.\" .\" a simple set of macros to provide HTML documents with basic www functionality .\" .\" please can someone with more skill at creating macros improve on this .\" many thanks - Gaius .\" .\" suggestion: maybe when run with non -Thtml all the urls should appear as .\" references. .\" .\" some simple html additions to any macro set .\" .de HTML .if '\*(.T'html' \X^html:\\$*^ .. .de HTMLINDEX .if '\*(.T'html' \X^index:\\$*^ .. .\" .\" BODYCOLOR - $1 is foreground color .\" $2 is background color .\" $3 is the color of an active hypertext link .\" $4 is the color of a hypertext link not yet visited .\" $5 is the color of a visited hypertext link .\" .de BODYCOLOR . HTML .. .\" .\" BACKGROUND - $1 is the background image file .\" .de BACKGROUND . HTML .. .\" .\" URL - $1 is the classical underlined blue text .\" $2 is the url .\" .de URL . ie '\*(.T'html' \{\ . HTML \\$1 . \} . el \{\ \\$1 () . \} .. .\" .\" LINK - $1 is the classical underlined blue text .\" $2 is the URL *with* the textual reference within a document .\" .\" example: .LINK "a nice heading" "#heading123" .\" .\" provides a link from "a nice heading" to the .\" textual name reference "heading123" .\" .\" .LINK "The GNU FSF" "" "www.gnu.org" .\" .\" deprecated - use the URL macro instead .\" .\" .de LINK . ie !'\\$3'' \{\ . @error the LINK macro has changed, use the URL (or FTP if appropriate) macro here . @error you are advised to replace with URL or FTP macro "\\$1" "\\$3#\\$2" . URL "\\$1" "\\$3#\\$2" . \} . el \{\ . ie '\*(.T'html' \{\ . HTML \\$1 . \} . el \{\ . URL "\\$1" "\\$2" . \} . \} .. .\" .\" FTP - $1 is the classical underlined blue text .\" $2 is the ftp url .de FTP . ie '\*(.T'html' \{\ . HTML \\$1 . \} . el \{\ $1 () . \} .. .\" .\" MAILTO - generate html email reference .\" $1 is the email address .\" $2 is the optional name .\" .\" example .MAILTO fred@foo.bar "Fredrick Bloggs" .\" .de MAILTO .\" .\" force reset after a potential heading by performing some motion.. .\" how do we do this --fixme-- .\" \h'\w' ''\h'-\w' '' doesn't work.. . ie '\*(.T'html' \{\ . ie '\\$2'' \{\ . HTML "\\$1" . \} . el \{\ . HTML "\\$2" . \} . \} . el \{\ \s-2\fB\fP\s+2 . \} .. .\" .\" .\" TAG - generate an html name $1 .\" .de TAG .HTML .. .\" .\" IMAGE - reference an image .\" $1 is the image file .\" $2 is the x width (default if absent 400 pixels) .\" $3 is the y width (default if absent is the x value) .\" .de IMAGE . ie '\*(.T'html' \{\ . nr HTMLWIDTH 400 . if '\\$2'' \{\ . nr HTMLWIDTH \\$2 . \} . nr HTMLHEIGHT \\n[HTMLWIDTH] . if '\\$3'' \{\ . nr HTMLHEIGHT \\$3 . \} . HTML . \} . el \{\ . B1 \fB\s-2\fP\s+2 . B2 . \} .. .\" .\" CDFTP - if we are processing this on machine \\$1 then we create a .\" FTP reference using \\$2 --> \\$3 .\" .\" otherwise we create a URL from \\$2 --> \\$4 .\" .\" example: .\" .\" .CDFTP "foobar" "somegnusoftware.tar.gz" \ .\" "ftp://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/somegnusoftware.tar.gz" \ .\" "../../../TARGZ/somegnusoftware.tar.gz" .\" .\" meaning if we are on machine foobar then generate an ftp url .\" to the GNU anonymous ftp server otherwise generate a file url .\" to a local copy (cdrom maybe) .\" .\" Useful when one machine is designated as a cdrom burner and another .\" designated as an appache server. .\" The same source for web pages can be burnt onto a CD and also .\" served across the network. It doesn't solve the problem of one .\" machine doing both though :-( .\" .\" .de CDFTP . sy /bin/rm -f /tmp/tmac.n . sy /bin/echo ".ds HOSTNAME `hostname --short`" > /tmp/tmac.n . so /tmp/tmac.n . sy /bin/rm -f /tmp/tmac.n . ie '\\*[HOSTNAME]'\\$1' \{\ . FTP "\\$2" "\\$3" . \} . el \{\ . URL "\\$2" "\\$4" . \} .. .\" it doesn't make sense to use hyphenation with html, so we turn it off. .hy 0 .nr HY 0