#!/usr/local/bin/python # Copyright (c) 2002-2003, Jeffrey Roberson # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions # are met: # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice unmodified, this list of conditions, and the following # disclaimer. # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES # OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. # IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, # INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT # NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, # DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY # THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT # (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF # THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # # $FreeBSD$ import sys import re import random from Tkinter import * # To use: # - Install the ports/x11-toolkits/py-tkinter package; e.g. # portinstall x11-toolkits/py-tkinter package # - Add KTR_SCHED to KTR_COMPILE and KTR_MASK in your KERNCONF; e.g. # options KTR # options KTR_ENTRIES=32768 # options KTR_COMPILE=(KTR_SCHED) # options KTR_MASK=(KTR_SCHED) # - It is encouraged to increase KTR_ENTRIES size to gather enough # information for analysis; e.g. # options KTR_ENTRIES=262144 # as 32768 entries may only correspond to a second or two of profiling # data depending on your workload. # - Rebuild kernel with proper changes to KERNCONF and boot new kernel. # - Run your workload to be profiled. # - While the workload is continuing (i.e. before it finishes), disable # KTR tracing by setting 'sysctl debug.ktr.mask=0'. This is necessary # to avoid a race condition while running ktrdump, i.e. the KTR ring buffer # will cycle a bit while ktrdump runs, and this confuses schedgraph because # the timestamps appear to go backwards at some point. Stopping KTR logging # while the workload is still running is to avoid wasting log entries on # "idle" time at the end. # - Dump the trace to a file: 'ktrdump -ct > ktr.out' # - Run the python script: 'python schedgraph.py ktr.out' optionally provide # your cpu frequency in ghz: 'python schedgraph.py ktr.out 2.4' # # To do: # Add a per-source summary display # "Vertical rule" to help relate data in different rows # Mouse-over popup of full thread/event/row label (currently truncated) # More visible anchors for popup event windows # # BUGS: 1) Only 8 CPUs are supported, more CPUs require more choices of # colours to represent them ;-) eventcolors = [ ("count", "red"), ("running", "green"), ("idle", "grey"), ("yielding", "yellow"), ("swapped", "violet"), ("suspended", "purple"), ("iwait", "grey"), ("sleep", "blue"), ("blocked", "dark red"), ("runq add", "yellow"), ("runq rem", "yellow"), ("thread exit", "grey"), ("proc exit", "grey"), ("callwheel idle", "grey"), ("callout running", "green"), ("lock acquire", "blue"), ("lock contest", "purple"), ("failed lock try", "red"), ("lock release", "grey"), ("statclock", "black"), ("prio", "black"), ("lend prio", "black"), ("wokeup", "black") ] cpucolors = [ ("CPU 0", "light grey"), ("CPU 1", "dark grey"), ("CPU 2", "light blue"), ("CPU 3", "light pink"), ("CPU 4", "blanched almond"), ("CPU 5", "slate grey"), ("CPU 6", "tan"), ("CPU 7", "thistle"), ("CPU 8", "white") ] colors = [ "white", "thistle", "blanched almond", "tan", "chartreuse", "dark red", "red", "pale violet red", "pink", "light pink", "dark orange", "orange", "coral", "light coral", "goldenrod", "gold", "yellow", "light yellow", "dark green", "green", "light green", "light sea green", "dark blue", "blue", "light blue", "steel blue", "light slate blue", "dark violet", "violet", "purple", "blue violet", "dark grey", "slate grey", "light grey", "black", ] colors.sort() ticksps = None status = None colormap = None ktrfile = None clockfreq = None sources = [] lineno = -1 Y_BORDER = 10 X_BORDER = 10 Y_COUNTER = 80 Y_EVENTSOURCE = 10 XY_POINT = 4 class Colormap: def __init__(self, table): self.table = table self.map = {} for entry in table: self.map[entry[0]] = entry[1] def lookup(self, name): try: color = self.map[name] except: color = colors[random.randrange(0, len(colors))] print "Picking random color", color, "for", name self.map[name] = color self.table.append((name, color)) return (color) def ticks2sec(ticks): us = ticksps / 1000000 ticks /= us if (ticks < 1000): return (str(ticks) + "us") ticks /= 1000 if (ticks < 1000): return (str(ticks) + "ms") ticks /= 1000 return (str(ticks) + "s") class Scaler(Frame): def __init__(self, master, target): Frame.__init__(self, master) self.scale = None self.target = target self.label = Label(self, text="Ticks per pixel") self.label.pack(side=LEFT) self.resolution = 100 self.setmax(10000) def scaleset(self, value): self.target.scaleset(int(value)) def set(self, value): self.scale.set(value) def setmax(self, value): # # We can't reconfigure the to_ value so we delete the old # window and make a new one when we resize. # if (self.scale != None): self.scale.pack_forget() self.scale.destroy() self.scale = Scale(self, command=self.scaleset, from_=100, to_=value, orient=HORIZONTAL, resolution=self.resolution) self.scale.pack(fill="both", expand=1) self.scale.set(self.target.scaleget()) class Status(Frame): def __init__(self, master): Frame.__init__(self, master) self.label = Label(self, bd=1, relief=SUNKEN, anchor=W) self.label.pack(fill="both", expand=1) self.clear() def set(self, str): self.label.config(text=str) def clear(self): self.label.config(text="") def startup(self, str): self.set(str) root.update() class ColorConf(Frame): def __init__(self, master, name, color): Frame.__init__(self, master) if (graph.getstate(name) == "hidden"): enabled = 0 else: enabled = 1 self.name = name self.color = StringVar() self.color_default = color self.color_current = color self.color.set(color) self.enabled = IntVar() self.enabled_default = enabled self.enabled_current = enabled self.enabled.set(enabled) self.draw() def draw(self): self.label = Label(self, text=self.name, anchor=W) self.sample = Canvas(self, width=24, height=24, bg='grey') self.rect = self.sample.create_rectangle(0, 0, 24, 24, fill=self.color.get()) self.list = OptionMenu(self, self.color, command=self.setcolor, *colors) self.checkbox = Checkbutton(self, text="enabled", variable=self.enabled) self.label.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=E+W) self.sample.grid(row=0, column=1) self.list.grid(row=0, column=2, sticky=E+W) self.checkbox.grid(row=0, column=3) self.columnconfigure(0, weight=1) self.columnconfigure(2, minsize=150) def setcolor(self, color): self.color.set(color) self.sample.itemconfigure(self.rect, fill=color) def apply(self): cchange = 0 echange = 0 if (self.color_current != self.color.get()): cchange = 1 if (self.enabled_current != self.enabled.get()): echange = 1 self.color_current = self.color.get() self.enabled_current = self.enabled.get() if (echange != 0): if (self.enabled_current): graph.setcolor(self.name, self.color_current) else: graph.hide(self.name) return if (cchange != 0): graph.setcolor(self.name, self.color_current) def revert(self): self.setcolor(self.color_default) self.enabled.set(self.enabled_default) class ColorConfigure(Toplevel): def __init__(self, table, name): Toplevel.__init__(self) self.resizable(0, 0) self.title(name) self.items = LabelFrame(self, text="Item Type") self.buttons = Frame(self) self.drawbuttons() self.items.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=E+W) self.columnconfigure(0, weight=1) self.buttons.grid(row=1, column=0, sticky=E+W) self.types = [] self.irow = 0 for type in table: color = graph.getcolor(type[0]) if (color != ""): self.additem(type[0], color) def additem(self, name, color): item = ColorConf(self.items, name, color) self.types.append(item) item.grid(row=self.irow, column=0, sticky=E+W) self.irow += 1 def drawbuttons(self): self.apply = Button(self.buttons, text="Apply", command=self.apress) self.default = Button(self.buttons, text="Revert", command=self.rpress) self.apply.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=E+W) self.default.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky=E+W) self.buttons.columnconfigure(0, weight=1) self.buttons.columnconfigure(1, weight=1) def apress(self): for item in self.types: item.apply() def rpress(self): for item in self.types: item.revert() class SourceConf(Frame): def __init__(self, master, source): Frame.__init__(self, master) if (source.hidden == 1): enabled = 0 else: enabled = 1 self.source = source self.name = source.name self.enabled = IntVar() self.enabled_default = enabled self.enabled_current = enabled self.enabled.set(enabled) self.draw() def draw(self): self.label = Label(self, text=self.name, anchor=W) self.checkbox = Checkbutton(self, text="enabled", variable=self.enabled) self.label.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=E+W) self.checkbox.grid(row=0, column=1) self.columnconfigure(0, weight=1) def changed(self): if (self.enabled_current != self.enabled.get()): return 1 return 0 def apply(self): self.enabled_current = self.enabled.get() def revert(self): self.enabled.set(self.enabled_default) def check(self): self.enabled.set(1) def uncheck(self): self.enabled.set(0) class SourceConfigure(Toplevel): def __init__(self): Toplevel.__init__(self) self.resizable(0, 0) self.title("Source Configuration") self.items = [] self.iframe = Frame(self) self.iframe.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=E+W) f = LabelFrame(self.iframe, bd=4, text="Sources") self.items.append(f) self.buttons = Frame(self) self.items[0].grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=E+W) self.columnconfigure(0, weight=1) self.sconfig = [] self.irow = 0 self.icol = 0 for source in sources: self.addsource(source) self.drawbuttons() self.buttons.grid(row=1, column=0, sticky=W) def addsource(self, source): if (self.irow > 30): self.icol += 1 self.irow = 0 c = self.icol f = LabelFrame(self.iframe, bd=4, text="Sources") f.grid(row=0, column=c, sticky=N+E+W) self.items.append(f) item = SourceConf(self.items[self.icol], source) self.sconfig.append(item) item.grid(row=self.irow, column=0, sticky=E+W) self.irow += 1 def drawbuttons(self): self.apply = Button(self.buttons, text="Apply", command=self.apress) self.default = Button(self.buttons, text="Revert", command=self.rpress) self.checkall = Button(self.buttons, text="Check All", command=self.cpress) self.uncheckall = Button(self.buttons, text="Uncheck All", command=self.upress) self.checkall.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=W) self.uncheckall.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky=W) self.apply.grid(row=0, column=2, sticky=W) self.default.grid(row=0, column=3, sticky=W) self.buttons.columnconfigure(0, weight=1) self.buttons.columnconfigure(1, weight=1) self.buttons.columnconfigure(2, weight=1) self.buttons.columnconfigure(3, weight=1) def apress(self): disable_sources = [] enable_sources = [] for item in self.sconfig: if (item.changed() == 0): continue if (item.enabled.get() == 1): enable_sources.append(item.source) else: disable_sources.append(item.source) if (len(disable_sources)): graph.sourcehidelist(disable_sources) if (len(enable_sources)): graph.sourceshowlist(enable_sources) for item in self.sconfig: item.apply() def rpress(self): for item in self.sconfig: item.revert() def cpress(self): for item in self.sconfig: item.check() def upress(self): for item in self.sconfig: item.uncheck() # Reverse compare of second member of the tuple def cmp_counts(x, y): return y[1] - x[1] class SourceStats(Toplevel): def __init__(self, source): self.source = source Toplevel.__init__(self) self.resizable(0, 0) self.title(source.name + " statistics") self.evframe = LabelFrame(self, text="Event Frequency and Duration") self.evframe.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=E+W) eventtypes={} for event in self.source.events: if (event.type == "pad"): continue duration = event.duration if (eventtypes.has_key(event.name)): (c, d) = eventtypes[event.name] c += 1 d += duration eventtypes[event.name] = (c, d) else: eventtypes[event.name] = (1, duration) events = [] for k, v in eventtypes.iteritems(): (c, d) = v events.append((k, c, d)) events.sort(cmp=cmp_counts) ypos = 0 for event in events: (name, c, d) = event l = Label(self.evframe, text=name, bd=1, relief=SUNKEN, anchor=W, width=30) m = Label(self.evframe, text=str(c), bd=1, relief=SUNKEN, anchor=W, width=10) r = Label(self.evframe, text=ticks2sec(d), bd=1, relief=SUNKEN, width=10) l.grid(row=ypos, column=0, sticky=E+W) m.grid(row=ypos, column=1, sticky=E+W) r.grid(row=ypos, column=2, sticky=E+W) ypos += 1 class SourceContext(Menu): def __init__(self, event, source): self.source = source Menu.__init__(self, tearoff=0, takefocus=0) self.add_command(label="hide", command=self.hide) self.add_command(label="hide group", command=self.hidegroup) self.add_command(label="stats", command=self.stats) self.tk_popup(event.x_root-3, event.y_root+3) def hide(self): graph.sourcehide(self.source) def hidegroup(self): grouplist = [] for source in sources: if (source.group == self.source.group): grouplist.append(source) graph.sourcehidelist(grouplist) def show(self): graph.sourceshow(self.source) def stats(self): SourceStats(self.source) class EventView(Toplevel): def __init__(self, event, canvas): Toplevel.__init__(self) self.resizable(0, 0) self.title("Event") self.event = event self.buttons = Frame(self) self.buttons.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=E+W) self.frame = Frame(self) self.frame.grid(row=1, column=0, sticky=N+S+E+W) self.canvas = canvas self.drawlabels() self.drawbuttons() event.displayref(canvas) self.bind("", self.destroycb) def destroycb(self, event): self.unbind("") if (self.event != None): self.event.displayunref(self.canvas) self.event = None self.destroy() def clearlabels(self): for label in self.frame.grid_slaves(): label.grid_remove() def drawlabels(self): ypos = 0 labels = self.event.labels() while (len(labels) < 7): labels.append(("", "")) for label in labels: name, value = label linked = 0 if (name == "linkedto"): linked = 1 l = Label(self.frame, text=name, bd=1, width=15, relief=SUNKEN, anchor=W) if (linked): fgcolor = "blue" else: fgcolor = "black" r = Label(self.frame, text=value, bd=1, relief=SUNKEN, anchor=W, fg=fgcolor) l.grid(row=ypos, column=0, sticky=E+W) r.grid(row=ypos, column=1, sticky=E+W) if (linked): r.bind("", self.linkpress) ypos += 1 self.frame.columnconfigure(1, minsize=80) def drawbuttons(self): self.back = Button(self.buttons, text="<", command=self.bpress) self.forw = Button(self.buttons, text=">", command=self.fpress) self.new = Button(self.buttons, text="new", command=self.npress) self.back.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=E+W) self.forw.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky=E+W) self.new.grid(row=0, column=2, sticky=E+W) self.buttons.columnconfigure(2, weight=1) def newevent(self, event): self.event.displayunref(self.canvas) self.clearlabels() self.event = event self.event.displayref(self.canvas) self.drawlabels() def npress(self): EventView(self.event, self.canvas) def bpress(self): prev = self.event.prev() if (prev == None): return while (prev.type == "pad"): prev = prev.prev() if (prev == None): return self.newevent(prev) def fpress(self): next = self.event.next() if (next == None): return while (next.type == "pad"): next = next.next() if (next == None): return self.newevent(next) def linkpress(self, wevent): event = self.event.getlinked() if (event != None): self.newevent(event) class Event: def __init__(self, source, name, cpu, timestamp, attrs): self.source = source self.name = name self.cpu = cpu self.timestamp = int(timestamp) self.attrs = attrs self.idx = None self.item = None self.dispcnt = 0 self.duration = 0 self.recno = lineno def status(self): statstr = self.name + " " + self.source.name statstr += " on: cpu" + str(self.cpu) statstr += " at: " + str(self.timestamp) statstr += " attributes: " for i in range(0, len(self.attrs)): attr = self.attrs[i] statstr += attr[0] + ": " + str(attr[1]) if (i != len(self.attrs) - 1): statstr += ", " status.set(statstr) def labels(self): return [("Source", self.source.name), ("Event", self.name), ("CPU", self.cpu), ("Timestamp", self.timestamp), ("KTR Line ", self.recno) ] + self.attrs def mouseenter(self, canvas): self.displayref(canvas) self.status() def mouseexit(self, canvas): self.displayunref(canvas) status.clear() def mousepress(self, canvas): EventView(self, canvas) def draw(self, canvas, xpos, ypos, item): self.item = item if (item != None): canvas.items[item] = self def move(self, canvas, x, y): if (self.item == None): return; canvas.move(self.item, x, y); def next(self): return self.source.eventat(self.idx + 1) def nexttype(self, type): next = self.next() while (next != None and next.type != type): next = next.next() return (next) def prev(self): return self.source.eventat(self.idx - 1) def displayref(self, canvas): if (self.dispcnt == 0): canvas.itemconfigure(self.item, width=2) self.dispcnt += 1 def displayunref(self, canvas): self.dispcnt -= 1 if (self.dispcnt == 0): canvas.itemconfigure(self.item, width=0) canvas.tag_raise("point", "state") def getlinked(self): for attr in self.attrs: if (attr[0] != "linkedto"): continue source = ktrfile.findid(attr[1]) return source.findevent(self.timestamp) return None class PointEvent(Event): type = "point" def __init__(self, source, name, cpu, timestamp, attrs): Event.__init__(self, source, name, cpu, timestamp, attrs) def draw(self, canvas, xpos, ypos): color = colormap.lookup(self.name) l = canvas.create_oval(xpos - XY_POINT, ypos, xpos + XY_POINT, ypos - (XY_POINT * 2), fill=color, width=0, tags=("event", self.type, self.name, self.source.tag)) Event.draw(self, canvas, xpos, ypos, l) return xpos class StateEvent(Event): type = "state" def __init__(self, source, name, cpu, timestamp, attrs): Event.__init__(self, source, name, cpu, timestamp, attrs) def draw(self, canvas, xpos, ypos): next = self.nexttype("state") if (next == None): return (xpos) self.duration = duration = next.timestamp - self.timestamp self.attrs.insert(0, ("duration", ticks2sec(duration))) color = colormap.lookup(self.name) if (duration < 0): duration = 0 print "Unsynchronized timestamp" print self.cpu, self.timestamp print next.cpu, next.timestamp delta = duration / canvas.ratio l = canvas.create_rectangle(xpos, ypos, xpos + delta, ypos - 10, fill=color, width=0, tags=("event", self.type, self.name, self.source.tag)) Event.draw(self, canvas, xpos, ypos, l) return (xpos + delta) class CountEvent(Event): type = "count" def __init__(self, source, count, cpu, timestamp, attrs): count = int(count) self.count = count Event.__init__(self, source, "count", cpu, timestamp, attrs) def draw(self, canvas, xpos, ypos): next = self.nexttype("count") if (next == None): return (xpos) color = colormap.lookup("count") self.duration = duration = next.timestamp - self.timestamp if (duration < 0): duration = 0 print "Unsynchronized timestamp" print self.cpu, self.timestamp print next.cpu, next.timestamp self.attrs.insert(0, ("count", self.count)) self.attrs.insert(1, ("duration", ticks2sec(duration))) delta = duration / canvas.ratio yhight = self.source.yscale() * self.count l = canvas.create_rectangle(xpos, ypos - yhight, xpos + delta, ypos, fill=color, width=0, tags=("event", self.type, self.name, self.source.tag)) Event.draw(self, canvas, xpos, ypos, l) return (xpos + delta) class PadEvent(StateEvent): type = "pad" def __init__(self, source, cpu, timestamp, last=0): if (last): cpu = source.events[len(source.events) -1].cpu else: cpu = source.events[0].cpu StateEvent.__init__(self, source, "pad", cpu, timestamp, []) def draw(self, canvas, xpos, ypos): next = self.next() if (next == None): return (xpos) duration = next.timestamp - self.timestamp delta = duration / canvas.ratio Event.draw(self, canvas, xpos, ypos, None) return (xpos + delta) # Sort function for start y address def source_cmp_start(x, y): return x.y - y.y class EventSource: def __init__(self, group, id): self.name = id self.events = [] self.cpuitems = [] self.group = group self.y = 0 self.item = None self.hidden = 0 self.tag = group + id def __cmp__(self, other): if (other == None): return -1 if (self.group == other.group): return cmp(self.name, other.name) return cmp(self.group, other.group) # It is much faster to append items to a list then to insert them # at the beginning. As a result, we add events in reverse order # and then swap the list during fixup. def fixup(self): self.events.reverse() def addevent(self, event): self.events.append(event) def addlastevent(self, event): self.events.insert(0, event) def draw(self, canvas, ypos): xpos = 10 cpux = 10 cpu = self.events[1].cpu for i in range(0, len(self.events)): self.events[i].idx = i for event in self.events: if (event.cpu != cpu and event.cpu != -1): self.drawcpu(canvas, cpu, cpux, xpos, ypos) cpux = xpos cpu = event.cpu xpos = event.draw(canvas, xpos, ypos) self.drawcpu(canvas, cpu, cpux, xpos, ypos) def drawname(self, canvas, ypos): self.y = ypos ypos = ypos - (self.ysize() / 2) self.item = canvas.create_text(X_BORDER, ypos, anchor="w", text=self.name) return (self.item) def drawcpu(self, canvas, cpu, fromx, tox, ypos): cpu = "CPU " + str(cpu) color = cpucolormap.lookup(cpu) # Create the cpu background colors default to hidden l = canvas.create_rectangle(fromx, ypos - self.ysize() - canvas.bdheight, tox, ypos + canvas.bdheight, fill=color, width=0, tags=("cpubg", cpu, self.tag), state="hidden") self.cpuitems.append(l) def move(self, canvas, xpos, ypos): canvas.move(self.tag, xpos, ypos) def movename(self, canvas, xpos, ypos): self.y += ypos canvas.move(self.item, xpos, ypos) def ysize(self): return (Y_EVENTSOURCE) def eventat(self, i): if (i >= len(self.events)): return (None) event = self.events[i] return (event) def findevent(self, timestamp): for event in self.events: if (event.timestamp >= timestamp and event.type != "pad"): return (event) return (None) class Counter(EventSource): # # Store a hash of counter groups that keeps the max value # for a counter in this group for scaling purposes. # groups = {} def __init__(self, group, id): try: Counter.cnt = Counter.groups[group] except: Counter.groups[group] = 0 EventSource.__init__(self, group, id) def fixup(self): for event in self.events: if (event.type != "count"): continue; count = int(event.count) if (count > Counter.groups[self.group]): Counter.groups[self.group] = count EventSource.fixup(self) def ymax(self): return (Counter.groups[self.group]) def ysize(self): return (Y_COUNTER) def yscale(self): return (self.ysize() / self.ymax()) class KTRFile: def __init__(self, file): self.timestamp_f = None self.timestamp_l = None self.locks = {} self.callwheels = {} self.ticks = {} self.load = {} self.crit = {} self.stathz = 0 self.eventcnt = 0 self.taghash = {} self.parse(file) self.fixup() global ticksps ticksps = self.ticksps() span = self.timespan() ghz = float(ticksps) / 1000000000.0 # # Update the title with some stats from the file # titlestr = "SchedGraph: " titlestr += ticks2sec(span) + " at %.3f ghz, " % ghz titlestr += str(len(sources)) + " event sources, " titlestr += str(self.eventcnt) + " events" root.title(titlestr) def parse(self, file): try: ifp = open(file) except: print "Can't open", file sys.exit(1) # quoteexp matches a quoted string, no escaping quoteexp = "\"([^\"]*)\"" # # commaexp matches a quoted string OR the string up # to the first ',' # commaexp = "(?:" + quoteexp + "|([^,]+))" # # colonstr matches a quoted string OR the string up # to the first ':' # colonexp = "(?:" + quoteexp + "|([^:]+))" # # Match various manditory parts of the KTR string this is # fairly inflexible until you get to attributes to make # parsing faster. # hdrexp = "\s*(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+" groupexp = "KTRGRAPH group:" + quoteexp + ", " idexp = "id:" + quoteexp + ", " typeexp = "([^:]+):" + commaexp + ", " attribexp = "attributes: (.*)" # # Matches optional attributes in the KTR string. This # tolerates more variance as the users supply these values. # attrexp = colonexp + "\s*:\s*(?:" + commaexp + ", (.*)|" attrexp += quoteexp +"|(.*))" # Precompile regexp ktrre = re.compile(hdrexp + groupexp + idexp + typeexp + attribexp) attrre = re.compile(attrexp) global lineno lineno = 0 for line in ifp.readlines(): lineno += 1 if ((lineno % 2048) == 0): status.startup("Parsing line " + str(lineno)) m = ktrre.match(line); if (m == None): print "Can't parse", lineno, line, continue; (index, cpu, timestamp, group, id, type, dat, dat1, attrstring) = m.groups(); if (dat == None): dat = dat1 if (self.checkstamp(timestamp) == 0): print "Bad timestamp at", lineno, ":", print cpu, timestamp continue # # Build the table of optional attributes # attrs = [] while (attrstring != None): m = attrre.match(attrstring.strip()) if (m == None): break; # # Name may or may not be quoted. # # For val we have four cases: # 1) quotes followed by comma and more # attributes. # 2) no quotes followed by comma and more # attributes. # 3) no more attributes or comma with quotes. # 4) no more attributes or comma without quotes. # (name, name1, val, val1, attrstring, end, end1) = m.groups(); if (name == None): name = name1 if (end == None): end = end1 if (val == None): val = val1 if (val == None): val = end if (name == "stathz"): self.setstathz(val, cpu) attrs.append((name, val)) args = (dat, cpu, timestamp, attrs) e = self.makeevent(group, id, type, args) if (e == None): print "Unknown type", type, lineno, line, def makeevent(self, group, id, type, args): e = None source = self.makeid(group, id, type) if (type == "state"): e = StateEvent(source, *args) elif (type == "counter"): e = CountEvent(source, *args) elif (type == "point"): e = PointEvent(source, *args) if (e != None): self.eventcnt += 1 source.addevent(e); return e def setstathz(self, val, cpu): self.stathz = int(val) cpu = int(cpu) try: ticks = self.ticks[cpu] except: self.ticks[cpu] = 0 self.ticks[cpu] += 1 def checkstamp(self, timestamp): timestamp = int(timestamp) if (self.timestamp_f == None): self.timestamp_f = timestamp; if (self.timestamp_l != None and timestamp -2048> self.timestamp_l): return (0) self.timestamp_l = timestamp; return (1) def makeid(self, group, id, type): tag = group + id if (self.taghash.has_key(tag)): return self.taghash[tag] if (type == "counter"): source = Counter(group, id) else: source = EventSource(group, id) sources.append(source) self.taghash[tag] = source return (source) def findid(self, id): for source in sources: if (source.name == id): return source return (None) def timespan(self): return (self.timestamp_f - self.timestamp_l); def ticksps(self): oneghz = 1000000000 # Use user supplied clock first if (clockfreq != None): return int(clockfreq * oneghz) # Check for a discovered clock if (self.stathz != 0): return (self.timespan() / self.ticks[0]) * int(self.stathz) # Pretend we have a 1ns clock print "WARNING: No clock discovered and no frequency ", print "specified via the command line." print "Using fake 1ghz clock" return (oneghz); def fixup(self): for source in sources: e = PadEvent(source, -1, self.timestamp_l) source.addevent(e) e = PadEvent(source, -1, self.timestamp_f, last=1) source.addlastevent(e) source.fixup() sources.sort() class SchedNames(Canvas): def __init__(self, master, display): self.display = display self.parent = master self.bdheight = master.bdheight self.items = {} self.ysize = 0 self.lines = [] Canvas.__init__(self, master, width=120, height=display["height"], bg='grey', scrollregion=(0, 0, 50, 100)) def moveline(self, cur_y, y): for line in self.lines: (x0, y0, x1, y1) = self.coords(line) if (cur_y != y0): continue self.move(line, 0, y) return def draw(self): status.startup("Drawing names") ypos = 0 self.configure(scrollregion=(0, 0, self["width"], self.display.ysize())) for source in sources: l = self.create_line(0, ypos, self["width"], ypos, width=1, fill="black", tags=("all","sources")) self.lines.append(l) ypos += self.bdheight ypos += source.ysize() t = source.drawname(self, ypos) self.items[t] = source ypos += self.bdheight self.ysize = ypos self.create_line(0, ypos, self["width"], ypos, width=1, fill="black", tags=("all",)) self.bind("", self.master.mousepress); self.bind("", self.master.mousepressright); self.bind("", self.master.mouserelease); self.bind("", self.master.mousemotion); def updatescroll(self): self.configure(scrollregion=(0, 0, self["width"], self.display.ysize())) class SchedDisplay(Canvas): def __init__(self, master): self.ratio = 1 self.parent = master self.bdheight = master.bdheight self.items = {} self.lines = [] Canvas.__init__(self, master, width=800, height=500, bg='grey', scrollregion=(0, 0, 800, 500)) def prepare(self): # # Compute a ratio to ensure that the file's timespan fits into # 2^31. Although python may handle larger values for X # values, the Tk internals do not. # self.ratio = (ktrfile.timespan() - 1) / 2**31 + 1 def draw(self): ypos = 0 xsize = self.xsize() for source in sources: status.startup("Drawing " + source.name) l = self.create_line(0, ypos, xsize, ypos, width=1, fill="black", tags=("all",)) self.lines.append(l) ypos += self.bdheight ypos += source.ysize() source.draw(self, ypos) ypos += self.bdheight self.tag_raise("point", "state") self.tag_lower("cpubg", ALL) self.create_line(0, ypos, xsize, ypos, width=1, fill="black", tags=("lines",)) self.tag_bind("event", "", self.mouseenter) self.tag_bind("event", "", self.mouseexit) self.bind("", self.mousepress) self.bind("", self.master.mousepressright); self.bind("", self.wheelup) self.bind("", self.wheeldown) self.bind("", self.master.mouserelease); self.bind("", self.master.mousemotion); def moveline(self, cur_y, y): for line in self.lines: (x0, y0, x1, y1) = self.coords(line) if (cur_y != y0): continue self.move(line, 0, y) return def mouseenter(self, event): item, = self.find_withtag(CURRENT) self.items[item].mouseenter(self) def mouseexit(self, event): item, = self.find_withtag(CURRENT) self.items[item].mouseexit(self) def mousepress(self, event): # Find out what's beneath us items = self.find_withtag(CURRENT) if (len(items) == 0): self.master.mousepress(event) return # Only grab mouse presses for things with event tags. item = items[0] tags = self.gettags(item) for tag in tags: if (tag == "event"): self.items[item].mousepress(self) return # Leave the rest to the master window self.master.mousepress(event) def wheeldown(self, event): self.parent.display_yview("scroll", 1, "units") def wheelup(self, event): self.parent.display_yview("scroll", -1, "units") def xsize(self): return ((ktrfile.timespan() / self.ratio) + (X_BORDER * 2)) def ysize(self): ysize = 0 for source in sources: if (source.hidden == 1): continue ysize += self.parent.sourcesize(source) return ysize def scaleset(self, ratio): if (ktrfile == None): return oldratio = self.ratio xstart, xend = self.xview() midpoint = xstart + ((xend - xstart) / 2) self.ratio = ratio self.updatescroll() self.scale(ALL, 0, 0, float(oldratio) / ratio, 1) xstart, xend = self.xview() xsize = (xend - xstart) / 2 self.xview_moveto(midpoint - xsize) def updatescroll(self): self.configure(scrollregion=(0, 0, self.xsize(), self.ysize())) def scaleget(self): return self.ratio def getcolor(self, tag): return self.itemcget(tag, "fill") def getstate(self, tag): return self.itemcget(tag, "state") def setcolor(self, tag, color): self.itemconfigure(tag, state="normal", fill=color) def hide(self, tag): self.itemconfigure(tag, state="hidden") class GraphMenu(Frame): def __init__(self, master): Frame.__init__(self, master, bd=2, relief=RAISED) self.conf = Menubutton(self, text="Configure") self.confmenu = Menu(self.conf, tearoff=0) self.confmenu.add_command(label="Event Colors", command=self.econf) self.confmenu.add_command(label="CPU Colors", command=self.cconf) self.confmenu.add_command(label="Source Configure", command=self.sconf) self.conf["menu"] = self.confmenu self.conf.pack(side=LEFT) def econf(self): ColorConfigure(eventcolors, "Event Display Configuration") def cconf(self): ColorConfigure(cpucolors, "CPU Background Colors") def sconf(self): SourceConfigure() class SchedGraph(Frame): def __init__(self, master): Frame.__init__(self, master) self.menu = None self.names = None self.display = None self.scale = None self.status = None self.bdheight = Y_BORDER self.clicksource = None self.lastsource = None self.pack(expand=1, fill="both") self.buildwidgets() self.layout() def buildwidgets(self): global status self.menu = GraphMenu(self) self.display = SchedDisplay(self) self.names = SchedNames(self, self.display) self.scale = Scaler(self, self.display) status = self.status = Status(self) self.scrollY = Scrollbar(self, orient="vertical", command=self.display_yview) self.display.scrollX = Scrollbar(self, orient="horizontal", command=self.display.xview) self.display["xscrollcommand"] = self.display.scrollX.set self.display["yscrollcommand"] = self.scrollY.set self.names["yscrollcommand"] = self.scrollY.set def layout(self): self.columnconfigure(1, weight=1) self.rowconfigure(1, weight=1) self.menu.grid(row=0, column=0, columnspan=3, sticky=E+W) self.names.grid(row=1, column=0, sticky=N+S) self.display.grid(row=1, column=1, sticky=W+E+N+S) self.scrollY.grid(row=1, column=2, sticky=N+S) self.display.scrollX.grid(row=2, column=0, columnspan=2, sticky=E+W) self.scale.grid(row=3, column=0, columnspan=3, sticky=E+W) self.status.grid(row=4, column=0, columnspan=3, sticky=E+W) def draw(self): self.master.update() self.display.prepare() self.names.draw() self.display.draw() self.status.startup("") # # Configure scale related values # scalemax = ktrfile.timespan() / int(self.display["width"]) width = int(root.geometry().split('x')[0]) self.constwidth = width - int(self.display["width"]) self.scale.setmax(scalemax) self.scale.set(scalemax) self.display.xview_moveto(0) self.bind("", self.resize) def mousepress(self, event): self.clicksource = self.sourceat(event.y) def mousepressright(self, event): source = self.sourceat(event.y) if (source == None): return SourceContext(event, source) def mouserelease(self, event): if (self.clicksource == None): return newsource = self.sourceat(event.y) if (self.clicksource != newsource): self.sourceswap(self.clicksource, newsource) self.clicksource = None self.lastsource = None def mousemotion(self, event): if (self.clicksource == None): return newsource = self.sourceat(event.y) # # If we get a None source they moved off the page. # swapsource() can't handle moving multiple items so just # pretend we never clicked on anything to begin with so the # user can't mouseover a non-contiguous area. # if (newsource == None): self.clicksource = None self.lastsource = None return if (newsource == self.lastsource): return; self.lastsource = newsource if (newsource != self.clicksource): self.sourceswap(self.clicksource, newsource) # These are here because this object controls layout def sourcestart(self, source): return source.y - self.bdheight - source.ysize() def sourceend(self, source): return source.y + self.bdheight def sourcesize(self, source): return (self.bdheight * 2) + source.ysize() def sourceswap(self, source1, source2): # Sort so we always know which one is on top. if (source2.y < source1.y): swap = source1 source1 = source2 source2 = swap # Only swap adjacent sources if (self.sourceend(source1) != self.sourcestart(source2)): return # Compute start coordinates and target coordinates y1 = self.sourcestart(source1) y2 = self.sourcestart(source2) y1targ = y1 + self.sourcesize(source2) y2targ = y1 # # If the sizes are not equal, adjust the start of the lower # source to account for the lost/gained space. # if (source1.ysize() != source2.ysize()): diff = source2.ysize() - source1.ysize() self.names.moveline(y2, diff); self.display.moveline(y2, diff) source1.move(self.display, 0, y1targ - y1) source2.move(self.display, 0, y2targ - y2) source1.movename(self.names, 0, y1targ - y1) source2.movename(self.names, 0, y2targ - y2) def sourcepicky(self, source): if (source.hidden == 0): return self.sourcestart(source) # Revert to group based sort sources.sort() prev = None for s in sources: if (s == source): break if (s.hidden == 0): prev = s if (prev == None): newy = 0 else: newy = self.sourcestart(prev) + self.sourcesize(prev) return newy def sourceshow(self, source): if (source.hidden == 0): return; newy = self.sourcepicky(source) off = newy - self.sourcestart(source) self.sourceshiftall(newy-1, self.sourcesize(source)) self.sourceshift(source, off) source.hidden = 0 # # Optimized source show of multiple entries that only moves each # existing entry once. Doing sourceshow() iteratively is too # expensive due to python's canvas.move(). # def sourceshowlist(self, srclist): srclist.sort(cmp=source_cmp_start) startsize = [] for source in srclist: if (source.hidden == 0): srclist.remove(source) startsize.append((self.sourcepicky(source), self.sourcesize(source))) sources.sort(cmp=source_cmp_start, reverse=True) self.status.startup("Updating display..."); for source in sources: if (source.hidden == 1): continue nstart = self.sourcestart(source) size = 0 for hidden in startsize: (start, sz) = hidden if (start <= nstart or start+sz <= nstart): size += sz self.sourceshift(source, size) idx = 0 size = 0 for source in srclist: (newy, sz) = startsize[idx] off = (newy + size) - self.sourcestart(source) self.sourceshift(source, off) source.hidden = 0 size += sz idx += 1 self.updatescroll() self.status.set("") # # Optimized source hide of multiple entries that only moves each # remaining entry once. Doing sourcehide() iteratively is too # expensive due to python's canvas.move(). # def sourcehidelist(self, srclist): srclist.sort(cmp=source_cmp_start) sources.sort(cmp=source_cmp_start) startsize = [] off = len(sources) * 100 self.status.startup("Updating display..."); for source in srclist: if (source.hidden == 1): srclist.remove(source) # # Remember our old position so we can sort things # below us when we're done. # startsize.append((self.sourcestart(source), self.sourcesize(source))) self.sourceshift(source, off) source.hidden = 1 idx = 0 size = 0 for hidden in startsize: (start, sz) = hidden size += sz if (idx + 1 < len(startsize)): (stop, sz) = startsize[idx+1] else: stop = self.display.ysize() idx += 1 for source in sources: nstart = self.sourcestart(source) if (nstart < start or source.hidden == 1): continue if (nstart >= stop): break; self.sourceshift(source, -size) self.updatescroll() self.status.set("") def sourcehide(self, source): if (source.hidden == 1): return; # Move it out of the visible area off = len(sources) * 100 start = self.sourcestart(source) self.sourceshift(source, off) self.sourceshiftall(start, -self.sourcesize(source)) source.hidden = 1 def sourceshift(self, source, off): start = self.sourcestart(source) source.move(self.display, 0, off) source.movename(self.names, 0, off) self.names.moveline(start, off); self.display.moveline(start, off) # # We update the idle tasks to shrink the dirtied area so # it does not always include the entire screen. # self.names.update_idletasks() self.display.update_idletasks() def sourceshiftall(self, start, off): self.status.startup("Updating display..."); for source in sources: nstart = self.sourcestart(source) if (nstart < start): continue; self.sourceshift(source, off) self.updatescroll() self.status.set("") def sourceat(self, ypos): (start, end) = self.names.yview() starty = start * float(self.names.ysize) ypos += starty for source in sources: if (source.hidden == 1): continue; yend = self.sourceend(source) ystart = self.sourcestart(source) if (ypos >= ystart and ypos <= yend): return source return None def display_yview(self, *args): self.names.yview(*args) self.display.yview(*args) def resize(self, *args): width = int(root.geometry().split('x')[0]) scalemax = ktrfile.timespan() / (width - self.constwidth) self.scale.setmax(scalemax) def updatescroll(self): self.names.updatescroll() self.display.updatescroll() def setcolor(self, tag, color): self.display.setcolor(tag, color) def hide(self, tag): self.display.hide(tag) def getcolor(self, tag): return self.display.getcolor(tag) def getstate(self, tag): return self.display.getstate(tag) if (len(sys.argv) != 2 and len(sys.argv) != 3): print "usage:", sys.argv[0], " [clock freq in ghz]" sys.exit(1) if (len(sys.argv) > 2): clockfreq = float(sys.argv[2]) root = Tk() root.title("SchedGraph") colormap = Colormap(eventcolors) cpucolormap = Colormap(cpucolors) graph = SchedGraph(root) ktrfile = KTRFile(sys.argv[1]) graph.draw() root.mainloop()