/* * Copyright (c) 1994, Paul Richards. * * All rights reserved. * * This software may be used, modified, copied, distributed, and * sold, in both source and binary form provided that the above * copyright and these terms are retained, verbatim, as the first * lines of this file. Under no circumstances is the author * responsible for the proper functioning of this software, nor does * the author assume any responsibility for damages incurred with * its use. */ #include #include #include #include #ifdef __i386__ /* temp measure delete nov 15 1994 */ #define i386 1 #else #warning FOO #endif #include #include #include #include "mbr.h" #include "sysinstall.h" extern struct mbr *mbr; extern int inst_part; extern int whole_disk; /* * Guess what ? This is bteasy-1.4... didn't used to look this way, did it ? * Written by Serge Vakulenko, */ static unsigned char bootcode[] = { 51,192,142,192,142,216,250,142,208,188,0,124,251,252,139,244,191,0,6,185,0, 1,242,165,234,99,6,0,0,139,213,88,162,72,7,60,53,116,29,180,16,246,228,5, 174,4,139,240, 246,68,4,255,116,55,198,4,128,232,215,0,138,116,1,139,76, 2,235,8,232,204,0,185,1,0,50,209,187,0,124,184,1,2,205,19,114,23,129,191, 254,1,85,170,117,15,234,0,124,0,0,139,234,66,128,242,179,136,22,58,7,191, 190,7,185,4,0,198,6,45,7,49,50,246,136,45,138,69,4,60,0,116,37,60,5,116, 33,254,198,190,42,7,232,117,0,190,72,7,70,70,139,28,10,255,116,7,58,125,4, 117,243,50,255,141,183,116,7,232,92,0,131,199,16,254,6,45,7,226,201,128,62, 117,4,2,116,11,190,59,7,10,246,117,10,205,24,235,170,190,42,7,232,59,0,232, 56,0,50,228,205,26,139,218,131,195,96,180,1,205,22,117,13,50,228,205,26,59, 211,114,242,160,72,7,235,12,50,228,205,22,138,196,60,28,116,241,4,246,60, 49,114,212,60,53,119,208,80,190,40,7,187,29,6,83,252,172,80,36,127,180,14, 205,16,88,168,128,116,242,195,86,184,1,3,187,0,6,185,1,0,50,246,205,19,94, 198,6,72,7,63,195,13,138,13,10,70,48,32,46,32,46,32,46,160,100,105,115,107, 32,49,13,10,10,68,101,102,97,117,108,116,58,32,70,63,160,0,1,0,4,0,6,3,7,7, 8,10,9,13,10,16,99,20,100,20,101,26,128,26,129,31,130,36,147,42,165,49,159, 53,117,57,82,57,219,60,242,66,0,100,111,243,104,112,102,243,102,115,32,97, 105,248,111,115,178,117,110,105,248,110,111,118,101,108,236,109,105,110, 105,248,108,105,110,117,248,97,109,111,101,98,225,70,114,101,101,66,83,196, 98,115,100,233,112,99,105,248,99,112,237,100,111,115,115,101,227,63,191,0, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,85,170 }; struct part_type part_types[] = PARTITION_TYPES char * part_type(int type) { int num_types = (sizeof(part_types)/sizeof(struct part_type)); int next_type = 0; struct part_type *ptr = part_types; while (next_type < num_types) { if(ptr->type == type) return(ptr->name); ptr++; next_type++; } return("Unknown"); } void read_dospart(int fd, struct dos_partition *dp) { u_char buf[512]; if (lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET) == -1) AskAbort("Couldn't seek for master boot record read\n"); if (read(fd, buf, 512) != 512) { AskAbort("Failed to read master boot record\n"); } memcpy(dp, buf+DOSPARTOFF, sizeof(*dp)*NDOSPART); } void write_dospart(int fd, struct dos_partition *dp) { u_char buf[512]; if (lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET) == -1) AskAbort("Couldn't seek for master boot record read\n"); if (read(fd, buf, 512) != 512) { AskAbort("Failed to read master boot record\n"); } memcpy(buf+DOSPARTOFF, dp, sizeof(*dp)*NDOSPART); buf[510] = 0x55; buf[511] = 0xaa; if (lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET) == -1) AskAbort("Couldn't seek for master boot record write\n"); enable_label(fd); if (write(fd, buf, 512) != 512) AskAbort("Failed to write master boot record\n"); disable_label(fd); } void write_bootcode(int fd) { u_char buf[512]; if (lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET) == -1) AskAbort("Couldn't seek for master boot record read\n"); if (read(fd, buf, 512) != 512) { AskAbort("Failed to read master boot record\n"); } memcpy(buf, bootcode, DOSPARTOFF); buf[510] = 0x55; buf[511] = 0xaa; if (lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET) == -1) AskAbort("Couldn't seek for master boot record write\n"); enable_label(fd); if (write(fd, buf, 512) != 512) AskAbort("Failed to write master boot record\n"); disable_label(fd); } int WriteBootblock(int dfd,struct disklabel *label,struct dos_partition *dospart) { int fd; off_t of = label->d_partitions[OURPART].p_offset; u_char bootblocks[BBSIZE]; Debug("Loading boot code from %s", BOOT1); fd = open(BOOT1, O_RDONLY); if (fd < 0) Fatal("Couldn't open boot file %s\n", BOOT1); if (read(fd, bootblocks, MBRSIZE) < 0) Fatal("Couldn't read from boot file %s\n", BOOT1); if (close(fd) == -1) Fatal("Couldn't close boot file %s\n", BOOT1); Debug("Loading boot code from %s", BOOT2); fd = open(BOOT2, O_RDONLY); if (fd < 0) Fatal("Couldn't open boot file %s", BOOT2); if (read(fd, &bootblocks[MBRSIZE], (int)(label->d_bbsize - MBRSIZE)) < 0) Fatal("Couldn't read from boot file %s\n", BOOT2); if (close(fd) == -1) Fatal("Couldn't close boot file %s", BOOT2); bcopy(dospart, &bootblocks[DOSPARTOFF], sizeof(struct dos_partition) * NDOSPART); label->d_checksum = 0; label->d_checksum = dkcksum(label); bcopy(label, &bootblocks[(LABELSECTOR * label->d_secsize) + LABELOFFSET], sizeof *label); Debug("Seeking to byte %ld ", of * label->d_secsize); if (lseek(dfd, (of * label->d_secsize), SEEK_SET) < 0) { Fatal("Couldn't seek to start of partition\n"); } enable_label(dfd); if (write(dfd, bootblocks, label->d_bbsize) != label->d_bbsize) { Fatal("Failed to write bootblocks (%p,%d) %d %s\n", bootblocks, label->d_bbsize, errno, strerror(errno) ); } disable_label(dfd); return(0); } static int FillIn(struct dos_partition *dp, int sec, int hd) { u_long l2,l3=0,sect,c,s,h; sect = dp->dp_start; l2 = sect / (sec*hd); sect -= l2*sec*hd; if(l2>1023) l2 = 1023; c = (l2 & 0xff); s = (l2 >> 2) & 0xc0; l2 = sect / sec; h = l2; sect -= l2*sec; s |= (sect+1) & 0x3f; #define NIC(a,b) if (a != b) {a = b; l3++;} NIC(dp->dp_ssect, s); NIC(dp->dp_scyl, c); NIC(dp->dp_shd, h); sect = dp->dp_start + dp->dp_size-1; l2 = sect / (sec*hd); sect -= l2*sec*hd; if(l2>1023) l2 = 1023; c = (l2 & 0xff); s = (l2 >> 2) & 0xc0; l2 = sect / sec; h = l2; sect -= l2*sec; s |= (sect+1) & 0x3f; NIC(dp->dp_esect, s); NIC(dp->dp_ecyl, c); NIC(dp->dp_ehd, h); #undef NIC return l2; } void Fdisk() { int i, j, done=0, diskno, flag; char buf[128]; struct dos_partition dp[NDOSPART]; struct disklabel *lbl; u_long cyl, hd, sec, tsec; u_long l, l1, l2, l3, l4; int changed = 0; char *grumble = NULL; *buf = 0; i = AskEm(stdscr, "Enter number of disk to Fdisk> ", buf, 2); printf("%d", i); if(i != '\n' && i != '\r') return; diskno = atoi(buf); if(!(diskno >= 0 && diskno < MAX_NO_DISKS && Dname[diskno])) return; lbl = Dlbl[diskno]; lbl->d_bbsize = 8192; hd = lbl->d_ntracks; sec = lbl->d_nsectors; tsec = Dlbl[diskno]->d_partitions[RAWPART].p_size; cyl = tsec/(hd*sec); read_dospart(Dfd[diskno], dp); while(!done) { clear(); standend(); j = 0; mvprintw(j++, 0, "%s -- Diskspace editor -- FDISK", TITLE); j++; mvprintw(j++, 0, "Disk: %s Geometry: %lu Cyl * %lu Hd * %lu Sect", Dname[diskno], cyl, hd, sec); printw(" = %luMb = %lu Sect", (tsec+1024)/2048, tsec); j++; for(i=0;id_secpercyl); l = dp[i].dp_size%lbl->d_secpercyl; if(l) { printw(" + %lu Tracks", l/lbl->d_nsectors); l = l % lbl->d_nsectors; if(l) { printw(" + %lu Sectors", l); } } } mvprintw(20, 0, "Commands available: "); mvprintw(21, 0, "(H)elp (T)utorial (D)elete (E)dit (R)eread (W)rite MBR (Q)uit"); mvprintw(22, 0, "(U)se entire disk for FreeBSD (G)eometry Write MBR (B)ootcode"); if (grumble) { standout(); mvprintw(24, 0, grumble); standend(); grumble = NULL; } else if (changed) { standout(); mvprintw(24, 0, "Use (W)rite to save changes to disk"); standend(); } mvprintw(23, 0, "Enter Command> "); i=getch(); switch(i) { case 'h': case 'H': clear(); mvprintw(0, 0, "%s -- Diskspace editor -- FDISK -- Command Help Basic commands: (H)elp - This screen (T)utorial - A more detailed discussion of MBR's, disklabels, etc. (D)elete - Delete an existing partition (E)dit - Edit an existing partition (R)eread - Read fdisk information from disk again, abandoning changes (W)rite MBR - Write modified fdisk information to disk (Q)uit - Exit the FDISK editor Advanced commands: (U)se entire disk for FreeBSD - Assign ALL disk space on current drive (G)eometry - Edit the default disk geometry settings Write MBR (B)ootcode - Install multi-OS bootmanager. Press any key to return to FDISK editor... ", TITLE); getch(); break; case 't': case 'T': ShowFile(HELPME_FILE,"Help file for disklayout"); break; case 'r': case 'R': read_dospart(Dfd[diskno], dp); changed=0; break; case 'b': case 'B': write_bootcode(Dfd[diskno]); grumble = "Wrote boot manager"; break; case 'e': case 'E': *buf = 0; i = AskEm(stdscr, "Edit which Slice> ", buf, 2); if(i != '\n' && i != '\r') break; l = strtol(buf, 0, 0); if(l < 1 || l > NDOSPART) break; l1=sec; l2=tsec; for(i=0;i l2) continue; if((dp[i].dp_start + dp[i].dp_size) <= l1) continue; if(dp[i].dp_start > l1) l3 = dp[i].dp_start - l1; else l3 = 0; if(l2 > (dp[i].dp_start + dp[i].dp_size)) l4 = l2 - (dp[i].dp_start + dp[i].dp_size); else l4 = 0; if(l3 >= l4) l2 = dp[i].dp_start; else l1 = dp[i].dp_start + dp[i].dp_size; } sprintf(buf, "%lu", (l2-l1+1024L)/2048L); i = AskEm(stdscr, "Size of slice in MB> ", buf, 10); l3=strtol(buf, 0, 0) * 2048L; if(!l3) break; if(l3 > l2-l1) l3 = l2-l1; if((l1+l3) % lbl->d_secpercyl) { /* Special for cyl==0 */ l3 += lbl->d_secpercyl - ((l1+l3) % lbl->d_secpercyl); } if(l3+l1 > tsec) l3 = tsec - l1; changed=1; dp[l-1].dp_start=l1; dp[l-1].dp_size=l3; FillIn(&dp[l-1],sec,hd); l4 = dp[l-1].dp_typ; if(!l4) l4 = MBR_PTYPE_FreeBSD; sprintf(buf, "0x%lx", l4); i = AskEm(stdscr, "Type of slice (0xa5=FreeBSD)> ", buf, 5); l3 = strtol(buf, 0, 0); if(l3 == MBR_PTYPE_FreeBSD) { for(i=0;i ", buf, 5); dp[l-1].dp_flag=strtol(buf, 0, 0); if(dp[l-1].dp_flag) for(i=0;i ",buf,7); l2 = strtoul(buf,0,0); if(l2 != sec) changed++; sec=l2; sprintf(buf,"%lu",hd); i = AskEm(stdscr, "Number of Heads> ",buf,7); l2 = strtoul(buf,0,0); if(l2 != hd) changed++; hd=l2; cyl = tsec/(hd*sec); sprintf(buf,"%lu",cyl); i = AskEm(stdscr, "Number of Cylinders> ",buf,7); l2 = strtoul(buf,0,0); if(l2 != cyl) changed++; cyl=l2; for (l=0;l ", buf, 2); if(i != '\n' && i != '\r') break; l = strtol(buf, 0, 0); if(l < 1 || l > NDOSPART) break; memset(&dp[l-1], 0, sizeof dp[l-1]); changed=1; break; case 'w': case 'W': strcpy(buf, "N"); i = AskEm(stdscr, "Confirm write> ", buf, 2); if(*buf != 'y' && *buf != 'Y') break; write_dospart(Dfd[diskno], dp); Dlbl[diskno]->d_partitions[OURPART].p_offset = 0; Dlbl[diskno]->d_partitions[OURPART].p_size = 0; for(i=0;id_partitions[OURPART].p_offset = dp[i].dp_start; Dlbl[diskno]->d_partitions[OURPART].p_size = dp[i].dp_size; } } Dlbl[diskno]->d_ntracks = hd; Dlbl[diskno]->d_nsectors = sec; Dlbl[diskno]->d_ncylinders = cyl; Dlbl[diskno]->d_secpercyl = hd*sec; Dlbl[diskno]->d_magic = DISKMAGIC; Dlbl[diskno]->d_magic2 = DISKMAGIC; Dlbl[diskno]->d_checksum = 0; Dlbl[diskno]->d_checksum = dkcksum(Dlbl[diskno]); flag=1; enable_label(Dfd[diskno]); if(ioctl(Dfd[diskno], DIOCSDINFO, Dlbl[diskno]) == -1) AskAbort("Couldn't set label: %s", strerror(errno)); if(ioctl(Dfd[diskno], DIOCWDINFO, Dlbl[diskno]) == -1) AskAbort("Couldn't write label: %s", strerror(errno)); flag=0; disable_label(Dfd[diskno]); changed=0; if (Dlbl[diskno]->d_partitions[OURPART].p_size) { WriteBootblock(Dfd[diskno], lbl, dp); grumble = "Wrote MBR and disklabel to disk"; } else { grumble = "Wrote MBR to disk"; } break; case 'q': case 'Q': return; break; default: beep(); break; } } }