You can install from the following types of media: CDROM - requires one of the following supported CDROM drives: Sony CDU 31/33A Matushita/Panasonic "Sound Blaster" CDROM. Mitsumi FX-001{A-D} (older non-IDE drives). SCSI - Any standard SCSI CDROM drive hooked to a supported controller (see Hardware Guide). DOS - A DOS primary partition with the required FreeBSD distribution files copied onto it (e.g. C:\FREEBSD\) FS - Assuming a disk or partition with an existing FreeBSD file system and distribution set on it, get the distribution files from there. Floppy - Get distribution files from one or more DOS formatted floppies. FTP - Get the distribution files from an anonymous ftp server (you will be presented with a list). NFS - Get the distribution files from an NFS server somewhere (make sure that permissions on the server allow this!) Tape - Extract distribution files from tape into a temporary directory and install from there.