/* * Trivial program to load VT220 Function keys with strings, * note that the values only get sent when the key is shifted * (shoulda been an option to flip the shift set like the Z19!) * * Typing no args gives help, basically pairs of keyname/value * strings. * * Author, Author: Barry Shein, Boston University * * HISTORY {1} 30-Oct-85 Kenneth J. Lester (ken) at ektools Added the necessary code to read an initialization file. This should make it easier to used this program. Also added code that will set-up the terminal in vt200 (this saves the user the trouble of checking if the set-up is in vt200). Restructed the main function to use getopt, for argument processing. Alterated usage function to include new "i" option (init file) -hm minor modifications for pcvt 2.0 release $FreeBSD$ */ #include #include #include #include #include /* * The default toupper() macro is stupid, will toupper anything */ #ifdef toupper #undef toupper #endif #define toupper(c) (islower(c) ? ((c)-' ') : c) #define VT200_7BIT 1 #define ESC 033 #define INITFILE ".vt220rc" struct keynames { char *name ; char *string ; } keys[] = { "F6", "17", "F7", "18", "F8", "19", "F9", "20", "F10", "21", "F11", "23", "ESC", "23", "F12", "24", "BS", "24", "F13", "25", "LF", "25", "F14", "26", "HELP", "28", "DO", "29", "F17", "31", "F18", "32", "F19", "33", "F20", "34", NULL, NULL }; char prog[BUFSIZ]; main(argc,argv) int argc; char *argv[]; { int option; /* option character returned by getopt */ int initf = 0; /* read initialization file */ int lockf = 0; /* lock keys after loading strings */ int clearf = 0; /* clear all keys before loading strings */ strlcpy(prog, *argv, sizeof(prog)); /* store program name */ if(argc == 1) usage(); /* program requires options */ /* get options */ while ((option = getopt(argc, argv, "cli")) != -1) switch(option) { case 'c' : clearf++; break; case 'l' : lockf++; break; case 'i' : initf++; break; case '?' : usage(); } if (VT200_7BIT) printf("\033[62;1\"p"); /* vt200 7 bits */ else printf("\033[62;2\"p"); /* vt200 8 bits */ if(clearf) clearkeys(); if (initf) getinit(); /* process {key, key string} pairs. Note optind is index to argv for first pair. By adding 1 to optind insures that a pair exists i.e. the last key has a key string. */ while(optind + 1 < argc) { dokey(argv[optind], argv[optind+1]); optind += 2; } if(lockf) lockkeys(); exit(0); } /****************************************************************************/ /* * Load the VT220 SHIFT-FNKEY value, the basic pattern is * "\EP1;1|"+KEYNAME+"/"+VAL_AS_HEX+"\E\\" * that is, literally what is in quotes (w/o quotes) then the * name of the key from the keytable above (a numeric string) * then a slash, then the string value as hex pairs then ESC-BACKSLASH * * Note: you can gang together key defns with semicolons but that * would complicate things, especially error handling, so do it all * for each pair, who cares, really. */ dokey(nm,val) char *nm, *val; { register char *scr; register struct keynames *kp; for(scr = nm; *scr = toupper(*scr); scr++) ; for(kp = keys; kp->name != NULL; kp++) if(strcmp(nm,kp->name) == 0) { printf("%cP1;1|%s/",ESC,kp->string); while(*val) printf("%02x",*val++); printf("%c\\",ESC); fflush(stdout); return; } fprintf(stderr,"Bad key name: %s\n",nm); usage(); /* bad key name, give up */ } /****************************************************************************/ clearkeys() { printf("%cP0;1|%c\\",ESC,ESC); fflush(stdout); } /****************************************************************************/ lockkeys() { printf("%cP1;0|%c\\",ESC,ESC); fflush(stdout); } /****************************************************************************/ usage() { int i; fprintf(stderr,"Usage: %s [-cil] [keyname string keyname string...]\n\n",prog); fprintf(stderr,"The following options are available\n"); fprintf(stderr,"\t-c\tclears keys first\n"); fprintf(stderr,"\t-l\t[sets then] locks further setting\n"); fprintf(stderr,"\t-i\tfirst read initialization file $HOME/%s\n",INITFILE); fprintf(stderr,"(note that the only way to unlock is via Set-Up)\n\n"); fprintf(stderr,"Keyname is one of:\n\t"); for(i=0; keys[i].name != NULL; i++) fprintf(stderr,"%s ",keys[i].name); fprintf(stderr,"\nKeyname is SHIFTED function key that sends the string\n\n"); fprintf(stderr,"Strings may need quoting to protect from shell\n"); fprintf(stderr,"You must specify an option or key,string pairs\n\n"); exit(1); } /****************************************************************************/ /* This routine process the INITFILE. This file expects lines in the format keyname ws string Where ws is white space (spaces or tabs) and is optional white space. The string may include spaces or tabs and need not be quoted. If the string has the sequence of "\n" then a newline character is included in the string. examples: F6 ls -lg\n F7 uulog -s */ #include #include getinit() { char *home; /* user's home directory */ char path[BUFSIZ]; /* full path name of init file */ char buf[BUFSIZ]; /* buffer to hold 1 line from init file */ char key[BUFSIZ]; /* buffer, to hold specified fcn key */ char keystr[BUFSIZ]; /* string associated with fcn key */ char *ptr; /* pointer to transverse buf */ int i, j; /* array indices */ int statflag; /* whether init file is regular & readable */ struct stat statbuf; /* stat of the init file */ FILE *fp; /* file pointer to init file */ /* construct full path name for init file */ home = getenv("HOME"); snprintf(path, sizeof(path), "%s/%s", home, INITFILE); /* check status if init file */ if (stat(path, &statbuf) != -1) { statflag = statbuf.st_mode & S_IFREG && statbuf.st_mode & S_IREAD; if (!statflag || (fp = fopen(path, "r")) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "couldn't open initalization file: %s\n", path); exit(1); } /* process lines from init file */ while (fgets(buf, BUFSIZ, fp) != NULL) { /* variable initializations */ i = 0; j = 0; key[0] = '\0'; keystr[0] = '\0'; ptr = buf; while (*ptr == ' ' || *ptr == '\t') ptr++; /*skip whitespace*/ if (*ptr == '\n') break; /* we hit an emtpy line */ while (!isspace(*ptr) && *ptr != '\0') /* get keyname */ key[i++] = *ptr++; key[i] = '\0'; /* place EOS in buffer */ while (*ptr == ' ' || *ptr == '\t') ptr++; /*skip whitespace*/ while (*ptr != '\n' && *ptr != '\0') /* get string */ { /* check if string is to include newline i.e. \n */ if (*ptr == '\\' && *(ptr+1) == 'n') { keystr[j] = '\012'; ptr++; } else keystr[j] = *ptr; j++; ptr++; } keystr[j] = '\0'; /* place EOS in buffer */ dokey(key, keystr); /* load key with string */ } } else { fprintf(stderr, "init file %s not found\n\n", path); usage(); } }