.\" .\" $FreeBSD$ .\" .Dd September 28, 1998 .Dt BRIDGE 4 .Os .Sh NAME .Nm bridge .Nd bridging support .Sh SYNOPSIS .Cd "options BRIDGE" .Sh DESCRIPTION .Fx supports bridging on Ethernet-type interfaces. .Pp Runtime operation of the .Nm is controlled by several .Xr sysctl 8 variables. The .Va net.link.ether.bridge variable can be set to .Li 1 to enable bridging, or set to .Li 0 to disable it. .Pp The .Va net.link.ether.bridge_ipfw variable can be set to .Li 1 to enable .Xr ipfw 8 filtering on bridged packets. Note that .Xr ipfw 8 rules only apply to IP packets. Non-IP packets are subject to the default .Xr ipfw 8 rule (number 65535) which must be an .Cm allow rule if ARP and other non-IP packets need to flow through the .Nm . .Pp The .Nm configuration is controlled by the .Va net.link.ether.bridge_cfg variable. It consists of a comma-separated list of .Ar interface : Ns Ar cluster pairs, where all interfaces with the same .Ar cluster number will be bridged together. .Pp Another variable reinitializes the .Nm ; this is required if bridged configurations include loadable interfaces. After loading new interface drivers, setting the .Va net.link.ether.bridge_refresh variable to .Li 1 will cause the .Nm to reinitialize itself. .Sh EXAMPLES The following command will cause the .Li ep0 and .Li fxp0 interfaces to be bridged together, and the .Li fxp1 and .Li de0 interfaces to be bridged together: .Pp .Dl "sysctl -w net.link.ether.bridge_cfg ep0:0,fxp0:0,fxp1:1,de0:1" .Sh BUGS Care must be taken not to construct loops in the .Nm topology. The kernel supports only a primitive form of loop detection, by disabling some interfaces when a loop is detected. No support for a daemon running the spanning tree algorithm is currently provided. .Pp With bridging active, interfaces are in promiscuous mode, thus causing some load on the system to receive and filter out undesired traffic. .Pp Extended functionality to enable bridging selectively on clusters of interfaces is still in the works. .Pp Interfaces that cannot be put into promiscuous mode or that don't support sending packets with arbitrary Ethernet source addresses are not compatible with bridging. .Sh SEE ALSO .Xr ip 4 , .Xr ng_bridge 4 , .Xr ipfw 8 , .Xr sysctl 8 .Sh HISTORY .Nm bridging was introduced in .Fx 2.2.8 by .An Luigi Rizzo Aq luigi@iet.unipi.it .