# # Copyright (c) 1992, 2002 Hellmuth Michaelis # # Copyright (c) 1992, 1994 Joerg Wunsch and Holger Veit # # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions # are met: # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software # must display the following acknowledgement: # This product includes software developed by Hellmuth Michaelis, # Joerg Wunsch and Holger Veit. # 4. The names of the Authors may not be used to endorse or promote # products derived from this software without specific prior written # permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHORS AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND # ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE # FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL # DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS # OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) # HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT # LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY # OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF # SUCH DAMAGE. # #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # keyboard mappings for vt220 emulator pcvt 3.00 # ---------------------------------------------- # # Last Edit-Date: [Wed Apr 24 16:27:35 2002] # # $FreeBSD$ # #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- df|default|default entry:\ :de: tt|test|Test entry which swaps y and z:\ :K22=z:S22=Z:C22=\032:\ :K46=y:S46=Y:C46=\031: # from codrv, untested be|belgium|Belgian mapping:\ :K1=\262:S1=\263:\ :K2=&:S2=1:A2=|:\ :K3=\351:S3=2:A3=@:\ :K4=":S4=3:A4=#:\ :K5=':S5=4:\ :K6=(:S6=5:\ :K7=\247:S7=6:A7=\136:\ :K8=\350:S8=7:\ :K9=!:S9=8:\ :K10=\347:S10=9:A10={:\ :K11=\340:S11=0:A11=}:\ :K12=):S12=\260:\ :K13=-:S13=_:\ :K17=a:S17=A:C17=^A:\ :K18=z:S18=Z:C18=^z:\ :K27=\136:S27=\250:A27=[:p1#27:\ :K28=$:S28=*:A28=]:\ :K31=q:S31=Q:C31=^q:\ :K40=m:S40=M:C40=^m:\ :K41=\371:S41=%:A41=':p2#41:\ :K42=\265:S42=\243:A42=\264:p3#42:\ :K45=<:S45=>:A45=\\:\ :K46=w:S46=W:C46=^w:\ :K52=,:S52=\077:\ :K53=;:S53=.:\ :K54=\072:S54=/:\ :K55==:S55=+:A55=~:\ :l1#62:a0: # from codrv, untested ca|canadafr|Canadian French mapping:\ :K1=#:S1=|:A1=\\:\ :A2=\261:S3=":A3=@:S4=/:A4=\243:A5=\242:\ :A6=\244:S7=\077:A7=\254:S8=&:A8=\246:S9=*:A9=\262:\ :S10=(:A10=\263:S11=):A11=\274:\ :K12=-:S12=_:A12=\275:\ :K13==:S13=+:A13=\276:\ :A25=\247:A26=\266:\ :K27=\136:S27=\136:A27=[:\ :K28=\270:S28=\250:A28=]:p1#28:\ :A40=~:K41=`:S41=`:A41={:\ :K42=<:S42=>:A42=}:\ :K45=\253:S45=\273:A45=\260:\ :A49=\253:A50=\273:A51=\260:\ :A52=\265:K53=,:S53=,:A53=-:\ :K54=\351:S54=\311:A54=':\ :l1#62:a0: # from codrv, untested c1|swissde|Swiss German mapping:\ :K1=\247:S1=\260:p1#1:\ :S2=+:A2=|:S3=":A3=@:S4=*:A4=#:S5=\347:S7=&:A7=\254:\ :S8=/:A8=\246:S9=(:A9=\242:S10=):S11==:\ :K12=`:S12=\077:A12=':p2#12:\ :K13=^:S13=\\:A13=~:p3#13:\ :K22=z:S22=Z:C22=\032:\ :S27=\350:K27=\374:A27=[:\ :K28=\250:S28=!:A28=]:\ :S40=\351:K40=\366:\ :S41=\340:K41=\344:A41={:\ :K42=$:S42=\243:A42=}:\ :K45=<:S45=>:A45=\\:\ :K46=y:S46=Y:C46=\031: :S53=;:S54=\072:K55=-:S55=_:\ :l1#62:a0: # from codrv, untested c2|swissfr|Swiss French mapping:\ :K27=\350:S27=\374:A27=[:\ :K40=\351:S40=\366:\ :K41=\340:S41=\344:A41={:\ :tc=swissde: # more programmer-like than an original German kbd, you needn't # have gum-fingers to get `{}' and the like:-) # maps: ae -> [, oe -> \, ue -> ], Ae -> {, Oe -> |, Ue -> } # umlaute are available as AltGr- and Control-Mappings # also maps Pause -> ^Z # # (from Joerg Wunsch) # # l1/m1 bindings: left Alt is AltGr # Emacs functions: # C79/C89: ctrl-{leftarrow,rightarrow} {backward,forward} word # A79/A89: {backward,forward} sexp # C83/C84: ctrl-{uparrow,downarrow} {backward,forward} window # de-prog|germany-prog|programmer's mapping for german keyboard:\ :K27=]:S27=}:A27=\374:C27=\334:\ :K40=\\:S40=|:A40=\366:C40=\326:\ :K41=[:S41={:A41=\344:C41=\304:\ :K126=\032:C126=\003:\ :tc=de: # :l1#60:l2#62:\ # :C79=^[B:K79=^[[D:S79=^[OD:A79=^[^B:\ # :C89=^[F:K89=^[[C:S89=^[OC:A89=^[^F:\ # :C83=^U-1^XO:K83=^[[A:S84=^[OA:\ # :C84=^XO:K84=^[[B:S84=^[OB:\ de|germany|German mapping for MF II-Keyboard:\ :K1=\136:S1=\260:\ :S3=\042:S4=\247:S7=&:S8=/:S9=(:S10=):S11=\075:\ :A3=\262:A4=\263:A8={:A9=[:A10=]:A11=}:A12=\134:\ :K12=\337:S12=?:C12=\034:\ :K13=':S13=`:\ :A17=\100:\ :K22=z:S22=Z:C22=\032:\ :K27=\374:S27=\334:\ :K28=+:S28=*:A28=\176:\ :K29=\043:S29=':A29=\174:\ :K40=\366:S40=\326:\ :K41=\344:S41=\304:\ :A45=\174:\ :K46=y:S46=Y:C46=\031:\ :A52=\265:\ :S53=;:S54=\072:\ :K55=-:S55=_:\ :l1#62: de-at|germany-at|German mapping for AT-Keyboard:\ :K1=<:S1=>:\ :S3=\042:\ :S4=\247:\ :S7=&:\ :S8=/:\ :S9=(:\ :S10=):\ :S11=\075:\ :K12=\337:S12=?:C12=\034:\ :K13=':S13=`:\ :K14=#:S14=\136:\ :K22=z:S22=Z:C22=\032:\ :K27=\374:S27=\334:\ :K28=+:S28=*:\ :K29=\043:S29=':\ :K40=\366:S40=\326:\ :K41=\344:S41=\304:\ :K46=y:S46=Y:C46=\031:\ :S53=;:S54=\072:\ :K55=-:S55=_:\ # from codrv, untested # Includes improvements by Thomas Hiller (hiller@fzi.de) # and Andreas Israel (ai@hrz.tu-chemnitz.de) de-hi|germany-hiller|yet another German mapping:\ :K1=\136:S1=\260:C1=|:\ :S3=\042:S4=#:S7=&:S8=/:S9=(:S10=):S11=\075:\ :A8={:A9=[:A10=]:A11=}:A17=@:A28=~:\ :K12=\337:S12=\077:C12=\036:A12=\\:\ :K13=':S13=`:C13=\134:p1#13:\ :K22=z:S22=Z:C22=\032:\ :K27=\374:S27=\334:C27=\035:\ :K28=+:S28=*:C28=\000:\ :K29=<:S29=>:C29=\134:\ :K40=\366:S40=\326:C40=\034:\ :K41=\344:S41=\304:C41=\033:\ :K46=y:S46=Y:C46=\031:\ :S53=;:S54=\072:\ :K55=-:S55=_:\ :l1#62:a0: # from codrv, untested # Contribution by Thomas Hiller (hiller@fzi.de) # "K42 may not work on 102 keys kbds, K29 seems to work" d1|de-102|german with mf2:\ :K29=#:\ :K42=#:\ :K45=<:S45=>:A45=|:\ :tc=germany: # from codrv, untested hv|holgi|Holgi's special MF1 keyboard mapping:\ :K1=<:S1=>:C1=|:\ :K29=#:S29=\136:A29=\\:C29=~:\ :tc=germany: # from codrv, untested # Contributed by Andreas Israel (ai@hrz.tu-chemnitz.de) de-ai|nixmf2|ct22|nix|nix7|German Nixdorf MF2:\ :A28=~:\ :K29=#:S29=':\ :K45=<:S45=>:A45=|:\ :tc=germany: # from codrv, untested dk|denmark|Danish mapping:\ :K1=\275:S1=\247:\ :S3=":A3=@:\ :A4=\243:\ :S5=\244:A5=$:\ :S7=&:S8=/:A8={:S9=(:A9=[:S10=):A10=]:S11==:A11=}:\ :K12=+:S12=\077:\ :K13=':S13=`:A13=|:p1#13:\ :K27=\345:S27=\305:\ :K28=\250:S28=\136:A28=~:p2#28:\ :K40=\346:S40=\306:\ :K41=\370:S41=\330:\ :K42=:S42=*:\ :K45=<:S45=>:A45=\\:\ :S53=;:S54=\072:\ :K55=-:S55=_:\ :l1#62:a0: # from codrv, untested # Finnish keyboard map with 7-bit versions of the national # chars. The Latin1 chars are available with Alt-7, Alt-8, etc # (where normally you would have the 7-bit ones). # Makes C/C++ programming more comfortable, since the 7-bit chars # (|\{[}]) are needed much more often than the Latin1 chars. # -- Petri.Wessman@hut.fi fi|finland|finland7b|finland-ascii|Finnish ASCII mapping:\ :l1#60:l2#62:\ :A8=\344:A9=\304:A10=\305:A11=\345:A12=\326:A13=\366:\ :K40=|:S40=\\:K41={:S41=[:K27=}:S27=]:\ :S1=\275:K1=\247:\ :S3=":A3=@:\ :A4=\243:\ :S5=$:A5=$:\ :S7=&:S8=/:S9=(:S10=):S11==:\ :K12=+:S12=\077:\ :K13=':S13=`:\ :K28=~:S28=\136:A28=~:\ :K29=':S29=*:\ :K45=<:S45=>:A45=|:\ :S53=;:S54=\072:\ :K55=-:S55=_:\ :a0: # from codrv, untested # Finnish keyboard map with the Latin1 national chars in # their "right" place. --Petri.Wessman@hut.fi f1|finland8b|finland-latin1|Finnish Latin1 mapping:\ :A8={:A9=[:A10=]:A11=}:A12=\\:\ :K40=\366:S40=\326:K41=\344:S41=\304:K27=\345:S27=\305:\ :tc=finland: # French keyboard mapping # From Matthieu Herrb # For 102 keys keyboards, produces 8 bits characters # with ISO Latin-1 encoding f8|france-iso-8859-1|French ISO 8859-1 102 keys keyboard:\ :l1#62:\ :K1=\262:S1=:\ :K2=&:S2=1:\ :K3=\351:S3=2:C3=\211:A3=~:\ :K4=":S4=3:A4=#:\ :K5=':S5=4:A5={:\ :K6=(:S6=5:A6=[:\ :K7=-:S7=6:C7=\036:A7=|:\ :K8=\350:S8=7:C8=\210:A8=`:\ :K9=_:S9=8:C9=\037:A9=\\:\ :K10=\347:S10=9:C10=\207:A10=\136:\ :K11=\340:S11=0:C11=\340:A11=@:\ :K12=):S12=\260:A12=]:\ :A13=}:\ :K17=a:S17=A:C17=\001:\ :K18=z:S18=Z:C18=\032:\ :D27:\ :K28=$:S28=\243:\ :K29=*:S29=\265:\ :K31=q:S31=Q:C31=\021:\ :K40=m:S40=M:C40=\015;\ :K41=\371:C41=\231:S41=%:\ :K42=*:S42=\265:\ :K46=w:S46=W:C46=\027:\ :K52=,:S52=?:\ :K53=;:S53=.:\ :K54=\072:S54=/:C54=\037\ :K55=!:S55=\266: # fr|france|French mapping:\ # :de: # # from codrv, untested # f1|france120|French 120 mapping:\ # :tc=belgium: # # # from codrv, untested #f2|france189|French 189 mapping:\ # :S1=:A1=':p3#1:\ # :A2=:A3=~:A5={:A6=[:A7=|:A8=`:\ # :S9=_:A9=\\:A10=\136:A11=@:A12=]:A13=}:\ # :A27=:A28=\244:A41=:A42=:\ # :A45=:!:S45=\247:\ # :tc=belgium: # From: Andy Duplain, duplain@rtf.bt.co.uk gb|greatbritain|British mapping for MF-2 keyboard:\ :S1=|:S3=":C3=2:C12=-:S41=@:K42=#:S42=~:C42=#:K45=\\:S45=|:C45=\\: # from codrv, untested # This entry has been corrected by Mike Trim (mtrim@crucible.demon.co.uk) # (hv's comment: For the keys # and ~ you might also check the following # line # :K42=#:S42=~:\ # Also I think I was wrong with the ALTGR key. If you need one, add this: # :l1#62: g1|greatbritain166|British 166 mapping:\ :K1=`:S1=\254:A1=|:\ :S3=":S4=\243:\ :K41=':S41=@:\ :K29=#:S29=~:\ :K45=\\:S45=|: # from codrv, untested g2|greatbritain168|British 168 mapping:\ :K1=\\:S1=|:\ :S3=":S4=\243:S7=&:S8=:S9=(:S10=):A10=\261:\ :S11=#:A11=\260:S12=:K13=\254:S13=-:\ :K27=@:S27=`:\ :K28=[:S28={:A28=~:\ :K40=;:S40=+:\ :K41=\072:S41=*:A41=\136:\ :K42=]:S42=}:\ :K45=|:S45=_:\ :A52=\265:\ :l1#62:a0: # from codrv, untested is:iceland:Island mapping:\ :K1=\260:S1=\250:p1#1:\ :S2=":S7=&:S8=/:A8={:S9=(:A9=[:S10=):A10=]:S11==:A11=}:\ :K12=\\:S12=\326:\ :K13=':S13=`:A13=|:\ :A17=@:K27=\360:S27=\320:\ :K28=':S28=\077:A28=~:\ :K40=\346:S40=\306:\ :K41=':S41=':A41=\136:p2#41:\ :K42=+:S42=*:A42=`:p3#42:\ :K45=<:S45=>:A45=|:\ :S53=;:S54=\072:\ :K54=\376:S54=\336:\ :K104=,:104=,:\ :l1#62:a0: # from codrv, untested i1|italy141|Italian 141 mapping:\ :K1=\\:S1=|:\ :S3=":S4=\243:S7=&:S8=/:A8={:S9=(:A9=[:S10=):A10=]:S11==:A11=}:\ :K12=':A12=`:S12=\077:\ :K13=\354:S13=\136:A13=~:\ :K27=\350:S27=\351:\A27=[:\ :K28=+:S28=*:A28=]:\ :K40=\362:S40=\347:A40=@:\ :K41=\340:S41=\260:A41=#:\ :K29=\371:S29=\247:\ :K45=<:S45=>:\ :S53=;:S54=\072:\ :K55=-:S55=_:\ :l1#62:a0: # from codrv, untested i2|italy142|Italian 142 mapping:\ :A8={:A9=[:A10=]:A11=}:\ :A17=@:A27=:A28=~:A40=:A41=:\ :tc=italy141:a0: # from codrv, untested nl|netherlands|Dutch mapping:\ :K1=@:S1=\247:A1=\254:\ :A2=\271:S3=":A3=\262:S4=#:A4=\263:A5=\274:A6=\275:S7=&:\ :A7=\276:S8=_:A8=\243:S9=(:A9={:S10=):A10=}:S11=':\ :K12=/:S12=\077:A12=\\:\ :K13=\260:S13=~:A13=\270:p1#13:\ :K20=\266:K27=\250:S27=^:p2#27:\ :K28=*:S28=|:\ :K40=+:S40=\261:\ :K41=':S41=`:\ :K42=<:S42=>:\ :K45=[:S45=]:A45=|:\ :S53=;:S54=\072:K55=-:S55=_:\ :K104=,:S104=,:\ :l1#62:a0: # Norwegian keyboard map with national characters. # Anders Nordby, anders@fix.no no|norway|Norwegian 8bit mapping ISO 8859-1:\ :K1=\174:S1=\247:\ :K2=\61:S2=\41:\ :K3=\62:S3=\42:A3=\100:\ :K4=\63:S4=\43:A4=\243:\ :K5=\64:S5=\244:A5=\44:\ :K6=\65:S6=\45:\ :K7=\66:S7=\46:\ :K8=\67:S8=\57:A8=\173:\ :K9=\70:S9=\50:A9=\133:\ :K10=\71:S10=\51:A10=\135:\ :K11=\60:S11=\75:A11=\175:\ :K12=\53:S12=\77:\ :K13=\134:S13=\140:A13=\264:\ :K28=\250:S28=\136:A28=\176:\ :K29=\47:S29=\52:\ :K54=\56:S54=\72:\ :K53=\54:S53=\73:\ :K55=\55:S55=\137:\ :K41=\346:S41=\306:\ :K40=\370:S40=\330:\ :K27=\345:S27=\305:\ :l1#62:a0: # from codrv, untested pt|portugal|Portugesian mapping:\ :K1=\\:S1=|:\ :S3=":A3=@:A4=\243:A5=\247:S7=&:S8=/:A8={:S9=(:A9=[:\ :S10=):A10=]:S11=}:A11==:\ :K12=':S12=\077:\ :K13=\253:S13=\273:\ :K40=\347:S40=\307:\ :K41=\272:S41=\252:\ :K42=~:S42=^:p1#42:\ :K45=<:S45=>:\ :S53=;:S54=\072:K55=-:S55=_:\ :l1#62:a0: # from codrv, untested es|spain|Spainish mapping:\ :K1=\272:S1=\252:A1=\\:\ :A2=|:S3=":A3=@:S4=:A4=#:S7=&:A7=\254:S8=/:S9=(:S10=):S11==:\ :K12=':S12=\077:p1#12:\ :K13=\277:S13=\241:\ :K27=`:S27=^:A27=[:p2#27:\ :K28=+:S28=*:A28=]:\ :K40=\361:S41=\321:\ :K41=/:S41=\250:A41={:p3#41:\ :K42=\347:S42=\307:A42=}:\ :K45=<:S45=>:\ :S53=;:S54=\072:\ :K55=-:S55=_:\ :K104=,:S104=,:\ :l1#62:a0: # from codrv, untested # Contributed by Mats O Jansson, moj@stacken.kth.se # "Here is my map, rather large, but i want ALTGR normaly to be dead. # Only seven bit national characters have been placed where national characters # is on the keyboard." # We can help this man, just use the 'a0' capability -hv- s1|sweden1|Swedish mapping:\ :l1#62:a0:\ :D1:\ :K12=+:K13=':K29=':\ :S2=!:S3=":S4=#:S5=$:S6=%:S7=&:S8=/:\ :S9=(:S10=):S11=\075:S12=\077:S13=`:S29=*:\ :C2=:C3=\000:C4=\033:C5=\034:C6=\035:C7=:C8=:C9=:\ :C10=:C11=:C12=:C13=:C29=:\ :A3=\100:A5=$:A8={:\ :A9=[:A10=]:A11=}:A12=\134:\ :K27=]:K28=:\ :S27=}:S28=\136:\ :C27=\035:C28=:\ :A28=\176:\ :K40=\134:K41=[:\ :S40=|:S41={:\ :C40=\034:C41=\033:\ :K45=<:K53=,:K54=.:K55=-:\ :S45=>:S53=;:S54=\072:S55=_:\ :C45=\034:C53=:C54=:C55=:\ :A45=|:\ :C61=\000: # from codrv, untested # Contributed by Mats O Jansson, moj@stacken.kth.se # "Here is my map, rather large, but i want ALTGR normaly to be dead. # Only seven bit national characters have been placed where national # characters is on the keyboard." # We can help this man, just use the 'a0' capability -hv- # Corrected by Paul Pries, 5322@msg.abc.se (Some national shifts were # wrong). sa|sweden1a|Swedish 7bit mapping ISO 646:\ :l1#62:a0:\ :D1:\ :K12=+:K13=':K29=':\ :S2=!:S3=":S4=#:S5=$:S6=%:S7=&:S8=/:\ :S9=(:S10=):S11=\075:S12=\077:S13=`:S29=*:\ :C2=:C3=\000:C4=\033:C5=\034:C6=\035:C7=:C8=:C9=:\ :C10=:C11=:C12=:C13=:C29=:\ :A3=\100:A5=$:A8={:\ :A9=[:A10=]:A11=}:A12=\134:\ :K27=}:K28=:\ :S27=]:S28=\136:\ :C27=\035:C28=:\ :A28=\176:\ :S40=\134:S41=[:\ :K40=|:K41={:\ :C40=\034:C41=\033:\ :K45=<:K53=,:K54=.:K55=-:\ :S45=>:S53=;:S54=\072:S55=_:\ :C45=\034:C53=:C54=:C55=:\ :A45=|:\ :C61=\000: # from codrv, untested # Swedish keyboard map with national characters. # Paul Pries, 5322@msg.abc.se s2|sweden2|Swedish 8bit mapping ISO 8859-1:\ :l1#62:\ :K1=\247:S1=:\ :K12=+:K13=':K29=':\ :S2=!:S3=":S4=#:S5=$:S6=%:S7=&:S8=/:\ :S9=(:S10=):S11=\075:S12=\077:S13=`:S29=*:\ :C2=:C3=\000:C4=\033:C5=\034:C6=\035:C7=:C8=:C9=:\ :C10=:C11=:C12=:C13=:C29=:\ :A3=\100:A4=\234:A5=$:A8={:\ :A9=[:A10=]:A11=}:A12=\134:\ :K27=\206:K28=:\ :S27=\217:S28=\136:\ :C27=\035:C28=:\ :A28=\176:\ :S40=\231:S41=\216:\ :K40=\224:K41=\204:\ :C40=\034:C41=\033:\ :K45=<:K53=,:K54=.:K55=-:\ :S45=>:S53=;:S54=\072:S55=_:\ :C45=\034:C53=:C54=:C55=:\ :A45=|:\ :C61=\000: # Swedish keyboard map with national characters. # Paul Pries, 5322@msg.abc.se # Corrected by Mats O Jansson, moj@stacken.kth.se (Some national was CP850 # and not ISO 8859-1 as said). s8|sweden8|Swedish 8bit mapping ISO 8859-1 and not CP850 national characters:\ :A8={:A9=[:A10=]:A11=}:A12=\\:\ :K40=\366:S40=\326:K41=\344:S41=\304:K27=\345:S27=\305:\ :tc=sweden2: # # tg: my idiosyncratic mappings (thomas@ghpc8.ihf.rwth-aachen.de) # # the six function keys above the cursor keys are arranged # identical to a real VT220: # # find insert remove # select up down # # since i don't have a use for the numbers on the keypad, # i map NumLock, /, *, - to PF1-PF4; # + is mapped to SS3 l, shifted + is mapped to SS3 m # # they convinced me finally to add some support for german umlauts. # so, i stole the mapping from jörg wunsch's de-prog entry. # # tg # tg:\ :l1#62:\ :A12=\337:\ :A27=\374:C27=\334:\ :A40=\366:C40=\326:\ :A41=\344:C41=\304:\ :K126=\032:C126=\003:\ :K75=[1~:S75=[1~:C75=[1~:\ :K76=[4~:S76=[4~:C76=[4~:\ :K80=[2~:S80=[2~:C80=[2~:\ :K81=[5~:S81=[5~:C81=[5~:\ :K85=[3~:S85=[3~:C85=[3~:\ :K86=[6~:S86=[6~:C86=[6~:\ :K90=OP:S90=OP:C90=OP:\ :K95=OQ:S95=OQ:C95=OQ:\ :K100=OR:S100=OR:C100=OR:\ :K104=On:S104=On:C104=On:\ :K105=OS:S105=OS:C105=OS:\ :K106=Ol:S106=Om:\ :K108=OM:S108=OM:C108=OM: us|usa|United States mapping:\ :de: # EOF