Lars Engels e1bd727904 This new version of tries to follow the style of other
shell scripts in base, removes the bogus "copyleft", adds the BeerWare license
header and uses rc.subr(8) new 'enable' keyword for adding entries in

Submitted by:	erdgeist <>
Approved by:	bapt
MFC after:	2 weeks
2019-01-14 08:23:47 +00:00

312 lines
9.7 KiB
Executable File

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# "THE BEER-WARE LICENSE" (Revision 42):
# <> wrote this file. As long as you retain this notice you
# can do whatever you want with this stuff. If we meet some day, and you think
# this stuff is worth it, you can buy me a beer in return Poul-Henning Kamp
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# $FreeBSD$
# define our bail out shortcut
exerr () { echo -e "Error: $*" >&2 ; exit 1; }
print_syntax () { echo -e "Syntax: $0 scan [-d device] [-n node]"; exit 1; }
main() {
unset node device started bdaddresses retry
# Only one command at the moment is scan (+ add)
[ "$#" -eq 1 -a "$1" = "scan" ] || print_syntax
# Get command line options
while getopts :d:n: arg; do
case ${arg} in
d) device="$OPTARG";;
n) node="$OPTARG";;
?) print_syntax;;
# No use running without super user rights
if [ $( id -u ) -ne 0 ]; then
exerr "$0 must modify files that belong to root. Re-run as root."
known_nodes=$( /usr/sbin/hccontrol read_node_list 2>/dev/null |\
/usr/bin/tail -n +2 | /usr/bin/cut -d ' ' -f 1 )
# Check if netgraph knows about any HCI nodes
if ! [ "${known_nodes}" ]; then
ng_nodes=$( /usr/sbin/ngctl list 2>/dev/null | \
/usr/bin/grep -o "Name: .* Type: ubt" |/usr/bin/cut -d' ' -f2 )
[ "${ng_nodes}" ] || exerr "No Bluetooth host controllers found."
unset found
for n in ${ng_nodes}; do
if [ "${n}" = "${node%hci}" ]; then
# Found the node but its stack is not set up? Do it now.
/usr/sbin/service bluetooth start ${node%hci} || exit 1
# If we have Bluetooth controller nodes without a set up stack,
# ask the user if we shall start it up
if ! [ "${found}" ]; then
printf "No usable Bluetooth host controllers were found.\n"
printf "These host controllers exist in the system:\n"
printf " %s\n" "${ng_nodes}"
prompt="Choose a host controller to set up: [${ng_nodes%% *}]"
read -p "${prompt}" node
: ${node:="${ng_nodes%% *}"}
/usr/sbin/service bluetooth start ${node} || exit 1
# Re-read known nodes
known_nodes=$(/usr/sbin/hccontrol read_node_list 2>/dev/null |
/usr/bin/tail -n +2 | /usr/bin/cut -d ' ' -f 1 )
# check if we succeeded in bringing it up
[ "${known_nodes}" ] || exerr "Failed to set up Bluetooth stack"
# if a node was requested on command line, check if it is there
if [ "${node}" ]; then
unset found
for n in ${known_nodes}; do
[ "${n}" = "${node}" ] && found="YES"
[ "${n}" = "${node}hci" ] && node="${node}hci" && found="YES"
[ "${found}" ] || exerr "Node ${node} not found"
[ "${node}" ] && node="-n ${node}"
while ! [ "${bdaddresses}" ]; do
printf "Scanning for new Bluetooth devices (Attempt %d of 5) ... " \
bdaddresses=$( /usr/sbin/hccontrol -N ${node} inquiry 2>/dev/null |
/usr/bin/grep -o "BD_ADDR: .*" | /usr/bin/cut -d ' ' -f 2 )
# Count entries and, if a device was requested on command line,
# try to find it
unset found count
for bdaddress in ${bdaddresses}; do
if [ "${bdaddress}" = "${device}" ]; then
# If device was requested on command line but is not found,
# or no devices found at all, rescan until retry is exhausted
if ! [ "${found}" -o "${count}" -a -z "${device}" ]; then
printf "failed.\n"
if [ "${#retry}" -eq 5 ]; then
[ "${device}" ] && exerr "Device ${device} not found"
exerr "No new Bluetooth devices found"
unset bdaddresses
sleep 2
[ ${#count} -gt 1 ] && plural=s || plural=''
printf "done.\nFound %d new bluetooth device%s " ${#count} ${plural}
printf "(now scanning for names):\n"
# Looping again for the faster feedback
unset count
for bdaddress in ${bdaddresses}; do
bdname=$( /usr/bin/bthost -b "${bdaddress}" 2>/dev/null )
friendlyname=$( /usr/sbin/hccontrol Remote_Name_Request \
${bdaddress} 2> /dev/null |
/usr/bin/grep -o "Name: .*" |/usr/bin/cut -d ' ' -f 2- )
# sdpcontrol should be able to pull vendor + product id via sdp
printf "[%2d] %s\t\"%s\" (%s)\n" ${#count} "${bdaddress}" \
"${friendlyname}" "${bdname}"
eval bdaddress_${#count}=\${bdaddress}
eval bdname_${#count}=\${bdname}
eval friendlyname_${#count}=\${friendlyname}
# If a device was pre-selected, do not query the user
[ "${device}" ] && topair=1 || unset topair
# Even if only one device was found, user may chose 0 to rescan
while ! [ "${topair}" ]; do
prompt="Select device to pair with [1"
[ ${#count} -gt 1 ] && prompt="${prompt}-${#count}"
read -p "${prompt}, or 0 to rescan]: " topair
if ! [ "${topair}" -ge 0 -a "${topair}" -le "${#count}" ] \
2>/dev/null ; then
printf "Value out of range: %s.\n" {topair}
unset topair
[ "${topair}" -eq "0" ] && unset bdaddresses retry
eval bdaddress=\${bdaddress_${topair}}
eval bdname=\${bdname_${topair}}
eval friendlyname=\${friendlyname_${topair}}
# Do we need to add an entry to /etc/bluetooth/hosts?
if ! [ "${bdname}" ]; then
printf "\nAdding device ${bdaddress} to /etc/bluetooth/hosts.\n"
while ! [ "${bdname}" ]; do
read -p "Enter friendly name. [${friendlyname}]: " _r
: ${_r:="${friendlyname}"}
if [ "${_r}" ]; then
# Remove white space and non-friendly characters
bdname=$( printf "%s" "${_r}" | tr -c '[:alnum:]-,.' _ )
if [ "${_r}" != "${bdname}" ]; then
printf "Notice: Using sanitized name"
printf "\"%s\" in /etc/bluetooth/hosts.\n" \
printf "%s\t%s\n" "${bdaddress}" "${bdname}" >> /etc/bluetooth/hosts
# If scanning for the name did not succeed, resort to bdname
: ${friendlyname:="${bdname}"}
# now over to hcsecd
# Since hcsecd does not allow querying for known devices, we need to
# check for bdaddr entries manually.
# Also we cannot really modify the PIN in an existing entry. So we
# need to prompt the user to manually do it and restart this script
if ! /usr/sbin/service hcsecd enabled; then
printf "\nWarning: hcsecd is not enabled.\n"
printf "This daemon manages pairing requests.\n"
read -p "Enable hcsecd? [yes]: " _r
case "${_r}" in
no|n|NO|N|No|nO) ;;
*) /usr/sbin/service hcsecd enable;;
secd_config=$( /usr/sbin/sysrc -n hcsecd_config )
secd_entries=$( /usr/bin/grep -Eo "bdaddr[[:space:]]+(${bdaddress}|${bdname})" \
${secd_config} | awk '{ print $2; }' )
if [ "${secd_entries}" ]; then
printf "\nWarning: An entry for device %s is already present in %s.\n" \
${secd_entries} ${secd_config}
printf "To modify pairing information, edit this file and run\n"
printf " service hcsecd restart\n"
read -p "Continue? [yes]: " _r
case "${_r}" in no|n|NO|N|No|nO) exit;; esac
printf "\nWriting pairing information description block to %s.\n" \
printf "(To get PIN, put device in pairing mode first.)\n"
read -p "Enter PIN [nopin]: " pin
[ "${pin}" ] && pin=\""${pin}"\" || pin="nopin"
# Write out new hcsecd config block
printf "\ndevice {\n\tbdaddr\t%s;\n\tname\t\"%s\";\n\tkey\tnokey\;\n\tpin\t%s\;\n}\n" \
"${bdaddress}" "${friendlyname}" "${pin}" >> ${secd_config}
# ... and make daemon reload config
# TODO: hcsecd should provide a reload hook
/usr/sbin/service hcsecd onerestart
# TODO: we should check if hcsecd succeeded pairing and revert to an
# old version of hcsecd.conf so we can undo adding the block above and
# retry with a new PIN
# also, if there's a way to force devices to re-pair, try this
# now check for specific services to be provided by the device
# first up: HID
/usr/sbin/sdpcontrol -a "${bdaddress}" search HID | \
/usr/bin/grep -q "^Record Handle: " || exit 0
printf "\nThis device provides human interface device services.\n"
read -p "Set it up? [yes]: " _r
case "${_r}" in
no|n|NO|N|No|nO) exit 0;;
# Here we have found an HID and were asked to set it up
# NOTE: look out for the two exit 0 above if you extend this script
if ! /usr/sbin/service bthidd enabled; then
printf "\nWarning: bthidd is not enabled."
printf "\nThis daemon manages Bluetooth HID devices.\n"
read -p "Enable bthidd? [yes]: " _r
case "${_r}" in
no|n|NO|N|No|nO) ;;
*) /usr/sbin/service bthidd enable;;
# Check if bthidd already knows about this device
bthidd_known=$( /usr/sbin/bthidcontrol -a "${bdaddress}" known | \
/usr/bin/grep "${bdaddress}" )
if [ "${bthidd_known}" ]; then
printf "Notice: Device %s already known to bthidd.\n" "${bdaddress}"
return 0
bthidd_config=$( /usr/sbin/sysrc -n bthidd_config )
printf "Writing HID descriptor block to %s ... " "${bthidd_config}"
/usr/sbin/bthidcontrol -a "${bdaddress}" query >> "${bthidd_config}"
# Re-read config to see if we succeeded adding the device
bthidd_known=$( /usr/sbin/bthidcontrol -a "${bdaddress}" known | \
grep "${bdaddress}" )
if ! [ "${bthidd_known}" ]; then
printf "failed.\n"
printf "success.\nTo re-read its config, bthidd must be restarted.\n"
printf "Warning: If a Bluetooth keyboard is being used, the connection"
printf "might be lost.\n"
printf "It can be manually restarted later with\n"
printf " service bthidd restart\n"
read -p "Restart bthidd now? [yes]: " _r
case "${_r}" in
no|n|NO|N|No|nO) ;;
*) /usr/sbin/service bthidd onerestart;;
# After function definitions, main() can use them
main "$@"
exit 0
# * If device is a keyboard, offer a text entry test field and if it does
# not succeed, leave some clues for debugging (i.e. if the node responds
# to pings, maybe switch keyboard on/off, etc)
# * Same if device is a mouse, i.e. hexdump /dev/sysmouse.
# * If device offers DUN profiles, ask the user if an entry in
# /etc/ppp/ppp.conf should be created
# * If OPUSH or SPP is offered, refer to the respective man pages to give
# some clues how to continue