.\" Copyright (c) 2002 Murray Stokely .\" All rights reserved. .\" .\" Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without .\" modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions .\" are met: .\" 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright .\" notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. .\" 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright .\" notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the .\" documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. .\" .\" THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND .\" ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE .\" IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE .\" ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE .\" FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL .\" DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS .\" OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) .\" HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT .\" LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY .\" OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF .\" SUCH DAMAGE. .\" .\" $FreeBSD$ .\" .Dd September 1, 2020 .Dt RELEASE 7 .Os .Sh NAME .Nm release .Nd "release building infrastructure" .Sh DESCRIPTION .Fx provides a complete build environment suitable for users to make full releases of the .Fx operating system. All of the tools necessary to build a release are available from the .Fx source code repository in .Pa src/release . A complete release can be built with only a single command, including the creation of ISO images suitable for burning to CD-ROM, memory stick images, and a network install directory. This command is aptly named .Dq Li "make release" . .Pp For some users, it may be desirable to provide an absolutely clean build environment, with no local modifications to the source tree or to .Xr make.conf 5 , and with clean checkouts of specific versions of the doc, src, and ports trees. For this purpose, a script .Pq Pa src/release/release.sh is provided to automate these checkouts and then execute .Dq Li "make release" in a clean .Xr chroot 8 . .Pp Before attempting to build a release, the user is expected to be familiar with the contents of .Xr build 7 , and should have experience upgrading systems from source. .Pp The release build process requires that .Pa /usr/obj be populated with the output of .Dq Li "make buildworld" and .Dq Li "make buildkernel" . This is necessary to provide the object files for the release or, when using .Pa release.sh , so that the object files for a complete system can be installed into a clean .Xr chroot 8 environment. .Pp If the target release build is for a different architecture or machine type, the .Va TARGET and .Va TARGET_ARCH variables must be used. See the supported .Fa release.conf variables for more information. .Pp The release procedure on some architectures may also require that the .Xr md 4 (memory disk) device driver be present in the kernel .Pq either by being compiled in or available as a module . .Pp This document does not cover source code management, quality assurance, or other aspects of the release engineering process. .Sh CLEAN RELEASE GENERATION Official releases of .Fx are produced in a clean environment to ensure consistency between the versions of the src, ports, and doc trees and to avoid contamination from the host system .Po such as local patches, changes to .Xr make.conf 5 , etc. .Pc . This is accomplished using the wrapper script .Pa src/release/release.sh . .Pp .Ic release.sh .Op Fl c Ar release.conf .Pp .Ic release.sh checks out the .Li src/ , .Li ports/ , and .Li doc/ trees to .Va CHROOTDIR , then calls .Dq Li "make buildworld" and .Dq Li "make installworld" to generate a .Xr chroot 8 environment. Next, .Dq Li "make release" is run within the .Xr chroot 8 environment and places the result in .Pa $CHROOTDIR/R . .Pp The optional .Fa release.conf configuration file supports the following variables: .Bl -tag -width Ev .It Va CHROOTDIR The directory within which the release will be built. .It Va CHROOT_MAKEENV Additional .Xr make 1 arguments to pass through, which directly affect the tuning of the build chroot. .It Va SVNROOT The .Xr svn 1 host used to check out the various trees. Defaults to .Pa svn://svn.FreeeBSD.org . .It Va SRCBRANCH The .Li src/ branch to use. Defaults to .Va head/@rHEAD . .It Va DOCBRANCH The .Li doc/ branch to use. Defaults to .Va head/@rHEAD . .It Va PORTBRANCH The .Li ports/ branch to use. Defaults to .Va head/@rHEAD . .It Va TARGET The target machine type for cross-building a release. .It Va TARGET_ARCH The target machine architecture for cross-building a release. .Pp For the supported list of .Va TARGET and .Va TARGET_ARCH combinations, consult the output of .Dq make targets as documented in .Xr build 7 . .It Va KERNEL The target kernel configuration to use. Defaults to .Va GENERIC . Multiple .Va KERNEL entries may be specified. .It Va MAKE_CONF The .Xr make.conf 5 to use for the release build. Defaults to .Fa /dev/null to prevent polluting the release with local system changes. .It Va SRC_CONF The .Xr src.conf 5 to use for the release build. Defaults to .Fa /dev/null to prevent polluting the release with local system changes. .It Va MAKE_FLAGS Additional flags to pass to .Xr make 1 . .It Va WORLD_FLAGS Additional flags to pass to .Xr make 1 during the .Dq buildworld phase. Defaults to setting the number of .Xr make 1 jobs .Pq Ar -j to the number of CPUs available on a SMP-capable system. .It Va KERNEL_FLAGS Additional flags to pass to .Xr make 1 during the .Dq buildkernel phase. Defaults to setting the number of .Xr make 1 jobs .Pq Ar -j to half the number of CPUs available on a SMP-capable system. .It Va NODOC Set to a non-empty value to skip the .Li doc/ tree checkout. When set, .Va NODOC will prevent the .Fa doc.txz distribution package from being created. .It Va NOPORTS Set to a non-empty value to skip the .Li ports/ tree checkout. When set, .Va NOPORTS will prevent the .Fa ports.txz distribution package from being created. Setting this also sets .Va NODOC . .It Va WITH_DVD Set to a non-empty value to include the .Cm dvdrom target. .It Va WITH_COMPRESSED_IMAGES Set to a non-empty value to compress the release images with .Xr xz 1 . The original .Pq uncompressed images are not removed. .It Va XZ_THREADS Pq Vt int Set to the number of threads .Xr xz 1 should use when compressing images. By default, .Va XZ_THREADS is set to .Va 0 , which uses all available cores on the system. .It Va VCSCMD The command run to obtain the source trees. Defaults to .Qq Cm svn checkout . .It Va CHROOTBUILD_SKIP If defined, the .Li buildworld , .Li installworld , and .Li distribution stages of the .Xr chroot 8 build environment setup are skipped. This is intended solely for cases where the .Xr chroot 8 userland are provided by alternate means. .It Va SRC_UPDATE_SKIP Set to a non-empty value to prevent checkout or update of .Fa /usr/src within the .Xr chroot 8 . This is intended for use only when .Fa /usr/src is expected to exist by alternative means. .It Va DOC_UPDATE_SKIP Set to a non-empty value to prevent checkout or update of .Fa /usr/doc within the .Xr chroot 8 . This is intended for use only when .Fa /usr/doc is expected to exist by alternative means. .It Va PORTS_UPDATE_SKIP Set to a non-empty value to prevent checkout or update of .Fa /usr/ports within the .Xr chroot 8 . This is intended for use only when .Fa /usr/ports is expected to exist by alternative means. .El .Sh EMBEDDED BUILDS The following .Fa release.conf variables are relevant only to release builds for embedded systems: .Bl -tag -width Ev .It Va EMBEDDEDBUILD Set to a non-null value to enable functionality for embedded device release builds. .Pp When set, .Va WITH_DVD is unset, and .Va NODOC is defined. Additionally, .Va EMBEDDED_TARGET and .Va EMBEDDED_TARGET_ARCH must also be defined. When the build environment is created, .Fa release.sh runs a separate build script located in an architecture-specific directory in .Pa src/release/${EMBEDDED_TARGET}/ . .It Va EMBEDDEDPORTS Set to the list of any ports that are required for the target device in the format of .Fa category/port . The .Fa devel/subversion port is built by default. .It Va EMBEDDED_TARGET When set, its value is passed to .Xr make 1 to set the .Va TARGET .Pq value of Cm uname Fl m to cross build the target userland. .It Va EMBEDDED_TARGET_ARCH When set, its value is passed to .Xr make 1 to set the .Va TARGET_ARCH .Pq value of Cm uname Fl p to cross build the target userland. .El .Sh VIRTUAL MACHINE DISK IMAGES The following .Fa release.conf variables are relevant only to virtual machine disk image builds: .Bl -tag -width Ev .It Va WITH_VMIMAGES Set to a non-null value to build virtual machine disk images as part of the release build. .Va WITH_VMIMAGES may also be specified as an environment variable passed to .Xr make 1 . .Pp The option requires .Xr mkimg 1 version 20140927 or later. .It Va WITH_COMPRESSED_VMIMAGES Set to a non-null value to compress the virtual machine disk images with .Xr xz 1 as part of the .Cm install .Xr make 1 target. Note that compressing virtual machine disk images may take a very long time on some systems. .It Va VMBASE Set to change the name of the resulting virtual machine disk image file. The default value is .Va vm . .It Va VMSIZE Set to change the size of the virtual machine disk capacity. The default value is .Va 20G . See .Xr truncate 1 for valid values. .Pp Virtual machine disk images are, by default, created as sparse images. When .Va WITH_COMPRESSED_VMIMAGES is used, the resulting files compressed with .Xr xz 1 compress to roughly the same size, regardless of the specified disk image size. .It Va VMFORMATS Set to the target virtual disk image format(s) to create. By default, the .Va vhdf , Va vmdk , Va qcow2 , and .Va raw formats are created. See .Xr mkimg 1 for valid format values .Pq requires version 20140927 or later . .El .Pp For a list of supported .Va VMFORMATS values .Pq including cloud hosting provider formats along with a brief description, run: .Bd -literal -offset indent cd /usr/src make -C release list-vmtargets .Ed .Sh CLOUD HOSTING MACHINE IMAGES The .Fx release build tools support building virtual machine images for various cloud hosting providers, each with their own specific configuration to include support for each hosting provider by default. .Pp The following .Xr make 1 environment variables are supported: .Bl -tag -width Ev .It Va CLOUDWARE Set to a list of one or more cloud hosting providers, enclosed in quotes. Requires .Va WITH_CLOUDWARE to also be set. .It Va WITH_CLOUDWARE Set to a non-empty value to enable building virtual machine images for various cloud hosting providers. Requires .Va CLOUDWARE to also be set. .El .Pp Additionally, the .Va CLOUDWARE and .Va WITH_CLOUDWARE variables can be added to .Pa release.conf , and used in conjunction with .Pa release.sh . .Pp For a list of supported .Va CLOUDWARE values, run: .Bd -literal -offset indent cd /usr/src make -C release list-cloudware .Ed .Sh MAKEFILE TARGETS The release makefile .Pq Pa src/release/Makefile is fairly abstruse. Most developers will only be concerned with the .Cm release and .Cm install targets. .\" XXX: Some sort of introduction to this list? All the others have one. .Bl -tag -width ".Cm packagesystem" .It Cm release Meta-target to build all release media and distributions applicable to this platform. .It Cm install Copy all produced release media to .Pa ${DESTDIR} . .It Cm cdrom Builds installation CD-ROM images. This may require the .Xr md 4 (memory disk) device driver be present in the kernel (either by being compiled in or available as a module). This target produces files called .Pa disc1.iso and .Pa bootonly.iso as its output. .It Cm dvdrom Builds installation DVD-ROM images. This may require the .Xr md 4 (memory disk) device driver be present in the kernel (either by being compiled in or available as a module). This target produces the .Pa dvd1.iso file as its output. .It Cm memstick Builds an installation memory stick image named .Pa memstick.img . Not applicable on all platforms. Requires that the .Xr md 4 .Pq memory disk device driver be present in the kernel .Pq either by being compiled in or available as a module . .It Cm mini-memstick Similar to .Cm memstick , with the exception that the installation distribution sets are not included. .It Cm ftp Creates a directory named .Pa ftp containing the distribution files used in network installations and suitable for upload to an FTP mirror. .It Cm vm-image Creates virtual machine disk images in various formats. The .Cm vm-image target requires the .Va WITH_VMIMAGES .Xr make 1 environment variable to be set to a non-null value. .It Cm vm-cloudware Builds .Fx virtual machine images for various cloud hosting providers. See .Qq CLOUD HOSTING MACHINE IMAGES for implementation details. .It Cm list-cloudware Displays the list of valid .Va CLOUDWARE values. .It Cm list-vmtargets Displays the list of valid .Va VMFORMAT and .Va CLOUDWARE values. .El .Pp Major subtargets called by targets above: .Bl -tag -width ".Cm packagesystem" .It Cm packagesystem Generates all the distribution archives .Pq base, kernel, ports, doc applicable on this platform. .It Cm disc1 Builds a bootable installation system containing all the distribution files packaged by the .Cm packagesystem target, and suitable for imaging by the .Cm cdrom , .Cm dvdrom and .Cm memstick targets. .It Cm reldoc Builds the release documentation. This includes the release notes, hardware guide, and installation instructions. Other documentation, such as the Handbook, is built during the .Cm base.txz target invoked by .Cm packagesystem . .El .Sh ENVIRONMENT Optional variables: .Bl -tag -width ".Ev TARGET_ARCH" .It Ev OSRELEASE Optional base name for generated media images when invoking the .Cm install target .Pq e.g., FreeBSD-12.1-RELEASE-amd64 . Defaults to the output of .Ic `uname -s`-`uname -r`-`uname -p` within the chroot. .It Ev WORLDDIR Location of a directory containing the src tree. By default, the directory above the one containing the makefile .Pq Pa src . .It Ev PORTSDIR Location of a directory containing the ports tree. By default, .Pa /usr/ports . If it is unset or cannot be found, ports will not be included in the release. .It Ev DOCDIR Location of a directory containing the doc tree. By default, .Pa /usr/doc . If it is unset or cannot be found, most documentation will not be included in the release; see .Ev NODOC below. .It Ev NOPORTS If defined, the Ports Collection will be omitted from the release. .It Ev NOSRC If set, do not include system source code in the release. .It Ev NODOC If defined, the XML-based documentation from the .Fx Documentation Project will not be built. However, the .Dq doc distribution will still be created with the minimal documentation set provided in .Pa src/share/doc . .It Ev TARGET The target hardware platform. This is analogous to the .Dq Nm uname Fl m output. This is necessary to cross-build some target architectures. For example, cross-building for ARM64 machines requires .Ev TARGET_ARCH Ns = Ns Li aarch64 and .Ev TARGET Ns = Ns Li arm64 . If not set, .Ev TARGET defaults to the current hardware platform. .It Ev TARGET_ARCH The target machine processor architecture. This is analogous to the .Dq Nm uname Fl p output. Set this to cross-build for a different architecture. If not set, .Ev TARGET_ARCH defaults to the current machine architecture, unless .Ev TARGET is also set, in which case it defaults to the appropriate value for that platform. Typically, one only needs to set .Ev TARGET . .El .Sh FILES .Bl -tag -compact -width Pa .It Pa /usr/doc/Makefile .It Pa /usr/doc/share/mk/doc.project.mk .It Pa /usr/ports/Mk/bsd.port.mk .It Pa /usr/ports/Mk/bsd.sites.mk .It Pa /usr/share/examples/etc/make.conf .It Pa /usr/src/Makefile .It Pa /usr/src/Makefile.inc1 .It Pa /usr/src/release/Makefile .It Pa /usr/src/release/Makefile.vm .It Pa /usr/src/release/release.sh .It Pa /usr/src/release/release.conf.sample .It Pa /usr/src/release/tools/*.conf .It Pa /usr/src/release/tools/vmimage.subr .El .Sh EXAMPLES The following sequence of commands can be used to build a .Dq "-CURRENT snapshot": .Bd -literal -offset indent cd /usr svn co svn://svn.freebsd.org/base/head src cd src make buildworld buildkernel cd release make obj make release make install DESTDIR=/var/freebsd-snapshot .Ed .Pp After running these commands, all produced distribution files (tarballs for FTP, CD-ROM images, etc.) are available in the .Pa /var/freebsd-snapshot directory. .Pp The following sequence of commands can be used to build a .Dq "-CURRENT snapshot" in a clean environment, including ports and documentation: .Bd -literal -offset indent cd /usr/src/release sh release.sh .Ed .Pp Optionally, a configuration file can be used customize the release build, such as the subversion revision to use, the branch of the subversion tree for .Li src/ , .Li ports/ , and .Li doc/ . .Bd -literal -offset indent cd /usr/src/release sh release.sh -c $HOME/release.conf .Ed .Pp Configuration files specific to various supported embedded systems, such as the Raspberry Pi, exist in the directory corresponding to the .Va TARGET .Xr make 1 variable. For example, to build an image for the Raspberry Pi: .Bd -literal -offset indent cd /usr/src/release sh release.sh -c arm/RPI-B.conf .Ed .Pp To build an image for the Raspberry Pi 3: .Bd -literal -offset indent cd /usr/src/release sh release.sh -c arm64/RPI3.conf .Ed .Pp After running these commands, all prepared release files are available in the .Pa /scratch directory. The target directory can be changed by specifying the .Va CHROOTDIR variable in .Li release.conf . .Sh SEE ALSO .Xr cc 1 , .Xr install 1 , .Xr make 1 , .Xr svn 1 Pq Pa ports/devel/subversion , .Xr uname 1 , .Xr md 4 , .Xr make.conf 5 , .Xr build 7 , .Xr ports 7 , .Xr chroot 8 , .Xr mtree 8 , .Xr sysctl 8 .Rs .%T "FreeBSD Release Engineering" .%U https://www.FreeBSD.org/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/articles/freebsd-releng/ .Re .Rs .%T "FreeBSD Developers' Handbook" .%U https://www.FreeBSD.org/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/developers-handbook/ .Re .Sh HISTORY .Fx 1.x used a manual checklist, compiled by .An Rod Grimes , to produce a release. Apart from being incomplete, the list put a lot of specific demands on available file systems and was quite torturous to execute. .Pp As part of the .Fx 2.0 release engineering effort, significant effort was spent getting .Pa src/release/Makefile into a shape where it could at least automate most of the tediousness of building a release in a sterile environment. .Pp For the .Fx 9.0 release, .Pa src/release/Makefile was overhauled and the wrapper script .Pa src/release/generate-release.sh introduced to support the introduction of a new installer. .Pp For the .Fx 9.2 release, .Pa src/release/release.sh was introduced to support per-build configuration files. .Pa src/release/release.sh is heavily based on the .Pa src/release/generate-release.sh script. .Pp At near 1000 revisions spread over multiple branches, the .Xr svn 1 log of .Pa src/release/Makefile contains a vivid historical record of some of the hardships release engineers go through. .Sh AUTHORS .Pa src/release/Makefile was originally written by .An -nosplit .An Rod Grimes , .An Jordan Hubbard , and .An Poul-Henning Kamp . .Pp This manual page was originally written by .An Murray Stokely Aq Mt murray@FreeBSD.org . .Pp It was updated by .An Nathan Whitehorn Aq Mt nwhitehorn@FreeBSD.org to include the .Fa generate-release.sh script used for the .Fx 9.0 release cycle. .Pp It was later updated by .An Glen Barber Aq Mt gjb@FreeBSD.org to include the .Fa release.sh script used for the .Fx 9.2 release cycle.