128 lines
3.5 KiB
128 lines
3.5 KiB
# This makefile for Readline library documentation is in -*- text -*- mode.
# Emacs likes it that way.
top_srcdir = @top_srcdir@
srcdir = @srcdir@
VPATH = .:@srcdir@
prefix = @prefix@
infodir = @infodir@
mandir = @mandir@
man3dir = $(mandir)/man3
RM = rm -f
TEXINPUTDIR = $(srcdir)
MAKEINFO = makeinfo
TEXI2DVI = $(srcdir)/texi2dvi
TEXI2HTML = $(srcdir)/texi2html
QUIETPS = #set this to -q to shut up dvips
DVIPS = dvips -D 300 $(QUIETPS) -o $@ # tricky
RLSRC = $(srcdir)/rlman.texinfo $(srcdir)/rluser.texinfo \
HISTSRC = $(srcdir)/hist.texinfo $(srcdir)/hsuser.texinfo \
# This should be a program that converts troff to an ascii-readable format
NROFF = groff -Tascii
# This should be a program that converts troff to postscript
GROFF = groff
DVIOBJ = readline.dvi history.dvi
INFOOBJ = readline.info history.info
PSOBJ = readline.ps history.ps
HTMLOBJ = readline.html history.html
HTMLTOC = readline_toc.html history_toc.html
TEXTOBJ = readline.0
.SUFFIXES: .0 .3 .ps .txt .dvi
$(RM) $@
-${NROFF} -man $< > $@
all: info dvi html ps text
nodvi: info html text
readline.dvi: $(RLSRC)
TEXINPUTS=.:$(TEXINPUTDIR):$$TEXINPUTS $(TEXI2DVI) $(srcdir)/rlman.texinfo
mv rlman.dvi readline.dvi
readline.info: $(RLSRC)
$(MAKEINFO) --no-split -I $(TEXINPUTDIR) -o $@ $(srcdir)/rlman.texinfo
history.dvi: ${HISTSRC}
TEXINPUTS=.:$(TEXINPUTDIR):$$TEXINPUTS $(TEXI2DVI) $(srcdir)/hist.texinfo
mv hist.dvi history.dvi
history.info: ${HISTSRC}
$(MAKEINFO) --no-split -I $(TEXINPUTDIR) -o $@ $(srcdir)/hist.texinfo
readline.ps: readline.dvi
$(RM) $@
$(DVIPS) readline.dvi
history.ps: history.dvi
$(RM) $@
$(DVIPS) history.dvi
readline.html: ${RLSRC}
$(TEXI2HTML) -I $(TEXINPUTDIR) $(srcdir)/rlman.texinfo
sed -e 's:rlman.html:readline.html:' -e 's:rlman_toc.html:readline_toc.html:' rlman.html > readline.html
sed -e 's:rlman.html:readline.html:' -e 's:rlman_toc.html:readline_toc.html:' rlman_toc.html > readline_toc.html
$(RM) rlman.html rlman_toc.html
history.html: ${HISTSRC}
$(TEXI2HTML) -I $(TEXINPUTDIR) $(srcdir)/hist.texinfo
sed -e 's:hist.html:history.html:' -e 's:hist_toc.html:history_toc.html:' hist.html > history.html
sed -e 's:hist.html:history.html:' -e 's:hist_toc.html:history_toc.html:' hist_toc.html > history_toc.html
$(RM) hist.html hist_toc.html
info: $(INFOOBJ)
dvi: $(DVIOBJ)
ps: $(PSOBJ)
html: $(HTMLOBJ)
text: $(TEXTOBJ)
readline.0: readline.3
$(RM) *.aux *.cp *.fn *.ky *.log *.pg *.toc *.tp *.vr *.cps *.pgs \
*.fns *.kys *.tps *.vrs *.o core
distclean: clean
$(RM) Makefile
mostlyclean: clean
maintainer-clean: clean
$(RM) Makefile
installdirs: $(top_srcdir)/support/mkdirs
-$(SHELL) $(top_srcdir)/support/mkdirs $(infodir) $(man3dir)
install: installdirs info
${INSTALL_DATA} readline.info $(infodir)/readline.info
${INSTALL_DATA} history.info $(infodir)/history.info
if $(SHELL) -c 'install-info --version' >/dev/null 2>&1; then \
install-info --dir-file=$(infodir)/dir $(infodir)/readline.info ; \
install-info --dir-file=$(infodir)/dir $(infodir)/history.info ; \
else true; fi
-${INSTALL_DATA} $(srcdir)/readline.3 $(man3dir)/readline.3
$(RM) $(infodir)/readline.info
$(RM) $(infodir)/history.info
$(RM) $(man3dir)/readline.3