Contributed by &a.uhclem;. 31 August 1995. Posted to :

Yes, as long as `single mode' is appropriate for you, there's no need to worry about TC. TC is intented for continuous mode. Well, i've just noticed that the PC DMAC cannot even generate an interrupt when ready... hmm, go figure, the Z80 DMAC did it.

And yes, for `single mode', the masking trick will do it. The peripheral device will issue a DRQ signal for each transfered byte/word, and masking would prevent the DMAC from accepting new DRQs for this channel. Aborting a continuous mode transfer would not be so easy (or even impossible at all). Actually, masking is the correct procedure for all transfer modes on the 8237, even autoinit mode, which is frequently used for audio operations since it allows seamless DMA transfers with no under/overruns. You are generally correct about TC. All the TC signal does is when the counter on any channel in the DMA controller goes from one to zero, TC is asserted. What the peripherals are supposed to if they want to generate an interrupt when the transfer is through, is that peripheral device is supposed to look at (-DACK%d && TC && DEVICE_DMA_ACTIVE) and then latch an IRQ%d for the 8259 interrupt controller. Since there is only one TC signal, it is important that only the peripheral who is transferring data at that moment honor the TC signal. The host CPU will eventually investigate the interrupt by having some driver poll the hardware associated with the peripheral, NOT the DMA controller. If a peripheral doesn't want an interrupt associated with the DMA counter reaching zero, it doesn't implement the circuitry to monitor TC. Some sound cards realize that when the TC hits zero it means the DMA is now idle and that is really too late, so they don't use TC and instead allow the driver to program in a local counter value, which is usually set lower than the value programmed into the DMA. This means the peripheral can interrupt the CPU in advance of the DMA "running dry", allowing the CPU to be ready to reprogram the DMA the instant it finishes what it is doing, rather than incurring the latency later. This also means that two or more different devices could share a DMA channel, by tristating DRQ%d when idle and only honoring -DACK%d when the device knows it is expecting the DMA to go active. (Iomega PC2B boards forgot this minor point and will transfer data even if they are not supposed to.) So, if you want to abort a 8237 DMA transfer of any kind, simply mask the bit for that DMA channel in the 8237. Note: You can't interrupt an individual transfer (byte or burst) in progress. Think about it... if the DMA is running, how is your OUT instruction going to be performed? The CPU has to be bus master for the OUT to be performed. Since the 8237 DMA re-evaluates DMA channel priorities constantly, even if the DMA had already asserted HOLD (to request the bus from the CPU) when the OUT actually took place, the processor would still grant the bus to the DMA controller. The DMA controller would look for the highest-priority DMA source remaining (your interrupt is masked now) at that instant, and if none remained, the DMA will release HOLD and the processor will get the bus back after a few clocks. There is a deadly race condition in this area, but if I remember right, you can't get into it via mis-programming the DMA, UNLESS you cause the DMA controller to be RESET. You should not do this. Effectively the CPU can give up the bus and the DMA doesn't do anything, including giving the bus back. Very annoying and after 16msec or so, all is over since refresh on main memory has started failing. So, mask the DMA controller, then go do what you have to do to get the transfer aborted in the peripheral hardware. In some extremely stupid hardware (I could mention a few), you may have to program the DMA to transfer one more byte to a garbage target to get the peripheral hardware to go back to an idle state. Most hardware these days isn't that stupid. Technically, you are supposed to mask the DMA channel, program the other settings (direction, address, length, etc), issue commands to the peripheral and then unmask the DMA channel once the peripheral commands have been accepted. The last two steps can be done out of order without harm, but you must always program the DMA channel while it is masked to avoid spraying data all over the place in the event the peripheral unexpected asserts DRQ%d. If you need to pad-out an aborted buffer, once you have masked the DMA, you can ask it how many bytes it still had to go and what address it was to write to next. Your driver can then fill in the remaining area or do what needs to be done. Don't forget that the 8237 was designed for use with the 8085 and really isn't suited to the job that IBM gave it in the original PC. That's why the upper eight bits of DMA addressing appear to be lashed-on. They are. Look at the schematics of the original PC and you will the upper bits are kept in external latches that are enabled whenever the DMA is too. Very kludgy.