.Dd November 16, 1994 .Dt IPFW 8 .Os .Sh NAME ipfw - controlling utility for ipfw/ipacct facilities. .Sh SYNOPSIS ipfw [-vn] ipfw [-vn] ipfw [-vn] .Sh DESCRIPTION In the first synopsis form, the ipfw utility allows adding/removing of entries of blocking/forwarding/accounting chains. In the second synopsis form, the ipfw utility checks whenever a given IP packet type is accepted or denied by a blocking/forwarding firewall. In the third synopsis form, the ipfw utility allows global actions on chain-zeroing of counters, and flushing or listing of chain entries and their counter values. The following options are available: -v be verbose. The meaning of this option varies depending on ipfw usage. -n do not resolve anything. When setting entries, do not try to resolve a given address. When listing, display addresses in numeric form. These are : addb[locking] - add entry to blocking firewall. delb[locking] - remove entry from blocking firewall. addf[orwarding] - add entry to forwarding firewall. delf[orwarding] - remove entry from forwarding firewall. adda[ccounting] - add entry to accounting chain. dela[ccounting] - remove entry from accounting chain. These are : checkb[locking] - check packet against blocking firewall. checkf[orwarding] - check packet against forwarding firewall. These are : f[lush] - remove all entries in firewall/accounting chains. l[ist] - show all entries in blocking/forwarding/accounting chains. z[ero] - clear chain counters(for now accounting only). p[olicy] - define default firewall policy. The build like this: For forwarding/blocking chains: d[eny] a[ccept] For accounting chain: s[ingle] b[idirectional] The is: all|icmp from to tcp|udp from [ports] to [ports] : [/mask bits | :mask pattern] [ports]: [ port,port....|port:port] where name of service can be used instead of port numeric value. When entry added to chain and -v option used,entry added with PRN flag set. The build exactly like . To l[ist] command may be passed: f[orwarding]|b[locking]|a[ccounting] to list specific chain or none to list all of them.Option -v causes output format to change so that packet/bytes counters printed.Standart output format fully suitable to be used as . To f[lush] command may be passed: f[irewall]|a[ccounting] to remove all entries from forwarding/blocking chains or from accounting chain.No arguments removes all chain entries. To z[ero] command no arguments needed,and all counters of accounting chain zeroed. To p[olicy] command accepts a[ccept]|d[eny] to define default policy as denial/accepting.Withno arguments current default policy displayed. .Sh EXAMPLES This command add entry which denies all tcp packets from hacker.evil.org to telnet port of wolf.tambov.su from being forwarded by the host: ipfw addf deny tcp from hacker.evil.org to wolf.tambov.su telnet This one disallows any connection from entire hackers network to my host: ipfw addb deny all from to my.host.org Here is useful usage of lt] command to see accounting records: ipfw -v list accounting (or in short form ipfw -v l a ). Much more examples can be found in files: /usr/share/misc/ipfw.samp.filters /usr/share/misc/ipfw.samp.scripts .Sh SEE ALSO ipfirewall(4),ipaccounting(4),reboot(8) .Sh BUGS WARNING!!WARNING!!WARNING!!WARNING!!WARNING!!WARNING!!WARNING!! This programm can put your computer in rather unusable state. First time try using it from console and do *NOT* do anything you don't understand. Remember that "ipfw flush" can solve all the problemms. Also take in your mind that "ipfw policy deny" combined with some wrong chain entry(possible the only entry which designed to deny some external packets) can close your computer from outer world for good. Besides of misuse the only known bug is that entry added with -v option set should be deleted with same option, but there is no way to see this in list command. .Sh HISTORY Initially this utility was written for BSDI by: Daniel Boulet The FreeBSD version is written completely by: Ugen J.S.Antsilevich while synopsis partially compatible with old one.