/* * Mach Operating System * Copyright (c) 1992, 1991 Carnegie Mellon University * All Rights Reserved. * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * documentation is hereby granted, provided that both the copyright * notice and this permission notice appear in all copies of the * software, derivative works or modified versions, and any portions * thereof, and that both notices appear in supporting documentation. * * CARNEGIE MELLON ALLOWS FREE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE IN ITS "AS IS" * CONDITION. CARNEGIE MELLON DISCLAIMS ANY LIABILITY OF ANY KIND FOR * ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * * Carnegie Mellon requests users of this software to return to * * Software Distribution Coordinator or Software.Distribution@CS.CMU.EDU * School of Computer Science * Carnegie Mellon University * Pittsburgh PA 15213-3890 * * any improvements or extensions that they make and grant Carnegie Mellon * the rights to redistribute these changes. * * from: Mach, Revision 2.2 92/04/04 11:35:57 rpd * $Id: io.c,v 1.10 1994/11/07 11:26:29 davidg Exp $ */ #include #include #define K_RDWR 0x60 /* keyboard data & cmds (read/write) */ #define K_STATUS 0x64 /* keyboard status */ #define K_CMD 0x64 /* keybd ctlr command (write-only) */ #define K_OBUF_FUL 0x01 /* output buffer full */ #define K_IBUF_FUL 0x02 /* input buffer full */ #define KC_CMD_WIN 0xd0 /* read output port */ #define KC_CMD_WOUT 0xd1 /* write output port */ #define KB_A20 0xdf /* enable A20, enable output buffer full interrupt enable data line enable clock line */ extern int loadflags; /* * Gate A20 for high memory */ unsigned char x_20 = KB_A20; gateA20() { #ifdef IBM_L40 outb(0x92, 0x2); #else IBM_L40 while (inb(K_STATUS) & K_IBUF_FUL); while (inb(K_STATUS) & K_OBUF_FUL) (void)inb(K_RDWR); outb(K_CMD, KC_CMD_WOUT); while (inb(K_STATUS) & K_IBUF_FUL); outb(K_RDWR, x_20); while (inb(K_STATUS) & K_IBUF_FUL); #endif IBM_L40 } /* printf - only handles %d as decimal, %c as char, %s as string */ printf(format,data) char *format; int data; { int *dataptr = &data; char c; while (c = *format++) if (c != '%') putchar(c); else switch (c = *format++) { case 'd': { int num = *dataptr++; char buf[10], *ptr = buf; if (num<0) { num = -num; putchar('-'); } do *ptr++ = '0'+num%10; while (num /= 10); do putchar(*--ptr); while (ptr != buf); break; } case 'x': { int num = *dataptr++, dig; char buf[8], *ptr = buf; do *ptr++ = (dig=(num&0xf)) > 9? 'a' + dig - 10 : '0' + dig; while (num >>= 4); do putchar(*--ptr); while (ptr != buf); break; } case 'c': putchar((*dataptr++)&0xff); break; case 's': { char *ptr = (char *)*dataptr++; while (c = *ptr++) putchar(c); break; } } } putchar(c) { if (c == '\n') { if (loadflags & RB_SERIAL) serial_putc('\r'); else putc('\r'); } if (loadflags & RB_SERIAL) serial_putc(c); else putc(c); } getchar(in_buf) int in_buf; { int c; loop: if ((c = ((loadflags & RB_SERIAL) ? serial_getc(c) : getc(c))) == '\r') c = '\n'; if (c == '\b') { if (in_buf != 0) { putchar('\b'); putchar(' '); } else { goto loop; } } putchar(c); return(c); } #if BOOTWAIT /* * This routine uses an inb to an unused port, the time to execute that * inb is approximately 1.25uS. This value is pretty constant across * all CPU's and all buses, with the exception of some PCI implentations * that do not forward this I/O adress to the ISA bus as they know it * is not a valid ISA bus address, those machines execute this inb in * 60 nS :-(. * * XXX we need to use BIOS timer calls or something more reliable to * produce timeouts in the boot code. */ delay1ms() { int i = 800; while (--i >= 0) (void)inb(0x84); } #endif gets(buf) char *buf; { int i; char *ptr=buf; #if BOOTWAIT for (i = BOOTWAIT; i>0; delay1ms(),i--) #endif if ((loadflags & RB_SERIAL) ? serial_ischar() : ischar()) for (;;) switch(*ptr = getchar(ptr - buf) & 0xff) { case '\n': case '\r': *ptr = '\0'; return 1; case '\b': if (ptr > buf) ptr--; continue; default: ptr++; } return 0; } strcmp(s1, s2) char *s1, *s2; { while (*s1 == *s2) { if (!*s1++) return 0; s2++; } return 1; } bcopy(from, to, len) char *from, *to; int len; { while (len-- > 0) *to++ = *from++; } /* To quote Ken: "You are not expected to understand this." :) */ static unsigned long tw_chars = 0x5C2D2F7C; /* "\-/|" */ twiddle() { putchar((char)tw_chars); tw_chars = (tw_chars >> 8) | ((tw_chars & (unsigned long)0xFF) << 24); putchar('\b'); }