\n"); exit(-1); } comment = (char **) malloc( sizeof(char *) * nf ); if (!comment) { fprintf(stderr, "install_batch(): Error malloc'ing space for comment\n"); exit(-1); } desc = (char **) malloc( sizeof(char *) * nf ); if (!desc) { fprintf(stderr, "install_batch(): Error malloc'ing space for desc\n"); exit(-1); } sizes = (long *) malloc( sizeof(long) * nf ); if (!sizes) { fprintf(stderr, "install_batch(): Error malloc'ing space for desc\n"); exit(-1); } /* get_desc extracts the info from the file names[i] and puts the */ /* comment in comment[i] and the description in desc[i], space is */ /* malloc'ed as needed, and should be freed when done with it. */ /* get_desc() returns FALSE when fnames[i] is not a package */ /* the name of the package is extracted from CONTENT and put in */ /* names */ /* create a tmp directory in which the files will be extracted */ tmp_file = tempnam("", "pkg."); if (!tmp_file) { fprintf(stderr, "install_batch(): Error malloc'ing space for tmpfile\n"); exit(1); } if (getenv("TMPDIR")) { sprintf(tmp_dir, "%s/%s", getenv("TMP_DIR"), tmp_file); } else { sprintf(tmp_dir, "/tmp/%s", tmp_file); } free(tmp_file); if (mkdir(tmp_dir, S_IRWXU)) { dialog_notify("Could not create temporary directory in /tmp, exiting"); free(names); free(comment); free(desc); for (i=0; iprev) obj=obj->prev; if ((ListObj *) obj->obj == pkg_obj) { dialog_notify(comment[pkg_obj->sel]); } if ((ListObj *) obj->obj == pkgi_obj) { dialog_notify(p_inf.comment[pkgi_obj->sel]); } break; case SEL_BUTTON: if (o_installbut) { install = TRUE; quit = TRUE; } if (o_cancelbut) { quit = TRUE; } break; case SEL_ESC: quit = TRUE; break; case ' ': if ((ListObj *) obj->obj == pkg_obj) { MarkCurrentListObj(pkg_obj); } recalc = TRUE; wrefresh(pkg_win); break; case '*': if ((ListObj *) obj->obj == pkg_obj) { MarkAllListObj(pkg_obj); } recalc = TRUE; break; case '-': if ((ListObj *) obj->obj == pkg_obj) { UnMarkAllListObj(pkg_obj); } recalc = TRUE; break; case KEY_F(1): display_helpfile(); break; case KEY_F(2): if ((ListObj *) obj->obj == pkg_obj) { dialog_notify(desc[pkg_obj->sel]); } if ((ListObj *) obj->obj == pkgi_obj) { dialog_notify(p_inf.description[pkgi_obj->sel]); } break; } if (recalc) { total_marked = 0; for (i=0; iseld[i]) { total_marked += sizes[i]; } } recalc = FALSE; /* print total_marked in window */ wmove(pkg_win, LINES-9, 2); wattrset(pkg_win, dialog_attr); sprintf(msg, "Total marked = %6ld kB", (long) (total_marked / 1024)); waddstr(pkg_win, msg); wrefresh(pkg_win); } } if (install) { /* check if any of the packages marked for installation are */ /* already installed */ i=0; n=0; while (i < nf) { if ((pkg_obj->seld[i]) && (already_installed(names[i]))) { /* popup a warning and remove the package from the */ /* packages that are going to be installed */ sprintf(msg, " The following package is already installed:\n\n %s (%s)\n\n", names[i], fnames[i]); strcat(msg, " This package will be skipped\n"); strcat(msg, " If you want to install it anyway, remove it first"); dialog_notify(msg); pkg_obj->seld[i] = FALSE; } if (pkg_obj->seld[i]) n++; /* count selected packages */ i++; } /* now install whatever is left */ for (i=0; iseld[i]) { dialog_gauge("Installing packages:", names[i], LINES/2-3, COLS/2-30, 7, 60, (int) ((float) (i+1)/n*100)); install_package(fnames[i]); } } if (n>0) get_pkginfo(); } /* clean up */ for (i=0; i