# # Set a bunch of things to hardcoded paths so that we don't accidently # pick up a user's own version of some utility and hose ourselves. # libdir= /etc bindir= ${BINDIR} pager= more -s manpath_config_file= /etc/manpath.config troff= /usr/bin/groff -man nroff= /usr/bin/groff -Wall -mtty-char -Tascii -man apropos= /usr/bin/apropos whatis= /usr/bin/whatis neqn= /usr/bin/eqn -Tascii tbl= /usr/bin/tbl col= /usr/bin/col vgrind= /usr/bin/vgrind refer= /usr/bin/refer grap= # no grap pic= /usr/bin/pic zcat= /usr/bin/zcat compress= /usr/bin/gzip -c compext= .gz .if exists(${.OBJDIR}/../lib) LIBDESTDIR= ${.OBJDIR}/../lib .else LIBDESTDIR= ${.CURDIR}/../lib .endif LIBMAN= ${LIBDESTDIR}/libman.a .include "../Makefile.inc"