/* * Sun RPC is a product of Sun Microsystems, Inc. and is provided for * unrestricted use provided that this legend is included on all tape * media and as a part of the software program in whole or part. Users * may copy or modify Sun RPC without charge, but are not authorized * to license or distribute it to anyone else except as part of a product or * program developed by the user or with the express written consent of * Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * SUN RPC IS PROVIDED AS IS WITH NO WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND INCLUDING THE * WARRANTIES OF DESIGN, MERCHANTIBILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE, OR ARISING FROM A COURSE OF DEALING, USAGE OR TRADE PRACTICE. * * Sun RPC is provided with no support and without any obligation on the * part of Sun Microsystems, Inc. to assist in its use, correction, * modification or enhancement. * * SUN MICROSYSTEMS, INC. SHALL HAVE NO LIABILITY WITH RESPECT TO THE * INFRINGEMENT OF COPYRIGHTS, TRADE SECRETS OR ANY PATENTS BY SUN RPC * OR ANY PART THEREOF. * * In no event will Sun Microsystems, Inc. be liable for any lost revenue * or profits or other special, indirect and consequential damages, even if * Sun has been advised of the possibility of such damages. * * Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 2550 Garcia Avenue * Mountain View, California 94043 */ #if defined(LIBC_SCCS) && !defined(lint) /*static char *sccsid = "from: @(#)getrpcent.c 1.14 91/03/11 Copyr 1984 Sun Micro";*/ static char *rcsid = "$Id$"; #endif /* * Copyright (c) 1984 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. */ #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef YP #include #include #endif /* * Internet version. */ struct rpcdata { FILE *rpcf; int stayopen; #define MAXALIASES 35 char *rpc_aliases[MAXALIASES]; struct rpcent rpc; char line[BUFSIZ+1]; #ifdef YP char *domain; char *current; int currentlen; #endif } *rpcdata; #ifdef YP static int __yp_nomap = 0; extern int _yp_check(char **); #endif /* YP */ static struct rpcent *interpret(); struct hostent *gethostent(); char *inet_ntoa(); static char RPCDB[] = "/etc/rpc"; static struct rpcdata * _rpcdata() { register struct rpcdata *d = rpcdata; if (d == 0) { d = (struct rpcdata *)calloc(1, sizeof (struct rpcdata)); rpcdata = d; } return (d); } struct rpcent * getrpcbynumber(number) register int number; { register struct rpcdata *d = _rpcdata(); register struct rpcent *p; #ifdef YP int reason; char adrstr[16]; #endif if (d == 0) return (0); #ifdef YP if (!__yp_nomap && _yp_check(&d->domain)) { sprintf(adrstr, "%d", number); reason = yp_match(d->domain, "rpc.bynumber", adrstr, strlen(adrstr), &d->current, &d->currentlen); switch(reason) { case 0: break; case YPERR_MAP: __yp_nomap = 1; goto no_yp; break; default: return(0); break; } d->current[d->currentlen] = '\0'; p = interpret(d->current, d->currentlen); (void) free(d->current); return p; } no_yp: #endif /* YP */ setrpcent(0); while ((p = getrpcent())) { if (p->r_number == number) break; } endrpcent(); return (p); } struct rpcent * getrpcbyname(name) char *name; { struct rpcent *rpc = NULL; char **rp; setrpcent(0); while ((rpc = getrpcent())) { if (strcmp(rpc->r_name, name) == 0) goto done; for (rp = rpc->r_aliases; *rp != NULL; rp++) { if (strcmp(*rp, name) == 0) goto done; } } done: endrpcent(); return (rpc); } void setrpcent(f) int f; { register struct rpcdata *d = _rpcdata(); if (d == 0) return; #ifdef YP if (!__yp_nomap && _yp_check(NULL)) { if (d->current) free(d->current); d->current = NULL; d->currentlen = 0; return; } __yp_nomap = 0; #endif /* YP */ if (d->rpcf == NULL) d->rpcf = fopen(RPCDB, "r"); else rewind(d->rpcf); d->stayopen |= f; } void endrpcent() { register struct rpcdata *d = _rpcdata(); if (d == 0) return; #ifdef YP if (!__yp_nomap && _yp_check(NULL)) { if (d->current && !d->stayopen) free(d->current); d->current = NULL; d->currentlen = 0; return; } __yp_nomap = 0; #endif /* YP */ if (d->rpcf && !d->stayopen) { fclose(d->rpcf); d->rpcf = NULL; } } struct rpcent * getrpcent() { register struct rpcdata *d = _rpcdata(); #ifdef YP struct rpcent *hp; int reason; char *val = NULL; int vallen; #endif if (d == 0) return(NULL); #ifdef YP if (!__yp_nomap && _yp_check(&d->domain)) { if (d->current == NULL && d->currentlen == 0) { reason = yp_first(d->domain, "rpc.bynumber", &d->current, &d->currentlen, &val, &vallen); } else { reason = yp_next(d->domain, "rpc.bynumber", d->current, d->currentlen, &d->current, &d->currentlen, &val, &vallen); } switch(reason) { case 0: break; case YPERR_MAP: __yp_nomap = 1; goto no_yp; break; default: return(0); break; } val[vallen] = '\0'; hp = interpret(val, vallen); (void) free(val); return hp; } no_yp: #endif /* YP */ if (d->rpcf == NULL && (d->rpcf = fopen(RPCDB, "r")) == NULL) return (NULL); /* -1 so there is room to append a \n below */ if (fgets(d->line, BUFSIZ - 1, d->rpcf) == NULL) return (NULL); return (interpret(d->line, strlen(d->line))); } static struct rpcent * interpret(val, len) char *val; int len; { register struct rpcdata *d = _rpcdata(); char *p; register char *cp, **q; if (d == 0) return (0); (void) strncpy(d->line, val, BUFSIZ); d->line[BUFSIZ] = '\0'; p = d->line; p[len] = '\n'; if (*p == '#') return (getrpcent()); cp = strpbrk(p, "#\n"); if (cp == NULL) return (getrpcent()); *cp = '\0'; cp = strpbrk(p, " \t"); if (cp == NULL) return (getrpcent()); *cp++ = '\0'; /* THIS STUFF IS INTERNET SPECIFIC */ d->rpc.r_name = d->line; while (*cp == ' ' || *cp == '\t') cp++; d->rpc.r_number = atoi(cp); q = d->rpc.r_aliases = d->rpc_aliases; cp = strpbrk(cp, " \t"); if (cp != NULL) *cp++ = '\0'; while (cp && *cp) { if (*cp == ' ' || *cp == '\t') { cp++; continue; } if (q < &(d->rpc_aliases[MAXALIASES - 1])) *q++ = cp; cp = strpbrk(cp, " \t"); if (cp != NULL) *cp++ = '\0'; } *q = NULL; return (&d->rpc); }