.TH pkg_manage 1 "6 November 1994" "pkg_manage (1)" "FreeBSD" .SH NAME .B pkg_manage \- Package manager .SH SYNOPSIS .TP .B pkg_manage .SH DESCRIPTION Pkg_manage is an interactive tool with wich you can install, delete and view packages. It is a front-end to the pkg_add(1), pkg_info(1) and pkg_delete(1) programs. Pressing F1 (or '?') at anytime during the program will bring up online-help. (Pressing '?' will not invoke help when in character input fields) .SH NAVIGATING THE MENU When starting pkg_manage you will be put in a menu with the following choices: .TP .B 1. View installed. You will be offered an overview of the installed packages. Moving the cursor to a packagename and pressing 'enter' will show additional information for the package. Use the .B PgUp and .B PgDn keys to page through the information. Press .B Enter (this selects the .B button) to return to the 'View installed Packages' menu. When done viewing packages move the cursor to the .B button with the right-arrow key (or left-arrow key) and press enter. This will return you to the main-menu. .TP .B 2. Delete installed You can choose a package from the installed ones to delete. Move the cursor to the package you wish to delete and press enter. This will bring up another menu from which you can choose to either: .B 1. Simulate delete: Have a look at the commands that are going to be executed (recommended). .B 2. Delete: Execute the commands to delete the package. .B 3. Cancel: Do .B NOT execute the commands to delete the package and return to the previous menu. Choose the .B button if you don't want to delete any packages and return to the main-menu. .TP .B 3. View pkg files Take a look at the description of not yet installed packages and see if you want it or not. Choose a package with the fileselector. See below for a description of the usage of the fileselector. .TP .B 4. Install pkg files Install packages of your choice. Use the fileselector to select a package. .TP .B 5. Quit Well just try this one if you get fed up fiddling with your packages. .SH USING THE FILESELECTOR Using the fileselector is really very simple. .\" .\" Does anyone know how I can enter this into the manpage? .\" .\"+----------------------------------------------------------+ .\"| Filemask: Directory: | .\"| +-----------------+ +----------------------------------+ | .\"| |*.tgz | |/seperate/home/marc/src/pkg_manage| | .\"| +-----------------+ +----------------------------------+ | .\"| | Directories: Files: | .\"| +--------------------------+ +-------------------------+ | .\"| |.. | |mlist-1.2_bin.tgz | | .\"| |libdialog | | | | .\"| | | | | | .\"| | | | | | .\"| | | | | | .\"| | | | | | .\"| | | | | | .\"| +-------------------(100%)-+ +------------------(100%)-+ | .\"| Selection: | .\"| +------------------------------------------------------+ | .\"| | | | .\"| +------------------------------------------------------+ | .\"| +------+ +----------+ | .\"| | | | | | .\"| +------+ +----------+ | .\"+----------------------------------------------------------+ .\" Use the .B TAB key to move forwards from one input/display field to the next. If enabled in the termcap, .B Shift-TAB will move backwards. Pressing enter in a field will perform the changes you may have made and move to the next field. Pressing .B TAB will discard the changes and move to the next field. The .B "Filemask:" controls what kind of files will be displayed in the .B "Files:" list. The expression follows the same rules as your shell does, i.e. \'*.tgz' will only show files having names ending with '.tgz'. .B "Directory:" displays the current directory. You can also type in another directory in this field. The .B "Directories:" list enables you to browse the filesystem. Select .B '..' and press enter to go up the directory tree, select any other directory listed to descent into that directory. Finally there three more fields: The .B Selection: , the .B button and the .B button. The file chosen in the .B Files: field, assuming you pressed enter, will be displayed in the .B Selection: field. You can also change this value directly by editing the field. When you are satisfied with the current selection you can move the cursor to the .B button and press enter. If you want to back out, move the cursor to the .B button and press enter. .SH SEE ALSO pkg_add(1), pkg_info(1), pkg_delete(1), pkg_create(1). .SH BUGS Haven't met them yet. .SH AUTHORS Marc van Kempen (wmbfmk@urc.tue.nl)