/* * Name: Towers of Hanoi. * * Desc: * This is a playable copy of towers of hanoi. * Its sole purpose is to demonstrate my Amiga Curses package. * This program should compile on any system that has Curses. * 'hanoi' will give a manual game with 7 playing pieces. * 'hanoi n' will give a manual game with n playing pieces. * 'hanoi n a' will give an auto solved game with n playing pieces. * * Author: Simon J Raybould (sie@fulcrum.bt.co.uk). * * Date: 05.Nov.90 * */ #include #define NPEGS 3 /* This is not configurable !! */ #define MINTILES 3 #define MAXTILES 9 #define DEFAULTTILES 7 #define TOPLINE 6 #define BASELINE 16 #define STATUSLINE (LINES-3) #define LEFTPEG 19 #define MIDPEG 39 #define RIGHTPEG 59 #define LENTOIND(x) (((x)-1)/2) #define OTHER(a,b) (3-((a)+(b))) struct Peg { int Length[MAXTILES]; int Count; }; struct Peg Pegs[NPEGS]; int PegPos[] = { LEFTPEG, MIDPEG, RIGHTPEG }; int TileColour[] = { COLOR_GREEN, /* Length 3 */ COLOR_MAGENTA, /* Length 5 */ COLOR_RED, /* Length 7 */ COLOR_BLUE, /* Length 9 */ COLOR_CYAN, /* Length 11 */ COLOR_YELLOW, /* Length 13 */ COLOR_GREEN, /* Length 15 */ COLOR_MAGENTA, /* Length 17 */ COLOR_RED, /* Length 19 */ }; int NMoves = 0; void InitTiles(), DisplayTiles(), MakeMove(), AutoMove(), Usage(); int main(int argc, char **argv) { int NTiles, FromCol, ToCol; unsigned char AutoFlag = 0; switch(argc) { case 1: NTiles = DEFAULTTILES; break; case 2: NTiles = atoi(argv[1]); if (NTiles > MAXTILES || NTiles < MINTILES) { fprintf(stderr, "Range %d to %d\n", MINTILES, MAXTILES); exit(1); } break; case 3: if (strcmp(argv[2], "a")) { Usage(); exit(1); } NTiles = atoi(argv[1]); if (NTiles > MAXTILES || NTiles < MINTILES) { fprintf(stderr, "Range %d to %d\n", MINTILES, MAXTILES); exit(1); } AutoFlag = TRUE; break; default: Usage(); exit(1); } initscr(); if (!has_colors()) { puts("terminal doesn't support color."); exit(1); } start_color(); { int i; for (i = 0; i < 9; i++) init_pair(i+1, COLOR_BLACK, TileColour[i]); } cbreak(); if (LINES < 24) { fprintf(stderr, "Min screen length 24 lines\n"); endwin(); exit(1); } if(AutoFlag) leaveok(stdscr, TRUE); /* Attempt to remove cursor */ InitTiles(NTiles); DisplayTiles(); if(AutoFlag) { do { noecho(); AutoMove(0, 2, NTiles); } while(!Solved(NTiles)); sleep(2); } else { for(;;) { if(GetMove(&FromCol, &ToCol)) break; if(InvalidMove(FromCol, ToCol)) { mvaddstr(STATUSLINE, 0, "Invalid Move !!"); refresh(); beep(); continue; } MakeMove(FromCol, ToCol); if(Solved(NTiles)) { mvprintw(STATUSLINE, 0, "Well Done !! You did it in %d moves", NMoves); refresh(); sleep(5); break; } } } endwin(); } int InvalidMove(int From, int To) { if(From == To) return TRUE; if(!Pegs[From].Count) return TRUE; if(Pegs[To].Count && Pegs[From].Length[Pegs[From].Count-1] > Pegs[To].Length[Pegs[To].Count-1]) return TRUE; return FALSE; } void InitTiles(int NTiles) { int Size, SlotNo; for(Size=NTiles*2+1, SlotNo=0; Size>=3; Size-=2) Pegs[0].Length[SlotNo++] = Size; Pegs[0].Count = NTiles; Pegs[1].Count = 0; Pegs[2].Count = 0; } #define gc() {noecho();getch();echo();} void DisplayTiles() { int Line, Peg, SlotNo; char TileBuf[BUFSIZ]; erase(); mvaddstr(1, 24, "T O W E R S O F H A N O I"); mvaddstr(3, 34, "SJR 1990"); mvprintw(19, 5, "Moves : %d", NMoves); standout(); mvaddstr(BASELINE, 8, " "); for(Line=TOPLINE; Line] [a]\n"); fprintf(stderr, "The 'a' option causes the tower to be solved automatically\n"); }